(2008/07) July 2008

morning mummies...

i'm told not to go to my grandpa's wake due to some stupid reasoning tt my superstitious MIL gave... n the best part is tt it is not even in relation to my unborn baby... n its not oni me... even my HB were told not to attend... i'm sure my grandpa will understand so i'll not make life difficult for my HB...i'll not attend but the reasoning given by her is totally not acceptable by me... but i'm not saying or doing anything to contest her... i'll just remember this incident... n i guess my relationship wif my MIL will nvr be the same again... n i'll not attend any future funerals frm my MIL side... thks all mummies for the concern... i'm okie n taking it well as my grandpa had been ill n bed-ridden for a long time... so his passing away would mean he would no longer be suffering... so i'm actually happy for him...

HB not siding anyone... says i can go if i want to... but i dun wan to put him in a difficult position so I'll not go... n my mum is understanding enuff to say if my MIL dun wan me to go then dun go... so all in all, i'm glad for my mum being so understanding... thks thks for hugz...

very mao dun rite.. i would go if it was me.. cos its e last time.. after that cant see again..

shiok rite the banana bread.. not cheap too..

good la, next time ur resume look good..

Just pick up my new maid... hopefully.. hopefully.. she looks ok..

By the way, kayden ran and fell.. dunno how cos nobody saw it at my in-laws.. he hurt his eye..
A big swellin formed above his right eye and startin to bruise real bad..
he look like someone threw him a punch..
so heart pain.. just 2 days stayin at in-laws and so big bua luku..
lucky think no tearin, i use egg and rub, so now a big colorful patch.. haiz.. how? need to see doctor anot?? or use zambuk?
cin u r funny.. but good idea! dunno if it will work on bbG or not though.. but that's what I do wiv my doggie dat it's expected of now... and he will protest and bark the house down if i forget to leave him a treat hahaha!

JSP: wah... it's good to see you staying calm in this situation.. i'm sure your grandpa will understand too (you have him in your heart and can 'talk' to him that way).. shut your ears to all the nosey relatives who will form their own opinions too then... HUGZ our deepest condolences to you...

on another note: saw that you ordered the baby shears too haha.. hope it works well.. :D

so have you picked a name yet? how's E doing lately? wonder if he knows about his little meimei...
aiyo smiggleP: i heard it's not good to rub the wound coz you hurt it more leh.. but nvm lah.. kayden's a tough cookie.. he'll be alright I'm sure..

bbG always get bumps on the forehead and one nasty one between his eyes before.. went away over time..

so where's ur new maid from? hope things work out fine for u...

banana bread... ... ... ...
erm... if i dun stay with her then i wont care lor... but the prob is we r staying under the same roof so i dun wan my HB to be put in a difficult position... so I wont go... its really mao dun lor... budden i bear with it for now...

i'm calm coz i knw my MIL style... she very superstitious one... which i sometimes also cannot tahan but nvr say anything... thks for all the reassurance...

yup yup... had been looking for something like tt but the normal scissors in the mkt like not for food purpose one so dun feel safe using... n the cutter from combi is not so sharp so mostly gd for noodles n soft food oni... so i also hope this baby shears works well... heehee...

me n HB had decided #2 chinese name liao... she will be called Jing Jing... english name still undecisive but our choice is either Anya or Audrey...

E is getting on very fine in school... we just bought sch uniforms for him (delay as the sch chging uniforms) so will post pic of him in uniform soon... he dun cry in class anymore.... i think since day 4 alrdy like tt n today when i drop him there, he pretend to cry oni n those with tears one so i think he likes school... his teachers tell me tt he's a super friendly boy... will wave n smile to all the teachers he knws so everyone dotes on him n will carry him when they see him... as for the part if he knows abt his little mei mei, i think he's quite blur lor... so i dun think he knws wat is happening yet... hahaha...
did I hear banana bread?!?!?! drool~~~~~~ took once and bought 2 home and munch munch munch...

JSP, hugs to you.. condolences...

do1nk, bbG cries when you leave? Eboy now is so used to us leaving for work, he waves goodbye the minute I take my bag from the room... the crying phase was like, less than 1 week nia.. kua kua kua... only night time he may whine abit why we leave MIL house without him.. distraction seems like a better idea, dun sneak away, it will make it worse. They will soon know you "sneak away" and will cling on to you even more. must teach him to say good bye and that you always come back to him.

