(2008/07) July 2008

yeah from young jh has always been sweet....

your hb so sweet. at least he knows that u r not having easy time. oh my, it's going to be quite tough rushing here and there with 2 kids. mornings i already have problems waking 2 kids up for sch. cannot imagine how u r going to do it. maybe try out first and see how it goes. if not then think of Plan B!

what qian hu pics? i wan to see too! u brought C1 on farm tour there?

Enjoy your trip!!!!
You are going with the boys with yr hubby along?? Or super mama again??....hehe
I think we enjoyed the Ocean park more but the kids remember Disneyland more, maybe cos of the characters.

yah the mummies r right bb xun still small lah. If u tired of carrying her, jus plop her on your chest lah. So she can listen to ur heart beat and u are sitting/lying down ma.
I used to jus let D lie on me like that, till he will fall asleep on me like that till I wean him off at 1 yr old....haha
Sigh......those were the times.....now carry him up to see something only my back aches....kaoz

Your hubby is soooo sweet lor.....if only my 'wall' is abit more empathetic. But he is a "wall" lor.....what can I expect right. sigh

I saw it at Guardian before. But but must put at the right spot 1 lor so I think also hit n miss cos kids cannot keep still 1 ma. My hubby is the 1 who has motion sickness n its not obvious cos he is always the 1 driving so he's okie. So he got the excuse on the plane he will jus sleep lor and dump the kids to me.

U pump out only from 1 side and then u latch bb on the other side lor. Used to do that with D. N if D cannot wait I jus latch 1 side pump the other side lor, pump n pump switch n switch until I get argar that amt I want.....hehe

Talking abt temper. These few days the kids sick n whinning the whole day is driving me crazy. Esp the little girl, when her fever comes she will jus eeeeh eeeeh eeeh and dun talk. N she dun eat dun drink. Ask her to drink is only giving myself more "eeeehhs" then she will cry cry cry until she happy and finally stop cos i will ignore her already jus ask her to stop crying n only when she stop then I will hug her. N she will drink 1 little sip of water after the whole ordeal......sigh
And she dun eat ask her to eat also same pattern, whole day and night jus stuck to me latch latch latch. Sleep is worse cos totally must latch the whole night, I unlatch she will wake to latch again. Means once she sleep I jus lie on the bed doing nothing, cannot even go and drink water.
Ask her to wait I settle D's meals will also be met with tears.
Piang eeh.....girl lor.......girly girl lor....driving me crazy man.
Then this D see meimei whine he also must add abit. BTH.
Losing my temper so many times a day.
for now i am latching in the day n after the last latch of the day, i will pump. den night time i will just pump about 2 to 3 times. before the day routine starts again..

i testing for today, he seems to get full easier this way.

me dun understand wat u mean by pump 1 side latch 1 side eh.. bbC need both side to feel full... n his suckling power not as strong. i need to keep squeezing for him..

okie! just sms me when you coming..
wah, your future arrangmment sounds very tiring!!


Paiseh, this bfeeding mummy here very jia lat. Currently i dun latch (intend to try later), only pump. But yes, the last time i latched and pump, wufferine cannot get full by latching. But when she latch, she cant clear my breasts, so i have to pump. So i got confused and gave up latching for now.. :p


Enjoy HK!! SO envious... dunno when i can travel again.... hiaz...
Cin r u geared for beanie no 2 ? Picked a name already?

SY: if only u were accountant trained..we got vacancies.. So anyone who's keen, email me!

Dor, r ur two better Liao?

The haze is horrid huh..I can picture bb n pb exceptionally upset hehe

Playgroup of our own..mummies r u all set? When do u all wanna start? I've officially told JG we r quitting in 4 wks so our sat mornings will be available soon!
me too
we also inform JG that this would be our last term... next year barbie is going for ballet instead.

and what playgroup?
im interested.\

i cant help much. no job to rem.
but good luck in your job search.
Lol why would we be exceptionally upset? Haze affects us all what!

Enjoy the trip!!

Breastfeeding mummies
Keep it up! It's such a distant memory for me!

Poppy got bitten in school! Not by a bug but by her classmate!!
Thank you! But dunno if we will actually make it there 'cos the typhoon is headed in the same direction too. So must wait and see. If we do get there and it's wet wet wet, we'll probably just gatecrash our friends' homes and hang out. This is probably the only time that HKG has better air quality than SG.

