(2008/05) May 2008

re: serangoon garden (SG)

i really like this place..i used to stay temp at Li Hwan Drive , very near to SG, always go chomp chomp to eat, the hokkien mee, fried carrot cake and fried oyster used to be very good but now after the renovation, not so good anymore..the fish porridge and satay bee hoon still very good, yum yum..there is this Borsch restaurant, really a survivor, been there for donkey years but biz still very good, they sell nice and reasonably priced western set meal ..miss the lamb chop..the only downside about SG is the limited parking lot, sometimes so diff to get a lot..
corynn, my gynea's clinic is called Dr' Koh's clinic for women..opposite the clinic is a coffee shop and next to the coffeeshop is a small temple, after the temple, you walk all the way straight up (at your left side), you will passby the shop selling kids clothings too but i dont know the name of the shop, they sell more jackets and after this shop, walk straight again and you will find song & song shop.. (somwhere opp Bangawa Solo)

sugar, i was from Methodist Girls too :) but from MGS , the one at mt sophia road, now the shcool has moved to bukit timah..
sugar, i also from SP's biz ad..haha !! majored in marketing..i graduated in 1992..during my era, most stidents would like to go JC then i also followed the trend, went to study at nanyang JC but during 2nnd year, 1/2 more year to take A level , i decided to change to SP, JC very sianz so stagnant, POly life more fun and flexible, and most of all, dont need to wear school uniform :p..luckily chose poly, coz after that, went UK to get my degree only needed 1 year, dont need 2 years, save $$
U mentioned that u bough a round tip tewzeer to help clean ur bb's nose, rite?
What brand ah? How much does it cost?
I found one fr. Pigeon but cos it is fr japan, all writing in Japanese.
I would how to use it?

Re:Gum Massager
How does it work? Insert finger into the rubber thing n massage bb's gums?

Re:Mummies who bought the pouch
I hv received mine. But not too sure how to use it. Those gg to Dolly's hse, y don't we all bring along n see if we can learn fr each other?
Hi Linda Chang,

the tea we are discussing about is the organic Mother's Milk. It promotes healthy lactation. 16 wrapped tea bags in a box. http://www.traditionalmedicinals.com/index.php?id=30&pid=79
This tea helps me to get a bit of boost whenever my supply is low.
And i'm taking 2 cap of ferngreek from GNC every night to regulate the milk production.

wow! that's good. Finally a bit of breather for you ya. I'm still waiting for the day where my boy can sleep through...
Always wakes up with bodyache and extreme tiredness.

Yap. It's Pigon brand.
First, I will use the hopeless nasal pump. Try to suck the dirt out a little then insert tweezer in bb's nose and clip the dirt out. If the dirt is still wet, I use the rounded tip to gently dig out a little then pull the rest out. (rest of mummies reading this, apologise for the unsightful description) :p
Before doing this, you might wan to tell Ryan what you are doing and that you are helping him to clear his nose. After cleaning, show the dirt to him.
Amazingly, Adam understands and will be very still during the subsequent nose cleaning session. U might even win a smile from Ryan after that. :p
RE: Soon Kueh

I shall just order the normal kind. =)

xiao hua,

Dun envy because i have alot of help...and cos till now I dun myself being a good mummy.

yes I was working and studying the whole time. My masters lah. My degree was before I got married (but was also studying and working). I think some degrees are okay to tell them you wish to take 1 module at a time or 2 modules max. It is slower to finish BUT at least chances of graduating is higher (i.e. passing without a burn off)


Got it. If I go there makan, will go see. =)


Marine parade have also? Where..hahaha


Yah. Muffins nice. I love muffins ALOT. heehee


What is ur add? Can Pm me? Thanks!

lukemummy and sugar,

wah both from SP. I was from NP (grad 1999) from accountancy.

