(2008/05) May 2008

sugar, ya lor, perhaps my friend wanted to see see look look, maybe she can find someone better overseas..that's y she refuse the proposal. hehe

angela, hehe.. ur hubby definitely won't allow you to study one, he will want u to look after princess Megan wholeheartedly right

Diamonddust, Alice, Jo, Icebaby
Have PM u the Mayuki spree organiser's contact. I am her regular customers now, buy almost every week. Buy for my friends, colleagues & relatives. Don't buy from other source that imitates Mayuki's clothing.. the quality really poor.. I kena cheated so many times I gave up.. Now I only buy from Mayuki, value for $$, quality really good :p

Diamonddust, if u really feel that size 1 is too tight, better exchange with Su Ling soon. Can 1-1 exchange for free right? ")

Dolly, wah.. 18 babies! no wonder ur hubby got a shock.. hehe

Alice, i told my hubby wherever he goes I will tag along loh, must stay as a family together, I also cannot stand being away from my hubby for too long.. Especially after what happen to my colleague at work. Her husband went Shang Hai for work for 2 years, my coll. remain in S'pore with her daughter, they promise each other that they will love each other no matter what.. In the end, my colleague fall for another male colleagues of mine in the office.. So so so sad loh, they used to be such a loving couple.. everyone in the office felt so disappointed with her, i tried to talk her out of it, but she say she very lonely la, than this guy treat her veri nice la.. hai~

gina, oh ya.. i notice that too, my girl also wriggle out of the pillow every night.. y suddenly they'll do that hor. okok.. me going to buy some cereal for my gal too

Lynn, glad that u finally got ur handsfree set.. Yeah.. I like Juliet's service standards a lot.. I've been recommending her to many colleagues. No problem with the pouch.. size 2 too loose ah?? maybe u want change to size 1?

yueling, i haven try front carry yet, maybe try over the weekends.. Y watse $$? u not intending to use the pouch le?

HB don understand the usefulness of the pouch cos most of the time we carried the baby ma.. without the pouch our hand will suan like hell then muscle will start growing on the arms...hehehe.. I personally love pupsik pouch.. my boi slep in the pouch most of the time when he was younger, new born till 3mths old.. once i leave him on the bed he cry he feel safe in the pouch ba.... now 4mths old better liao.. he started to nod if we take the pouch mean go "gai gai liao" hehe. i bought thoes carrier as well but still prefer to use the pouch and recently bought another one! So I have 2 liao..haha

Tat's why lor i bot the pouch,becos my gal like slept when i carry her lei. if i put down she cried , sigh.. u can imagine how "suan/sng" my hand everyweekend.

now i can onli carry her "front carry", hm.. so if she sleep i oso must carry her without pouch lor.. how did u use the pouch to carry ur bb when ur boy sleep ?
u my senior leh.. i also from IJ punggol.. keke

xiao hua
can PM me on Mayuki also? thanks thanks

re:song and song
haben heard abt this shop b4.. just now, one of my colls mentioned this shop also.. so later after work, i'll be gg with my colls to clementi to have a look

re: cracks in nipple
i still having it lor.. 3 weeks plus liao.. so sian and painful.. wanted to stop BF but see that i still got supply.. i feel so sayang to give up.. but seriously.. the pain is tormenting..
Alice ,

You are leaving ? which part of india ? Your hubby working for SQ huh ??