OMG! Poppy has a Mike Tyson-wannabe classmate! Is she okay?

Once Wufferine is about three months old you can bring her along on your holiday, so go before your maternity leave ends

On for playgroup. Yay!!!

E and L are the same with the constant latch. So I always bring a book to bed when he wants milk.

For HKG: hb will be there, but working. So it's just the boys and I -- as usual. But we have kaki there, and it's easy to get around, so there's no problem. But we are hoping to have a proper family holiday (ie. hb not working and all of us on the same flights, and exploring together) some day.

Went to kaypoh your QianHu pix. C1 is such a big boy now!
hello mummies! *wave*

congrats on the decision to quit. i don't think i would have lasted as long as you did if i had HUGO for a boss. and oh no! on poppy getting bitten

do you mind if i read your blog?

toys donation
i am going to donate some of pomfret's baby toys to the spastic children's association. prob send it over in mid november. e-square is also kindly donating some toys and some new stuff, she will be passing them to me. any other mummies who think they might have something to pass along, mb can see how you can pass it to me (unless you want to drop off at their HQ in pasir ris yourself)

gosh, pat pat. i thought you were halfway there to de-latching E already. the fever prob made her more latchy. i also cannot stand the constant latching, and i also hate it when i really need to pee but cannot coz she won't let go : P oh when oh when are they going to self-wean?

holly i kept smsing you on the birth of clovis, until serene told me you changed your mobile no sometime back. oops. congrats!

hi all other mummies, my brain cannot remember all the things i wanted to say to the rest of you.
dustee, *wave*!!!! your F.R.E.E.D.O.M obtained already??? my also donating a lot of toys and bringing to their HQ in pasir ris...

DD, lunch - *raise hand*!!! where and what time???
PB, Yew, poppy got bitten. by who???? that same one who pushed her at playground?? there is a bully in class? gosh, i think i will go crazy and bark at the teacher non-stop!!! uhm, pls restrain me when the time comes for eboy to attend pre-school cos I think there will bound to be a class bully one hor?
how abt latch and pump at the same time? that's what i do with jx. it helps to pump easier and it helps letdown so easier for her to drink too...

no prob. u let me know if u see/hear anything...

hi 5!!!! when one whines, the other one must come and join in one......esp the BOY....cannot understand why right....sometimes it gets really frustrating and then i feel bad for losing my temper at them....or i lose my temper at hb haha

are the 2 kids better? now still got haze, dun help to make things better!!!
mich... i'm not as mobile as u hehe.. so can only lunch in RP leh.. anyone else??

oh no poor poppy... reminds me of a childhood friend who had a little brother who bites.. and we were all terrified of him.. like he's some rabied dog!
Happy Friday! Woohoo!!!!!

Is biting common? As long as no broken skin shd be ok la. Maybe cos she didn't complain, that's why I still feel ok. It's all part of growing up. I got bitten before too. I dared someone to bite me haha. Then I told on him haha. So naughty!

Thomsom plaza lunch
I can only do it next Thurs or Fri. Or any day the week after cos no govt!!
lunch at thomsom - i can do thursday.,.michelle? esquare?

TGIF..am doing handover today but seems like never ending cos more work is coming in as of this morning.
i so wanna murder mr C. tis not the first time in a few months already.
tis ok for him to beat C1's hand when C1 is slow to get out of the door this morning. but tis not ok for me to accidentally close the car door on C1's hand. i wanted to get C1 out of further harm's way (read: Mr C whack him again) as soon as possible so ... the accident happened. violence only leads to more violence. stupid donkey doesnt seem to realise that. and YELLED at me. i kept quiet at that time bcz he ws late for his bleddy stock take.


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">RRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAR</font></font>

i m fed up

i need to distract myself tmr. who's up for coming to my home tmr morning, just to play? sms me. i m alone w the children + maid. Mr C has to work - good riddance to him
jace, sy, dor,
see, my temper also getting worse and worse.
the good thing is at least the children are at aunt's today... so i m just nua-ing at home. doing nothing. bliss.

qianhu, no need tour, just drive in and wander around. i suppose if you go to the office and ask, yes there will be some sort of guided tour

yep i was looking at the pixs of the CNY shoot that BIL did for us waaaaay back in Feb. compared to those pixs, C1 certainly looks like a big boy now. and i thot, he already looked like a big boy then.
everytime i blink, they seem to look different again. you feel that way w S and L?
oh oh, we went to the children's toys museum near golden sultan mosque. Mr C and I enjoyed it more than C1. the only thing C1 wanted to look at was (no prizes for guessing) the toy fans... and helicopter propellers.