**Got to go for meeting at 2pm...sigh..
Wow! 16years old is very old for a dog! My previous Silky lived till 14years only. My current dog is 7YO. He still glues to me everytime i go over. I had to come to this difficult decision to leave him at my mum's cos he was not getting quality care at home with us. After picking kids up from MIL, we can only reach hm 10plus so poor him is all alone. But at my mum's place, my mum is at home all day so he's got company.
lukemommy, sugar,
i grew up in serangoon gardens too.
studied in cooling close convent.

sugar, i went to sing poly too...graduated in 1995.

Yes, watched the video but still like not so quick as the lady in the video.
My bb must be wondering what mummy is doing...
adjusting him here n there

What abt u?

i carried bb and wear the sling alreadym,but i duno how to put the bb go inside pouch...hahha
until my bb so angry, and scream..
what position did u try? i tried the kangoroo carry lor.. but look so difficult.
Xiao Hua ,

ya i got a big fat dog ...hahah ...my boy like watching him running around . He will not dare to go near my boy ... and when i said baby thing ah ...no no ..he will never take his thing if we drop on the floor !

Corynn ,

Okie ...i go back and check and post it online tonight
faith ,

hahah ... you coming this sunday !! Finally get to see you tai tai and Adam :p

My boy also the same when i try to clear his nose he will keep still and smile at me hahah ..but i use cotton bud only .
Faith ,

How do the mother`s milk taste like ...cos i hate to drink milk .Even thought when having my boy i hardly drink milk ...my mom everytime scold me for drinking
Re:Dolly's place on 21 Sep @ 2pm
1) dolly -
2) Tracie & Baby Duncan - playmat
3) Alice - dry mee siam (a bit spicy)
4) ant aka ting & hb alan & bb aldan - titbits
5) Corynn - apple struddel
6) Jo / Jo`s Hubby Eric & Baby Jorel - pizza
7) icebaby aka jaime - soon kueh
8) xiao hua (will try to make it) -
9) sugar aka mona - assorted cakes
10) Felval - agar agar
11) Jer -
12) babylynn - fruits yoghurt
13) muzicgal - broiled chicken wings
14) Tinkerbelle
15) Little princes_mummy aka Jane -Assorted fruits
16) Faith , hubby & BB Adam
17) Choc, hb, Baby Raphael - Banana Choc Muffins (Home made)
18) icebubbles, hubby and Baby Javier - fried wanton
19) winnedy, hubby and Baby Nicholas (will try to make it, cos its MIL bday) - nuggets

Dolly, Thanks for the invite!
Faith, hang on !! the day your bb sleeping thru the nite will come very soon !!:) every week or so, bb will have unexpected behaviour and surprises..just like my boy, suddenly can drink from 3 oz to 5 oz overnite !! and can somemore tahan for 5 hours for the next feed ,i was somehow caught offguard by his this sudden change of feeding behaviour... i still have slight backache too perhaps due to frequent bending down to pick him up from bassinet and rocker..

hahah ...muffins homemake yum yum my favourite ...during preggy i used to eat almost every week .I love the spice & choc at shunfu rd !!

Was thinking to get that 1 but they do not open on sunday . Very tao but they are very good !
Choc & Spice dun even on Mondays now. But they open very early on other days. Before 8am open already.

Wow, your place will be very crowded this Sunday hehe
hahaha. dolly's place will be v crowded and then aft we all left will be v messy also =P scally also left alot of food =P
Yo Ladies,

Log in later to reply. Nowadays so busy cos Erica flipping away. Sigh. Her dry swimming always companied wif her crying. -_-"

Can u transfer me 29.71 to my POSB savings account @ 131-41132-4? I placed the order for your cube already. Now waiting for your payment. Can u do so asap? Thanks.

