(2008/07) July 2008

haha. i had the most horrible temper in my house before i married Mr C. BUT i have met my match.
wow to not continuing after these 6 months. this experiment has taught you that SAHM-dom is better for you and Dec at this moment?

whoa, trust you to get straight to the crux of the matter. so now i have to use soft, not hard with Mr C too, as with C1.
gotta remind myself to steady steady does it, dun waver. harder when it comes to Mr C to keep my temper in check. hello fellow adult, you have been on this earth longer than i have!

tailbone better? you joining for lunch today?
He says tis not work stress, and I believe him. Tis just the capriciousness of a toddler's demands. hey it gets to me too... no qns abt that. but i dun dump toxic waste onto C1's head, too much for a child to bear.

Yes and no. Well basically, I realised I've changed alot. Pre-Declan, I kinda liked what I used to do. Post-Declan, I just don't have the energy to do stuff like this anymore. I mean, if I really wanted to spend my energy chasing people to do their job (and them pretty much ignoring me sometimes), ask people questions in order to complete my job (and not getting any response), and telling them that you need to do this by when when when, no thanks. I've enough of that at home.

I still have enough savings to spend time with my son and search for a job that I like sufficiently to stay away from my son.

PB, now I know how you feel previously
put that way, i dowan to work too!

is today's lunch at noon now? asian kitchen or viet place under SCB? i m going to start walking there now if tis noon. anything update by sms or just call directly

see ya!
Just realised that my office is near to Central and cross a bridge to liang court!! so that means I can also join for the ramen lunch escapades!! hee hee..

cellow, ya ya, try soft approach on Mr C, to remind him to use soft approach on C1 sometimes. Uhm, remember Dor's method of using the "NO" sound in the way that you rarely use so the child knows you mean business when you use it? (was it dor or someone else said that?).. so if Mr C keep using harsh tone, it will lose its intention and the child switches off... anyway, hope things improve soon!!!

bbp, ah, so the job is unmotivating hor! ya, time away from your son must must must be justified!! Hope you find your dream job soon.. (if you still looking).

During my months of unemployment, i really lost a lot of self confidence. Losing financial freedom contributed to a big part of the lack of self confidence. I hated to ask for money from our joint account, and hated to have NO MONEY coming in to my account. My self worth was low but my happiness index with Eboy was high. Plus i really "rocked" the ecosystem too much that my IL's felt wierd losing time with eboy too... but when i looked back now, I kinda also regretted on the many things I wanted to do with eboy but never had enough time to do and making the rash desicion to start work at the new place (opportunity driven). When i received the first pay-check from the new company, and getting to understand my purpose in this company, I realised that hey, coming to work and sending eboy to school/MIL house would indeed be the best arrangement. Provide I get to leave home on the dot at 6pm which I have been able to since i started work.
Chilli Crab ramen! Slurp!! Asian kitchen food is good, no wonder bbG keeps recommending this place!! hee...

it was great catching up with you all, and hope Cellow felt great after gobbling down the EGG-noodles and cake! Hope you feeling better..

oh, and who would have known we would bump into ..... Mr Mich! hahahahaha
I realise N1 is starting to speak more after a few sessions with the speech therapist. Makes me wonder if its becos he is getting more attention? One-to-one with the speech therapist plus get to go out with us + no cc for that day etc?

So I am now thinking whether there are weekday class to bring him? Class with small teacher-to-kids ratio, any recommendation?
I actually felt guilty when i saw that he is improving with this arrangement. Guilt for not being a SAHM to nurture him and give him more attention. But i know i cant be a SAHM, will go crazy lar.

