(2008/07) July 2008

Added liao

Really - fat face? You? Your waistline is the only thing that tells you are preggie!

Oh yes it was so funny watching poppy and Declan doing the french "muak! Muak!" farewell. I was vibrating from laughter. Earlier on during their dinner was also very funny, when poppy was feeding Declan spaghetti.

Cannot la, poppy sometimes has the "I don't want to wear this!" mood so I have to make costumes that least look like costumes. So I have to make it as clothe-like as possible! Putting on thinking cap. Bbp can I borrow declan's mario cap? Hehe

Wah my dept folks are still out for lunch. I thought it's the one serving notice who usually goes for long lunches?

Dor, Mr Mich also loh! Met PB at royce, then we spoke about the costume, then he ask me "eh, why are we not going?".. i was like *abish* him loh.. he was the one who said, no lah just back from overseas want to spend alone time iwth eboy.. blah blah blah.. MEN!!!
u can used a plain dress and draw tracks using velcro stick on it. then print thomas and stick on those thick thick cloth (like fleece material) with velcro attached behind. like thomas is moving on the track.... (you must imagine to get what i am trying to say)

i would prefer a saturday.
or i go for 18th Dec.
and with a gift of less than $15.
yes yes, Qing i get what you mean about the thomas moving on the track.. think its going to be a lot of sleepness night for PB to sew.. BUT, wait a minute! 9 more days and PB is freeeeeeee! from hugo at least.. hee hee...

ya, i plan to take leave in Dec mah... cos its half day each day, some days if i have meeting, will get my MIL to go instead..
Hope everyone who turned up yesterday had fun, even those that turned up only to borrow my place for dinner. Heehee!

You are so right.. when was the last time we had a gathering? Oh I think Ethan's birthday which we couldn't attend cos it was Declan's birthday...
Oh, Mr bbp said you were video-ing the whole Poppy feeding Declan scene. Is that true??? That would be ultimate hilariousness!
And sure! Feel free to borrow the cap!

I realised my cameraman went MIA for a long period of time, so I don't have a lot of photos! Guess I will have to canvas from different people's FB later.

Most importantly is that you guys reached the place. Oh and good job on getting Mr Qing to babysit while you get to chit chat with the girls! :p

Heh heh, I didn't know they were in the back too! Thought everyone wasn't hungry cos of all the snacking. It's ok la. Long long one time, they can take it one.

dor dor,
*pat pat* I totally understand how you feel. I think I would have strangled my hubby if I were in your shoes.
Haha Bbp yes I filmed. But the video is quite shaky cos I was laughing so much. Poppy feeding devlan pasta like mama bird with earthworm!

Sorry I don't understand!!!
qing was offering to help you sew thomas the train costumes on her sewing machine....

all these mummies who are into art and craft.

i know dor is (peifu peifu her creative hands). now qing too! wow

i hv idiot fingers when it comes to crafts
PB, sew the velcro in picture of rail tracks onto a dress, then saw thomas train pictures on *blue* fleece like material, and stick if on any part of the tracks, it will look like the train is moving on the tracks! Qing, dio bo?
Ohhhh so Thomas' face is on Poppy's torso issit?

Actually it's just that I'm too cheapo to buy costumes. Oh but wait a minute... I noticed you did not single me out as "creative mummy". Sad. Boohoo. Oh woe is me.
Eh, I AM too cheapo to buy costumes, and it's too much effort to make these costumes from scratch. Hence, Declan's costume is without a doubt my best brainwave.
you are creative la... look at the happy meal ystday. i bet tis not bluebunny's idea.

now i want to see pix of super mario cape! but offc bans FB!
hail fellow cheapo - bwahahahaha. i rationalise that watever i spend on clothes for the children shd be minimal. as they quickly (very quickly!) outgrow them
dio la... u got me completely.

i have email you a brief with picture for visual. dont really have to die die use my idea. maybe it can give you a better idea.

PB is very creative also loh. see her halloween family costumes. i love it.
Halloween was fun, n we r game for Xmas too!

Cellow n family popped up for dinner?

Stomach flu? He did take his milk n porridge leh, but not his rice dinner..could it still be stomach flu? He did a major throw up sun morn as we drove across the many humps on the way out of our place, a minor one on the way to party, and another major one after milk in car on way to dinner..could it be motion sickness?
Hmm but then he also threw up in the bAthroom this morning when getting his bum washed...can't be sea sick in bathroom?

