(2008/07) July 2008

ah you are just a font of scary stories la. maybe bcz you spend so much time outside with the boys and your professional trg enables you to pick nuances that others miss too. plus you are a sensitive (in the good way, i must add) mother.

i still rem the one abt you and the 6yo left alone to fend for himself at the public library from 12 noon to 6pm. that still makes me both sad and mad, mad enough to want to scratch out his mum's eyes in my mind, for abandoning him. what if he follows a stranger, what if he is molested in the boys' toilet... what if... so many what ifs.

things in C1's class are still overall civil. i think tis due to the principal having a very good hold on both the teachers and the children. lax in most normal situations and quick to spot and stop potential violence if need be.
also helps that the parents of C1's classmates all behave like the normal (read: wont slap kids, scold vulgarities at kid or otherwise do funny things) kind of parents. who do you think those peeing, spitting, punching preschoolers learn it from? at HOME from their parents.

okok i have been thinking v much abt this since our new Education Minister brgt up the teaching of values in schools. if every parent fulfils their own respty at home to teach our own children, then there is really no need for values-teaching to fall to the school teacher.
tis only when other parents are lax, then we need to ask the teacher to intervene to stop the other kid fm going too far with our kids. a totally messed-up situation if you ask me.

pls do not have children if you want to abdicate the values-teaching to someone else

fighting over toys
this is what C1 says when C2 snatches "HEY! that is mine, not yours. i play first. you take this one", thrusting another toy into C2's hand. tis actually quite funny how the same script comes out from C1's mouth every single time. i did not teach him those words, so the school must have. i m far happier that he learns self-awareness, getting along with others and social skills in school, than learning his acad stuff like reading words / chinese words / maths / science.

Batgirl, i got a small tin of Gain IQ (unopened). 400g. Bought it with the intention of bringing to perth but xun gal dun like the taste as she is on mamil gold. I can sell u cheap cheap hee ... pls pls just take it. If not i dunno what to do with it also!!

haha! okok! I will take it!
Wuffy on that brand. No hurry, will take it when i see u!
hello mummies,

am having a red eye..
so itchy....

i brought kayden to HPB last year and they said he was too young to be sitting in dentist chair!

I haven spoken to my hubby for a week...
Men are really stubborn..
All i need is just a explanation.. and he jsut kept quiet..
I am not gonna give in this time...
one week!

school dental care
ok the freaky thing is that i called the school dental care at HPB, asked for an appmt. then the receptionist asked for C1's BC number... checked their records... i was taken aback when she recited C1's full name back to me. turns out that HPB has mobile nurses that go out to the schools, and that's prob where C1's teeth was checked. i really dun rem if the school told me, have to check the commn book tonight.
the receptionist asked me if his teeth had any problems... i said no... then she said ah then ok, there is no need to bring him for another dental check, since the mobile nurse will highlight if there is a prob w his teeth.

wahlau. my son's teeth has been checked and i dun know. what kind of mother am i? haiyoor. just a very busy one, i suppose.

next up is C2's pne and second 6in1 jab. MMR delay until he goes to school
yeah i din see the lady at GPA. i saw another one. think kevin or something. can't remember liao. maybe your lady dentist much better with the kids! since then i din go back liao....

i see. maybe it's just a spell that she falls sick more nowadays. bad weather contributes to that too! hope she gets well soon.

haven't been following the thread closely. how come cold war so long? not good leh.....
oh no. hope it gets better soon. one week! i cannot imagine not talking for one week!

have any of you watched the movie "one day"? BB and i went on a date and i kinda forced him to watch it with me cos i loved the book. felt the movie itself was choppy and did not do the book any justice but toward the end, anne hathaway suddenly reminded me of.... CELLOW! might have been the hairstyle but i just stopped seeing anne hathaway and started seeing cellow instead! i almost thought C1 and C2 were about to step into the screen
anyone keen on another zoo trip toward end of the month? hehe. thought one more time before we leave, cos by the time we're back from canada i'll be big and bulky liao, don't think i'll want to walk sooooooooooooooo much
Good for you then.. no need to bring C1 to dental. Yay to mobile nurses!

No la... Anne Hathaway's hairstyle don't look like Cellow's mah.
Ah.. I thought you were referring to her very famous butch haircut.. haha. I love that haircut... wonder what I would look like with that style :p
bbp - i think u will look good in butch style cut! try it..

pinkb - zoo - end of mth weekday or weekend? we r going today cos it's a sunny day and there's the elephant parade which my friend is the organiser so going to support.

michelle - congrats on yr being your own lau pan. what will u be doing?

christmas! - r we doing a gathering? botanical garden picnic style..who is keen?
Elephant Parade???
Maybe I will try that haircut after the wedding. But short hair need so much maintenenance

Christmas! We're in!
Christmas party, we're in!
End nov zoo, we're in!
Any other party after 28 nov, we're in in in!