So, for my sanity sake, i shall just bring him out more often on one-to-one basis :p
cellow... egg noodles? C2's allergies are cured? woohoo!

yay congrats!!!

i also have a confession to make. poppy being feverish at home (and still being full of energy), me with paralysed butt, the med making me drowsy, and me not being able to sleep it off (ie high cranky alert), BB being, well, BB, it all added up and really took its toll on me. and i couldn't help but break down yesterday and wondered out loud: "wasn't i able to handle this by myself a whole year ago?". why did i feel that i needed her to be at playschool to have a little break? was i being a bad mum to think that way?

but to be fair to myself, she was sickie so it was already tough, plus i wasn't in great shape myself, so that made it tougher, and she's older now, and more demanding when it comes to attention seeking.


anyway, it was back to playschool today, and she was SO happy to see her friends again

hope dec gets better soon!

re: "PB, now I know how you feel previously"
do you mean my comment of "if i job takes me away from my baby, it'd jolly well be a damn good job"?

and pomfret, is she better?

thanks for asking about the butt. it still hurts but i've stopped the painkillers. surviving. kinda like final stages of pregnancy kind of tailbone pain, but worse. still can't carry poppy
I know from time to time, chasing people to answer you is inevitable. But THAT is my jobscope. And I'm sorry, but I have better people to chase. Eh. Am I making sense?

can really see the enthusiasm you have for your job.
I have never had the self-confidence problem when I was a SAHM. Maybe cos I don't ask mr bbp for money since he settles the major stuff like sch fees, medicals, etc. Only downside to being a sahm for me is The lack of adult interaction.

Dont be so hard on yourself. I don't think it's due to lack of attention. These are trained professionals leh.

aye, THAT would be it.
pat pat and hugs to pinkB - yes am sure it's cos u were nt well. like i always tell you, if only I had half your energy!!

mich - i also felt a bit lost during my 4 mths of maternity and i took 2 mths no pay leave so the lost of income also bothered me. i enjoy seeing my bank account grow - i guess i just cant shake off the feeling of being insecure living under 1 income and sharing the same bank account.. at the end of 4 mths, i told hubby that i was just not cut out to be a sahm (i admire all you mummies who do it). so he stopped bugging me to quit work and be a sahm - we compromised by me looking for an easier role which will allow me to continue to wfh 2-3 days a week, no work travels and shut off by 530pm. hopefully the new role lives up to its promise.
oh no, mr C sounds like me! recently with all that stress with ils and reno and being sick, i was doing a lot of the 'i'm tired of you asking non stop' and then shouting at pomfret when she acts up.

and then mr dustee tried to talk to me (albeit not so nicely lah) and i shouted at him too. oops.

i do think it's a stress issue, not really anger management or what. hmmm. let me find this article that i read that helped me, mb that can help mr c too.

i am STILL grappling with the loss of my own income. and seeing my bank account dip. and having to ask mr dustee for money every other month. he doesn't understand why it's an issue for me to ask him for money, coz he feels he's very happy to give me money. i wish i could just club him over the head or something to make him understand (or maybe i just would like to club him over the head, no matter what)

and to think i've not been working for almost 3 years? i don't know how to come to terms with not having an income that's earned by myself!
having a paralysed butt has taught me a new level of zen-ness. if ignorance is bliss, ignoring is bliss heaven. poppy has gotten into whining these days... weeks. today it was wanting to put more (than the half bottle that was already in) soap the bath tub. i told her it was already enough and took it away. she whined while i washed my face. she whined while i got in the shower. i ignored it and told her "you either hop in the tub or bath time is over for you". she said ok no bath and went out (ok by me) and got promptly sent back in by BB haha.

so she just stayed in and whined and whined while i poured water from the bath on her and hosed her down, completely ignoring everything. at the end of it, through bits of whining, she said "thank you for giving me a bath, mama". haha.

usually i would simply grab her and plonk her into bath tub. but i know that i can't so my only choice is to 1) ignore or 2) go on repeat mode and drive myself crazy. it was an easy choice
Didn't get tO read up til now...

So mich did u have an extra strong cuppa coffee? Was it an unpleasant bump into mr mich cos I recall him lamenting how u met us instead Of him for lunch hee hee

But u sure r strong too..I sure give in to bbG wan..just like I give in when he says I must pat him to sleep n sleep with him (not allowed to surf net beside him as he's falling asleep!)

