(2008/07) July 2008

ya! i have alot at home but forgot to bring to work to replenish! you say la, kua kua kua or not hehe. eh how come you use so many packs! 6-9? you don't latch rachel on at all?

ya lor the leg area is loose but the stomach there like so tight!

Wow so many posts!!!

Ohhh good deal for mummies who are using Pampers!!! I went to Carrefour - now Pamper active stages,say, M size (44 diapers) at 24 dollars, but if you buy those in boxes, inside one box got 2 diaper packs, and it costs only $29.90. Usual price is $42 (cuz got 2 packs mah).
Me and hubby very kiasu, we bought 10 boxes. so I have 20 packets of diapers hahahaha... Crazy.But it's really a good deal lor.

thanks for informing !!

I've asked hubby to check it out. Btw.. u buy 10 boxes of M size ??? not scare ur bb will outgrow it ?

i still buy a few packs of M size too since my Rianne is on NEPIA S now.
I'm still thinking whether I should change 2 packs to L size. M size is until 11 kg, I don't think my bb will weigh 11 kg at 6 months.
i pm u abt e recipes too. thks.

we did place the duo key pillow but he still eh eh. mayb he's too used to the yao-lan liao. cham when go infant care centre i wonder how he's going to sleep without yao lan.
Is Nepia good?

Yerterday went to kiddy palace to look see look see for a "day diaper" then tried Pureen premium. Not too bad but I seem to find a few red dots on Dani's bum after using, probably diaper rash.

where can I find Nepia and how much is a pkt of S and M size? And how many pieces per size?

NEPIA is found in NTUC and Isetan. But I remembered NTUC dont carry S size. I usually order from NEPIA agent. They deliver if you purchase $60 and above, so I ordered 4 packs. Each pack cost $15. Sometimes they have promotion and each pack cost only $14.

there are 54 diapers in S size package. If u want, I can mail you a few S size diapers for u to try. Want ?
wow mommies, u all diaper-fervents..hee..my boy is using cloth diapers in the day time and fitti (size S) for nite..so I haven’t really gone into diaper-price comparisons yet. sorry but can i ask a very stupid questions? cloth diaper has size or not? Free size right? I don’t know he can wear until how many month. ;p

labit, nepia good? Your lobang sounds like a good deal. will get the supplier contact from u when i need it…

sy, your maid is leaving? Are u gg to get a new one? were u the one who said that ur kids will be taken care by ur maid when u return to work? Hope all things will be fine for u.
Sorry, was busy doing house chores... dead tired now.. and its only 2+ nia ...

Mail me ar? Will it be too troublesome for you? Having to go to mail box plus waste your postage..

i think NEPIA is ok, and price is cheap. I also MAMY POKO but it's very pricey. At least my gal dont get diaper rash with NEPIA.


or I mail one piece for u .. then can ask hubby to mail out, no need to go post office. ok ?


yes u can start at 4th mth of cos but some mommies scare bb will have allergy hence they start after 6 mths. I started my #1 when she was 5 mths old.
hey mummies
do your babies have phlegm? cos i clean poppy's nose once every few days and there's not much, sometimes nothing, but i can hear it. but it doesn't seem to be causing her any discomfort. how ah? maybe when go PD the next time then we ask la.

i also use nepia! but S like getting small for poppy. cutting into her thighs but the rest of it a bit leng leng.

oh mummies, i saw pureen brand in giant. but i THINK tom and stef selling like $12-$13 for 66 pieces but giant selling like $18-$19 leh! unless i see sala?

i also put poppy on cloth/bumwear in the day. cloth diaper got size one! 36cm by 36cm mostly. but not much difference one.

i think you change to L better la. better to have bigger. even if can't wear soon, at least can keep
The 'wholesome baby food' by ruth yaron, is it a book recipes? Where can I get it? Popular bookstore?

