(2008/05) May 2008


I also having my detailed scan at TMC on 31st. When urs? Also thinking of videoing it down, and one of my frenz coming along, wonder can going in 2gather (with hubby also)anot...

Hi all, had my detailed scan at 4.45pm on Wed. Baby is hyper active, he was facing down one moment then up another. Haha.. It's confirmed a baby boy. Hubby and I have already thought of a name for him and have started calling him that since last month. Haha.. *super kiasu* He's really grown so much over the last 4 weeks. *Amazing* Anyway, after the detailed scan, supposed to see my gynae at 5.25pm but in the end, saw him only at 8.15pm cos he went out for operation. *Just our luck* But great to know that baby is doing well. Hehe.. Also, he's so hyper active nowadays that I feel his kicks almost every other hour. And I woke up in the middle of the night cos of him moving around.

I was shocked to see my weight during my visit. I wonder if taking dinner just before weighing affects the weight? Anyway, gained almost 7kg for the past 20 weeks. Gosh. Then when see gynae, he said my urine got some sugars but maybe due to I just had dinner. I think maybe because I drank Bandung before seeing him. LOL..

This month on, I can start taking Bird Nest. So happy. But thinking whether should wait till 28 weeks cos Bird Nest very expensive.

For the stretching pain, I think I was too bloated and didn't clear bowel so got that sharp pain around the naval. After I cleared bowel, it will go off. So maybe I'll monitor it if it happens again.

Tracy, I went for Brazilian waxing for the first time last month after I was pregnant and the person said it's safe to do during pregnancy. I did it again last Sat. Will be doing it every 4 weeks since I feel it's quite alright and the process is only 20-25mins. I think cannot anyhow do massage, that's all.. Waxing only on the surface should be alright.

haha, I tink Brazilian waxing, you should be refering to Diana instead of Tracy. Anyway I also thinking of getting BW. Have been toying wif the idea for weeks cos it be cleaner and anyway when going for labour the nurse/midwife will shave off our pubic hair too. So better to do a neat, clean job then letting them shave off... haha...
oh ya.. it's Diana. Haha... So sorry. Hehe..

Thanks Jer for correcting. I did try shaving before I found out it's alright but really can't stand it cos when the hair grows out, it's pricking me and I got sensitive skin so will itch. BW is really much much better. I will continue doing it.
harnee, the room quite small, only a seat in the left corner of the bed for the hubby to seat and watch, the right corner is ware the machine is and ware the lady who doing the detail scan be sitting.

cheri, me the one who ask abt BW. thks for ur info tink will go arrange one BW soon....heehee
harnee, my detailed scan at TMC is next Friday 28 dec, hopefully can allow to video it down

just had my detailed scan, but i din video it, n din ask whether can bring video recorder or not ..haha, coz too nervous..


i think have to update my detail,the detailed scan show mine is baby BOY, not GIRL leh..so suprise,coz lastime the check up at 16 weeks, dr said 70% is girl, then all along in my mind is girl, until the sonographer asked us "u know the gender already?" then i said "ya, girl girl lo" then she said" huh?no, is boy"..me n husband SHOCK!
Anyway, healthy is most important..will c doc tomorrow..
piggy mummy, what a surprise! baby girl became baby boy? hope you have not bought any girl stuff

i guess at 16 weeks and without the more sophisicated machine dr can only 'guess'. yours is 70% still turned out wrong ah? i hope mine 80% dun be wrong cos i've bought soooooo many girl stuff already!

me gotta try to borrow a videocam to tape down the detailed scan heehee..
piggy mummy, wow! Can make such mistake wor! Okie, i will re-update your data. But its still gd lah... hee, so long healthy baby can liao loh!
piggy mummy, wow! Can make such mistake wor! Okie, i will re-update your data. But its still gd lah... hee, so long healthy baby can liao loh!
me bought bedding set, and asked my sis in the US to help me buy baby girl clothes liao. she bought quite a bit, hopefully mine is really baby girl, if not i faint..

