(2008/07) July 2008

Wah so fast already finish my princess! Nice or not? Oh ya I forgot about SIGN. I was going to watch that! I only have time to watch Dream high over at KBS world and Baker King on Sundays. Need to catch up hehe..

Huh Kim Tae Hee in Winter Sonata? She's pretty but I dun really like her kekeke.

Kho kho Nara!!! *slurp* I haven't tried the salad place so that sounds good too.

sch just called. jx having fever...sigh....just when hb is away and tmr we have a wedding to attend....

i m giving nature way's probiotics. and childlife colostrum. i think the childlife one dun taste great cos jh dun like but he still drinks. for probiotics, jx takes the powder one and jh takes the chewables
Oh paiseh paiseh!

Kim Tae Hee was in Stairway to Heaven not Winter Sonata! blur blur!

SIGN is nice? aiyoh, I am resisting to watch any more K drama...but i still got 1 month of cowhood... maybe can squeeze in another drama? :p

My Princess is ok la..entertaining. But those who dun like Kim Tae Hee i think can skip la. she acts super sweet in the show.


no leh.. never eat before. so we arrange there next week? I dun mind. but I need address. keke.

but I dun take salad leh... so can do kho kho nara or the viet place?

iphone can watch? I tried to watch it in the gym when I was doing cycling but cannot load the movie.
Dream High is a bit boring in the middle. but it is nice to hear them sing, especially IU. very sweet voice!

SD, Dream High is on KBS world? Wat time?
Can help me order the colostrum and probiotics powder then?
Sigh. Hope you don't get sucked into the vicious cycle of illness.

We just brought Dec to the doctor again. He's kena the all-famous Influenza-A virus.

You get avplayer on the iPhone and download ur dramas in rmvb format from repository like cococrust and viola u can watch the dramas on the iPhone already. Dun even need to convert just load it thru iTunes.

Kho kho Nara then! Yumz!
1st week of staying home was games n more games. But cellow is absolutely right... These FB games are a waste of time. So recent days were housework and more housework in the mornings and back to games when son is napping. Must really go cold turkey on those games. I probably will go find some new hobby. You are just super making stuff for poppy. I bought those ready to cut out craft from popular book store and sticker books etc... But those never lasted more than 10 minutes with the boy. He has so much energy. I've been more tired at home with him than at work. But at least these couple of weeks I scolded him lesser, laughed with him more. And to answer SY, these 2 weeks with my son gave me the ultimate strength to tell my boss and family that I seriously want to quit my job.

Oh youpi's boys only attend half day school!? I intend to put son in full day coz of their enrichment programs like Speech & drama, maths, phonics,etc. Fees difference is $70. I think it will cost us more if we were to send son for weekend classes. Now on budget so have to be more thrifty. So PB, your take on the self worth and no more own income has already hit me. I've been driving for so long and not having my own wheels will probably hurt me most, like becoming handicap.

So, once son is in full day cc, I plan to go for some short courses to update myself with the current job market. Or maybe take my mom's advice... Try for another bb ;)

Thanks for offering a listening ear. I will definitely take you up on that.

Dead beat now... Ironing is no small feat... Nitez mommies and babies.
Don't get me started on those dramas.... The addiction is worse than the FB games for me.... I hardly watch tv nowadays coz son monopolize it!! Hahaha... I will just play my smurf game on iphone heheh...

Quitting my current job had been my intentions for many years. I gave my heart and soul and youth to the company Only to realize that I've become a nag and rather redundant. Rather than stay on wasting away precious time, the rest of my living years are more worth investing in my son.
Dream high is on KBS World (Starhub ch 115) monday and tuesday, 9 pm next monday will be ep 15.

Wed Thurs is The president, which will end next wed. Next Thurs KBSworld will screen new drama, Thornbirds. After dream high Mon-Tues will be Crime squad.

