(2008/07) July 2008

saturday afternoons also good for me. anywhere, anytime! got yoga class at forum so very convenient

went to see juno with colleagues. very garang la the girl, as a preggie! but she's so young

<font color="0000ff">dor dor</font>
yeah me already in 2nd trimester, am currently 17weeks. But me lazy now...haha..
now i prefer to join sprees...hehe.. so far i joined an Amazon and Old Navy spree. also now i don't see anything in Strapya that interest me leh. So no motivation to organise one. :p

I still don't know bb gender yet. If i confirm know liao, i think i will join more sprees to buy bb things leh...kekeke..

y i don't take pills ar? My gynae lor, he very pro-natural. he always ask me to eat balance diet. He tell me if only i cannot eat, then he will give me pills. I also think he's right lah, natural/actual food is better than pills. Since I can eat most things now, i listen to him lor.

so far, i only take folic acid and calcium pills (coz until now, i can't drink milk so he finally gave me calcium pills last week).
hi mummies !!

MIA for quite a few days due to my preparation of exam.
but exam not over yet ahah

ok let me recap some topics i read over the days ..

<font color="0000ff">2nd pregnancy</font>
some of you mentioned u feel weaker in your 2nd pregnancy.
It is reverse for me. I am stronger this time round, no MS, no ligament stretching pain etc. Maybe I eat a lot during my last confinement ? eheh

<font color="0000ff">sleeping position</font>

Steph u getting backache when u sleep ? try to stretch ur leg straight when u sleep on the side. I mean the leg touching the bed.

<font color="0000ff">child asthma</font>

for parents who had history of asthma, I dont know if the child will get child asthma. But if u r worried, then it is better to breastfeed your child as long as u can. This is usually advised by PD.

<font color="0000ff">cold drinks</font>

according to chinese physician, women shld not take too much cold drinks regardless of whether u r pregnant or not. I strongly believe in it. Hence I usually drink warm or at least not fridge cold kind of water.

<font color="0000ff">infant care</font>

I dont know how good is it for a baby to put into infant care. But do take note they tends to fall sick very easily. Baby when young are not having strong immunity and if they mix around with other babies, chances are that they get the virus from them. I know this happens to some babies I know.

Comparing to babysitter, at the infant care, it is maybe 1 teacher to 3 babies ?? but for babysitter, most of them are 1:1 right ?

<font color="0000ff">grapes</font>

grapes should not be taken in high amount due to the high sugar level in them.

not sure if they cause phlegm though. but i dont believe it. I eat all fruits in moderation esp Orange. Orange is high in Vit C and aids in absorption of iron !!

<font color="0000ff">washing bb clothes</font>

i use to hand wash bb clothes before they turn 1 year old. Only mix my bra with them as advised by mum cos she says I BF better to handwash, cleaner lah.

but now I put them together to wash except with my hubby's boxers ehehhe


ya for my case, i only had gers in both my pregnancy. ppl tell me I look more radiant leh. Dont know how will I look when I have a boy.

Eh tell u gers, u know quite a number of ppl guess I having a boy based on my looks. So hor i think not v zun this time round.

<font color="ff0000">PINKIE !!</font>

hehe meetup ah ? shld be ok .. but i need to think of who to take care of my gal.
Unless we can take leave then my gal is definitely with my mum.

how ah ?

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">WAH WE HAVE MORE GIRLS THAN BOYS NOW !! WOO HOOO !!!!</font></font>

<font color="808080"><font size="-2">sorry for the long post hor !! I cant control myself hehehe</font></font>
morniing all.. MIA-ed for awhile.. wah, i see e girl list getting longer n i can't wait to noe if i can join e PINK PARADE!!

pinkbunny - hee.. last yr, e jun 2007 mummies also had gatherings during our preg.. imagaine TEN preggie mummies eating steamboat buffet! think e manager sweat when he saw our troop! haha.. i think our biggest outing was 14 of us at cafe cartel.. fun fun.. too bad weekends are no good for me.. gotta take care of my boy..
morning mummies!
yawn... so sleepy. i hate this feeling of waking up and already tired, but knowing that the next few days STILL cannot sleep in. saturday... come quickly... i want you...

boy/girl looks
so many people say wah based on your stomach you are having a boy, right? and they so smug about it some more. HA. all wrong! i believe the scans more.

meet up
dunno leh. see what everyone says lor. ok lao niang will start the ball rolling

copy and paste the names above yours then continue with your name and preferred date/time ok?