We missed you all ever since I changed job and house from feb!!! Haven seen the kids since? *gasp* jul this yr poppy's party!!!!!!!
Wah I m mentioned w Anne Hathaway in the same breath. Ok PB u get extra kolo Mee next time!!!!

Maid less day. Just boob-ed c2 to sleep. Now hiding in room while Mr C puts c1 down for a nap. 3 to 5pm is prime nap time la.
Oh darn it... I've got a wedding dinner on 11 Dec

It's ok.. you girls go ahead.

Happy ah?
Anne Hathaway's gorgeous.. so that makes you gorgeous too!
I love that butch hairstyle too. Tried it when preggie with Poppy. Loved the first week and then hated the maintenance!!! So ended up looking as sloppy butch instead of cool butch :S

Xmas party we cannot

Bbp you watched the movie too? Like? Think book was (as always) MUCH better. But dexter! Ooo la la! Slurp :p
christmas gathering @ BG - 11 Dec at 430pm (hope this date works, timed it with a concert in the park on that same date)http://www.sbg.org.sg/calendar/regisform.asp?ID=669

1) cinbunny + All (xmas cookies)
2) SY

can we start earlier? cos jx would have started her swimming by then and it starts at 5.30pm.

hmm or maybe i shd delay her starting till jan. cos dec always raining sure no class half the time!

re nap
wait till your kids are older! it means 0 naps for the parents!! haha

re zoo
hmm for me depends on date again. got very tight schedule to manage cos a lot of things happening at work in nov.

anyway i m thinking of changing job. not that my boss no good but my big boss is so fickle that sometimes it's difficult to work and he has been doing a lot more of that recently! and he still says we dun deliver on time! seriously i think bosses need to be more understanding! everytime he change his mind, i re-write a paper...its not efficient at all! haiz..but shd tahan until appraisal and try to get bonus and promotion before i leave right....
i shivver when i read the words "i re-write a paper". i've had to write and re-write, print and re-print countless papers. total *excuse the french* waste of time! something that takes 3 minutes to discuss and solve, i had to spend 30 minutes writing a paper for it, and 3 weeks for it to be approved. bleah!!!

i somehow recall you answering someone (DD's?) question re car seats. does this mean you have gotten your wheels already?
Auntie Alert, Auntie Alert (bor bor bor bor bor!!!)

busy mums who have to prepare meals, next time you are at cold storage, pop by their fresh meat area. they sell pre made chicken cordon bleu at only $5+ per piece. it's a generous serving and it is deeeeeeeelicious. incredibly easy to prepare as well. just pop into oven for about 40 mins and serve with whatever sides you fancy. ohhhh yum!

end of advertisement
Science Centre Common Spaces
Did you all go? How was it?

Was that cordon bleu from the lenards section? I keep looking and thinking about their products but never buy. Nice, you say? Will try! I was using my sis' car while she was on holiday. No more 'cos she's back. We bought the car seats earlier this year when they were on sale at Isetan.

X'mas picnic
We can't make it that day, boo hoo.

Is your cold war over?
xmas picnic - hmm, looks like dec 11 not many can join..i am ok with any dates in dec so lets go with majority :

Dec 3
1) cinbunny

Dec 4
1) cinbunny

Dec 10
1) cinbunny

Dec 17
1) cinbunny
lenards section ah? not sure. it's the fridge area that's manned by people, next to pay-by-weight minced meats

the chicken was nice! not too salty, which makes it ok for our kids i think. but i ate it all :p and more :p :p

cin bunny
bulgogi.... sounds like korean food? i'm not a fan!!

Oops, just realised I didn't answer your question. Nope, didn't watch the movie but recalled seeing a review in the newspapers then went to check out the trailer. And now, suddenly recalled you having a similar hairstyle on your old FB pics. Sigh. High maintenance means not for bbp. Any recommendations for short haircuts that are relatively low maintenance? :p
even GI Jane needs to maintain the botak look.
you also get extra kolo mee next time! haha

aaaargh, drowning in work
when i have more brain cells, i will think abt the C family's availability for christmas parteeeeeeeee
hello mommies..
i am "back" again after so long. :p
saw the article on pb's facebook..nice pic and write-up. pb, congrats on your #2 too! All the best for the test result. Will keep you in my prayer!

did u mention that declan is still wearing 6 mths clothing? hi five. hee

still one child policy but same like u, dont know if its a right choice.

xmas gathering,
will love to join. need to check dec schedule..lots of wedding dinners, gatherings going on.
Haiz. But Mr bbp can help me maintain the GI Jane hairstyle mah. Got hair shaver at home. Haha.

