(2008/07) July 2008

yes i read about the one at camden. no mine is not at camden but nearby.
think the prices are reasonable.

it's at tanglin shopping centre. bites inc. look for Dr Ong.67366736

he's good. i went to another one before and that one caused jh to have a phobia. Dr Ong helped to overcome it and he's very patient.

regarding the science centre one, it's on till further notice. i enquired before and they dunno when it is until...

cannot lose them lah. hb will kil me. he's quite particular about certain things and his parents are one of those things though every week he dun talk much to them!

i think just meeting for lunch or dinner is out of the question....now my parents tell me to just meet them for one day only but my hb sure won't agree. balancing act again...

re shows
wow the tickets for kidsfest are out! that's fast..... let me go check it out.

Sorry I created such a big Hoo Haa with my innocent 3 word comment...

I dont really have big juicy news... just some boring news on how I've quit my full time job and going to have more flexibility with my own business and more time to join in the crafty afternoons.... sorry sorry for created a frenzy.. not intended...

School Bully
Apparently there is such a bully in class. Eboy came home last night telling me about this boy beating another girl, my MIL saw it too. Then today the school called to inform me that Eboy was scratched at the back of his neck, 8cm long. I haven seen the wound yet, but according to the school, it wasnt serious, and they have "treated the wound". I asked the school if someone did it. They explained that nobody witnessed it, but when they asked Eboy, Eboy did mention a name, but the school did not want to tell me! I was like, hello? if I asked Eboy, he would tell me too right? so anyway, they said they have explained to the children that it is not right to scratch ppl.

Actually last night, I've already explained to eboy that should anybody beat him or push him, he were to tell the teacher immediately. We even rehearsed the line cos I was worried he doesnt know how to communicate properly when such things happen.

Normally when one of you posted something like this, I would come up with some advice on what we as bully-ee parents should do, but right now, except for feeling rage and anger, I cant think of the right thing to do or say to the school. What should I do when i stomp my way in to school tomorrow? especially if the so called 8cm wound is deep?? how?how?how?
keep practising with eboy! get hb to help. make hubby pretend to be the bully, then let eboy act out the 'stop! this is not right!' i made pomfret practise variations of this. so now, if she's alone, and any kid pushes her or what, she chooses which way to respond, most frequently of which is 'this boy/girl is too rough. i don't want to play here'

hmm, actually i prefer her to fight back lah, fierce that i am, but i suppose it's good to be able to walk away sometimes :p

sometimes, what happens is, the kids don't really know they are bullied, you know what i mean? they know they don't feel right, but they don't know that's an act of bully.

grats on your business decision! you've always wanted to quit to spend time with eboy so this is your 'heart' decision right?

we should form a support group, for us being long-suffering spouses. like mr dustee don't talk to his parents but we MUST bring them out to dinner at least once a week, and *I* MUST bring pomfret back to play with them at least twice a week (not counted with the eating out).

but he just doesn't even talk to his own parents!!! and yet we must do all that. and my previous HK trip, we even had to ask if the ils wanted to come too (even though he wouldn't talk to them even while we're traveling together!!!!!!!)

eh, actually even mr dustee didn't realize i was the one quoted in the article.

my darling group of fellow mummies, you know who you are, thank you for your support in some of my lowest moments :D

school dental care
yeah i still kinda recommend to give this a try for our kiddos, pomfret enjoyed herself there, save for the first 3 mins of terror at a bed that lowers by itself. but they had murals on the walls, mobiles hanging from the ceilings, and she still remembers today the fishy sunglasses they lent her while getting her teeth cleaned. even now at home she likes to open her mouth under the lamp and ask me to check her teeth!

the only pain is the long waiting period of an appt. 2-3 months.
So the scratch was 10cm and not 8 cm. The school did not give any explanation. said there was no commotion, eboy din cry, nobody knew what happened, it could just happened during play, one kid could accidentally use a lego to scratch him unintentionally.

It looked more like a finger scratch, the scratch was staggered, so it would not been done by lego corner.

Eboy mentioned a name but could not explain how and what happened.

