(2008/06) June 2008


I am one of those kiasi ones....so I am delaying MMR, gonna wait till she is 2 yrs old. Had heard about this MMR jab causing Autism since forever..even watch it on some talk shows when I was preggy. This is the jab that I fear most.. although PD says that there is no concrete proof.
Morning ladies...

charlotte has taken her mmr 2 wks ago, developed fever on her 8th day and faked mealses on 10th and 11th day, yest all spots were gone. I was also worried abt ths autism b4 i gave her e jab but iw as tinking last time when we were young, we took e jab too..and its a compulosy vacination so the older they gets, i believe they will feel more xinku lor. short pain better than long pain so brought her for the jab 2 wks ago..but it still depends on how you look at it lor..

hows ur hk mooncake making? ;p...hee

u wan to go GUG?there is another Grace kids at great world city, mayb u wan to find out more too..
morning ladies...

no lah this area pretty ex and CC near home is more convenient...

i find LNT-little neuro tree not bad as i let my gal attended 1 trial when she's 11 mths. but she was a tad too young tat time so it was more like a fun class for her. now tat our kid is able to respond better i might wanna let her attend the class again...600 for a 3 mth programme if i rem correctly.

I tink our kids will be able to absorb better after 18 mths.


I find grace kids at GWT has many people, and a lot of ang mohs.

Can always take a peek at their activities from one balloon shop (walk to the end of the shop, can see through glass).


Littleneurotree is at TPY. Their session is 1 hr and need 1 adult to accompany.

GUG stand for growing up gifted. The branch i saw is at United square, near novena MRT.
i visited my 1st skool on sat..Their fees is $315 after subsidy for full day...So much cheaper than Cherie hearts...But we din get to see the lessons cos its a sat.. Will be arranging for an appt this fri since I am viewing CH as well =D... Duno y hor, i find its time to send char for classes liao cos i see she like bery bored at home..Cant always let her watch vcd also lor... I realised she is slowly showing interest in other kids liao..During e kindermusik class, she will stand and stare at wat other kids are doing..my hb and i said she is like a supervisor lor...hee...

Yu Zhe is oso starting to show interest in other kids. He even try to chase after other kids and babble to him in baby language.

My MIL didn't let him watch too much tv so is still fine. But he always want to explore the house and touch a lot of stuff, v tedious to take care lor.

Which cherie hearts u looking at? How much is cherie hearts after subsidy?
Morning ladies!

yeah, MFS' (my 1st skool) fees is really reasonable. i also checked out this nurture cottage and their fees are $600 and i quite like the place. also will be checking one more called globalkids near my place, recommended by a fren. then after this, i dun think i will visit any more, just choose 1. :p

hehe, i know wat you mean abt being bored at home. cos i was meeting up with a group of frens on friday and i told them of my intention to send Lucas to childcare soon and one of them was telling me if no hurry, dun send so soon but another fren was saying, well if all they are going to do at home is watch tv, might as well send. and that is personally how i feel as well. of course, the downside is they might fall sick very often.

btw, u intend to put half day or full day? i was intending to put halfday but the person-in-charge at nurture cottage was sharing with me that it might be better to start off full day cos if start half day and then switch to full day, the child will have to adjust twice. just when he gets used to half day, he will have to adjust to full day.

how was ur zoo trip? jade liked it??

u are still at CBP yah?
i looking at CH at Anchorvale CC there lor..cost $450 for half day and $540 full day after subsidy..more ex than my 1st skool..But i will onli decide after viewing this fri lor =)..

I see..seems like ur area has quite alot of ccs hor...my SK here, or rather m area only hv afew choices onli..hiaz =( ...Hv u shortlist anyy cc? I intend to start with halfday too wor cos hb say whole day at cc wait char will get bored or fall sick more easily so shd start with 1/2 day first wor..but MFS doesn't hv half day, we paying for full day rate but up to us wat time to bring her bk lor...hmm...so u wan to enrol ur boy for full day?

Can also have half day all the way to Kindergarten.


I feel that $450 is quite reasonable.
I oso looking at Cherie hearts near TPY.
mayb cos I comparing with the CH in JW, its abit more ex lor..I tink the diff in price is becos of the location and SK branch is with aircon..
I booked the trial class, Speech and Drama with them for next sat liao..cost $15 lor...Tink left 3 more vacancies only, do book online if you are keen ya =).
Morning ladies..

hehe..have to act fast fast..hehe...the trial is $15 if you bring a fren along lor..

