(2008/07) July 2008


yup! putting thaddie boy in for pre-N in 2011. The montesorri playgroup is at the bishan north mall. if you need details, PM me.

wow! that's a long way to walk from the kindy and with a baby in tow as well! but really good exercise though i must agree.

oh mummies, i think i have not mentioned the name of our kindy in the forum before (or i could have done so loooooooong time ago which i shld have been more careful) so it would be good you guys don't too? cos you don't know what kind of whackos are out there reading our forum and our children's security is top priority, you would have noticed these info are not released in my blog as well. thanks very mucho!


nope! no time to go sightsee but i managed to go for a good massage though. hehe!

is there a bishan north mall around? Never knew!

i'm so tempted to move back not so far up north coz it'd be ideal if I wanna get bbG into the kindy where bbxun will be going next time keke.. and if he's gonna attend his daddy and yeh yeh's old school too.. sigh.. can someone drop me a big bag of money please? i see some more new devt launching soon but prices are cut throat!
Oh, so G is going to St James as well? Didn't know you had signed him up too

And where's his daddy's old school?
For me, the situation is slightly different. I want to move too, but
#1) Hubby's too attached to his oh-so-big house and oh-so-wonderful garden for declan to run in
#2) Hubby's old school is 5min walk away
we are in the same situation. i m too far east!! need to move nearer to schools! at least u have more time to save up to move...jh is already 4 this year!!!

actually where u r staying now is really ideal. i feel kids need the space. so it's good that there is a garden for D to run abt. ppl always tell me they dun mind staying wiht in laws if the place is big.
See... you're also another perfect SAHM I look up to. Cool, calm and willing to walk with your kids to anywhere in the world. I'm still trying to get there... and I only have 1 kid vs. your 2.

Cos I don't like pple looking over my shoulder and giving me suggestions that I don't need nor want.

Are those ppl currently staying with their in-laws? And do they have children? Honestly, I used to think that way. But with children, it's a whole different ballgame. I'm just not used to pple giving me "suggestions" and sigh... never mind, it's a never ending debate. I'm just going to resign myself to my fate.
And hubby is probably going to read this and go "See, even SY agrees is a good place."
some have children some dun have....one of them is my neighbour. her in laws work so not at home most of the time so she says she dun mind moving in with them.

i know what u mean...i dun like it when they give suggestions. just ignore lor. or imply that they can't know better than u. that's what i do. very naughty of me but sometimes whne my in laws give a lot of comments or suggestions, i will use this tone that imply to them that they dunno better. will usually give them some reason why cannot do it this way and must do my way and always add this last sentence that they dunno...haha...

hmmm where u r staying is really a good place. if u move, where wil u wan to move?


Scholastic BOok Club is here again! I will scan the form and whoever interested, pls PM me and I will send u the form. Must return form by 5th feb so probably let me know your interest by 2nd Feb.
I haven't really thought about where I want to stay. I guess it will be affected by where Dec's gonna study. I don't mind anywhere actually, as long as it's within 5min of an MRT station.
Haha, you are evil! But I like! I'm still trying to get there, where I can stand up to my in-laws and tell them No means no. I really can't stand it when my FIL asks whether Declan can eat this or that... then when I say no, he says never mind la, a little bit only. Blood immediately boil I tell you, in my heart i was thinking, then you ask me for what? Fun ar?
Ok ok, that's all I'm gonna complain about. I need to move on!

Happy side note:
I recently saw this cartoon on TV called Wonder Pets. I found it so hilarious cos these 3 characters/pets actually start singing musical-style!
So currently Declan and I are watching it during mealtimes :p
hee it helps that hb dun really care what i say to my in laws as long as it's not too much. it's like sometimes my fil wants to give jh prawn but we know that he dun like to eat so we will tell him not to give and my fil will refuse to listen. if i say a few times and he dun listen, sometimes my hb will step in. there was once jh said he wanted soya sauce but i dun like him to eat such things. my fil actually poured for him into the small saucer. i just took it away and said he cannot eat then tell my fil he cannot give jh such things. i can be quite direct if they dun take hints. i know what u mean. i m quite particular abt what they give him.

hmm, i dun think u can find an equivalent location to stay leh....
Look on the bright side lah k. U also know you have to be positive and you still have ur lovely Barbie to think about.
Cheer up okie?