Thanks for the avplayer tip!!
no problem steph *hugs*

why not bring E out? i believe nothing can replace being outside. so many things to see and explore outside. while you still have the car, go to faraway places that you prob won't if and when the car goes.

run outside, kick a ball, fly plastic bag kites, feed turtles and fish... all that really does help in expelling energy. they'll sleep better too

i have to be honest, it is only when i started getting some income again that i feel more confident. i hated having to ask for money from BB.

march holidays are coming up!

for those of you whose kids have a week off, check this out:

anyone keen on joining poppy and i on pm of 18 march?

also, any SAHMs/mums who want to chao work keen on a beach outing one afternoon? :p
i love reading newspapers, and sometimes i love reading about the budget debates. hehe. (i also love tax season. hehe.)

so anyway, here's some news for us all (esp those of us where our july babes are first kids, and thus we never got any baby bonus)

so now we need to set up a CDA account for our kiddos so they get $300-$400 from the govt this year : D

it takes a while to get used to sahm-hood lah. don't worry so much first.

LOL, yes, addiction to dramas is very dangerous!! Especially now i know can download to iphone.... hee! but with kids ow, i tend to exercise more self control, last time i used to finish 1 series in 2 days max.

Talking about the CDA, i have checked with the bank, we have to wait till the government send us a letter for our #1 then we take the letter to open the CDA account.


Thx for the timing! but I think I have to stick to dramacrazy. I would have only just got home (or maybe later) at those timings. I have KBS world on cable, but never watch...


Thx for the tip on Iphone!
so kho kho nara set! (btw, would need directions closer to the date)

The rmvb files are Chinese subbed. I have not tried the avplayer with avi files and soft subs tho. rmvb is the hard one. I tried so many players which claim they play all files including rmvb but either it lagged or the sound doesn't sync. If ur phone is jailbreak then avplayer is free woohoo like for me! If not, will cost u $2.99 I think. I got loads of tvb files in rmvb as well heh!


Set! It's along tras street. Walking distance from tanjong pagar mrt. But which day ah? And who else? Lai lai lai!
Hehe nothing to lure doggiebb out of the doggie kennel than talk of k dramas and kho nara!

CDA $$
I'll be stalking the postman everyday for the letter!

Happy weekend ladies!
count me in for the beach outing... it's been quite some time since we enjoyed Sun, Sand and Sea!! oh... how i miss Noosa......
hello mummies,

jus back frm gynae check today..
still remains at 1cm dilated...
gynae says i be deliverin early, prob another 3 weeks max..
Im so not ready... didi has not pass the 2kg mark...will prob have to miss kayden's bdae in this case as well..
darn thing is that i have to go back to work next week liao...
Now i can barely walk... my legs aching.. belly too heavy.. alrdy put on 14kg.. so this is how last trimester is like huh...

oh, must wait for letter.. was abt to run to open one, cos kayden's sch accept $$ from CDA..
dustee, thk god for u.. cos i don really bother to read..

Kho kho nara
i will take my revenge when im on ML... hehe...
Hellooooooo again! Have not logged in 'cos lots of work to do.

Welcome back!

My boys are in kindy, not childcare. Same as Doggiebb's T1 & T2. It's just for 3 hours in the morning. So my entire free time is 2 hours in the morning. I exercise or catch up on work or do household chores and prepare lunch. No free time to think about what to do, guess that's a good thing, hehe.

Activities with the boys: painting, drawing, craft, reading, cycling, playground, library, swimming several times a week... even simple things like bubbles and frisbees are good fun. Going out to explore SG is great fun too: Little India, Chinatown, Changi Airport, Tanjong Pagar train station, Sentosa, Sungei Buloh, Changi Boardwalk, Marina Barrage, the various reservoirs and parks, etc etc etc. And there's always BG and fish-feeding, like PB
Actually PB has lots of great ideas on her blog

Chores-wise they help me to dump dirty clothes into laundry bags and then throw them into the washing machine, put clothes pegs on when I'm hanging clothes on bamboo poles to put out to dry (L luuuuuuuurves to do this), wash rice, chop tomatoes, stir eggs and other things, magic mop the place, help to strip pillows and bedsheets. S has to fold his clothes and keep them. L has to sort and place his socks into his socks bag.