Jer, Felval, Cheri, Luvbella,
Got your transfer already... Order placed on Sunday nite. Hopefully we can get it soon...
xiao hua,
ya, i agree baby needs u alot now. its really nt easy to pursue a degree n yet look aft Le Xuan @ the same time coz its really v demanding. do u bring her hm every nite or u staying with ur mum? u need to attend classes, then aft classes sure got hmwk n during assignments periods u need to rush assignments. do u think u have the capacity to handle work (if wkload increases hw?), studies n Le Xuan together? part time degree u can schedule to take mayb 1 module per sem but its a long n tiring rd. But u are still young, u may have the energy to handle all these together la. I did my degree when i was wking too, many nites I have to burn midnite oils especially during assignments n exams period. Imagine only can go meet my now-hubby-then-bf during the weekends. Somemore sometimes there are weekend classes...I cant imagine myself taking degree if I have a kid seriously =P My hubby actually wanted to further his studies too but he is also putting it on hold coz like cheri's hubby, he wans to spend more time with Damien. Do think carefully lo before u commit into it. ya, Villa Bali is @ Alexandra Rd, opp HP Building. Very nice environment to sit back relax n chat with friends. Used to frequent there but since preg cant drink so nv go there liao =) now also nv go back coz i m a guai guai mummy. hehe

hahaha. ur sis so funi. hmm...the mushroom head "lau hong" coz got hole? can patch it up mah?? =P i v cheapo ho. lolz.

lolz. lucky is boyish looks then. at least u dun look boyish now can liao =P

RE: bring hubby along for outings
hmm..looks like my hubby is the odd one out. he ok with joining me n my friends for outings one le...i also always join him n his friends/colleagues for outings =P
u left 3kg very gd le. i think going back to wk helps to bring the weight dwn huh? Tummy, i also have and its a flabby one but smaller already liao la. ya, 3yrs apart, i find it a gd gap la. 2yrs also can but 2010 is the yr of the tiger le...=( if accident kena 2010, no choice lo but i think i shall stick to my family planning =P so far, from my wedding to Damien all fall nicely into my schedule. hahaa. curious, y dec 2010? hehehe. mayb u pray for a twins or triplets then cfm can close shop b4 30yrs old. hahaha

hehee. i will try. ask u, how many hrs u put it on per day? i only wear when i go to slp coz lying dwn flat mah. hahaa.then when i latch my boy, i will remove n nv put back on coz i dozed off =P btw, u dun looks like u are in ur 30s lo =)

wah! so fast u started Rene on solid food liao? she likes it mah?

i reply till here 1st...my boy fussing away...
Yueling, I still using cradle carry, but her head must be outside the pouch coz she too long le..

muzicgal, haha.. only when he pouts looked like ur hubby ah

sugar, yap her bond for 18 mths.. her bf propose to her recently, she rejected her bf loh becoz of the bond, she scare later preggy, break bond must pay..

alice.. hehe.. I can’t cross my girls leg too.. I also not sure whether it’s ok to put her leg out, think will drop Su Ling a note to check with her. Haha, I also shop like mad at Tokyo Mayuki, half my wardrobe is mayuki’s clothings now

icebaby, ya.. slower to graduate but at least not so stress.. thanks thanks for ur advice

jo, haha.. big fat dog? Lol.. maybe Jorel can ride on ur dog when he’s bigger
corynn ,

The rashes cream called desonide Desowen Lotion

Tracie ,

Oh ya correct Monday also not open .

Felval ,

haha your hubby like mine hubby should called them socialable :p maybe both your hubby n my hubby maybe can be good frez hahaha :p

Xiao hua ,
I`m also thinking to buy Mayuki clothes but scare the clothers very small size ...i cannot fit into them
Hi mummies. Cant login durin ofce hrs to chat nw le =( stil nt used to wrkg life. sighz..

Alice- wah so ex ah! My hb sure kill me! Hahaha… hw long it takes for u to lose all the extra wt?

Diamondust- the doc prescribed cutivate which is a steroid and also cetaphil moisturizer. I only applied on aldan’s mouth area when he slp n put on mittens for him. The steroid helps a lot! The rashes all gone with 2-3 days!