You dun get to see us while there but can log in here to chat
Rachel will be a smart gal as so much exposure since baby get to see the WORLD
I slot him inside lo.. follow the instruction in youtube. E 1st few times very hard and i nearly gave up on the pouch that y I go n buy another carrier..cos his legs jam and basically he don like ppl to cradle carry him... then he struggle and cry...heheh. Then when i tried more often it becomes easy and he get used to it as he nod once i slot him inside mean can slep liao .. he will hid his face inside the pouch and fell aslep immediately. But now as he grow i can only front carry him, personally I find that front carry is so much easier then cardle. He very busibody now, don slep in pouch liao cos he nod he go gai gai.. and i now put him slep in yaolan tat y he don slep in pouch anymore!heheh
If u feel tat so hard to slot ur bb inside use the front carry. if too lose can do another fold near the shoulder, tis is how Suling told mi, and i tink it works.
oh ya yueling,maybe u can try put bb in yaolan. My boi before i put him in yaolan he super light sleeper, i put him down he will cry..and i cant leave him sleeping alone n do my work aft sleping in yaolan he sleep longer!
kolkata very lok and poor i think... too bad.. tot at least when i go back flying i can visit you... but i'd rather not get indian flts... :p

you used to fly for how long??? think we've never flown together before as i dun find you familiar.. you quit becos of pregnancy?
i miss flying so much... still dream of it all the time.. haha.. sometimes got funny dreams tat i'm on flight and forget to leave milk for tim.. such an awful mum...

must have seen you in sp canteen 6... 2 yrs later than me mah... hahah..those poly days were crazy..

can you pm me the mayuki organiser.. me interested...thanx
i din hv yaolan.
but funny ting is weekday is my hb aunty look after her. she v guai and can sleep longer.
on weekend time, i look after she quite bully me..
carry all the time and some time dun want to sleep..
haha she bully u and wan attention... my boi bully my mum during weekdaes.. week end he quite alrite ever since i put him in yaolan. but he surely a attention seeker.. he loves to shout to get attention.
Don worry la.. they change their behaviour very fast one, like last week suddenly don like to tak bath scream when i put him in the bath tub, then tis week he ok again.. haiz.. kids..so funni
hi ladies... good noon...

xiao hua, me also interested in mayuki clothes... can send me e contact too? thanks very much...

going to bring my gal for her 6-1 jab this saturday... she had fever after her 1st jab hopefully this jab wont kena fever again... btw e syringe use to feed e fever medicine to baby need to sterilize before using again? and fever medicine need to keep in e fridge after use?

sugar, saw tat u bought e beco carrier also have u tried it on tim yet? my gal loves it can sleep in it but e difficult part is getting her into e infant insert she'll scream leh... find beco not as hot as using mim sarong sling.
Hi Jo

Yes i used to be in tourism trade and maybe you gals ever see me on TV.. hahahaha!! Was in the trade for 13yrs until i have Megan. Was given hospitalised leave from 12weeks till 28weeks, then company say my hospitalised leave too long and as me to quit...
i dint get any maternity leave.. You know all the SME company is like that...

Hi Alice

I nvr easy when come to Hb have to travel and we are not together... I totally understand how you feel as my hb travels alot too... i am lucky i have my mum that always keep me company.. if not i really dunno how to survive that.

Hi Lynn

You are right.. have to treat them nicer as the are making money for us to spend... hahaha!! But at times make also so abit of colour if not they think housewife stupid... haha!!

Hi Jane

No worries... i will be more than happy to get them for you. But how can i pass them to u? Usually i get abit bigger size for them as bigger is beta than smaller :p You staying in Sengkang of Punggol right?? Maybe this Sunday i pass to my Brother as he staying at Sengkang and he can call you and pass to you.. How abt that?? let me know... I PM you my mobile later..

Hi Xiao Hua

WOW.. you know my hb so well... YES!! he dun allow me to go work so dun even talk abt studies. Yesterday i went facial, the beautician as me who take care of bb, i say my mum and ask if i am working, i say no... I so paiseh to tell her actually... sighz...
Hi Lynn Chang,

Yap. Thought you disappeared for a while. :p

RE: Handsfee
Its such a life-saver for me while I was pumping. Glad it did help. Did you can the shield too? You can now mulit-task! Because of this product, that I'm able to brace on to pump. Else I was thinking to give up everyday... well finally Adam decides to latch on. Perhaps he knows that his BM days will be over if he still refuses to latch. :p Strive on Lynn. Don't give up. Dylan might latch on.