You have to teach him to do things on his own, and play on his own. They strip and put their clothes in their own laundry baskets, keep the books after reading, are periodically forced to put away their toys 'cos evil mummy will threaten to throw things away, have to lug their bikes in and out of the house by themselves 'cos evil mummy refuses to carry them... generally I try to make my life easier by making them do things
I still yell at them and administer spankings though. And my house is never neat.
hi mummies!

enjoyed gingerbread man tremendously.. got tix to 'under the baobab tree' as well! :D

PB: you are one brave momma to do the spiderman act and rescue pop's hat from the terrifying turles! haha

and I like your heartwarming article about cooking in the kitchen ;)

didn't know scb (battery road right? not MBFC?) had a viet place... jap place i know...lobby right?

LOL at smiggleP plotting revenge when on ML..

SY: how is JH & JX? hang in there.. just cleared bbG of his respiratory problems with the nebuliser last week.. hope it stays AWAY!

CDA acc: Batgirl's right.. OCBC told me the same thing

youpi... you are an evil.. but good mummy! definitely one of our role models...

now I'm gonna go try upload pics onto fb again.. it's ^%^&@% giving me problems!

and did you all hear about the horrid earthquake & tsunami in Japan already? my heart goes out to them.. they were amazingly calm too!
yes, i "trained" boy to help out with the house chores whenever i could, after we stop having the helper. now i'm trying to teach him to play by himself. any tricks that worked for your boys? did having a sibling helped for your kids? mine could only be alone for about 5 min max! unless he knows i'm busy doing some chores that he can't help in like washing the dishes. didn't know being a SAHM can be sooo busy hahaha... sometimes i dread bringing him out coz (1) he's getting heavier for me to carry him for long (2) he can get very stubborn and whinny and loud.. it'd be so embarrassing in public... i bet your boys are so much well bahaved and that makes going out with them more enjoyable isn't it?

am now re-considering whether to put son in full day cc then take up courses for myself then eventually find another job, or half day cc then spend more time with him in the afternoons till he's ready for K1....

Afternoon naps:
mommies, are your kids still taking afternoon naps? for how long? would you know when is it advisable for them to stop napping? i was told that sleeping too much make a toddler less smart (i don't want to use the st***d word) ... how true is this? or it's another grandma scare tactic?
Haha same here, I get the kids to help me with chores(well to them it's fun n not chores right) but the hse is still forever messy. Hahaha
N u r not evil lah. I make the kids keep their toys the moment they stop playing them cos they bring the toys to play in the room so they have to clear them else I threaten to throw everything away.

But D taught me something he learnt from sch.
He came back 1 fine day telling me we r very lucky, cos our hse is messy(according to his teacher that is). I was shocked of cos n huh.....does that mean D went to sch n announce his hse is messy? But hmmmm he does seem very happy with that tot so I left it alone.
Then I tot abt it n realized that his teacher must have meant that messy as in alot of things in the hse(ie. Can afford alot of things) That's why messy hse is lucky cos we r lucky to be able to afford them.

So now I will feel a little better then I used to when I think abt my messy hse which reminds me also of hw lucky we actually are.

Wow thanx n thanx for siaing......haha
I tot my only option was YouTube on the iPad. Now more place to find shows. (oppps)
I finished My Princess also n Mary Stay out all night but very disappointed with the story leh. Plus now I only want to watch shows that has pretty n handsome leads LOL. So even if story not so nice their nice faces makeup for it. Haha

Yeah man watching it on the news is so heart wrenching as well. D knows cos I had explained abt it to him during the recent quake before. So when he sees the news he will keep saying earthquake n ask me abt what is showing on the news.

Oh yes bottle will be here on Monday cos I missed the postman on fri. Sigh.
I let u know after I calculate k. Thanx.

