(2008/07) July 2008

Cedele's Real Dark Chocolate Cake is indulgently decadent, with delectable choco swirls - each topped with a crunchy coffee bean. Best for choco-holics. Others may find it a little too rich. We had two helpings each
Oh, very affordable too, at $36 for a 6? 7?-inch round. The official ingredients (from the website): "Deep dark & moist chocolate cake, made with grapeseed oil, finished with chocolate mocha frosting topped with organic chocolate-coated espresso beans." Okay, need to go get a cup to collect the drool now.

Toss some cups over.. U r making us drool too!

Have always liked cedele's cakes.. The IL's swear by their carrot walnut cake..i think their pistachio choc and Black sesame are good too..

And Cellow, they have eggless cakes as well!
I feel like I have to go on a diet just by reading your description

And what is keeping this insomniac from sweet dreams (of chocolate cake?), you might ask. Actually I was just wondering... If we were going to have a halloween party again this year *bbp are you reading this?*
Just transferred 47.83 to you. Sorry for the delay. Hard to find a laptop nowadays cos my laptop is dead

Eh, I think you're not the first to ask me about halloween. I *think* cin bunny asked me too. Ok, set. Halloween this year.. drumroll please....

Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
hee halloween party sound good!!

Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
2) sy - 30th Oct

ohhh i would love to go but which day are u planning?
thur may be ok for me if it is late afternoon like 4 or 5pm....
wow SY, you just ordered fm iherb last tue/wed yes? they ship really fast! (or maybe you just buy a LOT of things from them, so they really want your biz....

yes dear. i survived on cedele's choc truffle cake. rich and moist.... so yummilicious!

one more cup to collect drool please!

well done on the *scape coup! in the words of dr suess, "oh the places you will go!"

ohoh. i got this from a friend's FB status.
"the most precious and beautiful jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your child - unknown"
sooooo true!
wow you mind reader you, i was JUST reading that book to poppy yesterday! thanks for the encouragement. tell all your friends okie okie?

lunch this week is good for me, any day except fri.

marina barrage thurs is good too. can meet at about 4pm. you got wheels? can we hop on? :p

the waterplay and fountains are all on the ground level of the barrage, near to the water edge/jetty.

looks like i will be leaving RP soon all my dear RP kakis, as i am leaving my JOB!!! YEAH!!!

so let's have more kko kko nara while i am still here at RP okie?
Stressed weekend
Sent old helper back, received new one. Very stressful experience.... Hope this new one will be as good... Eboy seems to like her better....

Congrats to doggiebb in Finding a greener pasture!! Hope this new job will make you happier! Where's the new work place?

No one else joining kko kko this thurs? Qing mei mei??

Wow, we've done how many Halloween already? Think we only attended one at PBs house! Missed the bbp one where dec dressed as Mario? And bunny family turned up in happy meal and little Thaddie in farmer, dui ma?

Marina barrage
Wow, not been there since a long time ago! There's a nice fountain on the first floor... Lots of kids playing there too.... Going with kites?
this week lunch is out for me.

i have some arrangements on thur and fri and these 3 days are packed packed packed!!

i can't confirm on timing on thur. what time do u guys plan to go? cos i m having a chit chat session with my frens and not sure what time it will end. will then go back to pick up the kids and head to marina barrage. let me know the plan and i can see how to fit in.

congrats on new job! where is your new ofice?

it's a stressful experience to change helper. at least the first step is that eboy likes her!
Good for you doggiebb
You were always so stressed there weren't you? So where's your new office going to be? I'm sure therell be korean food around for you to satisfy those cravings

Marina barrage
Hey I've been there a few times and have never seen the fountains, the ones the kids can play in. Could it be that each time I'm there, they decide to turn the fountains off?

Marina barrage
No worries. I'll prob just make my way on thurs and whoever wants is welcome to join!

Good to hear that eboy gets along well with helper. How's it settling down in new place?

Halloween party
This'll be our 3rd ;) sorry I can't seem to copy and paste with phone. Can someone kindly put me down for the saturday slot?

scholastic book order
just got the form. anyone keen to order as well let me know. i scan the form and send to u....

so u will be there ard 4pm? just realised that a lot of roads are closed around the marina area cos of F1!!
Going to be near one north mrt.

Yes PB, was really stressed so am really pleased I can say sayonara! Praying that the new place would be better even though I am essentially doing the same things...

