(2008/06) June 2008

initially my gal kept looking for my breast and she will pull down my blothes. Was more difficult for me cos I used to latch her to sleep every night so had to kick off her habit totally.

as long as she's fine now, that's more important. I always worry that my girl is too small sized like never grow much but she's always so happy and seems healthy which is most important to me.
ND's girl, you go see my facebook, my son's height. He is the shortest and smallest size kiddo in his K1 class. But I am not worry, coz he may take after my bro, who was very skinny and small. Now he is big and getting fat, lol.

BTW, just to share, my son's immune system is all along very weak. When he was a baby, I had my fair share of going to A&E at KKH, waiting for hours. When ever he had fever, he will vomit out all his milk, refused to drink medi, milk or even glucose which doc asked me to give him. I can only secretly feed him milkwhen he was in deep sleep coz only then, he will accept food. Its part and puzzle of a life and how a baby is like, coz now, Vivi is different from him. So every kids are different and when they grow up, they will grow to be stronger and will not be so difficult for us. So you all first time mummies, just hang on first.

I worry when i need to wean off the night feeds.

When u feed yr bb bottle, do yr bb accept u feeding her bottle?
Dear all,anyone using humidifier?Recently have been thinking whether to buy humidifier or not,as Nicho always wake up for water at nite.
I have a weak constitution all along. Always keep falling sick. Got 1 year i finish nearly 20 days of MC.

When i am small, my parents once bring me to see chinese doctor bec all the western medicine can't cure. maybe if u find the western medicine dun cure, can try chinese medicine.

wake up for water and humifier got any relation? I dun see any relation.

Singapore is ored so humid, need to have humifier? If too humid can also lead to growth of more dust mites and mildew.
i can feel ur sadness in your posts lor..cheer up ya, its over, and gwen is doing well now =)..A Happy ger ger =D..
ellysia,i think there's a relation cause humidifier suppose to give moisture,we are sleeping in aircon room,and i think the ac will make throat dry,that's why he keep waking for water.I don't know whether humidifier will help or not.
ok i go see later

my gal is really very petite, at 9 months she is only 7.2kg, i scared she undernourished

have to endure the crying initially. when i first started partial bf, we took a very long time to get her used to the bottle cos she kept rejecting and kept crying
<font color="aa00aa">MIA in the morning as got big issue to settel.

Thanks for the advise on stop BF. Actually i'm more worry on the part of breast lump, etc. I was wondering if the milk will become lump or not. Do i sound stupid har? No time to do read up on this issue, so the fastest way is ask in here. hehehe.....

Yest nite i brought my #1 to see chinese doc after weeks she's not recovered from drinking all those western med. So give it a try, keep my fingers crossed on this.

My #1 will still vomit if she's hvin fever lor. I think i hvnt 'passed' the phase yet! *sigh*
ND's girl, I think my gal also around same as yours, only that I never bring her to weigh. My PD mentioned, as long as they eat sleep well, its ok. Small size ok wat, good for gals, hee, she sometimes very funny. I already kang kai liao, coz my son also small size. Wait till i have time, will create an album for him in FB and post his class photos, you will see how small he is compared to his classmates.

Felicia, my boy will vomit also, even now he is reaching full 5yrs old. Only tat he is not so weak compared to last time, dun worry, the phase will pass soon.
i dunno if will turn to lump but i did feel lumpy but after some time the breasts will turn 'soft &amp; fluffy' again

cos my in-laws always say my girl 长不大
One Ang Mo thought she's only 2.5 months old when she is already 9 months old!
Ask your boy to play basketball
Hi ladies,

Had lessons from 8am till now so didn't 'appear' this morning.. heehee..

crystal: can see that both gwen and u are tramautised by this incident.. dun be so sad, k? good thing is that its all over.. n gwen is back to her happy n cheerful self..

think happy thoughts now!! think about gwen's 1st bday celebrations.. heehee... seems to be the hype here these few days!!

ellysia: my PD told me to prepare egg yolk must be fully cooked, not half cooked.. so he suggested hard boiled egg yolk is the best.. but i find it a bit dry.. my MIL mixed the egg yolk into the porridge n feed my ger..

veniz: thanks for the encouragement.. so i guess vivi is easier than your boi?
ND's gal, tell your hor, not all angmo babies re big size one, there are some who are on small,asian size, dun worry and dun care of wat your in laws say. Tell them, she takes after you (you look petite too) and for gals, so big size for wat.... I will ask boy to play basketball, but need to check with doc in regards to his left foot first, see if he can run and play well first. :0

Angelz, dun worry lar, here we share mah, like Felicia's gal a bit same as son, so i tell her that its like tat for him, so dun worry. I havent cook egg yolk for vivi yet, but gave her egg tofu with porridge, she loves it. Yes, she is so much easier, thus its like quite easy for me, I sometimes felt not used to the easiness compare to last time bizness. Anyway, better dun type so much here, have to touch wood! Heehee.
<font color="aa00aa">veniz,
nothing scary, but some sicko parents who smoke drugs themselves &amp; give it to their bb as 'food' &amp; ask him if it is good &amp; want somemore??? sicko idiots! txs goodness someone pointed out to the authorities who haul the parents up. but dunno wat happen to the poor bb lor...</font>
anyway i do enjoy my gal small size, at least for now i can still carry her, if too big i scared i cannot carry

i saw the video partial only and i want to cry. the baby girl look so adorable
Hi Fen, its not occupyin my office la..but we nd to do hsekeepin so i brought it home..i won be at work on friday...maybe sometime next wk..can?
I tot u forgot abt it lor...
Crystal, I am not really afraid of scary stuff, just dont want to watch upsetting movies, or related otherwise my mind will keep wandering to sad stuff and I may break down. Just want to stay focus and straight forward so tat I can make sure I can pay 100% responsibility to my kids. You know, I have to keep reminding myself not to talk too much to hb, coz I dun want to argue unnecessary to his forever critism.