Lunch Date
So how how??? Thurs or Fri?? Btw fri Isetan sale!!!
Anyway I am fine with both dates cos sch holiday but if kho kho then I will jus pop over to pass stuff much as I would love to eat but too heaty n the kids will not be able to eat as well. Then cant even tabao.......arghhhh
I read on bb center that their age they need abt 12-14 hrs of sleep everyday.
My kids do not nap cos they sleep 12-14 hrs sleep at night n they r not tired at all in the day. If your son doesn't get that much sleep at night then need to make up the numbers by taking naps.
Not sure with sleeping too much but they need to sleep to grow n replenish energy ma.
ohhh i like that way of thinking! i shall remind myself that!! my house is always in a mess!!!! hehe.

i think some of the kiddos here have started skipping naps. poppy is ok napping in school and we try to bring her out for big excursions over the weekend (in the mornings). but like yesterday after a big hike at henderson waves and mt faber, she was practically falling asleep in her food at lunch but when we got home, chirpy as a morning bird and not a shread of sleepiness left! but when i lay down with her, we both fell asleep fast, and she slept for 1.5 hours. :S

lunch date
actually i'm also not a kho nara fan so if there's another venue, count me in on either thurs or fri!

isetan sale... dor, sounds tempting!!! but i got no more isetan card. open to public or not?

BB said he saw a map on quake danger areas, and the whole of japan was in danger of another quake. (SG is in safe zone) but they are surprisingly calm. his friends in japan say they're not so bothered about the quake (where they are, which is a bit further from where it happened), but are more afraid of the nuclear plant. already there are leaks and over 100k people have been evacuated.

it's so scary. and puts so many things in perspective

girls, do you think it's really really possible to be a caffeine addict? i've given up coffee and it's been about a week and i get these horrid headaches in the PMs, and man, i really feel like i'm functioning on half a brain and i'm constantly dazed. i feel like a lead actress in a zombie movie. when i really cannot tahan, i take a cup of tea and lo and behold, much better. i've always had 1-2 cups of a coffee but never ever thought i would be addicted!!!
hehe cos i like that hat very much la! funny thing was that my friend and i were JUST joking 'if the kids were to fall into the pond, do we really have to jump in after them? cos the water is so dirty"

and the pic of me picking up the hat, the ladies all behind me... were STRANGERS enjoying the show lor!!! they even clapped after. haha. spidermum
Ooh, I love book sale, but I must control myself. Did I tell you girls that I'm totally helpless when it comes to those activity/sticker books? I dunno why, but when it comes to colouring/tracing books, it doesn't register. But give me stickers... and I cave in. It got so bad that I've ever bought Maths sticker books that are suitable for 7 year olds. Umm, luckily I had a nephew's birthday to give away to :p

Yes, it's definitely possible to be a caffeine addict. Me mom's one. Crowds and lack of caffeine gives her a killer headache. So she always has to control herself to 1, max 2 cups a day.
I m back! well for 2 days already. but it feels like forever. part of me is glad to be back, the other part is wanting to escape to some beach resort and NUA without the sound of my own voice saying variations on 'stop fighting! both of you' 'i will throw away your elmo DVD if you dun behave!' 'i dun like little boys who do not listen to their mamas.... i still love you, but i dun like you right now'

you spank? i thot you din!

ooooooooooooh, then you did the rite thing by leaving your offc job for a full time job being E's mum.
haha! i m off FB games. i hvnt even logged into FB since the KL work trip.

so no kho kho and no don pie = salad place or viet place? okies onz.
i forgot you're SAHM too paiseh paiseh... your cooking, baking and sewing skills are the subjects i failed miserably since secondary school... all those photos you posted on FB... Yummy!

abt the messiness in the house, my hb is almost like SY's hb... everything has its place... except his la! so, those toyogo or some brand of plastic containers esp those with wheels are life-savers for me. i have son's toys in like 3 flat ones to store under his bed and 1 big one he can push around the house. so every time when he's done with his toys, i'll make him dump everything back into the boxes before he can bring out stuff from other boxes. but i've stop buying toys for him. nowadays, i visit popular and other book stores more when i'm out. preparing myself when he starts his formal education... things i hear about the stuff they start teaching in K1 are scary!! haha... i'm still waiting visit the library at Nex.. was there for dinner earlier... sooo crowded...

we went to The Ship.. i ordered extra steamed rice for son coz he's chinaman, must have rice. and the rice was served on a plate in a tea cup shaped.. you know those tiny tea cups? and that 2 mouthful of rice cost $1.20!!!!! so hb asked the manager for more... guess what... they charged us $2.40 for the rice in the bill!!!! so mommies, if you ever eat at that restaurant, remember don't order any rice!