Zoo next wed sounds like fun. Is it on?

I have no choice but to extract my wisdom tooth and i super damn scared of dentist and now i am shivering, even before I made appointment to go extract. I am that scared. Boo hoo..

qing, you looking for a house for yourself ah.. GOOD!

smiggle, aiyo sayang kayden. he has always been tough so m sure he will be alright. Let it heal on its own, suppose to only rub with ice immediately after fall... anyway they heal really fast cos the last time eboy fell down and also bruised his cheeks (with cuts!), two days later the scrapes all healed, only the orng cheh still there for a week or so....

racer car bed! wah, Poppy ready for child bed liao.. great! I am impressed you fang xin let her sleep on adult bed, alone in the room. Solid! Eboy still in playpen and he sleeps 360deg many rounds in the night, i dun dare to leave him to sleep alone on bed. plus, his bedroom is awfully small, if buy bigger bed, need to throw away some shelves. hey hey, share lobang once you get the racer car bed k?

Saw declan's pic in pink hat!!! CUTE!
stay together no choice..
must tahan..
did u ask her if it was her, would she want u there??? hee.. just being cheeky...

Declan in pink hat!!!
that sounds like kayden too..
i stil get ppl askin me "Boy Or Girl ah???
not obvious meh???

from ph again...
no choice, desparate.. i goin crazy doin housework... but mainly from the dog..
gonna find another owner for her liao... u wan her????

Thanks mummies..
hopefully like wat Michelle say it will heal soon.. he look like a pirate with one big eye and one small eye..
good to hear that E is enjoying school! big boy ler! and ya.. combi noodle cutter is a waste of money! after a few tries.. mine is banished to the dark corner of my drawer

mich: eh u r right leh.. the min bbG sees me in the morning and when i get back from work.. he keeps asking me to hold his hand, bao bao him.. even more sticky..

your wisdom tooth giving u problem? lower or upper? nvm can get MC, stay home and rest and chill wiv E-boy!

have a feeling qing had to do the house hunting for the lao-ban

i think declan likes hats hor... :D

ooh.. PD juz called me to gently remind me I 'forgot' my MMR jab appt wiv him.. haha will wait for reminder letter from cheng-hoo.. when's the deadline ah? 24 mths ah?
yikes! u r giving tasha (or sasha ah?) away?? she sheds a lot right? what problems is she giving u? how old is she? had her since puppy days?? dun abandon her leh.... so poor thing...

the letter from MOH may come soon but i think as long as you get it done before 24 mths. its ok.


*pat pat* i super duper scared of the dentist also. then he teased me, aiyo the more scary thing of giving birth already do liao, what's there to be scared here! kua kua!

Montesorri class

thaddie boy went for a trial class at the montesorri class that I want to sign him up at and he was completely ok. didn't cry at all even after i went out of the room after 30 mins. he happily did music and movement, listen to the phonics lessons, did colouring... I think exposing him to Sunday Sunday since he's 12 mths old on his own has been really beneficial. talia went through the same thing too and she didn't cry also when she went pre-N when she was 2 years old. My mil was like woohoo! now she can have complete peace and quiet in the mornings!
Doggiebb, to be honest, I think tooth extraction is more scary and painful than child birth. One is pain first gain later (see baby, got purpose!). the other, just pain and pain. and pain so close to my brain. Argh. dun want to talk about it liao.

cin, GAME! morning prefered. cos Eboy takes his afternoon naps from 2-5 nowadays. But if only mornings, then hor, only tues and fri available cos other days he got class. hee hee...

how? let me know earlier cos I need to get zoo pass lah!
just gave MMR and chicken pox to kayden on monday.. he had no fever..

Sasha is too big for hdb lei.. her fur is one, she needs a place to poo la.. my kitchen too small for her.. and we got no time to take her for walks.. poor thing, she needs a better owner than us..

MMR fever is one week later. take note.

and how old is sasha? she is ok with kids? I may have a friend who is interested.
doc say chickenpox now got 2 jabs??

Sasha is 4yr pre breed husky.. loves kids, hates indians..
mild temper and vain.. so far no trouuble from her except she likes to sneak out if door is open and poo on the floor if u leave her alone all the time. if alone, she must listen to radio 98.7
LOL on smiggle's dog hooked on perfect 10 98.7!

