(2008/07) July 2008

XP stays with MIL during weekdays, watches tv most of the time, which is something i don't want, but cannot say this to MIL, she will be unhappy. sighz. was thinking signing XP up in parent-accompanied class, at least she can learn something useful other than watching tv :p

u back to s'pore already?

thanks for the info

girls, farm visit how? to update (for you, holly!)

Farm visit
Can I suggest we try to meet early (I know, I am not a morning bird either, but… ) so that it won’t be so hot, then we can walk around and have lunch, possibly at Bollywood (smiggle I love that place too!), and then head on home with konked out kiddos in tow?
Tentative date and time: 27 Jan, next wed, at kranji mrt station (shall we try to catch 1030am bus if cars are not possible?)
1) Pinkbunny and poppy
2) SY
3) BBP
4) Dustee
5) Cin bunny maybe
Who else!

the bus schedule is here: http://www.kranjicountryside.com/kranji_express_schedule.pdf

whoever is coming pls sms me by tuesday night. all got my hp no right?
i shd be getting car. i will need to go market so prob reach there ard 10am?

whats the plan like? go hay diaries first then bollywood?

jh loves the tooth mousse. but it's so ex! so i din get more after finishing it.
farm visit
if i KO, will you mummies ergo me? hehe. my wed is still free for this, but i'm a bit worried about how pomfret will react to being woken up earlier than usual (lately she's been sleeping past midnight then waking only around 11am)

i finished twilight and new moon in two nights and gosh am i one very very very very very sleepy person now. new moon is quite blah though. used to scoff at these teenagers-intended novels, but after a hectic day of parenting, books that can be read with only one functioning brain cell is really welcome. pb, what have you done to me! i've reserved eclipse from the library though hehe.

poo update
pomfret refuses prune juice. refuses to sit on potty. i still have the pears in the fridge, going to try soon. but she's drinking more water now coz i bought her a mickey mouse water bottle. and i think she might even be eating porridge again coz i'm using a mickey mouse spoon. hahaha. oh gosh.

mickey mouse
i really don't like to encourage this obsession thing. like coz she likes mickey mouse then everyone around starts buying mickey mouse stuff. sigh. but hb don't listen to me. and in-laws definitely indulge way too much. sigh.

then who will bring xp to the parent-accompanied classes? i'm also wondering between parent-accompanied classes like JG (pomfret did enjoy the trial class) or those montessori playgroups (non-parent-accompanied). but i haven't visited any montessori places yet.
hee jx loves mickey mouse too! and doraemon...err i m quite guilty of indulging her. i buy a lot of mickey mouse and doraemon for her. cos they are good for distracting her!

is seng choon open to public? not all farms are open to public.

so who's going tmr besides me and PB and holly?

anyone interested to go for art class? i saw this art loft that has bb and mummy class. seems quite good. at katong.
well at least one good thing came out of the mickey mouse craze! she's eating and drinking!

if you can fit into my ergo, i will ergo you :D

re farm
hehe SY i also depend on the forum for updates so i also dunno who's confirmed! girls, i will sms you (bbp, dustee, holly, SY, cin bunny). i'm also a bit worried about poppy's naptime cos she usually sleeps about 11 but i guess can tahan till after lunch but warning warning, may be a very very cranky bunny

speaking of bunny, not sure if i updated here but she got bitten by a bunny yesterday
at a petting zoo
what a rough couple of days it's been for poor ole pop! splinters, bunny. sigh. i feel a bit guilty for not feeling guilty about the bunny though
poor poppy! do bunnies bite? thot they are like one of the mildest animals around... anyway, hope its not serious (no blood or anything)...

enjoy your farm tomorrow.. sounds like fun and HOT (hope it will be cloudy tomorrow so its not so hot).

art class? katong? keen! whats the details?
think we will have 2 cranky bb at 11. tat is also usual nap time for jx...

let me call them to see whether can do a trial first. if not it is 380 for 10 lessons
i'm looking for weekend classes so that i can bring XP to the class... if i ask MIL to bring XP to lesson, she sure not happy one.

XP also loves Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh, coz her grandpa lets her watch disney playhouse channel everyday
poppy also nap time at 11am. and pomfret only wakes up at 11... shall we try to go in pm instead? like meet at bollywood at 130pm?

aiyah sorry to confuse you girls with my caterpillar userID. don't know why i got logged in as that. must be typo.
i can't go in afternoon. cos jh will be back and i have to rush off. and afternoon is really too hot!

the last time i went at 930 it's already quite hot and we left ard 12 i think. so it gets really hot towards noon. so we shd go as early as possible actually.

i can prob try to reach kranji mrt by 10am. if no mummies keen to go tmr morn then maybe will ask hb to let me use car another day instead.
Eh, so Kranji farm how?

