(2008/07) July 2008

Posted on Monday, March 14, 2011 - 2:33 pm:       
Lunch this Thursday?

Date : 17 March 2011 (Thurs)?
Venue : Viet Place below SCB? need to make reservations or not? Where exactly is it?
Time: 12.30pm?

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg

Let's get the ball rolling!

thanks for your concern everyone.

yes it's tailbone. landed straight on it. haaha steph yes i remember i have no diaper. i have been toilet trained for a while liao

thank goodness nothing is broken. been given painkillers and have been drifting in and out of consciousness. so thankful that BB was able to meet us quickly and take poppy home while i took a cab to the hospital
Isetan sale is closed door sale. But normally after that day they will still have lots of disc on. Close door slightly more disc for card holders.

My mum also must have her coffee everyday. She splits her 1 pack of instant coffee into 2 to drink 2 small cups when she needs, else she gets a headache or can't sleep. Maybe u can try to drink lesser or jus drink half a cup when need.
I am not a coffee drinker but chinese tea drinker last time but when I was preg with E, I started craving coffee. N it continued even after she was born. Only after she turned 2 did I stop craving coffee so much. Now.......I drink coffee when I am lack of sleep, else I really feel like a zombie....haha

I'm the itchy backside kind of mum cos I cannot stay home or sit too much. (my mum used to say I am a true monkey, cannot keep still...hehe) But I'm limited to aircon places cos I can't stand the heat.(but I prob should huh cos maybe can slim down haha) N I like to do craft n stuff hence the things that I do on n off when I am in the mood. These things make me feel more..... alive bah. Like I am not just another living thing jus taking up space in the hse...haha

I have a playmat in the living room where their boxes of toys r. So they jus have to keep their toys in the boxes when they r done but ofcos as usual I need to scream at them 1st.....haha

re hubbies
I'm still trying to deal with my "eldest child" but his ego always gets in the way. The good thing which is also the bad is that he's not home most of the time.....sigh

I'm not very sure when they send the flyers cos I just got my own card(used to use my mum's card n btw they didnt send me the previous 1 as well) but then I got insider hahaha so I will always know beforehand....hehe
Yup the HPB 1 is the 1 D goes to. Have booked E for the next trip too.....hope she's cool abt it...haha

Make cupcakes lah very easy jus mix n mix n done haha. My kids love it. Once I start making they will jus keep asking n asking for the next few days.

Yeah men tend to let temper get to their heads. U are doing the right thing to prevent C1 from getting confused. haha the more I read the more I feel ur hubby similar to mine the pattern. My hubby likes to do what I call nag. He nags n nags non stop abt what D did wrong. Or when I have already scolded D to me, that's it end of story. But my hubby can continue to say D that see lah why do that cannot do that so naughty. Nag n nag n nag till I ask him to stop it. I really feel need a good n bad parent. Bad to scold n the good will soothe n explain why the scolding is done.
For D, I'm not worried abt the fear of his dad cos D now treats the dad's naggings n scolding n screaming like nothing. My hubby can scream all he likes n can see D has already tune out.

I realised my hubby does not have a standard like his NO does not really mean NO. It depends on his mood at the moment. N when he doesn't feel like arguing, he jus gives in. D already knows so he's now always testing water with me as well n it really really tiring. So I told my hubby to leave the dicipline to me(that's hw fedup I am) he does not have to do anything. Jus dun tell the kids nonsense. That if he doesn't know how to end what he started, he should not even begin.
Told him to go away from the kids when he's angry but as usual, his ego is bigger then his brain lah........sigh
How stressful it is to be a good mum.....hack its even hard jus to be a mum.

Posted on Monday, March 14, 2011 - 2:33 pm:
Lunch this Thursday?

Date : 17 March 2011 (Thurs)?
Venue : Viet Place below SCB? need to make reservations or not? Where exactly is it?
Time: 12.30pm?

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg
(3) Dor, D, E
oh no, u better? how come the fall caused so much pain? any reason?

so the easiest is cupcake? just mix and mix? not messy? today jh said he wan to bake again. lucky i had some more dough inside the fridge but as we did for a while, he said he wants to go and watch his tv and ask me to do it!! arrgghh...

but lucky today's batch hb says not bad.. so that's a consolation!

cool cool. is Mr C very stressed and busy at work? when men are stressed they tend to get very short with the kids! i noticed that in my hb. so at times like these must really keep the kids out of 'harm's' way. like dun let them irritate the daddies at this time. just my 2 cents contribution....
I think eating beef works as well if u eat beef that is.