Hi xtina..so u r mayessentials too? N u've met dustee b4? Come join us lag if Xmas party is on!
Cardboard boxes: Never did collect them!
Dor Dor, are they still available?

BbG still throwing up? Did you bring him to PD yet? L only vomitted on Sat. But it's not stomach flu. PD said it was because of the virus he probably caught from #1. All of us bathing together, sleeping together, playing together and doing everything together has definite disadvantages sometimes.
They r still here if you still want them.....haha
Might wanna pop over to J8 tmr after D's sch. Can send over your place if we are and if u r home....hehe
Now totally forgot what I wanted to go J8 for so...... I guess I'll sms u again tomorrow if I'm still going or not haha.

DD, hope bbG is fine if not got to bring him to the PD! It might be motion sickness if its all related to car. U see if he throws up during normal day when not travelling. Xun girl motion sickness seems to be better now that we shift her carseat to the front passenager seat. Think it helps.

Halloween party, wow seh, I saw the pictures I must say PB u are very innovative! Hmm how did u arrive with the costumes? I love poppy's fries ... Honestly I will never ever have tot of that. Qing, I like the SIA girls too! Only managed to see some of the costumes.

Re moving to macpherson, we might be renting first coz our HDB not five years yet so if wanna sell got to appeal ... renting can let us check out the place first but will have to eat into our savings lo *praying for good bonus at the end of the year*

Boo hoo, I woke up with a flu and sore throat ... sianz =( ...
agree with PB
you dont look fat at all. it seems like all the weight gain goes to lil bean

declan is really cute with the outfit.

why you cannot stay in your HDB first? why must rent?
Qing because my own place is in jw but my mum n sis shifting to macpherson next Jan so if I continue to say in jw, the to n fro think will kill us. Originally tot of buying a place but think dedinitely not in time since we got to appeal to sell our place then buy a new place. So we tot maybe rent a small condo first. See how it goes. Nothing is firm now.

Youpi, doggiebb, ascension kindergarten no space Le so will be gg to st James lo.
oh jace

if you are in macpherson, then the kindy that Youpi's kids and mine are attending may be nearer compared to St james. I am not sure. I will PM you the name. you go and check to see got space or not.
Ah doggiebb I checked out ur kindy too. Also no space only waiting list. Yah it is definitely nearer than st James. But no space so Bo bian. Any other lobangs ard there?
anyone keen to go? we signed up for the 1045am sampler class! :D

eh the whole banner doesn't appear... email me if u r keen, i forward the email to you girls! :D
Jace 's kindy comment is making me wonder... Am I the only one who hasn't been looking around for kindy? Figured I'll just leave poppy where she is cos she enjoys it.

Hey mummies. I'm already planning how to spend my week between leaving work (Woohoo!) and trip (wooHOO!!). Anyone wants to join us at polliwogs on 18 nov in the pm?

Have not tried fidgits before. Any comments? Thought maybe one weekday can go there for play and lunch at sol cafe - anyone keen? Oh yes this ex SAHM is back with a vengeance!

Btw I asked a long time ago and thought I would update. Artfriend sells blackboard paint and magnetic paint. Not too ex
Jace 's kindy comment is making me wonder... Am I the only one who hasn't been looking around for kindy? Figured I'll just leave poppy where she is cos she enjoys it.

Hey mummies. I'm already planning how to spend my week between leaving work (Woohoo!) and trip (wooHOO!!). Anyone wants to join us at polliwogs on 16 nov in the pm?

Have not tried fidgits before. Any comments? Thought maybe one weekday can go there for play and lunch at sol cafe - anyone keen? Oh yes this ex SAHM is back with a vengeance!

Btw I asked a long time ago and thought I would update. Artfriend sells blackboard paint and magnetic paint. Not too ex
Jace 's kindy comment is making me wonder... Am I the only one who hasn't been looking around for kindy? Figured I'll just leave poppy where she is cos she enjoys it.

Hey mummies. I'm already planning how to spend my week between leaving work (Woohoo!) and trip (wooHOO!!). Anyone wants to join us at polliwogs on 18 nov in the pm?

Have not tried fidgits before. Any comments? Thought maybe one weekday can go there for play and lunch at sol cafe - anyone keen? Oh yes this ex SAHM is back with a vengeance!