HELLO dustee!
biting is common
jx's classmate also bites and i realised she was learning that from him cos she tried to bite jh when he bullies her. but they outgrow it. she just stopped by herself.

oh no, is C1 alright? hmmm, i know what u mean. someitmes i feel hb is too quick to discipline jh (not jx) but his logic is that boys must be tougher than gals. so he is harder on the boy.......if jh eats slowly, he gets the cane too!!

which toy musuem? i wanted to go to one before but my hb always not interested....
wah Mr C is quite a stern daddy huh (and Mr SY).. i can picture cellow roaring like a mummy lioness protecting her cubs...

if only you stay much nearer to me..I'd bring bbG over sometime to chill... but anyway we got class tomorrow.. n will have to find some place in town to chill or nap or lunch before our next arvo tea appointment... where to go huh..

you are clearing leave ah cellow?

u know.. qian hu looks so much like some place in msia..

mich... that salad place that you found.. is it called mesclun? thought i passed one juz now when coming back from duck rice lunch wiv my colleagues....
I know will not be enough so u have to do it for longer time lor till it is enough. You know hor when u pump pump pump u think no more liao U latch him still will have milk for him 1 leh. Little bit by little bit but still got milk ma jus that he will have to latch longer for enough milk.
Then subsequently you will have more milk.

E finally dun have fever at all yest. Sigh....thank goodness....cos I going crazy liao. But she took VERY VERY long nap in the day and slept like a log last night. Her dad still keep disturbing her (that idiot) lie right beside her and keep saying she is smilling.
I'm more like "Yah she smile good lor, go n do ur stuff dun disturb her"

I also hope to have a proper holiday. I'll give my hubby 2 choices, either he dun ans calls from sg or he dun bring his mobile along for the next trip. Else he better dun come with us or I'll skin him alive when I hear his phone ring.

Sigh, I tot so too. And always when 1 of them fall sick I will feel so guilty(cos of the antibodies) and let her latch at night again.
You know I tried bluffing her I needed to pee and ask her to let go. In the end she let go but told me she wanna pee. And when I pee after her, she demands to sit on my lap while I pee....*roll eyes*

The bully in D's class used to be a girl(another teacher's daughter) *horror horror* and she is D's partner and she really horrible. Has moods and depends on her mood she will/will not hold D's hand. Really naughty.
N poor innocant D doesn't understand when and why his partner doesn't wanna hold his hand and can see he's abit fustrated when she doesn't wanna hold his hand and go and hold someone else.
Lucky for me the teacher quit and her girl also went somewhere else with her. Good riddence!! and in her place came a very nice girl who adores D....hahaha
But according to D he says she kiss him everyday....OMG....told him to tell her no cos got germs.....hehehe

Yah lor me also feel guilty after scolding. But really fustrating lor.
Still phlegmy and think cos of the haze makes their throat itchy. So we are staying indoors with the air purifier on.

Today rest rest lah, tune everything out and bring the kids back to happy mummy.
pat pat

i got my keys finally, last weekend! but after the ex-owners have moved out, we found that the place was in worse condition that we had at first thought (coz previous viewings, mb the existing furniture and stuff were 'covering up' ) so it seems like a major overhaul is necc, including the flooring, carpentry, kitchen, toilets, everything! i had really really really really hoped to move in before cny 2011, but looks like, not possible. sigh. another 4 months with my ils i guess. sigh.


thomson lunch
oh oh i love thomson plaza! haato waffles anyone? hehe. count me in! count me in!

yeah remember pomfret bit her cousin when he pushed her? but just that once and she never did it again. just gotta see if poppy's classmate does it again.

the last time i went to japan for hols, my hb's phone had no 3g so he couldn't answer calls! but but but, then my mil kept smsing me -_- she wanted to know how pomfret was doing, am i taking care of her (abuthen?! i sell her off to yakuza is it?) etc etc. you should just conveniently *oops* leave your hb's phone at home ....

