(2008/07) July 2008


My views are the same as doggiebb. As my parents are so enthusiastic in taking care of my kids (thanks goodness for them!), I will only send Wuffy to a 3 hr playgroup, just to let him have a feel of discipline (ie, the institutionalised learning) and the family way of learning thru fun and play).

Wuffy recently has been on diaper strike, he refuses to wear diaper, but then he pees all over the floor still!! hiaz..i have to be more patient in coaching him to tell me he wants to pee...

Hiya mummies, I'm in a terrific mood cos my workweek had ended n I'm off to spend the rest of the week with my parents n family (only to come back n sink at work again later next week)!

Can't threaten bbg to sit there til he eats something cos he can barely keep still..can't sneak food into his mouth with tv distracting him (which is a permanent meal accompaniment now) cos he's mastered the art of vomiting at the blink of an eye! N yes being ignored means he cries till the whole world comes collapsing so sigh...endless battle I must fight

School: whoa..haven't brought myself to planning for one yet (read: paranoid protective momma who can't let go yet).. I really should huh.. Takes deep breath

Spain: Ooh! Camper shoes and Loewe bags!!

Hb may be going to UK too..wat else to get? Lego?

Diaper strike? Hmm diaper weAning on his own? How come he dun wanna wear diapers recently? Haha

looks like he is weaning himself off the diaper. But the parents not prepared to be running after him with a mop!! haha! Will try to do so this weekend during the day.. Night time too dangerous already.. :p

Spain..oooo..my sister just got back from Spain, the Lowew wallet is about a good 40% discount as compared to Singapore! =)
I remember someone mentioning about seeing some doc for some med to pass out phlegm through poo. Can share please? Poor poppy is so bothered by her phlegm that she's not sleeping well. We've been up since 4am I think. It's so painful to see her so frustrated not being able to sleep, being woken up by coughs!
Yes (sings) you have told me lately how you envy me
last working day 12 nov.

On urgent leave today to be with poppy
Pink B -
sayang poppy! i think it was some powder from hock hua.

lunch on thurs at thomson plaza,,can confirm if this is still ON? am off work already so trying to plan out my days
i need to rant...

last night i made a decision, and was so excited about the whole thing that i did not discuss it with MrQ. assuming he will agree.

then now, he is frreaking pissed off with me.

what should i do.
i have already say sorry many times last night after i made the decision then send a apology sms this morning. and he had not response. he ignore me totally.
last night he even drag out this: 'lets divorce, since you dont respect me and make decision like these on your own. we are a family now but you dont think that way.' and he has not spoken to me then.

it is not a very big thing that i have decided.
it's something which i think i can make my own decision.
and with this cold war, i cant concentrate much on any other thing.
D is taking Fluimucil, he calls it his orange juice.
Heard can jus get it at phamacy but I couldn't find it the other time leh.

Hopefully he cool down abit will be more willing to listen bah.
I'm the 1 with the bad temper at home...hehe

You can try Flumicil like wat Dor mentioned. But wuffy refuse to drink this orange juice, when he sees the orange bottle of water, he str away close his mouth with his hands.

My doc prescribed Mucosolvan (which i put in his milk) which dissolves the phelgm. May be passed out in stools, for wuffy he vomits out the phelgm and milk. Took him quite a while to be rid of the phelgm as he got a nasty attack of phelgm the last time.


Wow! seems this decision got a huge reaction from Mr Q. Try to talk to him again when he cools down, maybe tonite?

Thomson lunch,

woah, very far for me to travel. Cant really travel far, cos I am still trying (desperately) to keep to my 3 hr pump sessions until end of this week. next week try 4 hrly pump... then hopefully by the time i get back to work, i need only pump 4-5 times a day.

Childlife Colostrum,

Anybody needs a bottle? I got one bottle to spare, expiry Aug 2011. nowadays too lazy to put in his milk liao. Just juice fresh apple juice for him to drink.
you feel betta today sista?
the ILs will always chut pattern when they think *we* (alamak who are the parents here) are bullying their grandchildren.
and no.... C1 doesnt always pipe down imm fm his tantrum. there were one or 2x where he followed me all over just to cry/yell in my face. but most of the time, the not talking to him threat does work.

hope poppy's cough is better today.
C1 takes 2-3 hour naps too. shortened fm last time 3-4 hours already.

wow. try again tonight. if he doesnt come home, go and get him, whereever he might be.
later when both of you calm down.... try to tell him... dun toss around the D word Divorce so casually.
no matter how angry or riled up i m w Mr C, neither of us has used that word during an argument. i consider it literally hitting below the belt - it hurts.

half day vs full day. C1 is still on half day. it is better for him to have some unstructured time w the family... be it w grandaunt/ILs and didi. and just general downtime to daydream and nua. since you are fortunate that both grannies want to take care of eboy, why not start him on half day first.... then see how he reacts... and decide later whether to put him on full day.
Dor dor,
If you want fulmicil , I can pass some to you.. I have 2 boxes of hundred packs.. Just let me know..