RE: Romper
Ha... Yap. Adam and Dylan was the only boys with romper the other day. :p I like to dress him up like a little innocent kid. They will have their time to dress up in jeans and t-shirts. But then again, I saw his chubby legs and diapers showing... and think that was rather rude. haaa... am starting to let him wear pants.

RE: Organic milk tea
Hmmm... I should say that it may not taste too good. Can add a bit of honey for favour. If you are a chinese tea lover, you might be able to take it. So far I'm fine with the taste. Think of MILK... :p You can try the tea. Hope it helps you too.
Hey Ladies I need some advise

Tuesday - My MIL change Rayen Diaper at 7pm and when I change again @ 11.30 I realise she didn't pee... and the next morning 7.30am when she is awake I realise there are orange pink on her diaper. Her diaper is not very wet maybe only pee like 1 or 2 times. The orange pink thingy gone this morning put she didn't pee from 7pm to 12mn last nite. Wander is it usual for BB not to pee for so long.
i've used the beco a few times liao... but i never put he baby in the insert leh... think its good as tim can sleep in it... i've taken the bus (off peak period) a few times already!!!!i won't dare to do tat with the sling
pooh, sugar, annabelle, tracie,

PM u the Mayuki spree contact le.. Happy shopping!

re: mayuki spree
mayuki going into Autumn collection le, so hurry up, get their summer collection before they change.

pooh, you are back! he he.. go missing for so long, u must be extremely busy with ur 3 kids & work. I will PM u the link.
U coming to SK this weekend? Can join the gathering at Dolly house? Been wanting to meet ur babes & Kieran so much .. hehe
Aiyo, nipple crack still not heal ah? the pain mus be very bad.. got see doc again?

Angela, hehe.. dun be pai say lah.. You should proudly tell the beautician that u r a 'tai tai' mah.. hehe.. so many ppl envy u dun need to work, got hubby take care of everything

Faith, yeah! lucky we came to know about this handsfree strap.. hehe.. me too, without handsfree, I may have raise white flag long time ago lieo.

I lurveee my poly days, always hang around canteen chit chat. Yes...canteen 6..i liked the western food (pork chop), chicken rice not bad, dessert also. Those were the days...

Still having cracked nipple? Very painful to latch i know. Now the skin around my right nipple dunno why quite dry and after he latch also abit pain but tolerable. Same as you, thinking of stopping but can't bear to.

Oh you IJ ponggol too?
The old building..

my baby had the orange/pink crystals a few days after discharge from hospital. PD told me already this might happen if he is dehydrated (cos my milk supply not in yet). So when i saw it, i immed supplement him some FM first. Your baby drinking milk now? Try give some water to keep hydrated.
Xiao Hua

Pleaseeee Tai Tai life not like tat de... you look at those that always hi-tea with friends, spend money without thinking and caculating.. then they are tai tai... HAHA!!

Megan love that baby pouch... She dosen want to get out from there. Everytime i take her out of the pouch, she start crying.. She even fell zzz in the pouch... so funni. Mom say is a good buy and i am very happy
xiao hua
thx! will check my mail later on

this sunday i cant make it to dolly's hse.. coz friday and saturday, i'm doing night shifts.. hehe..
wanted to see ur le xuan also
any idea, when u coming to the west?