I am at a lost. do i let the matter rest?
doesn't this look like a finger nail scratch? doesn't it look like it was a deliberate, intentional scratch, and not like an accident, quick swipe through type of scratch?

ya, alright it doesnt look serious, but the lack of explanation, or rather, "nobody saw what happened, there was no commotion/crying" is just not acceptable, dont you think?
Ooh Youpi, MMR is not one but 3: measles, mumps and rubella.. N u probably combined it with the chIcken pox. I'm definitely doing the measles only jab for him later cos I dun wanna be fined $10k or be put behind bars! But there's no diphtheria only jab so I'm dreading the 5-in -1 booster we may go for this weekend
can't bear to jab, knowing it could take a bad spin and harm my precious baby.. But I don't have much of a choice I guess.. Basically there are two schools of thoughts but how to ever find the right balance or to decide which risk to bear..

For those who took and no harm resulted, I'd say hooray (bbg took all til 18mths) but if I have a baby now, then I'll have to decide.. And it's even worse for a frail newborn to withstand so many vaccinations it must take

Jo, some shrug off such claims of links between vaccination and the harms it does, saying studies were not done properly etc but there are thousands of people who's spoken up, sued hospitals and govts for things gone wrong.. Lots on the net if u google..

Something happening on 1st dec? Think I can! We'll be away the week of 21nov but will be taking intermittent days off the next two weeks so can join outings! :D

Poor sy's Hols kena hijacked..chin uP n try to make the best of it...u will still get to go, which is the good part! ;)

PB: ooh I saw the ad and was temPted by stick man cos still crazy over Julia Donaldson! Let me go check it out again

Bbg loved the elves and shoemaker n will sing the songs!
Oh so what kinda biz r u going into much? Was it a tough decision to make?

Poor u n E.. But personally, I feel it's a minor wound n I would let it drop..since E's not bothered by it.. But would have reacted like u if it was a more serious injury or if E was upset by it.. But ya I understand we moms would naturally ROAR heads off when any kinda harm is ever inflicted on our offspring..but pat pat, don't fret over it?

(but who am I to say that man, when I'm fretting n not sleeping over the jab debate!)
Girls, I also have some news. Gynae clinic called today and asked me to go down asap to have a chat re my recent blood test. This kind of call is really scary cos you never know what to expect

Apparently I am borderline case for thalassemia (sp?). He's not very worried cos really, im like one or two points off the chart only. But BB also took a blood test just in case

Then as we breathed out a sigh of relief, he turned to next page and said "there's something else". Apparently for goodness knows what reason, I am at "high risk" of carrying a down syndrome baby. 1 in 91. Apparently if just looking at age, I've got a 1 in 1400 chance. So I don't know why. Is it due to my giving in to my constant junk food cravings or what

Anyway our next step seems to be the amnio test. It's unnerving to say the least. And a lot of what-ifs. I suppose we'll cross the bridge when we get to it

So just wanted to ask if anyone has gone for the test before and how is it?

I'm just freakily scared. There are certain decisions that I don't want to have to make. That I NEVER want to make
oh... hugs to PB! think i may know a friend who did.. let me try asking..

I vaguely recall it's a quite big and long needle (so don't look if you can) that goes through the mid of tum...

will keep you in our prayers tonight..
pinkB - i did the amnio test with sophiebean..at tt time, i was alone (jin in jakarta), first time mom and i cried buckets cos i did not know what it was, how it affect baby, etc etc..but looking back, i think i would not have been so emo if jin had been around to hold my hand ..procedure wise, i did not feel any pain. just be very still when they are inserting the needle and like DD says, dont look.
don't mean to hog the thread *snort snort* but any of your kiddos sitting on car booster seats already? and does anyone know where's the best place to get one and what brands to recommend? looking for the backless kind (a square pad that they sit on only) coz may need a small portable one to put in FIL's car

My sister went for it and it was ok. No pain and it turned out the oscar results were just a false positive. Dont worry. I was asked to go for it for T1 too but I decided not to anyway.
Thanks girls. Just can't help but be ultra worried you know?

science centre is open to public I think. The event I mean. Something like $9 for kids at $4 for adults. Think we might do science centre this weekend. Healthzone 28 or 29 nov is good cos it's just opp poppy's sch. Last entry admission is 4pm. Shall we target 330? Anyone else keen?
healthzone? sure, then 1 dec ok? no sch for pop. i'm happy for her to skip school for a big excursion but not healthzone :p i think they open at 10. there's a nice cafe called cafe pralet about 2-3 bus stops away. we can eat there after healthzone?
for me, i have already decided that abortion is agst my personal beliefs. if God chooses to give me a special needs child, then by golly, i will raise him/her to the best of my ability as with my 'normal' children. and i wont raise my children in SG, maybe in AU.

