(2008/07) July 2008

re: haircut

me also rebond, colour and cut bob le.. more manageable and definitely looks younger haha...

now the trend is vintage rite ... poppy very IN le

re: BM
when im back to work will bring thawed FBM in milk bag for the day for mil. will also leave a few packs of FBM at her place in case not sufficient. dunno to put the thawed FBM in bottles for mil (like this i will need many bottles) or leave 2 bottles at her place and she wash the bottles herself. My concern is bottles not cleaned properly cos sometimes after washing the bottle will stil feel "oily" so gotta wash again. And also afraid she "lao hua" cant see traces of milk after washing . maybe i worry too much. Guess i have to explain to her..

re: hand sucking
Evan also sucks his hand. Real loud - zhup zhhup zhup. I can hear him from the dinning room. Usually he does this when he's sleeping, then hungry liao zhup zhup hand. Still no milk then he started crying liao... think he can't ta han hunger. Last nite he drank 120ml at 1 am then abt 6 am he zhup zhup and cried for milk liao. Now i call him "gu ni teh" - milk pig.

told my hb abt the whispering thing. Will try it out cos every nite he will wake up twice for milk... faint.

Any one watched the Channel U thu 9.30pm show? wondering whether the courses tat the parents went with their babies is conducted in TMC. Wanted to go for the course.

re: Weaning
will wean when baby is 6 mths old. Understand from the person i spoke to in bf org now WHO recommends weaning at 6 mths to prevernt food allegy.

re: Shampooing
evan will make noise when i wash his hair.. once he's in the tub pong pong he's ok liao
guess most babies dun like shampooing ...

envy that ur mil is so nice
haiz... hope mine is ok when baby is looked after by her when im back to work. My mil is a nice person. But when comes to baby guess we have our differences so will have "xin ping".. i will feel "fan gan" ... but she seems ok le.. maybe i petty..

re: rashes

mentioned prev evan has baby acnes think due to BM. Now after feed i always wipe with wet handkie, wash with natural gaia baby wash when bathing and also apply natural gaia soothing cream (contains calendula). Now the affected areas is much smoother and less dry but it became slightly white patches.
it is white spot? Dun think so rite? Any idea? Will only check with doc 2 wks later when due for his 1st 6-in-1 jab...
re: haircut
Havnt got time to colour yet, but def will b4 heading bk to offc! Finally got the courage to chop off to shoulder length bob.

You always hv such cuteeeee pix of Poppy!

Straight hair coloured and layered will look great on you! U funny la, hands are free, then go online shopping lor

whispering thing doesnt work leh. Cedric used to wake up jst once a night, these 2 nights, twice a night.

same same! Cedric also doesnt like washing hair, but once put him into water then ok.

Heat rash
Cedric woke up w heat rash today, fingers crossed that the CB calendula cream will work its wonders.
Kena armpits, stomach, neck... Heart pain leh.

re: HB and hse cleanliness
thks for all the advise, sayangs and kind words. me + HB talked it out, both said sorry, shake hand and made up. macam like kindergarten fight hor
haha the sunnies belong to sophie bunny! we went to visit the bunnies last week then tried on the props hehe. cin bunny so funny, some more say 'put on her head!' so i did:

hehe poor thing la this baby, always kena do such silly things for mummy's entertainment

ya poppy also suck VERY loud! when she's in my bedroom and i'm in the kitchen, still can hear her!!

yay good that you and hubby friend back liao
must 'see open' ok? bb cedric is #1, everything else is #2

aiyah cut what suits you, not what's in fashion! many years of bad haircuts taught me that :D i go to pearlyn at zone in, 6883 1721. the shop is at bras besear. i like her.
dry lips
My boy has super dry lips! especially the top lip, very pale colour (like milk colour) and have like 1 piece i piece of skin.. at one stage, the centre part of the top lip like got blister some more.. thot its cos he suck the teats too hard thats why...

Milk intake, my boy is taking 150ml per 3hrly, BUT, he only takes 60-70ml at nite feeds.. is that a sign that he slowly does not need nite feeds anymore??????

Shampooing.. my boy also does not really like shampoo already.. he will turn a bit to show his displeasure.. but once in the water, he is a happy baby.. looking forward to the mambo tub that i ordered... cant wait to see him swim..

the PD gave me a booklet on baby's first food, and it is recommended to wean baby off at 6 months, maintain milk feed of about 700-750ml per day and feed solids. To start with the food types from the lowest tier in the food pyramid (eg rice, potato etc). Meat should start only after 10mths... they also teach us how to prepare the food... think will follow that guide bah...
wah, is si shen herbs considered v heaty? Any idea what can I mix mash carrots/potatoes with? Or just plain plain like this?