tracie/xiao hua
only can tahan the pain now.. dun noe why it kept cracking also.. can see sometimes it's abt 80-90% heal then suddenly it will crack again.. hate that sharp pain when kieran 1st latch on it.. i think see doc no use ba, they will only give me painkiller
my senior doc in my dept told me to try manual pumping but how... i cant use so much time at work doing manual mah.. haiz

yup, i from that old building one.. keke... so surprised we can find each other here
xiao hua,
can pm ur mayuki spree link also? there are so many pple spreeing the same thing. jsut dunno which one is good. thanks a lot.
Xiao Hua you are right think she is dehydrated the other day, as we just back from Genting and think she refuse bottle so didn't drink much. Now no more orange pee but I wander any baby don't pee for so long 7pm to 12mn... About 5hrs leh. Kind of worry 8(
as long ur kid pee well during the day, clear, yellowish urine. it shld be fine

my #1 dun pee during the night at all, could save alot of diapers $$ and also she's trained faster on potty training. now my boy pee less also.. his diapers is still wet but now not that wet and heavy liao

Wah. Baby get expose to different cultures so soon. That's good.

RE: Breastfeeding medication
Anyone who wants to stop breastfeeding let me know okay? I can bring the left over pills my doc gave me. **I am NOT encouraging anyone who wants to con't. I am pro-supporter. I just asking in case anyone wants. Cos I still have around 14-15 pills (I only took 4-5 pills to stop)


Did Rayen drink alot of liquid? Or maybe perspire alot?
Hi Ladies,

Batch 2 of Mozart cubes arrive liao. I need to collect $13.40 for the shipping for each cube. This time round shipping slightly cheaper cos there were 10 cubes. And exchange rates remains the same, so no top up required.

So ladies, please transfer the excess to my POSB savings account at 131-41132-4 before you collect ok? Let me know when u have made the transfer. Those going to Dolly house on Sunday, I can bring it for you on SUnday but do me a favour by transfering the money first ok? Thanks alot.

The rest of you please let me know if u are doing self collection or postage, Thanks again.

Are you going on Sunday? Let me know asap and transfer me 13.83 to my account for the shipping ok? So I can pass it to u on Sunday as well then u don't need to trouble n come collect from me.

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube(batch 2):
1. Jocelyn Ng ([email protected])
2. Icebubbles
3. Diamonddust
4. Ant1712
5. Annabelle
6. Ivy ([email protected])
7. Joanna Ong
8. Yvonne Ng
9. Pooh
10. Mogudog
hmm... then that is a gd choice to take carnival =) Me tried cradle and dun like it too... I'm carrying rachel with front carry... she feels more comfortable that way... when she slp u just have to shift her legs to yr right side and she will be in a better slping position with ur left arm as head rest... i like it, very convenient!

xiao hua,
Oh... i ordered mine from Twinkle... like the one u sent me too... nice design! But I can't read the chinese character leh... maybe must download the chinese software. I like this bcos they go by batches which is cool, u can ordered anytime u like

Aiyo... so sad to hear that yr colleague fall for another guy. Think is impt to keep the family together to avoid all these kind of problems!

my gal dun like pillow too... so from birth till down she is slping on nappy cloth folded to pillow shape haha... think is pretty convenient, can wash it anytime and change a new one!

ya... me leaving for Kolkata end of the month. Heard there are alot of chinese there still not so bad
I will chat with all mummies online and probably will meet up when i happen to be back next time =) Ya lor, my mum is saying so young get to travel ard liao, hehe!

u plan to fly again? when? I guess i will be staying at home most of the time
heard we r staying in a more upper class area where all the expats stays. So hopefully not so bad ba...

Yr hubby travel to different places on short trip? if long one, u can follow mah, then Megan can also see the world
haha... also expose to diff germs in the same time... stress! travel with bb the first time, very worried... must protect her no matter what :cool: So scare that she will yell and cry during flight! Me more kan chiong than her
brought Rayden for his review this morning. His ultrasound for kidney and bladder are normal, but his urine still shows some infection, with high white blood count. Dr Ong instructed to let him continue with the antibotics for another 2 weeks (for preventive purpose). he also dun know why is he having this infection, as no other symptons found, except the foreskin at his bird bird there is abit tight, so this may be the reason that trapped the bacteria. So now every 2 weeks, have to bring him back for checkup, till everything is clear.

