(2008/10) Oct 2008

the HY gals seems to be doing alot of BP on carrier. Her latest PIKKOLO looks nice.

Go snatch and cut her price lah. See how she feels. Keke...

lol. I'm not interested lah. XY
:) it's a free world.

I shall concentrate what I'm doing now :)
Da ren bu ji xiao ren guo
Wahaha... the PIKKOLO seems good coz can face front. Wonder how well the support is.

Wah... ur paint work cost 3k?? What u paint?
yeah, dunno what. just what the contractor suggested. my house is very colorful. yellow, green, peach. kiwi.
yaloh.. cause she said she got 3kids already. she didn't want anymore. then her doctor told her that she won't get pregnant anymore.. then suddenly she was pregnant with me. so she did a lot of things so that can have miscarriage naturally. but i'm very good leh.. can hang on despite all that..
oooooh where where??? Seriously though, I am stopping. LOL. Good carrier though.

Hot Date Thursday
So how? Dimpletot is not feeling well, so may not join us. Pildough is bringing her girl for 6in1 so may not join us too. So left us two ah, purpleangel?!

My maid ah. I talked to her lor. I asked her if she wanted to change employer since I chased her out of the house, and perhaps she would be happier elsewhere? But she said she likes it here because it's 'easy'. I think she meant not a lot of work, plus no need to take care of bb. So I told her then we need to communicate. I will try to talk slowly and she MUST ask and ask and ask if she doesn't understand anything. HB really wanted to change her. But for the main reason that my dogs will take a while to get accustomed to strangers, we decide to keep her ah. Not perfect la, she, but sigh. I realised my mum and dad treats her very well. We were dining at a restaurant and she was seated between mum and dad. They kept on putting food on her plate! It's not that she's shy to take from the Lazy Suzy anyway.
Taking about maid, can I contribute abit. When I was in pain with stomach flu, my helper said 'told you to wear slippers at home liao, else feet cold stomachache liao' and 'you oways never take your meals regularly, thats why pain!'. Rubbing it in.

Asked her to wash my new clothes, she asked me how much. I purposely said I forgot the price, she went to check the receipt.

I can go on and on and on....

Shut me up.... ZIP
the connecta owner is very nice to me :) i like to work with her. can tell she is working like a mother, not a business woman.

like this, i feel like betrying her.
<font color="#C25283"> Joanne
LOL!!! ya.. u "hold" on tight! =P

LOL!! den u "jealous" ma? i tink sometimes need to sit down n talk de. just voice out ur happy n nt happy. tink slowly she will change. gve each other some time ba.
Carrier again... hehe.... I realise I never put my carrier to good use. Use the stroller most of the time since I only go out to nearby shopping.

oh..cos tot some mummies here would prefer front carry carrier..so tot u might wanna check out this new one.. :p
btw, can see the BP link for the blender? can advise me which is better? which one r u using?
okay lah, there are so many brands of baby carriers and slings. difficult to bring in all.
<font color="#C25283"> EY
u wan the cloth diaper cover? i hve leh.. but dunno whr hubby keep liao.. need to ask him la.. scare he gve away...</font>
<font color="#C25283"> EY
LOL!!! no la.. i know u talkin abt the cloth. just that i got alot of cover. den occupy my space. so ask u wan ant lor. coz i tot u using it ma.
hello nicky,
talking abt blender... i recall u bot a ulike one from C K Tang? how much is it huh?? is it any good??
no la. not jealous. Just finds that she doesn't deserve it. Hee. My hb hates that she is not auto. Like when she sees my husband come home, carrying lots of things, she won't rush to help. She'll just continue with whatever she's doing. Anyway.

Hmm, so how ah? I think I chin chye.

I'm using cloth diapers. Too bad la. But I'm using cheap prefolds. Hee.
Me! i wanna start to cloth diaper my baby soon. I may wanna potty train her like at 12mths.

btw, how many cloth diaper is enough leh?
<font color="#C25283"> Karen
LOL!! she really lazy leh... but slowly la.. gve her time.
just tell lor.. tell her if she happens to go out other family. they might even expect more frm her.
U're pregnant again!?!??! Yday when we met for lunch, u NEVER say a single thing leh!!!!!!! CONGRATS dear!!!!!!!!!! Let's do lunch again!!
