(2008/06) June 2008

Thanks kris,tera,will go and take a look.

Fei,i'm recently so busy,sometimes free time,i want to post at forum,bb already wake up and ask me to play with him,btw the PG address is at block 529 ang mo kio ave 10 #01-2369,tel 6457-6159,email:[email protected]
Happy birthday to you too in advance

<font color="aa00aa">Fennie,

Dont angry lah. At least u got to eat the fish, better than nothing rite? Maybe the maid mis understand ur meaning. Sometimes the more we specially instruct, the more the oth person make the mistake. So, now stomach filled with cod fish? hehe....</font>
My #1 in CC also same problem. Only when she goes till 6mths in CC, start to fall sick slightly less. Maybe once a mth. Actually making plans for #2 to go CC... long story.. so don post here and so lo soh haha

Wow seems like everyone is making big celebration with all the lovely cakes! Mine shall be super simple. Coming sat at my mum place (together with my mother bday) and sun at MIL house lo. Only own family members, no super cake. Only order simple Bengawan sola BB Minnie 1kg Cake and some home cooked done by myself.

Guess I am just a lazy mother

Daddy also preferred low profile sian...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

Leng Leng, yup! Ice! Aiya, she's been MIA har?

My #1 now is like routine, will fall sick every month lor. Super sian!</font>
morning! the hot weather is killing! was it like that last yr when we were doing confinement? i seriosly cant recall... but i dun rembr it being this HOT tis time last yr.

u r not the oni one...
i'm oso going to order a simple cake too...
hi soya!

i remba it was hot during our confinement, but not THIS HOT!!! sweltering like nobody's biz. driving everyone crazy....
my top was wet tis morning when i was at the lrt station... gee.... and had to squeeze in the trains... totally urgh...
soya, i can totally understand.

this kinda weather is especially bad for people with sweaty palms &amp; feet condition. can kill us. i am sweating constantly and it makes me v v lethargic. dont feel like moving at all. even sitting still makes me perspire!

warrior, welcome home!!
Cod fish also depends on wat grade?
Normally i try to kop fish from MIL. Cos she cook fish for my boy everyday. usually is cang yu, salmon, threadfin, cod fish. Sometimes my MIl buy more and then cook for dinner also.. but usually my hb's sibling also dun eat much and sometimes the fish is wasted cos can't finish.

For the montage.. i made my own wedding montage and actual day express montage done in 1 hour inside the bridal suite.. i myself done it lor.. dun want to engage extra service cos expensive. i still have the program but its in my old pc.. a bit lazy to do it.

this kind of weather is worse for eczema prone people like me and my bb..
my bb esp sweat a lot. neck got rashes liao.

i only remember during last yr confinement i sweat like anyting cos losing water tat time.. was like pouring water type of sweating.
oh no, yu-jie certainly looked very tired, completely KO!!

hope ur HK trip will materialise ok?
so where's the file? u uploaded in FB? me keen to view it leh.

me also doing simple celebration, with immediate family only.

how was ur trip? won $$? hehe.

this weather is craazzzy lor. even at night, it doesn't let up. when i step out of my mum's hse last night, can immediately feel the heat engulfing us..*melt*
yeah... we sweat alot then cos losing the water due to retention...

eeks... ur post reminds me that i hv to be careful of the railings i hold onto in the trains... keke...
hvnt upload leh... dunno where i can do it... u hv any suggestion? i oso hope HK will materialise... we shld be waiting till end of this week to make the final decision.
hows lucas?
ellysia, ya this weather is bad bad bad for us!!!!! u got medicine to apply, mine - simply no cure. hahaha

tera, tell me about it... blasting aircon the moment i stepped home. cant imagine how high my elec bills gg to be this mth.
Hi Feifei/Candy/Mummies,

May I know do your have Water Rise contact no or website? I'm looking nice caterer for my son 1st birthday celebration also. Are their food delicious? Thanks.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">finally settled on the cake... a hole in pocket liao.. only tis round as 1st birthday, next year just a simple cake will do.. ;p</font></font>
oh yes same here. and not only elec bill, water bill too, cos have been taking more showers, lol!

oh ice-cream is the best in this kind of weather! the other day on my way to work at 2pm under the blazing hot sun, i was so happy to see the mobile ice-cream cart at my bus-stop, keke. but quite stressful also, cos got to finish ice-cream chop-chop before the bus comes!

lucas is good, thanks!
think he's ok from the fall but still having running nose.

as for the file, its not a video right? wonder if youtube can or not?
its not a video... its a flash file... maybe u give me ur email? i will see if i can email to u. cos on 2nd thots, i dun feel ok broadcasting over the net cos it wld be public. :p
Really Soyabean? Hehehe... maybe for me I guess wait till she older whereby can enjoy then I shall see what to organise again and more meaningful. Guess I am just lazy n tired to prepare all the guest lists and misc stuffs hahaha.

sometime I am wondering how to make them stronger at CC. Not everyone sick at least once a month. Hai headache. What to do. sometime when they sick we more sick and tired...

Hows ur trip warrior?? Win a lot hmm or too tired worn out playing with Floyce?

Its always like this when start to reno and alot misc stuffs to get. Even I am from own house move to another house ALSO gotta purchase plenty of stuffs! Haha excuse to spend $$$ and contribute to GDP :p
Morning ladies...

Brought my ger for her 1st penumoccal jab yest...PD said thats the most painful jab lor...My ger is now 10kg and 74.1cm =)..

Any bbs taken the chicken pox jab yet?
Hi iamsnow,
I paid $214 in total for hte jab and consultation fees lor...ex sia...Charlotte cried awhile ,a fter dat okie liao..But my mil just called me, said charlotte havign a fever 38deg lor..vomitted all her bf out...so I asked her to give char some milk and med lor...poor ger..

according to a doc fren, Pneumoccal jab is more strong than other baby jabs.

I dun remember the cost bec we let yu zhe took it when he is only few months old. But i remember it is quite expensive around hundreds also.
ya lor..tks for e infor...see them so xin ku..hiaz..ur boy finished the jabs liao?

Chicken pox is optional de...need to take MMR also at 15 or 18mths wor..
For those who has join overseas spree before, have u all encounter tat the spree organiser keep sending emails on her other spree? I keep receiving emails from xxx spree organiser and its quite disturbing.

Yes, ored finish all jab i tink so. Dunno need to have a booster jab near 1 plus.

Wat is MMR? Measles jab?
not spam emails from me hor... :p

Chicken pox jab is cheaper at polyclinic...
Our 2 elder kids took "pneumo23" from polyclinic,
much cheaper than Pneumoccal jab,
but need min. 2 yr old to take it.
Leng Leng,

definitely not lah! :p

U know.. when he start spamming me.. i didn't want to order any more item from his spree liao. it really turn me off.

<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">morning mummies...

1st case of AH1N1 in singapore confirmed today.. now looking for those in the same plane..26/5 6.30am SQ25 New york to singapore...</font></font>