Yah cupcake jus mix everything in then pour n bake.
That's it very easy n now I add the color full bits in n mix to bake or jam. Easy n the kids love it. They finis everything all the time.

today C1 woke up in a temper. refused to drink milk, then refused to change into his uniform. i wonder if the stupid swimming pool incident triggered all these. a month ago, mr C brought him to the swimming pool but C1 refused to go down - apparently. i wasnt there... i was home w C2 and the maid. when they came back, that's when all the escalations started.

in between C1 has been threatened to be smacked countless times, been actually smacked at least 3x, rolled on the floor (!!!!!) many times.... what is happening to my little boy?

yes i agree. he says he is not stressed and busy at work.... *i* m the one who is stressed at work.
at times like this, i regret big time giving birth to C2 so fast after C1 - hey that's not a good thing to admit, but i figure this is perhaps the last place to be honest.
with C2 on my hands, i have neither time nor energy to curb the worst-est of Mr C's excesses. at least the ILs are around now to stop his (Mr C's) nonsense.

sigh. sometimes i also want to tell Mr C dun meddle anymore, leave the children to me, i will handle myself. but noooooooo, he will still add his big mouth into the mix. ya lor, not consistent lor.


i think i will call his school later. ask the principal for an unbiased 3rd party view.

he rolled on the floor again this morning. i really cannot tahan rolling on floor.
morning all..

cellow - i think c1 is gg thru terrible 2s stage.. and i just wanted to add that i also have moments where i reget giving birth to no 2 so as (though i really feeel bad abt saying tt) but yes it's really tough.. esp when kid is pretty temperamental (my #1 is extremely) and i also cannot pinpoint what caused a change in his beh and always wonder if it was bcause of certain incidences where we raised our voice etc.. but well, just hang in there k? hugz!
cellow - actually wat u described abt C1 this morning is v common in my household.. and my son will say many nasty things etc too
always feel lik a failuer.. but hb n i did go in to see a psychologist as we felt we were not handling it well and we wanted some advice too (as we kept losing our cool etc and add on cait's terrible 2 tantrums, u can imagine e fireworks).. it kinda helped where the psychologist told us sometimes it boils down to the temperament of a child (which is pretty much inborn) but we have to help them with developing coping skills etc) though it wsa v generic advice in a way, it helped tt she made me feel he is NOT like tt JUST BECAUSE of me.. some part is of coz due to us.. coz sometimes we give him when he has meltdowns etc and tt encourages him to have more meltdowns and how when we react to his otburst (whether we cajole or we scream), we are encouraging more. as ANY attention is better than NONE so we sld just ignore it etc.. hope this helps.. jia you!
morning mommies,
aiyoh.. my heart is aching so much now... son took the school van 1st time today. and i can't ride with him coz van is "full". everything happened so fast!! the van auntie scooped him up onto the van, sit him down on the chair, close the door and that's it!! i didn't even have time to say bye to my son. and the look on his face when the door was closing!!! oh my heart.... he looked so shocked and blur.... i don't even know if he's crying.. i'm gonna call the school now and ask!
thanks crystal.....

i feel better after reading this "she made me feel he is NOT like tt JUST BECAUSE of me"

actually i have no time to whinge or think abt all this.
it has gotten to the point where i cannot conc at work, and my political acumen in discerning which way the wind is blowing seems to have diminished.

this is a very dangerous mental state to be in any workplace. kena 'eaten' also dunno what happen, then game over liao.

glad that PB's bones are not broken. pls go and sleep today.

Posted on Tue, March 15, 2011 - 9:12 am:
Date : 17 March 2011 (Thurs)
Venue : Viet Place below SCB - doggie, dd, this place can reserve anot?
Time: 12.30pm

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg
(3) Dor, D, E
(4) cellow

i wont log in again this morning.
Cellow, hugs! I think you have to find a chance to speak to Mr C. Else, get a neutral party to drill it into him. Toddlers this age has short attention span and short term memory. They are naughty, they get punished there and then (so that they associate the punishment to the naughty behaviour and will not repeat it). By nagging and nagging the whole day, will only make it worse, cos the toddler is being reminded of the naughty behaviour when it could just be out of his mind and moved on already! I think you need a displinarian at home, yes. So Mr C is doing that. However, the level must be age appropriate, so that it does not induce other unwanted behaviours. Its very tough, because temper is so hard to control. and that is why parenting is so hard loh.

