(2008/06) June 2008

wow, so many things to prepare... tks for infor.

grace, double congratulations!!!
hi warrior
Grace Tan.. she just posted today.. tink she seldom come into this thread now... she just announced her pregnancy at Dec mtb and I asked her whether can share the news here or not

Btw, sorry can check with you all, is there any lip gloss suitable for babies? Cause isaiah having super dry cracked lips now... even got bleeding.. thanks!!!!
hi roxy, actually i oso dun know who is grace. haha.. i hv no idea abt lip gloss but mayya ever experienced cracked dry lips w bleeding n i fed her w lots of water n it helps..
thanks warrior and yummy pie... ydae i went mustafa the lady recommended vaseline petroleum jelly but we din know whether is it safe for consumption by babies.... he drinks alot of water a day le, duno why still cracked lips haiz
wow, seems like we misse dout alot of fun wor =)...Hope to see more photos soon =)...hehe..

hows ur ger now?

ya lor, brown rice bery useful de..my ger has been takign it since 6mths too but hor, she lazy to walk lor...hiaz..my mil has been bugging her to walk everyday..haha..

drumsticks is either have lots to eat or diam jia..hehe...my ger chooses that as 3rd choice..
I am tinking of giving my ger rice for dinner soon cos she is turning 1 in afew days time...but i dun wan to reduce her milk intake since now she is onli taking 60ml in e morning + cereal and bread, and 240ml at 4+pm and last feed 240ml...duno how shd i go abt it also...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

Feifei, my ger so far so good, no more fever. Thanks for asking. But hor, my MIL got mild cough, and she quickly go to c doc yest coz she afraid will pass to my gers(which happen last time). Just hope my ger wont get it.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!
so tired but dunno y too....
somemore darkening sky kinda of weather, reai a good time to laze in bed sia....
btw, the bday bash pics are up on my fb liao. check it out when u gers have time....

good to hear tat your gers are alrite liao.</font>
every since my boy got fever the previous wk, he also refuse to walk much. Maybe after taking the med he felt very drowsy. So now I'm waiting for him to built back his confidence.
Do you mean rice or porridge? is she ready to for chewing? Cuase we fed lucas with porridge for months but i realise that he is still not ready to chew items yet after a few try with chicken or meat.
Dear Mummies,
I'd looking for "mother and baby" magazine May2008 issue. Suddenly see my baby's photo on that issue, so wanna keep a copy for him.

I've called MediaCorp hotline, they dun hv also. If anyone have, can call me @ 98295218. I wanna buy.. Thank you !

u can try vaseline. i remember a doctor told me before that vaseline is the only lubricant which has no chemicals in it.
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">mummies...

jts vaselin is made of petroleum jelly ;p

now pharmacy has a new product "baby vaselin" but not sure can baby eat it.. ;p </font></font>
Hi Ladies,

Wan to ask any mummy here plan to stop sterilising milk bottles when baby is 1 year old?

My ger has passed 1 year old and i'm thinking when can stop sterilising.

can stop at 6th months,
cause we don't sterilise those utencils for feeding babies either.

Now that everything they grab, goes into their mouth...
well... :p
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">angel_z,
i no longer sterilize my Jared's bottles or utensils when he reached 6 months, because starting semi-solids &amp; utensils sometimes just washed with tap water only, didnt rinse with hot water

Like Leng<sup>2</sup> said, everything, don't even know if they are clean, goes into their mouth</font></font>
Joke of the day...

Cornelius fav place in the house,

Cornelius fav item to play,

He'll laugh when I forgot to close the bathroon door &amp; the toilet bowl cover,
place his hands in there &amp; play water!!!
<font color="808080"><font face="tahoma">Leng<sup>2</sup>,
and you just let him play??how do you make sure his hands are clean of germs after that?</font></font>
have thought about it...but...cannot bring myself to stop sterilizing..I will stop when she is 4...
**just kidding** hahahahahahahahaha
Lengleng, Fennie and Jan,

Oh okok.. Stop at 6mths ah? But what u said makes sense.. My ger is oso putting things grabbed from the floor into her mouth..

But till now i still sterilising her bottles eh... I feel the same way as Jan leh.. cannot bring myself to stop sterilising.. it has become a routine every night le.. hmm.. but me start to feel like its a chore le... so thinking when can stop..

Jan: then you wan to sterilise until when? surely not when reanne is 4 right? haahaha... i'm thinking whether should stop end of this year...

Lengleng: wa.. your son very scary eh.. play with toilet bowl water.. u don't keep the toilet door closed? even since my ger can crawl, i close the toilet door.. now whenever she sees toilet door opened, she will get super excited cos she seldom go in ma..
<font color="aa00aa">ladies,

My hubby still diligently sterilising my girls's bottles. I'm tired of it since i stop BFing few mths back.

Angel, u can stop sterilising, and choose to pour hot water on the bottles. In fact i nvr use steriliser during my #1 and we always used this method. Whne younger, we boiled it. </font>
Re- Bday Bash
sorrie, can i just check if the babies whom went to the party are ok? my ger has fever suddenly on monday morning, and there are no symptons beforehand leh

BTW, thanks for sharing the party's photos on FB with me
last weekend went over to rochor centre to find the bakery which ioio recommend, but sadly can't find. went with bb and quite messy tat area.. also the party shops are close early. In the end i found a nice party shop at raffles city shopping centre which sell nice candles. I just bot it over lunch just now.

Also settle the cake liao, which is free from dairy, egg &amp; soy. A bit pricey and simple design but dun mind it as long as my bb can eat it. a bit stressed bec left only 1 week plus to prepare.
<font color="aa00aa">angel, put all the bottles, teats, cover, etc into a bowl or pot, then pour the hot water into it. Take out after 10-15mins.
<font color="blue">hey zry,
how's ruiyue feeling now?? my baby ok leh..touch wood lah..no fever..

leng leng,
u use soup or soap?? soup is for drinking leh..can wash hands meh??haha..
its chicken drumstick lor...need real drumstick le..

good to hear ur ger is ok le...u also take care hor..
afternoon ladies...
the BD bash was great! me and my gal enjoyed very much...

thanks to bizznow for organising it!
thanks to janiviy for the lovely and delicious cake!

no problem with jade so far...has ruiyue's fever subsided liao? brought her to PD already?
<font color="03b6ea"><font face="Comic Sans MS">ellysia.. did u call them? it's very near the open carpack next to bugis mrt.. ;p btw where u bought the cake?


Leng2, cornelius is so cute!!! toilet bowl water kekeke

hi angel
im using the method felicia is using too.. but once a day i will sterilise using steam steriliser.. after that just use hot water to run through...

Ic, thanks Iamsnow
