(2008/07) July 2008

i find the nose sucker thing doesn't work for poppy. i bought the tollyjoy one. either that or her snot is too far in? where you going for holiday?

thanks wai wai i hope it will go away soon... i also tried bao ying dan on her before. before she 1 month. the CL la, ask me to try. then PD said better not cos dunno if the materials used are clean or not. sigh. that time quite jialat. mummy so confused already then still got this kind of conflicting views then poppy so ko lian cos got colic... heng now all ok

wah qing you use 3 bags each pump?! shiok man.

re leggings
the goldbug ones i think too small for her leh. i bought the next bigger size, haven't try yet but still look small.... hubby said 'your stockings also look small but wear already ok what'. but hers wear until like very gang kor...

nope i don't wet the cotton buds. the dirt comes off easily

ur account is working already ?

Rianne's stockings also looks tight on the waist area and the length is just nice for her. So she's gonna outgrow it very fast.


i also wet the cotton bud a bit before clearing Rianne's ears.

some ppl also use powder for babies on areas with folds. I only let bb use it when she was bigger. And the guideline is that you shld not apply powder directly on baby's body and SHOULD AVOID the groin area to prevent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
2 for $8.95 if I not wrong. Got flower n pattern n plain 1 I think. I didn't really look cos I bought so many tights liao.....hahaha
ANyway I prefer the more solid ones I bought the goldbug ones more translucent right?? I scared will kanna hooked easily like stockings.

I use the nail from my little finger to kiao out the nose dirt. So now u now why I keep my nails....for emergency hehehe

After seeing the posts I went to smell my bb's ear heng no smell.....hahaha

For powder so far I only use non-talc for bb cos she still young. Burts bee for body n CB calming sprinkle in diaper.

I am going to bangkok. Company trip.
Will go and tailor some pants... old ones dun fit anymore at the hips. Where is a good place to buy baby stuff there?

Dor dor,

Use nail from baby finger...hmmm...have not tried it...hehe. Cos hubby always inspect my nails and demand I cut them cos he is worried i scratch the baby! Will try to see if this makes removal of dirt easier and more convenient!
yup yup, it's definitely much easier using the nail. It's what I always do too!

Re powder:
Cannot use baby powder? Why? Cos I using J&J Baby powder on Declan leh... :s
funny la, so many mummies have this cleaning ear / nose / eyes fetish.

PB, yes you are back! will take up offer of your wrist guard, email u to arrange collection okie

3 days trip can use the freezer pad / packs when on the plane coming back to SG, put nx 2 the EBM mah.

haha, i also go and smell cedric's ear after reading all these posts. heng also no smell

Cedric has fever of 38.9 degrees C after vaccination ystday. Diligently sponging him down and feedg him bb panadol. Fret the whole night thro w intermittent sleeping. Bbs shouldnt have to be ill

called my boss ystday, i will be going back to work 17 oct, easier to start on a friday rather than the mad rush of a monday.
apparently normal bb powder has talc which is small clay like particles (i think, my chemistry nt v good one). not good in long term when bb inhales these.
Rain... PD gave cough mixture, but said that it is for relieving the throat, not for dissolving the phlegm

scratching head
any of your baby like to scratch head? my gal has been scratching, but every time using her left hand to scratch the her left side of head. is it because too hot or what?

digging bb's nose
i used to use cotton wool, roll into small piece to clean bb's nose. but sometimes when the "sai" is very outside, i use my small finger... lazy to take cotton wool haha

baby powder
i also heard that it is not good to use baby powder, coz it will go into baby's lungs
Yes yes I have made exchanges hahaha... It's super cheap lor, that's why both mine and hb's eyes are blinded. That means 2 packets of Pampers active stages diapers for only $29.90. Normally one packet is $24 mah... so it's super good offer lor.

Ooh for the ear rite, I actually used the cotton bud with grooves, from guardian. and the cotton bud is black, and the stick is very sturdy, so it's easy to clean and see the wax. Daiso also sells the groove cotton bud, but white color.

To clean the ear I also use a little bit of calendula cream. I clean it daily, so bb won't have smelly ear. Just the outer part though, cuz we shouldn't poke to deep.