<font color="ff0000">pinkbunny</font> - saturday after 2pm. sunday any time. take leave also dun mind if all other mummies are OK. or friday dinner also boleh!
went for my detailed scan yesterday and i m having a gal! so happy. initially tot cannot see the gender again cos the ankle blocking. lucky she shifted position.

so nice got DVD? wow, that is an interesting momento

re meet up
i probably can't join on weekends cos got one boy to take care of but if anything during weekdays i can try to take leave.
hi mummies...

popped by perfect mum and came out wiv more clothes again yesterday..and the girls there were also commenting that they think I'm having a boy from the shape of my tummy..hopefully can tell by next wed...

maybe we can take leave one of the weekdays and meet for an afternoon lunch so not so crowded? need a break anyway coz been slogging at work and drinking coffee
wow you got a dvd of the detailed scan pinkbunny?? dats really very nice!!

hope i get decent pictures of mine..my gynae doesn't even do monthly scans, and I'm paying to get one done every month now coz wanna see the little baby...
me cannot take leave as i'm a teacher.. hee.. but week after is skl hols so if u gals meeting for lunch then, sldbe able to join in.. if dinner, weekdays are fine.. =)
give you all chance. i start off. just continue by adding in your own name and preferred timings to the list ok? (copy, paste, add)

<font color="ff0000">pinkbunny</font> - friday dinner. saturday after 2pm. sunday any time.
<font color="ff0000">caitlyn</font> - weekday dinner
<font color="ff0000">SY</font> - weekdays
<font color="ff0000">dor dor</font> - saturday afternoon
you are PAYING for your scans? why?! how can your gynae not take good pics?? yup we didn't ask for anything but my hubby brought out the camera to record, gynae said 'very long leh, you won't have enough space. i can record and give you a dvd la'. free some more. best. gynae quite funny. when hubby take photo, he said 'aiyah you never tell me you were going to snap. i would have turned to show you my good side'.
morning ladies!

Today can feel baby moving quite a bit , i think she very happy to have egg prata for breakfast ;)

pinkbunny - hv PMed you CL contact
. I can meet weekdays for dinner
<font color="ff0000">pinkbunny</font> - friday dinner (OK to take leave for lunch). saturday after 2pm. sunday any time.
<font color="ff0000">caitlyn</font> - weekday dinner (OK for lunch 8-16 Mar)
<font color="ff0000">SY</font> - weekdays (OK to take leave for lunch)
<font color="ff0000">dor dor</font> - saturday afternoon
<font color="ff0000">sally</font> - weekdays (OK to take leave) but not in pink gang
<font color="ff0000">pinkbunny</font> - friday dinner. saturday after 2pm. sunday any time.
<font color="ff0000">caitlyn</font> - weekday dinner
<font color="ff0000">SY</font> - weekdays
<font color="ff0000">dor dor</font> - saturday afternoon
<font color="ff0000">Delphine</font> - weekday dinner except friday
good morning ladies!

hey, i also had surgery to remove 2 cysts some years back. don't worry. think baby move around in our tummy. mine was shy too, turning to show his/her backside when gynae scanning my tummy. hehe..

oranges &amp; grapes
thot we shd eat more citrus fruits. but oranges make me cough so i started eating more grapes instead of oranges. anyway, moderation is right for everything we eat. folks said mandarin orange give air.. tummy already so much air can't purge sometimes so i avoided mandarin orange totally!

yes i tried putting leg straight but sometimes feel like over stretching myself on one side.. feels weird too. think must drink some chicken essense to stay awake liao...

infant care:
if i can i want to bring baby to work hahah.. but cannot leh... so bo bian lor.. infant care is my most viable solution.

aiyah... feeling abit hungry now :p i go find snacks.. catch up again later... ladies, have a nice day ahead. tomolo TGIF liao! yeah!!!

P/S: cin_bunny.. i had prata just now too! hehehe...
no worries!

<font color="ff0000">pinkbunny</font> - weekday dinner except thurs (OK to take leave for lunch). saturday after 2pm. sunday any time.
<font color="ff0000">caitlyn</font> - weekday dinner (OK for lunch 8-16 Mar)
<font color="ff0000">SY</font> - weekdays (OK to take leave for lunch)
<font color="ff0000">dor dor</font> - saturday afternoon
<font color="ff0000">sally</font> - weekdays (OK to take leave) but not in pink gang
<font color="ff0000">cin bunny</font> - weekday dinner
<font color="ff0000">delphine</font> weekday dinner except friday

cin bunny
i replied to you on CL liao. thanks!

i rest legs on big cushion. it helps. very comfy.

