(2008/07) July 2008

JSP ok good to hear that! wow anya is a good bb indeed! I seriously hope this is the beginning of some decent sleep for me :p

PB, errm how abt looking at it this way? She is trying to prep u on taking care of newborn kekeke
Is there any thing wrong? Nightmare? Cold? I recall once xun gal kept waking up and cry. We finally figured out after a few days. She was feeling cold. Then we turned down the air con and she was ok. So do check out on any of these. Could be external reasons. Or is she teething? Hmm come to think of it, xun gal has not had her molar yet. Or maybe she has but i dunno :p should check it out.

And we have also received a letter from MOH coz she has not had her MMR yet. We trying to find a liang chen ji ri to do it coz every weekend we are busy gg out :p hahaha
it started with 6am... Then now a few times a night. She usually goes back to sleep if one of us is with her. But last night... Aiyoh.

I want mama, I don't want mama. I want papa, I don't want papa. Want milk, don't want milk. No this pyjama, no change diaper, no Aircon, no light, no this room, no that room, no sleep, no no no weh weh weh (until mummy gets fed up and says "ok you sleep alone) then.. NO SLEEP ALONE!


There was one moment of silence. When she was resting her vocals. We were both leaning against the living room wall and staring into space in the dark
:S :S

Wow! going out every weekend!! how to have the energy especially when you still need to pump? hmph..I think i also have to devise a strategy to bring pump out and pump, then i can go out and play too!! =) I am thinking of trying to latch, let me try again after confinement, maybe find a LC to help me relatch her. I find her mouth too small to latch properly..hohoho.. :p

Mini Xun sounds like a good girl, JX is back to waking up at nites which is ok for me, cos she still need to grow. But but but, hopefully like her kor kor, she can sleep thru at 4 mths.


Wuffy was also waking up at nites for a while, although he did not talk much, just ee eee eh eh, whiny etc. Dun worry, it is just a phase, hopefully it will pass by in a week.
Batgirl i will bring pump out and pump in the car. If not pump until empty empty before gg out. Now with helper in the car harder to pump in the car le. Last time i used to do it. save alot of time.

Mini xun is errrm good gal? No ... she crying beside me now. She is either sleeping or awake and crying -_-
initially i also find my ger's mouth very small to latch properly but as she grows, she opens her mouth wider n can latch properly... i love latching... coz so convenient n easy... dun need to lug so much stuffs out...

u gd leh... can pump in the car... i tried b4 but dun like the feeling of being so exposed in public...

mine just finished crying.haha.. but CL still ard so i am here typing away and drinking my milo with "so dar pia". Dunno how when CL leaves... :p

Pump in car?! wow! this skill i must learn! but feels uncomfy..do you use nursing tops then? i have to strip to pump now. kekeke...


Ya I thot wait till her mouth bigger than latch her. I am beginning to like the idea of latching but but but, it takes 2 to tango, if i keep struggling with her, I will not be so excited about pumping. heehee.


You were an exclusive pumper until later when you went on 100% latch rite? How did you do it?


you are the best and the inspiration for me! i have to really take each day as it comes... *ooommpphhh*


*patpat* i will keep fingers crossed for you..
I also kena letter for missing declan's boosters. I changed PD so got kinda lost with all the jabs. Haha.

oh man. That sounds tough. I have thrown night wakes to mr bbp who has taken it up quite well most of the time. *cue applause please* I suspect he agrees cos he knows I'm an absolute grouch when i get woken up from my sleep dead in the night.

ya I was exclusively pumping until 2 or 3 months on, then I slowly started latching and soon turned to exclusive latching. I can't really remember but I think cos when he was slightly older, he wasn't that hungry nor angry when the 3h feeding came so we both learnt to work together. Slowly start with one feed first. Start with the feed where you feel she's most accomodating. then when you get better, you can increase the freq and soon.... You can latch whenever you want to. Good luck!
alamak, you all making me blush la. pump at outdoor andrea bocelli concert intermission only wat. im sure we hv all done sm strange n wonderful things in the mummy journey.

your comment got me thinking...
whoever is more grouchy when woken up, is the one who doesnt have to do night feeds...
i wonder if that works on Mr C?
but he is def more grouchy than i m when woken up so. ok. end of grand plan to make the boys sleep w him when C2 is older.

update - c1 not likely to b having hfmd. fever has broken. big phew. and he is back to eating again. YAY
Since mini xun has done it last night, so if she does it again tonite u know lah then jus feed her abit more. Good that she can sleep through.
Dun think will overfeed bah unless u are the 1 forcing her to drink and if she dun vomit out after should be fine I guess.