Xiaohua- I also been wantin to take up p/t degree but nw w aldan like so difficult leh. sighz… n also age is catchin up, duno brain stil can absorb a lot!!

Sugar- u sure u 33 not?? U look so much younger lor!!!
felval, thanks thanks for sharing ur experience.. ya loh ya loh, i dun think i am capable of studying, working & taking care of baby at the same time too. me staying with my mum at the moment, coz waiting for my new flat to come.. but not too good to keep relying on my mummy to take care of baby loh. Will give it a serious thought!

Jo, no worries lah, you so slim, definitely can fit into Mayuki's clothing.. BTW, if u all keen to buy Mayuki's clothing at low shipping cost, can recommend a reliable & cheap spree organiser to u all.. the current spree all charges $4 shipping & handling fee per pc of clothing.. the one I bought from only charge me $2++ per pc.. she very prompt in ordering & delivering orders too

Ant_Ting, ya lo ya lo.. headache right, want to study but then worry abt baby hor
your gal fren can get married first wat.. 18 mths very fast over.. some more can get 2 free air tickets... one for her and one for hubby

me also graduated from sp in 1995.. i was in tanya chua's batch.. last time she quite high profile in school. which course were you from? maybe i know you?

me also in marketing... think by the time you left sp i came in..btw think you around the same time as my hubby (he was from acs)..why choose nanyang jc? during tat time i told myself die die dun wannna go tat jc although its less than 5 min away from my home..used to want to go to either catholic or acjc... in the end follow my gal frens and went to sp ba course...got company mah..

my parents still stay at serangoon ave 2 very near nanyang jc... so i still hang around tat area quite often

you made my day.. thanks for the compliment but i'm really 33 (lao liao).. tats why not very keen to party.. partied enough all these yrs
Hi Alice

I tried that and yes Megan is doing that... in fact ever since she is 2months old, i taught her shake hand and clap clap ( ^5). So now as long as i hold my hand up and say clap clap. she will place her hand on my hand, likewise when i say shake hand, she will place her hand on mine too... HAHA!! is fun as you said is a free toy.. hahaha!!

Hi Corynn

The TPY Song & Song is @ Blk 178

Hi icebaby

yes Marine Parade also have Song & Song.. Walk passed today and they have new stock, Disney romper @ $3.00 also. But i in a rush, will pop by tomolo and take a look. Is opposite the hawker centre.

Hi Felval

Wow.. now you talk abt patch back... hmmmm i should do that hor... cos tat float not cheap ley... hahaha!! But will be a difficult task to find the hole... Will update if i am successful.

Hi Xiao Hua

In fact i am in the travel industries and i suppose to take up a degree course in Hotel & Resort Management in Jul/08... Enrolled but in the end have to giev up cos of Megan. No regrets as i know i can never make it if i does that. Also i am not young le, reckon physically i dun tink i can take it too as is twice a week 3hrs studies excld projects etc...
I'm from that CHIJ too... wahahaha.... many pple have not heard of it cos it's one of the smaller CHIJ's I think.

Corynn, Dolly,
The main symptoms of teething are increased drooling as well as bb trying to bite/chew things with their gums. Just putting things into their mouth may not be an accurate sign as bb's like to explore everything with their mouth and fingers at this stage. Also some babies may get fussy and irritable due to the gum discomfort, but this is not true for all babies. You may notice 2 white bumps at the front under the gums of the lower jaw before the teeth start to erupt. In some cases, the gums may appear slightly swollen. On average, babies start teething at about 6 months. However some can start as early as three months or are even born with one or 2 teeth (uncommon) , some start as late as close to one year old. Fever and diarrhoea are not part of the teething symptoms as a lot of pple commonly believe
hope this bit of info helps!

me no energy but still have to do housework, no choice if not the whole house in a mess. That's the benefit of staying with your PIL, no need to do anything... hahaha.

xiao hua,
ooh, i like villa bali too. But I find it looks so much better at night than in the day. haven't been there in ages though.
Re: continuing studying
If you really going to continue studying I salute you!
I don't even have time for myself nowadays, so I can't imagine studying and taking exams. Studying while looking after baby is tough, but if you're really determined and have enough family support, then why not?

