(2008/07) July 2008

Cellow: you are nice, you actually entertained him.
if it's me, I'll tell him conditions apply! :p

Dor Dor: chic rice cooked like that? No need to stuff Ginger and other condiments in the chicken? Sounds very easy! So far, I've tried using th kee's chicken rice mix, very yummy, makes my dish looks so pro!

Pb: that seems like a tall order! Nonetheless, will do that! Sounds like fun!

darling Jo,
what makes you think i did not apply conditions? i will keep this in reserve for when i want to extract smthing fm him. *wink

costumes! all my creative juices have dried up lor. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
maybe C1 and C2 can go as matching Crayola crayons.
Okie I checked with my mum again cos dun wanna give wrong info haha
But she's abit vague with all the details 1 lah so must argar urself on the seasoning.
She fry the raw ginger then add chicken stir fry until half cooked. Then add the raw rice n stir fry till chicken 70% cooked, transfer everything to rice cooker. And water have to add slightly less then normal.(the sesame oil, soy sauce and whatever seasoning can either add in during stir frying rice or only when U transfer everything to rice cooker then add)

Buts its very nice lor cos I would eat bowls of rice. That's also why I have not tried cooking too haha.

Cos the chicken is all cut up so nothing to stuff haha
See abve the correct way my mum does it. Think she say must fry the rice 1st then it will be ji liap ji liap.

Last time D would only poo standing haha
Then.......i think slowly bah I made him sit on the toilet when he was pooing halfway hehe. Just so that he knows its the same n he can't really do anything since he is already halfway right keke.
E's okie with everything once her battles with the toilet bowl ended hehe.
My creative juices have run out too.

Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
2) sy - 30th Oct
3) pb - 29 Oct
4) the C family
5)smiggleprincess & her princes
6) Jo - 29 oct
7) phyphy 30 oct
8) dd

Alamak, why got 2 cannot make it on 29th, 2 cannot make it on 30th?
I can on 30th also la but prefer sat cos then no need to rush cos next day got work/school mah

Matching crayola crayons yes! I want to see!!!
ciao everyone! are the policemen here really wearing armani? hehehe we are having fun and the little one has taken a liking to gelato! hehehe! major damage done to wallet.. more foreseen tomorrow at the outlet mall!

cellow's such a sweet wifey!

and hey! you girls are making me crave for chicken rice now!
Dd: which part of Italy are you in now? Really nice to be there right?

Cel: Wahahaha... Wise guy!
women are scheming!

Dor Dor: thanks! I'll try that! I think I'll use chicken parts! No need to chop!
toilet training
sigh. pomfret's very resistent to it. won't poo in the toilet. will pee when she feels like telling me. so still essentially on diapers.

wondering if i should just switch to those training pants coz that's probably better for mother earth. i feel the burden of 3+ yrs of disposable diapers. sigh.

ergo for our toddler
pomfret still needs a nap around midday. will i survive ergo-ing her in HK you think? or will my back just crumble?

my hb does not want to bring any stroller (even when i've said i'm going to loan a fellow mummy's 3.8kg volo) why don't men like strollers? he keeps saying he will carry her. but the fact is, sometimes she just doesn't want to be carried by him!

so what do i do? insist on bringing a stroller and risk having a sulky man (coz i might need him to help carry it) or try the ergo?
i know! my mum also cooks and gives such 'imprecise' instructions. so it's like, you know you need to add such stuff like the condiments, but how much exactly? feel tempted to try your mum's recipe!

but my poor hb has been quite tortured with my past attempts at cooking chinese food so far hehe.
dustee ah - u r gonna kill yr back and hip ferrying pomfret in the ergo. get the stroller! or r u just hanging around disney? i believe they may rent out strollers...
Yah lor my mum always say things like do this do that then when I ask hw abt this?? Dun have to do this aah then she goes jus do it when u were doing dunno which step already. N she totally never tells me what condiments to add at all kind so only when I am in the mood to experiment then I will try haha..

Those not keen in cleaning 2 pots, actually my mum does it 2 ways for the chicken rice. Either she uses the rice cooker. Or she jus do all the frying in a claypot then jus add water n boil till cook aka claypot chicken rice.
But but I still prefer it in the rice cooker....dunno why I think its nicer....hehe

Oh n re the stroller......u knw the other time my hubby was reluctant to bring a stroller too n I still borrowed from a friend n brought. In the end we only used(n also cos I insisted) the stroller to go across the road to the 7-11 at night to buy water.
But lucky we brought stroller cos they dun give bags and we just dump everything into the stroller basket haha.

