(2008/07) July 2008

Wow your bb drinks a lot!! my bb still drinking 120ml. on average in 24 hrs she'll drink about berween 700-750 ml only.

yup i got the biggest husk pillow i can find in kiddy palace for him, small one very fast outgrow.

haha..we all end up not gg.

Lucien's neck is pretty firm le, he can hold his head quite high even when i put him in prone lying position

my baby drinks max only 110ml leh.
mil:haiz...i've been trying 2 sleeptrain bb cos he used 2 nid pple 2 carry 2 sleep..but i trained such tat he can sleep lying down w patting onli..den mil came 4 2 nites..she ordered me ard like a maid n kidnap him in the nite.. carrying him 2 sleep n now.. angri.. baby cry de moment i put him down 2 sleep..gotta start all over again?? haiz..hw 2? when i m going back work soon n he will be put there..feel like getting bb sitter yet cun fangxin.. sad!!

precious EBM/FEBM:
i hv de same prob w moi mil..i prepared everything but i din label the date cos i thaw n put in a new container (fr milk bag) n arrange fr left 2 rite.. n i oso told her MANY times 2 use fr left 2 rite..den smtimes she sees 2 bottle little amt, she juz take n combine.. den i was angri loh..cos FEBM cun kip 2 long..den she go n use the newer 1s..den yest i went out 2 meet moi insurance agent..she feeds bb thawed FEBM, den she says bb dun like den she poured away wat's remaining n wat's in the chiller oso..
den she said..the milk got prob den i asked her.."y i feed dun hv such prob?, if juz cos bb dun drink u say milk got prob den wat 4 i pump so hard? mite s well use milk powder!" den she shut up..

me dropping hair.. got bare patch at forehead.. hw 2 face pple like dis if it continues.. ani1 got miracle cure??
hi jsp, labit and jacelyn (hope i gt ur name correctly),
it was nice meeting u ladies albeit short. i am sorry that i had to rush off earlier coz we were very hungry and the other mommy friend of mine was carrying a 10kg+ gal on her sling so very tiring for her.

wats the damage done for the day? hee..
summert.. u working in school right? me too... planning to send bb to childcare centre near my house when she turns 1 yr old, but like what u say, it will be very rush in morning since many childcare centres open at 7am... do u plan to return to work when school starts next Jan?

star_xin... *sayang... me still upset that i put in so much effort to prepare BM and arrange for MIL's convenience to feed bb, yet she ruined my effort and did things her way without telling me
SD... my gal also taking 120ml per feed

isetan sales
my hubby went this morning to buy the tiger thermal jar... he reached at 8am and the queue was very long. did u gals manage to get what u want? how i wish i can go shopping for my bb too, but gotta work
wai wai,

me too works in a sch.. seems like both u n summert r going on NPL till at least next yr.. me no choice cos onli serving 1st yr of bond so still on probation..2day juz went back 2 get materials for the class i m taking over fr 6 Oct..

4 me..in future if send 2 childcare..den maybe i cun take morning session le..gotta do floating??
hi missysz
nice meeting u too... no worries...

hi lbt/jacelyn/cin bunny
nice meetin u gals... muz arrange for some more events like shopping or lunchy again hor...
Wah so many posts. I blur already, trying to read all. How did all the isetan mummies enjoy their shopping?

Yes we have the same pair of stockings!

Hope baby is well now!! My mum taught me not to put WET towel on forehead. Instead, squeeze dry. Cos wet then head will be cold then end up baby might catch a cold when wind blow.

Re sling
We also using baby bjorn air. I think it’s air, or active… the middle range one. Poppy likes it but like RHS says, sweat a lot. Wearer also

Let’s say baby intake is 100ml and we thaw 2 bags of 50ml at the same time, then can mix together when thawed? Put in the same bottle?

Wah wai wai your MIL like very cunning leh! Remove the label some more!!

Quick check – mummies when you bathe/wipe your baby girls, you also clean inside the v right? Poppy’s seems to be a bit red. Is that normal?

Anyone’s babies sucking on hand? Poppy suck until very loud leh! She’s in my bedroom, from the kitchen I can hear leh!! Suck until like very yummy like that. Until mittens all wet so I have removed liao and trimmed her nails so she won’t scratch herself.

