(2008/07) July 2008

it is for my boss la.
they are leasing a unit....
so now i became agent trying to rent the unit out.
also a house maid to clean the house too.

zoo trip
really have to be wednesday?
i cant again....

fri i think can lehz

barbie is going for her MMR next monday

it is for my boss la.
they are leasing a unit....
so now i became agent trying to rent the unit out.
also a house maid to clean the house too.

zoo trip
really have to be wednesday?
i cant again....

fri i think can lehz

barbie is going for her MMR next monday

yeah they will check at the entrance with the membership card. on the card, just the pic of me, hb and the 2 children mah. last time, they allow one helper or one grandparent to go in with the family. now they say cannot already! grrrr...
Sleeping by self is GOOD!!!!!!

Have fun with my boyfriend! I think I am breaking up with him liao haha

Cin bunny and michelle
Fri morning good for me for zoo!

Helpers are not allowed in the zoo?????

Poor xun. Sayang sayang! I think maybe it’s the milk that we mix with the HT cereal that may not be good for diahorrea? Maybe mix with water? Does it work with juice?
dor, holly, bbp, SY - you've got mail!
hi mummies,

need some advise fm pretty mummies here :~
normally after our period (say abt 5 to 6 days) than 1.5 wk later, suddenly this morning i got discharge again w blood n a bit of blood clot till nw how ??? should i go c gynae or normal GP ??

is it normal ????????
U mean U have bloody discharge the whole day??
I would suggest you go n see your gynea for check liao.

Was gonna ask u how is S doing in Kindy??
Finally settled??
Oh yah n hw does S take his milk now??
Cos I am considering weaning Ember cos she closes her mouth into a tight line when she falls asleep while latching n her teeth closes on me VERY tight that have me screaming in pain sometimes and have had to push her awake a few times just to free myself.
N cos she doesn't take the pacifier and bottle.....I'm not really sure what I'm trying to do too leh......sigh

Yup read it but........not free to sit down n reply u yet.......hehe
that's called spotting, I think, serene.. best to go see a gynae.. this is one of the symptoms of endometriosis (blood cyst)

PB on some secret mission? hehe

anyway mummies.. I've been rather troubled with the controversy over vaccines again since the PD called to remind me of bbG's MMR & booster jabs.. and I've decided NOT to give him anything anymore, except the compulsory two: DIPHTERIA & MEASLES.. and will go look for a clinic that will offer individual jabs with no THIMEROSAL (mercury).. hope I'm doing the right thing...
I M BACK! glad to only wear a single layer in Singapore

C1 has grown taller over these 2 weeks, also seems to have lost some of his bb fats around the cheeks. Hmmm. Do they really change so much in 2 weeks?

the cost is rather prohibitive for single jabs, my PD told me abt the cost, then i was like wah so expensive and promptly forgot abt the figure (!!!). why not wait till bbG is 2 yo then MMR/booster jab him? that is what my PD is recommending for C1.

so wean or dun wean E from your breast? ouch ouch clamping into tight line sounds really painful!
it's not really leh...$105 for the measles only jab.. now hunting for the diphteria only jab...

it's juz so scary after reading these real life stories of kids (even at age 3-4plus when u can tell for sure they did not start out autistic) take the jab and turn autistic after that...

did you know john travolta was a victim too.. and lost his son to seizures ultimately...
yeah ytd whole day bloody discharge, this morning nothing but after bath suddenly got again.

would like to go in e morning to c gynae but today my grandfather death anniversary nw at my grandmum house, have to wait for e PM session at 2 pm to c gynae. I also need to wait for my Hubby to go w me or else nobody look after my gal.
it's not a lot of bloody discharge right? just spotting like can be contained with a panty liner? should be no problem, dun worry.. or maybe this month u r irregular? stressed out lately?
maybe its just a change in menstrual cycle??
i kenna before but not so much discharge.. its just like menses twice in a mth..

kayden just took MMR and chickenpox.. i ask his doctor and she said its safe lei.. so far no hard evidence on autism.. im realli worried cos after seein the speech therapist, they conclude him as of 50% of what normal child can do.. such as turn-taking and copying and making noise...
His short attn span makes it diff to learn..
his vocab is only 5 words..
Haiz, he has to go back every 3 weeks..
smiggle, kayden has vocab of 5 words! wow. Eboy has a vocab of, ahem, *whisper*, zero. boo hoo...

