(2008/05) May 2008

Hi lynn,

tat's what i thot too as in changing a gynae. but hubby is against the idea. he said the doctor so far is ok and even though the charges are high, he is prepared to bite the bullet and just pay.

i have nothing agaist the gynae. in fact i think she is quite good. just tat the idea i am paying a very high premium for her service while i know there are more value for money services around tat's keep nagging in my mind. sigh...

Hi lynn,

tat's what i thot too as in changing a gynae. but hubby is against the idea. he said the doctor so far is ok and even though the charges are high, he is prepared to bite the bullet and just pay.

i have nothing agaist the gynae. in fact i think she is quite good. just tat the idea i am paying a very high premium for her service while i know there are more value for money services around tat's keep nagging in my mind. sigh...
Hello Jaspire!

I went to Robinson ytd and the baby items were relatively cheaper...

was tinking to buy ytd but seeing the super long Q... the idea was put off... any idea when the sale end?
choc, robinsons sale is not preview for cardmembers. 25-27 dec, 28 onwards in open to public..

what good buys did you spot? i didn't manage to go down, went to carrefour instead cos went to utilise the carrefour $10 voucher (for every $65 spent) to buy electricals for my sis who is returning from the US.. managed to utilise 5 vouchers for the various items, saved $50
ya me too, i went to robinson centre point yesterday... the queue was horrible. end up didn't buy anything. for pte sale it's until 27th. but i am going to isetan pte sale tmr.. getting the pigeon steriliser set and the combi stroller.
yanling, me going to the isetan private sale tomorrow as well! later going to robsinsons to check out if they have any good buys..

my sis advised me not to get sreriliser, she said very lei-chey, she tried using for a few times but ended up using the microwave steriliser instead cos it's much faster. but my hubby was concerned with the radiation emitted by microwave.. hiaz.. so troublesome!
Lynn, me not sure if getting pre-folds. BTW, you could put the nappy liner to hold the baby poop. I oso find the poop gross but then since nappy liner is cheap and can throw, its not too bad. So you might consider doing that. Meanwhile, will go check out the prefolds too. Hee...
Lynn, me not sure if getting pre-folds. BTW, you could put the nappy liner to hold the baby poop. I oso find the poop gross but then since nappy liner is cheap and can throw, its not too bad. So you might consider doing that. Meanwhile, will go check out the prefolds too. Hee...
jaspire, i was reading the bum wear site and didn't know nappy liners can be washed if not soiled with poop! i though it's only paper? hmmm...

i saw you're getting package C, but then the one-size diapers can only be used when baby reaches 5kg right? in that case what are your arrangements gonna be before that?

if order package C from the website will S$355, but the BP in the april thread goes by indiv piece of diaper and insert right? will be much cheaper? i was thinking if buy the prefolds for when baby is really small and can't fit the one-sized yet, can use the prefolds as inserts later so no need to get so many inserts.

the pigeon steriliser at Isetan comes with a quite a few freebies like the new born starter kit and the food warmer for $139.90. so far the kiddy palace is selling at 88.90 for just the sterilier. so i think it's quite a good buy leh. My sister said using steam one is better than the microwave. think i will try the steam one first.
Hi Lynn,

If you get the digital baby monitor, then there will be no interference. I am currently using philips, not too bad, quite good. Can even hear her breathing
Yeah it will be harder to shift her to her own room after she is used to sleeping with you.

For my daughter, i used pampers from young, though quite ex, but she did not have any diaper rash before, she is now 2.5 years old, you can try putting nappy rash cream after every wash, it will prevent diaper rash too, i like drapolene for everyday use for night time i put desitin. Hope this helps.
Lynn, thot the diaper can be used for newborns? Aiyoh... i really need to check out. But hor, i also understand pre-folds is same price as diapers... if I am not wrong.
Lynn, i think i will still just get the diaper. Cos the diaper can be worn when they are 5kg onwards. Baby will grow extremely fast. I think by 3mth onwards might be 5kg loh. The first 2 months i can let baby use normal diapers which is leftover from my nephew. I oso have newborn pampers. Which I think might last the 1st few wks oso.
hi everyone! me bk to work liao. literally draggin my feet to ofce this mornin! turkey was fun n the sightseein was beautiful but v v cold. kana swollen feet durin the long plane journey.

jaspire- i put on 7kg liao
so scared gynae wil scold at my last visit. heng i only put on 1.7kg since the previous visit =D

choc- u r nt the only one! i stil hvnt feel bb movements too. like missin out on a lot leh. i asked gynae, she said i shd be feelin the kicks in the nxt 2-3 wks. am stil patiently waiting!
ant, welcome back! I think i put on 10kg liao after all the Christmas BIG feasting! LOL! Gosh, imagine all the chocolate log cakes, ice-creams, buffet i ate. Oh faint... think maybe more than 10kg liao. Haha...