Cellow..hoPe the egg rebellion helped cool u down today keke..must repeat this phrase again : not easy being a mom huh.. Can comprehend with those mummy doggies (yikes I dun wanna use the proper word for that) who snap at anyone who tries to touch their newborns.. I wouldn't have hesitated to snap at mr bbG either

But yes..our kiddos can really test our patience n drive us up the wall! As much as i tried not to, someone was REALLY naughty a while ago n I had to lock him in the dark store room with the monsters after so many repeated warnings and little smacks that he wasn't even afraid off..very cheeky and defying instead..*takes 100 deep breaths*

Straw: glad that there's progress in n1 too!

For mummies looking for activities..main national librAry has some reading event on.. Forum also has something happening this weekend..
Oh ya...moms still looking for those thermos food jars, the isetan sale is bundling the flask + lunch jar for $55, and the single food jar for $39
Straw, thats nice to hear! these ppl are experts who are trained so dun have to feel bad its due to you not spending enough time!! (although I think somehow kids learn different through parents too). So just keep a balance, night activities and weekends are important. Oh, and we wont be as effective in encouraging them to talk, cos with us, there is no rule set right from the start that, shoudl they want something, they have to say to get it. With the therapist, the rule starts from the minute they meet each other, and their one-on-one session will make sure the kid abide by the rule (say somethign to get what they want) and not get distracted (how the kids get distracted when at home environment). Plus, i think our therapist are really good, aren't they??
feel glad to have found them!

Hope PB is feeling better... so funny la, poppy..

you know, in the month of unemployment, I did not cut my hair, buy clothes, nor spend anything on myself!!!
the moment i decided on my new job, whoa, buy buy buy.. hahaha... then realise, alamak, broke again! hee hee..

staying with ILs
was telling some of the mummies over lunch that I am considering to buy a bigger house so that I can stay with my ILs. what's your take? considering my ILs are such great people, yes we have our differences and we argue some times, but if eventually we gotto take care of them, I dun mind starting now. it provides more convenience for me too, like dun need to worry about bringing eboy to/from school etc, can come home a bit later without worrying about eboy sleeping time.. etc... what do you think? bliss or trouble in the making?
dustee, excellent article!!!!! cellow, quick quick print out and put on Mr C's table intentionally to let him read!!!!

"Labeling your child by his age has a magical way of giving you instant perspective -- reminding you that, no, he doesn't get it. Dashiell was 3. He felt jealous. If I'd been living on earth for only 36 months, when I got mad, I would break things, too"
Good morning!
Hope everyone has cooled down? It's Friday!

We've been out every single day so I am completely whacked out and desperately need to do the laundry or certain small persons will not have clean clothes or towels to use.

There is a congo exhibition at the ACM. Free entry and craft stuff. These ACM things are good, but the older ones will ptobably enjoy them more. http://acm.org.sg/exhibitions/eventdetail.asp?eventID=697

Work & sahm & no pay
It hit me very hard during S's time. What helped was that I had a nice bulk of savings so I have been digging into that for everything. I am v v v stupid with numbers, btw.
Hb never gave me $ until late last year. I asked after talking to another sahm who was aghast that I was not receiving any $ from him. She said something like, "So you use up all your money and you are not getting any. What if something happens to you?" And then we used my savings for all those trips last year, so my account is pretty miserable now.
So I told hb that he should put $ into my account every month (via IB or ATM) and stipulated the amount. Some months he does not, if we've indulged the previous month and he needs to pay off more bills.
It's not much and frankly, it only pays for the necessities like food and transport. So I am still digging into my own stash.
But I've started doing more freelance work at home, so hopefully things on the financial side will improve by the end of the year
I don't get any money from hubby too. And frankly, I feel like I shouldn't because he's still struggling with the starting-the-business part. So I'm supporting him by not asking money from him. Eh... do I make sense? But oh well, since he settles the big ticket items like milk, diapers, sch fees and medicals, I feel like I've nothing to moan about. But I know some women think me stupid. My SAHM cousin (whose own husband runs a successful interior design business) thinks I'm silly for not asking for money. But it really doesn't feel right asking money from a (i-think) penniless person (cos all the spare monies in the business mah).
"Good morning good morning nice to see your smiley face"...
Learnt this little tune from son who learnt from school.