Me also got letter liao for E's mmr. But also dunno when to find the liang chen ji ri. Somemore I wanna go polyclinic to do so must make appt for dunno when kind n with the weather n the kids so unpredictable....very the hard leh.
Plus my hubby only keep going "quickly bring her lah cos got letter liao". Say very easy lah cos he dun have to rush to bring kid to sch and rush to bring kid back then try to fit the jab inbetween or rush to fetch kid then rush to jab n hope polylinic haven close. Oh yah n must pray can get that time slot n less waiting(since no pirority as E already 2 yrs old) and also that the kids dun catch anything before the jab date. sigh....jus thinking abt it is so stressful.

Poor C1 ulcer in throat huh.
*after finis reading*
Yay on C1 getting better!!

D already complain sore throat when no ulcer. Last night got fever but slight so I never force him to wake to eat med. But I think it was making him very uncomfortable cos he either wake to cry or keep talking n moving ALOT. So very little sleep for him n me. Arghhhh how I hate to sleep when have to wake every hr.....might as well dun sleep but can't!!!
N now the fever is climbing and whenever the fever starts he starts getting super whiny n unreasonable.......sigh

Thanks!! hee..hopefully I can be successful like you. But as I am goign back to work, I better start practising latching after CL leaves, so that I can go gai gai without lugging all the apparatus around! But I am so impatient, hopefully I can succeed and hopefully my ah gers mouth can grow bigger.. now she is "ying tao xiao zhui"


YAY on C1 getting better! HFMD will be a big headache, especially C2 is still so young! BTW, tap on your BF knowledge, does caffeine affect milk production? I itching for a cup of tea or coffee leh, haven't had any since giving birth.
thanks cellow for sharing 100 reasons for breastfeeding

Since ZH has turned 1 year old, so I stopped breastfeeding ZH about a month ago, and after that he fell sick for 2 weeks! Same thing happened to XP last time when I stopped breastfeeding. sighz
i also got the MMR letter for Bosco le. Still haven have the time to let him tk his MMR. den his CC got a outbreak of chicken pox. the day we know of the1st case, i was in hospital. but cc ensured that they already did sterilizing n more frequent checks on the kids. but few days ago still got a 2nd case. immediately ask Mr. H to bring him to clinic n tk the jab. Initially din wanna jab him on the chicken pox jab de. but now i got a NB at home, no choice lo. I cant afford to have contagious disease at home now. Have to find a day like dor say, a liang chen ji ri to bring Bosco got his MMR. His phuenmoncocal also took half way. 1 jab nia....... I am such a lazy mami....
be persistant. just think of the positive things tt bf can give u.



tt's wat keeps me going on for now.
Today is the 8th day only, n my supple seems to be overflowing already. coz I daytime latch n night time pump. think need to thaw some for Bosco liao. =P

at least mini xun will SLEEP!.. Clovis DUN SLEEP!!!!! even after latching. Me n CL is sooo tired out by him u know.. 10+am till 3pm wun sleep one. even if he does, he wakes up like every 15 mins to cry (LITERALLY CRY!) n only stop if u carry him. CL bu ren xin see him so ke lian crying, everytime he cry will sure carry de. If is me.. I think i might ignore. =P
hiyoh, holly, so envious leh!!! overflowing supply!!! but then i was lazy la...never latch a lot..hehe...Thanks for the encouragement! my short term goal is to lose another 5kg before i stop bfdg!! hehe.. another condition is that i use up all the milkbags i bought before i can stop bf!! :p

Come to think of it, during Wuffy's time, my supply was not that fantastic either. Perhaps i have insufficient mammary glands (Cellow, I have been reading that book! :p)... but heck la... the motto is "some breastmilk is better than none!!"

Now Wufferine is drinking about 90ml - 100mls every 2 - 3 hrs liao..my poor boobies cannot keep up production liao. Guess she is also becoming a continental car like her bro (she is 4kg at 3 weeks). But she is probably a VW Beetle while her bro was a BMW cos he was drinking 110 - 120 mls at 3 weeks last time. guess it is in the family genes, those who met me and my hubby will probably understand why our whole family is so "dua mao". :p

Feneugreek here i come! The raspberry tea will come later cos i cannot go shopping at vitakids yet! :p
Hi all just thought I would update that I gave my letter of resignation today
at first I was a little guilty but when Hugo started calling me things like "irresponsible" and saying how I hated wasted company's resources by going for all the courses (which if what I felt guilty about), I remembered why I was leaving.

