(2008/05) May 2008

angela ,

ya they sell quite nice clothes for gals but seldom for boys leh

lol. lucky i remembered 2 if nt ou dear boys will miss their jabs.

dun worry, i share the samw woes as u. somemore i worst, u go to wk u wear bra, i seldom wear bra le...at hm i totally dun wear bras, only when i go to my mum place in the evening then wear =P ehhehe. so u say la, dun sag also hard. lolz.

actually the 1st jab i didnt give Damien the med le...i am wondering if the 1st time he didnt develop fever, will it be the same for the 2nd jab? hahaha. agree. can buy but dun overdo it coz kids really grow fast! but then we have to really exercise self cotroll =) I think cuming christmas we have even more excuses to spend more liao =P I v kiasu le, now sept only i think of christmas liao =) cant wait to bring Damien to see the Christmas light up. I am sure he will love it =)

wah! u very fast le! already brought Megan to the pool twice! I have blow up Damien's crab float. My hubby got it frm the states and convert to sgd less than 12bucks! i hope the float works fine!

agree. if wan to stay n shape must be hardwking abit. aft ur post tt day i went hm n took out the binder to wear *argh..for 2days b4 i stop again*. ehhehe. my hubby shake head and says no wonder i cant slim dwn =P

hehehe. now we still young can tahan faster have 2nd one. if nt later old liao even worst lo. i planning 2nd one in 2011. =) wah! ur hubby sponsored u for the slimming sessions ah? my hubby says he ok with me being a SAHM but just dun ask him to sponsor me for the slimming..if wan aft i cfm close shop. hahaha.

u wan go slimming?

ur boy still looks boyish in tt gal's hat. hahaha =) dun worry =)

oops! i am so sorry.

Re:Dolly's place on 21 Sep @ 2pm
1) dolly -
2) Tracie & Baby Duncan - playmat
3) Alice - dry mee siam (a bit spicy)
4) ant aka ting & hb alan & bb aldan - titbits
5) Corynn - apple struddel
6) Jo / Jo`s Hubby Eric & Baby Jorel - pizza
7) icebaby aka jaime - soon kueh
8) xiao hua (will try to make it) -
9) sugar aka mona - assorted cakes
10) Felval, hubby(Felix) & Baby Damien - agar agar
11) Jer -
12) babylynn - fruits yoghurt
13) muzicgal - broiled chicken wings
14) Tinkerbelle
15) Little princes_mummy aka Jane -Assorted fruits
16) Faith , hubby & BB Adam
17) Choc, hb, Baby Raphael - Banana Choc Muffins (Home made)
18) icebubbles, hubby and Baby Javier - fried wanton

i like soon kueh but nt with the "gu cai" inside one. =P thanks inadvance =)

hahaha. weekday slave but weekend tai tai =)

RE: bras
bfeeding can wear wired bra?

me too. thinking of bringing Damien for his 2nd PS in dec to feb period then another one when he is 1YO. Either u or me if we intend to org we keep each other informed ya =)

u really plan far. hehehehe. i think its a gd idea but got to do it somewhere in apr coz some of the babies here are born in apr rite?

RE: clubbing.
me long long time nv club too...nt coz of baby but coz of hubby. hahaha. he seldom club and i was clubbing way too much b4 i hit my 20s. so at age 21 i "retired" frm the clubbing scene liao. now i prefer to sit dwn for a drink n chat, no nd to shout in order to be heard =) i like to go vila bali. nice place!
ant_ting, okok, I go checkout whether got fish oil at pharm or not : )

Angela, on! Okok.. shall go swimming together when both our girl bigger : )

Alice, okok! Will try my best to go Dolly house, Sunday my cousin wedding loh, we were invited to buffet lunch at her house. Very sian, I dun feel like going there anyway coz I not very close to her, me trying to bargain with my mum whether I can give it a miss or not.. I want to see future kickboxing champion Rachel too : )

Hi Jane, oh.. that time my colleague bought me a bottle of Caltrate to eat, supposingly good for breastfeeding mummies, but I don’t dare to swallow coz the pills are too big.. hehe.. I offered to let ant_ting try, luckily she dare to swallow. You may get Caltrate from most pharmacies, think per bottle abt $20+ Vitamin C hor I got check with pharmacy b4, if you are currently breastfeeding, must check with doctor whether can take or not k.