but at least you know your baby's healthy, that's most important. me now start to worry detailed scan will turn out some abnormalities with my baby, my baby say i crazy, but can't help but worry mah right? these few days can feel some weird 'movements'in uterus area, like a big bubble bursting, i think it might be baby?or gas? hahaha
just now fd some pinkish discharge, very worried..i called dr, he said as long as no stomach ache, shd not be a problem,,but i still worry now..anyone encounter this b4?
during my detailed scanning, i brought the videocam, i ask the sonographer for permission, she say not allowed, on the wall oso got those sign say photographer not allowed.
during my detailed scanning, i brought the videocam, i ask the sonographer for permission, she say not allowed, on the wall oso got those sign say photography not allowed.
during my detailed scanning, i brought the videocam, i ask the sonographer for permission, she say not allowed, on the wall oso got those sign say photography not allowed.
piggy mummy, you feeling better now? i do not have pinkish discharge, but having slightly more discharge than usual, also worried cos they say might be an infection?

muzicgal, no photography allowed ah? and they dun even print out anything for you right?
HI mummies,

wah so nice.. so many of you have gone for detailed scan liao!!! me seeing gynae tomr. can see baby again!!! hopefully everything is alrite cos i havent' not been sleeping well for the past few days. hopefully it wont' affect the baby.

u all start buying things for baby liao? from 25th to 27th is the robinson pte sale for cardmembers, will go down and take a look. 27th is the isetan pte sale.. there is a pigeon rapid steriliser set for 139... thinking of getting tat...
me counting down the days to my detailed scan, so lookingh forward to seeing my baby! finally today felt a definite kick from my baby, was resting my hands on my tummy watching tv, suddenly felt a kick on my hand! so amazing
i always thought baby's kick will hurt mummy cos always see other people like go 'ouch, my baby kicked me'. but mine was not painful leh, today felt the biggest kick, the previous days all like bubble only heehee..

me thinking of going to robinsons preview sale, but the thought of going to orchard on christmas day really puts me off! definitely going to the isetan private sale though, although i can only go in the evening
made a list of the household items to get, isetan has the most generous discounts for household items

any other mummies going shopping on those days too?
Lynn, my hubby got this Big V maternity pillow for me as a Christmas gift... I am already using it. So far so gd... but same thing hor... if u use it in front like bolster, there is no support for back. Unless u place it on the back then there is support. It is also useful during breastfeeding later.

Merry Christmas to all!

Went for my detailed scan and luckily everything ok! Was so nervous! My boy also super active! moving here and there!
Smurferoos, you must be very happy to see your boy again rite? Hee, me now cant wait to see my little darling again on Jan 2nd. Hee...
Haiz, dunno why today post everything all duplicated.

BTW, past few days I felt pain/cramp on my lower tummy. A little worried wor... Not sure izzit I walked too much?
hello jaspire..

me almost everyday also cramp...

u gals all felt the baby kick? i think my skin lagi thick leh.. no feelign till now
Merry Christmas!!

Me going for my detail scan at TMC as well on next friday.. I dont think videocam is allow but they will print some shots for you.
Merry Christmas mummies, so happy this year we got our little darling to celebrate Christmas with us... May your Christmas be blessed!
merry christmas! hubby gotta go work today, going to go shopping in town later with him, brave the crowds for robinsons sale lol!

jaspire, saw the april mummies buying bumwear diapers, me also interested leh. you're getting too right?
hi, sorry to interrupt... m from the dec 07 MTB thread...have e following to sell:

5 boxes (6 bttles/box) of Brand's Essence of Chicken, all expiring in yr 2010, selling @ $13/box

1 box (6 bttles) of Brand's Essence of chicken wif Tangkwei, expiring in 22/12/09. selling @ $14/box

1 box of (8 bttles) of New Moon Essence of fish with american ginseng, expiring in 30/03/10. selling @ $18/box