Re: Show me the money
Wow... My hb better not read this abt not taking money from your hb... He's been putting money into our joint account since we got married. It wasn't much coz I was earning more. But when he started getting what he's really worth, I made sure he contributed mOre. This started last year. The sums we accumulated so far sure comes in handy now that I'm jobless. Ladies, our mothers generation would tell you no matter how rich we are, must must make it the hb's habit to contribute financially to the family. Treat it as some form of savings for rainy days. Especially with kids. Not all man are savers. But us being mothers, we will save no matter how difficult it is for the sake of our kids. So no income means limited or no retail therapy for me but gives me valid reason to spend hb money. Haha... Icing on the top would be he'd still wash the dishes
hi everyone. yay it's friday! i'm panicking a little because it means it's the end of the work week *duh* and i've done minimal levels of work, thanks to my derriere.

re getting an allowance
i guess it's different for every couple. some husbands earn more than others. a friend shared that the ideal situation would be that hub puts $X into wife's account every month so she never needs to ask.

as for us, BB puts into our joint account, which we both dig into to pay for things like groceries, eating out, poppy's playschool, house

what's specially tough for us is that the house is under my name, not his (long story, and no it's not part of some pre nuptual agreement) so it gets paid from my CPF account. so now that i no longer get any CPF, we've got to pay the installments in cash every month :|

wow youpi, your savings have managed to keep you going for so long! mine have run out a long long time ago hehe. btw i am also very bad with money. must be a june baby thing haha.

agree with you - freelancing does help pay the bills! and my biz is picking up slowly but surely, but it's not likely i will be buying a BMW anytime soon :p the money i earn from that goes *sob* straight into joint account too.

i think you're a very considerate wife by not asking, knowing that mr bbp is still starting out with his biz

yes, mothers of old are right to say that a woman should always have her own savings. but what to do? don't have means don't have!

How is everyone today? No update frm lunch yesterday?
Im having leg cramps.. and feet are swollen..
Good thing is that Kayden has recover frm his sickness...

Kayden is sick every mth and still has the energy to play.. Im sure kids are like tat.. so you have to worry abt Poppy, but its true that its more tiring on us..
Esp when u are injured..

if u like your in-laws, then u shld stay with them...
i mean, they also add on to the merriment in the house..
i like a noisy family..

Own savings
same here, i don have any.. when i was unemployed for 2 mths, i dig into my own stash.
so now left nothing..
even the monthly pay i get goes all to bills...
not much for myself
Hubby also self employed and salary not fixed every mth... he is also payin for the big ticket items such as house, car and maid..
I also don like taking money from him...

Haiz, i too wish i have a skill to freelance, like teachin music/arts/translattor/accounting..
unfortunately there is nothin im good at..
random thought alert! looking at old FB pics and youpi, please go for that funky short hair again cos it's really really nice and really really suits you!
Thank you! That one ah, must spend $ to buy hair wax to keep it gravity-defying. Must trim every couple of months. Too leh cheh at the moment...
Oh! I thought you kept it short on your own, cos you also cut S's and your hub's right? Or is my memory messing up again? :S

Well if I see hair wax on sale, I know who to tell :D
btw, mummies. I must tell you how proud I am of Eboy. On the way to school yesterday, we explained to him again how at night he shouldnt wake for milk and that he is big enough to go back to sleep without looking for mummy. He nodded his head and said yeah. Last night, he slept through without asking for milk.
and hor, he did wake at 2am, but he did not come look for me. instead, he looked for his hankie, and slowly "scratched" himself to sleep. I saw all these through the baby monitor, and am awfully proud of him!!!