Re: dogs @ home
I also have a dog at home, my mum forbid me to look @ my dog when I am pregnant, she say later my baby face will look like DOG, I tot she was joking with me at first until I read abt the news that a woman living in my neighbourhood gave birth to a baby whose face looks exactly like a bulldog, no choice she send her baby for plastic surgery, operation failed. So I guai guai listen to my mummy & kept a distance away from my dog.. now my dog is not close to me at all le

FTWM still BF
Oh yea.. I am 1 of the FTWM who are still striving hard to BF. Realli shag loh, esp. in the office piles of work on my desk, but when time’s up, I’ll guai guai go pump milk, when extremely busy then I’ll miss 1 pump @ work. I am still thinking of whether I should breastfeed her till 1 year old

Pursuing degree
Any mummies planning to advance their studies at this moment? Me in a dilemma now. My plan was to pursue degree after gaining 3 years of relevant work experiences. Now that 3 yrs is up, I am suppose to go ahead with my plan to pursue part-time degree. HOWEVER, now that I’ve got a baby, I really don’t know if I shld study still. My friends kept telling me diploma cannot survive one, haiz~ BUT, I think baby really needs me a lot now loh, then if I dun need to pay sch fees, I can afford to buy her many many toys leh.

Tinkerbelle (kelcqi), ur hubby not DAO lah, just shy I guess.. Some man very shy 1.. Good also loh, I think in a positive way like that he won’t go outside talk to other girls lah.. hehe
Yap the leggings Le xuan wearing is from Slpzz spree.. Quality not bad.. Do try on Erica ya
Cool!, when u moving to the East? Finally away from your In Laws? Me living in the east area..Yeah yeah.. looking forward to let all the babes swim together.. The idea of holding a poolside bday is so cool!

Musicgal, your darling is like a photocopied version of you.. lol .. so cute

Diamondust , Avelyn rashes getting better or not? How come got rashes? Maybe she sweats a lot issit. My girl sweats a lot, so I kept using wet tissue to wipe her.. Or could she be sensitive to the current baby shampoo?

Re: clubbing
He he.. I don,t club. Cause I sleep early, I dun drink, I dun dance, I dun smoke.. My friends all call me young Auntie.. Guess I miss out on a lot of fun..

Angela, cool. Megan went swimming again.. great to know that she loves swimming so much : )

WishComeTrue (felval), ya ya.. I heard that villa bali is nice.. at Alexandra rd right? He he.. too bad that place not baby friendly and not near MRTs, if not can go there for gathering..

Re:Dolly's place on 21 Sep @ 2pm
1) dolly -
2) Tracie & Baby Duncan - playmat
3) Alice - dry mee siam (a bit spicy)
4) ant aka ting & hb alan & bb aldan - titbits
5) Corynn - apple struddel
6) Jo / Jo`s Hubby Eric & Baby Jorel - pizza
7) icebaby aka jaime - soon kueh
8) xiao hua (will try to make it) – otah from Jalan Kayu
9) sugar aka mona - assorted cakes
10) Felval, hubby(Felix) & Baby Damien - agar agar
11) Jer -
12) babylynn - fruits yoghurt
13) muzicgal - broiled chicken wings
14) Tinkerbelle
15) Little princes_mummy aka Jane -Assorted fruits
16) Faith , hubby & BB Adam
17) Choc, hb, Baby Raphael - Banana Choc Muffins (Home made)
18) icebubbles, hubby and Baby Javier - fried wanton

I'll try to make it on Sunday, most prob i'll get OTAH from jalan kayu, the otah there realli nice!

*night all*

I have a tin of Enfalac A+ (Green packaging) for sale at $30.

Expiry: Mar 2010
Country of Manufature: Netherlands
Collection at YEW Tee, Queenstown or alexandra Technopark

Pm me if u are interested.
Hi feval

Even my sis cant stand the " lau hong" float!! Ask how come i dun buy a new want... I told her i paid so much ley... all is ok except the mushroom head only... throw so wasted! She say she will buy a new want for Megan this weekend... say i "fish" abt little thing.. big think i dun tink... hahaha!!
Faith, how much is the organic mother milk tea?

muzicgal, my boy also drinking Enfalac A+. Usually buy in NTUC at $37++ may i noe ware did u find it at $36?
annabelle, shld be no prob to see a lac consultant even if u dun latch...no harm checking wif them....also, they will help u to clear ur ducts and blockage if u hv any de...
xiao hua,
caltrate is safe for bf-ing mummies.. my gynae recommend me to eat.

felval and xiaohua,
more and more people say he look like me. hehhee... now then i realise my baby photos look so boyish

i bought it at a medical hall, they selling $36 per tin. today i bought a tin at NTUC $36.85. A few months back, NTUC was selling $37.40!
hello everyone, few days didn't post and so many postings.. Have been reading them but no time to post.

xiaohua, me also FTWM and still giving my boy total BM. Really tiring to keep up with expressing and sterilising pumps! But have to be determined to do it lo. I think if you want to pursue a degree now, it'll be very tough. My advice is if you want to spend time with your girl then forget about the degree for now, you won't have time. My hubby took Masters halfway drop off after baby is born cos he wants to spend time with him. Lucky for me, I finished my degree then have kid else I think I will forget about having it. Maybe you wait till when your baby is about few years old then go get.