i have the same ailments as your mom... but recently, if i have my 2nd cuppa in the afternoon, i have difficulty falling asleep at night... if i resist the 2nd cuppa, then it's headache... i try to drink more water to sooth the headache.. sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.

welcome back cellow,
yes yes yes... escape is something i've been dreaming of lately... at least now i've managed to escape my job... as for escaping my son... my only solace is the fact that he'll be in school in the mornings for now hahah...

i can't stay away from the FB games leh... at night after son sleeps, i've nothing to do... nothing interesting on tv too... so ... play lor hehehe...
Isetan sale
Will the Thermos thermal pot be on sale? I am thinking of getting one.

SIngapore Biennale
We went to the Old Kallang Airport this afternoon for the SB. It's so gorgeous!

Oooh that's a good way to think of it, thanks!

Nap, yes, about an hour, sometimes more. Total is usually 11-12 hours a day.

I don't cane but will spank the buttocks sometimes to make a point.
so i shouldn't recommend you the sunday plus article about good coffee places *ahem* yes of coz caffeine is a substance your body can get addicted to. i used to drink 2-3 cups a day, then when pomfret was born, the caffeine was affecting her. now i've stopped drinking it for so long, remember that cup i had at your place at 5pm? i didn't sleep till 5 am later.

but i am having my bubble tea withdrawal headaches too. another 35 more days to go.

cool, planning to go SB too. have kept the straits times guide to getting around. i just hope when we're at the hay stack she doesn't tell me she wants to latch. then i'd really truly feel like a cow.

isetan sale! shucks why didn't send me any flyer boo hoo. so many things to buy for new place, not sure where to begin.

i definitely am not keeping up with inflation. wanted to buy flowers for a good friend, and found all flowers so expensive now. wanted to buy some classical pianist concert tickets for mr dustee, i almost fainted at the sistic counter. sigh.
oooo what other cool things does the ST guide recommend? we went to the sentosa boardwalk (again) today. it was lovely as always

isetan sale
oh yes i've been thinking of a thermos too! i have one too small and one too big. ok maybe i shouldn't be thinking about another one. piak my own hand

sigh no, don't share the coffee list with me. it's scary you know. i mean i thought 1-2 cups a day were harmless. perhaps pharmacies sell caffeine patches? you know, like nicotine patches?

handshake to my headache kaki!
sorry mums, is this the contact for the dental for our toddlers?

The School Dental Centre is located at:
Level 4, Health Promotion Board
3 Second Hospital Avenue
Singapore 168937
Tel: 6435 3782

i keep forgetting
i meant ST wrote a guide to surviving the biennale.

and pomfret isn't so interested in the boardwalk. she's more interested in the travellators, and the sentosa trains passing by.
so talking about babies, pb, i'm also not pregnant! i'm thinking about trying, but not really. see how first. maybe want to move out first.
don't like staying in landed property coz......

my ils are away, so rare chance for me to watch tv in the living room. since pomfret's asleep, i thought, just be a couch potato for a bit. nicely slouched into the sofa, drinking milo, and i spy a little suspicious movement in front of me....

a nice little frog is in the living room. 1.30am and there's a frog in the living room!!!!!

1.30am and i had to shoo a frog from the living room. sounds tame but the fact is i'm afraid of frogs. VERY AFRAID!!!!! but if i don't chase the frog out, who knows it might hop into my bedroom come tmr morning right?

yes. i don't like living on landed property. i've enough with the mozzies, the giant lizards, the frog, the centipedes, then millipedes......

i do like the occasional stray cat : P
Who needs to collect loot during lunch? Is salad place a tiny shop that may not fit many or needs reservations? Vietnam place? Doggiebb..can make reservations? Fri?

Dustee..dentist place is right..not easy to spot the right building though I felt..