Both poppy and I were super exhausted from the 3 days (3 days nia!!!) of getting up at 5am plus, feed, burp, hop in taxi to tanamera, then me walk to train station, take train, shuttle, go to work and then repeat in reverse. By the time reach home like 8pm plus. By the time reach home I just push her to hubby and ask him to take care cos I have to eat and sleep. What kind of life is that?

So mummies, I have done it. I resigned on Tuesday. With all my accumulated leave, technically yesterday could have been my last day. But I will stay till end of next week to help out. Better that I leave soon instead of starting on a new project then leave halfway. Since my colleagues are already used to not having me around. So I will join dustee, youpi and dor dor in the full time mummy club! I hope I won’t go crazy…

Today was the first time I give poppy tummy time… she looks a bit scared. Like ‘huh? What’s this new position? Do I like it? Can I move or not?’
hi JSP,missyz,jacelyn,cin_bunny,bluey

nice meeting you gals too !!!

aiyah if I know my mum so steady, i would have stayed for lunch. She says " shop for these few hours enough meh ? why dont you shop longer ?"

anyway I need to pump too ... yield almost 260ML just now ! ahhaha my breasts almost burst !

misszy, I bought the digital weighing machine, 2 tops and 1 skirt.
how abt you ?


let me get this correct. Did you mix the EBM and pass to your MIL in milk bottles ? Or your MIL mix it herself ?

If I need to go out, i prep the EBM ready in milk bottle so my mum or maid dont need to worry abt mixing the milk. It is ok to mix EBM yield the same 24 hours.

re:milk intake
my Rianne drinks 110ML every 3 hrly. She sleeps at 9+ PM and wake up at 6am now. phew ! what a peaceful nite for me !

You all can try the baby whisperer method. When bb falls asleep for the 1st 5-10mins, whisper gently into your bb ears. Tell him/her what you want her to be e.g. wake up at 6am to drink milk, dont fuss when drink milk, dont fuss when sleeping etc etc. It works. They are in the sub-conscious mind for the 1st 5-10mins before they go into deep sleep.

congrats on the brave decision you've made.

eh if V area is red, try to air her for a while more during diaper change. I do clean Rianne's V area too with wet cotton balls.

and answer to your qn is YES. You can mix FBM that is thawed within the same 24 hrs. Means you can also mix FBM + EBM which is thawed and pump within the same 24 hrs too. Err get what I meant ?

oh my Rianne is a finger sucker too ! Anyway I have stopped letting her wear mittens and botties in the daytime cos it's too hot !!

You must be very tired at work with all the travelling and rushing... anyway it is going to be over very soon.

Btw when is your helper coming?

I gave Rianne tummy time too .. but she dont seem to like it.
whenever poppy fall asleep i say sweet dreams, sleep well! wah you whisper instructions ah?! commando mummy!

hehe yes i understand what you're saying. as long as the BM is being thawed/pumped within the same 24 hours, can mix. dio bo?

poppy sucks her knuckles leh!

helper arriving next friday. just nice la. next fri is my last day
but i think she will be quite free since i will take care of poppy. hmm.
Juz came back after going for a loooong lunch with my mom and boy.

So sorry can't stay with u gals ... wish I could hang out longer.

Me came back with 2 claypots, 1 weighing machine and misc.

This is the first time I brought my boy out for so long.
Yah, Declan also sucking hand, suck until got the "zhek zhek" sound. Got to keep removing his hand.

I must try the sub-conscious thing.. don't fuss when drink milk.. that's my number 1 priority now.

Re tummy time:
I'm a bad mommy. There was these 2 times he kept crying/fussing. I gave up and put him on his tummy and let him exhaust himself to sleep. On the good side, he did sleep extremely well after that :p

yeah yeah .. dee jin kiang !

my rianne suck her fingers , knuckles and even her wrists ! i think it must be very tasty now hehe

eh when ur helper arrives, let her handle ALL hsework. else defeat the purpose. dun let her have too much free time wait they become lazy lor.

maybe can ask her do spring cleaning ?


