(2008/09) Sep 2008

has everyone gone to the sale? i overslept and am still pumping now... dunno what time i'll be able to leave the house. agh.
Mummies, enjoy the sale and icecream!!! May go for the sale this afternoon as hubby is on half day leave. Also going to check out another infant care center...

Lok, how did you manage to do it (FM to BM)? Do u stimulate by expressing or baby suckle? But if there is little or no milk, would baby still have the patience to suckle?

I realised that my milk supply is decreasing, despite latching all the time. I only express once or twice for the last or last 2 feeds at night. Was thinking if it could be cos baby drink less when I latch, therefore, no demand, no supply? Was only able to express maximum 100ml now (in 30mins!!). Used to be able to get 150ml in 15mins! Should I switch to express instead of latching, to stimulate supply again? Any mummies can advise?
oops silly me. sale n ice cream is today.haha

flos:eek:ops not you ah? oh i love oshin!!!!!

crayon: i know not healthy but still trying to find balance. how do u cope? btw u gg bk to work already?

rachel: i havn't pumped for more than a week...also dunno how. u can try taking fenugreek?

healthy times' maple syrup bikkies r delish!!!!
<font color="0000ff">wah... so quiet today.. all cheong-ing sales n ice-cream session wor!!!

haha.. we attempted to try New York New York last Sat. ILs went there first coz we were bz feeding Max at home. Ended up they call us say change venue (long q n those ppl eating inside didnt seem like they would finish soon). haha.. we ended up at The Village near Bird Park

JP = Jurong Point. They've juz opened this new extension so now JP is the largest sub-urban mall according to their banners
I don't have any secrets to go from PBF to TBF. It helps that Jonas needs 1 less feed nowadays. But it's really just meeting his demand now with no excess EBM for storage. Just make sure I empty the boobs and not be too hung up abt TBF (hence less stress otherwise MS might drop). Whether the baby have patience to suckle or not --- guess this depends on individual bbs. FYI, I don't latch Jonas at all as he often falls asleep and wake up in the middle of the nite cos he's hungry. And my current maid is very pro-breastfeeding too, so unlike my previous one who likes to give FM whenever I'm not around (causing Jonas to reject my EBM subsequently) and kept wasting my EBM by giving too much.

The Bishan PD provides the same package as the TMC PD. They are all under the Paediatric Centre group.
Mummies! I'm back to work from the sale. So gian to go that i told my manager i got held up at home and will be in late. I reached there at 8.50am and there are already people there. I spent $232 on clothes for my son &amp; neice. Think it's gonna last them a long time. They have a lot going at 3 for $10, so very worth it. Got big sizes too and clothes for mens and women. I almost wanted to buy some polo for my HB, but realised that i don't have enuff cash, so ended up not getting his. 1st time i bought more clothes for my boy than for my niece. Got a lot of Oshkosh romper for my son. very worth it to go. Might be dropping by tomorrow again with HB. Too bad i can't join you mummies for the ice-cream as i need to rush back to work. Not much bottoms as in jeans and pants for kids. But got a lot of rompers and one piece. I got those 1 piece suit at 3 for $10. Good for sleeping in aircon room.
<font color="119911">Looks like the mommies are all at the yummy ice-cream gathering &amp; sale today!
Have to update the rest of us if its worth going ok (Provided u guys didn't buy up all the stock!)

Meanwhile, baby K hasn't pooed for 1.5 days!
Its not normal for him, cos he usually has poo in each diaper change, and i am wondering if i should give him some prune juice??? He is not sick otherwise.</font>
BlackberryB, go! go! I bought really a lot lor. the person like took more than 20mins to sort out my clothes. But please check before you make payment as i got some that have a little stain here and there. They got romper pack going at 4 for $7 and 5 for $8.
Bigtoes, can give baby prune juice?? is it advisable? Better to check with some of the 2nd time mummies or website for more info. If not, call up your PD and ask.
Bigotes, recently my boy also althernate day poo 1 time..where to get prune juice? baby so young can drink juice ar?

Ade,aiyoh..really wish to! How long you stay there? you spent $232 included many clothes right?

back from sale...its very worthwhile to go..items going for 3 for $10. think theres some 'biz ppl' there coz saw them grab in builk some of the design...cant be buying for oneself..but not much clothes for older girls...mostly 3yr n below..got lots of boys design as well...me oso cant join for ice cream as hb getting impatient waiting in the car..


wat time u reach? i left abt 10am..saw springz/sunrays/jaymickey/breadmum

tink cannot give prune juice so young lei..better call ur PD up n check..coz not sure if their stomach can take it anot. u should go for the sale!! got many boys clothes tts cheap u can get for kieran...
ya..1st time i see these type of sale got more boys! usually girls more..not for this time round..equal status..
I have some del monte prune juice in the fridge, but better not give K then! Maybe just get him to drink more milk, and hopefully he will start pooing again soon!

