(2008/05) May 2008

Hi All,
The reason that Mrs wong gave about why birdnest was good was that she saw a baby that was very fair and has rosy cheeks. When she asked the mum what she eat, she say chocolates and birdnest. Both the parents look quite tan...

Birdnest is not recommended to boil with pao sheng becos it is a stronger herb as compared to pao sheng. And thus, when boil together, it will take the nutrious value away from birdnest. Thus, recommended to take it with rock sugar and only 3 tablespoon each time, leave the rest for next day.

Pao sheng is recommended to boil with pork or chix....

Tat is what I was told on sunday clas...

my hb also sing song n tell story to bb every nite..every morning he will ask bb kick me n play with me so that i wouldnt feel bored at home..hope bb can recognize his voice, so when bb is born, no need to depend on me only to "hong" bb..haha
felval- my hb wil kiss my tummy every nite too. tell bb to be guai n behave. smtimes i try to be funny n sayang his 'tummy' n ask bb to be guai also. lolz

poky- my hb says can hear! hahah.. duno true anot.
hi piggy_mummy,

me also hope baby will recogn hubby's voice. sometimes i wonder, is it we think too much? hahaha.

my hubby dun read stories to baby. only morning tell bb he gg to work then at nite wan slp then tell baby gdnite. then when i complain baby nv kicks enuff, he tell baby to kick me more. hahaha
hi ant1712,

i gt sayang la but i abit siao. always tap my tummy hopping baby will kick me back to acknowledge. hahah.

my hubby says hear no baby heartbeats le. he says most likely is my own heartbeats. so sad...really wan him to hear baby heartbeats lo..
I never asked my husband if i fat, i simply blame him for my weight gain, haha... but i do ask him if my nose is getting bigger.
why u so funny? ask hb if ur nose gets bigger?

My nose is also getting bigger leh. last pregnancy mchiam jacky chan nose leh. now havent reach the extreme stage.maybe still early.
haha... like u, last pregnancy also like jacky chan nose then a bit paranoid. Somemore they said those pregnant with boys, nose will be bigger so more or less want to see if it is true. Initially hoping for a gal, then will ask hubby if nose getting big, when he said no then i will said ok, we still got chance.
jen, thx. will ck email when back home. =)

Jer, my nose also bcome bigger. alot of ppl thus guess it was a bb boy. but after detail scan, confirm it a bb girl. =)
worse still, i alrdy inherited big nose from my dad.. always kana suan for hvin jackie chan's nose. with pregnancy, even much bigger.. OMG.... wana cry liao...
haha.. so its not true. Cos right now i having baby boy again but nose still the same but maybe 3rd tri will be bigger *touch wood*.

you very cute. When I knew my hubby, he was 55kg. 7 yrs and 2.5 kids later...he hit 70kg+.

I guess I myself abit parnoid. When I had my first kid, before pregnancy I was around 43/44kg. End of 38 weeks, I hit 63kg! =P That was horror.
Got preggy with my 2nd kid 6 months after the first...that time I was about hovering 45/46kg, end up at 37 week, I hit 58kg.

Now I started at around 44kg for the 3rd, now already hitting the scales of 52.5/53kg..so that's why it's scary.

**Oh, I may weigh very light but that's because I have light bones. So dun envy...cos put on 2-3kg, will means I expand to M size. =(

As for this round, my face didn't change much. Tummy expanded faster. Now it's about the same size when I was about to give birth to my 1st 2 kids. =(
hmm.. for bird nest, my mum said eat everyday is the best la. But too ex and troublesome to pick out those bird's fur so think eat 2-3 times a week. She always boil with pao sheng leh, only when need to da bu then boil with kao li.

I also don't know how heavy I am now. Next week when see gynae then will find out. Hopefully haven't put on much weight in the last 6 weeks. But this morning, see my face like very swollen. Haiz..

I also heard nose will become bigger during pregnancy. But really hope it will stay the same.

How to maintain weight? I think I need to reduce the amount of food that I take everytime.
re-big nose

me also heard that having bb boy the face will become ugly n nose bigger..but until now my nose also same leh, i always ask my hb my nose got bigger or not, he said same, so i thought i expecting gal gal, but after detailed scan, is boy boy


may b u can try taking brown rice n whole meal bread instead of white rice n white bread..n less sweet stuff..
Icebaby, Yah, now I don't dare to drink le. But I craving for it. I waiting to eat durian also. My hubby totally ban me from durian cos he also worried abt baby's complexion in the future. He went to other threads in this forum and alot of mummies commented that they had alot of durians during pregnancy, but after baby come out, baby skin always very dry and itchy. I said my boss wife also eat alot, but the gal ok. He said play safe so don't touch it.

Cheri, I also wanna maintain weight leh. But I always get hungry. Last visit to gynea I only gain 1 kg, but I know it is due to me being sick and consistently vomiting out my dinner every nite. Now ok le, and CNY coming. Sigh... Sure put on weight, plus I cannot exercise due to low placenta. Urgh... Depressing.