Pb ,
If poppy still has phelgm can buy chuan bei mu from Chinese medical shop.. Ask them to make into powder and
Give poppy half a teaspoon morning and night ..
it nothing very big decision loh... but i dont know why he is so angry. its like there is give and take. sometime when he makes decision on his own i also dont get angry so angry like him loh. Mmmm...
and worse i am willing to pay for it.

ya loh.
i was shocked too when he mentioend that...
Maybe cos he is more traditional. U know the ego thing. He feels he is the man and all decisions must be made by or with him. You got to explain to him lor and maybe get him to explain to you exactly why he is so angry abt it....But than again I doubt he would lah I guess he would expect u to know that's why he is so angry.

Anyway this is the man r frm Mars Woman are from Venus issue. But now u know he minds it alot so jus try to sooth his hurt ego lor. Then maybe blame yourself lah say you are so childish never think properly lor.

And after settle make sure must make a pact with him that the D word cannot be mentioned lor. But I believe your relationship will be very strong after this so hang on k.

Probably it just hit on a bad day for him,hence he is more sensitive. I hope everything is fine for you guys now.

Childlife colostrum,

Nobody wants ah. I dun wan to waste so i want to give it to somebody who uses it here. It is brand new, not opened.
Hehe I ordered a few liao
how do you juice apple juice for wuffy? Steam first? Or just juice? Add water?

Hugs. Agree with Dor and batgirl. Maybe he was having a bad day and he is a little more traditional and egoistic. But have a good talk with him... Divorce is not a word to be thrown around for fun. Hugs
Batgirl, I can buy off u..

Poor Qing..hope ur hb cools down soon.. Sometimes must take deep breath n 'submit' to them..

Hanging out at airport now b4 our flight to kl for the week yippee! Lots here t entertain the kiddo wiv hehe

I just juice it fresh, no steaming and did not add water. =) Trying to live by the mantra, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away!"


it ok la..just buy me makan one of those days. =) So I will keep it for you and pass it to you when we meet.
I am so frustrated! People serving out resignation notice should not be treated like lepers! Particularly if I am really leaving everything swee swee in nice packages for handover.
pb, cool cool... think abt how responsible you are to handover in swee swee packages and good you will feel after 12 nov.

YESH, i love the airport too! enjoy KL!
I think it's only natural to handover everything nicely. But to find out people have been going behind my back and liasing with external parties on my projects without telling me, that's just unprofessional! How the h*ck am I supposed to work now.


And Hugo pretends I don't exist. She dismisses everything that I do. And looks disinterested when I brief her on project updates. I'm still useful because I'm still manpower, so I'm given the most mundane and mindless of roles at events now.

I can't help but think... How childish and unprofessional.
cool... count down to the last day

Ask you all ah, where to buy nice and not too expensive fabric? want to sew some stuffs for my kids
thomson plaza lunch tomorrow - 12.30pm
1) michelle
2) e sq - you decide on place oki?
3) cin_bunny

PInkB and dustee - joining us?
who else? lai lai!
I would like to join for Thomson plaza tmr, but but but pomfret is recovering from flu with a running nose, am not sure if it's safe for the pregnant mums?
Hello mummies!! Sorry can't join in the party this Sunday.

Pb it's just for ur own conscious lo. Bo chup the rest!

Update on mini xun, she is still not very stable in sleeping thru but since last sat night she has been sleeping for 6 hrs stretch at least, be it from 9pm to 3am or 12mn to 6am. Hopefully it will slowly tune n be 10 to 7! Hee hee.
hey jacelyn
6 hours for a mini is really good! good girl, mini xun!

later in the pm she was talking to a colleague about me in front of me. then i spoke up, answering a question she had posed about me, she looked at me, and continued referring to me as a third person. she is a really interesting, amusing character

yup yup, everything i do now is just for my conscience. so that i can leave with a clean conscience and light heart.
Pb u know the More u talk abt Hugo the more I think u made the best choice - to quit. Seriously I would have done the same!

