(2008/05) May 2008

Sparks, I also craving for durians but I dun dare to take cause some ppl said it'll cause eczema in babies next time. I had eczema so to play safe, I refrain from eating durian. Few more months lah, Hubby promised me a durian feast after my confinement cos he knows I'm trying hard now. Keke...

Some ppl said durians will make babies grow very big also. So if doc say your baby is small size, can eat lah, but eczema part will have to take into consideration loh.
I'm taking bird nest as and when I remembered. I bought a box of bird nest from Hock Hua as I dunno how to cook the bird nest.

I'm oso interested in the exercise. Mine only "A" cup, now going to be "B" cup. If after BF, mine become smaller than before, I'll faint.

I used to have cravings for durian but it has stopped. The elders are saying that the complex of your baby will not be nice after eating too many durians. Anyway, the sugar content of durian is high too.
Hi Jaspire & felval, I wanted to start Bird's nest on the 5th month cos mum said can only eat after 20 weeks. but didn't cos bought 6 liang for about $1000, very ex leh. But now my hubby said I should start eating and not worry about the cost. So if not enough then buy somemore.

Hey, it's a good idea for May mummies to meetup. Potluck will be too difficult if we are going to be heavily pregnant by then. Maybe a simple dinner?

I think can eat durian la. Cos when my mum had my sister, she ate durians almost everyday. But my sister came out with some weird stuff on her head but she's ok now. She got thick black nice hair. haha.. Anyway, I don't think durians will affect so much ba. But everything shld be in moderation. Even eating alittle everyday shouldn't do much harm. Hehe.. Talking about durian, I feel like eating too.Haha..
~~How to cope with cravings???~~
Just eat what you crave but in moderation. Saturday I craved for lime juice. Hubby too lazy to buy for me but i keep whining that he raise white flag. haha...

Talking about food, when eating especially eating out, please check or at least take a look at the food as I had a bad experienced yesterday. Went for lunch wif my family yesterday at ah mei cafe. My mum ordered a few dishes as we have the habit to share the varieties of food among ourselves. I happily ate a french toast and when my mum took one of the french toast and about to take a bite, to her horror, there was moulds on the bread. Then she asked my sis and i to check. True enough, I ate a piece of mould french toast! My mum was so furious cos if anything happen, it be harmful to me and baby. Both my mum and sis confronted the staffs at the counter, they offered to change the dish for us but my sis insist on a refund. And to her horror while waiting for the staff to take the money out from the cash register, another staff took a bread out from the pack that they used to serve customer and went over to the cashier to let his colic check, as his colic was busy taking out money for my sis, he put the bread on top of a cloth that they used to clean the counter. Not sure if they put back the bread into the pack or throw away but one thing for sure is i wont be going back there again.
trying to imagine there are worms inside the durians crawing and feeding on it... kekeke..
my class is at 7pm to 9pm de... so different.. =)

i already started drinking since 1st trimester, around twice a week. hehehee...

i oso start eating at the start of 2nd trimester.
i also have durian craving leh, trying hard not to eat too much cos already piling on the weight like nobody's business.. so got durian puffs/pancake from Four Seasons to satisfy my cravings lor.

got craving for ice-cream too, eating almost every night, i think i put on 1kg extra due to my daily ice-cream for last week!
hey gals.. morning!!

bird nest i started taking 1 1/2mths back.. i bought those concentrated bottles ones from Eu Ren Sen.. 6 tiny bottles for 80+ but now they gt 20% off leh.. so my hubby says wanna go stock up liao.. i 1 week drink once.. hoping my bb's complexion will b gd..

durian wise, last mth i've ate ard 10 seeds haha.. i din noe cannot eat leh.. my mum seems ok wif it.. cos she ask mi too eat.. but she says everything eat moderate can liao..

felval, that shop is at where huh?? wat time they open one.. cos dat day i pass by like mostly sell those hardware things leh..
mornin gals!
talkin abt durians, my hb is a big fan of it! we jus ate at geylang 2 days ago =D i only ate 2 hoods, scared put on too much wt. nwadays v conscious of wat i eat!
i hv started drinkin bird nest too.

u gals saw the news ytd abt drinkin coffee twice a day wil incr the risk of miscarriage? my hb banned me frm drinkin liao
i was stil tryin to negotiate w him once or twice a wk shd be fine rite. hw to completely cut off coffee
anyone hvg this problem?
morning all mummies =)

wah! still on the topic of durians ah? hehehe. dun say le la, say some more i really wanna ask hubby go buy 1 for me to finish by myself le.eheheh. love durians with bitter taste and THICK flesh! YUMMY! hhehe


my mum cook for me, as she is wking so can only prep for me on sun. tt time went to the medicial hall to buy birdnest, the person was saying self-cook one is better than now bottled ones (coz v sweet) so hubby buy me those need to self-cook type. looking fwd to sun coz can go swimming, eat durians and birdnest. yippie.hehehe.