Haha to your froggy encounter.. I had traumatic exPeriences as a kid.. of grabbing lizards on my showerhead, stuffing my foot into shoe and finding a toad inside..water not flowing down bathroom hole and finding a snake hiding inside! But I still love our garden back home
feel so tired that i can't wake up today!!!

jx is better now but jh started coughing. honestly i dunno whether the doc is scaring me but i guess prevention better than cure. but now i have to give her the inhaler for at least 5 more days and she's difficult! unlike jh who took it quietly last time...

admire u! u really bring the kids out a lot! i feel so tired bringing them out. that day i went to a wedding dinner with them alone and had to carry jx for like 15 min to walk to the hotel. cos no parking there. felt my arms aching today....

hee your hb is also a neat freak? high five! got pros and cons lah. at least there's always someone to make sure the house is neat...haha. just got to endure some nagging...

re baking
yesterday i tried baking with the kids but none were patient enough! how do u mummies do it? share share. i tot maybe next time i shall prepare the dough in advance and they jsut do the shaping cookie part.....

what did u do at sentosa boardwalk? anything interesting? i m thinking of bringing the kids on fri cos me and hb on leave.

re sleep
me me! my kids dun nap at all!!! even jx who is sick dun nap. yesterday she woke earlier than jh, and slept later than jh! is there something wrong with her???
Wah admire you so much for doing so many activities with your kids.

My girl takes afternoon naps between 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs.

Of course you can be addicted to caffeine. One of my girlfriend takes her coffee black 2-3 times a day and she claimed her brain stop working if not for the coffee. She'll get headaches too, and becomes irritable hahaha. If you tried to go cold turkey is difficult cuz it could lead to headaches. maybe you could reduce it gradually before stopping.

OMG FROG!!! That's like one of the creatures I'm most afraid of aside from Lizard. Dunno why I felt the frog always look at you in the eye and ready to jump near any time. *shivers* Eh but you are ok leh cuz you DARE to chase it away. I would probably scream for the helper. Hahahaha
maybe i m being sour grapes (bcz at the back of my mind, i KNOW i cannot afford landed ppty in SG now).... i told Mr C that i do not want to live in landed ppty bcz of all the creepy crawlies that might come into the hse. plus i m lazy to maintain.

but... when i see C1 running up and down the hse at my ILs' place... even though tis just a intermediate terrace hse in MY.... my resolve starts to shake.

sd, dd,
i m scared stiff of creepy crawlies too.
BUT i m sure if emma/ashley or G or C1/C2 starts to yell MAMA! HELP!! in the presence of one, we would all jump in and slay cockroaches or frogs or lizards :p
thou shalt show no fear in front of the kids..... keke.

i also played fb games ystday then realised shucks 2 hrs passed w/o me knowing.
you're funny hahaha... milking in the barn? heheh :p

did you get the frog or toad in the house?? slimmy... yew!! how about bats? have you ever encounter them? there are 3 little ones residing at my parents' place now. and the pigeons.. i had them above my toilet when i was still staying with my parents... was so afraid one day they would just come crashing down during my shower!!! that'd scare the daylight out of me!

my hb doesn't nag.. he only opens his mouth on must-to basis hahaha... but his bao qing tian face says it all hahhaa.. but yes, that's one way to keep the house neat and tidy most of the time. maybe my son got that trait from his daddy.

speedy recovery to jh.. i was recommended giving coughing son Fluimicil for his coughing & phlegm, can buy at any pharmacy. maybe you want to check with the doctor/pharmacist about trying for your kid.

thanks mommies for sharing the info. my son naps about 1.5-2 hrs now too.. was just wondering if he's sleeping too much. but i guess he's on track. thanks again.

are most of your kids visiting the dentist already? i haven't got round to that yet...

i cannot imagine you spanking your boys... not that i want to see it but no... not from you to your boys... this is how good my impressions are of your boys
Quickie post; as I'm shoving lunch down my throat at my desk (&@*#), it's catch up time on blogs too. Pat on the back for Youpi & PB..our role models who keep us encouraged and going..after reading abt how you superwoman do it all! *two thumbs up*

Creepy crawlies: planning to take wed off and hb asked: where shall we bring the kids to? Crocodile farm? Before he could end his question came my loud NO haha

Actually my hair was standing slightly, looking at the wriggly fish on my kitchentop..looks like I'm only into the furry kind of animals haha
Argh. In hosp now. Brought pop to park in a.m then on our final slide, she went down first and landed on her butt so I hurried down after her and landed VERY HARD of mine. I saw stars when I landed, felt dizzy and nauseous. The pain was excruciating with every step. Luckily BB met us and brought her home while I cabbed to A and E. Now just waiting to get x ray done. Owwww!!!