practical points
1) amnio tests are inherently low risk by themselves. no harm to bb or mummy.
2) get a second opinion if necessary. tis YOUR child you are talking abt.
3) if you are like me and doggiebb, then refuse to do the amnio at all. no one can force you. but once the test results *choy* come back positive, there will be pressure from society, family, medical professionals, social workers etc to abort. do not even go there and be ostrich... is the best policy then.

ah. you need another big HUG.

HAHAH to you hogging thread. no la. i also did it before. 4 consecutive posts by me. at least yours are not you, yourself talking to yourself.

re vaccinations. gave BCG to both C1 and C2 on week 2, not in the hosp at birth. they needed to get over the risk of brain damage due to severe jaundice during week 1 first. [btw, that is only for week1, after that, the brain damage risk due to bilirubin buildup drastically drops, yes nerdy me did the research, endorsed by PD] BCG risk is for TB, i assess as negligible to delay for 2 weeks since the boys went from the sterile hosp envmt to home, where the only pple to see them are family. as for Vit K, C1 was delivered by vacuum after 14h, so to prevent trauma, i agreed to give in the hosp; C2 was not given Vit K at all since he only took 2h to be born. the rest of the 5-in-1, 6-in-1, i delay until C1 had to go to school. C2 is one jab behind i think, no need to go to school, but C1 brings back the schhouse germs.
re newborn?? you must be still thinking should i should i not for a #2.

i wonder how Mich is doing with the school principal/teachers?
actually mich,
your news is BIG news, not small news. bcz then you would have more time for eboy! and crafty aftn outings.
oh dd,
another thing. you must rem the nature of the internet where news is sensationalised and bad/shocking/extraodinary is highlighted to get the eyeballs. dun trust google so much.
confer with a trusted PD instead.

ah see, 3 consecutive posts by myself now.

i need to dash to PD to make appmt for C2's second 6in1 and to get medicines, and to gossip with the nurses. haiya, maybe do that tmr
ok quick one


anyone wants? please tell me dates, times (1st choice and 2nd choice) and no of tickets soon cos i'm getting tiger came to tea for, and stickman for another friend, and if someone wants bear hunt, all 3 of us will be able to get 15% off tickets. quick quick! CALL ME if you want!

i don't know i don't know i don't know. one normal and highly energetic child is already making me want to pull out my hair. add one more special needs child? and special needs got different levels too right? yes, have the child and i will love it unconditionally. but when i am gone? if he/she needs so much special care and i am not around to provide for it? in the end i, the mother, sabo it for life?????

both husband and wife MUST agree on this. so mine is not so much a question on religion, but the bond that we share as husband and wife, and if we, together, as husband and wife, can live with the decision we make, whatever that will be, and can support each other through it


i don't want to think that far yet. will cross the bridge when i get to it. i hope i will not need to

get second opinion? do another blood test? and if it gives conflicting results? do ANOTHER? and then what? best 2 of 3? darn it. darn it. darn it. why is everything is about chances! i might as well just go to MBS and plonk my purse on the roulette table!!!
oh.. so good.. can be SAHM liao...
poor ethan.. i would demand for an answer or ask to watch the cctv...

erm, quite scary but be brave.. think positive and it will be good..
just do the test.. you are still young and chances shld be very low..

me and my hubby on cold war.. super low spirits.... haiz.. Men...

if you cannot live with not doing the amnio, then by all means go for it! its low risk, so if you do with an experienced gynae, shouldn't be a problem and really the oscar generates A LOT of false positives. just to ask, how is the neck fold of the baby? thin? if its thin, lagi better.

my sister is against abortion as well, but she went for it anyway so as to prepare herself so that if its a special needs baby, she would be prepared and composed when it is finally born.

but really, think about it 1 in 91 chance is like 1% chance! that is low isn't it?

and why prenatal screening is so prevalent in Singapore because our very smart and calculative govt reckon that the costs to society for special needs children are too high! which is why we have oscar and why gynaes push preggies to do amnios. its a secret govt directive i think.