Actually also good to start with veg, will discuss with hb.

your bb just started on yao lan rite? Actually my bb frank started it when he’s 3weeks old. But now I’m reducing his time on yao lan (though he only sleeps there during daytime) cos my sis got experience with her son, he was so dependent on yao lan that the cant sleep when outside.

U mean mash bananas and papaya together? But wont it cause diahorrea? But think I will start plain brown rice cereal first then gradually progress.

Re: swaddle
Mommies, do u still swaddle ur bb when sleeping? Cos I still do that. Then this morning bb frank’s hands came out and I just let him swing swing, but who knows he can still sleep without swaddling. So this afternoon I tried not swaddling him but he only sleep for a short while then wake up. How?

Not to pour cold water, but it’s really not easy to deal with mil. It’s just a matter of time that either party cant tolerate each other. Unless u can “ren” v well. I’m speaking from experience lor.

Thanks for the info.
wah, ur PD so gd, from which hosp?

haha, it's fun to play with our bbs now b4 they run around and make us run around with them too. hee.
Dear mummies,

I have the following items for sales.

1) Bumbo seat @ $35. Very good condition in box. Used less than 10X. Color: Aqua.

2) Hanging mobile for baby cot @ $8.

Self collect at Serangoon Station or North East line. North West line from Outram to Clementi can be arranged.

Interested buyers, pls text 96510417. Thanks.


Separately la!!!
But there are receipes to teach how to mix purees..

Interested in your PD too since so nice. Haven confirm a PD for Kayden yet as we are in the midst of moving house.
Actually good lah dun get started. N somemore usd is back up liao.....hahaha
Else very cham leh so addictive. Can't resist buying 1.
let bb try one fruit at a time. for instance, if u want to make banana puree then just make banana and feed him for 3-4 days or more to see if he has any allergy to it. if u change to potato the next day, u dont know whether he is allergy to potato or banana. thats what i learned from my gf.
wrist pain
now my turn to have wrist pain... comes fm wringing nappies out daily
PB, do1nk, which ws the chinese sinseh u went? recall u saying it was effective
i am sure u look great in ur bob coz u are a pretty mommy!
any pic? i never gt the courage to cut my hair short. boo.
Dani drank 270ml of FM last night !!!!! She broke her own record liao!

She was crying murder last night. Both hb and myself totally lost, do not know what she wanted. Bathe liao, feed liao still cry. So we gave her another 100ml on top of her already drank 120ml.. then she willing to guai guai de go to sleep. Slept thru til this morning.

The dry centre top lip that you were mentionng is called "sucking pad". According to a booklet that my PD gave me, it is normal for babies to have this sucking pad and it is not cause by lack of water. So giving them water to drink will not help. It'll go away once bb starts on solids. Dani has it too and hers is very thick lo. Then sometimes when I clean her lips after feed, the skin came off but few days later the sucking pad appears again. Its normal to have, dont worry.

dor dor
Ure right girl! It is sure addictive.. I find myself always surfing to find what can I buy.. hahaha..

Ive stop swaddling Dani ever since she came home. She simply hates it when her hands are not mobile, will fuss and struggle til we release her. She loves to sleep with her arms all stretched out like chinese character "big" - arms, legs all spread out.
i dont swaddle bb anymore too. i thought only to swaddle for the 1st month?

i gt a shock when i first read your msg. i tot dani drank 270ml at one!
oh my gosh i also thought dani drank 270 at one shot!!!

i didn't go to sinseh. my pain just went away gradually. some people say wrist guards help. not for me though so if you want, i can look for mine and pass to you?
Within 10mins considered one shot bo? Within 10mins of finishing her 120ml, we gave her a top up of 100ml cos she not enough so keep crying and eating her mittens with lips smacking and all... told hb she drink til like no need money.. *lol*
my PD is from KKH, Dr Yong.

summert, missysz is rite, the booklet say can only introduce one food type only after 3-4 days so that if there is any allergy, you know it is due to wat food that baby ate...

CS, my boy lips start to peel off and got skin dangling down there... looks painful to me, anything we can do about it? you mean it will be there till 6 months! i am thinking could it be due to the pacifier too...
Dani too, sometimes its dangling there, sometimes it came off after I wipe her lips. If its dangling there, I'll slowly peel off, she didnt even twitch a single bit.. haha .. dont worry, its not painful for them. It'll disappear in 4-6 months when bb starts on spoon feeding.