Eboy had rashes 7-10 days after MMR, tho no fever. PD was not sure if realy due to MMR or just allergy, but the rashes went away on its own after a week.
don't worry, your grandpa will understand. sometimes it is easier to make decisions to appease the living cos you'll have to continue living with them. glad that E is doing so well in school! anya/audrey, i like!!

michelle and do1nk and smiggle
banana cake very yummy yes :D

i try to rub the bualuku to spread the blood. i think the pain is more during that rubbing time but the bruise will hurt less after. am i making sense? agree with do1nk, kayden is a tough cookie, he'll be fine!

zoo next wed
i'm on! cinbunny, mich, i also prefer morning, can?

wow you managed to keep your wisdom teeth all this while! i took mine out at 16 i think. all 4 were growing horizontally. not very smart for wisdom teeth, i say! don't worry, only the jab hurts and that's only for a while. when you get home, you'll be bending over the sink and drooling alot hehe. i felt like dracula. like do1nk said... 5 days of MC! shiok!

we were worried too when we first started letting poppy sleep on her own bed. but we taught her how to reverse and climb down, and put pillows on the side to block her too. i would have loved to let her continue sleeping in cot but i think it's more dangerous if she climbs out of it in the night. it's higher to fall from! bbp was so sweet to give me a pamphlet of a shop selling racecar beds. it's in aljunied. if got alot i will share more info ok?
oh and i think it's much smaller than adult bed, and only slightly bigger than cot. maybe you could utilise wall space and put some books on shelves, if you need to reshuffle the bookshelves in his room?

declan in pink hat
isn't he such a sweetie! such a gentleman too. kena bullied by poppy so much. paisay, bbp! he ended up liking the hat alot. poppy snatched it back quickly but just to throw it on the ground. oh no. she's got the 'it's mine and you can't have it, even if i don't like it' mentality :S

LOL on doggiebb's dentist's wisecracks! i also don't like dentist. the sounds and smells. yuck.

smiggle's dog is a racist???
Sorry to hear about your loss. *HUGS*
Personally I don't believe the superstitions but it's good as well to heed older folk's advise. I would go cuz I want to pay my last respect.
It's good that your mom is understanding. You hb should be thankful to have an understanding wife like you.

Sounds like you are enjoying your trip! Good for you. I've been wanting to tour Europe for the longest time, but everytime the plan didn't materialise. Hmmph.

Oh my I hope Kayden is ok. Hope the bruises will be gone soon.

My PD is okay postponing the jab till 24 months.
re zoo
me me!! but morn preferred too!!

when old folks are superstitious, it can be quite terrible. Last time when my sil's mil passed away, we were told not to attend by my mil cos she said the day clashed with my hb's characters or something like that. something abt him not being able to attend funerals or it will be bad luck for the year.....

u r really sweet not to be put your hb in a spot. am sure your hb will appreciate that and your grandfather will understand!

i m also going to postpone. in fact i think no choice. jx will cry the min we step into any clinics!!
robinsons expo sale got crayola. can go buy there. i wanted to buy just now but jx was so naughty there that i spent 2 hours there wihtout buying anything. she was running all over the place and din even bother abt me. the sales girl and sales man all help me look out for her and when i can't find her they will even tell me which direction she went!
my dog is a racist? haven really tot of that..but maybe cos she cant really see the indians since they only see black white.. its scares her more.. she always hide when the indians walks pass..

racer bed
my prblem is keepin kayden in the bed.. if he can easily get off from bed, he will never go to sleep.. unless i tie him to the bed..

uhmm, ok sounds bad but kayden always needs to take two jabs at the same time.. so the nurse ask me "one jab at a time or both jabs?"
to shorten the pain pain, i replied both jabs at the same time.. so i hold down kayden, two nurses hold down each leg and attack him with needles at the same time.. Ouchhh!
i agree totally with u... so i'm not doing anything... it gd tt i could talk to all of u... it made me feel less sad...

i'm so glad he's adapting so well lor... a stone off my heart coz i dunno if i can bear seeing him cry all day in sch lor... he's learning lotsa stuff in sch also... n cant stop talking once he sees me... melts my heart lor... I need to decide b/t the 2 names soon thou... coz Ernest name was decided quite early lor...

personally i am not a superstitious person also... so i'll go if no one said anything... budden since she say dun go then i just follow lor... coz if something were to happen then i would be blamed mah... although the reason given was crap... i'm sure my grandpa wouldn't want us to fall out becoz of this...

i'm not sweet lah... just wan peace lor... coz i dun think i wanna quarrel with anyone during this period... also i sian lah... say liao also no use one... coz she once took E to see a shifu w/o telling me... budden i kinda used to it liao... i think its more for her spiritual self than for my boy lor...

anyway, u mummies r great leh... w/o u all i think i'll be quite lost n fustrated coz no place to vent mah... thks for lending a listening ear to all my lor soh-ness....
I have a question ...