I can understand the worry. I cried like siao the first few days when i was asked to go but when i have decided I am not doing it, i just go ahead and had peace in my heart. hang in there okie?

*big hugs*
*stops to hold PB tight*
your mind is running around in circles.
breathe breathe

our ears are open to listen if you need to vent. ....ultimately vent already, still need to sort it out w the *insert bad adjective* man living with you. advice is free, how to do it is up to you
i just realised one of the reasons why i'm so scared...

a bit of history here. i was 17 and 'in love'. but this chap's family was super rich and treated me like dirt. always kua sueh people, like to put on appearances in public but really, just snobs. mother was and is still now the principal of a school. a special needs school. and i remember thinking then as i am now, if a principal is not genuinely caring toward then students, then jialat la, right? bad enough for 'normal' schools. worse for schools where children need extra attention and care and love right?


gynae never mentioned anything about neck folds. i didn't do oscars. i did triple test. apparently it's not as accurate either. 1 in 91 is not much. but compared to my age average, it's supposed to be one in like 1,400. THAT is shocking.

now just waiting for BB to finish his lunch and call me then we can talk.

PS it was quite funny yesterday. i tahaned my tears until we got home then BB hugged me then my river flowed. then poppy came by and asked what happened to we invited her into the hug and she said? "no, not now, i'm smelly" (cos she did a poo) hahahahha

see la, even nonsensical things happen to me at this kind of time
According to my gynae (and this was 3 years ago), the height of the nose also can tell. But my friend also had a scare and her son turned out to be ok.
yes $60-65 for an ord upright piano. i dun know how much he charges for a grand piano. btw he lives in tampines. might charge you more for transport.
ai mai? he has been tuning all my pianos for the past 20+ years
hugs hugs....my fren also went for the amino test and everything came out alright. in fact my 2 ex neighbours also went for it. and bb also turned out alright. most impt like what u say is that hb and wife must agree on the decisions to make. keep us posted.

i m asking my fren on the bear hunt one. get back to u soonest.

big big news!! wow what made u decide to finally give up working? what kind of biz r u going into?

re science centre
this weekend prob can't join. sch has sports day!
let me know how it goes. if fun i will bring them next time!
ok here it is.
Mr Yeo (I do not even know his full name :p) hp: 97838929. tell him Ms Low from Marine Parade recommended to you and he has been tuning my pianos for 20+ years. then ask him to quote
both, bbp! i sms him in english. just call him first. usually he will pick up. unless he is on a job and cannot hear his phone then.

*big hug* I can imagine the stress and worry you can go through now. To put your mind at ease, do the test. I would. I like to be prepared, be in the know. Not guessing for the rest of my pregnancy.

Science centre this weekend? I can! Batman is working, and i dare not venture too far away from home for our kiddy weekend trip. Science Centre is near my place. So if it is on, let me know!!


ORh..... hehe.. it is not boring news la. So what business are you in?
Triple test lagi more false positives I think.

And by the 20 weeks u do ur detailed scanning, u more or less will know already. Cos a DS baby's characteristics would show up in the detailed scan. So for T1 , even tho I didn't go for the amnio, by week 20 I was fairly sure she is going to be a normal baby.
science centre
called to check. for public only pm slots avail. 230, 330 and 430. it's 50-min sessions, $9 per child, $4 per accompanying adult.

who else also west side? come la! how about sunday? i think we have plans on sat. but the timing? er... gungho and skip nap? i scared wait cranky cranky! maybe we go for 230? then after play can knock out on the way home?

btw the cost is only for the prog, not incl of science centre admission hor
I brought ashley to GPA dental - the Dentist is gentle and wearing dr robe with kids prints, lots of kids toys and she can watch tv while the dr examined the teeth. Dr also show her teeth on screen and explain what she's going to do etc etc. They put on sunglasses for her and let her make baloon from the dr gloves. It's expensive though. For Emma, I've got a recommendation from KK hospital to the national dental centre. Although not as elaborate as GPA dental, they do have kids room and the dr is quite gentle too. So far I've been there 2 times and no problem at all for me. She showed Emma the magic chair that can come up and down and the "mini water fountain she can rinse her mouth at" and let Emma smelled the strawberry smelling paste she's going to use to clean her tooth. So far I've got no problem with both kids.