For a comms person, she really should run her choice of words through a filter first before spilling them out.

She never made any attempt to persuade me but kept the "accusations" flowing. But I did not cower. The more she said, the straighter I sat. Then I calmly said that I would finish all my big projects before I leave.

She has taken it as a personal betrayal. She said "if you were not happy here and didn't gel with the team you should have discussed with me. I don't like surprises".

I can understand that my sudden resignation was not a nice surprise BUT 1) would it have made any diff if I had told her? No 2) if she had known I wasn't happy, why didn't she bother asking?

So, I feel nothing but relief
high five me!

all i can say is i envy you to the MAX! congrats!!!


i am sourcing for a snow white agar agar/jelly cake. I have the designs from ejelly and mrs chan. All don't have. Does anyone have other contacts who may possibly have the snow white design? Pls holler can?
PB, *High Five* with chest bump! hee...

so so so happy for you. trust me, i can feel it for you..

have a great weekend mummies.. I know i will!
Wah..with all that accusations hurled at you, did u give her a piece of ur mind or just sat there smiling???

A big sigh of relief for u! Cheers to a happy n lighter hearted weekend!
Chest bump! Lol. Dunno why but I imagine us in big clumsy mascot outfits doing chest bumps lol

No need to be jealous, you can do it too haha.

I sat there with straight face. Sat straight cos I had nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Don't feel the need to tell her everything because it is not me but my colleagues who will benefit from it, and at my expense. They're big boys and girls; they can take care of themselves

I would have said "I'm leaving because it's ridiculous that I spend more time on the bus than with my baby" but nobody would understand. The dep is made up of 2 "I don't like kids" people (led by Hugo), 1 married with no kids and sees nothing wrong with going drinking and taking intimate photos with other men, and 1 part time mum who sees her son only on weekends.

Happy me indeed. There are people I would miss but not enough to make me want to stay
it must feel really good to finally make the decision. envy envy....has BB started work?

last time jx is like that. no need to sleep one.....very very awake. so end up CL always carry. but not a good thing. try to ask cl to train him to lie down and play by himself even if he dun wan to sleep. or else when CL leave it's really tiring for u!!

sick kiddos
seems like a lot of kids are sick!!! jx finally went back to sch. a bit reluctant initially but ok....phew...

hope all the sick bb get well soon!!

eboy recover already?

jia you!!!

for jh, i had to supplement. like bbp, i also exclusive pump. there was a group of mummies who was v ery supportive and encouraged me not to give but keep pumping. so i really set alarm and wake up every 3 hours even at night to pump. when jh abt 5 months i tried to latch again and was successful.

for jx, initially i did supplement cos with cl they always say bb not full. but after cl left, jx start to reject bottle and becos of that i manage to feed only by latching. so in a way supply better.

dun give up!

Thx for the encouragement!! Ya, I also now trying to squeeze extra pump at nite now. So difficult to wake up!! Hopefully supply will kick in soon for me!
Hellooooooo.... hope the kiddos who were not feeling well are better already!

LOL on chest bump!

Do you know if the kids need to be fully vaccinated before going to pre-N? 'Cos L has not had any jab since he was 7 months old.

Is there any way that I can meet you to pick up my items by Thursday? I can go to your workplace in the afternoon, or around lunchtime. Let me know please. Thanks!

Ho say lah!

#2 mummies who are bfg
Jia you!

HK Disneyland
Mummies who have been could you advise please: is it better to use a stroller there? Is it vert far to walk to the Park from the MTR station?

I don't think the jabs are a concern with the kindy. I don't remember them ever checking.


The mtr exit is not extremely far but far enough. It will make sense to have ur stroller with you
I heard it depends on the kindy n even primary school..some will insist before admission, some r more lax..

Mtr exit is abt same distance as walking in from the entrance..5-10 mins walk? I ergo-Ed bbg when there
It's been scorching hot ya? Bbg got to splash abt at ssc's splashpark for the first time ever though we've been numerous times for aston's..not bad but many little leaves all over

Congrats on the decision! You are on the way to be a liberated and happy bunny!