But but if ur hubby will refuse to carry and u have to carry it....unless Mel really will sit on the stroller. Cos carrying ard the stroller is not light too. Cos for me carrying a volo to go across the road to take the bus with the 2 kids is akin to hill climbing....haha
But ergoing is gonna hurt ur back too. My hubby ergoed the then 1 yrs old petite E for half a day(yah just half cos we landed in the afternoon) and he was complaining already.
morning all,

get the stroller... dun care abt the sulky man. i guess all of us have had experiences that... a aching back lasts much longer than a sulky man!

sounds like my mum too.

i m up early to get some work done before i have to chiong the public sales for babies prom at 10am. on my mark, get set, go!

hey question. after you become a mum, do you find yourself re evaluating how often you see your frens based on how they treat (or ignore) your children?

i went out w some of my old frens for Fri dinner and had Sun dinner with one of Mr C's frens who was visiting fm his hometown. some of my frens just naturally entertained the children. i was pleased to have time to eat
in contrast. Mr C's fren (a single guy) was only too happy to horse around w the boys. being childless, he did not really not know when to stop the roughhousing... and provoked C1 into a meltdown midway through dinner. however he was apologetic abt it almost imm.... perhaps Mr C and he will go out by themselves the next time he is here, instead of lugging me and the boys to dinner.
Hellooo mummies!Have read the comments but too lazy to write anything myself kekeke..

You MUST bring the stroller!!! My back hurts a lot when I ergo-ed Emma in HK (and she was only 1.5 years old then). Mr SD didn't want to bring the stroller, exactly the reason Mr. Dustee gave. But in the end I had to carry her most of the time cuz ultimately we have to do everything for the child. Bathing, feeding, sleeping/napping. And because of carrying her most of the time and my hurting back, I didn't really enjoy the trip. I felt bad for Emma as well cuz she only saw my chest hahaha instead of seeing other things around her. So she would always got bored and always sleep when I carried her.
The second time I insisted to bring the stroller. But HK is not so stroller friendly in the MTR so me and Mr. SD carried the stroller up and down the stairs, and some MTR stations do not have the wider exit for strollers/luggages. Although a little bit inconvenience, we found it better to have strollers. At least dun need to carry other stuff when we shop. We are probably going to HK again end of the year just to relax.

Your mum's recipe is similar to my mum, but my mum will add chinese sausages, mushrooms and a little bit of sweet soya sauce (Indonesians can't live without it hehe) to make the rice look a little brownish.
I've learnt to realise it's not easy for friends without kids to be around kids. Mostly they haven't a clue. So if I'm lucky enough to have a childless friend to watch poppy, I'll just yell out "no sweets ah!" Or "no playing with dog poo ah!".

Many don't understand limits with kids, and say "just one pack of glico pocky won't hurt la" and even fewer understand the importance of a nap. But thinking back, weren't we like that in our pre-kids days too? I knew I was

I don't know about pomfret but poppy is about 15+kg and I so cannot imagine ergo-ing her. Plus her limbs are really long and would so fling around and knock everything down.

Also I'm guessing you haven't ergo-ed pomfret in a while? How will your back like that? I think it wouldn't appreciate the rude shock and would take revenge by giving you hell and you wouldn't be able to enjoy your trip.

I would go for stroller. So easy to check in when you fly, and then push it around when you're out and about. If mr dustee is really against it then HE can ergo her or HE can carry her.

Pomfret sometimes refuses to be carried by him? That's just cos you're around right? Easy. Disappear! Go shopping or go on the rides in disneyland on your own while he tries to put her down for a nap :D
I like PB's idea hehe.. mebbe you can tell mr dustee to just bring the stroller and try first whether he can tahan carrying her all the time. Just say your back can't give in anymore and he has to do it. If he can tahan, good. if not, the stroller is at the hotel for your use.
Quick one from mich to Dustee

Must must must bring stroller. It may feel and appear as though is heavy, cumbersome, but you'd really appreciate it to the max when pomfret can nap in the stroller 3 hrs a day while you and mr duster enjoy a cup of coffee or walking around trying shoes without having to carry her! Trust me, he'll be a convert on the first day. It's super easy, push to aircraft, pick from aircraft...
i also give my vote to bringing the stroller!!! even if she ends up not sitting, it would be good to hold all the barang while at disneyland esp...imagine having to hold the stuff plus her...at least one of u can hold her and the other can push the stroller with all the stuff....
haiyoor such a day! SSO babies prom are selling like hotcakes!

end up quite a comedy of errors. my sister had asked her colleague (Friend of SSO) to buy for me as well. however each Friend is able to purchase 8 tickets only. and my sister was not in the queue for the first 8.... around lunch, she told me that one of the others dropped out, so now she has tickets.

whereas i had stood by at the sistic counter at 959am waiting for public sales to be open. and asked the Sistic counter auntie to snap up 3 tickets for the Thu 10am show, knowing full well that getting tix for Fri 10am show is nearly impossible [tactical thinking mah, must chiong for the correct timing] unable to go for noon show as that would coincide with both C1 and C2's naps.