Anyway, the Zoo thingy... put it on hold first ok? I'm asking my mom for her corporate tickets thingy... it's weekday and can admit up to 8 people, so hold on till I get more info from her!
CALLING FOR HOLLY. can you sms me please? you have my number but i don't have yours

alamak sy. if we can't go in am cos JX needs to sleep and can't go in pm cos JH gets home from school then how? we go at night? kekeke

all farmers check sms!
Hiya mummies.. Read an article in today paper dat got me a bit worried, n had to remind myself to take a chill pill: anyone's kiddos walking on tiptoe now? BbG is.. Article said common n they should outgrow it by 2 or 3 but if not, could be linked to cerebral palsy or autism!
Declan does walk on tiptoes occasionally, but I think it's more of a novelty and a exploratory thing cos he walks normally most of the time.
oooo dustee you like new moon? (the book, not the abalone). i didn't really like because.... ahem. better not spoil market in case anyone else caught the edward bug and haven't read yet

i think book 1 was nice, 2 was bleah, 3 was a definite improvement over 2, and 4 was a comedy. but of course, midnight sun still the best!

only for those who have finished book 2. if you haven't, not that i don't heart you, but this is a big spoiler: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/nm_extras_rosalie.pdf
tiptoe at their age is common.. they are testin out their balance.. a good way is to let him walk in shoes more..

Kayden went doc and was declared avg growth at 11kg 80cm..
might go into mild autism if he doesnt say much soon.. maybe too much tv..

he be goin for therapy next week..
doctor encourage activities to also assist in fine motor skills;
-pourin from one container to another.. can do in bathe..
-insert coins into piggy bank
-shape concepts through shape sorters
-precise placement thru stackin cubes/lego
-drawin strokes/dots..

so where to buy crayola??
you wanna buy a racer car bed for poppy? hehe.. is she still sleeping in her cot? or did i recall u buying her a toddler bed from ikea already?

bbG's still in his cot.. wonder when will it be time to upgrade.. and if it will fit into my room (I can't bear to kick my bb out!)

there's some kiddy furniture shop dat's quite popular.. but can't seem to recall the name now!

smiggle: consider being a temp SAHM again to keep kayden company for a while if finances are ok? since u r maidless too now.. n dun quite agree wiv IL's style of bringing up kayden?

i still haven't dared to let bbG doodle wiv crayons and pens unsupervised so he still gets his doodle board and aqua doodle mat a lot.. which he uses to colour his own head and me and the floor and my dog! maybe i should stop him or he'll do the same with a real pen or crayon in his hand next time huh!

PB: you have created a traffic jam at the national library.. I'm in queue no... xxx (urr can't remember) for the twilight book now! haha!

farm visits: oh how i wish we could go tomorrow ... have fun girls and babies!
L also likes to tip toe sometimes. Nothing to worry about, they do outgrow it.

Why does Kayden's doc think that he may develop mild autism? L is <10kg>80cm. Also not talking much. But he does like doing those activities that you mentioned.
Crayola: Toys R Us has. Have also seen some at Spotlight. And there are sprees here too.

Racer car bed
oh ya..was at chinatown on sunday to do a bit of CNY goodies shopping and boy was it crowded already.. and hey PB...guess what...


oh ya..was at chinatown on sunday to do a bit of CNY goodies shopping and boy was it crowded already.. and hey PB...guess what...


no need to worry abt jx's nap. she's quite flexible when we are outside. sometimes can do without nap till 3pm!!

crayola can be bought from most book stores or kids store but u can check out those BP. no need to get only crayola. other brands also have thick color pencils. i bought from stabilo before. there's another new brand that i bought recently. they have really nice thick pencils. think it's under lyra.

try to limit the TV time. or only watch more educational stuff?

today jx surprised me. she actually sounded letter a, b and c! hee, maybe it's slow compared to some other bb here but jx has always seemed slower than jh but i m quite happy that everyday singing of letter sounds to her finally paid off! the leapfrog dvd helped also. when i asked her what sound a makes, she will do ahhh, and so on. she also can say a, b and d. quite funny to hear her sound the letters.

re tiptoe
jx does that too. think she's trying to jump also....