I book for 19/09 next sat wor...mayb you wan to book on a sun? The class seems interesting =).
morning gals,

the trip was so-so cos jade dun feel very good and she vomited out her lunch...we had to cut short the trip. she kena gastric flu and worst of all she spread the virus to me and hb

ya im still stuck @ CBP ;p
oh dear...but hows jade now?

saw ur post at little tikes thread, i like e playhouse too but ex hor...but its bery nice leh!..me can't decide btw this and the big blocks..hiaz..
<font color="119911">PRE-XMAS GATHERING
Date : 12/12/09 or 19/12/09
Time : 1-3pm
venue : The Polliwogs
Price : $20 per adult (including finger food and drinks for adults - this price is based on 15 kids and 30 adults)

Interested :-
1) Charlotte + feifei + hb
2) Reanne + janiviy
3) Aprilmum + Rui + Ning(elder) + hb
4) Chloe + Christina
5) Bleh + Travis
6) Sheryl + Angel_z + Hb (can onli make it on 19th)
7) Nicho+ Fen+ hb
8) shycloud + jade</font>
Date : 12/12/09 or 19/12/09
Time : 1-3pm
venue : The Polliwogs
Price : $20 per adult (including finger food and drinks for adults - this price is based on 15 kids and 30 adults)

Interested :-
1) Charlotte + feifei + hb
2) Reanne + janiviy
3) Aprilmum + Rui + Ning(elder) + hb
4) Chloe + Christina
5) Bleh + Travis
6) Sheryl + Angel_z + Hb (can onli make it on 19th)
7) Nicho+ Fen+ hb
8) shycloud + jade
9) Mogudog + Elyssa (can only make it on 19th Dec)
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">hi hi to all...

lengleng, are you the one who organise spree on clothmall?</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Halo everyone!

Now lunch hour, come in to peek if anyone mummies is around. So, topic still on CC?
I was busy in work as well making prepation for moving. So many things to do.

so surprised to see you are back here. Been very busy?</font>
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">hi leng leng.. ok.. ok thought is you.. ;p</font></font>
Morning ladies...

This link alot of nice clothings leh...tot of organising? ;p..hee

Ya lor, brign fren along, u pay $15, if not pay $25 wor..
Leng leng,

wat u give to Cornelius to self feed?
I let Athan try yesterday wif rice &amp; soup, wah piang very very messy until I cannot tahan.
Hi Mag,

Long time no 'see'! Busy?

Sheryl is very naughty... Now she will purposely do things which we dun allow her to do.. So she will purposely go touch switches, touch dustbin, touch shoes, etc etc.. But when we ignore her and never react, she will stop.. Very headache ah..

Then cos she is like this, my husband very angry with her cos he is the short-temper kind.. Then jus the other day he beat sheryl's hand so hard that it was red for 10min! I was very angry and we quarrelled.. i told him b4 can beat but cannot beat so hard... what if injure her? sigh... maybe i too pamper her too..

And also now we canot eat out with her anymore, she reali cannot sit still eh! aiyo.. so naughty..

Anyway, how is athan?

Athan now also testing my limits. I'm the opp of u. He always tried to open my shoe cabinet &amp; I kept telling him no but he still continued &amp; I even warned him that I'm going to "kiap" his hand wif the cabinet door. After he refused to listen, I walked over &amp; put his hand on one of the doors &amp; "kiap" his hand wif the other door &amp; he cried. My hubby said y I so mean &amp; I told him bo pian cos if I dun let him experience the pain then how to avoid letting him injure himself. After that incident, Athan dare not open the door but he will pretend &amp; c if I have any reaction. Kids r really so smart nowadays, know how to test parents.

Remember dun quarrel in front of the child, otherwise they will know how to take advantage.
hi ya..miss u here..hehe..

my ger haven self feed yet lor...recently she took the mmr jab, had fever and faked measles so not much appetite..kept rejecting fish and her favourite fruits...I headache lor..hiaz..

Hows ur studies getting on?

Wats this child life products?I saw u order quite abit there...hv u gave ur boy eat before?


Actually your thinking i understand.. I oso think must let kids exp the pain then they will be careful.. but my ger is do things which doesn't involve pain de.. like touch dustbin n shoes... how to teach her not to touch?

Thats why my husband upset loh.. he said i scolded him in front of sheryl.. but its cos i got a shock when i stand far away and i suddenly heard my husband shouted very angrily n loudly at her and a loud hitting on her hand.. cos this is the 1st time it happened so i scolded my husband..