No prob!! I jus took D there on Monday after his sch and .....haha he cried the moment we step off the cab all the way inside.........sigh
N only after we saw the dentist he was better n he told me he's not scared of the dentist.
We'll have to go back again to fill his front dead tooth cos it has a chip n they want it to stay for another 3 yrs!!!

Oh dear L has decay tooth already!! And the appt is so hard to fix leh you managed to fix every 6 wks? Lucky its very affordable. N L is willing to let them check huh? I didn't make an appt for E to check yet though.
They gave me 1st April for the next appt to fill D's tooth cos I wanted the last appt at 4.10pm which is sooo far away.

Sure, but its very hard to get early appt though.

School Dental Care
Tel: 64353782
3 Second Hospital Ave
Health Promotion Board

We see that too!! Wonder Pets!!...hahaha
Ember dances along to it sometimes n she likes the GO yabba dabba I think....haha
Do they have wonderpets here on tv? My poor niece in kl has to watch it in malay..wonder if she understands..or If she's picking up Malay words in her vocab hehe

BBP: how's e new floor? Done Liao? Nice n bright? :D

thank GOD for the weekend! Work was a torture! So happy it's fri evening.. Have a great wkend mummies!
I don’t know man. I think kids are the best techies. She just fiddled with the camera and the next thing I know, I saw the screen flash ‘no image’. She has also managed to re configure our remote control, disable my mobile phone’s sms function (hub managed to get it back I think 2 weeks later) and make strange things pop up on the computer!

Poppy’s not even letting me brush her teeth these days. She prefers to hold on to the toothbrush and suck off the toothpaste. I think I’ve seen some discoloration on the inside part of her lower teeth. To the dentist we go!

Oh so nice if bbG can attend same school as daddy and yeh yeh! I would love for poppy to go to the same school as me too. That’s if we’re still here :| and if we can move to the east. Can I share that bag of money when someone drops it off to you?

Glad to hear XP’s fever is gone. Who’s going to take care of her till she turns 2?

err… is it easier to just stick with next wed then we all take the bus if you can’t get the car?

high five. Poppy also loves opening and closing drawers and cupboards. Her favourite is my underwear drawer; she likes throwing all my panties on the floor.

Oh quite a situation you have on your hands. Quite a decision you have to make! How about move to a not-so-big place with perhaps that is nearby so that it will still be a 5 min walk and Declan can go back to ah ma house to run in the garden?
anyway schools’ school fields are big, right? ;)

ok my turn to grumble a bit!


lai liao...

here it goes

yesterday was a challenging day for me. poppy decided she wanted to be little miss mini appetite so it was extremely hard to feed her breakfast and lunch. so when hubby got back i asked him to feed her (why must ask? because by default it's my fault. why? i also don't know)

when he did, i went into the room to read. i could hear that he was having a hard time feeding her but i chose to remain in the room. he came in after a while and said 'you know, she's not sleeping yet'.

i took it as 'how dare you be doing something for yourself when your job is not done?'. so obviously i was upset. even worse because when i feed her, he's not always there. he could be in the house but not with us at the dining table. if he's studying (i am SO glad that this is his final semester!) or working then i can't say anything. but if he's on the comp emailing or FBing then that's not very fair, right?

anyway it's one of those things that only you girls could understand la so i just had to get it off my chest.

another thing. this one not complain. just share. a friend has a 6-year old girl and a 3.5 year old boy. her girl uses words like 'idiot' and 'stupid' quite freely. sometimes they are used together (ie 'stupid idiot').

her boy recently said 'what the F'. my friend is proud of her girl and i think secretly proud of her son too, for their choice of words. she ticks her son off for saying that in school but doesn't bother when he does it at home.

very disturbing.
my MIL offered to look after XP again... 2 months ago she was complaining she was tired to look after XP and didn't want to help to look after our kids... now she changed her mind after seeing how sick XP was
hee ok. i will try to convince him also to let me use on wed.

huh your fren proud that her kids use those words? i dun even like my hb to use the word stupid in front of them or to use the phrase shut up. find it so rude!!

yeah hb always take it as our responsibility to do all these things....but they can be doing other things right....

guess your mil also heart pain. so that's a good thing i guess?
Seems like everyone is intending to move. I need a share of the bag of gold with bbG and PB! haha.

for me its like my life is broken into a few phases.
immediate needs - to just shift next to my mum's place tomorrow so that things just gets easier by half or more.
medium term needs - to find a place near the school i wanna xun gal to go coz we got no affiliation at all so got to go through the route of <1km or something like that
long term needs - to move to somewhere more centralised! where i am staying and where my mum is is just too far for anywhere!

so i think after all these, i need a bigger bag of gold ah! very tam sim hor? haha

wai wai good to hear that XP is better!

