(2008/07) July 2008

Same here.. had fights with hb on housework many times liao. Says since Im JUST ONLY looking after bb so should have lots of time to do house chores. I was so mad that I shouted "Im not a maid you know!" Then both charcoal face for the entire night.

Just the other nite we argued over bb's body wash. Stupid right?! He was swaddling her with towel preparing for her bathe then told me her "down there" smells. Told him sure smells cos wrapped up in diaper for 24/7. I normally use cotton balls and water to clean her area before putting her into water but he didnt so thats why got smell. Told him Dani isnt suitable to J&J and I've already ordered a new wash for her, delivering to me very soon so meanwhile just use clean water to bathe her first. He refused! Said why cannot let her use, why dont want her to be clean clean. I really want to kick him in the face!
my boy weighs 4.89kg at 2-month. is he considered underweight? he was borned 2.46kg only. petite bateau clothes should have sale, if i am not wrong but to play safe, you can call their hotline to enquire. is the sale still going on today? i tot pte sale only one day?

sigh. we also always quarrel over trivial matters. sometimes, i feel he still doesnt know he is a daddy yet.
baby whisperer mtd:
tried it out yest but din work..maybe nid a few tries 2 get him used 2 it..

establishing routine:
ani1 watch de tv programme by chen yuyun on taking care of bb?? the parents there draw up timetbl 2 establish routine 4 bb n they kip 2 it.. by nt bringing bb out if it upsets the routine? u guys got such routines 2??

sucking hands:
mine sucks at olmost anithing n everything.. eg..when i flip him on his tummi 2 powder his back, he will suck de cotsheet.. n he likes 2 smear his saliva on moi arms (when carriedover de shoulder) den use his chin 2 bwa-bwa till the saliva everywhere..

bad hubbi:
smtimes can get busy till onli nite time hb come back den got time 2 shower..den he oways cm back eat dinner den sleep.. den i so upset loh..daytime i struggle,he comes back still i ownself struggle..den if nt, he will disturb bb n i hv 2 'shou shi can ju'..
CS/SY, getting Desitin thru overseas spree is cheaper den local pharmacies..cos overseas 1 is 4oz but local onli 2oz..n de price is comparable..
Morning Mommies!
It seems that at this stage, all babies loves to suck on their finger/fist/hands/ heck... everything around them. I found my bb sucking on my shoulder when I carry her upright. Lols.

I have helper, and my apt is always messy. As long as things doesn't scatter around, my hb should be ok. But sometimes he scatters his things as well. Sometimes hb thought SAHMs have a lot of time on their hands, but actually not true la... say, with bb around, time flies really fast. just finished with feeding, bb vomit lar, need to change diaper lar, poo poo, bathe etc. Not to mentioned getting bb to sleep and play with bb. when you look at the watch, it's feeding time again... the whole cycle goes on and on and on... sometimes even worse when bb always cry and doesn't sleep soundly. They really must switch role for 1 week and see how difficult it is to be a SAHM. That's why I really pei fu all SAHM. I can never do that myself.

I don't have the Baby can read cd. Is it really useful? Seems so popular around the mommies.

I hope your bb will sleep better soon. Last time my bb used to cry and cry and cry before she sleeps, at that time I played classical music, very loud!!! She stopped crying and listened to the music. When she stopped crying, I immediately put the pacifier, and rock her gently. She would stopped and becomes very sleepy.

For night time, try getting a routine for him. I bathe bb 2X, so at around 7-8 pm I will bathe her again and feed her milk afterwards. I know it's a bit late for bb to bathe, but surprisingly she's a lot more calmer after the bath. If she's not very cranky, I'll do a baby massage with bb lotion, while talking to her. She loves it! Maybe you want to try that to see if it works?

After massage, I will feed with low lights then let her sleep. If she's cranky, I find she will sleep better on our bed, together with us very close to her.

Oh there was one time when she was super cranky.. then I found out that she felt warm. so I changed her to light clothing ( even in aircon room ) and she slept better.

It's really difficult to figure out bb yeah? Have to trial and error many times.
Morning (ok not quite morning already haha)! Wow finally have some time to come online.

hi JSP,missyz,cin_bunny,bluey,
it was great meeting u ladies yesterday.

Think my damage was the largest coz I bought cosmetics too ... costs me a good 200 bucks sia .. too long never buy liaoz!

Re sucking, my bb loves to suck her thumb, fingers and entire palm. The cutest thing is when she suck her fingers, dunno why her whole mouth area will be wet too! When she is hungry and I carry her, she will be sucking my arm until its wet wet ... haha ...

