(2008/10) Oct 2008


<font color="ff0000">Jelly, Karen, forest, Rebecca, bbgoh, trace, purpleangle, tweety</font>

Dun be angry with me ok?.......heheheee..love love!! Can sense the happiness from all of u very strongly so I decided to confess earlier...haahhahaaa...
<font color="aa00aa">Diane!
I was so excited for you when I read your earlier post! Then when i scoll down further then realised all who have congratulated you are all the April Fools! You naughty naughty!!!</font>

That's a real good one! I was so excited for you when I read that you are preg, I scrolled down all the way and saw your post in red when I wanted to type a big congrats to you! Hahaha...
<font color="#C25283"> Diane
feel touch rite? so 'bu ren xin' to continue lying rite? k la.. 'suan ni hai you dian liang xin' =P</font>
hehehehee...I could not trick my husband though..he know today is april fools day...:p


I feel guilty already!!..so cannot wait until today is over...hahahaaa..ok so now the ball is being passed back to XY and Dumbo!

yea lor...I got "liang xin" one ok?...hahahahaa..anyway I cannot imagine having one more kid...i already cannot handle one...I amm not like u!...3 kids, or is it 4?
<font color="#C25283"> Diane
orh.. so u change ur target la.. LOL!!! i also forgotten today ia April fool. normally is hard for me to fall into April fool trap n U!!! manage to do so!! LOL!!!</font>
<font color="#C25283"> Diane
LOL!!! u know ar.. at that vry moment, i really got a urge to try for #4 coz of ur 'good' news. or should say fool news. LOL!! but once i saw ur say April Fool!!! den my 'mong xiang po sui' liao!! LOL!!!</font>
Hey!!...I am just thinking, if I am <font color="ff0000">REALLY</font>pregnant next year , I sure wun announce during April Fools Day lor...all of u going to ignore me!!!
<font color="#C25283"> Jelly
LOL!! yaya.. but mus be a real one hor.. coz hve u heard of 'liang lai de gu shi'... hehe... =P</font>
<font color="#C25283"> Diane
LOL!! ya la.. at that vry moment! but nw no more liao.. coz ur 'good' news is like the fire n my heart is like the paper. being burn n light up by u. but ur April Fool appear, is like a pail of cold water. spill frm head to toe. nw no feel liao. LOL!!</font>

yea...the boy who cried wolf story. I remembered that!..I have been tricking people since 3pm just now. Played prank on one of my colleague. A newbie. Told her senior mgmt wants to discuss something with her!..She nearly had a nervous breakdown...oopps!
<font color="#C25283"> Diane
LOL!!! u bad la.. but can imagine u hve fun doin that huh?! coz last time in sch i ENJOY man!!! goin ard... foolin ppl!! tellin them i preg la.. got sack my principal la... got into big debts la... den whn i told my best pal i'm preg.. know wat she ans me? 'hmm.. i dun tink today is April Fool day leh.. (coz i told her on June which is her bday that day!!)</font>
<font color="#C25283"> XY
normally workin ppl will end their day with stress n tiredness rite. so God gve us Diane to brighten up our day today la.. LOL!!</font>
XY, Rebecca

I really made u all smile ah?..yea!!!..actually tat was my goal but hor think I got into trouble already. Just now hor, I went to another dept on the same level and tell them there are cockroaches in the ladies. Ask them go to another floor..then after that think they got property dept to call pest busters or something...gosh! I am not going to confess that it was actually April Fools joke!..wait they ask me to pay the pest busters!!

Ya lor!!...I was playing like crazy...

hmmm 6pm liao...I shall act innocent, pack up and leave office...wahahahha!!..Hey too bad if they cant catch any "cockroaches'..cockroaches have legs and they can "run"...wahahahhaa...
<font color="#C25283"> Diane
LOL!! so u mean u are the "roaches" n "run" away liao la.. LOL!!! k k!!! better bt goin b4 the really caught the "roaches"!!
Venue : MeraPrime Tiong Bahru
Date : 18 April 09 Saturday (confirmed)
Time : 4pm

1 Monyetnakal
2 Joanne Tan + BB Rianne + HB (HB not sure.. might be pai seh again)
3 lili
4 xinying + BB Marcus
5 pildough
6 dumbo + Hubs + Bb Kaitlyn
7 Jill + BB Zoe
8 whitepaper
9 mint + Regina + Mr mint
10 springles
11 Diane + BB Ethan
12 jengcc + BB Kyra + Hb
13 Jollyhoppy + BB Ashton + DH
14 Kylie + BB meixuan
15 Wan Chuen + BB Kaijie
16 Forest + BB Kieran
17 Purpleangel
18 Trace + bb arielle + hb
19 Ruffles + HB + Baby Victoria
20 Mousebb + Hb + Bb wenmin + wenxuan
21 BBgoh + Hb + Bb Seline