hi moony,

the shop ho, SUPER SUPER hard to find lo. hubby and me going ard in circles before we found it. u know albert centre frm the entrance u see mostly selling those dry goods?? its behind theose shops, besides the road.

hi ant1712,

yaya. saw the news too. i used to drink alot of coffee, at least once per day but aft preg i stopped le. at first very hard la but i control myself lo, drink milo instead. but the news mentioned, increase chances of miscarriag in early pregnancy wo, i think at this stage sld be more or less stable le ba? but better dun take the risk lo.
hi jaspire,

i 1 week nv eat durian le...mayb 2nite ask hubby to go buy for me.hehehe. but i constipation now!!! eat liao think even worst liao lo =(

hi moony,

no prob. hope you can find something useful there too =)
i guess eating moderately is fine. =)

I have been taking "cheapo" birdnest (not much birdnest) with ginseng and white fungus. I think it's not that bad lah...cos I think it was because I started taking it that's why i got preggy!
hi icebaby,

heard white fungus is gd for complexion also. me been feeling heaty recently, any "liang" drinks we can take?

For me, I am waiting for 3rd trimester to start drinking coconut.

As for liang cha, I think it's okay if u take "moderately"...cos can say that our pregnancy now is considered at the stable stage. Dun like happy happy overdrink lah.
wow lau.. wrote alot of post liao end up Internet connection is down all my msg gone. now got to re-type everything. haiz.

I also ate nird nest. but then few wks ago ate the 1st time with additional of "kao li sheng" then forget to add rock sugar abit bitter. then end up after drink less than 1min all give toilet bowl drink leh. waste my bird nest leh.

icebaby, I will be using back my post natal malay massage lady which she is good & cheap also lar. hhaa

I always have durian cravings one.

where u buy the durian one? i always tempted but cant find durian stalls.

What u buy at the shop? $104 is alot of things to buy leh.

Eating lotsa of durians, not only weight gain ar. tummy also will grow inches also ar. haha

I also ate alot of durian when i am expecting my gal. somemore is was the peak season leh. my sis hb hometown got durian plantation. he go in bring more more back for my family to eat. wow very shiok. ate the most durian in my life lidat. but then when my gal come out her skin is very dry kind lor. got scalings one. then hv to apply lotion for her everyday then less than 1mth her skin back to normal liao. but NOW suddenly her eczema suddenly breakout at her nose area lor. dunno isit inherit from daddy since my hb got serious skin pblm + eczema pblm as she is same bld grp as my hb & MIL. then both also skin very lousy condition one.
Re:LIANG CHA - Barley

We cannot drink barley at early stage until we reach 3rd trim leh. i understand from a chinese sinseh say if drink too much barley hor can shrink our womb one. maybe make our labour more difficult or what lar. "zi gong will shou suo" lor.
Hi all May mummies,

My EDD is 20th May and I'm expecting my 2nd princess.

Recently, I've been feeling really hot and yesterday i developed rashes. Anyone have this experience?

Hi Icebaby, could you advise me why there is a need to drink coconut? tks
I bought those bird nest that have to be cooked one. My mum need to soak and pick out the dirt from the bird nest before cooking. Think will probably take 2-3 times per week.

icebaby, I also heard have to take coconut before giving birth but not sure when. Anyway, when is the 3rd trimester starting ar?
felval- i was turned off by coffee smell durin my 1st tri n tot i can stop drinkin for the whole 9mths. who noes 2nd tri, i start cravin for it again! limit myself to only alternate days. is teh si ok? i used to drinkin hot drinks every mornin. tryin to drink more soya milk instead.

cheri- my gynae says 28 wks is the start of 3rd tri. 2 more wks for me! reali fast!
hey tracy, thanks! hehe..

for liang cha, cannot anyhw drink leh.. my MIL gt says nt every liang cha is meant for preggy woman.. but i drank alot of barely water cos i kanna UTI easily n barely can help with UTI..

actually not only coffee, is caffeine, so have to avoid coke, tea,chocolates bar..because at the beginning, my gynae told me 3 nos during pregnancy( no sex, no coffee, no raw fd), so i 100% stop coffee liao, i used to drink a cup day..


HB reservist now, nobody buy for me..

Re-liang drink

actually bird nest consider liang..

Re-bird nest

asked mrs wong, she said bird nest better go with rock sugar only, do not mix with pao sheng..

Cheri Liao,

wa, drink birdnest 2-3 times per week, i think too much liao, coz the mediacal hall ppl told me can only take ard 2 weeks once, if not bb come out very sensitive..

may b u can change to eat yogurt lo, coz barley is liang, not even preg can drink too much, women can drink too much liang drink, no gd to our womb.
Hi icebaby,
me too.. waiting for 3rd tri to drink coconut.