any wet weather plan?
LOL at bbG colouring his head! i've left poppy alone with crayons and ended up with streaks on my sofa. so now, only supervised

wow i am so proud of you! you finally managed to find CK! woohoo! since preggie days hor? :p

poppy has not been sleeping in cot for a very long time liao cos she's managed to CLIMB out of it! the ikea white cot set at the lowest level. i think it's cos she is tall and lanky, strong and very determined. so she sleeps on an adult bed. fell off once, last night. she likes walking around on the bed and it's about 1 foot high. so i'd really rather get her a smaller bed. read that kiddos feel more secure in beds their size. figured might as well la, since it will last a couple of years

aiyer you really think i am pri school lao shi ah?! if rain, i also dunno how. if rain (touch wood) then we sms again lor

i don't think JX is slow at all with regards to A B C!

racer car beds
thanks youpi! but the price! siao!!! i was also thinking of furniture mall
will check it out soon
Do you have a high chair? If so, you can plonk bbG in it and let him have his way with crayons relatively unsupervised. The chair's easy to clean up with Crayola crayons.
farm visits
gonna sms pb a bit later in the morning to say i'm not going along to the farm visits. hb's project at work had an issue and boss closed the office for two days. so he gets to spend the time with pomfret today instead. (he's antisocial so it doesn't work to ask him along to the farm, sigh)

eh i agree new moon is very bleah. not just for the general absence of your new boyfriend, but it's just bella whining throughout. still on the queue for eclipse though, from the library. at least that gives me a chance to sleep this week haha.

jx is definitely not slow! pomfret is barely just starting to say mama and papa and her all time favourite words are still only "woofwoof" and "eowwwwww" (imagine meow without the m)

and er,unfortunately the only letter she picks out now is "i" coz i is for ice cream.....
doodling in the high chair: good idea, bbp.. he seldom wanna sit in there, unless it's mealtime in front of the tv.. and still attempts to climb out sometimes..

have fun at the farm later, girls!

dustee: wah u r an early bird, while pomfret's a night bird!
i wish.. but the only block is cos i need money in my cpf for housing mortgage..

hmm, that's course kayden speaks5 words and less??
and tends to go hmmmmm.. for everythin else..

see how the speech therapy goes.. main thing is the TV.. too much barney..

Racer beds
can prevent kayden from climbin out? but i dunno put where...
do1nk, one of my Chinese teacher in sec sch also walks with tip-toed feet. I think case by case bah.

I know what you mean.. my 3 kiddos sleep in my room every nite!!
mummies... i need some advise... my grandfather just passed away today... can i attend the wake as I'm alrdy 6 mths preggy?? my mum says shld be okie as its my grandfather mah... but my MIL says by right shld not leh... so how?? anyone of u can advise??

So sorry to hear about your loss...

it is ok to attend ba. My MIL passed away 3 weeks before wuffy is born. I was also at the wake, but i tied a red ribbon around my tummy. I never go and see the coffin nor was I present when they nailed the coffin. I also never go to the colobarium.

U can check with the undertaker on the procedures.
thks for the advise... but i wish to attend the wake as i'm quite close to my grandfather n he dote on us alot... but i think the superstitious one is my MIL so i think need to ask her lor... i also gather the tie a red ribbon advise from some of the other mummies in the forum...
oh.. sorry to hear about your loss, JSP and batgirl too.. must have been hard on your hb.. losing mom and getting a bb boy soon back then..

personally I dun follow such superstitions so I attended wakes and weddings when preggie previously..

wonder how the farmer mummies and babies are doing.. bright sunny day today!

In a way, Wuffy brought joy to my hubby and FIL. MIL's passing was expected. She got lukeamia.... so the new bundle of joy helped to lighten up the mood.

JSP, I know what you mean, especially when ur grandfather is so close to you... you would want to pay your last respects.

bbp, how was the farming? :D got pictures?
oh no, poor poppy...
it must have been a tough week for her and for you.

and racer car bed for poppy???

barbie sometimes will tip toe for rather one leg tip toe the other normal walking.
boz the lil boy at my house is having problem with his legs and he cant walk properly.
so barbie follow and copied.

anyway, i guess it is fine. but tell him off to avoid him doing it too often.

toy r us?

update on farming please.
so sad that we missed it.
have been crazy with the house viewing.
from a secretary to a house agent and everything else.
i am ms bao ga liao.
Um I don’t think racer beds can prevent climbing. Just that it’s relatively lower to the ground and the rails prevent them from falling in their sleep

Had great fun at the farm! Thanks SY and BBP! Hope JX and dec also had fun. poppy’s cheeks are still red. She fell asleep while having her milk but only 1 hour. Mummy though was whacked out and slept for 2 hours at home! Hahaha

Maybe your teacher was trying to act taller in front of her students? ;)

Oh no. sorry to hear about your grandfather. I guess it is up to you. Were you close? And would you like to attend? Since your mum and MIL have conflicting views

Aiyoh ya lor. Poor little girl. Today she wore my hat at bollywood farm and it was so big that she couldn’t see where she was going then bumped her head on the table. And while I was carrying her she was crying then JX so cute, came to kaypoh then she bumped her head too!