Re sleeping through the night.
Bb has been sleeping through the night and it means good sleep for us (usually 10 or 11 to 6 or 7). However, I have a qn for mummies who are still breast feeding: do you still wake up and pump in the middle of the night? How many times? I wanted to do that but scared wake up hubby and bb ... then sometimes I think scarly I wake up at 3, pump and sleep at 4 then bb wants to drink milk at 5 how? No need to sleep meh?! But at the same time I also scared supply (which is already not enough) will drop ... then wasted leh ... haiz. Now I usually pump at 10/11pm then will wait until bb wakes up for feed before next pump and that is usually at 5/6/7 am ...

Re cranky bb, could it be because of colic? Coz I heard that bb at 2-3 months can be very colicky ... Praying hard that my girl will not be ...

Yah and sometimes it could be because it is too warm. There was also once Li Xun keep kicking and making noise on her bed and dun want to sleep (even though I can tell that she is tired liaoz) ... we finally went to take a look at her after half hr (I know, we are kind of bo chup) and realise that her back and pillow were all wet! Can you imagine how much sweat she is producing? We were in an air con room lo... so we brought her to our bed to air her back and bed. After that she fell asleep... I wonder why bb always perspire so much? Is it because they are generating cells every single moment?
What classical music did you play? We have started bedtime routine for 2 weeks, I'd nurse him around 7.30pm, followed by warm bath, then turn off all the lights and use dimmed yellow lights only, and we'd rock him to sleep. It seems that Jamie always wake up after 1 sleep cycle (around 45 mins - 1 hour) leh. And we cannot put him to bed awake like all the books & articles suggest because he'll cry as soon as he touch the bed. Haiz ... been scouring the internet for sleep solution liao.
Hi Rhs,
I bought one for my first girl 8 years ago, it's a compilation of classical music for bb (2 discs), by motherhood magazine. There are music for playtime, sleep, etc.

The other one my daughter loves a lot is a piano one, not a classical, it's actually an original soundtrack of Korean Drama Spring Waltz, called Spring Waltz Classic OST. Very nice.

Yep, my dd also, cannot put her on the bed to sleep cuz she will fuss. She also sleep for only 45 min to 1 hr, but during the day only. after the last feed at 11 pm, she will sleep through until 7.30 am. in the middle of the night she will fuss a little, but after giving her pacifier she will continue to sleep.

Maybe it's just your baby's nature as a light sleeper. Anyways, Here's some articles you might want to read:
ya, I agree, since we’re more in contact with bbs, get more pek chek. Your case also same as mine, there was once I tried to put frank to sleep on bed instead of sarong, he eh and cried for v long until hb came in to chk thinking I’m bullying him. But then again, does that means for ur case, tummy down works for ur bb?

Did your bb Jamie sleep a lot during the day? When he fuss at nite especially, is it because he’s hungry? Are you giving him FM or BM or EBM? If FM or EBM, then maybe can try to increase the oz? if BM, then I think it’s common for bb to wake up within short interval if they didn’t drink enough.

Re: claypot rice
Aiyo! My favourite! *drooling* few days ago I went to foodcourt to ta-bao lunch for myself and hb, nearly wanted to ask if can ta-bao claypot rice or not. But with the claypot cos the feel is better mah. Hehee

I tried whisperer method yest but boy still wake up after 6hrs, slept from 9pm to 3am leh. I told him to wake up at 6am lor. But then after putting him to his cot last night I forgot to whisper to him immediately, only whisper to him after 2-3minutes. Maybe that’s why? Never mind I will try again tonight. Erm, pardon me, what’s this Shichida method about? Is it good?

Wah, ur rianne so bang nai ah! Guess I must adopt some habit singing to my frank liao.

Wah dani can say apple ah!

I always thot bb cant talk now but looking at both lbt and CS bbs, I think my bb does utter “ok”. Cos I’m a ok mummy, always end my sentence with ok ok. So these few days when I said something, I heard frank said “ok” , hmm seems like he’s really catching my favourite word liao.

Re: flip
Frank doesn’t flip on his own but when I am trying to adjust the back of his pants, I will say turn your back and turn him slightly and he will then automatically turn to one side. But then he cant hold for long, only few seconds.

Comments about “your bb can read” dvd have been good. 2 of my colleagues tried it and their bbs can really recognize words.
I don't think your bb is underweight. He's practically doubled his birth weight in two months. That's very good growth! All bbs develop differently, and as long as they are healthy, it is okay. My bb was big at birth so it is only natural that he is hefty now. Else I'd be worried!
Hello mummies!

Gosh.. i've missed 2 months of postings and don't really have time to catch up with the reading.