At my house, I am the one who kept screaming lately. Eboy, COME HERE (me shouting). Hubby would be there to say, "if possible, pls dun shout". Mr Mich approach is based on explanation and explanation and it seems to work far better then my shouting. Sometimes, it gets to me so much easier when he was there to do it his way to show me that his method works.

But i guess its tough for you cos of C2... i said so much, but guess no good idea how to change Mr C, so i guess keep talking (when everyone cools down and lying down on the bed, wind down after a hard day would be a good time?), or over lunch? or over some events that makes Mr C happy> [perhaps he will be more receptive during then?


Aiyo, PB!!! what happened?!?! hope its nothing serious ...

smiggle, i heard about taking beef too...

Posted on Monday, March 14, 2011 - 2:33 pm:
Lunch this Thursday?

Date : 17 March 2011 (Thurs)?
Venue : Viet Place below SCB? need to make reservations or not? Where exactly is it?
Time: 12.30pm?

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg
(3) Dor, D, E
Date : 17 March 2011 (Thurs)?
Venue : Viet Place below SCB? need to make reservations or not? Where exactly is it?
Time: 12.30pm?

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg
(3) Dor, D, E
(4) Michelle Tan!!!
Congrats to Steph on your SAHM status!!! yay yay yay!!! wow, sending kids off in school bus hor, I sure cannot take it!!! i only can fang xin when eboy waves goodbye to me and run in happily loh.. but but but, steph dun worry, am sure he is ok.. he'll be very happy in school..
if still not fang xin, go peep?

PB, i watched a documentary several years back on the caffeine addiction. What they did to coffee addicts is to replace their coffee with decaf without them knowing, and their mind still function well and they thought they still have coffee... so the conclusion drawn from that show was that coffee addiction is more psychological... try taking decaf bah!

Get some parenting books for mr c to read. I am reading one called Bringing up Boys by Dr James dobson( I need to confirm the name) that makes me realize how impt a father is to sons! There is only so much we mums can do for boys. And like mich said, catch him when he's in a good mood and share your worries. And tell him to just back away when he's boiling. One big thing to always remember is never punish out of anger...



Oh dear! Poor you! Pls rest and rest!


I am not sure if I can join on Friday. Not sure what time my meeting will end. If I end on time, will dash by.
doggiebb, 17 Mar is thurs wor! re-check your schedule!!

oh ya, parenting books/website helps. and yes, father as role model to sons is very important! I see how Mr Mich is like Mr Mich's father!!!

and yes, must also remind myself, never punish out of anger.. never never punish out of anger...

and hor, what gets to the kid is really pretty much based on character. Eboy eats soft, not hard (just like the father!). the soft approach of coaxing, explanation works. when i shout, he simply ignores.. yes, it doesn;t work for my shouting, but i still couldnt control cos its just so hard after a days work, the impatience just works up, considering I am such a patient person!!! it only happens lately and I must really control that...
Date : 17 March 2011
Venue : Viet Place below SCB? need to make reservations or not? Where exactly is it?
Time: 12.30pm

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg
(3) Dor, D, E
(4) Michelle Tan!!!
(5) cellow

mich, you kicked me out of the list!
work stress making you less patient?

i called his school straight after my meeting ended at 11am. principal says he is ok in school, most prob wants our attn at home due to C2's presence.... children are funny, when they think abt how little attn they are getting, will imm act up regardless of watever coaxing....

speaking of nagging and nagging, i realise where Mr C got it from. my FIL is the same way. nags and nags at C1 so that C1 is constantly reminded of his own bad behaviour. walaueeeeeeeeee..... i need a heart to heart talk w my MIL. FIL was not around Mr C and siblings when they were growing up... so he is raising his first generation of toddlers.

FIL put C1 in the room by himself briefly after sch when C1 refused to bathe ystday.
i will monitor the situation.
i already told MIL this morning that i m concerned... then of course (bcz FIL is around within earshot) she has to defend FIL by saying my son is VERY naughty and out of control then, plus C1 calmed down within a short time ... i wonder what is a short time.... after being in the room.


why is everyone (okok, FIL and Mr C) agst my son?