Rena, glad that E1 is fine! (or was it E2?) case of memory failure!

Cellow!! shiok where u are! enjoy before coming back ah!

Qing think positive! Dustee u too! I do agree that things happen for a reason and that u will soon learn the true meaning of it. But easier said than done. it takes lots of courage and time to heal! So if it makes u better, just blabber whatever u want here!!

Kranji farm, me sua ku never knew got such places. But weekday cannot ... weekend got? Interested in the cake .. *drooling*

Smiggle, seriously ur maid makes me wonder if i should have one. nice maids are really hard to find!

question: How should i go about doing it to shift xun gal to sleep in her own room?? been scratching my head on this. a bit dun bear to do it ... coz i love to see her look when she sleeps (the only time she is not nottie or doing something to make me angry! and so thats the only time she looks angelic! hahaha)

I know exactly how you feel! When I had my 2 miscarriages, I avoided going out with my preggy friends. Seeing them pregnant while I was not was too painful.

Dustee and Qing,

Take some chinese herbs to boost your health and you can be trying for your tiger baby very soon!


LCD better...less energy consumption. Plasma TV takes up too much electricity,
Now the latest TV craze - LED TV - super duper slim! But this caused LCD TV prices to drop! I just bot a 40 inch LCD TV for $1300. hehe..


trust you to remember Wuffy's prank call to 999..hahaha..i still have phobia of him calling the police till now. when he plays with my phone... i try to substitute the phone with something else!


Can imagine your anguish! *pat pat* how's the swedish job coming along?
thanks batgirl
it's not a swedish job. it's a swedish job application at this point of time. and one that i have not had a reply from
it was a long shot anyway. the office would be located at.... IKEA road. no joke!

i agree! when they are asleep we can just stare at them and gently kiss them and stroke their hair and tell them we're sorry for screaming at them earlier... but it has gotten too crowded for 3 people in our bed (esp with one that likes to lie breadth-wise, instead of length-wise) so we have kicked poppy out hehe.
I think my hubby will think that I'm too much if I so much as be slightly "niao". So... like that lor. But that method of just remove then say he cannot eat is a very good idea. Or maybe the next time it happens, I should just scoop Declan and say "Declan, I think it's time for you to poop/pee." Hey! I'm quite proud of just thinking that up! Haha!

dor dor,
Haha! Wonder Pets is superbly funny right? I love Ming-Ming! I think I enjoy the show more than Declan.

Yah, nice and bright now. It can't get any brighter considering it's white. But still dusty, still got the skirting haven't do, and the door.

Anywhere nearby has to be resale flat, which my precious hubby will say it's overpriced. See... want cheap want good, what can I say?
Wah, you actually tell/touch Poppy when she's asleep? I avoid all contact... wait he wake up how?

Shifting Xun to her own room? Eh, I dunno leh. I dun have that problem cos Declan doesn't have another room to shift too. Ha.

Aiyoh, how to forget prank call to the POLICE? Anyway, when I leave Declan to play with my phone meaning that I don't intend to watch him fiddle, I bar outgoing calls.
ohhhh yes you did mention it a loooong time ago about the kindy. anyway i have requested administrator to edit my post, so it's not mentioned there anymore. sorry about that ! i'll pm you next time if i want to know more please.

i totally understand you. esp the part about them "complaining" if we so much as take a break. it's like if i ask my hb to bathe pomfret, he'd stand there giving me a "i'm waiting for you get the bath things ready" look. it's like , they sure aren't doing it on purpose to hurt us or demean us or anything, but yet it really riles us doesn't it?

and your friend is very weird to approve of her children using these words. but where did they pick it up from? maybe she speaks those in front of them.

it's like once i was queueing in a public toilet, and this 5 or 6yo boy came and screamed at his mother "you're always so slowwwwwwwwwww" and then the hb came and said the same thing to her!!!! and i always have this thought filed in my mind, that if my kids should mirror any bad behaviour towards me of my hb's, i'm gonna skin him alive. haha.