PB, if you interested, can read eboy's blog on how we sleep trained him.... how's your sleep training going on so far?
great one on the ACM.... i will drag Mr C and the boys there on Sunday!
i dunno wat to say on the never ask $ fm HB until last year.... wow.

$ matters
we have access to each other's salary accounts. joint acc is for bills and such, my squirrel acc is for holding the 6-9months' worth of hsehold expenses, his squirrel acc is for share investments.

good la. eboy can scratch his own hankie back to sleep

i know why i m so tired on the job. tis my boss! when i was in KL, boss was off for the week, so approached grandboss (boss of boss) for a decision to be made. grandboss - a very matter of fact mid 40s belgian lady - made the decision then proceeded to give the team a pep talk. v motivating bcz she acknowledged how difficult these times are for us, and reminded us to focus on the impt, but not urgent, things. whereas my boss after talking to us would say 'anything else' in the tone that indicates he wants to get off the phone N-O-W and focus on more impt matters.
i must find my motivation again for the job, despite this unmotivated (and unmotivating) boss of mine.

chirpy start to the morning - good!

dustee, thanks! i will read it later.
hi mummies
if you wish to help the japanese, please consider donating via worldvision

the japan worldvision team is already at work distributing supplies to those affected and displaced by the tsunami. worldvision is dedicated to working with children so they are an organisation very close to my heart.

there's a report in the papers today, about children who were waiting for their parents to come pick them up from school, but the tsunami struck and the parents never made it. that is so heartbreaking to read about. the school teachers don't know if these children even have any family left.
anyone going to the gruffalo screening at forum tomorrow morning? :D

good to hear youpi and family enjoyed the one week holidays to the fullest!

and I echo PB on liking your pixie hairdo!

and *clap clap* to E-boy for being able to zzz by himself again.. bbG confirm 100% cannot.. sometimes even have to hold his hand.. wonder wat will happen the few days i'm gonna be away for soon...wonder how to sneak off to the airport too... or to try to talk him into accepting it without crying his heart out.. oh my poor own heart!

think OCBC conveniently also inserted wire details to where we can easily transfer funds to as well.. and don't forget to pray for all the many poor pooches (u know how jap has more dogs than kids) who are also struck by the catastrophe...did u all see this clip of a doggie staying by its friend's side after the tsunami hit.. instant tearjerker...
hallo all! Being a busy week (last 3 days actually!) for me. Me and hub on leave to spend some time with xun gal and woho! it was really fun + tiring! did 2 days of cycling and now i am aching all over ... lack of exercise for the longest time.

Ok to reply the some posts i remember from speed reading

Michelle, I was toying with the tot of asking ILs to stay with us a few years down the road too. cant help much because i am also torn! A moment i will be thinking its nice the next i will be worried abt the possible conflicts ..

$ in joint acc
wow i am pretty impressed by u all. me and hub we started a joint acc when i was preggie with xun gal. started by each contributing xxx into it. then stopped after a few months! Now the acc is stagnant and we never use it for anything -_- bills are split (almost half i think). i pay for maid + my mum for taking care of the 2 kids + usually buying diapers etc and clothes, hse is split equally via cpf, hub pays for utilities and car. on top of that each of us will pay household money (jia yong) to our parents (i pay a certain sum on top of what i pay mum for taking care of kids) so in the end ... i feel like i am paying so much each month. not much savings.

Cellow jia you in finding motivation in ur job.
If u have read the papers u will have noticed a pretty decent sized article abt my co. soon i wun be able to lunch with u all at RP! ok ok thats in 2013 but pretty soon enough!

Dustee u know ur post abt frogs in the living room, is kind of getting on my nerves! I keep imagining having frogs around! Argggghhhh sobz i am so scared of them and if hub ever one day suggest buying landed (as if we can afford though) i am sure to remind him of frogs!