yes, of course you are welcome to join the gathering at my place.
Hehe since there are so many mummies coming, and i am too lazy to PM everyone, i will post my address on Sat, okay !
sugar, u didnt put tim in e insert? will he be too low to see off e side? hmmm maybe i can try cause for me i always put her into e insert but she'll scream lor... and she doesnt like e buckle at e side block her view i think so she'll grumble abit then i'll unbuckle one side to let her view e surroundings but abit lopsided cause onli buckle one side so weight more on one shoulder... buckle back onli when she sleeps... i find beco better then sling
jus tat putting in part headache... can tim see over e carrier? if he cant view things from e beco will grumble?

xiao hua, thanks for the link
will check my mail later...

wow so many from SP ar? me too but different course i'm from mechanical engineering... think later intake in 1999. but love to eat at canteen 6 miss e cheese prata heehee...
Poor Rayden, hope he recover soon!
I heard from my MIL tat bateria always like to hid inside the foreskin causing UTI esp we don nod wat is the proper way to clean it. I circumisized my boi when he is 6weeks old. My MIL told mi that my HB always ganna infection when he was yuong so doc said this the best way to prevent infection.
sugar, why NYJC? coz 'o' level results not good enough to choose better JCs lor:p

alice, thanks for the recommendation on the pig organ soup but the problem is i dare not to eat intestine, only dare to eat pig's liver...

me too was apart from hubby for about 7 mths when preggie, coz i chose to come back to sg to give birth ..at least at home, my mom can make some tonic drinks for me to 'bu' my health..hubby was grumbling everyday on phone he was so boring !!

is your bb bottle-fed or breast-fed? If on FM, maybe can get your hubby to check what FM is available there..i went to supermarket to check what FM they carry here and found they have S26,NaN, Karicare and when bb born, i let him take NaN in sg coz can get it in oz too..
Pooh and Icebaby thanks for the advise...

She perspire a lot, hopefully she didn't pee is due to she is in deep sleep so didn't wet her diaper during that time. Still need to monitor.
wow, you let your boy circumsized at so young when he was 6 weeks. Is it very painful, i cannot imagine how is Rayden gg to be if i also let him circumsized ? I will feel very heartpain when he cry badly.
jovial, where did you go for the circumized? i wanted to circumize my boy too but after giving birth, so tired and pain here,pain there, forgot to do it :-( so now got to wait till we go back for CNY next year then do ..he will be 9 mth old then, did your bb feel pain or not?
alice, dont worry, babies are very good traveller, better than toddlers..i brought my bb back to oz when he was 2 mth old, thruout the whole flight, he very guai (surprisingly), sleep and drink, even when awake, play by himself in the bassinet, there was another 6 mth old bb besides us, also very guai...luckily he was sleeping when take-off and landing so he didnt cry or have any ear pain...if your bb not sleeping during taking off or landing, let bb suck on the pacifier or let bb drink water...moreover, travel with a bb got priority :p
Dolly , Lukemummy:
At 1st i aso hesitated, my heart feel so painful le.. i read in the forum, ppl all say must do it as soon asap aft birth, if nt they will feel painful. the best time is 6-8 weeks old, and the fees is cheaper. I did it in Enous a clinic, doc very experience. the process was less then 5mins, he cried for less then 1min. aft that he did not fuss also.. the ring came off in abt 1 week later. healing was really fast, mayb becos he is young, and i tell u my boi gt elephant skin, injection nv cry one! so i tink thats explained y he didnt fuss aft the surgery ba.
I brought my bb to PD this noon b'cos she keep crying since this morning. Almost cry every 1 hrs. Refuse to sleep and drink. She drink very little since yesterday afternoon, only 20 ml every 2 hrs. last few days she can drink 90 to 100ml every 2.5 hrs. I suspect it must b'cos she not poo for 1 week.

So doctor pump in liquid to make her poo. She had poo a lot and twice after pump in liquid. Till the diapers can't hold & came out from back. Once reach home she finally can sleep but drink slightly increase only.