Re: pupsik pouch
I received mine yesterday, but size one like super small and tight leh, can't seem to stuff Avelyn in! Shall try again tomorrow.

Re: Bedok Song and Song
I always pass by there, their new stock doesn't seem to come in often and selection quite limited also. Toa Payoh one much better.

Re: Mayuki clothes
hmm, what is this mayuki thingy? I shall go to their website and kaypoh... haha
come to think of it i've a cousin who used to study at the ij at cooling close...she's born in 1979... my aunt used to stay next/ behind to the school...
so many postings since afternoon to now.. went for spa this afternoon and walked past Kids21 at Forum, the clothings damn nice but also very expensive. For a long sleeves shirt under Baby Dior, it cost $169, very smart looking shirt, but cannot bear to buy, if not, my hubby surely nag non-stop.

thanks for the explanation, i will check out Rayden tomorrow morning. In fact on weekdays, we hardly got time for him. Early morning send him to my mil place, and only fetch him back around 9plus, by den, he is already asleep. Only on weekends, den we are able to spend time with him. .... have you consider getting a part-time maid, it does help ? now , i rely alot on my part-time maid, if she miss coming 1 week, my house will also be in a mess.

i am impressed and saluate that you are gg to study, life is defintely not easy to go through, but if you could make it, it will be a remarkable achievement, right ? Jia You !

i will wear the girdle to work as well if my office wear can hide, if not i will wear when home at nite till next day, so around 6hrs per day. . . haha thanks for the compliment that i dun look like 30, buy you ice-cream or coffee when we meet up next time

on yes, my "baby" is a very old dog, maybe becos he is crossed breed and he used to eat dry food only, that's why his life span is quite long. But lately he has got abit of heart problem, and i do feel gulity for so called "dump" him with my mum. When he was staying with me, he will have 2 walk daily, morning and night, but now at my mum place, he is always being locked at home, quite poor thing lor, but my hubby disapprove me of bringing him back as he finds that Rayden is still very young.

Oh yeah ... very happy that many mummies can make it for the gathering at my place this Sun, already told my hubby that we will have 19 babies, plus Rayden on Sun, and he showed me a shocked look .... hahaha ! I just hope that you gals wun find my house too small. My flat is Exe Apartment, 3 1/2 bedroom, and a big living hall. I will prepare the hall and 1 empty room for the babies.
Carnival not bad leh... I was thinking that initially... but thought my clothes are mostly white and light colour so pink might blend in nicely... wear black top with carnival look sexy thou =)

I understand what u r saying... SG is cool with food... my favourite food is the chicken rice stall at the corner coffee shop, no doubt pao sing is there but sick of the food liao. Me and hubby fav makan area is also chomp chomp
but after makan in chomp chomp must definitely wash hair... whole head like chao kuay tiao smell =) u r rite abt parking loh... so usually what i did was to walk out to makan... no chance to get lot at all!! Do u know there is a very nice pig organ soup at the market next to Police Post? try it ... worth the time Q-ing up

xiao hua,
wah... u r more li hai... my wardrobe is catching up too hehe
Is the reliable spree organizer called twinkle? cos' i bought from her hehe I also notice others organizing the same fashion but stated from Taiwan so maybe they r trying to copy the design from Tokyo Mayuki