i also remember. whenever pomfret plays with my phone i always check that the first number she pressed isn't 9 hehe

yeah some days i wake up and think, garden very big, house very quiet (my mum's hdb is very noisy, the blocks are too close) good for pomfret to grow up in, i don't need to pay mortgage, etc

then once the il nagging starts, the questioning, the suggestions, the judgement passed.... then i'd really wish i had at least forced my hb to buy even a 3-rm hdb....

i think has to do with individual char as well. some of my friends like their ils doing the housework, etc. but i grew up doing my own housework. i like to do my own laundry, my own ironing (but granted i had no baby then) so i hate my mil dictating how my clothes should be laundered, folded and even my hangers.
Re ur hubby
Understand understand but guys just dun get it lah. Like I can say "D is very hungry so we eat 1st" he can still be doing.....I dunno what outside. So I will have to setup the table n put food for D to let him eat n feed E n that is when he would come in. Or I ask him to setup the table n give food to the kids 1st. I come back from this kitchen to find him staring at the tv with the kids in their chairs waiting for him n the food on the table....waiting for ah sum(ME) to come n feed everyone.

re ur friend
Ummmmmm..............when D learnt to say the word "stupid" n "Fark". I did a self assesment n tried to delete the words from my dictionary. Till now I must say I managed nicely n I rarely utters them unless accidently in sensitive situations but D has not uttered them anymore n E has not caught any.

Yup wonderpets is on Otok channel ummm I think.....abt 12pm or 12.30pm.
but but but I think its gone already cos didn't see it today. Think they changed some of the programmes.

hehehe I think once in awhile the song pops up into ur head n u will be singing to Declan??...hahaha
I dun really watch cos I'll be doing stuff while Ember will stand n dance when they start singing songs....hahaha
You're my soulmate where this staying in a big house with the in-law issue is concerned. You always know what I mean...

dor dor,
Yah man, there was this period of time the song kept playing in my head. I nearly went crazy!
youpi, great things u have done with the kids
You still have time to prepare food, then cook, and do housework? wow..

U mean u dun bring S to and fro? He takes the sch bus?

Batgirl, the plasma 42" panasonic TV that i was eyeing, it's $699 (UP1099) and only takes up approx 285W of energy leh. I thot it's a good buy. I was told that it's better to get a plasma if i'm watching normal tcs show. How true huh? And didn't occur to me that the big, fat bulky tv that i'm using, it's high in energy consumption. True?

What was the issue on the 999 call?

Scratch head, i dun know how to bar outgoing calls and smses!
seems that u are having ALOT of fun there huh.....hahaha
I think u will have abit if headache packing when ur are flying back...haha
ah dor,
ya ya, i m having ALOT of fun shopping. you know the feeling of being in a new country, then you justify the purchase with ah, but i cannot find this back at home. hehe.

biz class has 30kg of luggage allowance ah! no no no, i m not gonna fully utilise all 30 kg.
guess it is a good thing that MIL helps to look after XP now. at least not so stressed for both me and hubby... looking after 2 small kids really very tiring
The good news is that C1 has started to sleep through the night again after 3 nights of waking up 3-5x. Another good news is he gave my mum the first unsolicited hug yesterday – she is so happy. (he spends most of his days with my aunt ah) Really takes so little to make the grandparents happy eh.

Yes I flew over last weekend on Sat evening / Sun morning. Meetings started on Monday morning this week, and there is only one daily flight from SG to AMS that lands here at 6am local time.
Oh no abt your maid! She left Kayden alone at home?!!! That is a sackable offence once it happens.
I dunno abt high expectations sia. I try to give her the equipment that I myself use to save time (eg, use the Thermos shuttle chef instead of standing over the stove for 2 hours to cook C1’s porridge), but of course, most of the time, their knowledge is quite different from ours.

Yes yes we are more tired over aunty time, so the boys will definitely try our patience. Stickers ah – the pasar malam kind works for C1 too.

If overseas posting to Sweden or any child frenly country, then v good. Your HB works in gahmen rite…. They got overseas postings one la. I also ask myself sometimes if I shd get overseas posting… but then I think of the troublesome packing up and I am just soooooo lazy. Reassure myself that Singapore is regional hub for the business so at least I get sooooome career exposure here lor.
JX can entertain herself with books – so good! Can she come and read to C1?