Ref: Back to work
some of the mummies are back at work already? not taking your 3rd month maternity leave? for the past couple of days, i've been dropping off bb at my mum's late morning then going to office for a few hours but can't accomplish much and super super tired at the end of those 2 days. sigh... but being SAHM is not my cup of tea. didn't know motherhood entails soooo much!!

Ref: BF
mummies, i'm at a dilemma now. i am contemplating to stop BF. my BM is very "watery" and bb's weight is only at 50 percentile. have been supplementing with FM. once i'm back to work full time, don't think i have the time to express.

i googled on "too much foremilk" and realised that my BM is the cause for my bb having lots of wind. pains me to see him scream and cry when his tummy is uncomfortable. and sometimes he rejects the BM and cries himself to sleep still hungry
really am at a lost now. have been giving him more and more FM and he's happier and can doze off to sleep by himself too.
Thats right! You know how men are afraid of marrying their "mothers", well for my case, think Ive married my "son" ... *roll eyes*

Oh, didnt know Desitin comes in 4oz.. learnt something today

I bathe for bb 2 times too. But my night bathe for Dani is very much later, ard 9+. This is because we're preparing for bb's sleep and my girl if she's warm nia, she will make alot of noise. So we now set a routine, after night bathe, feed her then pat her to sleep. She is already used to night bathes and will wait for it. We keep all windows and doors closed when bathing her so that she doesnt catch a chill.

hahhaha... she just happened to coo a word that sounds like apple to me. This morning another new word "help".. hahaha! My MIL also heard it as help - I was dressing her after bathe. Think she hates it thats why call for help.

There was once she was playing by herself in the living room as "ting zhang" then she suddenly shouted "wo bu yao!" I knows this sounds impossible but it really sounded like that. I thot its I read too much into it but my hb laughed and said "did she just say wo bu yao?!" ... *lol*
Re: Your Baby Can Read
It's a good investment. I started #1 on it after he turned 2yo. Before that he was not allowed to watch TV. It worked well even though he started late. He reads sentences and loves books. He can sit and read a book by himself
not much petite bateau on sale. very limited old stock and only a few pcs of new items on 20%. i love their clothes and it's always the 1st thing i go see when i go shopping
U need to whisper to ur bb at least for 7 days before u see results.

Hehe nw at salon doing rebonding and i cut my hair short !
You are so mean! Put her hands in her pants?! Naughty mummy!!

You’re doing a good job, don’t stress yourself ok? Tell your hubby to close one eye la. Focus should be on baby, home cleanliness can take second place for now

Alamak. Fresh? Like fruits ah! She has worked in SG before. Prom the pilipines

Thanks youpi. Yes I am looking forward to being home with poppy ;) and cooking! I have not cooked for a long time sia. I’m looking forward to planning good meals and having a life again!!

i wonder if i have told you girls but in case you don't know, FOX BABY got alot of blouses that are quite big so i always buy to use as dresses for poppy
Thanks! I'll go and find the CD. Hopefully it can help

Jamie is on BM. I don't think he's hungry because now he can last 3 - 4 hours between feeding, and usually I do cluster feed before his bedtime (ard every 2 hours). He doesn't sleep much either during the day. On good day, around 3 naps, each about 45 mins or 1 hour only.
hmm, then maybe got to wait for bb Jamie to get into sleeping longer? I remember one of the mommies here said that her #1 only sleep through the night at 2yrs old. So meanwhile, maybe you want to try lbt's whisperer method and see if it helps?
Re: Weaning
hey mommies, when are you going to starting weaning for your bbs? And what kind of food should we give? How to cook? Can someone provide me with step to step instruction and recipe? (cos mil went back to msia..hurray!.. and i dont want to ask her)
just now poppy had her feed at 545pm then in the car on the way home she slept. then woke up and stayed up. at 8 she cried so we tried to give her milk but she drank a bit then started screaming. like really top of her lungs kind. really didn't know what she wanted, knew she was sleepy but didn't know it could cause her to be so angry?! but it was for about 20 minutes and now she's asleep :S
me me too! my boy only slept thru after i wean him off pacifier!!

when my bb slept thru, i will pump at night still. whether she wakes or not, i will pump at 1030 before sleep, wake at 2.30am and 6.30am to pump. what i pump at night will supplement the day feeds as mine feeds frequently in day.

is your bb not latching long enough to get the hind milk?

mine also scream like mad sometimes when she wants to sleep...but after screaming, they sleep pretty well

yeah dun need to start weaning soon. I only start brown rice cereal for #1 when she was 5 mths old. You can start to give plain rice cereal which can be bought off the shelve. Then progress to making simple purees. You can steam or blanch then blend food that is suitable for the age. So you need to first buy a baby food blender.