Last week I had quite bad MS ... but this week suddenly everything is back to normal! Dun feel sick unless its time and i haven had dinner ... but otherwise everything is like normal.

I am worried because when i had xun gal, i had very bad MS and I tot bad MS = high hormones level = good bb growth?

Am i too paranoid? Or its just my good luck to have MS say byebye to me??!
To reply to all posts:

Farmers, i wanna see photos! Sounds like an interesting place to visit!

JSP, pat pat *hugz* i like your calmness and i think your hubby appreciates it too? for u not picking back at mil.

I wonder wat will i do if i were u ...

PB, upgrading to a bed from cot sounds like a good idea but i have the same problem as smiggle because if i upgrade xun gal most prob i will see her running around and not sleeping at all! how to make her stay still in one place? no idea

btw i have sign up xun gal to a cc starting from 1st march ... u know my mum's maid made a comment: maybe cc will reject her after 3 days because she goes around bullying other kids! she bullies my nieces and everyday i go home, tonnes of people will be complaining to me! *faintz*
i think no MS doesn't mean anything... just monitor n make sure no spotting lor... dun worry... maybe MS goes into hidding liao... heehee... so when is ur next gynae check-up??

thks for the pat n hugz... i'm calm coz i've been thru alot n wan peace lor... so i'm just too sian n tired to pick on her to be frank...
Haha, I don't know about Declan, but I sure enjoyed myself though the walk in the sun was life-draining. And the lunch was GOOD. Simple dishes, but oh so yummy!
Eh, and the banana bread hor was worth the $5, according to the banana bread eater.
And boy did we miss that banana muffin and ice-cream thingy ar... next time next time.
We're cool about the bullying right? I figured if Declan really wants something, he'll hold on to it tight (remember the raisins?).

Wah 20min power nap. We were just discussing how much we mothers hate their power naps. Seems like Declan took pity on me and had a 2h nap...I think. My hubby ate the whole half loaf for breakfast this morning.

Woh, tea parties and brunches huh? Can invite me? I miss girlie things!

You're a great DIL. And your mum is a great mum

And same as SY, I would jump if they brought my boy to some shifu without consulting me.

Yah man, that's one expensive banana bread. Imagine my hubby just ate a $5 breakfast - more expensive than a Starbucks bagel lor.
Last week was a super bahluku week for Declan too. Forehead one, back of the head another one. Luckily it's all subsided now.
Eh, Kayden is so man lor.

Eh, cut what ar? For outside food? So far, I've used the outside spoons to do the job and they seem to have worked leh.

Eh, no leh, Declan does not like hats or headgears. He usually tolerates it for a while then whips it off liao. Unless it's that particular pink hat he likes.
Haha, and I think I got 2 MMR reminders from the PD liao.

Umm, I can only say yes and no to your question. Yes, I also read somewhere that bad MS = high hormones = safer pregnancy. But at the same time, no MS doesn't mean that something will happen la. I had negligible MS when I had Declan. The only time I wanted to throw was when I brushed my tongue too much.
Alamak, you worry too much la even for Xun. The CCs are experienced with all sorts of behaviours la, be it bullying or being bullied.

i just sent you an sms asking if you want any adoption fees for sasha.


I also read that MS = high progesterone = good bb growth. but different bodies react differently to the hormones so the presence or absence of MS is not the absolute indication of bb growth. however, it is of concern if MS suddenly disappears. How many weeks are you now? cos MS can taper off when its around 10-12 weeks. Why don't you just give your gynae a call and see what he says?
drained and tired.. n missing out on the fun outings!

actually the shears is a little indulgence haha but sometimes I find it hard to chop things up into pieces using if we don't have the metal fork and spoon or if it's things like vege stems..

got a little hooked on some online shoppping to de-stress.. haha
doggiebb, me now 8 weeks lo. So i was kind of expecting bad MS ... then suddenly dun have so i tot its weird.
Yah i think maybe i will give my gynae a call tomorrow to check.

bbp, haha u are not the first to say i think too much. but mummies are all like that one right?