To someone who has been working all my life in raffles place, that is really farrrrrrrrr but plus point is I can at least take circle line mrt. And I think I can join vivo lunches yeah!
Today circle line power failure!!!!! Hee Hee...

I'm shifting to nus university town in Oct and I'll also not be able to join the RP lunches anymore!!!!! How many kko kko can we fit in for next 2 wks??

I'm on leave today teaching helper! Cleaning my house quite siong. Talking abt my house, Reno still not complete, ceiling need to plaster and wallpaper not up. Hope they can finish today!
Halloween party - boohoo, won't be in town..hm, mb i send bean with helper? :D

doggiebb - congrats on new job! am sure you will enjoy the greener pastures of the west..and the savings on your pocket

SY - can meet u late next week..bean started new school next week so i plan to pick her up from school during the course of the week.

urgh...is it ONLY tuesday? :p
when is yoooooour hoooooooousewaaaaaarming?
*super buay pai seh la*

yay to less stress in the workplace

off topic
okok i have food on my mind. must be due to lack of breakfast so m sharing my super competent MIL's recipe for fake chicken rice. after washing ~ 2-3 cups of rice the normal way and placing into the rice cooker, add one handful whole cloves of peeled garlic, one handful sliced ginger, a drop or 2 of sesame oil, chicken seasoning and olive oil (use virgin olive oil for best taste, there is no need for extra virgin olive oil... wasted).

the taste and smell does approximate chicken rice and it is a healthier version as well. the tradnal way is to use chicken stock to boil the rice. chic stock fm blanching the whole chicken.... my way is the cheat version.
if anyone does try it, let me know how u like this version

Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
2) sy - 30th Oct
3) pb - 29 Oct
4) the C family

if i can persuade Mr C to cook, then we will bring kolo mee. i lack a creative bone in my body, so if anyone thinks of a way to make kolo mee scary (in line with the Halloween theme), pls let me know
Doggiebb: your own little fire finally blew up and u threw in wet white towel? Haha. Good luck at the new plc! Won't u miss the hustle bustle of RP n the convenience of all within reach? Hehe

Mich: Ooh did u go for the helper everyone loved?

Halloween: count us in though I can't think of costumes Liao haha! Cin, we can jaga bean for u!

We r off to Italy tonight! Wish us luck! (so spooked out abt the robberies there now!)

PB: just spread the twirly whirly news to lotsa friends with 'big girls' ;)

kua kua! really ah? aiyoo

ohoh! then you will be quite near me too! okok! we go and scout nice korean food places in the west okie?


thanks! thinking about food is a bit depressing actually. ahh! the variety of food i can get here!


its at the dhoby ghaut exchange. but i forgot the name. maybe PB can help! heh!
we are so nearby!!! can PM me where is your workplace? can meet u for lunch!!

another westerner working here...we can org lunch her liao. cos i m at biopolis, doggiebb near one north. all nearby!! need to find new food haunts....

i can tell u the next stuff to eat here! cheap and good!

next week shd be ok except thur cos kids no sch.

my colleagues ordering iherb. let me know if anyone got any orders to tag...haha...
Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
2) sy - 30th Oct
3) pb - 29 Oct
4) the C family
5)smiggleprincess & her princes
i've PM-ed you my iherbs order. hehe thanks!

the dhoby ghaut travel shop is called TRAVELOCITY i think. but i think NTUC link card got discount also leh.

SY, doggiebb and mich can all go to ngee ann poly/SIM for lunch! cheap and good. oh my gosh, can also go to the buona vista 99-loops duck rice!!! slurpppppp

wow mambo italiano! shiok!!! enjoy
the duck rice there very hard to go cos of parking. i love it there too but now got a pretty good duck rice fix at Ghim Moh...
what time are u going to MB? i prob can give u a ride cos some change in plans with my frens. let me know where to meet and what time to meet?
Hello everyone!

Doubledee: have fun and enjoy Italy!

PB: also told many friends with big girls about your twirly whirly party! Sounds like fun!

Sy/doggiebb: there's Penang place at fushionpolis is you want peranakan food.

Halloween party!!! May I join!!! Actually I never been to one... How sua ku! :p

Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 11:14 am:       
Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
2) sy - 30th Oct
3) pb - 29 Oct
4) the C family
5)smiggleprincess & her princes
6) Jo - 29 oct
Yikes SY I'd totally forgotten about formula one (anyone going?). Let's keep marina barrage for another day, after F1 ok?