Our painful wrists will go away by itself ar? Mine seems to be getting more painful each day. Initially only left wrist and now right wrist also kena.. very pain. MIL bouught me those "ko-yo-por" to paste also no use.
Who is your PD?

I'm looking for a PD. Been going to GP and since baby was sick, wanted to go to a proper children doctor.
wow, thats a lot. dont know okay or not coz PD told me that bb's stomach is still v small so shldnt overfeed them..anyway, if she is okay now then dont worry okay but i know pocket one big hole if she drinks like this everyday. hee..do u give her pacifier? maybe she just wants to suck for comfort?

where do u stay? u can go to this website to see if they hve any branches near ur vicinity. my first experience with the PD at CCK was good.

How to feed & introduce new food

- Introduce a few food by giving only 1/4 - 1/2 tsp. Feed your baby using the tip of the spoon and let him suck the food.

- Give only 1 new food at a time and observe how your baby reacts for a few days b4 u intro another good

- If ur baby has loose stools or develops skin rash, u should stop giving the last newly-intro food. bring ur baby to see a PD

- Increase the amount and the variety of new food slowly

- Give the new food b4 a milk feed while ur baby is hungry

- if ur baby likes a new food, give it to him more often

- do not force your baby to eat or finish his food

- allow your baby to handle the spoon and bowl. Encourage him to feed himself even if this means eating with his fingers

- make eating enjoyable for your baby
He's Dr Ong Eng Keow from Singapore Baby & Child Clinic - TMC. He also available at Gleneagles, MT A, MT E and AMK. Happen so he's the PD for 2 of my friends too.

True, babies should not be over fed. From what I read, their stomach is only as big as our clenched fist. Im not sure what happened last night but think its gona a one-time thingy nia. Really alot lo .. *lol* Gave her pacifier but she just dont want, keep spitting it out. So fed her, and she slept thru the night. Woke up at 7+ for a 120ml and slept til now... (still sleeping) ... hee ...

Ya la, pocket really one big hole. Worse still, Im going to let her try Enfalac A+, if all okay then will let her continue. By then pocket lagi big hole cos Enfa series damn ex!
Smiggle, missysz, lbt,
Thanks for your help on weaning.

Thks for the info, they r vuseful to me. Just to chk, give bb food 1/4 to 1/2 tsp b4 every feed or one day?

Wah, thks, didn’t kn semb got children’s clinic! Muaks!
re swaddling
but if i dun swaddle bb he cant sleep soundly on the bed leh. he will tend to eh eh every 10mins. but i also kn at 3mth we shdnt swaddle him anymore,. how arh?
i've been expressing and left EBM in fridge. that's why can see the creamy milk part very little while the bluish watery part more than 1/2 of total quantity. not sure why like that, been eating regular meals and drinking water. at times, i resort to scooping off the top layer of creamy portion from 2 to 3 bottles to make 1 feed and throw away the bluish watery portions. this seems to be giving him lesser discomfort.

no prob. once bb starts on semi solids food, we have to introduce plain water too.

i think you can slowly try not to swaddle frank. You need to release him so that he can some exploration on his own.


*blush* thanks for your compliment ! ehhe

aiyah think i lost weight as I cut away a lot of my hair ahhaa I have very thick and long hair.

sorry never follow posts above, why do you throw away the watery bluish portion of your EBM?


how's your continental SUV doing?
Mine still drinking 150ml every feed, except for the middle of the nite feed, which he takes 130ml.

re: sucking of hands

my boy does suck his fist with loud sucking noises! Now he has a new hobby, blowing bubbles with his saliva... sigh...dunno how to correct that.

RE: gg back to work

Have gone back to work one week liao....on the one hand i feel relieved, as I was like back to normal. I was going crazy just taking care of baby and doing nothing else, hair always tied up, wear t shirt, shorts and slippers only. On the other hand, I missed my boy while at work, especially during pumping time. I will call home to ask my dad to put my son on the phone (if he is awake) and I will talk to him. SOmetimes can hear himm goo goo ga ga on the other hand...heehee...


your little gal looks cool with the shades. I also want to buy one for my boy, any idea where to get them?
Ya, Declan sleeps better on his tummy, but to get him to sleep on his tummy is a gamble cos he might end up getting frustrated and not sleeping at all.