JSP, my last check up was on last sat :p next check up 4 weeks later!
i didn't know dogs can only see black and white! so if angmoh or indians walk past then your dog only see clothes? hahahahha

don't worry! no MS is good what!

jacelyn and smiggle
er we don't let poppy fall asleep on her own. bedtime routine is bath, bottle, bed. either one of us hangs out with her, read stories, talk to her, count stars, say night night to everything in the world, then she falls asleep and we chabut!

actually i don't even give poppy veg stems. i cut the leaves up small before cooking
dear mummies,
so sad i couldn't make it for the farm. i was down with flu and almost recovered but caught the virus from elijah again.. and now both of us down with lung infection... so sick .. the medication make him so active and tempremental and makes my heart beat so fast and hands shivering.. haiz... why i always fall sick during outing...

last time when i was pregnant i went to 2 wakes.. but i am not pan tang.. coz christian man..
pb, i thot what u said abt my teacher was funny

cellow, i'm the one that can't bear to let them sleep in another room. Bu fang xin, also bu she de. I need their company!

smiggle, if you're not sure, juz bring him to see a doctor, juz to be safe?
uhm, if kayden not like poppy lei, he is those refused to sleep with ppl around... he trained to sleep alone..

caME back from e farm and only remember the banana bread huh..

i also bought e sheaRS

seems like i can buy things everyday to destress..
e BP intro me to alot of stuff i never tot before lei...

sorry,no battery, miss ur sms..
we bought her at $1800 yrs ago, now askin for nothin except a good owner and living conditions..
Ur mum is so nice n soooo understanding. Lucky she is so understanding so can ease the situation when the other party is unreasonable.
Like u said, just keep it in mind lor for "future reference".....hehe
Its never easy to stay together, I learnt it the hard way too. And that you never know what other ppl are thinking or doing behind ur back.
Just be glad that you finally found out abt hw they really feel better then being hidden in the dark.

Glad u are taking it positive, and your granddad definately wants all of you to be happy no matter where he is. You can go anytime after that to pay ur respects.

btw D's godma's dad passed away too few days ago(bedridden for very long too) n when I told my mum abt it......she was abit like. 'She should know u have 2 young kids ma hw to go?'
But we feel we still have to go ma. And my mum is the totally dun go any funeral kind, my dad will be the 1 doing all those stuff.
So we just went to pay our respects without letting anyone know lor.....hehe
Anyway we dun stay together, even if my fil say anything I'll still go...hehe

And wah you are so tolerant, if my inlaws bring my kids anywhere even to J8 without informing me I would definately let them know hw unhappy I am. But yah staying with them is ANOTHER thing so very good that you kan de kai.
Chin up k.

If not MS but bb is doing great then okie lah.
Last time for Ember I had allll the symtoms even before I was able to test positive. U know hw I already know I was preg but I dun test positive n I keep telling my hubby, if I'm really not preg.....I dunno what serious illness I have.
Then after I tested positive, symtoms all vanished without a trace!!!

Same as PB I dun even give D hard stems leh cos he will chew chew chew n spit them out. Unless they are really soft then I'll give him, subject to his approval that is. E is still on soft leaves that I mesh together with her mee sua. I dun let her self feed for other veg cos worry she will choke, I give her 1 by 1...heehe
N so ummm my combi cutter is still very helpful but I dun use it outside only at home.

I haven given E hers cos we skipped the last time as I didn't want her fever coming when D was starting sch as I dunno hw long he would take to adjust. And now that D's fine in sch.......my lazy butt doesn't wanna move to make the call for appt......hehehe
where do i find this shears you are all talking about?! been trying to find something to cut the vegetables with coz now i'm just spending quite a bit of time slicing little leaves into small small specks (any bigger and pomfret might spit them out)


want to write more but think i gotta return to reading about pb's boyfriend edward cullen first. just got the other two books from the library today
i m coming back!

eventually... sigh tis next monday.

this trip wouldnt have materialised if i were not here for biz first.... HB and i talked over dinner abt planning a trip to italy next. before venice sinks completely!

sayang kayden!

good good, you are very positive.
peace and harmony.... oooohmmmm

call gynae if not sure! but i have had zero MS for both pregnancies. so i wouldnt worry too much

gotta massage HB's aching back. old injury. he has been my good mule, carrying all the stuff (i bought ankle boots for myself. finally. *happy*) that i chucked at him. speak to you all later
Actually dogs can see colours, but in dull shades of almost grays..