i hate fridays now coz my sil always come back to his house with her two kids. and my mil will chit chat happily about those two grandchildren with her, while the son will push pomfret, snatch toys from her hands, knock her with his bicycle (now she's got a phobia of bicycles, need i wonder why?) ... and the moment i walk into the living room into my mil's presence, she will stop talking and purse her lips like i'm some abominable presence she has to tolerate. oh wait, that happens everyday and not just friday. but fridays , with the sil back, means my mil is home all day long. and bil might come later in the evening, and he would give me the cold treatment too.

yest i was so miserable cooped up in this place, i decided to bring pomfret for a walk. and when i got back, both ils chastized me coz they feel the haze is bad for pomfret's lungs and that i endangered her life. i went back into the room and cried. very indignant. i'm pomfret's mother but they just always assume i'm a failure in taking care of her and in raising her.
better start your reno soon so u can move out asap!!! think it's quite normal that the place looks in worse condition. my fren also said the same thing. when the previous owners move out they din move properly and scratched the flooring etc. maybe they think that most pple will reno anyway

your mil is really terrible....ignore her! u dun live for her anyway. take a deep breathe and shift her from the front to the back of your head and cold storage her...haha...

last time whenever i feel pissed with my mil, i will just complain abt it to my mum or my sis and then feel better....come complain to us all your want!

i know what u mean! my hb is always on the phone too!! in the past it's worse, we may even bring our laptops when we go hol cos of urgent stuff. of cos now we dun but then that's cos he uses his iphone and blackberry!
My hb can't n will never leave hp behind or not pick up calls..ever..

LOL on ember wanting to sit on mummy's lap while she pees..kindA reminds of the few times I snuck to pee wig bbg sleeping in sling haha

Big hugs and waves to dustee!

SY I like ur phrase abt cold storaging thoughts..

Happy weekend mums!
Holiday not holiday
Oh yes, oh yes. Here I am, online with my lappie while on holiday 'cos I have work to do. But it's nice to be doing it all in a different environment so I don't mind it so much

No need to take anything they say to heart. Just do the nod, smile, in one ear and out the other. Hurry the renovations, quick quick quick! Big big hugs to you!

What happened? Breathe, breathe, cool, cool...
Yah, that toy museum is more fun for us, hehe. Did you spend $ on old schools toy as well? I could not resist those styrofoam aeroplanes.

It's called the Children Little Museum. At Kampong Glam. Can't remember the exact road name, but it's easy to spot, there's a robot out front.
I keep forgetting to tell you. I think I read somewhere that emicakes' cakes are eggless!

How's the haze in HK!

Welcome back! And congrats on your new place! Quick quick renovate!
Gd morning mummies!
Youpi -eat an extra wanton dumplings for me , and thks for dicky's contact.

Dd - hv some names but we see baby first then decide

Cellow - zen zen. It's the weekend so enjoy the time with yr two darlings!

Dustee - hugs to u. Need contractor contact? C u Thursday at lunch ya
dustee oh dustee,
Why don't you go out on Fridays? That's what I normally do when I'm pissed off with people in the house. The only thing is, Mr bbp still insists that Declan (and sometimes me) has to go up to 3rd floor and greet higher management if they haven't slept yet, so it kinda defeats the purpose of going out to avoid certain people. So, since your hubby doesn't have those requirements, just bring Pomfret out la. Bring her to the mall so they can't say anything about the haze.

Hubby being on the phone 24-7:
I think it's a guy thing maybe? For me, I can't really insist although I do get mightily irritated by it cos he's running his own business. But sometimes he's on his iPhone reading some stupid football news when he could be interacting with his son.

Oh! You're right! Emicakes DO have eggless cakes. I just had to surf their website and check it out! Now I feel like eating cake.. bleah :s

My turn this time. It has been some time since I ranted but I can't take it anymore. For some reason, my ils WILL ask me if they can feed Declan some stuff and most of the time I say ok, but sometimes I say no because of the timing. Just now, my mil asked if can feed Declan pear, and I looked at the clock and said no because it's so close to lunchtime already. My dear son runs to the kitchen and when he comes out, he's munching something. So what do you think happened? I am damn pissed. Very. Very. Very. Pissed. This is not the first time this happened. Next time I'm not going to give face already. When I say no next time, I'm not going to say "No la...". I'm just going to say a flat No and look really pissed at the same time.
How about this "sure you can give him pear... After he's had his lunch!" insert bright sparkly smile then quickly exit stage right

