(2008/05) May 2008

hi mummies

may i join in?

my boy was born in may 08...seems like i missed out on a lot judging from the postings!!

dun be worry, so long as Rayden is happy and can drink milk... the infection is minor. But have u consider to visit another PD for a second opinion? Sometime we mummy juz want to hv some assurance loh, maybe circumisized is another option, btw hope he will clear it soon.

Sayang man... i dun eat all types of intestines too... oni selected few. You can requested not to put certain things. Oh must also try their braised pork skin... sound disgusting but damn damn shiok loh. Very soft and QQ

Hmm... do u mean Australia? hehe... R u still there? I was at Sydney last year till dec =) I'm giving Rachel FM... I very KiaSu... already went to Carrefour to buy whole carton of FM and diapers can last me for 2 months. Will be shipping over everything loh... easier for me ;p

Ya... i heard abt the pacifier and water for bb during take off and landing. Juz worry she will be fuzzing ard and have to carry her walk up and down... juz pray that she will slp thru the flight...

wah... yr bb is so brave! not a single tear from him during injection... cool man! mine is like going to tear down the clinic... she cried so loud i can't even hear the PD after the jabs hehe
then she will KO in 5 mins...

Sounds painful... constipation for a week! She must have felt super shiok that the poo poo is out =) I heard girl poo lesser than boy, not sure how true... my gal is like 2 to 3 times a day...

ya u r rite, a small chinatown... my hb did some research and they even celebrate mooncake festival and CNY

haha... quite true lo... wait till u close shop then one shot make yrself mei mei, btw now u r not bad too mah! can still tong until close shop hehe...
Sian rite, to go gynae alone... I kanna it too during my last trimester... some pple will stare at u and think u r single mother, so sickening!
Thks and I will JiaYou too!! Honestly, i think i will do more spree over there loh hahaha... cos dun dare to go shopping mah so more budget to shop online =) juz that dun know how to get the items leh... dun think they will send to india ;p if send to SG, then cannot get it on the spot, hiaz nvm better than nothing

Sure! I will update u gals my adventures in India hehehe!
She definitely feel relief but when she poo, she cry and scream. Doctor said it's pain. Today she had poo 3 time liao.

Re: Song and Song
Toa Payoh center got temple? I really very interested at this shop. Will try to go this weekend. But really can't figure out where is it located.
corynn ,

Hmmm.. i got it from my pd also maybe you will like to check with your pd or family doc abt this medicine .

Ling ,

Welcome ...welcome

Your boy or gal ??

Felval ,

hahah ... let see for this coming sunday
will they be able to click . Ya of course anytime loh since we staying so near

Alice ,

hahah ..ya maybe my boy got thick skin meh !!

Tracie ,

Are you going to bring the LG play mat ??
If yes , can show to my hubby how it look like
Hi Alice

As i dun latch Megan.. So is troublesome to travel. But will try maybe end of Oct as tot of bring Megan and mom to Perth for a short holiday to start with.

Hi Felval

AIYOH hb more busy than me. Megan no excuses as she is taken care by my mom most of the time... hehe! Will try your method... maybe this weekend. You must reali find time to go Song & Song, if you are lucky... you can reali get cheap and nice stuffs for bb...
alice ,

Huh ..so FAST leavin end of the month..we will show miss you and your chubby gal rachel

Angela ,

Me too in tourism trade , in this line for abt 13 years too ...in SME company
cannot hop to other trade . Once you enter this trade very hard to go off .

I was on hospital leave for at least 2 mths before i deliver too ?? But at least my company look after our welfare . But the company can`t just ask you quit like that..can sue them
felvaL , Lynn

I just bought a new cap for jorel at baby fox !!

Got quite a lot colour and style ..bought it at Paragon baby fox .

Faith ,

I manage to get the mother`s milk tea ...will try it this weekend :p see how things goes
Angela ,

haahh ..i from quite a number leh :p

Palm Travel , Ananda Trvl , Sime Trvl hmmm Citystate Trvl now Holiday Tours

haha ..you from corporate too ??

