(2008/07) July 2008

Yes yes, take sambucus as soon as you even suspect that something is coming. I've done that and I've been flu free since last December.

**a bit scared to type this cos it's like Murphy's law. Once I proclaim this kinda thing, sure kena one.

youpi/dustee, is it parent accompanied? i wonder if poppy would be totally blur during these sessions (much like chinese classes). if i'm in there with her, at least i can learn the right things to say to her too!

sayang sayang to sick kiddos!!! vitamin Cs to all sick mummies too!!!
Yes yes! Lunch on this Friday! my towkay going home on thurs!

Lunch @ Zion
4 Nov (Fri) Time : 1215pm

(1) Cellow
(2) Batgirl
(3) cin bunny

Lets get the list going!
Lunch @ Zion
4 Nov (Fri) Time : 1215pm

(1) Cellow
(2) Batgirl
(3) cin bunny

Lets get the list going!

*hmpf was there 2 days ago for dinner and was upset my fav heh mee stall was closed. after buying from another (less satisfying) stall, heh mee stall shutters rolled up!!! hmpf!!!!!

youpi/dustee : not all churches conduct? just called to enquire with st bernardette - they don't have!
11pm- pat pat kayden and then fever arises..
12am -fever became higher and start cough, give inhaler
1am - feed medicine again, he cough every min!!!
2am - i really wanna sleep! Pls stop coughin and crying!!!
3am - rub chest again
4am - inhaler again
7am - cough and cry again, give inhaler
8am - cough and cry, take medicine
9am - i drag myself up to work...
3pm- zonked out in front of pc....
i take it you haven't been to church for a while :p yeah like my church doesn't have it, and i didn't know about this until some other catholic friend was talking to me about it over FB.

that would be great if you could pass me the contact. my church doesn't have it (was it the one you got married in perhaps) There're more funerals than infant baptisms. i'm really keen to see how it is.

on a sidetrack
when pomfret was a baby, a priest (Fr Simon, redemptorist) said "I chope your baby for a priest" to which i replied "sorry father, she's a girl"

anyway mr dustee has to work most weekends and hols now, so i'm always with pomfret alone. was it crowded when you went? i'm not sure i can go all the way to science centre with my stroller. awful long way to walk from the mrt isn't it -_-
Lol re "I chope your baby!". Ah yes have not been in a while :S we have yet to get our marriage recognised by the church :S

Cheh a silly old auntie stared at me up and down as I sat on the reserved seat, like making sure I'm preggie. So I asked "is my tummy interesting?" Hahahhah
Oh no hope kayden gets well soon. Could you take a childcare day off? You still under probation? Maybe no pay leave for one day?
Hello!! I am back from PERTH!

A lot of exciting/heart-shakening stuff happened!!
1) I kind of lost my house keys + drawer keys on the morning we were supposed to fly. So created a big huha at 6am in the morning. Turned out that it was in my luggage all along. So all cool. (only discovered it on day 2 though haha)

2) Big boo boo. Hubby forgot to bring driving license. AND WE WERE SUPPOSED TO COLLECT OUR RENTED CAR WHEN WE REACH PERTH! hahaha super screw up right? Lucky my parents joined us on the next day so they managed to bring the license to us on Day 2 morning. Phew.

So everything was ok subsequently and I tot, hey its not too bad man! I am gg home already so nothing can go wrong right??! How wrong can I get.

3) I am one of those fortunate/unfortunate ones that are affected by the QANTAS insutrial action!! And mine is probably the first flight that got cancelled because we went through the check in and immigration. No news nothing and in fact the boards were flashing 'boarding' for our flight. But when we reached boarding gate 20 mins before take off, we were shocked to see that the gate was not opened and everyone was stucked. Asked the ground staff, they say they had no idea but were given instruction not to do anything.... Then we saw on the news that the CEO ordered Qantas to stop all operations!! Winner! And so, we had to go and collect our baggages then go through immigration again back into Perth airport. Went to Q up at SQ office to book the next earliest flight back. But SQ only has 31 Oct 2am flight available. Means we have to find somewhere to park ourselves for 1 night and 1 day. Lucky i have a friend there!! So he shou liu us for that 1 night and brough us around to play a bit more. The bad thing is some of my luggages are with my parents and they are already back in SG because they took SQ ... haha ... if it was just hubby and myself, we will have enjoyed the delay better. With 2 kids on the toll, it just gets harder. We spent 6 hrs in the airport just to sort out everything ... ...