i’ve been using nappy to swaddle bb, the legs part v loosely swaddled. If don’t swaddle his arms when he’s going to bed, he will swing swang swung everywhere and keep rubbing his face, wont be able to fall asleep. Hb also against sleeping bag, think he prefer the conventional sleeping blanket. Haii.. I always tell frank that 3mths liao he should be able to sleep on his own without swaddling but then he haii.. guess must be patient.

good that ur bb can sleep longer though it’s in yao lan. But try not to let him addicted to it. We bought the electric yao lan cos the minute we stopped rocking, ah boy will wake up. So pampered rite. Sigh. Now I’m trying to get him off yao lan but seems difficult.

Re swaddling, no, when bb frank in yao lan we don’t swaddle him, just wrap nappy around him cos windy. Ur bb and my frank the same, when swaddle at nite he can sleep soundly, sometimes when his hands come out and cant sleep well we will re-swaddle him. But if I see he can sleep soundly with his arms out, then I just leave it. Let him try to get used to it.

re: cho cho ears
just now as i was carrying n playing with frank, i realised his ears v smelly. how arh? use cotton and clean it? but so small ears so fragile leh
Alamak, silly me, what I meant was will it be troublesome for you to go to mail box to mail it out to me... I dont mean troublesome for me to go to my letterbox. Did I just yue miao yue hei...?? Sorry ar, today's Monday so brain abit retarded. *lol*

This morning I just realised Dani's left ear smelly too. So I hand itchy went to pull out her ear alittle to see and I realised got alot of ear dirt. I was shocked. Perhaps thats why she always rubs her left ear. I took a dry cotton bud and just gently at the entrance swipe a few rounds. Just to sweep out whatever the bud catches. Even her outer ear grooves also alot but thats easier. I just use a wet bed to dampen the shit cos harden liao then gently rub it off
me too, i've been bobbed too. And it looked really nice at the salon. Now.. I just look auntie with the stupid hairband somemore. But never mind la, at home nobody see mah.
As for tummy time, I just support his neck and man-handle him around. Babies are stronger than they look
Esp when they are torturing mummies with their incessant crying (ok, I had to put this in cos Declan just tortured me for the past hour)

Yeah, every once in a while, Declan's nose gets really noisy. There was this one time, his nose was practically whistling/wheezing. Drove me crazy. Then in the evening, me and hubby went into action trying to get the snot out!

Declan also has smelly ears! It's the mushy dirt inside la. Me and hubby resorted to using the ear digger to get those at the entrance out. Better than nothing I suppose.

Mummies who have solutions to the smelly ears syndrome, please help! It's kinda driving me crazy too!
i think i ask hubby to clean her nose tonight. i'm not very good at it hehe. and also i heart pain la. she will cry one

oh i love cleaning her ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i use the tollyjoy small cotton buds. very shiok. i like to do it when i'm BFing her hehe. and clean in between her fingers also. but now i don't really use mittens for her liao so no more shiok cleaning there
Hey Mummies,

i realised quite a no of u letting ur babies using Nepia diapers... is it good? Pls advise.

My adriena is using mamy poko now but i dun really like cos it leaks.
dor dor
really excited about receiving the ON stuff :D

i find nepia rather absorbent. i like the wet indicators too. i think we've not had leaky accidents with nepia before.

i find pampers a bit long. like the diaper cover so much of her stomach! i think goon's size fits her the best.
re drugstore spree
any other mummies interested?

re recipes
ok will send to those mummies who PM me.

re nepia
i like it becos it is soft. my gal wears from 8+ to next morn 7+ without leaks.
Re leaky diapers:
I have yet to find a diaper that can contain my darling son's explosive poop. So far, Pampers, Fitti, EQ and Sealer have all failed me. I just "ren ming" that I will have to clear these from time to time.

