(2008/07) July 2008

doggiebb u must have missed the post i put up some time back ... my sis is shifting to that area and my mum will be staying with my sis so well i will be fetching xun gal over there. ok i go see see look look ... sigh so many changes in my life .. nothing is constant except change!

Hellow mummies....

I'm new here although my son is already two plus.

I've been a silent reader on SMH all these years and not actively posting anything or contributing. *sigh*

Hope to make some new friends here too.. :D
Hey girls,
Would you all be interested in adjustable bib clips? I'm organising a BP for this washable adjustable bib clip called Kipiis which looks really cute too.
Apparently, it can adjust to fit adults too, so it can convert towels/shawls into a nursing cover!
Oh and of cos there's always Sophie (the Giraffe, not the Bean
) products too.
Ok, people that are coming to the party this Sunday. Please read your emails ok? I'm asking for opinions on activities. I'm going to be coordinating this off the thread for privacy purposes.

People who wanna come but haven't received any emails from me... just PM me.
@batgirl (batgirl), @bbp (bluebearypie), @@}-`,-- cellow --,`--{@ (cellow), thanks for the welcome.... my son was born on 12 July 2008.

I see bbp (bluebearypie) is org some party on Sunday? Sounds like fun. Hope I can join in next time and my son can get to meet new friends of his age too... Haha... He hasn't been out much but he enjoys the accompany
Cin bunny
Waddle slowly. Little bean have to stay inside till after Halloween party!

We had an event this a.m and Hugo did not once look at my direction. She really behaved like I was invisible. Amazing, this woman. At the end of every event we usually take a dept photo. I was not invited. Not that I'm super gian to be in the pic but hey, it just goes to show how petty some people can be.

She's not coming into the office cos she claims she "took a wrong turn on the CTE". I think she just took a turn toward home.

*shake head at this woman*
Helloooooo gorgeous mummies and kiddos, we're back!!!

If you received an email with links from my hotmail account, please delete it, it's a virus or something, sorry!

Last day! Last day! Last day!

I've heard good stuff about Ascension too. My neighbour's kids go there and they are articulate, vibrant, and bilingual.


Have a good trip!

#1 is sniffing away. I think his system is trying to clear out the pollution from hkg. So will KIV our attendance, and see how he is tomorrow.
mummies who bought the paul frank pjs, esp DD!
is this the seller you got from? coz i got my Paul frank ones really cheap like 9.90 from another seller, and after only 2-3 months it's falling apart. if this bp is the 'better quality' seller then i'm keen to order from her!

i'm on a buying frenzy! i just bought 2 sets of tessellation playmats from a BP here. i've been 'stalking' it at ELC for the longest time! and it's paid off coz i'm *almost* getting 2 for price of 1 at the bp here. (but i'm sure mr dustee will argue that it's not a bargain coz i wouldn't have gotten TWO mats anyway, but men just don't geddit :p )

are you signing bean up for the JG holiday programmes?

i remember you signed up t-boy for it before. the holiday programmes are good? but since the price is by weekly (and it's a daily class) gosh it does sound very expensive.

hello!!! are you getting a better balance now that you're in a different job with better hours? yeah much as my ils really love pomfret, i really do not agree with them giving in to every whim and fancy (such as ice-cream before bedtime, sweet drinks as and when she wants, chocolates and cookies every day, and NEW TOYS every week) and if i scold her and she cries, ils invariably will get involved and start soothing her with promises of toys again, which then riles me up even more, coz the lesson is just not learnt. sigh. il woes. i hope this will make us better ils next time when our kids get married!

i feel like i have so much to say coz the cable in my ils house went kaput and there was no tv (yes, not even channel 5) and no internet for a week. i know it sounds like a poor rich kid complaining right, but how does one live without internet/email and tv nowadays! thank God the newspaper man is still faithfully delivering the papers. or maybe i'm too much of a tv junkie.

hi christina!
sure took you long enough to join us here! but you have two ids, it's very confusing! esp when i'm still surviving on one brain cell.

sell your place and move to macpherson too!

do you really call wufferine wufferine?

maybe can ask dor and serene. they go to some chinatown shop with very good fabrics.

hope things are fine with you and mr qing now. yeah men and their egos lah. mr dustee also would get angry with me over some small petty things lah. you just have to tahan and let their anger burn itself out.


*waves to everyone*

it's such a happy weekend! (no doubt fuelled by my material consumption)
*wave* dustee! Long time no "see"! *bear hug!*

haha..no, in real life i dun call wufferine wufferine (too many syllabus), also that was given before she got her real name Jing Xuan. Now we call her "mei mei" or "ah girl"..:p


How are things with Mr Qing, hope it has already cleared up and you guys are enjoying the weekend!
sorry, digressing back to your post about eboy in full day cc.... what enrichments in the afternoon that you want him to attend? those drama, swimming, etc additional stuff? coz you can just pick like the one he really loves, then that day can be full day while the other days are just half?