And now, i am trying to claim insurance and Qantas for all the cost and air tix! The one way air tix from Perth cost me AUD 1.6k!! We had to come back coz hubby is on biz trip today.

Super duper shag!

Think this year is like a super duper duper happening year for me. So many things happened. I just hope that it will settle down and I can get back my PEACEFUL LIFE!!

And so, I missed the halloween party! boooooo!
Oh yah in the end I got all ur advices and brought along alot alot of medicine. The weird thing was I remembered putting my paracetomal in hubby's backpack, but couldnt find it on our flight there. xun gal was running a fever ... but no paracetomal.
Strange thing is, we found it at night after we touched down. Weird...

As for xun mei mei, she was sick and appetite was not good too. So the whole 7 days she was there, she had apple baby food jar, pear baby food jar or pear + banana baby food jar. Only 3 variation.. -_- she had a pear face when she came back.

my mum is trying to 'bu' her now hahahahahahha

Anyway aside from all these, we enjoyed the trip very much! Alot of things to do and think we haven covered enough. Next time if there is a chance, we will go back there again. The best is really the weather there. Cool + sunshine.
LoL Jacelyn! Ur life is so exciting!! But good to hear that u enjoyed the trip with the kids! So did u go with 1 or 2 strollers?

Confinement lady

Anybody have a good CL to recommend? My friend needs one in feb/mar.
Batgirl, i went with 1 stroller + checked in my maxi cosi car seat. Then went to perth, borrowed a stroller from the poor friend whom i kept troubling.
I saw alot of people checking in their car seats just like that - wrapped up in transparent tapes etc.
The 2 strollers were of good use. Coz xun gal insisted on using her own maclaren stroller and hence xun mei mei used the borrowed one.

Just read the posts quickly and i have something to share wrt thermos and tiger food jar.

I have the tiger food jar which is thumbs up too. Like SY, I boil porridge for 10 mins then put inside. It will continue to cook and then will have super nice and soft porridge. It can retain heat for more than 12 hrs. Brought it along to perth and so both xuns has porridge for lunch and dinners.

For the thermos insulator cook, i have that too. Use it to cook soup every weekend and its like my best buddy as well. Super convenient. Boil for 10-15 mins in the morning. Put inside and then at night got soup or stew to drink/eat. I bought the 4.5 litres one. Just nice for a family of 4/5. I used to use slow cooker. Think it cost me a bomb on electricity bill last time. haha

Hows everyone? Briefly saw that cellow is falling ill and that kayden is ill too? Dustee has bigger muscles now and that michelle said a 'hello' and disappeared afterwards. PB is developing her preggie brain ... hahahaha thats all i caught from the quick scan through!

Take care for those falling ill. Drink lots of water and vitamin C!
Wow jacelyn! What an exciting trip! Phew glad you still enjoyed the trip despite it all. And lol on pear face!!

A bit freaky about the medicine!!

What a maaaaaaadhouse week it is for me!
wow your trip is super super exciting and shag...and the qantas thing..how unfortunate. according to the papers, qantas will bear all the additional costs incurred right? hopefully so. cos it's so ex!!!

photos photos....
my office laptop stops me from posting... once i type longer than a 3-word sentence, it will hang... so i can only read and cannot post!

I'm on child MC cos eboy has been coughing non stop at night. been to KKH and now back on puff.. seems like cough bug is everywhere. I myself is feeling sick too..

been very very busy at work. shifted office to the ulu university town and so far from home! boo hoo... i miss the RP korean food!!!!

tomorrow going to Bali villa for 4D3N, less Eboy! going to leave with a heavy heart cos eboy is sick now... but but but, i really need the break. badly needed.

so funny, DD need reassurance that other mummies are still bent on a 1-child only policy har? i think you have wavered and go on! have no 2!!! rubbing big big tummy is very nice feeling, remember?

wow, PB, saw pics on FB and your tum tum is showing! boy or gal? know already?

the halloween pics look great too! was it fun?

Jace, your holiday sounds fun amidst all the hiccups along the way... glad things turned out well eventually... how's your home reno? going on smooth?

Cellow, been waiting for your call... have you sorted out things at homefront? remember to chill ya?
Welcome back Mich! Wow bali... I want... But I got bkk to look forward to... Hopefully waters go down by then. If not will ngeh ngeh go and bring arm floats! Anyway preggie woman will float right???

Just now taking mrt I heard the announcement "pls take the lift if u are carrying heavy and bulky items". Hey I *AM* a heavy and bulky item!!