PB hope ur tailbone is better! cannot imagine if its me (prob butt will be too big and stuck in the slide haha)!

Anyone gg disney on ice? I will be there tomorrow 6pm! Yeah!

Oh oh will be gg to perth early may. Any suggestions on accomodations?? tia!
and those stories about owners grabbing their poochie children when they heard the tsunami coming! i hope they are sending in pet food eventually too.

well, mr dustee bought a frog balloon for pomfret. so i don't know, like attracts like, mb that balloon was calling out to the frog. in fact, the next morning when i told mr dustee 'there was a frog in the living room', he still pointed to the balloon.

but the balloon is quite cute lah. try to post a picture some day.
You are right, the crop is a DIY at home. It's just that these days, I am too busy/lazy/tired to even think about doing that. It helps that I don't mind looking like an ah soh :p
Is your tailbone better?

LOL on froggie encounters

Enjoy the ACM!

There's a Big Band Bash at BG tomorrow, 5.30pm, Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage. This should be fun too, if you decide not to do the ACM.
we went to ACM today and it is next week that there are the activities apparently. the congo exhibition was already on (frankly quite disappointing). this weekend there is a promotion of 1-for-1 adult tickets (kids under 6 go free)

big band bash sounds exciting!!!!! maybe maybe!
hahaha.. what if mr. dustee asked "do you mean Kermit??" hahah.. it's kind of sad that my kid doesn't know who is Kermit and Ms. Piggy.. he only knows Elmo and Big Bird... we grew up with Sesame Street!

i was less than chirpy since yday when son started coughing and runny nose again... a relapse after almost a week of pink in health... and nowadays i really don't like weekends much. with son sick, can't really bring him out anywhere.. and hb at home means getting on my nerves most of the time. why?! coz he's either in his own gaming world or he's scolding the son... sigh... it really pains my heart... he's really not a good role model for son... and he asked me why son doesn't like him... it's like "dude... you're either ignoring him or scolding him... would you like someone who's treating you the same way?"

those are the moments when i start questioning myself.. do i really want another child so that i can get angrier with hb even more coz having 2 kids with no help from him or no paid help... am i really asking for trouble??

even when we do go out, he's either pulling a horse face or getting angry with son. both of them are really testing my patience. the little one can get away with it coz he's still so young.. but the older one... arrrggghh..... sometimes i kept scolding him under my breathe... this ain't healthy for the marriage...what can i do?? sigh... sighhhh...

i'm so looking forward to the weekdays now when i can be alone in the morning at least... peace and quiet... and afternoon can spend time with son without worrying about work or anything else at the back of my mind... and without having to get irritated with the sight of hb's glued to the chair and eyes glued to his pc/iphone/tv....
no dear the buggy wheels behind the stroller where D was standing

hehe, the boys dun need a stroller parasol la

sayang. try talking to him...? but i guess you already tried that and din work....
i am still going thro that patch w Mr C, what helps greatly is the MIL. she is onside w me in lecturing him. i dun scold him or even talk to him directly now... when he starts up, i just pour out my woes to my MIL and FIL. let them talk sense into him

aft 2 days of putting this battle plan into action, and keeping C1 away from Mr C, Mr C is more or less ok.

i have also learned not to show any angry face at Mr C when he is acting up too (not just C1). just take C1 physically away, distract and sayang him. lest the silly man takes it into his head to scold C1 just to spite me... take that thot away fm him even b4 it starts.

we were at BG this morning. couldnt stay for the Big Band Bash as C2 was asleep and C1 ws sleepy. and heavens, the rains! huge downpout at around 2pm!
Are you talking about the buggy board? The stand that you can attach to the back of a stroller so that an older child can stand on it while the younger one sits? I got mine from Toys R Us, the brand is Lascal. They can attach it for you on the spot.
We did not go out anywhere today, just the library and our own neighbourhood park.
You are v lucky that MIL can support you to scold hb

Oh no, sorry! I thought it was this weekend. Did the ACM link state that it's next weekend?