Anyone else??? I'm gonna post this everyday.
<font color="#C25283"> Venue : MeraPrime Tiong Bahru
Date : 18 April 09 Saturday (confirmed)
Time : 4pm

1 Monyetnakal
2 Joanne Tan + BB Rianne + HB (HB not sure.. might be pai seh again)
3 lili
4 xinying + BB Marcus
5 pildough
6 dumbo + Hubs + Bb Kaitlyn
7 Jill + BB Zoe
8 whitepaper
9 mint + Regina + Mr mint
10 springles
11 Diane + BB Ethan
12 jengcc + BB Kyra + Hb
13 Jollyhoppy + BB Ashton + DH
14 Kylie + BB meixuan
15 Wan Chuen + BB Kaijie
16 Forest + BB Kieran
17 Purpleangel
18 Trace + bb arielle + hb
19 Ruffles + HB + Baby Victoria
20 Mousebb + Hb + Bb wenmin + wenxuan
21 BBgoh + Hb + Bb Seline
22 Rebecca + BB Erin. (hubby vry wishy washy la.. ai mai ai mai..)</font>
Waaaaahhaaaaa Diane, u Double WIN liao lor...Had us all fooled!! Initially I oso shocked &amp; wanna congrats u...then u dropped the bomb... April Fool day joke!!
forest- Hey...The Ulike blender ah...ha I haven start to use yet leh.. so can't tell u whether good anot.. but I bot cos my fren said not bad! ;) somemore the knives etc if not sharp can buy their replacements parts...;)
CHEH.... Diane... I was still thinking wat stage liao can see so clearly got two meh. But after I saw the joke and the fan lian responses I laff so much that katie dislatched! Oops.

Karen and purple
still not 100% so don't think will make it to vivo tmw. Gai tian bah! Maybe its time to come visit tampines one. New mall. Got uniqlo. Ruffles, u interested rite? Let's org one on yr off day!
I think interested in the handblender. We can share home delivery if we get one more eastie to join. I can meet u at pasir ris mrt or something.
Hot Date Thursday
Okay, we still confirm it ok. Because Pildough can join us.

Oooh uniqlo! But I think it will be crowded, and too far. I think I'll wait for the one at Ion.
hahahahahahahaha DIANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read all the posts!

Oh yah, Diane ar, your Thermos stuff with me liao hor. Let me know when you wanna collect
almost wanted to say your 1 set of Thermos stuff not enough liao, since twins coming!!!
Che!! Diane! U ah....

I remember reading a post on a mummy looking to buy preloved exersaucer?? Came across one. selling for $68.

Venue : MeraPrime Tiong Bahru
Date : 18 April 09 Saturday (confirmed)
Time : 4pm

1 Monyetnakal
2 Joanne Tan + BB Rianne + HB (HB not sure.. might be pai seh again)
3 lili
4 xinying + BB Marcus
5 pildough
6 dumbo + Hubs + Bb Kaitlyn
7 Jill + BB Zoe
8 whitepaper
9 mint + Regina + Mr mint
10 springles
11 Diane + BB Ethan
12 jengcc + BB Kyra + Hb
13 Jollyhoppy + BB Ashton + DH
14 Kylie + BB meixuan
15 Wan Chuen + BB Kaijie
16 Forest + BB Kieran
17 Purpleangel
18 Trace + bb arielle + hb
19 Ruffles + HB + Baby Victoria
20 Mousebb + Hb + Bb wenmin + wenxuan
21 BBgoh + Hb + Bb Seline
22 Rebecca + BB Erin. (hubby vry wishy washy la.. ai mai ai mai..)
23 Thebusybee+minibee (maybe hubs also wishy washy!! hahaha)


the 1 size diaper. can wear until toddler age. dun hv to keep buying. i read comment about it is good. Last time, i used to sell drybees. they are good too but got sizes, so hv to buy many sizes as babies grow.

I think at least 6 to 10. it's not cheap but if use almost everyday, you will save alot. my gal used them too last time.

I tried those cheap trefold ones from kiddypalace-it came out itself whenever my gal moved. then i used nappy pins, still useless.
I tried bumwear too. dun like-leaked though they are very ex.