MIL also told me last night that FIL used to quote the stupid 'ci mu duo bai er' at her too. fed up. the person who came up with this phrase shd be exhumed fm his grave (i assume tis a he) and ... hmmm... put to some despicable end.
cellow - actually hor, the psychologist did tell me we SHOULD leave them alone be it in a room or a corner to let them calm down n ZERO attn given if it is for attn.. then shower on e praises etc when catching them doing right.. i guess sometimes we are not main caregivers so gotta close eye.. my MIL is also a screamer type and empty threats so e kids also noe..
anyway the psych suggests using behaviour chart so we be trying out.. but the beh chart sld be specific behaviours and not a generic one so the child knows wat is e target behaviour.. maybe can trY?
I don't think it's the swimming pool incident. Our kids probably decided on the spot that they are not in a good mood and be difficult. I have countless of episode like this in the morning before school.

Emma rolled on the floor many times until one day she saw a big ant crawling nearby. She stopped that immediately hehe.

I can't make it, we have a dept lunch scheduled that day.

School bus
Somehow I dun't trust the auntie in the school bus. i also saw many school bus drivers drove dangerously. So I always send and pick up. Can imagine I send Ashley last time from yio Chu kang to Halifax road (near KK hospital), pick her up and send her back home and back to office at somerset. I did that for 4 years - I didn't really have lunch kakis in the office because of that.
Oops, sollie sollie for kicking cellow out from the lunch list...

oh, if you think its attention seeking, then spend more time with him, 5 min quality time also very good.. it really works with Eboy. we just need to put everything down just chase after the soccer ball with him, every task we want him to do afterwards (including asking the ball to wait while he takes a shower) is very easy... no tantrums or what.. and sometimes in the car, we'll say, see you tonight so we can play ball, he will be grinning from end to end and nodding his head that, yes, he wants to play soccer ball with us!!!
Ya hor haven't met you up for lunch before keke. We were supposed to have the dept lunch on Fri, this morning boss changed it to Thurs haiz.
Lucky u have a mil u can talk to on suc matters, Cellow.. HoPe u can find a way to speak to mr c too.. But don't expect perfection lah..u can see from the rest of the hb's here..all one kind wan haha (mine included grr!)

But tonight I had to take deeP breathes n count to 10 many times toO..mine doesn't throw a lot of tantrums but is very hyper and cheeky n likes to defy orders! Faint..

Lunch on thurs: other than Doggiebb, does anyone know this viet place and the name too?

SD: u stay at yck?
alamak blur me... we went to your new place before! kekeke.. up watching news on japan (another earthquake to the mag of 6 hit shizuoka area, 100+km south of central tokyo) and unconsciously stuffing my face with sun chips!
gooood morning!

Watching the tragedy unfolding in Japan is indeed heart wrenching, but looking at how resilient the country is made me proud of them. Especially on the manner in which they tried to contain the nuclear leak situation and promptly seeking international aid over the problems. We remain optimistic that Japan will rise above the tragedy, the world will learn! Donations to Japan pls!!!!!

oh, I have no idea where that viet place is? anyone knows? how to go from Cityhall? MRT to where?

eboy been waking up at night asking for milk. he can take 240ml before sleep, then 3am ask for another 210ml, then wake up another 180ml. He just recovered from a running nose so not sure if its due to an "after effect" of the medicine, but its good for him, surely not too good for me, cos I have to wake up everynight!!! feels like Newborn days ah!!!! Was so tempted to take MC today, but lucky the job is motivating enough to bring my butt to office. haha...
Date : 17 March 2011
Venue : Viet Place below SCB? need to make reservations or not? Where exactly is it?
Time: 12.30pm

(1) Batgirl
(2) bbg
(3) Dor, D, E
(4) Michelle Tan!!!
(5) cellow
(6) bbp

I miss writing bbp & dec

Seems like it's eboy's usual after-illness style. I remember he always whack milk like nobody's business after a bout of sickness. It's a good problem! Ask Mr Mich to take over some nights. Haha.
good morning michelle, thanks for the congrats but don't think i'll be SAHM for too long.. with son in childcare full day soon, i'll be bored to tears staying at home alone. plus single income very tough on my hb... so, i'm now looking for part-time job... any lobangs? anyone? hehe...