Welcome back! Yup, Dec's still wearing the ones we bought from the market, those super comfy stretchy at-home wear. The most paiseh thing is, Cellow's #2 is already wearing them for the longest time. I think her #2 will outgrow them before Declan does. Haha.
i think j still can fit his 6 m.o rompers lor..haiz..he is quite fussy with food. only likes noodle and doesnt like ice cream? imagine me giving him a cone of ice cream and he said "mommy i want the biscuit only!" haha..faint
That happened to Dec for a while. Until we went to Italy for a wedding in May and introduced him to real Italian gelato. He's never looked back since. We realised that sometimes he's just suspicious so if I manage to bribe him to try something new using something that I know he definitely likes, he does end up liking it.
Xmas Party @ Botanics
cin bunny, what time?

Dec 3
1) cinbunny

Dec 4
1) cinbunny
2) bbp

Dec 10
1) cinbunny

Dec 17
1) cinbunny
2) bbp
3) Qing
Hi missysz, welcome back.

U know what i realise, kids change after they are back from holidays!! My #2 used to hate drinking milk, and so every milk feed is like a struggle. Now after we come back from perth, she suddenly loves milk and will be asking/singing for neh neh (milk milk) ... what a 180 degrees change!!

bbp i trying to imagine u in that hairstyle ... hmmmmm think looks good coz will emphasize ur big eyes haha. hmmm looks like dec actually kekekekekeke *runs away

Cellow that was a super depressing link ... ...
oh jace,
initially i thought so too.
budden again, tis a good reminder not to parent for the future, but to parent in the Now.

haha Qing turns up for parteeeeeeee

welcome back.

dun say Dec la, i miss italian gelato too! can slurp through 3 in one day. so piggy of me. haha.
It's ok.. it means Dec looks like me! Yay!

3 in one day only? That's not too piggy

I shall not reveal how many I ate back then.
Bbp yes dec looks like u. I can imagine his face and urs together hahaha even though i haven seen him for like ... AGES!! I only remember his long eye lashes... hahahahahahahahahah

Cellow, true true. hmmmmmmmm
A an empty condom wrapper. That's what I picked up to throw from poppy's school playground today. Champion right? On fri we will be going to her new school for orientation. There is no grassy area but at least we'll never find condoms and sanitary pads in the playground area.

I couldn't read it
i tried not to but eyes kept betraying me. Caught the jist of it la.

Bbp! GI jane! Go go go!

Welcome back! Thanks
wow J can still fit in 6 month old rompers? Wow! I think for poppy, they are even too small to convert into t-shirts!

Just realised that yes it is lenards

Open question
Does anyone have a good creamy risotto recipe? Risotto so reminds me of mui fan!!
yes, agree..its a matter of time. he will love all the junk food so i am not that worried yet. hee

where is poppy's current school? picking up such things in school compound is a big no no..
oh, just to correct, he can still fit but cannot button up. basically, he just grew vertically la..haha..

JPO - new shopping heaven

just read about u and ur hubby's cold war. hope all is well now. cheer up!
good news man!! that's great!!!

Xmas Party @ Botanics
cin bunny, what time?

Dec 3
1) cinbunny

Dec 4
1) cinbunny
2) bbp
3) SY

Dec 10
1) cinbunny

Dec 17
1) cinbunny
2) bbp
3) Qing

Sat depends on timing...
That's great, yay!

No holiday for us
We were supposed to jet off Down Under next week. But S has a really bad ear infection and needs surgery so the trip is cancelled. Even if he did not need surgery, he wouldn't be able to fly with that ear infection. So no holiday. Sob. I need a break! *wails miserably*
Oh no why need surgery? How did he get it? One of poppy's classmates had the same, was in and out of hosp very quickly and back to school within a week

Ear infection cannot fly ah? I didn't know that. Butt cramp can right? Haha

I remember you being very bothered about bbG's teacher singing out of tune. Poppy's school has a teacher who strings the most random of words together and fitss them into the same tune all the time. She doesn't teach poppy but her class is next door and she is incredibly LOUD. And has bad englist. I always cringe when I hear her incredibly loud and sharp voice calling her class "Todder-lers come here! Toddder-lers!"

Oh I have been up since 4am! o_O the irony of pregnancy. Sleepy in the day, can't sleep in the night.
Ear pressure will increase during take-off and landing, but because of infected and blockage, not be able to equalise, hence he will be in immense pain, that's why no flying. It's day surgery, under GA, and yes, doc reassured us he'll be up and running by the next day. And that's good to know lah. What happened to Poppy's classmate?

oh yes, the ear pressure (duh me). poppy's classmate also kena ear infection, but i'm not sure how. parents also don't know. it just happened! what about S?