Tollyjoy small cottonbuds good? Didn't think there were small cottonbuds, so when we were cleaning Declan's ears, we took the normal buds, then "Alamak, too big!"
Cleaning nose is difficult, but once it comes out, it's DAMN SHIOK!!!! More shiok than cleaning ears leh.
I'm like itchy fingers mommy... everytime carry Declan, will check his eyes, nose, and ears for dirt. Then even will try to peel his cradle cap from his scalp! Heh heh. Think he must be mightily irritated by his mommy.
haha bbp. he must be thinking 'oh no, mummy come again! must protect myself!!!' haha. eh leave his cradle cap alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yup tollyjoy small ones good. i think it's $3+ for 200 buds. can't remember. cleaning nose, i scared leh. i also itchy fingers mummy. cleaning ears is very shiok. outside the ear got so many folds and creases and hidden corners haha
no la. friday is my last day la! can congratulate me again next monday hehe

nepia: 62262650 call during office hours.
cleaning bb's ears
i use normal cotton bud with a bit of calendula cream on it to loosen the dirt. voila! clean and fragrant ears!

when is your drugstore spree over? can i add in an order for first teeth? just the toothpaste, no need fingerbrush. lemme know please, thanks!

nepia seems to be too short for my boy! i have to place the diaper very exactly on his bum. even then, his poop has escaped several times already.

today is your first day of sahm-dom? welcome!
using dryers now... cheap and quite ok for my gal. tried huggies, mami poko, pureen before... huggies is too "bulky", mami poko and pureen the thigh there too loose for my gal. think the weight indicated by the package not really a good gauge, as the cutting at the thigh is different for different brand

PB... my gal had phlegm immediately after full month. PD said let the phlegm go off by itself if not really too much. i asked the "bao ying dan" from yu ren san can work or not, PD said not v useful. my gal's phlegm go off in 1 week plus

bbp... me too like to dig my gal's nose, ears and cradle cap. me a bit bian tai haha :p

amount of milk required by baby
babies need as much milk per day at 6 weeks as at 6 months?!?! some pple say gotta feed according to weight... so which one is true? but i don't mind same amt for 6 months, since my supply is "private limited" :p
SDchick i think you buy too many le.. better to exchange a few packs for the L size. erm, i calculate liao your offer quite good. that day i bought from NTUC also good offer. both Pamper ActiveBaby size M(68) & L(60) cost $46. i bought the L one, only see 2 packets left so sup all.
now hosue got 2 big packs of M and 2 big packs of L. hubby bought the M at such expensive price ($34.25) for 68piece.

i only latch her on at home ma. so while working pump loh. each time i pump need 3 bags. so in the office at least must pump 2 times.

i also very itchy hand one. i also try to peel bb rachel cradle cap when she had it that time. peel liao faster go away loh. the thing so thick if wait til it drop very slow lehz.

smelly ears
bb rachel also have smelly ear.
i will use the small cottonbud from tollyjoy too. easier on baby. just damp the cottonbud with cool boiled water and clean her ear. only outer. don dare to go in.

i will also clean her nose loh. sometime you hear the noise, like she very xin ku loh. then when dig all, wah a lot loh. see liao also uncomfortable la. but she will scream and cry. i very heartless one, die die also must let it come out.

envy u lehz.
cradle cap
waiwai, i also very bian tai one.
peel her cradle cap very shiook loh.
especially when a big piece come out. wah...
Re: cleaning of nose,

I bought pigeon nose cleaner, it is controlled by sucking thru a tube. Put one end in the nose, and suck the dirt out using a tube attached. I find it easier than the nasal aspirator. At least my son doesn't cry with the pigeon nose cleaner. Last time when i used the nasal aspirator, he will squirm and whimper when he sees it.

PB, WELCOME BACK!! yah I also find it shiok to use the cotton buds and swipe at the folds... there is so much dirt accumulated there!
I saw Nepia S diaper at AMK NTUC before. But I bought petpet to use as day time diaper cos VERY cheap seems quite okie but its a tape diaper.