Piggy mummy, I think big nose applies to individual bah. But I heard that expecting boy boy will have more pimples is true. Cos of the amount of male hormones in us. Thats why sometimes some ladies they went to see doc in regards to outbreak, sometimes the doc will give them hormone pills to take.
good morning girls,

I hit the office at 7.10am this morning. So sleepy. Drove to work (but still hit office slightly after 7pm. Mine is weekend car). Tonight can only leave after 7pm. *Sigh
icebaby, so envy u.. u wt so little nw.. ;( i so heavy.. -_-"

i oso gt big nose leh.. 1st tri already obvious liao.. den eveyone guess i gt boy.. ya la true enuf.. ;( haiz.. i so ugly nw..
Re: Boy Vs Girl
hmmm..for me, my skin stayed clear for both my first kid (a gal) and my current one (a boy). The difference between my two pregnancies is:

Gal-Butt is bigger, put on more weight - 12kg. Better appetite, v healthy and never fall sick.

Boy-Only put on 1kg so far, eat lesser, immune system much weaker.

And btw also, my tummy is sharp for both boy and gal. So I guess the old wives' tales dun apply for my case. Heehee

aiyoh. Must see my size mah. I already put on 9kg. SO it's actually alot.

For both my boys, i think for both I didn't change much in nose cos maybe I wear specs. Now i dun (cos lasik in yr 2004). ALso this time around, because girl, I think never change much. But tummy, this time around ROUNDER compared to the first 2 I think.
morning all,

ya lo, icebaby, aft 3kids, u still weight so light, envy lo. share ur secrets le? or coz too stress looking aft 2 kids?

pre-preg i weight 45.
last visit to gynae 3weeks ago i already weight 51.5kg...now i think sld hit 55kg le...haiz...v scary i will hit the 60kg mark - will be same weight as hubby, by then standing besides me makes me looks so fat!!!
felval- u r so light too! i b4 preg alrdy 60+, nw 70+. nvr tot i wil hit the 70 mark! nw prayin hard i wil nt hit 80
feel like a big elephant walkin ard nw
ant1712 & WCT,

Like I mention, I weigh light is because of my light bones. I ain't that slim actually. If I hit the scales at 47-48kg, I have to start wearing M size clothes. Unlike alot of other people I know, that when they hit 47-50kg+ and still can wear S size. =(

I lost weight after my 2nd birth cos I went back to work 1 month after maternity. Didn't get much of a rest and started working long hours (e.g. 8am - 10/11pm) and didn't eat dinner often. So the weight drop was fast.

This time around, I dun know leh. I think gonna be harder for me to lose. See how lah.


When I preggy with my 1st boy, I hit the scales at 62/63kg. Which was about 1kg away from hubby's weight. So imagine how jialat i felt then. Hahaha. But the thing, I didn't look big...just that I gained 19kg. Even my ah-ma and mother told me to put on more weight when I preggy for no. 2. But when I told my mother how much I put on for my 1st, she can say "sure anot?!?!" cos my tummy look small. *sigh*

Tell you what..after we give birth, we should con't this thread as "slimming cum workout" thread. So we can encourage each other to lose weight! *grin*
hi moony,

for the list of things i got from the shop on last sat, i forgot to add another pack of hanky (10 or 12 pcs).

tooks some pics (as promised) but not v nice one la. the colors for the short sleeves is the same as the long sleeves. mittons n bootees are available in white, yellow n blue in 1 pack. the hanky ho, 1 pack all same designs on.

u take a look la. =)

hi ant1712,

slim was when i was planning for wedding, i weights 42kg on my wedding day lo =(

this is for sure the fattest i ever weight in my entire life till now....my hubby always call me fat pig now coz the heaviest i was when i know him was 47-48k like tt...

sobsob..i just hope 3rd trimester i dun gain too much weight...if nt aft delivery ppl usy looking aft baby i think i busy go exercising le.
Gd morning all mums...!

Today was kind of feeling 'stretched' like a rubber. But the pregnant feeling is simply fabulous and marvelous too...

But my experience tells me that we should take care of ourselves not to expect any person to 'give' their seat up to us. Ppls nowadays are more selfish and unfeeling.. I just got a bad experience this morning again! The young girl pretended to doze off imm when she saw me approaching.. How can it be, we just wake up!
Hey Sparks! Remember me? Don't think too much on other ppl's behaviour and let them affect you or least affect the bb okie?

Confinement Herbs
Can I ask if yr sis buy confinement herbs from Bliss? And did u see it and was it a lot? How much was it?
sparkes, its like dat de.. ytd mi n my colleagues after wk go orchard.. den @ MRT we standing in front of those seats which are meant to gif up to preg woman or elderly, but everyone juz pretend to slp.. my colleague so angry she said loudly, 'c preg woman still dun gif up ur seat.. slp n slp..' den gt 1 young man, he like very gan chiong scare cannot alight the train, he quickly rushed out n knock onto me, my colleagues dis time flare up say him 'u blind ar??!! cannot c preg woman??' i told her nvm lah.. dis kinda ppl no manners one..
i complain to my hubby, i told him nw he shld understand y i always take cab..
Yeah, moony. now majority youngster also like this... sad...