BTW, my fren say maybe boy dun move so soon. My gal is moving so much that most of my close frens, families members all felt her kicking already. She kicks very hard somemore... she is extremely active loh. Even in middle of nite she oso will wake up and start kicking me. Hee...
ant, i think my gynae will oso nag at me for putting on so much weight. I am suppose to put on not more than 2kg each mth but i think i put on 3 this mth wor... and next wk then will see him
jaspire- thks! hehe... i also been feastin on tidbits, fast food n chocolates in turkey! the local food dun reali suit us so we bot lots of junk food frm the convenience store =D
my hb also waitin to feel bb kicks. nw he's jus so amazed at my big tummy! hahah.. even my sisters commented my tummy looks reali huge after 10 days nt seein them! keke

welcome back..very envy those can go holiday leh..me feel very lazy and tired these few days, don even wana to go out...

anyone feel tired easily?

i haven't buy anything for my BB leh..husband said wait till feb then start shopping
Happy Boxing Day Ladies!

First thing I did in office was to go ard boxing my colleagues. Haha, so fun...

Welcome back Ant... Hope you enjoy yourself!

Piggy Mummy, I also feel tired very easily, but nite time have difficulty sleeping. I get quite abit of leg cramps lately. Sigh...

My hubby also said don't buy anything for baby yet. Esp baby keep us in suspense somemore. Maybe wait for post new year sale. Hehe...

I went to robinson see see look look...

got alot of things on sale... the baby stuff lor.. like those pump for milk lar.. the baby necessity... just that the Q super long... i didnt have the patience to wait..

i heard next round of baby fair in March liao leh... i wonder by then will i have the energy to shop anot..

so u gals buy anything yet for the baby? I also clueless wat to buy.. maybe can start with those baby powder lar..baby lotion etc.. hahaa
hiaz, went town today but didn't manage to go robinsons again. simply too tired to walk so far, only walked taka and wisma and already back aching!

the next good sale period should probably be in march, cos it's like every quarterly mah. but i seriously doubt i'll have the energy to do much shopping then, since now already feel the strain if walk too much. dun wan to shop or baby's stuff with black black face, so maybe will get the big ticket items with the current sales..

fri going to see gynae, since the previous visit i put on 3kg, sure exceeded the limit liao
must be too much chocolates! my tummy also grew so big so suddenly! buay tahan, feel very tight liao, esp after dinner, can be quite painful.

my baby kick quite gentle leh, cannot feel from the outside one, only once she kicked real hard then i can feel. my rashes are back after a brief respite of a couple of days, really annoying!
jaspire, infant sized prefolds are at $27.60 for a set of 13 white prefolds. Coloured ones are more expensive..

i think the first 3 months are the most 'siong' in terms of diaper usage, so i would consider buying prefolds since good newborn disposable diapers would cost a bomb in the first 3 months! and then use the prefolds as inserts in the one-size diapers when baby reaches 5kg.. still gotta convince hubby to switch to cloth diapering. perhaps i would do the sums for him...

Yeah me too, my tummy also suddenly very big! And after meals (esp big meals) i feel so uncomfortable too, i think i am suffering from heart burn.

My son is quite active, always moving around, luckily the kicks quite gentle, only when he move his hands near my gastric then i feel really bad.

I also have rashes! I think it could be from prawns or crab, cos after eating that, i will have bad rashes. Try keeping it moisturize, will help.
sparks, sorry i din see your msg wor... the bum diapers is only retailing at novena...