son was happy to take the school bus to school this morning! phew.... i'm so glad... SDchick, i've witnessed how reckless school bus drivers can be... but but but... i can only pray and not worry to much lor... i'm a buddhist so, to me, everything that happens is our karma at work

on Japan, i couldn't hold back my tears when i read the tweets that were posted on FB... i think no where in the world can you see such disciplined and compassionate and strong nation of people... i tried to donate thru internet banking but our biggest local bank wasn't ready for that yesterday! what a let down... anyway, i tried the sms donations to Red Cross.. not sure if it went thru...
speaking of butt, mine still hurts :S

poppy is up a bit at nights too. fever
but only at nights, it hits a high of about 39+. but day time she's mostly fine. does that sound familiar to anyone?
lunch tomorrow - dor, if my butt feels better and up for some movement then i will sms you in the morning ok? if not, please don't bring my shoes
thanks steph. still painful. like a very bad bualuku. it wouldn't be that bad if it were anywhere else but it's connected to everything so it hurts when i walk/sit/stand/lie/cough/get bumped into ... i am minister of funny walks now!
aiyo, PB.. bed rest? now you can really keep smiggle company! hope you get better!

bbp, how's dec? is he resting at home? hope he'll get well soon! the other time you were toying with the thought of giong back to SAHM again. How's that thought coming along?

I still don't know how to get to the viet lunch place. anyone??

i don't think i can join. i will be offsite.

this viet place is at the basement of Stanchart building. Come out of raffles place mrt. walk towards the brown stanchart building. look to the right of the building, there is a small hole to go underneath.
Oh think I know where now..thanks Doggiebb..do u know the tel no or the name of the place? I try to make reservations?

Hope lil dec is better today...
I am soo swammmppped at work!!! need to take a breather...


I meet you at Stan Chart building lobby? then we go tgt?

read thru other posts later... :p
yes. you walk towards boat quay, walk the whole stretch of boat quay, hop over to UOB, cross the road and you are at SCB already. I always walk from my office to funan using this route. takes me about 12-15 mins.
hmmm... 12-15mins ah.. ok lah, quite good exercise hor? take MRT also walk here wakl there.. will attempt to walk!!

batgirl, ok meet at the SCB lobby cos I have absolutely no clue where that place is..

oh, i think i will order the dry vermicilli, and we share the vietnamese spring roll? the steam one, not the fried one! and viet coffee!!!! woooooooo
morning mommies, nice cool weather to be sleeping at home... but boy has to go to "school" child care that is.... this morning, he said, "rainning, cannot go to school.." this boy is starting to show his cheekiness and already making excuses not to go school... i must really keep my mind active to catch up with him... but his mental & physical growth and mine are going in opposite directions!!

awfully quiet recent few days... every one busy with kids during this school holidays?

thanks PB for the link on nap time... somehow, i'm always quite lost in that website... so muc info...

how is poppy? has she seen a doctor? i can remember there was once during my early teens when i fell on my butt and hurt my tailbone... you could still go to a doctor yourself! i couldn't move.. i just sat there in pain.. and i was all alone at home... sobbing till the pain stopped. after that, i could never do sit ups anymore. you must rest rest rest... ok!?
viet food... yummm... so tempting... wish i could join in since i'm not working but have to son comes home around that time... next time perhaps when i find a job in town

bon appetit ladies...
Yay poppy's fever is gone now. It only comes at night, strangely.

My tailbone fall - it's funny. It was so painful and I would really have just sat there but my panic instinct took over and I knew I had to get up to get poppy to safety
i am in half minds whether to declare war on Mr C.

C1 was going along his merry way last night, of course, as is normal for todds his age, he did some random cries and demands for a bit, nothing too serious.

at the dinner table, he saw Mr C pouring out packets of sugarcane water bgt at the hawker centre into the pitcher, and asked nicely (but repeatedly) 'i want some sugarcane pls!'

which annoyed Mr C

Mr C suddenly lashed out - I m sick of hearing you ask again and again. Keep quiet!

Tone was super nasty.

But for the presence of the ILs (and the boys), I would have declared war on him there and then.