Hi birdy,
the reason for drinking coconut is to prevent jaundice but for my previous pregnancy my baby still kana jaundice and old folks believe that we need to eat those "liang" food during last tri so that our labour will be easier. But all these are just something which are pass down from the past just like those food that we are not supposed to eat or somethings that we are not supposed to do during pregnancy so is up to you whether you believe it a not.

Hi piggy_mum,
I believe the no sex part only for first tri ba.
piggymummy- my gynae din ask us to abstain frm sex. in fact we stil active til nw. haha... jus bit difficult to find the correct position, tummy in the way! =P
piggymummy, my gynae ask me to abstain from sex for 1st tri cos dat time i got spotting but after that when baby stabilised, he gave us the green light. Me and hubby oso still active till now wor. LOL!
birdy, me having bad rashes on and off since the start of the second trimester. my dr says it's hormonal and basically there's nothing much that can be done (the creams and medication aren't very effective cos cannot use those strong medication).

my dr says my rashes a bit early (people usually get rashes in 3rd trimester), expected to get worse when the pregnancy progresses. true enough, me now getting rashes on the sides of my tummy! at first i tot it's itchy due to skin stretching, but apply the stretchmark creams no use, then one night woke up middle of the night scratching and asked my hubby to apply the cream for rashes (dunno why, must be too sleepy to think) and surprisingly it stopped the itch! today i finally see the rashes (bumps)and not feel the itch only. so sian!
birdy, did your gynae give you any creams or medication for the rashes?

I'll take the medication for rashes every night (cos it causes drowiness) and apply the cream whenever it's very itchy. not 100% relief from the itch but better than scratch myself like a monkey the whole day
paiseh to post my weight gain, only 24 weeks and soon going over 10kg!

piggy mummy, dr ang mentioned less coffee, but during 1st trimester i no stomach to take coffee anyway. now i'm taking abt 1 cup a day, as long as below 2 cups a day should be safe lah..
birdy, but body lotion or moisturiser cannot relief the itch from the rashes! did you show your dr your rashes? cos she might have thought it's itchy due to skin stretching (which is normal and moisturiser can help)..

but if got rashes like us then normal moisturiser won't help a single bit at all lor. if i didn't have the cream and medication i'll have many sleepless nights! cos sometimes a few days not really itchy i dun take the medication, after a few days without medication the rashes can suddenly come out in the middle of the night. ended up i wake up scratching myself, so badly that sometimes the skin gets raw. so i wake hubby up and asked him to go get my pills and medicated cream, after that then finally can get back to sleep lor.
me so far gained 6kg..hope to gain more..

i am the "kia si" type, so till now i din drink coffee..and no sex..another reason for no sex is part of the "tai jiao"...he he...
Hi Birdy and Lynn,

I had very bad rashes too, but i have switch to using this brand of body wash and surprising my rashes disappear! REally! It's call cetaphil, you can get it at any pharmacy! It is very effective for me! Maybe you can try!

I have put on only 3 kg so far and i am 25 weeks preg! guess i had been very stress over sending my daughter to school, i think once she has settled down, i will be better! but have been feeling so hot too! At night i can blast the aircon at 19 degrees and still can perspire! Sigh...
pengz.. most of u gain so little wt.. ;( mi had been over 10kg le.. ;( so depress..

mi & hubby oso still quite active but nt as b4 cos of the tummy.. ;(

Can reccommend us who is ur post natal massage lady? How much?


They say drink coconut "cleanses" the baby.
And smooth delivery.

As for rashes, it's hormonal. Should be okay after birth, just bear with it.


You can ask doc if they have any cream to relieve the rashes. But as usual don't over use it...high in steriod.


wah envy you gain so little. (but of course, most important baby is healthy). I am at 26 weeks, gain around 9kg (before eating). I dare not step on weighing machine these days. =(

As for "activity", you all lucky lah. My hubby...haiz...in active one!!!!
moony: me too, gain more then 10kg in my 24wks.. so depressing as i nod i gt to work extra hard to get rid of the excess weight and get back to shape.

My hubby become monk since i'm preggy, as i'm told by my gynae nt to have sex, i'm having spoting quite often.

hi icebaby,

coconut i also waiting to drink. especially those young coconut chilled. yummy. hehehe. liang cha i dare nt drink lo. barley with ginko nuts le? my MIL told me is ok but i stil dun dare to drink.

hi jen,

me ah, i stayed in yishun then i always go chong pang and buy. hehehe. if nt ho, geylang plenty lo!

$104 ah, really buy alot lo:

2 dozens of cloth diapers
1 pack of long sleeve top (6pcs/pack)
1 pack of short sleeve top (6pcs/pack)
1 pack of long pants (6pcs/pack)
1 pack of baby towel (6pcs/pack)
1 pack of mittons & bootees (6pairs/pack)
2 baby wraps (can use as blanket also)
4 cloth diaper cover (something like a shorts, when baby wear the cloth diapers le then wear this on the outside)

hohoho, alot ho? hehehe.worth it lo!