Poppy's cough has suddenly taken a turn for the worse!
Maybe when I'm in a good mood, I can try your method. Or maybe I should just scold Declan when he runs off to the kitchen. I should say really loudly, "Declan, stop being a hungry ghost. I already said no. If I catch you eating something, I'm going to smack your backside." Me thinks nothing works better on the grandparents than threatening physical violence on their grandson.
holding a grudge takes up way too much energy! i have decided to channel my energy to my children instead. and ignore Mr C, which is easy to do since he is not around today - haha

bbp, pb,
your conversation on what to say and how to say it is uber funny.
i like bbp's last comment. very true!

cleaning issue
ok pen marks on wooden table - absolute disaster or can be cleaned off? i surprised myself by not whacking C1 at all. guess some of Cin's zen is catching.

YES! i spent money on a metal helicopter.
or rather C1 refused to let go of it. so... i had to hand over the money or risk being a shoplifter (or the mother of one)
4 more mths, 4 more mths, 4 more mths!!!

Yah I soooo agree. When he can sleep he will be looking at some boliao video or stuff. And when he's supposed to be taking care of the kids, HE SLEEP!!
Even though my hubby is doing their own business, he can't do anything cos he is not in sg ma. My fil leaves his mobile with my hubby when he goes overseas(and he goes very long normally and my hubby can't) so I think my hubby should do the same thing right??
Rather then ans the calls with "I am not in singapore". Have a need to tell ppl you are on holiday is it?....;P

Its the haze. Cos the kids are recovering very well but these 2 days they are suddenly coughing alittle in the daytime when we go out to get lunch. So i believe it is the haze causing it.

Yah tell Declan loudly, "I tot I jus told you grandma you should not be eating now?? Why are you so greedy!!"....hehe

What kind of pen and what kind of table??
Can try the white/blue sponge from ......oh dear what's that famous sponge brand. My mind suddenly blank......haha
Its for cleaning off pen marks from wall.
Oh yes I remembered something.
U know my parent's previous previous flat, when the owners moved out, they actually remove the whole stove and the built in oven!!!
Imagine the shock of the empty holes....LOL
I can't feel my arms! After all that carrying of a heavy sleeping toddler plus diaper bag today! N I bumped into JSP..looking all nice n pretty on a sat while I was sweating buckets cos I walked up n down looking for the right lifts to kinderclinic in paragon! Bbg got some tiny little raised red bumps on his hands! PD ruled out hand foot mouth for now n said could be some kinda eczema sensitivity towards something but I need to be on a lookout in case spots appear on his bum or feet gulp!
Look out around groin area too. Poppy's boyfriend got misdiagnosed when he had a sensitive groin area. PD said it was eczema but turned out to be HFMD.

I have finally finally realised why mums are tired all the time. Cos they are doing EVERYTHING! When baby throws books on floor, mummy is the one who has to yell "baby, don't do that!" and "pick the books up!" (while washing dishes). Baby of course doesn't pick the books up.

So mum asks dad to please pick The books up. Dad of course ignores or is engrossed in some other non-baby, non-family related thing. So in the end, mum gets tired of hearing own voice and ends up picking the books (and everything else) up. After doing the dishes.

Tired tired.
Youpi: got some mails from u with links only..did u get attacked by some nasty virus too?

PB: yup, PD asked me to look out for spots on bum too

Wah..I've got no 2nd kid but been feeling rather hot tempered lately too..n how do we coax kids without bribing or threatening them..sigh
Hey Youpi I also got funny emails from you!

DD me too. I get so aggitated sometimes
I have a feeling it's stress. Good question: how do we coax without bribing of threatening. Super Nanny often shows examples of kids not wanting to eat. She says just leave the plate there and tell the child that's all there is, no other choice, eat it or there won't be anything. And not allowed to leave dinner table until he eats something.