Very stres. Don't know what to do. This few days is the first time i on leave and take care her alone at home.
I try to purchase the cream from pharmacy but they refuse to sell. It must be doctor prescript.

Anyone experience when we eat heaty stuff, baby will hv more rashes on face. Also for milk rashes? I found recently i took beef and moon cake, her face and neck start hv rashes.
tim's head is above the carrier... think maybe his body quite long??

dun think sq will torture it's staff... luckily you're staying in the expat area... oh ya... i remember watching this documentary... there's a chinatown in kolkata... btw chinese food in india is quite nice.. tried the ones in delhi and mumbai...not bad

my fav was the pig organ soup(with no organs)... and the chicken rice... last time always skip lessons to gossip in the canteen too...

last time got quite a no of engineering guys will come to our side and mingle with the ba guys.. poor things.. think the ratio of guys to gals in ba was 1 to 5...
kelcqi, have transferred the amt to ur acct. trans no.1891009193 btw will u be near any mrt station in e afternoon tmr? have pm u my contact no. to liase on collection. thanks for helping to get e cube
hahaha. no use showing my hubby the stretchmarks one la, he will says go nw aft 2nd one still the same have to go again waste $$ one.

hahaha. ya, my hubby quite socialable la. even if no guys all gals he also ok with going =P hahaha, sun we put them together n we shall see. hahaha. somemore if they really bcum gd friends gd also, we stay in yishun can always meet up for dinner / coffee =P

ya, nt v gd to keep relying on ur mum even tho i am sure she dun mind =) when is ur flat coming in? must plan properly ah. one of my gal pals got preg while she was in her 1st yr of part time degree. worst thing is her flat came in at the same time too and she have to cope with studies, pregnancies and reno. she just delivered in aug and she is still taking 1 mod this sem and she was complaining to me its really v tiring. u consider carefully ya. if u wan, can link uwith my friend then u find out more frm her =) can pm me the contacts for the mayuki clothings? i seriously need to upgrade my wardrobe too. alot of my clothes also can wear. now upgrading frm xs /s to M =(

Re: Song & Song,
hmm..seems like i must find 1 day go there & look out for bargains liao. hehhee. save $$ = can buy more things.

ya lo, if can patch best la, if nt $$ go to waste ho? teach u a method, u blow up the float till v full, then u drop soap water on the float. u will see small bubbles on the "lau hong" place =) gd luck =) or u ask ur hubby find la, hehehe. say u must use the time to look aft Megan instead. lolz =P

wah! so shiok still go spa!!! must be so relaxing aft it rite? hehehe. WAH! u wear it to wk!? nt uncomfortable ah? hahaha. if u buy me ice cream or coffee think u need to buy alot of other mummies here ice cream & coffee too coz i am nt the only one who says u dun look like 30s. hehehe. 19 babies, think ur neighbour will faint if many babies cry at the same time. lolz.

jia you!!! wherever u are, just rem we are only some clicks away, as long as there is internet u can always rely on us for companies. hehehe. I understand hw u feel coz my huby was overseas during my entire 1st trimester *imagine my 1st gynae visit & stuffs he wasnt there, i feel so lonely* n frm my 35-38weeks of preg. ya, bonding is very impt, for both adults n Rachel. =) Jia you and do rem to share with us ur exp lo. hehehe. scally u may even end up doing more sprees frm there. whahaha.

if any of us do find nice caps for our boys mayb we can share the info =P *otherwise read as tempt each other to buy* hahaha.

hope Rayden will recover soon.

hmm..i did asked hubby if we wanna circumisized my boy for hygiene but hubby says let my boy decides in future...

i brought my boy for the ps on 30-aug and now his photos are ready, this time rd v fast!

my boy going for his 2nd 6-in-1 & follow-up tml, shall update how he is growing for the past 1 mth =)