Yep, like cellow said, normal bb powder is not good when inhaled. so better used those constarch ones, if not liquid powder. I only apply powder on the folds, and if the folds are red. other than that, I just apply body lotion.

Ooh dun pluck out the cradle cap, cuz sometimes if the crust haven't fallen off, it'll leave the scalp red after you pluck, and you'll end up with more cradle cap, sometimes can be with pus and blood.Best to soften and brush, then apply calendula on the red parts of the scalp.
Nose Block,
my bb kacey also have this problem call up my pd this morning she ask me to apply a bit of the vick on her chest twice daily but each time only a bit no too much. probably mummies u guy can try out.....

Breast Pad,
mummies i have 5 boxes of breast pad(piegon brand) to sell away at 8/box anyone interester pls email me @[email protected] pick up at the east side ....
hmm I dun apply anything at all on bb's skin actually.. no powder, no lotion, nothing...

does the cradle cap flakes fall off easily when u girls brush it off? cos my bb's seem to stick onto his head, not much falling out...

having ingrown toenails now coz of the pedicure auntie to trimmed my nails into a curve instead of square.. how to fix two painful big toes?

you can only use vicks meant for children. You can try the cherie vapour rubs or something like. Can buy it from Guardian. And also, dont let the vapour rub get into contact with the nose cos it may cause heart attack on the kid !! This is what my PD told me. He says ok to a bit on chest. To play safe, i will put some vapour rub on a hanky and place it beside baby.
shd be ard 9+

drugstore only has those with finger brush.

mummies who wan to buy something from drugstore, pm me in case i miss the post.

i also brought ebm back last year when bfing my #1. i called SIA and they say should be exempted but to play safe i store the ebm in 100ml packs each. and chose a service apt during the trip so tat i can freeze the ebm myself. and i brought a few ice pack to keep the milk cool for the trip to the airport. once up the plane i passed the ebm to the air-stewardess to put in their fridge.
Hey labbit
How to know if baby has UTI? Sometimes poppy cries when she pees when I’m changing her diaper. I scared. But maybe also cos hungry la….

Baby stuff ah… MBK got a few shops, pratunam centre also I think. Sorry huh, cannot remember liao!

No prob about the wrist guards! I hope they will help you. didn’t really work for me. But I hope I can find them! Hehe.

Apply normal vicks can already ah? On the chest? Ok. I try…

Oh labbit say put on hanky next to baby… ok. I try to do that.
nose digging:
haha..so much on nose n ear digging..i m using normal cotton buds to clear those dry/sneezed out 'gold' at the outside of the nose..cos scared dig 2 inside kena nose bleed..

ear digging:
s 4 de ear, when bathing him, i use facial cotton 2 wipe those yellow thingy in the folds of his ear..but dun noe smelli or not.. cos i got sinus so oways nose block so cun reali smell..plus he's nt home now..

bb powder:
reali no good ah?? i've been applying daily lei.. n he oways sneeze when i apply..so i thot as long got sneeze means he's like getting the dirt or dust out so shld be ok??

painful breasts:
haiz.. as i m onli pumping twice daily.. moi milk supply has dropped..n lesser engorgement..but the prob is, i've been feeling sharp piercing pains on n off at moi breasts.. is this a sign of infection??? ani1 care 2 advise??

placed bb w mil dis week 2 let him adapt s i m going back work next week.. den yest when mil n me take cab 2 her hse..bb cry when i carry n wanted mil instead.. den i feel so sad..bb dun want me le.. wat if next time he totalli bu yao wo??

me using drypers S for daytime n mamy poko for nitetime..

sleeping thru:
bbD slept fr 9pm till 3plus (cos MIL woke him up 4 milk) which he mite hv slept till morning if not..but cos i ever read tat bb nided sugar fr milk 2 grow else bodi mite dyfunction n i tink mil scared loh.. but moi bbD ah.. everytime i bring him out 4 whole day 4 visiting, come back he will sleep 4 2 days.. drink sleep drink sleep.. cos he play non-stop n cun agar agar..
mummies who are using pigeon milk bags: do you experience any leaks? every time i make sure i zip it up tight tight then put in freezer, but when i thaw in fridge, sure got leak one!! the top part always got milk (i am SURE when i freeze that time dun have) and sometimes at the bottom of the pack too :| very precious leh.

oh.... i realised why i couldn't log in. my password was WRONG! hahahaha. but lucky mods change password for me. hehe. so paisay.
Re bb powder:
Star xin, I oso applying every day leh. Ok, then better stop. Mummies, what powder is safe to use then? Buy from where? But I love the smell of J&J bb powder...

