(2008/07) July 2008

okie, let me see whether i can make any arrangements. i m changing maid so may not be able to join. unless hb doesn't mind being the bbsitter for the night.

Celeste Blur,
You need any interior designer for your new home i'm doing freelance design n build house.

by the way anyone can recom maid agency to me coz me looking for maid so that after my maternity period i will go out n work.
Hi mummies,
I've delivered my bb in Jan08 & have a Medela Mini-Electric breastpump to let go. Used for less than a month and is in excellent "good as new" condition. Interested, pls PM me for price.

ALAMAK!!! U ladies make me wanna have prata too.....hahaha

My son will definately be tagging along if I'm going BUT.....I can't do dinners leh.
Might only be able to pop by earlier unless some are on leave wanna go for shopping before the dinner I sure ON.....hehehe

Congrats on ur bb girl!!!
our date
i don't mind taking leave either 5 or 10 march. can meet for lunch then maybe shop then go home early to zzz. sounds like a plan, man! :D

mummies, do your baby's kicks feel different on different days? today my girl's kicks seem to be diff. maybe i used to feel kicks, now i'm feeling punches. dunno

tangs sale
heard that tangs got sale so went to see baby section. not very big and the clothes didn't impress me. all very ex. BUT this may interest some of you. 20% off the following (prices before discount unless otherwise stated)

medela manual $50.90
medela harmony $101.80
medela mini electric $193.50
medela mini electric plus cooler and 3 bottles $259 *this one is promo so no discount*
medela mini electric plus $305.60
avent isis manual $91.60
avent isis manual with therma bag and baby bolster $88 *promo so no more discount*

asked when the sale is till but i forgot hehe. sorry! also managed to find some non-maternity-but -can-pass-of-as-maternity tops
womens secret
forgot to tell you all that womens secret also got sale. went to the one at tanglin yesterday and bought 2 new bras. after discount only $19.40 each!! and bigger size some more *blush*
morning gals..

pinkbunny - 5th i cannot make it for lunch.. 10th can.. hee.. 10th may be a good day as we can go taka fair tog?? haha... e last time i went taka fair with a forum buddy, i spent 400+! hha
i most prob can make it 5th Mar. but cannot confirm now. u gals just go ahead to plan first.

the kicks and movements will feel different everyday. cos sometimes it is kicks, sometimes it is just movements.
thanks for the offer, but the other house is already renovated liowz

u looking for a maid? Got any older folks at home to jaga? If need independent one I guess prob try filipino maids? I give up on Indonesia and Myanmar maids
congrats SY.... i also hope mine is a girl on my next appt on 10 mar.

DATE: 5 mar/ 10 mar
TIME: 7 pm

1) pinkbunny
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
Sorry dont think will be able to meet u all gers during weekdays cos need to rush bck childcare and fetch my ger
morning mummies! finally it's Friday..hip hip hurray
..of course i still need to get through the back to back meetings at work first :p

DATE: 5 mar/ 10 mar
TIME: 7 pm

1) pinkbunny
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
7) cin_bunny (pref 10 mar)
morning mummies

very busy and very blur with the who can make it, who cannot, what time, what day, take leave ???? can each mummy indicate her own on the list pleeeeeeeease?

then we'll just see which day caters to the majority ok? i'm fine with anything except thurs

bo eng, bo eng, bo eng... super bo eng today!!!
mummies, how about we open up one more day for consideration. 15 mar ok?

celeste, SY, caitlyn, you continue ok? everyone else please indicate if 15 mar is good for you!

DATE: 5 mar / 10 mar / 15 mar
TIME: 130pm (lunch+shopping)/ 7 pm (dinner)

1) pinkbunny (5/10/15 also can. lunch or dinner also can)
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
7) cin_bunny (pref 10 mar)
. u all just go ahead with the majority first.