serene, check check check.. dun worry over what you do not know or cannot control.. just go C gynae...

bbG, why so worried about MMR? just delay as much.. I asked my PD about the link to Autism etc, and the mercury content, and her answer to me was so simple. "you get higher mercury content in fish than an injection"... so duh loh... I also dun want to think so much... already inject liao... if you dun feel good, just delay it loh.. MMR is a common disease in Asia loh... esp in Hong Kong, CHina etc.. that's what the PD said, and hubby immediately say, take take take!

Anyof your child got suddenly, 3 teeth appear at the same time? must be like, damn painful right?? Eboy, for the first in his lifetime, skipped afternoon nap totally last weekend.. drag until 530, we went out and he dozed off immediately before the car drove out of the carpark.. obviously so tired liao still refuse to nap. is it due to teething? or is it, again, sigh, another phase we have to go through????
zoo mummies
when are we going huh? wed or fri?

poor E boy! it could be not due to teething. poppy's nap time is also changing. from 1030 to 1130, and today, 130! no sign of new teeth i think. it's been 16 for a very long time liao
dun fret... just go see the gynae... n remember to update us... *hugz*

Ernest's PD also assured us that there are no concrete evidence of MMR linked to autism... so dun worry too much... i was also concerned so instead of combining the jabs, i spread them out so not so hard on the body...

Ernest vocab also very limited... and every child's development is diff... but i'm starting to feel that he's talking alot more after gg to school... coz the sch dun let the children watch TV... heehee...

4 teeth appeared at the same time for Ernest recently... n he was drooling n putting his fingers into his mouth... so i guess it must be real painful... he's still drooling alot so i guess more teeth is appearing... for naps wise, i think its just a phase, coz Ernest was like this some time back n recently he can nap 2 times a day for 2-3 hrs each... so dun worry too much... it'll pass...
whoa, 4 at the same time! must be painful right? or just discomfort?

Anyway, today Eboy woke at 6am. I was too tired to attend to him so PaPa did. so without further saying, both of them stayed awake since then lah. Eboy attended the JG class and fell asleep during lunch. haha.. so I guess today nap time back to normal... hopefully it stays that way...

Zoo Mummies,
Zoo confirmed on Friday morning 930am! lets meet at the entrance?
ya... i think so lor... coz the collar of his shirt was wet... n he preferred his fingers to his fav pacifier so guess it must be quite uncomfy but he did not cry so maybe not painful... dun worry too much... its usually just a phase...
Mmr and chickenpox jab
barbie just took hers today. Both inject at the same time. And right before her jab. She fell down and hit her nose flat on the floor. Was already crying like crazy then got to "suffer" two jabs at one go. She scream and cry. Now ok Liao. Sleeping soundly in our new ergo. First time using too. Initially she refused loh. I was so afraid she don wan loh. Then waste money.

Teeth growing. Michelle, Barbie also growing 4 at obe time. Every now and then have to change her bib. It would be filled with saliva very fast loh. And with four growing half way out, two more start to grow. Now much better liao. At least she isn't drooling like crazy.

maybe should visit ur gynae. Just to play safe loh.
I just finally finish my one month long "mense". I am offically back in business.

Barbie now can identify car, bus everytime we went pass one. She particularly like "bus" emphasis on the "s" somemore.
Oh, doc was very impress with her vocab bank. She also mention that toddler like her have one vocab is already very impressive liao. So JSP don worry la.

when teething, Barbie nap routine didn't change. Still nap at 1 to 4.
ya loh. Barbie also prefer her finger than her chu chu.
And she will suck until she show the vomit signs.
There was once she keep sucking her finger, she had diarrhea after than loh.

maybe can bring out his teething toy for him to bite bite. Especially those cold cold ones. Barbie loves them...
*sayang barbie* must be real painful... plus the fall... i'm not worrying too much... coz i think they'll talk when its time... heehee... in the meantime, i just have to figure out wat he wants... okie, i'll try the teething toy again... congrats on getting back in business...
I try not to compare kayden with other babies.. so if the therapist say he is slower i listen lor.. they are supposed to be the expert for premature babies..
according to her, times flies, before u know it he's two yrs and not speaking much.
i need to practise alot with him at home..

true! Less TV.. cant wait to send him to school..
but hor, how would the teachers understand them if they cant speak???