Re cradle cap:
Nope, my bb's cradle cap doesn't fall off either and I don't have the patience to do anything about it. When I peel, I only have time to do 1 or 2 pieces. So mummies, don't worry about me tackling Declan's cradle cap..
pb, is it becos u put in too much milk in the bag ?

For uti, thk need to do urine test and bb will b running fever.

Jsp, juz b careful when use va
pour rubs.

I m in salon color hair nw ! Haha hiao po
i oso neva experienced ani leaks lei..erm..maybe cos u put 2 much milk?? or cos neva push out all the air in de 1st place??

haapy colouring.. muz be preparing 2 go back 2 work, ya? me trying out on moi clothes 2..2 c which fit n which dun..hope i dun end up discarding lotsa clothes n gotta shop 4 a new wardrobe...

New clothes:
btw i went fashion lab yest.. n was quite sad.. i used 2 wear S size..but yest dere's 1 particular piece tat i cun wear both S n M... sad...

I just bought the Pampers Comfort M(58) from NTUC for only $11.35. haven use yet as not sure if it is any good but cheap loh.. now I am still using the last pack of Huggies ultra that I got free from taka...

baby powder
My CL also told me it is not good to use baby powder on babies, not good for their lungs.. I only use lotion.

cellow, hope your baby fever subside liao.. it should be within a day...

pigeon milk bags, I am using leh.. no leaks leh.. u mean the pack broke?

baby prefer MIL
I also very scared baby will grow attached to MIL and once i reach home from work, i will be the one to carry him and put him to sleep, and also tried the whisperer method that baby must love mummy more... hee hee.. but if close to Granny also ok lah.. afterall, MIL takes very good care of him mah... but still want my boy to prefer me.. dun worry, try to spend more time with him to explore new things with him which your MIL cannot.. he will still prefer mummy at the end of the day..

When i first started work, I was so jealous of my MIL that she can spend so much time with my boy.. but I cannot (not by choice!). I told her about my withdrawal syndrome so now my MIL will sometimes call me in my office and let me talk to my boy and let me hear my boy's giggles and also tell my boy that mummy is at work but will be home soon.. so after a day, i stopped being jealous liao loh...
girls ah, you really make me laugh. too much milk??!! haha.

star xin, must push out air ah? sometiems still got air la. maybe that's the prob

alamak i so geh kiang, buy clothes so early, and now too loose haha.
those using medela mini electic - do you find that it empties your boobs? when i finish pumping (ie no more milk coming out), i remove then clean nipples, then want to squeeze out abit to rub around right? then sometimes got alot still come out and squirt even!

cos pigeon's 1 all japanese instructions n i got moi sis 2 translate.. according 2 instructions is muz oush out air la.. but i dun noe if tat's de real cause..
PB, I use that in office, it does not empty completely, you have to stop when no more milk coming out, then squeeze and squeeze some more (yes, sometimes can see squirt, woohoo!), then continue, then you will realise more will come out...
No leaks for my pigeon milk bags. Must fold many many times at the top, and secure w the sticker when storing. Did you cut open the bottom corner as indicated?
Also I flat pack the milk bag in freezer so that the air bubble is at the front / back.

hahahaa. understd abt the itchy hand to tackle cradle cap.... tdy cedric fever, left eye has a lot of eye mucous coming out, effectively gluing his left eye shut. so my boy is a one-eyed pirate today! and everytime i feed him, i will take facial cotton, wipe wipe wipe away

bb prefer other pple
think it is natural for bb to b attached to primary caregiver gua. right now, i dun feel any jealousy as bb's primary caregiver is me! but mayb later when the foreign domestic helper carry him...