Wow, looks like the sale is worth going
Juast got back fom teh sales ..
those mummies having bb gals .. very worth gg ... 3 for 10 dollars ..
Boys stuff ... same as last year but still can get some .. my damage is 53 dollars for 2 boys ... i haev restricted my buys already
Angeline ...
not equal la ... still more gals clothes ... keke ... but the selcetion for boys increased from 10% to 40% ( not usually seen in sales )

did not join them for lunch cos have to come back to pump ..
Hi Hi! I m back...the other time asked u all abt increasing MS...just FYI, my MS seems to have increased ...hehe..bb drinks happily and now asking milk for every 1.5Hr-2hrly instead of 1 hr interval..so very happy.

Bigtoes: my bb girl once didn't poo for 4 days then i went to the pd, was told it's norm for BF bbs, BM easily digested and abosrbed so little poo. My girl pooed on the 5th day, alot man! He advised max 5 days if dun poo, then insert pill(from PD) to make him poo. so dun wory abt ur boy k?
think flos and some other mummies posted about eating watermelon? since K is on TBF ilke J, i think or diet affects the bbs. so try drinking more H2O and eating papaya?

wish i could go for the sale! i even skipped my lunch appt cos J has a blocked nose, is coughing and sneezing. he is also quite cranky..could it be teething?
<font color="119911">Klara's mummy (xianee) and dseptkon (dseptkon) - thanks! Will make sure i take more fluids
I think he is not pooing possibly cos i had food poisoning 2 days back and that affected my diet and the BM. I remembered he didn't want to latch on properly and kept pulling away during BFing just before my food poisoning struck, cos maybe the milk tasted funny already!

Anyway, i checked up on baby centre on constipation and it mentioned - Increase the amount of fluid your baby drinks to help keep her stools soft. If your baby is older than 2 months, start by giving her 1 ounce of prune juice diluted with 1 ounce of water, twice a day.</font>
blackberryB: I reached at 8.50am, then left at around 10.45am. The Q is super long. i counted my loot. Bought around 26 set for my son. Out of the 26, 15 is from Oshkosh. My niece about 15 sets. Still got some blankets and shorts for both of them.

Bigtoes, don't worry so much. Maybe K will poo tonight? My son sometimes poo everyday, sometimes every 2 days. But he is on FM lah, different from K. If you really still worried, then just call PD up.
Gunibb ,
i did not buy the OSh kosh mah ... only bought the 3 for 10 .. Branded clothes i still have a lot of unworn cos last year my collegues went US and bought a whole lugguage back for me .. keke .. so i dun need to buy till my boys finish wearing ... in fact i have so much gap clothes .. keke ..
hi mummies,
it was nice meeting some of u at the tampines sale

i spent a total of abt $160 at the sale. bought xmas present for nephew, alot of clothes for baby sharmaine and some for stef and sean
worth going.. many nice and cheap clothes.
sigh...so sorry that i hv to back out from the ice cream makan...
when i was at the sales, my maid called and said that jvel kept crying and searching for nipple...gave her bottle (both milk and water) but she rejected. Gave her pacifier (just bot, 1st time giving), she like want to vomit!
so i had to rush home...but the queue for paying was so looooong!
When i reached home, she suckled and suckled and fell asleep...looking so satisfied! Die lah, i thinkn i've officially become her human pacifier!

re the sales...well it's just too messy and crowded for me....couldnt even squeezed into the lanes..let alone choosing and browsing properly..

and some MEN were really very un-gentleman...squeezed with the ladies with their sticky sweaty bodies!
<font color="119911">Ade (littlepea) - yah, thanks
I am hoping that he finally poos tonite! Worrying about poo...how our priorities change as mommies! Meanwhile, i just weighed him, and he is up 400gm this week to 7.4kg! Think the weight gain is higher this week cos he is so full of poo now! haha..

TRaz (traz) - argh..if that is the case, i can confirm that hubby won't want to go to the sale! He is the type who would rather pay full price than dig thru the discount section (his clothes have to be all hung up at the rack, cannot be the discount items messed up by everyone digging). Me, on the other hand, saviour rummaging thru the sale bins for excellent bargains!</font>
Bigtoes: Wow, K is heavy! He is only a few days older than my son. Bought him for the 2nd jab ytd, and he is 6.8kg, 62cm long. My neice on the other hand is 2mth older than him weigh only 7kg, 62cm long. Initially have been calling my neice 'fei mei', now my sis called my son 'fei zai'. Looks like K have been absorbing well all the nutrients from you!
Yes, it is usually from this kind of sales that we got excellent bargains! think it's a guy thing, my hubby don't like to go for sales too, especially when he got to squeeze with people.
<font color="119911">Ade (littlepea) - yes, i am also calling K "fat boy".
He was 7kg, about 62cm last week, so i am surprised that he gained 400gm in a week. Will have to weigh him again after he poos..!
I also used to think that my SIL's daughter was big (about 11kg at 1 year old), but K is fast catching up! Yesterday, we were comparing his fat thighs with my sister's 4 year old (she's quite skinny), and K's thighs' girth are about the same size as hers! haiyoh...