As it is, I asked my MIL under my breath to pls handle Mr C and cont to brainwash him to keep his own temper in check. She nodded, went over to the sink where he was, and said "You need to be more patient with children. Cannot scold them everytime"

I sat between C1 and Mr C at the dinner table. Usu Mr C sits with C1 to cut up food, feed him his veggies (C1 will eat all his meat and rice and leave the veg behind). Angry until I believe the steam poured out of my ears.

1230am. Went to check out why Mr C was not sleeping. He told me 'you ah, got time to sleep, dowan to sleep, then tell me you are tired.' ended off with 'SIAN AH!' again in the same nasty tone of voice

I went to bed.

And waited in lie for him.

As he lay down after checking on C1 and C2, I sat up. He was surprised. "Wat....?"

Puts on full frosty mode.

"I am only gonna say this once, and I will not mention it again. Sian ah indeed. You can be as nasty as you want to me, I can take it, I am an adult. Pls do not use that tone on C1 and C2. They are impressionable children."

Turned my back and went to sleep at 230am.

We spoke of logistical things this morning. I avoided talking to him as much as I can within the confines of the breakfast table and the car.

Arrived at my office, patted his thigh, wished him a good day, stepped out of the car and walked away without looking back.
[when my usu practice is to encourage him abt something in his workday and kiss him goodbye]

not red hot rage. Icy rage.

The boys are too impt to me, to the family for him to keep on shouting at them. The sad thing is when Mr C is not shouting, he is actually a very good and caring father. Listens to C1, horses around w C2.

I wanted to tell him, shout some more, C1 will only remember you as his shouting daddy. bcz every negative interaction needs 5 (or more) positive interactions to counterbalance ya....

Sigh. I m tired.
Sayang cellow. I think Mr C is just a strict person generally and I know it is hard to control. Cos once you decide you want to be strict, its difficult to balance it in nice tones the moment the child throws tantrum again. However, maybe what really gets to Mr C is to NOT tell remind him what he's doing is not right. Perhaps appraoch it in another manner to show him "what works" and that his method is not effective 100%? In this case, your MIL or yourself should take over in this situation and then use your method of persuasion, talking, explanation (which works well cos never underestimate our child, they understnad much more than we give them credit for)...
From what i observed, cellow. You have to keep in check your own reaction to Mr C. Sometimes if you are head against his ways, it maybe more difficult for him to accept that he is wrong. I suggest that, (for the sake of C1 and C2), you continue to see him the same, be nice not angry, and until he is with you, on your side, then talk to him. it will get to him differently. Its become quite obvious now that your current method of "stopping" him is not working well.. try another softer approach with him, k? dun give up, and dun be angry.

Sleep training
last night, eboy woke up at 2am asking for milk again. we hardened our heart and did not give. he cried to sleep at 3am. woke at 6am to ask for milk, we did not give. he went back to sleep at 6.10am. We started giving him milk in the middle of the night due to his blocked nose last week but never thought it would lead to a bad habit of needing milk to sleep. The untraining and retraining is the hardest, and naturally, I DID NOT SLEEP FROM2AM!!!!!
heart pain.
Sayang sayang. Is mr C facing a lot of pressyre at work? That could be a reason his fuse is shorter. I point that out VERY GENTLY to bb if I find that to be happening. Like "are you very stressed up at work? You may not realise it but you're taking it out on poppy and it's not fair to her".

I just remembered! Declan once rolled on the floor and Mr bbp pretended like he was going to step on him. It turned into a game cos Declan felt ticklish I think and after that, everytime he rolled on the floor, I would tickle him. Since then, no more rolling on floors.

Bad temper:
Me. I have the most horrible temper in the house. I even scold Mr bbp when he tries to intervene. But I've tried to control and I think nowadays, it only happens when it's time to go to sleep and someone doesn't want to and tries 101 delay tactics. Or in the morning when we are rushing for time and he doesn't want to drink his milk.

Thanks for asking about dec. He's mostly fine now, trying to recover from the stuffed nose and phglemy cough. It has been a difficult 3 plus weeks. He had back-to-back virus/infections that I've kinda lost track what happened when.
I'm on a 6-month contract so I feel compelled to finish it out no matter how sian I feel. But I'm definitely sure I'm not continuing after the 6 months.
Now if only Declan wakes up and asks for milk (and finishes all of it), I would gladly wake up to make it for him. He's really skin and bones liao, esp after this major bout of illness.

How are you today?