anyway all's well that ends well. i managed to sell off the other pair of tickets

errr yes probably to the was-i-like-that-b4-kids. i seriously do not remember much of my life before the boys came along

the post preggie brain excuse is wearing a bit thin now, so i would just attribute it to age, forgetfulness and having to keep a million thoughts coherent in my shrunken brain.
Can still try your luck online. Last year we were not able to get but somehow very close to the date I decided to try sistic online again and for some weird reason, there were available seats. And darn good ones too!
mummies, i'm trying to gather folks to make up 20 tickets for a 20% discount for JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. So far i've got 4 tickets and need 16 more. that's just 8 mummies+1 kiddo each. should be easy peasy lemon squeezy right? who's keen!


Date: 13 Nov, Sunday (it's the 2nd weekend they're performing; let's give them the 1st weekend to practice and warm up!)
Time: 11am (the other slot is 2pm, which clashes with many of our kiddos' nap times right?)
Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

1) PB : 4 tickets

Date: 13 Nov, Sunday (it's the 2nd weekend they're performing; let's give them the 1st weekend to practice and warm up!)
Time: 11am (the other slot is 2pm, which clashes with many of our kiddos' nap times right?)
Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

1) PB : 4 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 2 tickets
sorry> updating quantities ;)


Date: 13 Nov, Sunday (it's the 2nd weekend they're performing; let's give them the 1st weekend to practice and warm up!)
Time: 11am (the other slot is 2pm, which clashes with many of our kiddos' nap times right?)
Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

1) PB : 4 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tickets
oh i so wanna go but can't do sunday morning.

think will have to forego the 20% discount and go on a sat unless anyone else wanna go but can't go sunday morning as well?
Dustee: bring stroller. Both airports and disneyland are stroller-friendly and have strollers on loan for free. Mainland I think i don't think it is but it's still good to have one. Maybe you want to check with their airport or hotel whether they have strollers for rent services?

Cin: am using California Bb one- sunblock cum mossy repellent. Good and nice smelling.

Pb: I also want to go but sun am is not good for me too. Will have to give it a miss.
i'm ok for sat too, but proposed sunday cos many kiddos seem to have extra classes on saturdays... swimming, ballet, berries...

how about this. please include your names+number of tickets for the dates that you CAN. once we reach 20 tickets for either date, then i will confirm again with all the mummies involved before i buy. OK?


Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

Date: 12 Nov, Saturday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 2 tickets

Date: 13 Nov, Sunday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 4 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tickets

Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

Date: 12 Nov, Saturday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 2 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tix

Date: 13 Nov, Sunday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 4 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tickets

Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

Date: 12 Nov, Saturday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 2 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tix
3) doggie : 4 tix

Date: 13 Nov, Sunday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 4 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tickets
i am soooo keen but neither is good for me. Sat jh has class and sun is church. unless it's afternoon...but i know most kids nap except mine. haha
for the 20% discount, u need to do it by 30 sept. i got easier way. let me go and find whether i can find ppl who work at starhub or exxonmobile. staff there get 20% too! i get back to u
my sil checking with her fren. she used to work at starhub... hee hee. she will get back to me.
another one that i can try is exxonmobile. staff there also got 20% discount....
SY: Starhub has 20%? I have lobang then!

PB: just realized you mentioned about pig head... Can request for suckling pig roasted meat instead? :D

Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 2:20 pm:       

Duration: 1 hour 30 min (with 15 min intermission)
Price: $28 per ticket (for adults and kids) before discount

PB will pay first but everyone MUST pay me back or i will buy a big pig's head to hang on your door hor. will close this once we reach 20 tix. gam xia!!

Date: 12 Nov, Saturday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 2 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tix
3) doggie : 4 tix
4) Jo: 2 tickets

Date: 13 Nov, Sunday
Time: 11am
1) PB : 4 tickets
2) cin_bunny : 4 tickets
Oh shoot! Really? Yikes. I didn't know that. Sorry girls if it's $38 then I'm taking myself out of the equation. Anyone else wants to take over coordinating? We'll go for weekday session! Sorry sorry!
jet lag will take some time to go away.
i m fire fighting only in the figurative sense, not literally out there fighting the fire.
i wanted to comment more... but need to be mindful of the media procedures (u never know who is reading this public forum)

TGIF everyone
Cry for help!
Does anyone have an extra car seat (Poppy size... About 15kg) to lend me? Will need to borrow it for month of December. Thanks in advance!


i have an extra booster seat. meant for above 14kg or 95 cm which i think poppy will fit. but note its a booster not a car seat hor. If you need, can pass to you anytime.