I`m trying to jump again ..any opportunity hahah getting bored on this place as with them for 4 yrs plus
Hi Jo

Holiday Tours?? Lawrence still there?? i am from Scenic Travel before and all my life there.. haha!! I won the Tourisum host of the year (travel agent) + EXSA start award and they used me as ambassardor in website etc... Yet i am being treated like that... Shit right... Anyway is over and my hb say just let it go.... and you know wat?? when i go to the website is till see my picture there. SO PISS.. so i went back office 1 day and tell the directors i will charge them if they still put my pictures in their website!!!
corynn, yes, there is a very small temple @ toa payoh central...or do you know where is the library? at the side of the library, there is a delifrance, opposite delifrance , there is a Watson store, just walk straight down from Watson, and you will find song & song, only a few shops away from Watson. After Song & song, also a few shops away, there is this shop selling kids clothings too, more ex than song & song coz they sell jackets ..angela mentioned earlier its at block 178..me damn blur, went there so many times , dont even know my gynea's clinic is at which block :p ..wish you good luck on sat and able to find nice stuff there :) hopefully they have new arrivals then..it really depends on luck, if lucky, got new arrivals, you will have more choices...there is also one shop ( the same as the one near Song & song but i dont know the shop's name) at bendemeer, near the hawker centre, behind Boon Keng MRT station..the factory outlet at IMM also got kids clothings, sometimes can also find good bargains there
jovial, thanks ..maybe 9 mth old then circumize will be slightly painful ? coz bird bird is slightly bigger then :p, me and hubby been wanting to circumize bb coz we think it will be less prone to infections..

welcome, ling !! :) enjoy chatting here !!
alice, yes, i am still stuck at canberra...i went sydney last july when a gf came to visit me..one nite we bought fish and chip from a restaurant at darling harbour , sat there facing the harbour and had our dinner on the bench then suddenly saw a shooting star, and i quickly made a wish and the wish came true after a mth :)

ya, sometimes its better to be kiasu:p i also brought alot of stuff here, about 60 kg , haha!! those items that are essentials for bb must bring in case cant find there ..
hope yr baby recover fast fast ya...
we missed each other by a few hours...me bought my boy for his 5 IN 1,Pneumococcal vaccine & Rotarix in the afternoon...so now got to check his temp every 4 hourly...

RE: starting baby with solid @ 4mth old
Hi mommies,
anyone started baby with solid already?? today i asked Dr Ong he suggested only to start my boy with solid when he turn 6 mth old..so must wait for another 2 mths...hee...i ks...asked him for materials to read up on starting solid..he say wait till 5mth checkup then give me to read up...think he scare i ks start my boy early on solid....heee....
Xiao Hua,
Yup, I will intro this helping hand to my frens and colleagues. Talking ab further study, I always wanted to take up some courses related to my job. Mainly human relation, I feel that human behaviors are the most difficult chapter to deal with. But this idea has somehow disappeared in my mind ever since I preggie and look at the situation now I might KIV this. What course are u interested? Not easy for working mum lo, think twice! Mentally and physically stressed…

Hahaha.. such a motherly funny dream.. oh, poor Tim, mommy went for flight and no milk for him… luckily it was jus a dream…ya, I dun think we flown before, I flew for 3 years plus only then quit, helping my hb in his biz. I dun feel like quitting initially but he wrote me a long list of pros and cons of flying and ground jobs… then I gong gong quit as he alry typed me the resignation letter and fax to HR. Thinking of it, I was kinda con to quit…U planning to return flying? Thanks for the link, I lost touch liao.

My modem spoiled, that’s why never login for long time...

Re: Hansfree
Too bad that I came to know this product later; or more things could have been done.
Thanks for the encouragement. Dylan still dun latch, I undressed myself and “seduced” him, but mission failed. He yelled and pushed my boobs away. Adam is so smart, he knows how to appreciate luxury…

Re: Organic Milk Tea
OK, I will go and get the organic milk tea tomorrow; I like to drink milk but not chinese tea, for the sake of MILK, I will try.

I’ve bought the mustela cream for him as the marks of mos bites still displaying on his face. Hard to get rid, hope this will help.

Xiao hua,
As Diamonddust commented her size 1 is super tight for her, and she is such a small size frame cant even squeeze in, I dare not try size 1 leh, I m so much bigger than her.
Btw, can u PM me the Mayuki spree contact as well, u got me interested. Thanks

So young u let ur boy circumcised, must be very painful. It never crosses my thought at all.