not sure if i have posted about this. sneezing - the small sharp pain we feel in stomach is in stomach. doesn't hurt the little one

oh i lurve preggies' gathering. when i had my #1, we had one and had everyone staring at the whole group of preggies munching away at marche! i am ok for weekday dinner!
haha funny ma. and in case it affects anyone's decision to join us - maybe they really really want to have you for pink shopping? keke. anyway i'll remove for the next posting la. don't angry with me la ok? ;)
hi do1nk,

you also a fan of perfect mum? in case you are going again, i can lend you my VIP card which entitle 20% discount. or maybe you buy so much that you are entitle as well..
i also have a perfect mum 20%discount card n spring discount card with me if any mummies need.. they're not exactly mine.. hee.. a grp of us went shoping tog n chalked up enuff to get e cards.. =)
pink bunny,

haha.. no prob.. maybe i should crown you the shopping queen for Jul 08 Mummies?? no offence hor.. just a joke.
none taken! i accept this honour with full grace and tremendous pride! haha. my husband bought me a t-shirt that said "BORN TO SHOP" in big big words... and in smaller font it says "totally broke". haha

july mummies meeting
seems like it's going to be a weekday evening for dinner!
ps everybody ok to leave the papas at home?
wah...pinkbunny your gynae sounds really nice..

ya mine do not scan on every visit, so we opted to pay to scan coz wanted to see the little baby..

3D, your perfect mum card is the silver one giving you 15% + 5%? I'm also using that..

okie as for meeting up, I'll try to make it for either weekday lunch or dinner.. or if it's the 8th March weekend, ok with me too..

tried sleeping on the side last nite..end up curling a bit like fetus position..hard to sleep with leg straight..think I need to put a pillow below my tummy..

hungry hungry!
<font color="ff0000">pinkbunny</font> - weekday dinner except thurs (OK to take leave for lunch). saturday after 2pm. sunday any time.
<font color="ff0000">caitlyn</font> - weekday dinner (OK for lunch 8-16 Mar)
<font color="ff0000">SY</font> - weekdays (OK to take leave for lunch)
<font color="ff0000">dor dor</font> - saturday afternoon
<font color="ff0000">sally</font> - weekdays (OK to take leave)
<font color="ff0000">cin bunny</font> - weekday dinner
<font color="ff0000">delphine</font> weekday dinner except Friday
<font color="ff0000">doggiebb</font> - weekday dinner
<font color="ff0000">do1nk</font> - weekday lunch/dinner/8th March weekend

Seems like I’m the most lor sor in the list haha.

the battle of the perfect mum cards
ooo.... catfight!!! hehe
haha actually i meant the comparing of whose card is better cos a bit of difference, not 'the fight for the card'! but you want to lend me i also don't mind hehe

alamak. now i really become the designated outing planner! hehe. OK girls, based on everyone's timing, here are some suggestions (even got more details for the lesser known ones hor!). if got other suggestions, please include too:

suggested dates:
5 march (wed) 7pm
10 march (mon) 7pm

- Joaquim steamboat at Suntec convention
- My Mum's Cuisine at Paragon (Nonya food)
- Ellen Borough Market Cafe at Merchant Court hotel
- Carnivore at Vivo
- Straits Cafe at Hotel Rendezvous
- Restoran Tepak Sireh near Arab Street
- Parkway Thai http://www.hungrygowhere.com/singapore/parkway_thai_restaurant_centrepoint/
- Magic Wok at Capitol (City Hall)http://www.hungrygowhere.com/singapore/magic_wok_restaurant_capitol_building/

must carry red rose to identify ourselves or not? like blind date? or maybe our waistlines are noticable enough la. hehe
morning ladies

very sleepyz now...had a long meeting in the morning

yeah true also...cos twins the tummy quite crowded not easy to capture both faces n compare...hehe

DATE: 5 mar/ 10 mar
TIME: 7 pm

1) pinkbunny
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
dun think I'll be shopping at perfect mum's again anytime soon...juz spent $300+ there...now must focus on shopping for baby instead kekeke

I'd prefer 10 march too..to chase away the monday blues...
DATE: 5 mar/ 10 mar
TIME: 7 pm

1) pinkbunny
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
you know those little white tops with ribbons instead of buttons - where to buy from huh? cheap cheap ones please

join us la. that day one day don't work late la. working late not good for your baby. bitching with fellow MTBs very good for baby!!! :D who knows, maybe your future son-in-law/daughter-in-law will be in the midst? hehe
btw ladies
Me going to sell my flat in YewTee. If you all know of anyone interested in buying 5-rm flat resale in YewTee do let me noe yah? Thanks.
DATE: 5 mar/ 10 mar
TIME: 7 pm

1) pinkbunny
2) caitlyn (pref 10 mar)
3) Delphine(pref 5 Mar cos 10 Mar is my detailed scan)
4) do1nk (pref 10 mar)
5) doggiebb (pref 5 mar)

hmm for the outing, is it shopping first then dinner? usually dinner depends on whether i have anyone to help me at home. cos if my mum not ard, then it is just maid and my boy so usually i go back straight after work.


agenda is dinner. cannot bond and gossip over shopping so it will just be optional activity (like package tour!). if we like each other alot then i guess dinner will drag a bit longer. if we cannot stand each others' faces then i guess it will end earlier