Kelcqi, my hubby also don't like to go to these kind of gathering one. But I always make him go cos I always go along with his. Then that day he went cos we haven't had lunch and he wants to stick to our baby so no choice he has to go. Hehe.. I think you tell him to try going there la, think usually ladies more 'ba gua' so alright to go big big gathering and guys usually find us boliew. LOL..

felval, I also don't like to eat gu cai kueh. Taste weird to me.. Hehe.. I also still trying to lose weight leh. So far still left 3kg to pre-pregnancy weight but aiming for 7kg. But this tummy still big la, can't stand.. Haiz.. I also have sagging breasts, it just looks so ugly and like so darn heavy. Now just waiting for another 8 more months and hopefully my breasts will return to its shape. Wow.. You planning for 2011 means 3 years apart la. I also want 3 years but difficult la since want to have more kids then 2 years max. Me aiming for Dec 2010..

Re: Clubbing
I have never really like clubbing especially if the place is really noisy cos I have hearing loss in my left ear and specialist asked me to avoid noisy place to prevent hearing loss in right ear since there is the only "workable" one so have try as much to avoid.

Angela, you so fast bring your baby to swimming ar? But the swimming pool got use chlorine right? Will dry baby's skin or not? Then the water so cold, your baby got cry? I also feel like trying but then my boy's skin very dry, think cannot. Still got baby swimming package haven't finish.
no.. think i've a common look lah... some more i'm 33 liao so dun think any of you gals would be around my time... left poly 13 yrs ago...

dun worry lah... you've me, alice and jane for company....
i went to Song & Song at Bedok Interchange Branch, saw the Carter romper but they are selling $5 , instead of $3 , how come you can get at $3 ? I bought another soccer design, also at $5, damn cheap lor, but only limit design. I told my mum that i want to go there once a month to see if they have new designs ... hahah spending $$ again !

oh yeah, have you post out the tea bag, how much must i pay you ?

once i receive the tea bag from Loomi, i will pass to you, okay ?

oh yes, must guai guai and wear the binder, and gain back the shape, must be a pretty mummy hor !

Re : Toys
Mummies, can check out VTech toys, i find them more interesting and slightly cheaper than fisher price toys. I just bought this Animal Friends Nursery Rhymes Book over the weekend from Taka (got 20% discount) , and my boy love it very much, can entertain him for at least 30 mins, and he enjoys the songs and light.

my primary life very complicated... pri 1 raffles girls.. then p2 to p4 fairfield methodist (cos school opp my pl)..then p5 all the way to sec4 at paya lebar methodist girls... after tat singapore poly biz ad...

maybe we from same school along the way????

tot you only 30??? still younger than me... start family late cos of my job... haiz... no maternity benefits some more gotta quit when pregnant..
I finally have time to log in. My gal has been giving me hard time. She's been screaming her head off the moment I place her onto bouncer/baby cot. Ended up I hv carried her until my arms ached. Super tired. She fussed a lot when she drink. Went to a BB shower on Sat and my fren's ROM on Sun, tink she's over-excited plus not enuf slp. I still hv a wedding dinner tmr.

RE: Clubbing
I missed clubbing, those were the times when we hv crazy fun with frenz. I hv turned from "regular" to "guest-of-honour" till now "rare appearance". Mu hubby dun club and he dislike me to go. Even if he allowed me to go, he'll call and fetch me @ 1am, the happening time.

RE: Swimming
I hv bought my gal to swim in the swimming pool dwstairs. I only dipped her in the kids pool for short while. But she dun seem to like it. She's more interested in the blue sky.

RE: Spreeing
Keke... I hv only just started to spree. I hv just bought 2 pairs of leggings for BB Rene.

RE: Teething Gel
I bought the Dentinox teething gel for my gal. It works. I oso bought a gum massager. She likes it when I massage her gum in circular motion.