*gasp* that is quite long and it doesn't look like a nail scratch?? more like something sharp right? Did Eboy tell you who did it to him? Well since the school already told you about their "stance", there's nothing much you could do but remind them over and over to pay attention to the culprit especially so this won't happen again to Ethan and other kids.

I have thalassemia minor but Mr SD doesn't so it's okay. My sis in law is pregnant right now and she is 42. From the oscar scan everything looks normal (neck fold is thin and bridge of nose is high), but from the blood test she has a 1:23 chances. She did took the amnio test and we got the confirmation that it's normal. The amnio procedure only lasted 5 minutes. My sis in law said it doesn't hurt since they apply a local anasthesia, just like ant bite. You'll be able to see the needle inserted through your tummy. She just said it's scary cuz the needle is very long. She took the expedited result (cuz baby is getting bigger, and since she lives in Indon, she wants it for piece of mind) - extra 250 bucks. Normally it would take about 2 weeks before you know the result. I didn't do the test as doc said despite my age, it's unnecessary. However, for piece of mind, I would do it, since it is a fairly common and safe procedure. HUGS

Emma is still in the car seat since it can fit up to 4 years old and Emma being petite she still has lots of rooms. I'm not so keen on booster seat since it doesn't look comfortable, especially if our child wants to sleep.
apparently, from out the blue, i am also thalassemia minor. how funny. i hadn't even heard of the word till yesterday, and now i have to learn how to spell it. the only reassuring thing from yesterday was that the gynae also said that he had it, and life can function as per normal.

have decided to go for genetic scan, which is non intrusive, and since non intrusive, safer than amnio. (thanks so much DD for the recommendation). it is also a fair bit more affordable. have read about the doc and apparently he is very good. appt in early dec, when baby is 21 weeks. long time more to twiddle thumbs, but will know the results straightaway

it looks like a nasty scratch yes! ya, schools tend not to say who the bullies are so that they don't fuel any inner range in parents. but as our kids grow older, they can so tell us right?

agree with smiggle, ask for an explanation, and to see the tapes, if any. they can't just gloss it over like that, esp since it is a big scratch like that.

good that you're also teaching E to say the right things to bullies. poppy has become the 'class monitor' and reporting all the bullying incidents to the teachers haha

i am so happy to change her school. each day i pick her and they are playing with blocks or plastic fruits and vegs and she looks soooo bored whenever i peep in to look at her. poor girl, she seems so unchallenged in school. no wonder she says she doesn't like it. can't blame her!
About the Thalassemia thingy - Emma does seemed to have signs of it from the last blood test when she was sick 2 months ago. Doc told me to get a further test just to make sure, but mr SD was against it. What do you think mommies?

Emma has been sick for a long period of time. She hasn't been to school for 3 weeks now. She was hospitalised end of oct and when I thought she's well enough for school on Monday, she fell sick again. I'm so scared to let her go to school now.
I don't think there's a need to get Emma tested for Thalassemia cos Mr SD doesn't have. Even if she does have it, what's the difference? That's my theory with regards to Declan cos Mr bbp has it but I don't. So I don't think there's a need to test until he wants to have children.
oh dear, hope Emma gets better soon. actually how does it help to get her tested further? does it cause her to fall sick easily? from what i can remember from my biology days, certain genetic conditions are passed more easily to son than daughters. this has something to do with the XY chromosomes vs XX chromosomes. So most of the time sons get the genetic conditions whereas daughters don't. Is it possibel to do genetic counselling to find out the chances that Emma has the condition instead of testing for it? And at the end of the day, what does it mean for her if she is positive? does it mean certain course of action or certain explanation for some conditinos? i think must weigh the pros and cons.

u planning to go sat or sun? let me know and i see whether can join in or not. prob sun easier. i plan to go marina barrage this weekend cos got kite flying event.
any mummies keen??

re dentist
I tried GPA dental before. that's the one that JH got scared of. not sure why but maybe partly cos he was a bit cranky. and maybe it's a different dentist from yours? i still remember it was a guy. not very big sized one. whose the one u saw at GPA?

i still feel so sore about my twn trip...haiz esp after readign up on it and knowing what i will be missing!! feel even more sian....

must really try to get over it man....
No one wants my Gain IQ (orange colour one)??? PLS??? Someone?