when my brother put his son into full day cc, you know what, my mother (who was the primary caregiver then) turned up at the cc EVERY DAY (within walking distance from home) to check up on her grandson. there was a point of time the principal actually called my brother and asked him to pls come and fetch his mother home!!!! don't suppose your mil would do that, since she loves eboy so much?
Hi mummies..I'm dead tired n falling ill n on the way to slog at work arrgh! Will catch up soon but had to come in n say that bbg's going thru a vomit phase now it's terrible he'll just throw up at a blink of an eye n we can't quite tell why but it's major messy..3times yesterday! Do I need to worry or bring him to a PD?
mornign all

dustee - *waves* is lil promfret attending kindermusik now? hee.. i think ur ils are a much tougher lot to deal with then mine so i shan't complain.. but hang in there.. the end is near! hee.. will promfret be startg sch next yr? i finally decided on a sch for my kids so off they fo next jan.. hee

DD - eh, if he cannot stomach any food etc.. u may need to send him to a PD.. cld be stomach flu
Good morning everyone! a huge big wave from a very happy no-need-to-see-Hugo-for-my-last-9-days-of-work me!!! :D

Thanks Bbp and Mr Bbp for having us over yesterday. We had so much fun. Realised how long its been since the kids all got together. Should really do it more often!
Good morning!
How was the Halloween party? Post pictures please!

And is it too early to ask... X'mas party anyone?

Yes, bring BbG to see the PD, if, like Crystal said he cannot stomach food, and he has loose stools as well. Your mummy instincts can guide you too. I am bringing L to see his later. Same problem as BbG.

I bought the pjs from Qoorie. So far, so good.
Hi all, good morning.

Re-intro: Full time working mum of 28 months old baby boy, Raphael. Living with mum in CCK.

Sorry I'm still not very good with abbreviation here. I'm working on it.

pinkbunny (pinkbunny),
Thanks for sharing abt the garage sale. I've been there before last year and they do have pretty good stuff at a good bargains. I'm prob going to check out agn this year. Are you going too?

dustee (dusty_gecko),
Sorry for the confusion. I didn't even realized but I'll use this account coz the other old one is linked to my spammy email account which I hardly check. Btw, me never buy PJs from Qoorie so far.

DoubleDee (dee2dou),
Oh dear. I know you must be awfully tired. But please bring ur little boy to PD. Usually vomiting isn't a very good sign. It could be tummy flu as Crystal mentioned. Hope he'll get well soon.

youpi (youpi),
Hellow there. Me 'new' in this thread. :D Hope to join you ladies for X'mas!

bbp (bluebearypie),
how was Halloween party? Do share some pictures when you are ready yeah? :D
xtina - finally another west side mummy.. hee.. i am staying in bukit batok.. so ur boy is taken care of by ur mum? will he be attending sch next yr too?

doggiebb/youpi - are one of u gals the one with e DELPHIN contact ah? can pm me the details? hee.. i need to get one i think.. or at least e cleaning done coz my son's skin is getting worse.. thanks!
so far so good loh. finally... i have also warned him about the D word.

oh, it is finally my turn to say we are going aboard. yeah!!! but only to ho chin minh... and that is next sunday...

oh no
hope bbG is better now. but did he vomit at bbp house? he looks ok then.

yes, thanks Mr & Mrs Bbp for having us. although we are duper late but it was really nice to see everyone again. it has been a while already.

i am in for the idea.
maybe we should start planning already.
oh oh oh
on halloween.
its up in my album and bb bbg one.
do check.

i steal one of your posted picture to my folder.
my friends cant view tagged picture of mine. hope you dont mind.
crystal (caitlyn),
Yupz, my son is taken care by my mum with the help of my FDW. He will be starting pre-nursery next Jan @ Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Kindergarten.
How about your son? By the way, is he ok? His skin?

Hi Qing,
Do you mind if you can post the link to your album if it is not set to private view? I just wanna see the pics.
xtina - my son is my #1 (he is 3+).. he has eczema and recently now it's gettting worse.. hee.. will ur boy be taking sch bus? or ur mum will bring? my kids are starting at canossian convent kindy... they were supposed to go to gracefields at teck whye but its lease expired setting us off on a frenzied search.. haha
halloween get together - THanks bbp for hosting. was great to see all the kiddos and pretty mummies again - i think the kids really enjoyed themselves - such socialisers they are.

dustee - still not sure about JG programs..

welcome Xtina!

Hurray for PinkB and her last 2 weeks of countdown.

bbG - if he really keeps throwing up, better to take him to see doc..maybe a tummy virus? he looked really healthy and bouncy yesterday..i have a good pix of the little "shark"..will post to FB.
okies.. hee.. yet to receive any confirmation requests.. will cfm once i do..

qing - so will u be e planner of XMAS party? hee.. think i must start makng effort to bring kids for these activities.. haha.. but cait is gg thru a terrible 2 phase..
u still looks very good with ur big big tummy hor.. have u decide a name for bean2? or u are just gonna call her bean2? LOL!!

HiHi! Welcome.
Re send ur FB invite to me? I ignored by mistake.