RE: Solid Food
I hv started to add a teaspoon of rice cereal into her BM. She's not rejecting it. But I dun tink it's filling for her. Anyway, I'll start slowly by increasing one teaspoon over a period of time.
Rene after Swim
Rene Holding Milk Bot
She only hold her bot for a short while.
Xiao Hua,
hv u bought the breath pillow for ur babe? I hv received the pillow but my gal dislike it and refused to slp on it. Waste of $. It's my 1st time spreeing.
Try not to bring ur bb to bb shower. Some bb very "pantang" to this and will hv hard time after went.
Where u bought the dentinox and gum massager? from guardian? What brand of massager u bought? I suspect my girl is teething soon. She keep put her finger into mouth.

Anyone can share with me on teething symptoms?
my baby oso kip putting his thumb in his mouth... when he drinking milk.. he will oso force his thumb into his mouth... then when he suck no milk he cry...hahahah...
Have u make reservation with the restaurant u mentioned?

So far how many of us going to meet on Thursday?

Want to go together? I stay at woodlands also. We can go together.

Yah. Maybe we do 1 b'day celebration in April (see whose baby the earliest) and 1 in early May lor (cos got labour day can celebrate).

xiao hua,

If you think about studying for your degree, there is a need for time management and supportive people around you. It's not easy esp when you have to take care of baby at the same time.

I am lucky that I finished my Jasters last yr before I found out I was pregnant with no. 3. When I was studying, I got preggy with no. 1 & then later no. 2. Took me a long time to finish but I finished eventually (cos I was taking like 1 module a semester..haha).

Maybe you might want to take the studies slowly like 1-2 modules per semester. Financially it's less strain and you have more time to do you other stuffs. =)

RE: Song & Song
Where are they at Bedok? I know where the TPY branch is but dunno Bedok one where.
haha, now that Felval mentioned..I also dun like soon kueh with 'gu-cai'. :p

Since you looked like a boy when baby, did your mum have a boy after you?

I also had a dog at home when i preggy i looked after him. Now he's at my mum's place liao and I see him once a week. Dun tink my gal look like my doggy leh. hahaha. Anywayz he is maltese mix silky so the look is quite cute. hehe..

Xiao-hua, Cheri,
Let's jia-you!! Sometimes when i have guests visiting from overseas and when i have meetings gotta adjust my pump time like crazy and everything goes 'luan'. Today i'm gonna stretch my interval from 6hour to 7-8hourly pump, hopefully no engorgement!
xiaohua ,

What look at dogs ..baby look like them ...huh what logic . I was home for almost 2 mths before i due ..most of the time is my husky accompany if not i will be very bored .

Feel so guilty now ..only get to see him once a week . He is still very close to me
Good morning Ladies.

I bought the pouch carier from pupsikstudio.
But i still dunno how to use it... dunno is too small or i dunno how to put baby inside the pouch , tonite i go n try again
got anybody can advise me ?

go morning !

Re : Teething
i am also curious what are the symptons for teething, i didnt open up my boy mouth to check, just that he has been sucking his fingers, if not the whole fist will be in his mouth, and if he is sitting up, he will be drooling until the shirt will be quite wet.

your gal so smart, can hold the bottle. My boy only hold for awhile den will let go liao.

haha 30s liao lor, no longer in my 20s, sad

anyway although no maternity benefits, its worth after seeing your Tim's smile, right ?

same here, i have got a maltese cross, after preggy, i brought the dog back to my mum place, and now i also see him once a week. Lagi worst, my hubby quite particular abt it, and dun want me to carry my dog as i will be carrying my boy. So every time when i go back to my mum place, and only play with him, but cannot carry carry. My dog is coming to 16years old liao, old dog.

i will PM you my hp number so that i can contact you for the restaurant details. Dun think i will be logging in tomorrow morning to check, as bringing my boy to see PD.
I love the carter bag.. really spacious inside.. my hubby said the bag so cute and love the zip puller.. gt bear bear.. Thanks ya and nice meeting you.. Hope we can meet up again soon..
Hi Mummies,

I have about 10+ bottles of ready to feed S26, anyone keen please PM me.