u intend to cook what dishes with the claypot ?
i salute u 4 ur courage.. n oso envy u 4 being able 2 spend precious time w poppy.. i feel like taking NPL(cun resign cos on bond) but den finacialli nt so affordable.. so going 2 miss bb 4 sm while le..

tink i muz try ur baby whisperer method 2.. so far, i have tried mumbling 2 him b4 during the last feed 4 de nite..hoping 2 hypnotise him in2 listening..but onli work 4 once..
of course jin kiang la! *flick of hair* hehe. ya helper will do housework, laundry, cooking and marketing. sounds like alot hor? but it was MY job the past 3 months lor! PLUS looking after poppy! ya will ask her to help with spring cleaning too.

star xin
it's not courage la! i also don't know what it is. just that the babysitter incident made me open my eyes and see that no matter who take care of her, i will still buey bang sim. actually my parents helper was very good with poppy but i really cannot every day travel like that. plus my nephew will be cared for by her so she cannot manage 2 kids. and i also pai say cos she look after poppy then no time to cook dinner so my dad had to ta pao

wow poppy seems to like tummy time! she's still sleeping
lucien giving you a swimsuit model pose? hehe. ok i really want to take out my bumbo to clean and let poppy sit on it liao!!!!

wah she suck her wrists also? wow! haha bbp ya lor so loud hor? i keep hearing chup chup chup chup
ernest also the same... suck him hand... not fingers lor... now sucking until both his legs in the air... like super yami like tat lor...

re: isetan sale
me the least happening lor... oni bought the tiger thermal food jar and flask oni... too crowded so in no mood to try clothes lor...

i'll try the instruction whispering method n let u know if it works on my ernest the alarm clock anot lor... crystal jade need to queue so in the end me n cin bunny had dome instead... next time can jio u liao since ur mom so steady... heehee
Hi all,

Anyone interested in personalized CDs ? It's CD of songs whereby they will read/sing out your bb's name in it. It is currently retailing at $25. I've spoken to the supplier and they are willing to give us a disc of 20% if we hit a MOQ of 30pcs. Currently I'm consolidating from the Aug thread.

How it works is that, you first check for the name of your bb from the website to see if they have the name you want. Then you choose what CD you want. They will give us a promo code to enter so you can order from website directly for them to mail it out to you. But you need to order min 2 CDs per location. If you only want to order 1 CD then you can PM me to tag onto my order and then I will mail it out to you or you can collect from my place. I think postage should be $1-2 (I'm not sure).


PM me if you are interested.
Lbt, JSP - nice seeing you both today and yes lbt, shld hv stayed for lunch and we can order more to share share ma ;)..thanks soo much for getting me coupon! wah, 260ml a lot! lol..mine was about 200 :D..but it was more my bladder that was bursting :D shop until forgot to pee!

re isetan sales : i got the flask, a wmf cutlery set and a frying pan for the hubby. dont ask me why cos we both dont cook :p

re sucking : sophie bunny also loves to suck..esp when I am pumping and cannot reach out to pull her fingers away, she like suck even harder and look at me sooo innocently somemore..terrible! :D and when she wears mittens, her mittens will be soaked and goey with her saliva :p
SDchick, CS
she finish her milk milk lehz. and drinks every 4hours. doctor say must start training them to drink only 6 times per day.

how much did you buy the husk for? it looks big.
mine is too small liao. it is going to outgrow her very soon.

the stocking also don have much choice.
i think the next buy will be the big flower one and the plain one. but now still too big on rachel.

V cleaning
i thought it was not advisable to open the v and clean. i was taught by the nurse not to open and clean.

sucking of thumb
bb Rachel also like to suck her thumb infact is the whole hand loh. even with the mitten on. so everytime have to change her mitten. her mitten very dirty one loh. she always like to use her hand to wipe and touch her face and eyes. so all the yellow discharge from her eye got to her mitten she still can happily suck. always tell her dirty and push the tutu to her.

i will also try the whisper method tonight.

i feel so guilty and bad today.
bb rachel so naughty last night. thru out the night after feeding don't want to sleep. then the poor mother so tired so scold her and beat her buttock.
now feel so bad.
Starxin, waiwai
Wah, ur mils v guo fen ler! And “bu dong zuan dong” (means don’t kn act like kn). How could she anyhow throw ur ebm?!! Even when my boy didn’t want to finish the ebm I will be v gek sim and psycho him to finish up. But then u v courageous ler, dare to talk back at ur mil. I don’t dare lor, cos she will complain to hb after that. Anyway luckily she left liao.