aww, your MIL is so sweet
Not sure if your pumping style is the same as mine. Basically I let my Ameda pump until no more squirts come out. Then I press the sides of the breasts (while the Ameda is still pumping)... then got more squirts! And sometimes that takes quite some time too!
hi mummies,

Anyone of ur bb on S26 Gold? I have 4 bottles (ready to drink) milk of S26 to b given away...the expiry date is 16 of oct. Anyone interested pls PM me. Self collection in Punggol
thanks girls. star xin i tried to push out the air and i think it works! cellow, oh, must fold down and secure with the sticker ah? oops. i have always just 'ziplock'ed it back and just stick the sticker anywhere.

oh must squeeze with fnigers till got milk then continue? hmm. ok thanks!

pumping style: i massage nnps then put the pump on lor. when no more milk i will press all around until got milk and keep pressing on those spots till no more then find more spots haha. i think i am abusing my nnps!!!

star xin
back to work soon is it?

hey i hear you girls talk about LC.... how much to pay ah? and they go to your house or you go to their place or what ah? cos i'm concerned if i have blocked ducts or what. sometimes when pumping i can see milk like want to come out don't want to come out like that. can see a bit white white but no flow, know what i mean? wondering if an LC can help, or would i just be wasting my money...

i use normal vick but only apply v little on kacey chest it does help n this afternoon she slept for 4 hours through without waking up for her feed.
Hi all,

Intend to organise a tea session gathering next week Monday at my home (Simei) any mummies interested? Snack n Drinks are provided
star_xin: tingling feeling in breasts could be letdowns you are feeling?

lbt: wah... u surf net using hp while @ salon? wat colour did u choose? mine's reddish.. but hor..now dat I've washed my hair at home, it doesn't look as nice liao cos curling out n looks messy
I'm so lousy at preening myself..

trying out clothes: sheesh! happenned to me too.. tried out a skirt n usually I take the smallest size.. but last weekend the one I tried was so tight dat I had to ask for a bigger size! I've become pear shaped wiv a big bum!!
hi serene

sob sob, i start work this thurs so wont hv chance to come to your tea party! but do post pix ya

PB - u farnee la..wrong password? lol

re going back to work..me dreading dreading! i think the 3 months has made my brains very lazy :p..and i dread facing morning traffic to work..and rushing to send sophie bunny to babysitter..:p
my mil used to apply powder on the side of his thighs near his groins lor! Luckily bb frank doesn’t have UTI! That’s why staying with old pp sure have conflicts.

Pb, michelle
Yup I am using medela mimi pump, yes it doesn’t empty our breasts, cos every time pump until nothing liao, take out try to squeeze still got a lot! So now I don’t use pump liao, I use my hands! Somemore got satisfaction when see squirts! Hee

U have a v good mil and ur relationship with her is so gd. I’m really envious.

Yes I have experienced it, got milk there want to come out but cannot. I even use my hand to squeeze v hard but still cannot. Then in the end I got blebs. After that I sterilize needle and poke it and bingo another 30-40ml of milk spray out!
oh i use one hand to squeeze the other hand to hold the bottle. then the other driping nnp i use my arm to "kiap" another bottle. hee.
PWAH! Sounds technically difficult. But I realise nnp can drip and squirt at the same time, then how to catch both drips and squirts?
PB, summert, i also see one part where like got milk there but cannot come out.. can see a bubble then go back in again.. is that block duct??

PB, ya, pump until no milk come out, you stop and then use hand to squeeze and position the funnel to catch it , sure got some more squirts.. then put back continue to pump and squeeze at the same time, MORE will come out.. sometimes i repeat this process a few times until really tired then i stop lah..

Btw Summert, i use same method as you when i use the Ameda pump at home!

bbp, both drip and squirt can be caught by the funnel so no waste...

if u r using solely hands: for instance i will use right hand to squeeze the left nnp and left hand to hold the bottle, then my right arm (btn wrist and elbow) will "kiap" the bottle and catch the milk on the right nnp. Maybe i'm used to it liao so no sweat. hehee.

Is yours dual pump? i also have 2 mini electric medela pump so last time i will pump 2 nnp at the same time.

hey i tried to order items fr bb centre before but no shipment out of usa. how did you manage to do it?? i'm going to take a look now, let u kn if anything catches my eyes.