I am still breastfeeding so most likely wont be needing the FM.

angela, haha.. how much u paid for the lau hong float? looks expensive leh, coz quite big in size. Can't you exchange with the shop since it's a spoiled one?

muzicgal, your boy has that 'si wen' (gentleman) look. Grow up sure very handsome one..Your boi looks like ur hubby in any way? hehe

Cheri, ya loh, i told my friends that it will be tough for me to pursue my degree now. My initial plan was to gain some working experiences in the HR field b4 i pursue my degree in the field so that i understand the topics better. i agree that things will be much easier if i had gotten my degree b4 i hav my baby loh.. my fren kept telling me i shld go study now since my mum is taking of my baby, i feel that i am her mum loh, i shld be the one who is by her side.. Ur hubby very 'Wei Da' to give up his study for baby's sake, baby matthias will be very grateful to him

sugar, u don't look like 33 at all..haha.. u looked very sweet for your age leh, maybe coz u got baby face.. hehe.. u were an air stewardess b4? u mean once pregnant got to quit the job ah.. y the company policy so rigid one. my fren also just sign a bond with SIA, 1 of the clause is that she cannot get preggy, if she gets preggy that means she break bond, and must pay liquidated damages..

dolly, vtech toys look fun! shall go check out at the fair if got time too.. rayden likes music a lot? hehe.. furture musician to be hor

gina, i haven buy yet.. i can't find the link, maybe the spree closed already.. Rene dun like it ah, she prefer her old pillow? i think she recognise the smell on her old pillow already.. hehe..
cool.. u started rene on soild! what rice cereal brand u bought for her? can she swallow well.. i quite confuse leh, if i feed baby cereal, then how long will it last her till the next feed.. is it 3-hrs feed still?

icebaby, wah.. at ur age & u already got a master & 3 kids.. u muz be a superwoman! how did u do it.. really admire strong will mummy like u leh. Were u working & studying at the same time? i intend to work full time and study part time, for part time degree cannot schedule modules to our wish right?

tracie, hehe.. ya lah, maltese looked so cute, lucky we don't have bulldog at home.. wah.. 8-hour interval ah.. i scare supply drop leh.. me not blessed with good supply, so got to be more diligent.. my colleague now calls me "mu niu" (female cow) in the office..

jo, ya loh.. i also dun believe it at first de.. until i read that it realli happens to 1 of the woman in the neighbourhood.. maybe she realli realli too close to her dog already.. my mum say she saw the baby in real person b4, baby face realli look exactly like the bull dog loh.. Husky realli huge loh, Jorel scare or not? my dad always say when my girl grows up she sure ride on my pomeranian & pluck all his dog fur one.. hehe..

yueling, u got see their instructions video? i hav a existing pouch that i've been using since my baby is 1 month old.. me getting a second one, size 3 for my mummy, expecting to arrive by post today. U got urs already?
Xiao hua,
yes i got it yesterday.
i got see the insturction. i tried the kangoroo carry, but bb can't go in.
what position u carry ur bb?
Song & Song at Bedok Interchange is along the shops near to POSB Bank.. there are 2 shops selling cheap and lelong baby clothings. You can check it out.
Hi Cheri

I only let her dip in not more than 10min. After that will bathe her and apply lotions.. So far ok.. Chlorine is harmful if you dun clean them properly. Water is cold but i start with her feet in and let her get use to the temperature follow by butt then put her into the float. It works for her.. If you are worry abt you boi skin, maybe check wz PD first before you start.

Hi Dolly

Actually Marine Parade here also got Song & Song but i find their design very limited compare to Toa Payoh. And TPY price is much cheaper than Marine Parade lor... So i reckon that is the outlet that carry more design and cheaper.. Cannot take it right... so CHEAP!!
hv called juz now, but they say minimum must b 6ppl, then can reserve. i b goin earlier tmr n c if can find a nice table there lor. pm u my no for easier contactin. =)
nope, i bought the cheap GAP romper in the market those sort of like push-cart stall. 3 for $10. You want? later i go check out the milk powder that time, i see still got nice romper or not?
thanks for the compliment.. but the bond is only abt 2 yrs right? since your fren still young should enjoy her flying career first.. anyway our job is physically demanding... night flights... gotta stand and walk for long hrs..some times also gotta help passengers with bags...meal carts also pretty heavy so not very suitable for preggies...
a lot of my colleagues also suffer from miscarriages.. better warn your fren.. if she wanna start family must be careful..
okie no prob, i will pass to u on Sunday... me going to be lightbulb too... one big one and one chubby one haha! Ya... Hubby leaving tonight for India. He will go over to check out the place and set up the water distiller and filtering system before me and princess go over loh. I probably will be going over end of Sept! for a month or so... then will come back in End Oct to start bb solid food. Hmm... I actually have car but scare to drive alone with bb... if yr hubby dun mind, I wld luv to? but paiseh lei... or I can take a cab

haha... totally look alike now with the hat! Cute...

rashes on his head might be caused by the shampoo u used thou... I was using Kodomo shampoo once and realised rashes appearing on her head then keep switching until i found one that is mild... J&J top to toe, just a bit each time for bathing and shampooing.

haha... that's funny! My gal is exploring her tiny fingers too... holding and hand shaking her own hands
hey, u can try putting yr palm infront of her and she will hold each fingers of yr and move to the next until she holds every single one... so cute! At this stage, they enjoyed exploring things and keep doing it over & over again... enjoyed playing with her that way, try it! At least a "free" toy for bb... haha...