Good good that your helper is working out well. Keep monitoring
tis just like us on a new job… after 6 or so months, the pattern will come out – keke
Me too, I m sooooo glad this tiring week is over.

Oh that must have been a scare for you! Saying sayang.

E’s poo poo story is so cute. Right now I am only 50% correct of the time in deciphering C1’s code to poo. He wont even say, he will just ugh and stop whatever he is doing, then I gotta understand and quickly rush him to the toilet.

How was RP lunch on Tuesday?
All I caught was that Jace looked good

Hug hug. Everyone wonders how to cope with 2. Not only those who miscarry. My own mother wondered too, then pop pop pop, in the end, got 4 daughters.
Haiyoor, C1 doesn’t even want to sit in the water and splash. That reminds me, better get him used to the water soon.
Your fren ah and her smses - LOL

My mum and mil also keep asking abt toilet training. Apparently that generation did it to us when we were still not talking. But it doesn’t make a lot of sense. C1 will stay in diapers for some time I think. Diapers are def cheaper than my patience too

Heng arh for wuffy’s near miss.

LOL on PB’s and qing’s scaring the sai back in!

I soak the brown rice overnight so that it is easier to cook the next day. Anyway, the Thermos shuttle chef that I bought for the Perth trip has proven to be very useful. Use it daily now.

Yes child led is best. They will tell us (when they are ready) what they want to do anyway.
Great that you caught L’s tooth decay early.

Hugs to you. Let your body rest and recover first. Miss you on the forum, glad you are back.
I am also curious to know if Barbie looked at the super big ear wax and go ‘wah’? LOL
This is the first time I travel for work since Jun to BKK, personal trip was in Oct to Perth lor.

Me time in the form of massage in Sri Lanka sounds good!

sometimes it takes the grandchild getting sick for the grandparents to offer help.
at least with your MIL, you can be more fang xin that XP wont be exposed to sooooo many germs as in childcare.....

Oopsy! Sorry for the confusion! :p so it is a local job but with an overseas posting?


oh..call barring...thanks for the idea!


yup the CRT TVs use more power. But hor, I understand that plasma going out of fashion liao. That why is dirt cheap.. I remember my friend paying $10k for a plasma! I also saw that offer in for the plasma at best denki. But i chose LCD in the end.
do1nk /dor
abt the wonderpets programme is on Okto channel starts abt 12pm or 12.30pm... If not wrong it plays on week daz oni... My #1 is oso a crazy fan of the show..he luvs watching it.. Normally okto progammes on wkends r boring n mostly suitable for older kidz..
no it is a job that is based in sweden.
but like i said, it's a damn long shot!

my friend is PROUD that her kids speak like that. she censors nothing in front of them. it's her daughter that told her that she (my friend) was the one who taught the son how to say it //roll eyes//

girls, must share. we went to vivo today and poppy played at the waterpark on the top floor. then walked around the 'boardwalk' area. she didn't want to wear her sandals and i thought the floor looked ok. plus i was also barefooted and i felt fine. she ran around for quite abit and then when it came to putting her shoes back on, HORROR OF HORRORS. many tiny splinters in the soles of her feet! my heart so so so so so painful. but that didn't seem to bother her. brave little poppy. we tried to take out whatever we could but still there are some itty bitty ones left
hope poppy's fine.. they dont seem to feel pain sometimes while playin..

think ams is good fr u.. at least im hearin u shop.. bad for e wallet though

i have a plama 42.. dirt cheap, wonderful pix, but very easily hot..
Yah I know the feeling n so I love shopping overseas!!! Does online count too???....hahaha

Ember will tell me put put n point to her diaper so quite obvious but...today she started new trend n its driving me crazy!!!
I tried to toilet train her for pee but so far she doesn't pee in the potty unless its the early morn pee. N today......this little girl keep telling me she want to Put put or shi shi and she will insist I put her on the potty. And she doesn't do it lor, cos I realise she would have already peed in her diaper but she still wants to go to the toilet n sit on the potty.....sigh
So imagine today she asked to go almost every 30mins n I am going crazy lor, take out diaper, put her on sit, sit there with her till she wants to get off. N she only managed to poo in the potty lah all the pee is already pee in diaper then tell me she wanna shi shi.....piang eeh
No wonder I having terrible backache.