^5! So we are all in the same profession! I’ve applied for NPL till end oct, will most likely extend till mid nov when sch closes. I’m thinking if I want to send bb to the centre near our house or near our sch. Cos if near sch then sure will be able to make it on time to work. The only minus pt is if I’m sick or want to go home and rest first b4 picking up bb, then gotto travel back to sch area to pick bb. Haven’t discuss with hb yet cos he sure say ask his mum to come back to sg to take care of bb which I don’t want! I am also hesitating if I want to continue taking NPL next yr. but I think if take NPL for a certain period of time, then sch has the right to get someone else to take over us. Hmm.. a lot of consideration..

Waiwai, so u don’t intend to let ur mil take care of bb when he turns one year old ah? U also apply for NPL ah?

Starxin, u still got am/pm, so gd, me solely am cos in sec sch.

I remembered one of you mentioned that you let ur #1 watched “Your bb cab read” dvd when he’s 5 mths old? Hmm did u follow the instructions given, as in starter video watched for 1 mth, then vol 1 & 2 2mths each and subsequent videos 1 mth? Cos I just started letting bb frank hear starter video (me abit ks, somemore heard can start as early as 2mths plus) so wondering if I shd let bb hear for how long b4 I let him watch the starter video and how long shd he watch.

Hey thanks for the bb whisperer method! Where did u get this method from? Moi going to try it out tonight! My bb sleeping pattern still not v steady. Sometimes can sleep from 8pm-4am, 9pm-6am or 10.30pm-3am! Goodness! Currently I will say “goodnight frank, mummy loves you, papa loves you too, sleep tight”. Hee.

Persevere! Another 1 week and you will be a sahm!

Re: milk intake
My boy yield around 120ml.

Re: sucking fingers n tummy time
My ah boy also likes to suck his fingers, so much so that I always smell his fingers and say “cho cho” then he will laugh. Hee. I also didn’t let him wear mittens and booties during daytime liao. He also doesn’t like to lie on his tummy and I so sim tia to see him feeling constraint but yet cant turn over to his back, so I didn’t let him lie on his tummy anymore.
dont feel bad, bb rachel got pampers so wont feel pain. *winks*

anyway i also v bad, just now i pump out milk and didnt put in fridge cos i know bb frank waking up soon. so i didnt warm the milk too. so i left it outside for 15mins and let him drink. who knows he refused to drink. dont kn is it bcos it's not warm enough or not hungry. but i reckon it's not the usual warm so he didnt drink. so i told him this is fresh from mummy's and no need to warm it. but he simply refused to drink. so much so that i got so pek chek that i put him down on the bed and scolded him. i didnt even cover him with blanket though was in aircon room. then when i was scolding him, he actually gave me the sweet smile. aiyo.. that melts my heart. then hb came in saw him without blanket n me just scolded him, he so sim tia. guess most papas dote bbs more than mamas hor.
Qing, summert,
Guess as mothers, we are more in contact with our bbs. So will naturally have more pek chek times. Declan always fusses before he sleeps. Just now, he fussed too long and I ran out of energy carrying him, singing to him, patting him. Finally, last straw, I put him tummy down and let him just cry and fuss. MIL came in and asked if I wanted her to take over, but I didn't answer. Then within a few minutes, he fell asleep. I think if other people see the situation, may think I'm a very hard-hearted mother...
Finger sucking
Is this a phase? Jamie likes to do that too now, sucks his fingers, thumb, fist, anything that reach his mouth. Even nibbling my arms. When he finds his thumb, he sucks like it's my nipple

I beat Jamie's bottom once before too (not hard, of course) and still feel guilty until now
I guess there's a point where we just feel frustrated and can't take it anymore.