Bo bian... have to pay to get rid of the flabby tummy... one machine session heard is equivalent to 300 sit up... hiaz which is something i cannot achieve loh
by right, one week the best is to do 2 times but my gal is like super glue... everytime have to sneak out and get MIL to help out. So I oni try to go one time a week... result is slower ba. Maybe will take 3 mths to see result =) B4 i start the treatment, I can't even fit into the jeans... but at least after 3 treatment can liao... a good start!
Or I heard the Osim U-zap not bad leh.. maybe can also tone up stomach muscle

oic... maybe can meet up for coffee next time u go back to yr parent's place

fun rite... watch bb grow everyday and they learn new things... think that's the best in life

Dear Mummies,
today for the first time... Rachel's daddy had to leave us for a while due to work
Juz now, when i sent him off at the airport, I have a very weird feeling loh... To me, this is the second time liao. First time is when I have to come back to give birth here in Spore, so cannot fly after 32 weeks, end up come back earlier than him. Those weeks without him is so tough but I'm glad I had put thru. This time seeing him going off, is sad la but with Rachel with me is a bit diff lei... at least I'm not alone loh. So interesting! Now then I understand family bonding is so strong and damn important too. I have decided to fly over in 2 weeks time!! even thou is India hehe... bonding is more important! I know it might not be easy to handle bb in India but please give me yr support and I shall pull thru it again

I might not be so lucky le... me going Kolkata and heard the crew dun stay over. So probably got no companion liao...
i can understand how you feel ... although abit sad, at least now you have Rachel for company. And in another 2 weeks, you will see Daddy again ! oh yes, to be togethe as a complete family, and you sure can make it and adapt to the life in India ! Jia you ! As long as you can get internet access over there, you wun feel lonely as you have us to login and chat
Jia you wor! Bonding is indeed more important. Unlike me, Baby Rene & I only get to c my hubby once a week (Fri-Sun). I'm worried that my ger wun stick her daddy.

Xiao Hua,
My ger recently dislike to slp on pillow, any pillows. She'll wriggle out of the pillow in her sleep and often ended up in weird positions. I bought Heinz Rice Cereal for her. She still drinks every 3hrs, make no difference to me. I only add a teaspoon into her BM.

I'm nt sure if she likes it or not, at least she's not rejecting. Prolly the amt too small for her to taste the difference bah.
Finally my network is back, it took me 2 days to read most of the post from 11/9, cock eyes now

Ur hb very good le, so caring and loving, not only asked u to quit but ur mum too, he really “ai wu ji wu” ya, have to treat him nicer… for SAHM, we have to treat hb nice as they are the supporter and only CFO in the family..haha…Btw, I’ve bought the blender u recommended last time at OG @$69.90. Its real good for milk shake, I love it…

Jo/ felval,
It is very hard to find nice cap for boys… I dun have specific place to shop, so far only bought from pumpkin patch, Taka, Fox baby… whenever I passed by baby clothing’s shop will drop by and look for it.. Hard to get la. Now, I shop online, but have not found one tat I like.

I tot my bag size is ok for those essential stuffs like bottles, hot flask, spare clothing. Changing mat, diapers… and maybe my hello kitty cup is an extra… hahah..tell ur hb is normal for a mummy who bring bb out…

Actually, my boy also experienced the sudden scream few weeks back. But he screamed in his 4pm afternoon nap. I got a shock when I first heard the sudden scary scream. After that, my mum asked me to give him the “jin feng san” then he ok now. So now everyday after shower, I use that to rub his gum and tongue, she said reduce heat as they teething.

Faith/ Xiao Hua,
Thanks for the link and wonderful sharing. I’ve bought the Hansfree strap and tried out yesterday. It is really amazing and a good helping hand. I can now surf net and write blog while pumping milk. Yes, agreed. Juliet is very helpful and professional.

Long time never hear from u… ya ya, I rmb the 1st outings only Dylan and Adam were still wearing romper, whereas the rest started wearing pants and shirt. But I dunno how to let Dylan wear pants le, I tried to put on pants and shirt on him, but he looks like “ah beh”, kind like funny! I’m still finding chances to convince myself that Dylan can wear pants!