My continental SUV seems to understand that petrol is very expensive nowadays. Same as yours, he hasn't increased his intake of 150ml. In fact, sometimes he can oversleep his timing. And he mostly doesn't wake up for his midnight feeds anymore. *Touch wood touch wood* So his last feed is at 9 plus, then next feed is at 4 plus in the morning.
during daytime i didnt swaddle frank cos he's comfortable in his yao-lan be it swaddle or not. past few days i train him to sleep on bed without yao-lan in the afternoon, but i swaddled him and it took me abt 30mins to get him to sleep. then just now i tried to put him on our bed without swaddling him. he simply cant sleep and cried for almost half an hr and it's crying not eh eh. i tried to comfort him by carring him, and when he fell asleep on my arms i put him down without swaddling him, then he only slept for abt 10mins and started crying again. sigh. i wanted to release him of swaddling but yet he cant sleep.
Why dun u try pumping more on the same side??
Foremilk is the front milk right then the rich hindmilk comes in. If u latch on why dun u try pumping out abit 1st so that ur bb can reach the hind milk faster??

My understanding of too much foremilk is bb haven not drank enough from 1 side hence not enough hindmilk yet n he's been switched to the other side already. So that's why not enough hindmilk n alot of foremilk. If ur pumping n not latching maybe try pump longer on each side to get more hindmilk?

When my #1 was newborn he gain weight very slowly so I sort of tried making him drink more hindmilk. Wat I did was when I feed left side, the next feed I will feed him left side again until really not enough milk n he keep fussing then I will latch him on my right side. Then next feed start on right side again.

Seems to help cos he's a very chubby baby after that n its hard to believe he was born at 2.68kg.
Readin all your posts made my Kayden seems so skinny.. He can only drink abt 95-100ml per 3hr..
Well tml goin for checkup, see how heavy he is..
He is seein Dr Quek at KKH.
But im lookin for a PD at amk now and when move to Tiong Bahru..

May try SBCC since highly recommended. Anyone knows how much are the charges??
Hi Smiggleprincess,

Dun feel this way... different baby have different needs. My boy was a big boy at birth, almost 3.7kg, hence he is drinking more.

RE : Mixing of EBM
lbt and wai wai, what is the reason why we can't and should not mix the EBM of different day pumps? How does it propergate germs? thx!
If you want to have Dr E.K Ong as your PD, you will have to specify to the nurses but they usually know who we want cos he's very popular.

If I remembered correctly, his consulation fee is $50 for the 1st 10mins. Everytime before I leave his room, he will always ask " you have any more issues you would like to check with me?" Guess he wants to make our 50 bucks worthwhile.. *lol* Btw, be prepared to call in advance for an appt, at least 3 days cos he's always fully booked.
wow!! so mani posts on starting our litle ones on solids.. seems like time flies hor??

haiz..going back work next week n putting bb at mil's place later.. haiz, he was dere yest but he like nt veri used 2 it, kip opening his eyes n want 2 play..dun wanna sleep.. so yest nite when he comes back,he was so tired tat he slept thru fr 11pm-7am today..giving me a good nite's sleep..

gonna miss him..
morning mommies... one weekend nvr come in oni so many posts... took me an hr to finish reading all the posts lor... hehehe... this week oni working today... hooray!!!

re: sucking fingers
bb ernest will suck his fingers... erm sometime hand and fell aslp one lor... he also likes to rub his face real hard until his whole face all red from the rubbing lor... i dun let him wear his mittens anymore in the daytime so that he can start feeling things... heard from some talks that they are now in a stage of feeling things... budden i try to cut his nails every now and then to avoid him scratching his face...

re: pulling hair and scratching head
bb ernest likes to suck his left hand n scratch his head with his right hand.... seems like he's good at multi-tasking lor... hahaha... at times he will also pull his own hair... yesterday, i saw a scratch on his head with blood one lor... dunno how come they need to scratch so hard one lor... so sim tia when i saw the scratch...
sounds a bit sayang to throw away leh. my gal also has a lot of wind. maybe also due to the BM but i will just give her everything. in fact she's worse cos she likes to latch and sometimes i will switch her before she fully empties.

re weaning
for my #1, i also used the website that rachel posted. i also have qutie a fair bit of recipes. if any mummies wan, PM me and i forward to u.

wholesome bb food has a chart on when to intro what food. quite good.

my miad request for transfer. she says she can't handle 2 next time when i go back to work....
oh my gosh, yes it's considered one shot! wah, hungry baby dani!!! re painful wrists: mine got more and more painful and then suddenly just started going away by itself. i had it from pregnancy time.

maybe you can try puttnig something on his chest when he sleeps (like beansprout pillow) or put him on his chest?

the sunnies belong to cin bunny's little sophie bunny
ya i know what you mean about going back to work.

re going back to work
mummies, remember to check your bags every night!! today i best, came to work then realised GOT NO MORE MILK BAG!! lucky got supermarket nearby that sells. phew. or else i dunno how sia.

poppy's milk intake seems to have stabilised at about 120-150ml. that's ok right? btw anyone realise that your babies fart more when drinking frozen BM that has been thawed?
i saw at OG chinatown yesterday. $4.95 only! i bought the same one at taka for $6! but very hard to find smaller sizes. the 0-9 months one seem to be tight for poppy around the stomach area. i feel quite sad seeing it. like a bit uncomfortable for her. any mummies with smaller sized babies want? maybe tonight i measure poppy's waist and the mummy of whichever girl baby is smaller can let me know if she wants the leggings k? worn twice only
Can send me the baby recipes? Also PM you liao. Thanks!