Dustee: shears BP closed Liao but quickly pm her cos she mentioned getting a few spares


most of the time, the metal fork n spoon would work but takes longer I guess.. But dor combi cannot make it leh for vege n meat..

Rena: rest well n drink lots of water.. Still looking forward to sampling ur good cooking someday
morning mummies... TGIF to all mummies...

aiyo... i'm not as great as wat u all think lor... just tt i dun see the point of getting mad when the harm had alrdy been done... my mum is great coz she knws tt i'll definitely go if not for the many issues involved...

erm... like all the mummies suggested, call ur gynae if u r worried... for me, i dun get MS at all n didn't worry me much... impt thing is to rest n stay positive... ;P

E sq
hope u feeling better alrdy... the weather is quite bad recently so do take care ya...

dor dor
heehee... i kinda adopt the bochup attitude towards my MIL... so long as she doesnt go overboard n the kids r well taken care of, i leave her to do wat she like lor... my MIL is on the whole a very nice person just tt i feel she too overly superstitious n think too much...
my mum also told me tt next time then go n pay respect lor...
i'm being kept in the dark till my HB told me when he picked me up so there's also nothing i can do lor... dun like they also bring liao so i'm more like bo bian rather than tolerant...

quickly PM the seller... i think she ordered additional sets leh...

u check the thread also hor... coz i think the seller looking for u leh...

thanks thanks...
Italy yes yes! Go! The churches are beautiful and the gelato yummy. Venice is uniquely venice. Go! What are you waiting for? Go go go! And that was just Rome and north of Rome I covered. I think Italy is probably my favourite country in Europe so far.
bbp - i lurve italy too

zoo - mich, currently i hv a morning concall at 10am on tuesday so i guess friday then? you cant do wednesday right?

how about the rest? would friday morning work?
Friday 10am ON! Wed is out.

My honeymoon was to italy.. love the place. love it.. during then, hubby promised me a second honeymoon to switzerland.. i am still waiting... I am still waiting....

who is sia-ing the shears ah? I am not clicking. i don;t need it, i don't need it.
JSP: thanks.. wah liao.. the seller publish my name big big! she's so blur man!!! email her so many times liao to tell her..anyway emailed her AGAIN

my friends of the zoo just expired but I am not renewing just yet because they said in a flyer that helpers are not allowed in with the family anymore! hrrrmpz!

when are you guys going? next fri morn? mich has free passes?
Actually hor now I think of it.....I dun use my combi cutter to cut everything. Cos maybe I'm used to tearing meat into smaller pieces and veg I just use their utensils to tear the leaves n I only give veg that they can manage.....hehe
I mostly use it for noodles n tadah....fishballs!!!
Cos fishballs are so hard to cut using utensils and it was the 1st food I tried with the cutter so I was very impressed when it didn't even try to bounce away....haha
N I gotta cut alot cos D was hooked on fishball noodles for awhile....actually......still is....haha

U need to cut leaves into very small aah?? Cos I dun give E alot I just use a metal spoon to mesh it in the bowl direct....hehe
Or if I add it into porridge to cook, I use my handheld blender....wah that was godsend man....hehe

Yah true, cos ur son they take care ma that time you also no choice.
N I also close 1 or both eyes something with my parents though. Cos when my dad bring D to J8 last time, I know he gives all the nonsense that I dun allow. N when D comes back n tells me what he had or my dad tells me, I just keep quiet lor cos what's done is already done. N if I make a fuss, next time they dun even inform me what he gave then worse. N then D will learn that he has to hide things from me.

Eekks why zoo like that?? So weird why helpers cannot go in together foc.
Hmmm I wonder what they will say if you bring them in as family......hehe
I can apply for the zoo pass, but need to return before 2pm on Fri for the next user which I am still thinking if its worth it or not...... to make a trip back to office to return after zoo.....
doggiebb - yes the plan is next friday meet at zoo at 930am. yeah, i heard about the no helpers in changed..i wonder why.

mich - usre, water play area to cool down the little ones