Rizty, ask you, yesterday you went swensen, the 1 for 1 main course, does it applies to set lunch?
<font color="aa00aa">Veniz,
Thanks for ur assurance. Just hope the phase can fast fast go thru. hehe...
hey, i'm juz like u, dont like to see sad related things. It'll haunted me lor. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">ND girl,
is the bb a ger or boy? i cant see the face clearly + i didnt on the audio cos in office, so i end up on reading the lines...yes, the bb very adorable...

i c....</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ladies, wanna ask any idea whether a PR will get her 8weeks paid ML for her 3rd delivery? Coz juz heard from a friend, no paid ML for 3rd child of a PR leh. Wanna double confirm on this.</font>

U mean u feed her water at night?
How come u know she want water and is not milk?


thks.. i was tinking abt hard boil egg too. else how to separate. but have to be v careful bah.


gal small is ok.. if boy then a bit worry.


If u slowly wean off, shouldn't have lump. Since u ored try before to tahan long hrs without any pump, shd be ok bah.

So u weaning off so soon? tot since yr milk so much, will cont beyond 1 yrs old.
nd's gal and veniz
isaiah also super small size, i tink he's only 7.9kg coming to 10 mths... like wat veniz said, we kang kai le, as long as he's healthy and everything ok can le...

hi felicia
not so sure abt it, maybe can check with www.mom.gov.sg

crystal, wat did the parents do? im afraid to watch...
looks like a girl to me cos got many curls on her head, i also cannot on the sound

ya my hb also always say girl small size is good

ya as long as healthy and happy
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia,
I'm supposed to stop earlier to treat my knee problem, but i 'she bu de', keep delaying till now. At least must achieve 9mths. hehe...
Coz is not recommended for me to cont BF when taking the medications. This will need 3 mths, then cont with glucosamine as supplement. Thou my pain is bearable, but it was a torture when i have stand in mrt for long.
And i'm quite afraid i'll ended up in wheel chair very soon, so better start treatment early.

Roxy, thanks!</font>

If its for the health, then better try to stop soon.

For me i also scared, dunno if my eyes will give me problem again.
Hi angel z,

your MIL cook the porridge with the egg yolk, btw, the egg yolk is hard boil liao put in and mixed or raw egg take out the egg yolk and cook with the porridge?
As i also thinking let my bb try, but not sure which way is better?
<font color="aa00aa">roxy,
they fed the bb a kind of drug as food. siao!

ND ger,
i not so observant, so didnt notice.
okie, so bb is a ger, not boy...</font>
I tink it will affect the organs as bb is v vulnerable. not only the issue of addiction but it will affect the internal organs.
I tink easier to hard boil it, peel away the white then use the yolk. If separate the raw one first, may accidentally mix in a bit during the midst of separating.
hi shinely,

like what ellysia said, its easier to hard boil the egg then use the yolk..

but when i asked my MIL, she told me she mix raw egg yolk with the porridge.. but she assure me that she drain the egg white n yolk properly such that onli egg yolk goes in..

i saw her did it once.. she used spoon to separate the egg yolk very skillfully (cos she very exp in cooking).. then she will drain the egg yolk for few sec to let all the egg white go down..

then she will use to small spoon to scoop out and use the middle of egg yolk, leaving the outer egg yolk (those in contact with egg white) aside..

Hope this is not too confusing... =P
<font color="aa00aa">felicia,
dunno who video it down lar but it is a clip from the CNN &amp; someone posted tat CNN news clip on youtube.

<font color="blue">hey crystal,
i went to view the video..the parents damn sicko!!! they themselves were the 1s who video the whole thing...but i think cos they are addict n hard-up for $$ so they pawn the video camera but without realising dat the video is still in there..so when the ppl from the pawnshop go through the video clips, they saw this n send it to the police..super sick leh these ppl.. i did a google n found another more detailed video..the guy can still say it's "gd stuffs" to the toddler lor..wah lau..

here's the link..
<font color="aa00aa">bizznow,
tis video is clearer than the one on youtube. OMG! i tot i saw a hand grabbing the bb's head to take the pot! then the poor ger choked &amp; cough reai badly. but the sicko parents dun care!

LOL so the parents themselves leaked out the clips. serve them rite. is tis wat they call karma? or maybe i've just learnt a new term - bloomererg effect (cause &amp; effect). best to lock these pple in for a long long time.

ND ger,
yes, u r rite, the bb is a ger, the link bizznow post is much clearer &amp; can tell.

mine wasnt big to start off wif, so no diff for me.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hey, really crazy plus sicko parent lor! Was wondeirng for how long the baby had been feed with the drug. So terrible!

Leng Leng,
Medication will affect the size of breast?
Anyhow, me hvnt stop bf, mine oredy beceome smaller leh.</font>

wa... so sad to see the video.. reali not for the faint-hearted parents..

feel so sad for the baby ger.. to being forced the drug.. =(

I watched the 1st half then i can't bear to conintue watching liao.. this is too crazy..

hopefully the parents are being arrested n punished.. i curse them!!!!!


What yogurt u give yr bb? I rem reading some postings u made on yogurt. i can't find natural unsweetened yogurt for babies, can give those normal types? I mean not those for babies.