I would advise stroller too. You use the rain covers to help against the elements as well (such as rain and wind). Not sure when you are going, but if Nov and Dec, it could be a bit windy.

Pump in Style Advanced (PISA)

Does anybody have the PISA battery pack? I lost mine, cannot find..
If yes, and if not in use, can i borrow?
happy monday!!

the weather is terribly, horrible!!!!!!!

how was your weekend?

eboy ok already, and this week will be back to school(s).. like last time, he was back to drinking *drum roll* - 320ml at night before he sleep.. so now I am loading and loading all the milk!!! woo hoo!!! over a week, eboy lost 1.5kg! so hope this week can gain everyhting back..

so cellow, how did C2 bully C1 (on your FB status), tell us about it!

so how, PB, feel light like a feather? happy to be leaving hugo right? after all she could only think of all the mean things to say.. when is your last day? not the official one, the one after clearing leave blah blah blah.. i go have "farewell" lunch with you?
hmm come to think of it, will hugo organise one for you? and get everyone to pay? hahaha...
Of course it's better if you have a stroller. The little ones will get pretty tired by end of the day and having a stroller helps. Not only that you can put your belongings in the strollers like water, snacks, etc. You can also rent a stroller there, but they have limited quantities.

Wow 320ml!!! the max Emma can drink is 240ml and right after that her tummy is buldging already kekeke.
when i said like last time, it was compared with the last time he had the lung infection, for almost a week or two, he was drinking and drinking.. whoa! i like it!
hope this time the drinking stays longer.. hahaa
320ml?? *Blink blink* wow. Yay good that eboy is back to school this week and everything is a-ok. Poppy is still coughing but not as laboured so wonder if should go back for ANOTHER (it would be the third) round of doc med.

Do I feel light as a feather? I feel relieved, esp after how I experienced double dosage of meanness from Hugo (kena called into her room for the name calling session). But I have been nothing but professional in my work relationship with her so I will simply finish my projects and go.

She will be away for the last 2 weeks of my notice period
I actually applied for 7 days of leave for Melb trip so I suppose that means I could leave 7 days earlier or get the money. Wouldn't mind the extra shopping money for Melbourne :D

I'm glad she won't be around for an awkward farewell lunch.

Yes yes do tell how C2 bullies C1!!

Bluebunny just told me he found out who the naughty girl in school is, teaching poppy all the "bad words". Hmmmm.
mich - hurray tt eboy is well..320ml is a lot! bean drinks between 100 to 200ml..when she is not so hungry, she tell my helper "100" and when she is hungry, she goes "200!" ..lol

heat - this heat wave is making me very grouchy. i hope it passes soon.

weekend - wanted to take bean to botanical gardens but it poured yesterday :p. ended up stuffing ourselves with tiong bahru pau and soya bean at tiong bahru food centre watching the rain
we went preschool hunting last saturday and found two or three, which are quite conveniently located (within walking distance from MIL house) and they still have vacancies! so I think there is no problem starting eboy at one next Jan 11.

I would like to learn from BB how to find out the nauighty ones in class? cos there were two very naughty boys in eboy's JG class, going around shoving ppl, snatching toys and spouting NO to everything teacher said... then, someday, another boy in the class followed suit!! and i was so worried that I kept asking my MIL to keep eboy away.. but when they are on their own, how how how????
Oh Oh Oh, is "Mummy Bao Bao" considered a sentence? yes? Yes?

Cos eboy said that las tweekend!!! tell me it is!!!!!!!!!
His first sentence is mummy bao bao!!!!!!!
We can't do anything la. The class is so small (10 I think) that they are bound to play with each other at some point. It's like in the working world - we can't change others but we can change ourselves.

So I've been trying to teach poppy to fend for herself like saying "please don't push" then "Lao shi, ____ pushed me". Because she's been pushed by one of the boys at the playground

And also "wait, please" if she's playing with something and someone wants to snatch it. When it comes to the naughty girl and her "no!" and "I don't want!"s, we'll just try to reinforce the "right" things to say while at home.

They joys of exposure eh?
I'm planning clear my leave the whole month of Dec and intend to start potty training eboy.. any good books to recommend on potty training that reinforces the concept? i can start reading it to him everyday, like now...