Ya mich, showing liao. But think some times more obvious than others. And I've not mentioned it on FB yet either

Have two kids! Join to double trouble club! (Wow sounds really enticing right?)

Pri sch
I know it's a long way away but just thought it might be interesting to share, for those of us not in touch with current school environments.

I was at a regular (or for lack of better word, "neighbourhood") pri sch yesterday and I was really really impressed. I was escorted by the head prefect who was absolutely polite and lovely, and needed no prompting in greeting me and wishing me a nice day. She also said "welcome and thank you for visiting our sch". Girls, you know some things can be drilled and rehearsed, but this was all natural, like the girl has been immersed in the culture of the sch, and now lives it naturally.

Then after my talk, another came up to me and said very earnestly "thank you very much for sharing with us". I mean seriously, even adults don't do that!

I was truly impressed.

And also, chat with principal revealed that after final exams, the kids have 2 weeks of being able to choose from a variety of activities that are offered over and beyond the normal CCAs. We're talking archery, drama, craft, dance, social etiquette, golf, scuba diving. For a primary school!!

It's so nice to know that schools are starting to look at being more holistic than simply focusing on books and exams. There is hope after all.
That's great, PB, so no need for you to shift near my estate anymore?
hoo, thank goodnes I haven pointed out your pointed tum tum in FB!

Oh, i'll be visiting BKK too, last week of Dec.. i think flood would be over... but worried of hygiene, you know, flood, disease, dead rats lying everywhere kind of thing? anyway, i bought insurance way before flood so technically speaking, if i cancel now, I can recover every single cent.. should I cancel???? *still thinking*
hope eboy is better. yes a lot of kids are coughing. he is sensitive right? start him on swimming. it helps. jh was on puff for almost 2 years and swimming really made a difference. a mummy told me that it helped her gal and no harm trying. now i m starting jx also in a bid to get less coughing and runny nose episodes. but it does take time for the effect to take place so must still be on puff. and unless doc says stop, dun stop the puff.

enjoy your break! u deserve it! let's meet for lunch when u r back.

wow, nice...is it a gals school?

i had a few colleagues who just went BK for hol. came back safe and sound...
No. Mixed sch.

No no that sch is WAY out. And I wasn't school looking. Just there for er, work. Kinda.

I do still want to send poppy to my old sch. So moving is still an option. To be almost opp u actually! I've got my heart set on the little pte road opp ur place. So pretty. Know where?
What a coincidence. I was just checking out that deal. Parents that accompany their under-5 kid are required to purchase an extra ticket for themselves you know...
oh really? i was looking at it too! then not worth it...tot it would be quite normal for parents to accompany their kids....
I did that icing thingy with Emma at 313 Sommerset (the icing room). She had a good time and everytime we went there she always reminded me that she really really like decorating cakes!
Flash post.

Me sick. Cough.
C1 sick. Cough at night. I join smiggle in zonked out at 3pm club.
Work is pressure cooker, took on project w high visibility, talking about meetings involving boss 5 levels above. Stressssssssss until next Apr.

Returning to happier topics.

Great news on the p sch front PB!
Enjoy Bali, Mich. Home front on retreat, next flank attack will b sneak one on Mr C... Cny plans to stay in SG all neatly laid out in my head. ;)
DD, no one can tell u when is right time for #2...
duste, wow power mama you, shouldering parenting alone!
Jace, less drama, more peace in coming weeks! See good decision to lug both xuns to Perth ya

SY, I need to adopt your attitude of ok fine hb, you dun want to b involved in kids life, next time they are closer to me, pls dun complain
PMed you my orders.

anyone flown to/transited at doha airport before ah? how is it? steady la, got play area... but never state opening hours :S and email to airport info bounced. argh.
hey poppy and sophie and declan also did that icing room thing! for father's day if i remmeber correctly. but all their cakes turned out er... rather er... artistic
We did the cake decorating at icing room too! Fun!tott's cOokie making too!

R our kiddos of age to use a car booster seat already? What r the good brands to buy?
PB, opps! One glance through all the post, that phrase kind of caught my attention the most hahahahaha

Guess what, preggie brain never quite left me even until now ... -_-

Cellow, cool cool dun stress. Going on a holiday is really a good break for me. U can consider that too? And yes lugging both xuns was good decision, though i kind of has a overdose-of-xuns symptom now.. LOL last night left the xuns with my mum's care (coz nieces not around and so not so guilty!!) and went shopping for 1 hr with my gf at night. Been eons since I last did that! Super shiokk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

Fighting siblings...