Btw u got my iherb order?
Date: 29 Oct (Sat) OR 30 Oct (Sun)
**If you are unable to attend due to business trip, wedding, birthday, etc, please state the date you are able to attend. Else, no need to state**
Time: 5pm
1) bbp
2) sy - 30th Oct
3) pb - 29 Oct
4) the C family
5)smiggleprincess & her princes
6) Jo - 29 oct
7) phyphy 30 oct

Keep me inform if u gals going to Marine barrage n Henderson wave bridge.,interested in both
i shd be planning to go henderson wave bridge tmr. prob about 430 or so. start from hort park then walk. but dunno how long can last! let me know if u coming.
Cin bunny
Where you jetting off to this time?

No henderson waves for me! Just went last weekend. Climbed enough of those steps to last one year haha. Enjoy!
is it very siong? i never went before....

was looking at your alexandra park connector photos. also keen to go there. where do u start from?
pinkB - going to sushi land sans kiddos ;)

SY - will let u know if lunch can do next week..if not week after also can..no hurry..hehe

Doggiebb - the penang food place is pretty good..char keow teow is yums! and u get to make yr own cendol , ice kacang desserts..

DD - woohoo, italy- best best! enjoy max and thks for helping to keep an eye out on bean if she turns up for the party

urgh..is it only wednesday? :p
we always walk up from safra side so it's stairs all the way. not really sure how the other side starts but i think can drive up and park near the top

wow cin bunny enjoy jibun!

alexandra park very nice right? start from er near redhill mrt. there's a condo there, i think it's tanglin something. parking, not sure. there's a mosque opposite so maybe there's parking/hdb parking around there. it goes all the way to zion road hawker centre, with beauty diminishing with every step toward the end
the prettiest part is the beginning where there's a rock garden and ponds to feed the fish, and small 'pool' the kids can splash in but it's not so clean. got caterpillars half drowning in them all the time
today weather so rainy. not sure can go outdoors! prob go ikea playground haha...

thanks for the desciprtion. so the prettiest part is near redhill mrt? can catch the fish?
Can catch but JX would prob be too small for it. JH can. But really must lie flat on tummy on the boardwalk to scoop up the fish from pond with a net. That's how we saw the kids do it. But they were much older, like 7 and 9. It's dangerous and very kampong hor.

Wonder if phyphy got really wet wet wet at wild wild wet cos it's so rainy today!

Wonder if bbG is posing with armani clad policemen today
off topic, my reason for coming into office today
running an errand for Mr C to get Felipe Massa's autograph. i kena bashed on the hip when dodging his minders... heng ah.... i got his signature on 2 Ferrari caps. else i would have to sleep on the couch tonight and tmr and Sat and Sun (until F1 Singapore season is over)!
yeah man today it's such a wet wet day that i cancelled my outdoor plans too! in the end went to ikea....

u r so wonderful!!!!
I already ordered my drugstore before you were asking for calendula so I didn't respond hehe. Next round see if I order before u find lobang k. Cos normally I wait till I get disc then order keke.

btw ur fake chicken rice reminds me of my mum's that I have been wanting to try. I think its similar using the rice cooker to cook and......my mum even puts the chopped/seasoned chicken into the rice n cook together. How's that for simple all in 1 dinner....hehe

N WAH!!! U help r hubby get signature from his idol aah?? hehe
thanks dor, batgirl was getting smthing so she helped me to order... this time i ks, i order 6 tubs! C1 and C2 got golden butts.

oh yes, do your preschoolers have problems pooing into the toilet? C1 has no prob w peeing, but pooing... he just digs in his heels and refuses to go to the toilet. would rather poo in the diaper.

cin, sy,
the experience was rather harrowing.... leaping over massa's personal minders plus my comms colleagues. :p i got to him just as he was hustled away 2 mins later to go up to the office. wah, his personal minders hor, still block us from going up to the office until he had taken the lift.
i told Mr C that i wouldnt do it again. his REAL idol is michael schumacher but since he doesnt drive for ferrari anymore, i have to stand w the public... no point la. might as well ask Mr C to go and wait himself.

so easy! but Mr C will def turn up his food-snob nose at such chicken rice. bcz i MUST meet his mother's standard mah, otherwise might as well buy from outside.

oh yes, kho kho nara korean lunch ystday.... mich, doggiebb and jace, ate enuf to satisfy your cravings?

Poppy too. She's done poo in toilet before, both at home and sch, but now she continues to insist on diaper :S

Halloween party
Costumes compulsory!! More than a month to think! Let's get crackin' :D