Dun be sad abt ur boobies, juz wear a good support bra... can prevent it sagging. Bo bian, guess mummies have sacrifice alot for our bb... that's why mother's day is more power than father's day mah hehe

Sugar and icebaby,
I dun even know there is nice muffin there haha... it is not far from my hse... sotong! Me and hubby is food lovers too, can eat from east to west... can make our day with good food we like

which part of serangoon u stayed in? r u still there often?

that's why is important to strike a deal with them b4 preggie... hehe... they have a share in making our tummy expand mah, so is reasonable to tone it up
Juz keep showing him yr stetchmark loh... he will probably agree hehe!
I heard if u waited till the next pregnancy... the fat is more diff to get rid loh, but still can... need more session to do it le. I can recommend if u want

Xiao hua,
so i see u there ah. Wah, yesterday i received my pouch and straightaway open up and used it... think my gal is prefer front carry leh with her legs out... but i read that is more suitable for 12 mths. is it ok thou, will i stress her back? She hates cradle carry... her chubby legs cant be crossed... wahaha!

looking for toys now... went ToyRus but nothing much lei... will check out at taka then. It is a sale... till when?

Re: Spreeing
Helppppp....!!! now i spree more, even to the extend of buying my own clothes liao. lately ordered $100 plus clothes from a toyko fashion spree. find the cliffon top and dress very nice leh... I am beyond hope i guess hehe... fall too deep can't come out already

Re: Clubbing
Would love to... but looking at bb give me second thought hiaz! cannot expect my MIL to take care of her at mid nite right... then DIL go party... haha, juz weird! guess have to give it a miss then. Can't hold my liquor very well too. From drinking hard liquor to shots, then downgrade to long island ... then downgrade to cocktail and now oni can tahan red wine, haha and can drink red wine oni with hubby and friends during chit chatting session. This is the symptom of getting old liao... sigh!

Re: Teething powder
lately my GMIL keep asking me to buy online the teething powder from london. she said is very good and is proven over the decades... is called Ashton and Pakson. Will tried it and let all of u know...

u can view the video provided in their website... http://www.pupsikstudio.com/pages/instructions.php
I also juz got it and used this video to guide me along
practise made perfect!

glad u like it... me too! is so baby friendly loh. Ya... do join us in our next gathering okie...
Faith, my boy used to drink 2 oz or 3 oz every 2 or 3 hours too, very xiong especially during midnite..but suddenly, from last week onwards, he starts to drink 5 oz every 5 hours, me damn happy man !!:p coz only have to feed him 5 times a day instead of 9 - 12 times a day..


its always nice to have all-girl nite out, its so fun !! dont really have to go to the club, chill out bars like no. 5, que pasa or alley bar are nice too, for chichatting..the last time i went clubbing with my gfs, i had to rush home at 1230am coz need to reach home by 1am to takeove the shift fron my mom...havent reallt enjoy dancing got to go home liao..but i must say dancing is a very good form of exercise..

muzicgal, you so funny!!if there is a 'mother and child look-alike' contest, you sure win !!!

re : cheap and nice omper

my gynea's clinic is`at toa payoh central so i always go to this shop called song & song which is diagonally opp the clinic. It sells bb clothings from brands like carters, gap, old navy, oshkosh , nike, addidas etc, very worth buying coz very cheap, from $3 onwards but it sells bb girls clothings more, every week has new stock...there is another one a few shops away from song & song, sells nice girls clothings, nice jackets from oshkosh, gap, about $10 to $17 but again, they sell more girls clothings too

Hi Diana and Muzicgal,

Just to share, I bought my Enfalac A+ at Teck Whye market blk 145, a traditional medical provision shop named Kim Siah (Can't remeber the exact spelling), 2 weeks ago at $35.50. And its manufactured in May 2008. So i think quite fresh.. those i bought from supermarkets manufactred in 2007