Wow, gathering at ur place… potluck… can I join? Seems like a lot of mommies, hubbies and babies on that day. If possible I will bring spring rolls (home made) for all.

And to tell what, u really slim and young lo, dun look like ur age… the 1st time I saw u at Hwa Xia swimming place, I told my hb that u dun look like those mum who had just given birth for 3 months but working class young lady with many suitors. Envy envy, I m so sad when look at the mirror, dunno when I can slim down like u. Most our May’s forum mummies are so young, slim and sweet… I really have to work hard.

U from SQ?? So coincidence, we were colleagues before…haha… U LSS huh? I was only FSS. And I am sure u are not those bitchy type… u look so kind and demure. Do u miss flying? I miss flying only when I meeting my batch gals and ex-team gals. And of cos I miss shopping overseas… wahahaha… spend $ like crazy..

I am interested in the Organic milk tea as well. My SS dropped tremendously this week. if whole nite didnt pump, morning 1st pump only got 100ml, previously I can get 180~200ml. how does the milk taste like?

Where u get the sparking water? I would like to try whether can that boost up a little of my ss..

Is ur’s carnival design? I bought the carnival size 2 but when I put Dylan in, it was too loose and was hanging. I rmb when I tried xiao hua’s pink dotties size 2 it was OK and just nice to fit him and close enough to cuddle. Maybe I dunno how to adjust it correctly. Will try again tomorrow.

Xiao Hua,
A million thanks for ur help to order the pouch for me! I know I very naggy but still… many many thanks!

Dun worry, like what Dolly mentioned, as long as u can get internet access, u are not alone! Rachel needs mom and dad’s company to have complete “babyhood”. For the sake of Rachel, be tough. And I am sure if ur hb get to see u and his gal after work, it is somehow a breather for him from his hectic work.
Dolly, Gina & Lynn,
Thanks for the encouragement! Ya... the oni thing that I would feel comfortable with when i'm there is to be able to still chat with all of u mummies on-line, Yeh! I must Jia You... hehe!

why can see yr hubby on those days oni? is yr hb out station too?
RE: Disney romper @ $3.00 at Song & Song

Gal, if u r getting these romper, can help me buy for Ryan? Ryan n Megan abt same size bah
Help me get those boy boy design, k?

I trust ur taste, so no worries abt design.
If u see anything worth getting and less than $5, can u also get for me?
I am interested in getting 3-4 more rompers etc.
Thanks in advance
Xiao Hua,

I cant carry her wif craddle carry.
i dunno how to squeez the bb backside go in the pouch hahaha... i checked with Su ling, she asked me to try the front carry.
i tried this morning, frong carry can go in..
but she still small, so must one hand hold her back..
xiao hua,



Mayuki clothes, some free size are big...some are small. If u want buy 1 or 2, try first. That's what I do. heehee. Now I feel in love with 1 of the pull up jeans pants. Bought 2. I regret never buy black colour, if black, at least can wear to office Mon-Thurs. =P


Can study one lah. The most try 1-2 papers lor.
Now debating whether I should study something in IT. Haiz. Still debating. Cos I know nuts abt IT and work in IT company. Abit dumb leh...

xiao hua,

who who...do the spree only $2++?


I guess for studies, the very important thing is support. If you have sufficient support from family while you study...it's better.


I also from CHIJ but I never heard of that CHIJ before leh. Hahaha


Babies are smart. Dun worry...even if they dun see their parents often, they know who their parents are. =)
Good morning ladies...

My hubby scolded me buy the bb pouch..
he said wasted money...
but i feel useful cos almost the time i carrying bb lei ...

Hmm..you gals got me interested. What's this Mayuki thingy?

Wah, so many from IJ @ Cooling Close? I'm from IJ Ponggol and later CHIJ-SJC. I'm from SP biz ad too, but the 94 batch, ie join in 94.