Mitup venues - TPY, Serangoon, Aljunied, shenton way... can b arranged. interested parites, pls pm o e-mail [email protected]. thanks
HI all...

hope you all have a good xmas? so sad tmr have to go back to work liao!
anw monday i went to see the gynae... the good thing is tat the baby is alrite... but the thing tat made me shocked is tat my gynae doesn't have a package leh.... so i have to pay as per normal every visit... and the charges for normal vaginal delivery is $1500 and the charges go higher for C-sect!!! I was so shocked when i received the price listing from the nurse when i made the payment. because i clearly remembered i saw they had a package when i went for the first few visits... think they just recently changed the pricing...

so on the way back, i kept telling my little one tat he is a very expensive baby... i dunno leh. should i change a gynae now??? cos eveyr time i see her is abt 100 plus. from now til the delivery plus the delivery charges.. it will be at least a whopping $5k... sigh....
muzicgal, thanks for letting me know. now i know what to expect during my detailed scan. 2 more days, can't wait already!

yanling, glad to know your baby is fine, si it's not a high risk pregnancy at all right? just that your gynae does not have a package? if you don't mind changing gynae, your current one really charges a lot, $100+ for a normal visit is really high. but then my gynae's package is on the lower end, at $550 so my comparison might not be the most accurate. i think you can save a couple of thousands by switching to a cheaper gynae since yours is not high risk. the momey would be really useful when baby is born, there will be lots of expenses to take care of later..

how much can you claim from medisave if you stick to your current gynae?
mummies, where do you intend to let your baby sleep after he/she is born? we're thinking of doing up baby's room, but my mum said better put in our master bedroom or else she cry we cannot hear (we will all sleep with doors closed and air-con turned on), and it's easier to moniter her when she's sleeping in our room.

but then i was thinking: if like that means we will have no proper rest, plus if baby is napping in daytime or any other time other than our sleeping hours, we need to go in and out of our bedroom/bathroom etc, that will disturb her right? plus there isn't much room to put baby's cot in out room as well.

so we're stuck between putting baby in her own room and get a baby moniter (hiaz means spending money again), or put her in our cramped master bedroom and risk disturbing her as well as ourselves..
Lynn, yes... me getting the bum diapers! Me and hubby discussed and we want to save $ in the long run. So thot its a gd idea.
-duplicate post again-

BTW, hope everyone had a gd Christmas! Not sure what is worth buying at Robinson's sale leh... thinking of going down today to see see look look.
Hi Lynn,

For my elder daughter, she has been sleeping alone in her room since birth, just get a baby monitor, and trust me, you will hear every sound...crystal clear! it's worthwhile investment for a peaceful sleep at night.

For my son, I intend to put him in another room alone till he can sleep through the night, then i will transfer him to sleep together with my daughter (can save on aircon bills) hahaha...

When we went overseas, my daughter will share bed with us, and it's horrible cos my hubby and I will get 'kicked' frequently in the middle of the night, but then again, i know of alot of friends who co-sleep so it's a personal choice!

smurferoos, which baby moniter would you recommend? there's so many in the market we're quite lost as to what to buy..

hubby is more pro baby sleeping alone and getting a moniter, but i was worried the baby moniter would be lousy (lots of interference etc).. me also not keen on sleeping with baby when they've grown up. i think we need our peaceful sleep and privacy! but my mum was suggesting we put baby's cot in our room for the first 6 months, thereafter then transfer her to her own room. but then i thought if we let her sleep with us in the first place, then she wouldn't want to sleep alone already right?

jaspire, me quite pro getting the bum wear diapers. i was thinking of getting the pre-folds first to see if i can really deal with washing diapers cos hubby was quite skeptical i could do it (we both think baby poop is gross hahahaha). but then it will really result in great savings and, i hope, less diaper rash! are you getting the prefolds? my idea was to get prefolds and use them till the baby can fit the one-size bum diaper, so no need to get the petite and one-size. cos the website says the prefold can double up as inserts in the bum diapers as well as burp cloth..