Yah I am not complaining abt the mini. Hee. I realise being 2 nd time mummy makes a diff. I dun cuddle or carry bb to sleep. Lots of the sep mummies do that during our gathering (yup brought mini to meet her bb friends!) n in my mind i was thinking omg no way will I let her develop this habit. Imagine a few months down the road when they are not so mini anymore it's siong on the arms!! Hopefully mine will not need that!
Yup she has often said to her "pet" (like teachers pet) that she is becoming forgetful. I think she is also forgeting her manners

Hey Thomson plaza mummies, I have some raspberry leaf tea and mothers organic milk tea, just brought along so that whoever wants can have them
where are we eating? *rubbing hands in glee*

You asked where to get little animals... You may like to consider the big jiasaw puzzles with animal pieces too? My mum gave poppy one and she loves it! See my blog for pics
u resigned already?
found another job or staying at home?

this only show that you have made the right choice by leaving. i detest immature boss. i have one here whom gossip and bad mouth ppl. fortunately, she is not my boss.

hubby started talking but selective. wish these kind of days would be over soon. and now i don dare to ask if he is joining us as i have made reservation for him too.

on cod liver oil
mummies giving this to their toddlers.
ask you huh.
will giving 5ml daily cause constipation? my gmil claimed that after barbie consumed this, she didnt poo poo for 2 days loh. then when we stop on wednesday she poo poo liao.
currently i am giving her cod liver oil at night and colostrum in the morning. should i reduce the intake to once every two day?
Been offered a job to start in Jan but not sure if I want, and am still applying around and have gone for interview
in no hurry. Intend to start work in Jan anyway and freelance in meantime

I only give colustrum mixed in fruit. Try giving prume and yoghurt, will help with constipation

Good that hub is talking again. Is he the kind that will only talk when necessary for a few days then suddenly one day talk like everything is ok? Like that then you are walking on eggshells all the time?b yikes. Try to talk it out calmly in a calm and non stressful environment ok?
Lunch at thomson
Let's meet at the florist shop.. Then decide where to eat coz , i am not sure what you guys want.. Jap food or dim sum
You choose and let us know la Rena
cos our timings may all be quite diff. I'm ok for anything! Swensons also can. Sushi tei also can. Etc etc

And I dunno where the florist is!

Oh Btw I asked Youpi to join but she's only back this pm
Thanks for the info on where to buy fabrics!

mini xun can sleep 6 hours very good! my ZH slept 6 hours after he turned 7+ month old
Sure! It's pretty much free and easy, so 5-ish is a-ok. 3pm is Dec's naptime too, but I think he's pretty much gonna skip his on Sunday. Or I could try and put him down straight after lunch, but we'll see how it goes cos he could refuse to nap so early.
i will be out to church in the morning and after lunch could be already 1-ish. I would probably have to go hide in some cold shopping centre for them to sleep then dash to your place when they wake. heh!
Doggiebb what school is thad gg to attend next year? can sms me? good? now we got another problem, xun gal n my niece suppose to be gg st james next yr but at the moment there is no school bus from my sis new place. the bus co just contacted us and say they are likely to have a bus for this but only 6-7 kids and the price is gg to be like 300 - 350 per month (school bus from my mum's exising place is only 150 - 170). my jaws almost dropped. so expensive! So now i looking to see if there are any good schools around there. anyone got any recommendations? if not we will just stick to st james then pray hard got more people join in ... ... -_-""
I'll be a bit late too. 3 is really rushed for us hehe. I am so tired from costume making!!

So nice to meet all the gorgeous mummies again! Little anya was so guai and ember was so guniang! Bueh tahan, so cute!!!

I am suddenly reminded of the time when we all met for dinner at plaza sing when we were preggie then after din all stood up to walk out and one guy exclaimed "eh all preggie leh!" lol

mine would be as far, if not further compared to st james as it will be in the north, def far away for you. hehe!


I rem! super farnie! then this ang mo couple wanted to take pics of us standing in a row with our tummies thrust out!
Sigh. Lunch mummies you are right. Why do I even bother. I shared some ideas to a rather tricky situation and of course, I was given that "you are too angmoh for us" look. But couple of mins later, I find the same ideas being presented to others. Of course, I did not see my name in the running credits.
Human behaviour can really be so disgusting. These are people I sure don't want to be stuck in a cave with.

oh macpherson i always thought you stay in the west.

would bishan be nearer for you? thaddie's kindy would be near to bishan.

if its macpherson, have you considered Ascension kindergarten, that's very good too!