Wonder how true/real it is cos after a while it shows that the kids do eat something and at the end of each episode, the kids really do eat well
short temper. dun think tis being a mother of 2.
tis being the mother of a 2yo who likes to do things in HIS way in HIS time. which often clashes w my way in my time.

i do the leave it there w C1 now. you dowan, then dun eat. sit there until hungry. in the meantime, i provide him w pen and paper, and a doodle board, bcz hey i cannot channel super nanny.

the other thing that works w C1 when he throws one of his tantrums is ok, mummy is not gonna talk to you until you are done. i still sit there or stick around, so physically i m there but i m not talking. after a while, his volume usu decreases. then i will ask him, ok are you done. he usu responds yes. then we proceed with the rest of the day. no biggie. and no fights, and best i dun feel like a witchy mummy for threatening him or a doormat for bribing him. distraction doesnt work v well now for 2yos. C1 is sooooooo bleddy persistent!!!
morning all

pb - glad tt u have resigned!
no more insufferable boss for u.. so are u lookg for another job or gg back to being a sahm? poppy is in full day care now?

cellow - at least ur ignoring works and no one tells u off for it.. i am so irritated coz cait is also now in her terrbile terrible 2s.. and screams and cries like there's no tmr.. i ignore her and it escalates and escalates.. and today she fell off e bed becoz of this!! and it doesn't help i stay with ILs and my FIL threw this comement 'wei she me yao gei ta ku dao zhe me yuan wang' i nearly went up to him n gave him a shelling! so she gets away with all these antics coz my ILs refuse to ignore it.. they will distract but it hardly works anymore anyway.. urghz.. but i am a bad mummy lah.. i still use threatening n bribing on occasions! oopz.. but urghz.. hate it when ILs interfere! but yet i cannot say much coz i DO need their help when i work rite? hate this feeling.. urghz.. bad day today.. sorry for ranting
I have finally signed eboy up for pre-school starting next Jan. Signed him up for full day cos most of the enrichments are in the afternoon. However, he only takes 2 hour nap in school. as oppose to having 3-4 hours now...

i'm torn between deciding half or full day. Half day, he gets proper meals and nap and still gets to bond with grannies.

full day, well... its full day of independence.

so whats your views?
michelle - i guess for me i wld put in full day.. more flexibility.. u can always get grannies to bring him home earlier on certain days etc?
actually is okie to sign up for full day i believe. alot of us here already sending our kids to CC for full day classes already.

They can learn things faster n in a easier way coz of the peers ard them. the napping hr doesnt really matter. he will automatically slp earlier at night.

Half day dun have much interacting with their peers by the way. u might send him in at 7am but other parents might send their kids in at 8am or 9am? n by 12pm u r bringing eboy home. in between still have bathing time n lunch time. there's not much difference for u to put him at home seriously.
Hmmm I do that too. But only to D, I'll go "Fine, dun eat. Dun let me hear you say u r hungry later cos I won't allow you to eat anything." Or when I get pissed off will be the ultimate, "Either you shut up and eat EVERYTHING or you get out of my hse."....hehehe
E......dun think can yet. With E I do distraction tactics, I talk to D while I quickly scoop and put to her mouth. She will eat or when she is writing or talking. I quickly stuff to her mouth she will eat.....hehehe

my views have always been quite different on this. i am actually quite against putting the child in fullday childcare unless there are no other alternatives. the ideal for me is couple of hours in school, but child gets to eat at home, nap at home, play with family members and get time alone to do his own things, away from the institutionalised environment. because i believe time alone gives the space for creativity development. well, that's my personal belief anyway.


I am driving off to Desaru again with 2 other families with little kids over the Deepavali weekend. can't wait!
Congrats to Mich for getting a place in the pre school! Well most of us have our kids in full time care cos we don't have a choice. My ultimate dream is to put poppy for half a day so I can run my errands (or like today, go for a shiok shiok facial!.. Basically do my own things) and then have fun with her all day long.

I suppose for me, who has gone through the whole morphing process of FTWM to SAHM to now soon-to-be-temporary-freelance-mum, I really think the level of patience is really tied to the level of work stress!

If I'm happy, my mood is better, I can put up with more nonsense from the small one, or deal with it better and snap at her less. Amounnt of sleep also plays a big part!

However I can't because of our work commitments. BUT the diff in price between half and full day is only 150$ I think. And to me it's worth having that flexibility in case of emergencies.

I am amazed : Eboy takes 3-4 hour naps? Wow! What time does he sleep and wake everyday? I am thankful if poppy takes 2 hour naps. Mostly it is about 1.5 hours. But she is an early-to-bed, early-to-rise girl. Over the weekend she coughed so much and would cough herself awake from naps so only had about half hour naps. Yikes.

oh oh

i have a friend coming back from Spain and i am going to ask her to bring back for me the playmobil castle set! the HUGE one! woohoo!


when is your last day! *sings* have i told you how much i envy yooooou.... muahahaha