The xuns are now developing this fighting-over-the-toys syndrome ... I can seriously foresee 'better' life going forward... argggh
Morning girls

Good news
Got poppy's new school settled

Challenging news
Apparently we're supposed to give one months notice if we want to withdraw her. Fair enough. But we've been looking for the principal for WEEKS to tell her but she's been away. And now we might have to pay a month in lieu. I really don't see it as our fault. I've asked BB to talk to her. She has a little crush on him. It'll help. Maybe he'll have to show some strands of chest hair but hey if it saves us money

Exciting news
In an hour I'll know if I'll have to pull out poppy's old clothes to wash, or go on a mad BLUE shopping spree
So exciting! :D What new school is Poppy going to? All the best for Bluebunny vs principal saga. May the one with the most chest hair win!

Wow what a dramarama trip but hey great memories and lots to talk about when the girls grow up! As for the fighting, the fighting, the fighting... if you find a way to solve that, please let me know!

Take care! And am super impressed by your very forward planning for 2012's CNY.

Enjoy Bali!

If you feel it, go for #2. Everything else can be managed. Does Gordon want a sibling? Did he say anything?

Primary school
Acty a lot of neighbourhood schools have really geared up and are excellent choices. Need to do parent volunteer for them as well! They go under the radar (because they don't get as much attention as the well-known ones). And the kiasu mentality is not as prevalent I think.
update us with the news!!!

yes we need to have the mentality to keep our sanity...

hope yoru work goes well!

science centre started this playgroup session thing. looks quite interesting. anyone keen? it's $15 for kid and can't remember how much for the adults.

im totally stoning while writin this..
its a refreshin change to hear kasper crying so loud...
totally fried my brains...

only things that pops out at me is PB "BLUE" shopping....

k,gonna attend meeting..
you know if you need to go shopping anew? so exciting. HAHAHHA on battle of the chest hairs!
LSH has email from the principal rite... to warn abt HFMD and staff changes, things liddat. give notice by email la.
C1's principal is always contactable via email. so are his teachers. i even have sms updates from his english teacher smtimes if she feels the situation warrants it... like updating me on his recent naps since i expressed a concern abt it on the commn book.

forward planning is a work hazard.

the fighting i treat it as part and parcel of growing up. i try to stay as calm/composed as possible and mentally detach, just watch over that the boys do not permanently hurt each other.

sy, if there is a suitable place near your home and you have the energy/time, go for it!

retail therapy
i wonder if it works.... i saw a absolutely gorgeous red lambskin bag shaped like a balloon over lunch , and m still thinking abt it
but but $380 leh.
how how?

i m looking at a place nearby but then not cheap leh. i think each kid would be 100+ a month!!

retail therapy
hmmm i think i may work if it's your hb buying for u...haha
Lunch @ Zion
4 Nov (Fri) Time : 1215pm

(1) Cellow
(2) Batgirl
(3) cin bunny

Is lunch confirmed? Anybody else coming? :D Better bring BIG umbrella hor... weather nowadays is very unpredictable.
yes we have her email add but just thought such a thing should be done face to face so she could talk to us etc instead of making it so formal and official like "Dear Ms ____, We would like to inform you that as of ____ date, Poppy will no longer be attending school at LSH". guess i was wrong. i'm always a victim of this. and in the end, end up in situations like this. i really must learn to ALWAYS protect myself and really just forget about trying to be nice.

so gynae check today:
we played i spy with my little eye and he didn't really spy anything between the legs. but he says he can only be absolutely sure at the next scan cos apparently boys develop slower (haha, typical! everything relak one corner, take your time bro). so there's an 80% chance we're going to have 2 little girls playing princess dress up. however psychic poppy did say there will be 2 boys and 2 girls in our house. i do hope she doens't think she's going to have THREE more siblings

but my next scan is a couple of days before bangkok trip. so i WILL be shopping, whether or not it is pink or blue!!!
corporate training has made me protect myself and forget abt being nice (in the doormat pls-step-onto-me la sense). that type of niceness is a liability in the corporate jungle.
ah, but you have a secret weapon - BB's chest hair

oh someone fwd me an article from Marie Claire UK magazine on why career women are scared to have babies. interesting. when i get home, i will upload onto FB (if i log on)
yoohoo fellas

i am still not working at one north yet. the office just started renovating so I am working out of my colleague's home office and eat home cooked lunch by her dad everyday. bwahaha!