Is Rayden on cloth diapers at home? Maybe can try on as it is more breathable, hope he will clear his infection soon.

Thanks for the invitation..

Re:Dolly's place on 21 Sep @ 2pm
1) dolly -
2) Tracie & Baby Duncan - playmat
3) Alice - dry mee siam (a bit spicy)
4) ant aka ting & hb alan & bb aldan - titbits
5) Corynn - apple struddel
6) Jo / Jo`s Hubby Eric & Baby Jorel - pizza
7) icebaby aka jaime - soon kueh
8) xiao hua (will try to make it) -
9) sugar aka mona - assorted cakes
10) Felval - agar agar
11) Jer -
12) babylynn - fruits yoghurt
13) muzicgal - broiled chicken wings
14) Tinkerbelle
15) Little princes_mummy aka Jane -Assorted fruits
16) Faith , hubby & BB Adam
17) Choc, hb, Baby Raphael - Banana Choc Muffins (Home made)
18) icebubbles, hubby and Baby Javier - fried wanton
19) winnedy, hubby and Baby Nicholas (will try to make it, cos its MIL bday) - nuggets
20) Lynn & bb Dylan (HB to be confirmed) – Spring Rolls (home made)

Really? Thks for the info. Am goin to Taka tmr, maybe can check it out.

U must be bz preparing Rachel’s essential and stocking up her months SS. India got nice and cheap spa and medi-pedi. Can try out in the hotel one…
Hi all mummies wif May babies, I chance upon this interesting thread and hope im not too late to join. I hav a born in May 2008 baby boy. Cheers
For the syringe use to feed medicine don't need to sterilize again. It's is pre-sterilized. subsequent use, i only use hot water to rinse.
If ur baby hv fever after last jab, u better give fever medicine once after the jab, thought not hv fever yet. Also continue to give after 6 hrs of the medicine even is at midnight. After 2 give, the fever normally not appear liao. To subside the fever, once the fever appear, it takes days to recover. The medicine need to keep in fridge. It's still can be used, if next time u found bb having slight fever.
what type of cap is that you bought for Jorel ? I want to buy something similar like Pumpin Patch, damn cute lor.

can you tell me the location and name of the clinic that you brought your boy to. I thought of bringing my boy too, but my hubby is against it. He said that now he is fine, and should continue with the antibotics first, dun want for nothing bring him to go and slice his skin ... dun know what kind of logic is that !

poor gal, is she feeling better liao after poo poo so much ?

oh really, i left the clinice around 11plus. BTW, i also asked Dr Ong abt the semi-solid, he also told me the same thing, dun Kan Chiong, wait till 6 months .... now drink milk can liao... hahaha

no, Rayden is on pampers 24 x 7, cos too lazy to use cloth diaper for him.

Re : Organic Tea.
I have bought it and tried yesterday. It seem to have some effects, as i have already stopped pumping for 1 week, still got 40ml when i tried yesterday. I think in order to increase, i still need to pump regularly which i dun think i can do it. I will continue to drink and pump at night to see how ....
Mummies who wants to try, can get from me 1 - 2 bags when you come over on Sun, as there are 16 tea bags per box.

if i were you, i will be damn kan chiong and KS to, surely go buy alot of bb stuff and ship over. Have fun with your packing !

i will surely log on to my MSN once i came online... have added all of you !

RE: MSN ac
1. [email protected]
2. [email protected]
3. [email protected]
4. [email protected]
5. [email protected]
6. [email protected]
7. [email protected]
Ya i tink the recovery stage u really gt to take care of him as by 9mths old they gt more movement liao.. so might trigger the wound.

My dad was facing infection prob at such old age then doc suggest he do it too, so when he went for circumsion, my boi had his too! my boi recover very fast and was done in clinic,spent around $80 ,but my dad took longer to recover, the amt of pain he took was I tink at least 10 times more then my boi, was done in the hosiptal, MC 5daes, and spent $300.
So when i knew abt this , i was quite relieved that my boi did at a younger age where he is ignorant abt pain. If i don do it, I scared if later he "swaysway" ganna infection I don nod how to take care of him. Hehehe...
RE: Dolly's address
Can someone PM me her address? If not, I won't know how to go. hahaha

RE: Travel
Got promo must let us know. Heehee

I started adding you girls. So if u see a "Jaime" or "icebaby"..that's me. Do add me in.
Yupz, i'm bringing the LG playmat, you can show hubby.