By right not suppose to clean bb's ear canal. Only those dirt that are coming out which are near the outside already.

Cleaning ears - Actually hor I clean my bb's ear every bathtime. After wiping the face I will use the wet hankerchief to rub rub the ears too. Then like once a week use the very fine pigeon cotton bud to clean the 'sai' near the outside away.

Goldbug tights - Saw them at Expo robinson sale $8+ for 2 pairs.

Wah 3 bags is required for each pump? Wah envy envy... Which brand are you using? I will be travelling soon (without baby), so need to pump and store in milk bags easier.

RE: Liquid Restrictions at airports

BTW, anybody knows if the liquid restriction applies to EBM too? I intend to pump when I am overseas and bring back the EBM. If it is not exempted.....
i also bought the nose cleaner,
the same as yours.
but i doesn't seem to work lehz. i think it works best if it is mucus, liquid form one.

storage bags,
currently using pigeon ones.
i bought them at metro for $14.30.
got 20% off.
cheaper, used to use medela one.
but will go poor very fast.

wow, 2 for $8.
got pattern one or plain ones?
goldbug tights go limited design lehz
I got that pigeon nose cleaner, but I don't find it useful leh. Suck suck suck like got nothing come out one leh. In the end, use finger and kiao out.
You travelling for a few days only? Cos EBM cannot keep for more than a few days right..

dor dor,
I clean the outside leh. But ear still very smelly leh. Anyway, I can still see the dirt so should be ok to clean bah. I won't clean the areas I can't see...

maybe my hubby got special technique then... Later I ask him to demo for me to see. Use finger to kiao out??!! I can't put my finger in leh... If put cotton bud in, i scared push the dirt even deeper.

Re: EBM,

Yah travelling for 3 days.. I think I will ask the hotel to put in the freezer for me.... then when I go home then take them all back... very leh cheh... To throw away the EBM overseas, very sim tia.... I also have limited supply, the thought of throwing them away makes me turn green.
yes, just clean the outside, so the normal cotton buds also can. the ear is self-cleaning actually. dirt will be pushed naturally to the outer areas so there is no need to dig inside.
Regarding baby scratching his head, pulling hair:
Same problem, scratch until blood. Quite bad. So instead of wearing mittens, I let him wear hat.

Now at nite also let him wear hat to keep his little head warm.

Wai Wai,
Ur baby phelgm, did the PD give medicine? Any coughing??????
After cleaning dani’s left ear, is it still cho cho? I cleaned frank’s ears once in a while and on that left smelly ear, there’s no dirt but still smelly leh.

is it safe to use ear digger now? Still smelly? I dare not use. I use pigeon cotton bud and clean but not the hole. Oh the cotton bud comes in bb size and adult size so u got to chk carefully b4 u buy.

Welcome back! Do u wet the cotton buds when cleaning poppy’s ears? I did cos the cotton itself like too dry leh.
wah..mummies all got this clean-ear/nose/cradle cap fetish wan ah? hehe i dun dare to pluck out his cradle cap still... and dun dare to stick cotton buds too deep into his nose or ears..so only clean those at the tip..

how baby small is the tollyjoy cotton buds ah? I'm using pigeon ones..thin stem ones I think...but not much smaller than the usual kinds

recently realised I've not been cleaning his neck very well too.. coz he's almost neckless most of the time haha (too much fats n skin folded??) then got some whitish dead skin cells? now diligently cleaning thru all the folds..

okie better go prepare his next feed soon..he's been lao-kai-ing since he overslept at 4plus juz now...

im also using pigeon cotton buds, i think the small size just nice for bb, didnt chk out tollyjoy.. wonder if it's the same?

regarding the whitish dead skin that time i also found it on my boy's neck and armpit. think it's bcos my mil put powder (well she insisted despite my violent objection!)then i didnt wash thoroughly. anyway now i dun apply powder, just apply lotion.