DATE: 5 mar / 10 mar / 15 mar
TIME: 130pm (lunch+shopping)/ 7 pm (dinner)

1) pinkbunny (5/10/15 also can. lunch or dinner also can)
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
7) cin_bunny (pref 10 mar)
8) celeste_blur (pref 15 mar 1.30pm lunch)
you here?? anyway, have already checked with my maid agency, she dun cater to indo maids, she only have filipino maids. let me know if you are interested.
breast pump
mummies, is it silly to have 2 pumps - one heavy duty one at home for maternity leave time and after, and a smaller handheld/manual one to bring to work when we go back to work?
I also lookin for a electric breast pump... any receommendation? i seriously considerin the medela dual one but v ex rgt? n i scare i still same supply as b4...

i have one avent manual... it works fine but v tiring la... for my second one, I wan to do more pumpin so better invest in electric? any comments?

my price comparisons. a bit limited but hope it helps
i'm thinking of getting 2 - 1 heavyduty for home during 3 months, 1 cheap one to bring when go out/travel. but wondering when i go back to work - maybe i should leave the heavy duty one at work? dunno leh.

<table border=1><tr><td>Brand</TD><TD>Before disc</TD><TD>Price</TD><TD>Buy from</TD><TD>Other details </TD></TR><TR><TD>Medela Swing electric/battery</TD><TD></TD><TD>336</TD><TD>Baby Hypermart</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Medela mini electric plus</TD><TD></TD><TD>305</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Medela mini electric plus</TD><TD>305.60</TD><TD>244.48</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>medela manual </TD><TD>50.90</TD><TD>40.72</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>medela harmony</TD><TD>101.8</TD><TD>81.44</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>medela mini electric </TD><TD>193.5</TD><TD>154.8</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>medela mini electric </TD><TD></TD><TD>259</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD>plus cooler and 3 bottles $259 *this one is promo so no discount* </TD></TR><TR><TD>avent isis manual</TD><TD>91.6</TD><TD>73.28</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>avent isis manual </TD><TD></TD><TD>88</TD><TD>Tangs</TD><TD>with therma bag and baby bolster $88 *promo so no more discount* </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
really necessary? not too long ago didn't mummies use to just throw everything in a pot and boil? or is that bad?

ikea sale
buying my cot and changing table this evening! and whatever other baby item that is on sale :D then this week force hubby to fix up
its not silly to have breast pump. Actually I encourage frens to buy those avent manual pump first cos frankly speaking we wont know how long we will BF and the supply that we have. After you have Bf for like 1mth and you know you are going for long then invest in those dual electric pump if u need to pump at work
I used the medela dual pump for my no. 1. So far i tink gd enuff cos each time pump bout 20-30mins depending on how much u pump out
Serve me for 13 mths!! Cos I bought it only after my confinement...hehe
I never used the medela manual before so cant compare. But I used the avent manual before, suction power gd enuff
Re : sterliliser
I bought the Avent steriliser for my No.1. Some mommies say use pot and boil but for me cos after confinement I have to take care of my ger myself so I decided to use steriliser more convenient and safer cos no boiling water *lol*
i m using medela PIS and i think it is very good

it is ok to have more than one pump. like what celeste blur say u can try out the avent manual one first. for me it din work so in the end i bought the medela one.

re sterliser
i also bought the avent sterliser. so far still in good working conidtion.

DATE: 5 mar / 10 mar / 15 mar
TIME: 130pm (lunch+shopping)/ 7 pm (dinner)

1) pinkbunny (5/10/15 also can. lunch or dinner also can)
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
7) cin_bunny (pref 10 mar)
8) celeste_blur (pref 15 mar 1.30pm lunch)
9) sy (Prefer 5 Mar or 10 Mar Lunch)

Sat are out for me.

wow u good make a comparison... actually i rather blur w medela products n that is why until now never buy... is there sale on Dual one? I wan to save time cos it always a waste when pump one n the other leak...

celeste_blur, thxs for yr info... me rather keen to see n buy... how much u buy?