Poor barbie... kayden also growin teeth.. been puttin his finger into his mouth often..
congrats.. take it slowly in the baby making..
at this stage, me sometimes also dunno wat he wants lor... so its usually thru guessing... coz Ernest will usually point to wat he wants... so i guess that's how the teachers understand him lor... n he cries if it is not wat he wants... maybe u can read to him more... i think the teachers in school read n do alot of activities with the children....
jabs: I guess if you have already given, then try not to think about it (like all the past jabs I've given him.. bcg, 6-in-1, rotavirus, pneumococal) but now that I'm aware of this, I can't ignore leh.. it's too big a risk for me to take.. I really can't bear to see him become autistic because I made him take the vaccinations..

didn't we all grow up without jabs for chicken pox, mumps and rubella.. and it wasn't fatal when we caught it either right?

there were cases of 3-4 year olds turning autistic after the jab too leh.. and we can't delay too much coz mandatory age is 2 yrs old?

teething: wah many of our kiddos are jamming fingers in mouth lately ah.. bbG jammed his in real deep so could be back molars? He's been stuck with 16 teeth for some time liao too..

LOL on qing being back in biz.. good for you! jia you!
U funny lah back in business.
But glad ur taking it positive.

So when r u going back to work?? Anyone meeting for lunch??....hehe
I can pop over to get the stuff from you after I send D to sch. But um.....must know where you are...hehe
I sms u lah.
Mr Qing, look out! Qing is "back in business!!"
so funny lah...

wah, so many are also teething at the same time. Eboy only had 11 teeth nia, now add 3, so total will be 14 liao. and ya, he also bite his finger and dig dig dig until saliva all over.

Those things i let eboy bite, he will throw away immediately. Those things that I dun allow him to bite, he will happily put it in his mouth and scream when I force it out. Sigh.

Eboy doesnt speak at all, but I understand him most of the time, maciam we xing you ling xi (telepathy) like that loh... haha... maybe that;s why he doesnt speak? cos he doesnt need to and things get done his way. ha

one fine day, my helper, yes my helper, who never, never interfere with my child rearing methods, told me that "mdm, eboy big boy already, sometimes need to scold him a bit leh, cannot always give in" ... makes me think, maybe I really DID give in to him too much so much so that she thinks I am spoiling Eboy oredi?? hmmmm...
Hi all thanks for ur concern when c gynae in e PM, did an ultrascan n viginal check....

Gynae found 3 things blood clots quite a lot ,along e wall also sticky thick fluid n a cyst ( which is small nw) given medicine to eat for 5 days to break e blood clots n e sticky thick fluid to release out by than blood will stop if it doesn't will have to do minor op cleaning. As for e cyst gynae say just let it b hope it will break ......

Gd luck ..... when we having our bb gal party on tutu skirt ???
PB, I think for this age, 16 teeth max liao. Wuffy still stuck at 8 teeth only. No signs of others.

Immunisations... Wuffy completed his liao... only left one more Hep A booster when he turns 2. I still believe autism linked to genes. bbG definitely exhibits no signs of autism. Wuffy's cousin is autistic, so I am particularly paraniod.

Serene, wow! lucky you went to see a gynae! take care!
Yes, dats why I dun wanna take the risk that I could have caused it fm e jabs... Anyway.. Still hunting for the single diphteria jab...

Batgirl: max baby milk teeth is 16 ah? I've always thought it was 24 hehe.. Or is it? Adult teeth is 32 right? I must go count mine in e bathroom later... Haha
have u checked if polyclinics have that??

batgirl is right for now they will have teeth until the 1st molars then abt 2 yrs old then 2nd molars(another 4) then milk teeth complete(I think). Cos not sure if I see wrong as D seems to be having something growing after his 2 molars.
C1 does the i-dun-like-it-and-will-let-u-know yell whenever he plays with smthing that he is forbidden to (eg. car keys). i think developmentally he is testing the parental limits of what he can and cannot do. a few firm NOs doesnt hurt him.
C1 has a proper vocab of *ahem* zero too. but after 2 weeks' absence, i do notice that his babbles have become more sophisticated.