Awww that is hard. What if you suggest things that hb and E can do together? Like guy things? Whenever hb is home my boys end up watching TV. I told him to bring them out to kick a ball around instead. Today, they did that for the first time. Less than five minutes. But it's a start.
no no actually both BB and i remember seeing it said this weekend but the counter lady insisted it was next, and she gave us a big discount (we paid $4 for TWO adults) so we went anyway

funny that you posted what you did today. cos i was just thinking earlier today that if S and L had an email account, i would write to them telling them what a great adventurous mummy they have and they're very lucky to not be kept at home with tv all the time :p

sigh. poppy just recovered from a fever and now she's starting to cough a bit and her nose is running a bit. she's mostly full of energy but not interested in food. i was so upset during dinner and she said "Mama, be happy!". :S

so i asked her "how to be happy?". she said "Ice cream!". ah yes. of course.
snappy comeback needed for a situation

the ILs' clothes are in the room where C1 sleeps.
after a vegatarian dinner (my idea), Mr C plus his parents decided to all go out and eat supper bcz not full. they decided all these in teochew, which i m not super proficient in, plus i was dashing around the hse readying things for C1 and C2 to go to sleep. maid is off today.

FIL decides that the home clothes he has are NOT good enuf for going out. steps into the room where maid is putting C1 to sleep to get a going out tee shirt. watever is the idiot old man thinking? now C1 is still not asleep after being put to bed for an hour.
couple of mins ago, wake up and cry.

wat is a good script to tell the FIL off? thro my MIL of course.

background: Mr C and my clothes are in our room, the ILs' clothes are in 'their' room [some years later, i must find a way to get them out of my house, the boys need space as they grow older] and the baby room is where C2 sleeps w the maid. i have no space in my hse for the ILs if they keep doing silly things like this.
when the ILs are here, i feel like another maid smtimes. not my own house anymore, you know. then Mr C becomes more their son instead of my husband, and the boys' father. shoo shoo, get back home to MY!!!

(one more week)

i m ranting. i prob wont feel like this in the morning. but C1 is still not fully asleep yet.... tis been one hour 10mins.

if the FIL hadnt opened the silly door, the maid would be free to take care of C2. now i have to go in and do it precisely when i m trying to get C2 used to the idea of not sleeping with his milk bar on tap. started sleeping separately fm C2 on Monday. GRRRRROWL
Wow you got a discount on a discount! Good negotiation! Did you go check out the merlion hotel as well since you were in the vicinity?
S&L email: no, they don't have one, but you can write to them c/o their mummy and I will post it on their blog, hehe.

Same qn as Bbp. Perhaps you could shift their clothes to a cupboard or box or luggage bag in the hall?
Ooh....how long has the inlaws been around for.. Normal to get irritable when guests overstay...even with my own family sometimes..so hang in there, one week will pass quickly, like our holiday week just did

C1 sleeps alone in room when ILs r not around, and with ILs when they r here?

For mich to consider too.. Unless u r really the bestest of friends and will not irritated by anything at all they may do...

Staying with in-laws
Mich, I would never. Stay close or even next to is great but not in the same house thanks. I want my house to feel like my house, decorated my way, run my way, with my rules. In my house I am most free to be me. I don't want that to be taken from me. So no matter how close we aren I don't want to be living in the same house!

Maybe your ILs clothes can be put into one of those can-squeeze-air-out of bags when not in use?
I so get the point of husband being his parents' son instead of your husband and father to the kids. It's the same with BB when we visit his mum. At least here, I can pick poppy up and go out on our own. But there, where his mum stays, it's an hour out into civilization, and every time we're there, we're fully reliant on people driving us around.

Hey mummies, any of you still have the swimming ring from post birth time? May I borrow? I think it will help my tailbone

You free this week? Maybe I meet you somewhere centralish (can?) To collect shoes?