SY, PIS is dual is it?

pinkunny, i think u can dun buy changin table... save $... hahaha cos u can change on the bed too... i never buy for mine. my nephew got his but he also never use cos it quite troublesome... too high too... now become white elephant.

sterilisers - i didn't buy. during confinement, i use my nephew one. then back at home, my frens share n bought me one avent one. rather useful. actually some things u can wait n see got ple buy as a 1mth old shower gift.

i can't join gatherin... had been bz these days. also tryin to send my son to some classes to enrich him. prob nxt outin bah.
<font color="0000ff">sterilizer</font>

i feel it is safer to use a steriliser. I know some maids actually over-boiled and melted the milk bottle in the pot ! that means the whole pot of stuff is polluted !!

and I feel a very waste of water by boiling and u have to watch the fire.

use steriliser takes u only a few minutes
labbit... melt the milk bottle?! goodness!!! ya i guess it is safer to get a steriliser. mummies, any recommendations? i heard pigeon also good

how much would we leak actually?

changing table
the one we want can be converted into a shelving unit so can use when she's older so quite wu hua i think! plus i have a bad back so sitting and twisting on the bed is not good for me.

no la, just that whenever i am in a baby section then i just go and research a bit lor
I'm here... I'm here... Been really busy with work, didn't have time to follow up with the maids search.. Those agents that I've contacted also didn't bother to email me the biodatas. Can PM me your agent contact? I'm getting desperate now.

Re Detailed scan
Did mine some days ago. Thank God everything is fine. And, I have a Minnie!! Hurray, I'm joining the pink gang...

Don't worry too much, maybe your baby is too shy. Awaits your good news on your rescan.

Re Sterilizer
Fast and convenient. I'm using Philips Avent sterliser, can fits bottles from any brands. It's also a milk bottle warmer and baby food steamer.. 3 in 1 but can't remember how much i bought it.

Re Gathering

I wanna to join too!! But dinner and weekends are out for me because I need to be home on time to entertain my boy.

DATE: 5 mar / 10 mar / 15 mar
TIME: 130pm (lunch+shopping)/ 7 pm (dinner)

1) pinkbunny (5/10/15 also can. lunch or dinner also can)
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
7) cin_bunny (pref 10 mar)
8) celeste_blur (pref 15 mar 1.30pm lunch)
9) sy (Prefer 5 Mar or 10 Mar Lunch)
10) sonic (pref 10 Mar lunch)
i bought my medela dual pump for bout $250 or so I think. But that sometime in July 2006. Now I think prices increase to bout $300 or $300+ liowz. That time i bought still got free medela bottles and breastpad! *lol*

Re : Breastpad
It depends...if you are the type that dont pump frequently. Like last time i tend to drag until full can pump bout 400ml each round then will tend to leak. Otherwise should not really leak
yeah Medela PIS is dual pump.

congrats on your minnie!

no need to get too many things now. can ask as baby one month old gifts also.
I think mine shld be the older version bah...haha...but the other time i saw at robinsons my version even though they bundle as promo still selling around $300 or slightly over $300.
But so far mine serve me gd enuff, going to bring it to the service center and check whether need any servicing anot before i pop
Ya. I think will get the Medela PIS too. Hear many good review. The normal one already not cheap, may as well get 1 that works.

i'm not but i want to be! but see how lor. if finances allow or not. i left work early because SO tired.

our date
DATE: 5 mar / 10 mar / 15 mar
TIME: 130pm (lunch+shopping)/ 7 pm (dinner)

1) pinkbunny (5/10/15 also can. lunch or dinner also can)
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)
6) Jmonster (pref 5 Mar/take leave go shopping then dinner also OK)
7) cin_bunny (pref 10 mar)
8) celeste_blur (pref 15 mar 1.30pm lunch)
9) sy (Prefer 5 Mar or 10 Mar Lunch)
10) sonic (pref 10 Mar lunch)
11) rain (10 mar dinner)
Medela PIS I think its around almost $700 right? Haha, me bu she de invest in the PIS *lol* so far quite happie with my dual pump gd enough *lol*.

ur job is flexible working hrs?

nope but i started work very early today so left early. when it's the boss that calls for overtime officially then we get to claim hours. like when got events. the last big event i chalked up about 100 overtime hours! my whole honeymoon was claimed on overtime!
PM you liao... congrats on your little minnie.

Pink Bunny,
me green eye liao.. envy envy.. haiz.. half an hour more.

so sweet hubby bought birds nest for me! he said 'nah. for you. cos you think you need it'. so i paisay to tell him that 1. i actually don't take so much anymore cos quite liang and 2. i actually prefer eu yan sang one more...