LOL on Qing back in biz!
Mr Qing best get ready for the assault.... haha
sayang barbie for the fall and the jabs!

i hvnt decided which day to go into office yet this week. i sms you la.

good that E is used to school now.

still 8 at the moment. for a long time, i thot he was teething, then turned out no teeth appeared. now. i just wait la.
welcome back qing
wow 1-4 nap is fantastic. poor barbie. sayang sayang. got bualuku or not? poppy also took mmr and chickenpox together

wow JSP! ernest can do 2-3 hours x 2 times a day! phew!

serene, hope everything is ok! keep us updated ok? did he say what caused it?

haha so how many teeth you have? how did you manage to open your mouth and look in the mirror at the same time to count the back? unless you got those monsters inc alien eyes that are long long one? hahahaha

just to share with all - jacob ballas is closed on mondays. guess who found out the hard way. (pointing finger to self)
pomfret is VERY VERY behind in her jabs , coz every time its her turn to take one, she catches flu or something. and then delay. and it's a vicious cycle!

good thing she's still breastfed, otherwise she could be constantly sick. sigh.

dor when you succeed weaning E, you share secret with me k. pomfret has also been clamping down on my breasts when she's in dreamland.

oh thanks! but, why does jacob ballas need to be closed for? cleaning? duh. and regarding your pm, i feel quite lousy as a sahm, so cannot qualify to give good tips. sigh.
about jabs again
bbg, just last week i read somewhere, about the doctor who published the paper on the mmr jab causing autism, that he's been charged with fraud. the medical board found out that just before he published the paper about mmr jab not being safe, he had filed a patent on individual m m and r jabs. so he's suspected of using unethical ways to achieve his results so prove a theory so that his own jab inventions will sell.

okay i might not have phrased this very well, i just read it quickly in passing.

and john travolta's kid was never diagnosed as being autistic coz he's in scientology and autism is not defined in scientology. so you can't be sure about that too.

but yeah, go with your gut feeling. do what you feel you ought to.
L has not has his too. PD said not to worry about it when I told him that L cannot take the jab cos he does not eat and has not eaten egg. If PD said it's okay to wait, then wait lor. But my #1 had his at 18 months, I think.

I think the Japan Clinic does singular jabs.

Dor Dor
S and school is actually quite erratic. Today was great. Last Wed was awful 'cos they had an OHP with cartoony graphics during assembly and he screamed and howled 'cos he does not like cartoons. I had to stay for the entire assembly. I am still persuading him that cartoons are just like the comic books that he loves to read. He said yes, cartoons are like comics but he likes reading them, not watching them. How lah, lidat?

S does not take milk regularly. He has it with his cereal only. He eats cheese and yoghurt. quite often.

L is still a stuck-to-the-boob-boy. He does not clamp down on me, but while he is nursing, his itchy fingers will come and give me little pinches on my breast! If not that, then one hand will be fondling the breast that is not being latched on. And when he is in the Ergo, he likes to stick his hand into my shirt and hold onto a nipple.

Sayang Barbie. Is she better? I am feeling the same way as you now. L did a fabulous somersault off the steps of the playground structure and now has a massive blue-black on his forehead. I saw it happen in slow-mo but was not fast enough to catch him
Feeling very guilty now.

Can email me again? I think I lost the earlier email.

Good thing you went to see your gynae and caught it early. My friend just had an op to remove all the sticky stuff.

L has one word: hua, as in flower. I've been trying to get him to say xie xie (thank you) and I tell him to say 'xie xie mama'. So now when I ask him to say xie xie: "shuo xie xie", he'll just say "mama!" like he's completing the sentence, and look pleased about having completed it right LOL.
john travolta's into scientology too? hmm...

I guess it's still quite controversial, with so many different views and stories we read.. dunno how to believe.. sigh..

google it and you will find lots of info both for and agst it..