Oh dear, wood splinter?? From what??
Alamak hw can they have those stuff around kids playing area. Hope poppy's fine now. I cringe when I read that too.

Ummmmmm some ppl think its very cute or they think their kid is very clever to learn those stuff.......my own sister is 1 example so I am not surprised lah. There are weird ppl all around.
oh no! poor poppy? wood splinters? when i was a little kid, I had a painful teary experience too when I dusted sand off a big piece of wood and got 100's of splinters in my whole palm and my mom had to remove them =...(

I feel our LCD emits a lot of heat too leh.. can feel it when I stand beside it.. and needless to say.. our poor plants beside it too!

bbG juz turned 18 months.. n my helper juz had her 1 month anniversary wiv us! really pray she won't chu pattern in time to come!

dor: poor u... E keeping u bz wiv her potty addiction haha

n wow cellow haviung a good time shopping.. how r u gonna carry all dat back? haha
wood splinters
it's the 'boardwalk' flooring around vivo's waterpark on the top floor. everyone (kids and adults) was barefooted!

poor do1nk. i also remember having a splinter under my fingernail when i was maybe 4 or 5. BUT those in poppy's soles are tiny tiny tiny. like little pepper dots. and they don't seem to bother her so i feel 1% less guilty :|

ya lor. some people think it's funny that their kids can speak in 'adult language'
is Ethan attending JG's playclub? what do the kids do during class? how much is the course? parents can accompany? sorry so many questions...i'm interested to send XP to their weekly bilingual playclub...
paiseh, some more questions... i remembered Ethan is attending a class to learn 3 languages... is that school called Little Nero Tree? how much?

since MIL is looking after XP, guess she will spend most of time watching TV... MIL lets her watch TV so that she won't make too much noise
i hope i can send her to some classes so that she will learn something and interact with other kids. so sad that i missed all the trial classes that u gals organised last time as i was pregnant, hope it is not too late to search for some good classes for XP now
yes of course it counts too!
haiyoor, E keeping you bz bz bz with her sitting on potty leh.

you ok gal? dun think too much abt XP's lack of enrichment classes... she has a whole lifetime to go to school.
the watching of tv to keep bb quiet though is a big no-no in my
(very short) parenting book. mayb try her again in school after CNY?

as i read, i was thinking that your defn of whether a place is good anot depends a lot on shopping!
how are you coping with kayden's care now that maid is gone? still shuttling?

i got extra cabin suitcase! *proud face for thinking of that*
checking in the janod easel.
ouch ouch for your splinter. hope helper wont chu pattern on you, fingers crossed....

sayang poppy! oh, only pepper like wood chips eh. then sayang PB instead!

kids speaking bad language
personally i think it reflects more on the parents. obviously the kids must have picked it up from smwhere.....!

today i just moved into rotterdam at my fren's place. and the snowflakes are falling even now as i type. brrrrrrrr. tis really like those wintry scenes you see on christmas cards. but this is only the 2nd day tis snowing. so still can see the grass in the grass patches.

today is 24th! C1 is 18 mo today. how i wish i can go back and kiss/hug him now.
Yup, L has the tooth mousse. He hates it!

E Sq, BbG
You sit on the dentist's chair, and carry E2/BbG. That's how we did it.

Our boys will be schoolmates next year

The Montessori place: there's only one there right? Near to KPT?

When I paid, we set the next appt. The man was very nice, no problem at all. And yah, thank goodness it is so affordable and so easily accessible!

I bring S to school in the morning (we share transport with our neighbours who go to the same school), he takes the schoolbus home. And no lah I don't do everything. What keeps me from going insane: weekly PT help to clean the house, buying outside food to eat on some days, eating lunch leftovers for dinner, and sandwich meals. Oh, lowering standards helps a lot too LOL!

It's SO nice to read about you enjoying shopping!