BbG the shark so cute! Barbie so cute in her matching outfit with mummy. Sophie and the family of halloween hats! Lol. Declan as super mario!!! And the moustache that couldn't be washed off! Lmao!!! Kayden the vampire that didn't want blood drops!

Xmas party yes!

We've been invited to poppy's boyfriend's birthday party in Melb! The theme is Thomas the train/tank engine.... I'm the mum of a girl so please explain the cluelessness. Alamak how to make a train related costume? Do they serve McDo fries on trains? Haha
holly - so kind of you! was just telling hubby how fat my face looks now..urgh! bean 2 has a few names which we will decide when we see her
..for now, soph calls her mei mei "lollipop" ..lol

party pix are up on FB! smiggle - sorry, dont know y i dont hv any pix of you and the lil' vampire
. qing - i think we kept the camera and focused on the food by the time u arrived
Wow! the pics on halloween party! Dec's pool is getting too small for all the kids.. but they looked like they had a splashing good time!!! Din see any pics of thaddie boy leh... doggiebb, where have you been?

Xmas party~! Yes! Yes! We'll be there! need a function room? i can volunteer my house function room!

waves back to the happy no-need-to-see-Hugo-for-your-last-9-days-of-work PB!

oh, dustee, yes, as much as my MIL loves eboy dearly, dun think she will go peep at him in school everyday. in fact, she has started to hint to me that its time to "return" her the car so she can get around in the day while eboy is in school. but she also did say, that we should only put eboy half day cos "then I can;'t even spend any time with him any more, how am i suppose to know his likes and dislikes?"..

oh, eboy and thaddie boy both signed up for the JG holiday programme, but they're on different week, and at different centres.. hee hee..

hey hey, any winter jackets I can borrow for eboy for our beijing trip. I heard its going to be single digit weather!! HHEELLPPPPP!
PB, last saturday we brought eboy to the library and there was a series of events to celebrate halloween, one of which is the costume area. They used a carton box to paste the train engine's face and draw some wheels, and you can take two strings and hang it over poppy's shoulders.. that sounds easier than sewwwww!

else, it could be tracks on shirts... or a troublssome truck faces on shirts... or she can go as the "fat controller" (basically in hats, suits and bow-tie)....
was very sorry to leave the halloween party ealier..
miss the pool and barbie!

where your face got fat??? and ya, i was lookin thru pix and realised no kayden!!
its ok.. i took one myself..

XMAs party
yes pls!!!
if only yhere is a place where the kids can get to enjoy the festive mood outside..
kayden loves the balls decor on orchard last yr.

the C family ws so late la for the parteee...
C1 woke up only at 5pm. he had to be fed, then we had to clean up his poo (toilet training ah, toilet training). then C2 woke up, he had to be fed too. ding dong until 6pm then leave our home. Mr C took a wrong turn, then we decided so late already, go and tapau dinner. more wrong turns. comedy of errors la

.... although i have zero sense of humour and fail to see the comedy that i m again sleep deprived [C2 is teething and WILL get up in the middle of the night (4 times!!!!!) to practise crawling] pls just kill me instead....

thanks ms and mr bbp for allowing us to have dinner at your place, heh. your poor ILs hv to eat in the kitchen. felt so bad when i walked to the back to wash the cup.

C1 is still afraid of grass! so farnie that he din want to join poppy and declan to play ball. and the farewell scene with loud loud MUAKSSSS between poppy and declan ws video-worthy la.. only there wasnt an avail video around
Went to kaypoh the Halloween pix. So fun!!!! Wish we could have gone too!!!

Yup, you hardly look preggie at all if the stomach is hidden, and definitely not like you're about to pop!

Your wedding pix are really nice. You look absolutely gorgeous and Kayden is very ying1 jun4.

X'mas party
Sat 18 or Sun 19 Dec?
X'mas craft for the little ones?
Can imagine how adorable the girls will look as mini Santarinas

i have PM you!


we went for a halloween trick and treating adventure at my friend's estate and it was an eye opener! it was a mostly angmo community so the houses all had decor and the owners were all dressed up and there was flying ghosts and all! wahaha!

then the next day the boy started to have a drippy nose so we told bbp that we can't come. he was all decked out to be bob the builder and talia was a little bunny! too bad they couldn't wear their costumes a second time!
Oh dear wat happened??
D vomited twice yest in the afternoon as well but he seems well otherwise so I attribute it to his usual running, jumping, moving all around once he has his last mouth of food in the mouth. Jus try to limit his food to make sure its not cos he's too full. If more then 1 day I think better to see a doc.

Oh poor L.
D's sch recently had a stomache flu episode. Alot of kids caught it but thank god D didn't. He caught something else instead.....LOL

You reminded me of hw my aunt refuse to let my cousin put her daughter in full day childcare. She asked sternly,"Did we put you in childcare last time??"....haha
But my aunt is the main caregiver lah and I think she will be bored when her granddaughter suddenly goes to sch for the whole day.

Halloween Party
So sad we had to miss it. It looked fun!!
And my hubby had to comment, last year they dress up but this yr never get to dress up. I was sooooo pisssedddd.
He was the one who didn't want to go!!!!!