I'm thinking perhaps, jabs like the chicken pox, or mumps and rubella are not so crucial so I may skip that and just go for the compulsory measles and diphtheria, and look for indv jabs without mercury..really hope i'm doing the right thing.. this is causing me sleepless nites!
youpi, thanks.. ya i found out about the single measles jab without thimerosal there.. but none for diphtheria yet..waiting for someone in NUH to call me back..

it's so funny that S doesn't like cartoons hehe..

and L's a touchy feely baby.. think it's coz the nipple resembles a little knot.. and bbG is hooked on the little knots on his security blankie!

been singing a lot of number and ABC songs to bbG to get him to learn his ABC's and numbers.. but noticed he only likes to complete my phrases in the song!

I've been singing him to sleep with Jesus Loves You (me) since he was in my tum-tum.. and he now sings the last word in each phrase haha it's quite funny..

ok.. calling it a nite after another session of info overload on vaccinations..sigh

to add to the stress from work I have now.. arrgh

sweet dreams mummies!
oh oh, and michelle, C1 has absolutely ZERO reaction to seeing us this morning... he just woke up when we got into the hse this morning, and gave us both a sleepy grin. after that, nothing. no welcome hug, kiss or watever.

a colleague said today that means he is very secure in knowing that we will be back, so no need for big reaction. hmmmz. that was a very nice thing to say to feeling-guilty me.

his reaction on seeing the workbench (oops, got it wrong, 15 euro was not for motorised car, but for a workbench his height).... gotta wait till next bday. tis already all wrapped up in the dept store (bart smit) wrapping paper! .... which was why i thot mr C bought a motorised car... bcz i only got to see the box!
my gynae didnt say wat caused it but hor his assistant told me stop drinking cold water n those liang chai( cooling stuff).

ur friend had an OP ???? I dun wish for this to happen hope after eating e medicine can clear those stuff ... E only thing I worried it e cyst .... Hope it wouldn't grow
D's totally fine with his sch now even on Mondays so I'm quite glad cos dun need to hacve fights. But he's quite a challenge at home now and dunno if its the Horrible 3s.
Did S go through this stage?? D used to obey n accept my instructions but now he's challenging them at each and every turn so I'm really exhuasted everyday fighting with him on this.
S is so funny, I'm trying to imagine him in the hall screaming cos he's always so quiet.....hehe

Aiyo.....I so hate that "itchy finger fiddling with my other nipple". I always 'piak' Ember's hand away hopping it would make her change her mind abt fiddling me again but NO WAY.....it doesn't work.
I so dun like feeling being molested.....hahaha
L in the ergo is soo soo funny still gotta attach to u....haha
N poor L with the massive blueblack.

E started her clamping only recently but its really giving me the shivers cos like dustee says. They sometimes do that in the middle of the night so I get jolted awake like "WHAT THE..............." n worse is they won't wake to free us. I just bought a bottle for E but I'm not sure what I'm really gonna do yet cos if we're out she only latch like after 5pm. But if we are home...I'm like the tap. And she will just come over n help herself every few mins she looks at me, she must take a suckle.
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............but then again if I do wean her off......not sure what I'm supposed to do when we are on a trip though...haha

Thanx, just let me know if you will be near mrt station ard 12.30-2pm. That is the period where I'm off.....haha
But alternatively someone might collect for me together so she'll let u know!!.....hehehe
dor dor, youpi
just wan to check. your #1 use cup or bottle to drink milk? i wan to make jh use cup to drink milk but he refuse.

jx also always fiddle with my nipple or my fats ard the waist! arrgh.. very irritating.

i also cannot decide whether to wean her off....dunno what to do if she wakes up at night.

mummies : zoo outing is on friday @ 930.

who's in?
1) michelle & e boy
2) PinkB and poppy
3) cinB and sophie bunny
4) SY and jx

re iherb stuff
bbp, jacelyn and PB, your stuff all here liao.

i already put your stuff with the strawberry shopping set. so will let u know once my bro brings it to JW.

lucky u see gynae early. hope it all clears up soon

wow your helper actually said that! not bad leh. a lot of helpers tend to only give in or spoil the child.
Same, I'm prolonging the MMR as long as I can, although I've given him 1 jab before liao.

Declan same same as Wuffy! 8 teeth and no signs of increasing!

Yay, your parents live in the West right? Can I collect my stuff from there? PM me the address ok? And how much to pay you?

D still using milk bottle. N I dun plan to wean him off it yet cos he only takes like once in morn n maybe at night n he drinks very fast n dun suck the bottle for fun.