PB, good that u have decided on the test to take! Stay positive!!

Cellow, wow i didnt know got so many information in the vaccines. I just give what the doc say to give ..

DD, I didnt give xun gal pnuemococal but gave mini xun take coz she is exposed to all kinds of germs they bring home .. I gave chicken pox to xun gal when she was abt 2 years old. For that, it was a selfish reason. After an incident of HFMD, I cant bear going through a chicken pox scare e.g. any of the nieces got chicken pox and i have to quarantine the girls..
I will be giving mini xun chicken pox jab too.
After seeing some comments on MMR, i delayed the jab for xun gal till she was 2yo. Hee. Gg to do the same for mini xun too :p

And that reminds me that mini xun is due for her dunno what jab ... zzzz i hate jabs because it results in a cranky kid.

Side note: Last night mini xun woke up at 4am again, attempting to wake up her sister! She is super winner...
The further test the doc is talking about is not just to confirm Thalassemia but also to detect some other possible illness associated with a certain her low level of the blood work results (I can't remember what). The doc did tell us it's up to us whether we want further investigation or not. I'm just wondering whether the results had anything to do with her low immune system recently.

GPA dental - our dentist is a lady - Dr. Chong. She is very very gentle. My daughter likes her a lot. When she's not around we'll see Dr. Ong (guy). He doesn't look gentle but quite OK though hahaha.
If mum is minor and dad is minor, then kids got prob cos kids are likely to end up with major thalassemia and that means regular blood transfusions throughout their not too long life (about 30 years)

If only one parent has then it's ok. Can still function as per normal. Most don't even know

Apparently mine is very close to cut off point so I may not even have it. Could somehow, for some reason, fluctuate too. So my previous blood test from when preg with poppy, will be helpful for gynae to compare.

Thankfully nurses at old gynae clinic remember me ("you're the one whose photo is at ikea right??") And have very kindly offered to mail the results to me
Mich: could it be the teacher's nails or accessories- watch, ring, bangles...? I think they should still give you an explanation or inform you of the details of the incident. I hope they will not just hope that you will close the case and not give you a satisfactory explanation.

Smiggle: *hugs*... hope all is well. My ears are opened too if you need.

Pb: *hugs*.... too. Don't worry too much, lots of mummies in my November forum had the same readings as yours but babies turned out ok. Try your best not to worry ok? And it has nothing to do with your junk eating, I ate lots of junk too. I had luncheon meat, bubble tea and Maggie Mee cravings and ate them regularly throughout my entire pregnancy
The one at Camden charges $90 per session. We also go to the School Dental Health ($9) at HPB every couple of months, 'cos of L's bad teeth.

If you have a bad feeling about it, why not delay longer? You can hold out until P1, right? L only took the jabs until 7 months old, then nothing throughout till the MMR after he turned three.

Car booster seat
We are using a Britax carseat whose back can be detached so that you are left with just the booster seat. The boys are still using the full carseat as it's for kids up to 40kg.

That's not small news. Congrats on becoming lao ban! E *hugs* will be very happy to have you around more often!
I would be hunting down the scratcher and beating him up in my mind. Dustee gave great advice to role play with Eboy. But it would definitely give peace of mind to have an explanation or written reassurance from the school that Eboy will be more carefully watched over to prevent something like this from happening again, and that the other kid will be kept apart (if possible) from Eboy.

Kids in schools
Just like how it's easier for them to fall sick once they start school, it's also easier for them to get hurt. The teachers can't watch over so many children and things can and will happen, especially when the little ones get very involved in play or start quarrelling/fighting over toys. I've seen and heard of kids who slap, spit and pee on other kids, kick other kids, wrestle kids, gang up to try and attack other kids in the toilets - all this at preschool level. Friend of a friend's kid's arm was dislocated at child care. Bad huh? Then when they get to primary school it's a whole new ball game.

*Big hugs!* I would want to know so as to be able to prepare for the child. But like the rest say, there are a lot of false positives. Two of my neighbours also went, all okay in the end.

You ok? Hugs to you too!

We also have sch sports day this weekend, haha!

Science centre is that common spaces thingy right? I wanna go! Sun ok but dunno if bbg will ko before or after it. Must register?