Just want to rant ...
Jamie has never ever sleep through the night until now ... the longest he slept is 1 hr 45 min and that happened only once. Recently he became even more cranky, crying for long time and nothing we do can soothe him. He doesn't like being held in cradle carry anymore and prefers upright, but that's so tiring to my arms and back (nope, he doesn't like sarong/sling anymore now). At night, even upright position he doesn't like and keeps crying. He'd wake up after 45 mins sleeping and cry until I give up and nurse him just to make him stop crying. Both hubby and I have not got decent sleep for 3 months already
I'm really hoping this is part of the 3mth growth spurt and things will get better after that. Else I dunno how long I can cope like this, sleep only 1 - 2 hour each day. Haiz ... sometimes I even cry with him in the middle of the night coz ppl have been telling me to do CIO but I still don't have the heart but getting very desperate
That's the reason I left my job and became SAHM before Jamie was born. I dunno how to cope with work and taking care of bb. Hats off to all of working mums here!

Tummy time
Jamie likes it when he's in alert & happy mode. He'd lift his head and give us big smile. Of course when he already fussy int he first place, tummy time will make it worse
I'm ordering the korean bumper mat to put in our living room coz I feel our mattress is not firm enough.

I wanna cook claypot rice

Maybe find 1 day to cook and invite u gals over.

Oh yes ... me so happy to pass my PMP exam already.

I am @ crystal jade for lunch.
Half way thru the meal, my boy nearly "cry down" the resturant.
star_xin, summert... i didn't take NPL, have started work since yesterday. anyway 2 more months to dec school holiday then i can have my gal all by myself

lbt... i prepare BM so that MIL no need to mix. some more i label date and the number of feed of the day. but she acts clever anyhow mix in order to increase the amount per feed. she added the oldest bottle to other newer bottles, which mean that all bottles become 1st bottle timing. i'm pissed that she didn't tell me until i found BM missing.

sucking thumb
my bb sucks her fist!! sometimes i didn't remove her mitten so end up she sucks mitten. do mittens taste good?!?! gotta ask her liao
Thanks alot for your help with the cream! Will definitely return you once I get mine.

Talking abt claypot rice, its been quite a while since I last ate.. errr... du zhe you fen bo?

Eating Mittens
Dani too has been eating her mittens alot especially when hungry. I hate it when her mittens is all wet with saliva and she rubs it all over her face. Very bad for her already very jia liat rashes. Told MIL feel like using a string to tie her arms to her side! Wanted to stop wearing mittens for her but she simply loves to rub and scratch and push her face with her hands.. once I didnt let her wear and only after a short while, her face like cat like that.. so many lines.

My PD taught me to massage her duct using clockwise motion for 20 circles. 3 sets each day. U can try, see if it helps.

eheh thanks in advance ! your claypot rice makes me drooooool now !

CONGRATS ON PASSING YOUR PMP ! wah must be tough ya ?

gals, if the baby whisperer method works, let me know ya ! in fact i still do it to my #1 cos she is going childcare soon and I am trying to "talk" to her and ensure she settle well in school. wish me luck


aiyo your MIL is terrible ! cannot anyhow mix EBM leh !! did u tell her ? tell her it is not good for your gal.


i got to know this method from the school my gal is attending. She is attending The Shichida method. And it was published in the newspaper before.

put Dani's hands into her shorts/pants. eheh see if she struggle to pull it out or not. I do that to Rianne hehe to make fun of her lah.

btw my Rianne now can sing twinkle twinkle little star with me leh !

I will always sing the song and at the end of each sentence (like "Twinkle Twinkle little" and dont sing the "star" word) I will pause and Rianne will utter then I continue. So everytime I pause, she knows she has to make a sound before I continue ! hehehe super cute !
Good idea! But at home I dont wear pants for Dani. Nvm, will start now.. hee... I bring her go PD also didnt wear pants, only top and diaper. Nurse commented "wah, didnt wear pants ah" *diaoz*

What I did was I took her buck wheat pillow and put it on her chest with her both arms tucked underneath cos its longish rectangular. Wah, she struggle til pillow went up to her face and park there cos she got no more strength liao.. haha! She never like me to mess with her arms. Even as newborn, she refused to let us swaddle her, will cry and struggle.

Rianne so cute leh!! Will sing song one. Next time see if she will sing for us to hear...