I also wonder if i spend the whole month with him, will it make the separation more difficult when it comes to sending him to pre-school in Jan 11... what do you all think?
oh ya, bbp, have to give the halloween gathering a miss *sob sob*.. hubby just back from HK& australia and he say want to spend some time with eboy...
oh one more thing, anyone knows where I can buy all sorts of animals figurine? teaching him all the animals, thought if he can see the figurine it can reinforce... can't seem to find it anywhere, not even at toysrus. cheapo ones lah.. not too ex lah...
Those toyshops under HDB blocks should have them. My MIL got some big ones for S last time. Isetan Scotts has the Toob ones, but they are quite small. ELC has some boxed ones too, I think.

Congrats on E-boy's first sentence and it's so sweet that he includes you and him in his very first sentence. Baobao definitely loves mummy

Did BbG like the SSC splashpark and playground? There's a smaller not-so-good version at Northpoint (the old side) if you want a change of scenery.

Disney mummies
Thanks for the feedback
We are going to HK on Friday, if the typhoon does not hit first.

Teaching assertiveness
I have a HUGE problem with that, and am still working on it. My boys are so used to giving way to each other at home, that they simply give way everywhere else.
Grouchy = don't need to take night nonsense. Well, I think it's more for the benefit of the child cos imagine what the child will kena if it's the grouchy one who has to tahan the night nonsense.

BF-ing mummies,
Keep it up! I always regret weaning Declan off whenever he falls sick

Now that Wufferine is continental car, give her all the milk she wants! Remember how our used-to-be-continental-vehicle sons are struggling to eat now?

Bean is so clever! I don't think Declan, to this day, understands the concept of hungry. Cos he's ever said hungry right after his dinner. And he wasn't even wolfing down his dinner.

Yah, cos after all, the kiddos will be in kindy for like 3h right? Compared to the rest of the time he's at home. So definitely must do the reinforcing at home lor.
Toilet-training: Good luck. I have no advice cos I dunno how we did it. But I do know it was a long ardous process.
Ok, we will miss you at Halloween then

And Mummy Bao Bao is definitely a sentence!

Your boys are absolutely sweetness. I think you have a less serious problem than other mummies whose kids bully other kids.

have fun in disneyland! i know mine sure did! Talia has been asking me when she can go back again?

animal toys

i have bought some from those HDB shops and they come with a very strong plastic smell and after the china toys fiasco, i threw everything away. so dun get the cheap plastic toys, a bit dangerous. I got quite a nice set from a educational shop at thomson plaza but I have seen that sold somewhere else too. it comes in a long cylindrical plastic container.
animal toys, so where??? where??? where???

oh, youpi, eboy's first sentence is " 妈妈抱抱!".. and ya, my heart melted.. now each time he ask that i cannot resist his demands and will carry him lah.. haha
PB, i havent said congrats for the resignation!

Mich, glad that eboy is back in action! 320ml milk is like WOW!

Talking abt milk, we dun dare to give her milk in the morning anymore after numerous puking sessions. But we pack the milk in her bag and she will drink it in school. Anyone has any cure for motion sickness? Realise it is getting more serious. Used to be just mornings. Now even when she drink milk in car also will look like she gg to puke.

Youpi bring ur stroller along. During our first day there gang ho hubby initially said dun bring stroller. Lucky I insisted. Xun gal got tired of walking after like errm 5 mins only -_- Though this disneyland is the smallest of all its still fairly spacious so for a little boy like L, its considered alot of walking.

Hmmm holiday, if only I can go on a holiday before gg back to work *think think think* wats a nice place to go during year end? *think think think*
Motion sickness! Oh no poor thing! Could it be because she's rushed in the morning then plonked on car seat that's why? Maybe if not so rushed she would have time to digest? Poor thing!

Awww that's a good prob in a way
so sweet la your two boys!

Potty training
Sometimes poppy would not want to wear a diaper at home then she'd quietly go to the potty and pee a little. Just yi si yi si only. Maybe she is shy. But the other day she so wanted to poo so she ran to the diaper drawer and shoved the diaper in my hand and said "wear diaper now! Poppy wear diaper now!". Then poo-ed. So cute la!
Assertiveness training
Well the problem is that they get bullied right? Sometimes I don't know whether to strangle the child who is doing the bullying, or strangle my own child for giving in too easily.

Doggie, Mich
The ones in the long plastic container are the Toob toys. Available at Isetan Scotts, that place in Thomson Plaza is called Discovery Corner. Lots of stuff to look at there, sure to end up spending $$$ one