Yes, I remember u. U had engaged yr CL from Bliss for yr #1 right? If i remembered correctly, it was near CNY period ard this time last yr... R u pregnant already???? Congratulations!!!

Confinement Herbs
Since u've engaged CL from Bliss... u didn't buy the pakage from Bliss? My sis bought the package @$500. The herbs were pre-packed and were arranged from wk 1 to wk4 consumption. We've learnt quite alot abt herbs from it too. My mum was amazed by the contents too (quite good quality herbs and fresh too)! She mentioned if we buy from those medical herbs from medical halls... we might be getting those herbs which have been place at the shelves for god knows how long?! After my sis's confinement period, her health recovers and being a 1st time mum, she was glad to have us supporting her in engaging CL and also the herbs were essential items too... R u considering the package too? Will u still engage CL from them?
hi sparks,

dun be angry le. its like tt de. ppl nwadays pretty selfish de. me also eveyday take mrt & bus to wk also the same. my exp is, the ppl can look at u, know u are preg and yet refuse to give up their seats and neither do they pretend to slp. throu-out the ride, i was standing directly in front of the person and she can just stare at my tummy and stil dun give up the seat. not once but many times le. if nt, they pretend nt to see u lo..got once i reali nt feeling well and was extremely tired and having backache coz standing too long, still they just stare at me n my tummy...when i dropped off and met up with my hubby i almost cried...hehehe.take bus also like tt....so ah, depends on others to give up their seats and if really someone does that then its a bonus...if nt i just accept it and stand lo.

if my hubby start work later and closer to my wkplace he can drive me to work le =(
Yes... yr memory is good eh?? I'm expecting to deliver mayb early sep or end aug... Thank U!

Confinement Herbs
Yes, I regret not taking their package.. soon after my confinement period ends... I found out more white hairs coming out and most hairs are falling off too. Next, I find myself having lower back ache easily and even sneeze also have urine come out... I heard during confinement we women actually have another chance towards our health and beauty too... That's why I'm now enquiring for my upcoming confinement period. My colleagues says when they engaged CL, they depended on CL to provide them with the list of herbs they should prepare for the CL and ended up buying too much and left at home to 'rot'... Morever, when i show them the herbs list over at Bliss website to them.. they said their CL never cook these for them during their confinement. The CL only knows those simple and most commonly used herbs like 'herbal chix' when we consume outside hawker center. That's why i'm becoming more certain and convinced that Bliss herbs were indeed specialised for confinement mums only. Now price increase le... to $530!

Since I've been well-taken care by Bliss during my #1... Of course, I will still look upon them for my #2 too! Because this agency is the ONLY one that allows us to choose and meet our CL and I trust in their integrity and experience too.
I have put on 10kg since pregnant. I actually cut down on my carbo intake and can see my weight drop by 1kg and maintain there.

Ask u ladies something. Will u be taking ur placenta home after delivery?
WishComeTrue... I will not let these unwanted memories to affect my bb... just cautioning mummies here... about those 'ugly' one outside. The only protection comes from ourselves not others.

My advise is... tell them of yr problems and make full use of yr 2nd chance to rebuild yr health! Otherwise, u'll have to wait for yr 3rd chance! Pls take care of yourself. - worried-
hi gina,

me still thinking le....
wat do u plan to do with it anyway? i tinking sld i just keep or arghhh....make it into powder and ...and..u know..hehehe
Felval, I'm oso thinking about it. It is said to do great deal to our health. If I really keep, I'll get the Chinese Medical Hall to dried it and grind it into powder. Eating it like this, I dun dare.
I am interested in the placenta too. Which medical shop will grind for us? And what is the process to store it when we bring back from hospital?

Also, can we eat bak gwa?? My colleagues have been stopping me... they say alot of preservatives and salt, sugar, etc...
hi winnedy,

i think if u grind into powder can store in cool dry place can le. but if u arent grinding into powder then i think need to freezer it?

can eat bak gwa ba. but coz alot of preservatives, salts n etc so best is to control the amt u eat.

i ate 2 packs of "wang wang" biscults and end up with water retention on my fingers... and feet...so i think have to watch the amt we eat lo.
WishComeTrue.. so serious meh... eat wang wang the water retention on fingers!!!


the salt content realli high ah...

actuali i eating those potato chips ok leh... i read before..water flush out water..so drink the ideal no of water shld help

emm, my complexion better than b4 preg..now i din use any facial foam , jus water to wash my face..


gina, no need to cut down on carbohidrat, change ur diet to those brown rice n whole meal of multi grain bread..healthier..

bak gu--

ai yo, me don like to eat CNY goodies, even bak gua, so no prob, but i think will try to eat some, since i din put on so much of weight..

wah.. i already ate bak gua liao.. hehe.. the lim chee guan one.. but my mum says eat moderate.. i love my mum's pineapple tarts.. but i heard for pineapples so long its cooked n eat moderate its ok de.. cannot eat those freshly cut pineapple..