Aiyoh, why your nick not back in action yet? Anyway, poppy's intake should be ok, cos Declan's intake seems to have stagnated at 150ml for quite some time liao. *Touch wood touch wood*
baby whispering...
tried it last night, and bb slept 9pm-4am... it's an improvement so i'll continue to whisper...

i used 'wholesome baby food' by ruth yaron as a reference. it's more vegetarian-based. the webby rachel posted is also good. my #1 started purees at 7 mths and proper solids like what we eat at 1 yo.

i will pm you my email addy. can email me your recipes please? more variety would be good! thanks!

i still swaddle bb at night. it's like a signal for sleep. you can still swaddle after 3 mths, if bb likes it. just loosely swaddle the legs, leaving the arms free. Or switch to a sleeping bag, which offers a similar comfort, but with more freedom of movement.
hi mummies... had a good weekend?

hairdo: guess what? i've been bobbed too haha, cos stylist say I got thin hair (too long not nice).. looks like many of us r doing dat.. peppermintt..thought I recall you having a bob already when we had dat gathering @ poppy's place.. did you all discard your BM after highlighting? and for how long? I did..to play safe.. plus I took my painful-wrists medication anyway..

PB: thanks for the hairstylist recommendation.. saw it too late though..went back to my very old (8yrs ago) hairstylist @ jantzen..turned out ok *phew* but I'm lousy at blowing/styling my own hair...looked good at the salon but now dat i've washed it myself..duh...

painful wrists: I didn't go to any sinseh (dunno any).. went to see 2 doctors.. was told can't take steroid jab unless wanna stop bf-ing.. got oral medication which is milder but must discard milk 12 hours from taking it.. so I use this sparingly when it's really painful..think my only chance of them healing is when I go back to work and carry bb less.. but then again..he'd be much heavier then and I'd still be carrying him in the evenings/nite? took my sis 6 months for her wrists to heal...juz gotto bear wiv it I guess..

white spots: my bb has some on his neck
didn't clean and dry him properly coz he's almost neckless (too much fat? haha) hope it will go away on its own

hi summert..

yao lan: my bb's still getting used to the yao lan I think.. it quietens him sometimes but takes him a very long time to fall asleeP in it (have to rock for at least half an hour) and he sometimes wakes up soon after.. sometimes sleeP for long.. before that, he would not sleep for more than 15 mins anywhere else in the daytime unless in sling or in someone's arms...

swaddling: same here.. I'm still swaddling my bb too.. coz he couldn't sleep well and for long (even at nite) so we started swaddling him again at nites and it works.. his hands do get free sometimes and the hand waving/face rubbing all makes him wake..so we try to re-swaddle if we see that..but if he's still sleePing soundly wiv arms out, we leave it.. very funny coz he looks like he's struggling in a strait jacket sometimes though he doesn't quite mind.. not sure when we can stop swaddling him.. so far we don't swaddle himn in the day coz quite warm right.. but if bb frank is in yao lan u still swaddle?

introducing solids: wah so fast you mummies are looking into this liao?

tummy time: tried this twice and gordon didn't like it at all.. he could barely move and that frustrated him and made him cry after a while haha.. dun really know how to put him down dat way too.. do you put them on the side first then try to bring an arm over and flip them?
oh for wrist pain, gynae actually told me can take painkillers. but use sparingly lor

re turning baby to be on tummy: do1nk, i hold her neck and back with right arm then transfer over to left arm and then on bed. must be swift so that she won't think like it's a new thing. do like it's a normal thing. cin bunny teach me one hehe

i bought a lot of milk bag and store at home.
i super kiasu.
that time metro got sale, i buy a total to 10 boxs during 2 visit. heehee.
super cheap, it like buy 4 get 1 free deal.
but very very fast finish loh. one day i can use about 6-9packs.

baby rachel is too small for the stocking. the leg there still got a lot of space loh. but don know izit the diaper, like you say the tummy area a bit tight.