Racer car bed is cos poppy loves cars so much la. And her current bed is adult bed so quite high

Huh, you got to see house for your lao ban??
Mummies who went for the farm trip,
sorry last min put aeroplane. I woke up with a body felt like tearing apart. so so sorry. din mean it. No next time le! Sorry!

sorry to hear abt ur grandpa. u take care!
it's ok! i was rushing out of the house so forgot to reply
get well soon!

SY and bbp
pics up at my blog. sorry SY. JX was moving too quick for me so i hardly have any pics of her!
so sorry to hear abt your grandpa. think best that u ask the old folks. even if not superstitious, better to get their ok first. i had a fren who told me what happen to her when she was pregnant and thne a relative pass away. her mil insisted that she attned the funeral though she din wan to and she said she gave birth early. dunno whether any relation but my fren is of the idea that shd avoid funerals.

PB, bbp
jx din sleep!! she fell asleep in the car but when we reached home she woke up! so she only nap like 20 min i think.

hee, will go check out your blog!! yeah she moves really fast. i think the 2 gals are really rough compared to Declan. he was such a good boy during lunch.

and i ate teh banana bread. jx loves it too!
hey! did you get dat pair of white sandals from the BP here or from tom &amp; stephanie? if it was teh latter, how much did you pay? I got the exact same pair for my niece! feels nice and soft.. any complaints from princess poppy abt them yet?
I think hor since its ur grandfather you should go. But u must convince ur mil lah since u stay with her.
What my cousin's preg wife did was she tie a red ribbon around her tummy(under the clothes) to 'protect' bb.
sorry to hear of your loss.
since tis your MIL who objects and you are staying w her, tread v carefully on this one.... personally i would go, budden listen also to what the old folks say abt protecting the bb (tie red thread ard tummy ah, dun witness the cremation etc).

be sure that watever you do, your grandfather knows your fillial intentions, and that is enuf. neither your mum or mil can say anything more abt your decision. oh, and get HB onside, watever you decide!

big hugs, gal.

hope you are feeling better now!

why not move your 3 kiddos out tog? then they hv one another for coy at night.

pomfret is not slow either. C1 can still only say dada for all vehicles and wawa for all animals. he will deign to call mama and papa only when he wants smthing from us. and smtimes when HB or i ask him to call us, he will papa me and mama HB, and grin then run away b4 we can catch him... pengsan. but i know he knows i m mama, bcz when he was in trouble getting stuck climbing up the sofa, he yelled for me MAMAAAAA and HB wasnt in.

the hse viewing is personal or for your boss?

C1 does that too, smtimes. More of a novelty, like walking backwards and walking sideways (like crab). he nearly gave me a heart attack when he tried to climb up the 3 steps at my aunt's place backwards, holding onto the wall V-E-R-Y carefully.

i went to brussels today! seat of the EU and all that. more historical looking bldgs than in rotterdam

hb and i are definitely enjoying the break, but missing C1 too. hb replayed some of C1's perth videos so i m missing him a bit less now.
Snowing a lot there? the sun's been blazing n glaring here past few days

as I'm commuting to work, was thinking maybe I should brave bbG's cries n let him slowly learn dat mummy needs to leave for work every morning.. Coz I'm currently sneaking out but dun like leaving without saying gdbye wiv a hug..

Tired.. Can't wait for the weekend to be here.. Not that I'll be more rested but at least I get to hang out wiv my baby! Still infatuated haha

JSP - sorry about your grandpa..take care oki.

cellow - are u ever coming bk gal?
trust u took pictures of the pee pee boy at the fountains in brussels

farm visit - so bummed tt i could not join..but is zoo trip on for next wed?

bbG - i know what u mean about sneaking out..but now a days, i just hold some raisins in hand and when i hug and kiss soph bye, i pass her the raisins to distract her from crying ;)

weekend - looking fwd to it too! hubby will be out of town which means i get sophie all to myself and we will do girlie stuff together like tea parties and brunches..heeheehee