sama sama .. if Rianne wants to sleep, must do it fast else she will throw her xiao jie pi qi.
lbt... ya lor, i told her anyhow mix BM will get germs, then she kept quiet. my gal also likes to duet twinkle twinkle little star with me!
me: twinkle twinkle little star
bb: oh... goo... oh

jacelyn... i'm a light sleeper, will wake up at least once in middle of night, so i will pump once before i sleep, middle of night also once, then pump when wake up. hubby can still sleep despite my noisy pump haha

mummies... when can we start weaning off midnight feed (12-6am)???

rightfully, when bb doubled their birth wt, they dont require any more night feeds. But of cos there are exceptions like Youpi's #1 ! Some ppl wean off nite feed by giving plain water or pacifier. I am not sure how cos I never tried it before.

So is your MIL more careful with your EBM now ?
lbt... thanks for your info. after telling MIL about germs then she didnt do anything to my BM for the time being. but i'm still worried when i start supplement FM in the future, dunno what will she do... i dun want my gal to become a fatty gal!
Have at least 4pkt of brand new Pampers Comfort M Size 58pcs/pkt to let go at only $10. ( Outside selling at least $11.50/pkt) Coz my baby cannot fit anymore.. Will give away balance about 40pcs loose pieces FREE if anyone buying all.. Collection at Clementi. contact/sms me at 96960155 or email [email protected] for quick deal!!
nite pumping
i only pump at nite when 1) my boy wakes for feed & 2) the pump is washed by helper b4 she sleeps &/or 3) i am not too sleepy... hee...

lbt, my boy doubled his weight oredi but still asking for milk at 3am leh...

baby screaming
hmmm.. come to think of it, other than the groaning sound he makes, my boy is quite "gentle", seldom scream nor even cry out loud unless he is very hungry and daddy take ages to settle his feed. in fact, he smiles and giggles most of the day... hope i dun jinx myself here!


i guess i am the lucky one with gd MIL, who can discuss and accept most things we want for our boy. perhaps she has seen how tough it was from latching days to now pumping EBM, so she makes sure she makes baby finish every drop and handles the EBM with extra care. really appreciate her a lot else i cant go back to work in peace...

started work on thurs and boy, there were many "arrows"!! talk abt women in maternity not contributing! i think we end up doing more cos ppl will jus conveniently dump things at ur doorstep cos "u had 3 mths rest, so can do more" kind of thinking and not there to shield the arrows....

how do u mummies cope with the baby withdrawal syndrome? i miss my boy so much i keep sms my MIL to ask wat is he doing when i know that he probably should be sleeping loh... I WANT TO BE A SAHM TOO!! SOB SOB...
I ordered my calendula from drugstore leh no problem reach my vpost liao. But their CB items price on the high side.

Ur gal didn't join in the shopping aah??....hehehe

hehe same same I dig FOx bb clothes too. Infact the purple 'dress' Ember wore for her 1st mth was a Fox bb top....kekeke
So good lah in a way girl clothes can last a long time....hehe

Isetan sale - hehe I reach there only at 11am cos my son refused to wakeup!!! Then he refuse to take taxi say wana take bus so okie but when the bus stopped he refuse to go up.....sigh So JSP heng I didn't hitch a ride from u else later make u wait for us so paisey.
So tiring didn't buy much but bill still quite high.....hahaha
N the worse was today I still went back isetan with my 2 kids along cos I bought my clinique stuff n was given another customer's items. Only realised back home so....sigh

Didn't get the chance to meet u gals cos i was with another mummy n my son was very impatient for us to finis shopping n go get lunch. Was hopeing to bump into u ladies while shopping but no luck. Hopefully next time can meetup but definately not at Isetan sale.....haha
hi momzies...

sporting eye bags as my boy has decided to get up every 2 hourly last nite despite all the LOUD WHISPERING I did..

MIL put him in the yao lan a day ago.. he quietened but was looking around.. must be wondering where he was n why he was rocking, but not in momma's arms (ya.. I'm his human yao lan bouncing up n down on my bed when trying to soothe him sometimes)..

gotto start preparing him cos I'm going to work real soon...
sure to have bb withdrawal syndrome wan...
bb pulling hair:
bbD has been grabbing his own hair n pulling it.. tink he din noe he's pulling own hair cos he can pull until ownself crying.. hw 2 stop tat? put his mittens back??

washing of hair:
recentli bb kip crying when shampooing his hair but is oways happy after his bath lei.. erm.. y will like dis? hw 2 make him enjoy shampooing of hair?
Thanks. What kind of purees should I start with?

which is preferred, plain or brown rice cereal to start with? Or up to my preference? Any brand of bb food blender?
Perhaps you can try puting mittens back on to see how bb react to it. Dani has a habit of rubbing her face and ears when sleepy or she just want to fuss hence I let her wear back her mittens. Will wait for her to grow out of this habit before removing mittens.