But i tink 20 babies cannot fit into the playmat! hahaha!
Ya i tink you should wait till he recover then decide, you can consult the doc too before u decide on the surgery. will pm u the address.
yeah, i am only afraid that 20 bb cannot squeeze in to 1 playmat ...

Anyone with playmat, can you please bring along too ?

yeah, but like what you said, i am afraid that when he gets older, he will be flipping and moving here and there, scare that the wound will take longer time to recover lor ..

you have gotten my address, see you on Sun !
hi Mummies,


Re:Dolly's place on 21 Sep @ 2pm
1) dolly -
2) Tracie & Baby Duncan - playmat
3) Alice - dry mee siam (a bit spicy)
4) ant aka ting & hb alan & bb aldan - titbits
5) Corynn - apple struddel
6) Jo / Jo`s Hubby Eric & Baby Jorel - pizza
7) icebaby aka jaime - soon kueh
8) xiao hua (will try to make it) -
9) sugar aka mona - assorted cakes
10) Felval - agar agar
11) Jer -
12) babylynn - fruits yoghurt
13) muzicgal - broiled chicken wings
14) Tinkerbelle
15) Little princes_mummy aka Jane -Assorted fruits
16) Faith , hubby & BB Adam
17) Choc, hb, Baby Raphael - Banana Choc Muffins (Home made)
18) icebubbles, hubby and Baby Javier - fried wanton
19) winnedy, hubby and Baby Nicholas (will try to make it, cos its MIL bday) - nuggets
20) Lynn & bb Dylan (HB to be confirmed) – Spring Rolls (home made)
RE: MSN ac
1. [email protected]
2. [email protected]
3. [email protected]
4. [email protected]
5. [email protected]
6. [email protected]
7. [email protected]
8. [email protected]
9. [email protected]

This weekend is hubby off day, i remember wrongly previously so he be joining us, manage to make him agree to go.

Re:Dolly's place on 21 Sep @ 2pm
1) dolly -
2) Tracie & Baby Duncan - playmat
3) Alice - dry mee siam (a bit spicy)
4) ant aka ting & hb alan & bb aldan - titbits
5) Corynn - apple struddel
6) Jo / Jo`s Hubby Eric & Baby Jorel - pizza
7) icebaby aka jaime - soon kueh
8) xiao hua (will try to make it) -
9) sugar aka mona - assorted cakes
10) Felval - agar agar
11) Jer & hubby & #1 Kiern & bb Keon - Curry puffs
12) babylynn - fruits yoghurt
13) muzicgal - broiled chicken wings
14) Tinkerbelle
15) Little princes_mummy aka Jane -Assorted fruits
16) Faith , hubby & BB Adam
17) Choc, hb, Baby Raphael - Banana Choc Muffins (Home made)
18) icebubbles, hubby and Baby Javier - fried wanton
19) winnedy, hubby and Baby Nicholas (will try to make it, cos its MIL bday) - nuggets
20) Lynn & bb Dylan (HB to be confirmed) – Spring Rolls (home made)
Ladies ,

Any ladies want to buy and try let me know ...my office just opposite can help to buy
the mother`s milk tea !!

I myself haven try ...will try during weekend

If not i can spare some whoever want to try let me know lah :p
I use diapers 24x7 for Dylan as well, but will open and "air" for 10 min each time i change him...

Great to hear that the milk tea do help on u. I shall get mine later and try it out. Jia You, keep pumping every nite..

Thanks for the address, c u on Sunday!
Ya, tot like jus walk over to Paragon after i've done at Taka. Oh, can get the milk tea there as well? what is the shop's name huh?
xiao hua ,

Okie ...will go buy for you later !!i think $9.90

Lynn ,

Is the fifth floor of paragon where got sell baby stuffs . the shop which sell all organic baby food !

PM you my no . just incase you can`t find
Xiao hua ,

Why dun i give you a few and try before you buy ...anyway i can buy anytime as i can pass you at novena ...as i work orchard i take train everyday . Can pass to you after work loh !!