Btw I asked a long time ago and thought I would update. Artfriend sells blackboard paint and magnetic paint. Not too ex
that reminds me... my fren is running music classes from her home studio in bukit batok. she is one of the most musical pple i know, so this is her passion. she just got the certification/license/watever you wanna call it

Family Music for Toddlers
(Age: 18 months – 4 years old)
• Group Class for toddlers to attend together with their parents
• Parents will participate in fun musical activities that fosters bonding with their children
• Parents and Children will experience activities that promote total development
• Activities include singing, chanting, moving, dancing, listening and playing simple instruments. These activities will help to develop and build a strong musical foundation for the children and will enable them to easily learn how to play piano, violin or any other instrument when they are older.
Demo Class: 6 Nov & 13 Nov 2010
Time: 9.45am – 10.45am (includes parent’s briefing)
Class fees: $350 per semester (18 + 2 free lessons)
Compulsory home pack @ $50 (free if register on day of demo class).

contact Eve at Musikgarten Programs available @ Eve’s Home Studio
Tel: 9367 0881
Email: [email protected]

the first Demo Class is this Sat.... Mr C has just given me the clearance to go! YAY!
i figured that i would also just leave C1 where he is come kindy time bcz he enjoys it!

18 nov at polliwogs - wat time??
babies prom. the entire C family is going too! 17 Nov hari raya haji (no need to tk leave) at 10ish am. doesnt coincide w naptime.

planning activities for c1 need to consider his naptime la. else i get a very cranky toddler on my hands which makes me v cranky as well.
Pb hmmm xun gal will be gg pre nursery at st James instead of cc that's why I am looking at ascension or doggiebb kindy. Got to confirm very soon coz we have to pay school fees by end of this month wor. Time flies. 2 yrs back I enrolled her n tot I damn kiasu. Now in 2 months time she will be attending the school!!
By the time I got onto Sistic (and of cos for Mr bbp to confirm his schedule), there were no more tickets for 17 Nov already.

Luckily Declan's naptime is somewhat flexi, any time slot between lunch and dinner is ok, so we adults also get a little flexi time. Of cos there are days where he just doesn't nap (just wants to chat and sing)... and then gets cranky later when it's too late to nap, and then my temper rises as well.
cellow - in bukit batok?? hee.. which part ah?? my kids already with their kindermusik teacher but bukit batok is sooo near.. wanna come over for a play date? hee
if you are avail this sat morning... go over to Eve's (my fren) place la. i will be there for her 945am demo class. i know that C1 will enjoy it... and it saves C1 the trauma of watching Mr C board the plane at airport.

Mr C is going back to Kuching (yay! more kolo mee coming back to my freezer!) on Sat, coming back on Sun. Attend his fren's wedding. We figured no point to drag the 2Cs all the way so I will be tending the home front this weekend alone... w helper la... but essentially still need to occupy C1's time so he doesnt notice Mr C's absence toooooo much.

now i gotta think how to occupy his Sunday morning after church.
We are going for Babies Proms on the same day and time!

Can plan for a Tues Royce playdate? Waffles at half price on that day at Gelare just outside, so can play and then eat, hehe.
This fri is deepavali!

Babies prom
By the time I wanted to book, ALL slots sold out. Boohoo.

4pm? Go on weekday is less crowded la

Sigh - another reason why I am SO happy to leave: our department's admin asst is a real flutterbrain. I've got more than $500 worth of petty cash floating around, waiting to be claimed and she tells me today (3 weeks after I submit the claim) that I did not submit a $200 receipt to her! Goodness gracious. Lucky I keep copies of all my receipts.

Honestly, I am really happy handling all my admin matters myself. I'm used to it. But to have someone do it, it should be to relieve me and not make me busier right? Gosh...
Ooh! Hope to see you there... if it's even possible to spot each other among the crowd. It's my first time! Is Sir Youpi going as well?
Oh yes, how is S's nose? And Sir Youpi's voice? I hope you and L are ok... HK sure sounds polluted :p
cellow - aiyah..sat morning cannot leh.. my kids have class.. hee.. plus this weekend is staycation at sentosa.. sponsored by aunt for my grandpa;s bday.. whole extended family..

youpi + pb - if playdate is ard 4pm i can bring my kiddos too.. hee
Ohhh good idea! When we are back la! Royce on 30 nov? :D or if it is pouring on polliwogs day. I would have said ok Royce for today but we were just there on sun

Sure can lah! See you then!

All males in the household still bugged. The woman, however, is fine, hah.

Royce on 30 Nov - set! Crystal, why 4pm?

OKie going to be karang guni and collect my cardboard boxes from Dor Dor...