I figured i should only be at one north beginning Dec.


2 girls! so nice!


go go go! go have #2!



okie! that's all for now!
Wow doggiebb what a cool office environment!!

Alamak you know ah, from the moment I decided to change school, EVERYTHING started to tell me it was the right choice. For example today, I was bothered yet again about the big mess at the playground (the school's playground is within school compound but the condo above is home to pigs and slobs and they often litter and that's why I've seen cigarette butts, sanitary pads - no kidding - newspapers, plastic bags etc, peppering the playground). And while on the seesaw with poppy (while BB was showing off his chest hair), guess what landed on the seesaw? A cigarette butt! Still lit! Within inches of my leg!!!!!


Anyhoo feeling a bit low now. Cos of:

1. tired tired aching feet
but gynae gave go-ahead to enjoy all the foot massages in bkk that I want - actually he just said "sure no prob"

2. MIL woes
me: gynae said 80% it's a girl.
She: so still got chance it's a boy right? Confirm it's a boy cos poppy said it would be and poppy is surely right.

I mean COME ON. Youpi, I remember you sharing that your MIL talks to the boys and simply ignores you and your pressence. I kinda feel the same. Only mine adores poppy and loathes me, so everything I say, even in jest, is taken seriously and in secret she asks BB "why is your wife so weird?"

3. I've decided to take it real slow with my biz next year. No more weekday classes. Just weekends for corporate bookings. But that means less income (ie my pocket money) and I'm afraid I may start losing my self worth. But poppy starts school next year and it's only for 3 hours so it is hard for me to conduct anything in that time + travel. And when #2 is here, lagi no time. I'll continue arranging for classes but instead of conducting them myself, I'll send my facilitators la (like maid agency?) But I'll miss all the action

4. Just attended the beginning of an event cos BB was there. And the corporate folks just took one look at my (actually quite nice) maternity dress and flat shoes and I swear they sneered. I wanted to shout "hey! I don't need high heels and a suit to feel good about myself!" But I wasn't feeling too self confidentish with poppy's school bag on one shoulder and a pink water bottle in my hand. I just told BB he could stay but I so wanted to leave


Zion road gang
Sorry I have to pull out. (Our recently installed) heater is spoilt so I have to wait for technician to come fix it. Argh.

In need of sayanging!!!
Yes, do go for a #2 if you feel it. You don't want to regret decisions like these I think.

Never thought abacus really helped. Then again, what kind of enrichment really helps? So I guess it depends again on whether your kids are even interested...

You obviously are drooling over that bag. So bought already? Must bring and show us when we meet up ok?

Evil me hopes that you will have a boy so that you will understand the agony of shopping for your boy! Heehee.
Point 3 is actually good. You get to spend time with your children, don't need to do the actual work and still get to earn money. Maybe you should just hire more facilitators and get more bookings.. then soon you will become those professional preschool enrichment programs!
Point 4 - they sneer because they are jealous. 'Nuff said.
The bag sounds divine. Bought already? Pix pix pix!

Smile, nod, in one ear and out the other - Om om om and *hugs*


the school compound sounds horrid! better get poppy out of there. I never had a good feeling of the people staying there...the place always looks dirty to me. Better they enbloc it.

When are you going to BKK? My trading partners there have their homes mostly flooded. Their office is in Chatuchak, and they have also shifted office. But I forgot to ask them if they left to avoid the possible flood or their office is already flooded. I know sukumvit (dun know how to spell) is flooded though. My boss's driver is now staying in my boss's apartment cos his house is also flooded. Hopefully the flood would have subsided and everything is bright and sunny when you go. Like what Michelle says, diseases tend to be rife where there are pooling of dirty water, dead rats etc (and crocodiles are still lurking in the floods) You are preggy now, cannot afford to catch weird diseases. So hopefully everything will be nice and dry by the time you get there.

And congrats on the healthily developing baby inside you! Girl or boy, as long as it is healthy, it is a blessing! Girls clothes are easier to buy, but I have problem buying toys for my girl. So far she is playing with trains and cars and robots. :p


One school of thought - we work so hard for what? Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves. If you love it, buy it! It is almost Xmas anyway, so take it as an early Xmas present for yourself!

Bring it for the lunch tomorrow! I am sure it can contain the 6 tubs of calendula cream! hehehe ;)

Lunch @ Zion
4 Nov (Fri) Time : 1215pm

(1) Cellow
(2) Batgirl
(3) cin bunny