Poppy also said pain pain but I think and hope she's just imitating me. Once BB said he checked her and she seemed fine my mind had time to think of other things like "I wonder if I'm wearing nice panties today"
i havent brought C1 to the dentist.

toilet training
i want to vent.
we went out to the farms with the ILs and the 2 boys on sat. C1 pooed in his diaper. Mr C cleaned up. then nagged at C1 the whole way back. C1 (must have learnt fm school) rolled on the dirty floor when we specifically told him to get up now. so escalated into a bad bad situation where Mr C spanked C1 during the trip.

i feel like spanking/scolding Mr C!
to tell him if he cannot control his temper, pls stay away fm the boys. dun even bring them out anywhere pls. this sort of inconsistent and tempremental behaviour (Mr C, not C1) will only confuse C1. i will somehow manage w the maid. luckily got FIL and MIL around to curb the worst of Mr C's excesses. C1 is only 2 1/2... he wouldnt understd instructions 100% and even if he does, he wouldnt obey immediately.

i need to protect my elder son fm his father, so pushed C2 to sleep w maid since Fri night. C2 woke from 2-3am last night, i pumped milk for him to drink, still whining. i got a lot on my mind now.... but talked over w MIL this morning.... at least i m reassured that i m doing the right thing for my boys, both of them.
Lunch this Thursday?

Date : 17 March 2011 (Thurs)?
Venue : Viet Place below SCB?
Time: 12.30pm?

(1) Batgirl

Let's get the ball rolling!
I hope you're ok dear!

*pat pat* aiyoo I'm the one actually who can't control my temper. *bad mum* Lucky you have your in-laws around. My mom would always reminded me when I'm about to scold my kids. Ask mr C to talk to C1 after wards to explain to C1 why daddy was angry.
PB - take care! hope all is good. no sudden movements ya.

cellow - when you say spanking..what extend is it? i also give bean the spanks on the bum bum esp when she refuses to listen and starts throwing a tantrum on the floor ..and when she does something tt dangers herself like flinging off our hand and try to run across a busy road by herself. but other times when she is just plain rude (like asking ppl to go away), she gets the time out corner. we try not to scold too much when they soil their undergarments..i think they are still growing up la..and if we make a big deal out of it, it might just traumatise them :p
spank is a smack on the bum or thigh or hand.
Mr C only smacks once. no more. tis all the shouting and screaming that i cannot tahan.
and Mr C talks to C1 harshly (at least that is what it sounds like to me) for the rest of the day. mad man.
that's why i want to tell him to tk his own time out instead of venting on C1. after scolding, might reason why and even more impt, reassure him that he is still loved. not continue scolding.

well i am also no saint.
it totally breaks my heart to look into C1's eyes and see FEAR of his daddy. that really incites me to violence.
hope nothing serious.. rest well.. don't forget you don't have a diaper to protect your bum bum...

tell me abt it... so many similar situations happened between my hb & son. sometimes over trivia things, he'd become rather hostile towards the boy. it's during these times that i'm not sure if this man loves his son at all. it's very sad and heart breaking to see such situations... plus i know that when the boy is older, he'll look up to his daddy as his role model rather than me. so if hb continues such "meanness" towards him, i hate to imagine the kind of father-son relationship they'd have and the kind of personality that my son will develop. i'm really at a lost. sometimes grown man can be sooo immature!! sigh...

anyone has any advice on how to deal with a hb like that?

Ouch! PB..is ur bum bum ok? Think u may have hurt ur tailbone?

Cin..scary how bean ran to a bush road! But agree with u on holding back the reprimands on soiled undies..

Cellow..poor c1.. Sounds like mr c needs to attend some anger management course..tell him it doesn't help to nag cos kids n dogs have shOrt attention span and won't be thinking of it the whole day and harping on it..so scold on the spot, explain why..kiss n make up, then move on with life...