Dani always coo a word that sounds like apple so I always tell her "darlin, say apple.. ehhhhhh-peerrrrr...." and she really will repeat plus laugh happily....

wah your Dani more advanced ! can say APPLE !!! i only teach Rianne "MUMMY" "DADDY" and "JIE JIE"

eh be careful the pillow dont lend on Dani's nose !
hahaha.. Actually its I follow her flow de.. since she likes to coo a word that sounds like apple to me so I thot might as teach her apple then... aiya her mummy anyhow one la ... *lol*

I will only disturb her with the pillow when sitting beside he.

Re Flip
Any mummies here experiencing bb trying to flip le ma?
So sad tat i miss the sale

Hubby no time to send me there...

Kayden keeps puttin his thumb into his mouth and then rubbin his eyes with it!! Drivin me crazy...

I already flip Kayden cos he like his tummy times..

Tummy time
I actually quite adventurous.. i flip kayden on his bumper mat, mattres and on my thigh as well.. He loves it!! He looks at the bright colors of the mat..Buts always do it before feed cos he will regurge..

Milk intake
HE drinks abt 95ml 3hrly
On warming of ebm, check with u mummies. I'm using the avent bottle warmer. U mean can't leave it there to warm the milk ah? Then what's the use of the warmer leh? Even the warmer with hot water takes a few minutes to warm the milk right?

I must agree the water turns hot pretty fast. Then if we put under water that is not so hot, then we have to take a very long time to warm the ebm right?
Hey CS, you are awake too....

Just pumped after feeding. So tired. If any1 messes w my EBM which i sacrifice my sleep for, ..... hmmz might be driven to 'murder'.

Oh dear, hope Jamie sleeps longer soon. 3 months already lor.

hahaha will try your whisperer method on Cedric. lately he sleeps a lot during the day, and cranky at night - dowan to slp.

Home alone
I have been hm alone w Cedric this week fm mon to wed as my mummy had fever. Lagi siong man. I really salute the mummies who do it alone. THu is 1st day mummy came down to help me.

HB has issues w my mother's level of hsehold cleanliness. Says she never wipe the floor, never wipe the stove after cooking then she go home liao. Generally i try not to quarrel w HB, but fatigue got the better of both of us, and quarrel degenerated to my lack of hsehold mgt skills and in future, how will i instruct the maid to vacuum floor/wash toilet n bathrom/ wipe stove/ keep general areas clean when i dun even do it myself. So angry!!
these are my parents leh, have a little respect. he is lucky, his parents have not had major illnesses and they got physical strength to maintain a CLEAN house. w bb ard now, where got CLEAN and NEAT house one, dreaming ah. nearly wanted to shout at him 'you want CLEAN house, shd marry a maid, why u marry me' .... but that will really b fighting dirty.
idiot man. want clean hse or want happy wife. so difficult to love him smtimes.

great, got it off my (engorged) chest.
sighz..... we ll get thro this smhow
think i m getting cabin fever.
morning mommies! it's a pouring morning again..

good that u got something for urself at the sale. i only bought bb stuff. abit no mood to shop for my own things when i saw the horrondeous queue. haha. hope next time can meet up again.

did the cashier ask u to show the cut out coupon for the $50 tiger promo? mine didnt..think too busy liao.

*pat pat* i think ur hubby's comment is abit insensitive bt seriously u are not alone! i think all men are like this. tsk tsk. u shld tell him that ur mom is already very nice to help out lor. if he is so particular abt the cleanliness, then he should do it himself and not expect ur mom to do it for him. cheer up ya.

morning! this one-handed typist is v thankful for the cooler weather this morning...

looks like all the isetan mummies got 'shou huo'

we brought bb to get his first 6-in-1 jab yesterday. at 2 months, he is 6.15kg. no wonder my arms/back/shoulders are aching!

oh dear, hope jamie starts to sleep better soon. *pat pat* you are not alone. my bb has never slept through the night either, last night he got up four times. i am going to try lbt's baby whisperer method too!

no lah, won't go crazy one, since you will have a domestic helper. are you looking forward to it?

sucking hans
my bb loves to do that too. when i carry him he'll sometimes suck my arm as well.

just get hb to instruct the help on how to do hsehold chores and the level of cleanliness. then it'll all be done the way he wants it to be done, to the standard that he expects. you are right, with bb and no help, the hse is NEVER in showflat condition.