Btw, came across this weight/height chart that u mommies might want to check out -

Based on that, K is not THAT fat...about 75th percentile for weight, and 50th percentile for height. The site has another chart for girls as well

haha..my hb keep on asking me if i am done anot..wah lao..shop oso cant be in peace..i tink boys selection not bad lah..quite alot..


ya..dun worry abt the pooing..its just actually the mummy tts not comfy..carine last time oso keep pooing then suddenly now dun poo..PD say so as when poo is not HARD can liao..


go tomorow lah..but go early hor..when i left tt time,the crowds getting bad n oso the rack were all haywired..u better now?but i couldnt find much for our gal age..mostly i got those PJ $8 to keep...


yesterday i drank watermelon juice n then nite time i ate watermelon...today carine got poo on her own lei..hehe..hopefully i will continue..2morow go buy watermelon n try again..haha
Bigtoes, I was also concerned that my boy is putting too much weight. But PD said he is fine as boys tends to be heavier, plus their weight will slow down when they grow older, so it's not an issue if he puts on weight now.

The thread is very quiet today! looks like most of the mummies not back from their ice-cream retreat. Update us on your loot tonight!
mummies of girls
came back from the sale, the girls stuff are soooo pretty,sweet kind!!!

i wanted to get stuff for my boy but haiz,ended up most for meimei again....poor boy...hardly anything nice for him. when i went mostly tshirts and rompers. wanted to get some nice trousers for him but dun have,,...
angeline: it works rite?!! kekeke!!

xuanting: u overslept? did u go in the end?

stefseanshar: u vanished and resurfaced!!! How come didn't see you at the warehouse sale just now? saw the rest of the mommies...

My damages: $36 for 9 pieces of items
I'm very happy with my selection!! Went home to put them agst Isaac and he looks very handsome in them!! *AHEM*

Nice meeting Jeraldin &amp; Yan for the first time, sorry ladies I gotta rush off to Orchard right after the "digging", so that we could get a seat at the restaurants before the office lunch crowd pops up! Went to MNG sale a second time and grabbed more items
so happy today!

Mei: didn't see u there.

sunrays: I checked out the Sephora PRIVATE EVENT from outside, yes, ONLY from outside...saw Benefits and Becca which are available elsewhere in Singapore. The other established brands are similar to SASA's. They carry mainly their own housebrand products...hhaa
lilboymom: yeah, it's regrettable that there aren't any pants or shorts. I went with the aim to get those but ended up buying MORE ROMPERS for Isaac. It's ok anyway they are very nice IMO
Didn"t even glance at the girls' stuffs but am sure they are very pretty...

Maybe they will take them out tomorrow and on Sunday?!
<font color="119911">Pooing - okie, so K finally pooed. It was a mega explosion, like 10 dirty diapers rolled into 1. Continued pooing after the diaper came off....Yucks...i almost gagged changing him. But hah, am glad he did his mega-poopie.

Flos (flos)- u only spent $36? I thought they had alot of items for baby boys too?</font>
flos, i hurriedly pumped and got ready and got there at around 11plus i think. our sep gang was already there with a gigantic heap of "chope" clothes the early mommies helped put aside for the latecomers. dunno abt bb boy clothes but bb girls stuff are really cute! spent $80 in all and am very very pleased indeed! what time were u there?
xuanting: 11.15am thereabouts, then I had to go to Ngee Ann cos wanna to check out the Chanel bag for my new year!! kekeke. anyway, didn't buy in the end. bl**dy expensive!
llCy ,
the gals loots are better right ??? can u imagine me trying not to see the gals stuff when they are selecting the clothes .. somemore the mummies still can say try for another gal lor .. then can buy the pretty clothes ... URGH !

Flos ,
yah .. u came and zoom off so fast .. keke .. even knowing there is a side Q .. haha .. i use the side Q to pay for extra 3 piece PJ for zac ..one suit for 10 bucks nia ..
Char didnt poo for 8 days and i wasn't worried at all..didnt bring her to the PD too. Cos she didnt seem to be in distress so i patiently waited for the massive bomb. But things got better ever since i fed her Heinz juices...there's a prune &amp; apple, it states 6mths but i still feed her tat. Now she is trying the Pear juice which states 4mths.. it states on the jar 'diluted, ready to drink', i tasted it-not sweet at all. I mix 1oz water with 1 oz juice, sometimes i add in 1 teaspoon of gripe water too. Now she poos almost everyday, maximum wait is 2days.

Had fun today...especially with our chatuchak lookalike stash on the floor!! It's definitely fun chope-ing for fellow mummies...grab,grab and grab!! Too bad i had to rush off for an assignment juz now, otherwise can shop arnd TM too!!

Yah, today's launch is by invite only. Hee, i wanted to attend juz for the goody bag, me cheapo nana!!I tot u knew cos when u mentioned u going, i tot u had invite too..anyway glad i didn't go cos had more fun at the sale,lunch &amp; ice cream session.
crayonshinchan -leng yang- my mum bought $5 worth, then we divided the share by 2 portion. Little e drank 20ml. The rest my hubby drank.

Jaymickey - thanks for the contact. Little e at 3 mths is 6.4kg. Length 64cm. He grew by 60%.He took his first dose of 5 in 1 as well as rotarix.

Kym - thanks for helping me today. Am enjoying just looking at the new wardrobe.:)