Lynn, me and hubby discussed. We will use the normal cloth diapers + disposable diapers (during nite) during newborn period. Then later when baby hits 5kg then move to bum diapers loh. So we will still save. Dun think we wanna buy the prefolds. I prefer the actual inserts for the one-size diapers wor...
Dunno why feel my tummy has stretched so much wor. I seemed to have put on the most weight leh. Just yesterday I seemed to have put on 0.5kg. Its scary! How lidat?
I think you better dont buy the bb powder. Cause some of the bb has sensitive skin and actually the doctor dont encourage us to use powder on newborn.

which clinic you went in TMC? I'm going to TMC as well tomorrow for details scan.
hi mummies,
today a bad day for me leh. got very bad diarrhea. so end up went to tmc the 24hrs clinic. after seeing the GP, hubby say better to see the gynae to confirm. so we went up to the gynae's clinic lor. the recep at first say no need to see gynae since we oredi seen the GP. so we walked out. just so coicidental tat we bumped into her at the door. then she said we better check the heartbeat to make sure.

so we waited lor... for quite long cos we dun have appt. only got to see her at 10plus and hubby oredi went off to work since he got a meeting at 1030. anw can hear baby's heartbeat and she said the baby is still fine. but she did comment tat my womb is a bit hard and gave me some pills to eat. i showed her the medicine the GP gave me, end up she said dun take those and gave me somemore... maybe the milder version.

but the good side of this is tat i got two day MC!
anyone know the robinson sale is for cardmember only or open to public?saw fr newspaper, baby cot selling at 299, original price was 567 plus..
btw, abt baby kick, do u observe that if u sitting in front of PC, baby kick more, don know because of the radiation leh..nowaday i try to avoid it..

i sit in front of pc whole day leh.. but i dun feel any kick at all

hahaa...cham.. my skin too thick
ant, u really haven felt bb kick at all? So weird leh... me started feeling fluttering at Wk16, then Wk 18 onwards is definite kick liao... she is getting stronger each day wor... now kicking constantly... only stopping to take occasional breaks. My hubby say she cannot stay still like me. :p
jaspire- hvnt leh!! everynite b4 i sleep, wil put my tummy to feel but nth leh
at times got feel sth funny, duno is tat kicks anot. maybe bb nt so active n asleep most of the time or kickin when i was in deep sleep hence i cant feel. i stil waitin to feel leh.. sounds so excitin n fun when u all mentioned hw is it like to feel bb.
ant, nevermind... soon u will feel liao. Your boy is just being notti... knowing u and hubby want to feel he just want to tease u both oni lah. Hee...
Hi jaspire and ant,
read that u both tokin gabt bb's kicks...hehe...Me in my wk 18 now, still can't feel bb's kicks wor...only soemtimes feel like bubbles or rumbling sound in my tummy...duno is it bb's movements anot..hee
piggy mummy, like choc, i also facing pc whole day at work. at home also. =p only for a period during initial stage that i feel naseau n headache easily. but now after the ms hv gone down considerably, can tahan pc liao. but the flutterin of bb dosent occur more often. =)
feifei, flutterin... like a ball rollin inside lor...=p then can feel thumpin at a part of the belly. but dun think it a kick... at least it not very noticeable that my hubby can feel..... he can only c that my tummy move very fast... hahaha
really?can see tummy move fast? hmm...tink i must spend more time to monitor my tummy liao..hehe...cos hb try to put his hands on my tummy, he said nv feel anything lor...
aiyoo... so if got sale in places like robinson hor..wat do u gals buy?

if baby powder dun use... hmmm

johnson baby lotion can? nappy rash cream leh?

oh ya..i just received an sms from perfect mum store..saying got sale up to 60%
feifei, can c it move up n down v fast at times when i feel the thumpin. but for the flutterin i cant c, cos the "rolling" usually v fast n short. by the time i feel it, n put my hand on top, there no more obvious movement anymore. =( so now also waitin to feel the kickin which shld b more obvious ba....
poky- at least u feel flutterin. i nth leh.. in fact dun even feel preg, jus tat tummy getin bigger only! haha

choc- me 22 wks liao leh! maybe our skin reali too thick! haha.. was so worried sth's nt rite w bb but saw him turnin n flippin durin the detailed scan makes me more reassured. he was sleepin n doc was tryin to wake him up to get the measurements. soon after he went bk to sleep again! my hb said bb is as lazy as me =P
choc, i only bought the clothes powder to pre wash the hand me downs bb clothes. those to b use by bb itself, not yet bought anything....

poky... u are one of the lucky one leh! who can feel the baby move move...

how i wish i can... every nite i will spend some time lying straight... then put my hand on the tummy... BO LEH.. hahahaaaa

till i fed up..

hmmm.. how about those milk bottles...when should we start buying ah?