Shampooing Hair
I think most babies are like that de la..
Sometimes Dani makes alot of noise when I shampoo her hair too. She likes to keep turing her head left-right-left-right continously and this makes it very diffcult for me to shampoo her so I lock her head and she pek chek then starts to struggle and make noise. But once I start to wash off, she'll quiten down. Then when in water, she'll stay quiet and enjoy.

dor dor
aiyo.. maybe I sua ku la. I seldom shop online hence alittle lost with all the procedures. I know there's this vpost thingy but dont know what its for and how to use..hahaa.

I'll wean bb after she's 6 months old. Im not too familiar with solids, think will seek bbsitter's advise. bbsitter's a vegetarian so Dani will not be able to take meat unless during weekends or after I fetch her home for dinner. Doesnt really bother me cos I dun intend to let her take meat anyway.

it's up to you but brown rice is nutritous. I am using Braun bb food blender. They have quite a few models. There's another one by the brand U-LIKE. Was sold in the isetan sale few days ago.
So when do u intend to let ur bb start taking meat?

thanks so much for the info. i will start on brown rice then. Which is more exp, braun or u-like?

why dont let Dani take meat ? we shld try to expose them to sorts of food so that they wont be picky eaters in future.

your bb sitter dont handle meat ? you can pass her the amount of meat to make porridge for Dani then ur bbsitter just pour the meat into it, dont need to handle it.

i dont know the price. My BRAUN blender is pass down from my sis.

my MIL home made brown rice + SI SHEN (chinese herbs) cereal. I just cook them .. easy for me hehehe
U-LIKE! i like u-like! i bought when i was preggie cos the lady said 'ah you see, this one can grind ikan bilis for baby porridge'. i was hooked. so auntie. :|

today i was just telling my hubby that poppy doesn't tell me anymore, when she wets her nappy. then just now during her nap she screamed so it was 1) babymare + 2) wet nappy. hehe
Probably 8 months onwards?

I will introduce meat into her diet but perhaps not so early.. say 8 motnhs onwards? Wanted her to start off with pumkins, carrots sweet potatos..

bbsitter ah.. they're a vegetarian family hence I also paiseh to want them to handle meat. I will just have to give Dani myself when I bring her back home after work or during weenends.

Whoa! Poppy's shades is the in thing right now! hahahaha....
hi star_xin, how r u doing? so funny, your bb pull his own hair and cry... not sure how to fix this problem though..wear back mittens like you said?

mine will cry when I clean his tongue and wipe his face..no choice, still have to clean..I try to talk to him and coax him while doing it but he's still crying too.. but he likes his hair wash and bath now...

wah poppy! you super stylo-milo man! are these oversized shades coming back into fashion again?

lbt..how do you look in your new haircut?? I'm torn about what to do wiv my hair and where to go.. one sis and hubby says curly hair more auntie, mom and other sis says straight hair nicer..dunno what's the in-hairstyle now too.. (the bob's already passe right?) any recommendations ladies? and hairdresser?

i cut bob leh ! out of fashion ????

my hairstylist trying to persuade me to perm, say will look v nice. But I scared I look auntie, plus I have no time in the morning to style the hair. So I ask her to snip it away.

but your hair looks very straight ... dun need to rebond. Why not just layer it and then color ?

I want to color next week too ehhehe

juz smthing 2 share..i rebonded moi hair abt a mth back..den recentli i realised dropping hair 2 a patch of bareness (no yet bald) at moi hairline.. plus we noe it's normal 2 drop hair..so i guess.. watever haircut 2 do, try not too strong chemical treatment..
urr...dunno leh...maybe the bob is still the in-thing now? I think Michelle Chong looks good in her new bob haircut too..

mine is very fine and thin.. will see what the hairstylist says...pray I go to one wiv good taste... no idea who to go to now...

little bb's still snoozing in the yao lan...feeling kinda lost as to what to do now dat I've got my hands free..


you can try mashin bananas and papaya first to like puree if no time to cook..
if got time then boil carrots and potatoes also can.. brown rice is good..
u can doo alot then freeze it and use it when u like..
online can find books on purees receipes..

do your babies have dry lips??