Poor Poppy's feet! Working in Sweden sounds wonderful!
that's a pretty good one..they can't say anything if u say he needs to poop!

haha, jx reads in her own language..maybe only C can understand...she just goes eee, ooo jiiii....dunno what she is saying at all! but she reads really loud!

oh dear, poor poppy. must really be careful. best not to let them walk barefoot. duno what germs they pick up too!

is the snow very nice??
my hubby read fb and said 'aiyo..must be very pain.. sayang poppy."

i meant good for u.. since u dont tend to shop much in SIN. my definition of good place is almost every country that i can shop.. wahahaha.. actually i dont mind sightseein too.. like both..

yup, been takin care of him this weekend.. wasnt that bad actually.. just realised it my dog that's giving me the most housework!

i dont like the shuttlin at all. i miss my baby.. im feel void when at home without him

I dont really like snow, dont like being so cold..
then again, the coldest i been was 10degree only.
guess to some extent, i do enjoy shopping and a good bargain. tis just that in SG, there is not much that i seem to need/want whereas here everything is fresh and new to me, so tis different feeling. i even lurve going into the supermarket n picking up groceries.

haha, speaking of picking up groceries. we went to the supermkt after lunch, and it was cotton t-shirt, then woolen pullover, then fleece jumper followed by woolen overcoat, 2 pairs of woolen socks on feet plus mittens. i type already also tired. come back, gotta peel off all the layers.... really like onion.

so smiggle,
sightseeing is not much fun when tis so cold. tonight is minus 2 degrees C.
orrh, then you take care of kayden yourself? so that you dun hv the void feeeling?

as long as jx knows wat she is saying, C1 will too!
you postponed your job start till when? seems that you are still yi yi bu she to leave your bbs to work.
the snow is VERY nice when one is indoors and clutching a nice warm mug of hot choc. if outside, tis not nice at all..... dun like dun like.
yeah i feel very bu she de to leave them. actually i have a feeling jx will be ok when i go back. it is jh who will have a harder time adjusting. sometimes when i talk to him abt me going back to work, tears will well in his eyes at the tot of it.

hee, yeah snow is nice to look at but not nice hwen u r outside walkin in it!

welcome back! we are planning a farm visit on wed. keen to join?

i already told hb i WANT the car...now waiting for him to ocnfirm..haha
Sayang PB and poppy! must have been painful? so how, pick them out one by one?

Cellow, wow sounds like you had fun, shopping for C!!! everything can buy now cos you can justitfy its for C1 and C2! Hey hey hey....

Welcome back, holly. enjoyed yourself?

Wai Wai, the JG playclub is parent accompanied. oh they do a lot of things, 2 hours fun packed activities, learnin and non stop playing.. Eboy learnt a lot of social behaviours from it, like when teacher show his picture, he knows its his turn and will stand up lah.. etc etc... It costs $970 per term of 10 weeks. each week, 2 days, each day, 2 hour. cheap?

The 3 language one is Little Neuro Tree, also parent accompanied. It costs about $50 per 1 hour lesson. It covers the lesson in ENglish, japanese and chinese. Same content over three languages over three weeks.

Mummies, enjoy your farm visit!!!

I am ok for Eboy watching TV, but only those VCDs i got for him. haha....
Thanks for the sayang
heart still very pain to see poppy’s soles
Rotterdam nice!

Check out organic baby stuff in supermarkets. The snacks are cheaper! LOL on your onion analogy. I really find it so troublesome to have to take on and take off when indoor/outdoor. Then must carry the coat all around. So ma fan hor? Can you imagine living in cold country and bringing 2 kids out? The amount of clothing you have to carry when just going grocery shopping! haha

Did you have to restrain L with your arms? Like human cage? I’m worried. I even have difficulty brushing poppy’s teeth. Wonder how dental trip will be. Gulp.

Ya lor. We all have to learn from mistakes! Gonna let her little feet be footwear clad from now on! So funny the way you tell hub and wait for him to confirm. You email or fax him is it! Haha

We picked out whatever we could but what is still remaining is very very small. Like when we crush black pepper liddat, the size.

Thanks to your hubby! I hope it’s not painful cos it’s really really small and she’s not really touching her feet more than usual. I hope I hope I hope

How girls, farm visit on wed? who is on?

oh found a new interesting place with fountains - clarke quay! but other than fountains (and verve chocolate/baileys ice cream), there really is not much around there
What time n which farm?

okie eh.. but i very tired coz 1st day hubby fell sick and we did a lot of travelling. went to China to visit my dad also.. but overall still okie lo..

Oh ya Cellow.. Not juz organic stuff but they have other interesting bb/toddler stuff like juice mixes and milky drinks.. Eg pajama padje by nestle
