(2008/05) May 2008

Hi mummies, aldan fell frm the bed last nite =( his actions r super fast man!! Put him in the ctr of our bed w pillows besides n I went to brush my teeth. Who noes, I jus put toothpaste n abt to walk out of the toilet, heard him cry!! N he was on the floor liao. Got a bruise on his forehead nw =( =(

Linda- hw’s ur boy copin at the infant care? 1 teacher to hw many bbs? My boy’s teacher is frm china n her Chinese reali chim one. Haha… was sayin nxt time my boy wil call me ‘niang’ instead of mummy! Hahaha

Angela- I din reali let him eat, jus taste only. Keke.. intend to only start givin him solids when he turns exactly 6mths =)
Yalor, I agree boys wil follow gf/wives nxt time. i prayin hard my no. 2 wil be a gal leh! Hehe..

Alice- my hb also lidat! Aldan poos, he screams for me thn walk away, say v smelly, cannot take it. I also rather use water clean his butt esp when the poo super a lot. Cleaner n faster this way too. Dun hv to waste the wipes =D
I hvnt gv him cereal. Jus let him ‘taste’ the fruits only lah. Hee…

Felval- hw is Damien? Did u let him take the rotavirus jab? Polyclinic dun offer leh n I tinkin if shd let him go PD.

Gina- ignore ur mil! To bf or not is nt up to her to decide. As mummies, we wan the best for our bbs.

Choc- hehe.. I noe wat u mean. Nw I latch aldan, bit scared scared cos when he pulled is darn pain!!! =( din expect him to teeth so soon too. Everyone says he’s reali early!

Dolly- no worries lah. Diff bb develop at diff stages =) nw aldan like wan to crawl lidat! Faintz! N he can turn 360 degrees on his cot nw! reali scary.

Chobits- my boy dun slp on his own too. He only slp when I latch him. Duno hw when I stop bfg nxt time.

Jen/dearie- my ss dropping too. Haiz… even thou pumpin every 3-4 hrs. jus nw only got 50ml niah. Darn sad. Aimin to bf at least 6mths so hope can ‘tong’ til at least end nxt mth.

ya boy...quite glad & relieve that my boy is adapting well with the infantcare environment...hope the caregivers will continue to take good care of him..so that i can "fang xing" to work... =D

how's your bb?? hope he's feeling better now...btw, my boy did experienced slight fever & ls after taking his 2nd dose last week..gave him 1 feed of the medicine to bring down the fever...

so funny...my boy also woke up the past 2 nites 3 times..thought he hungry but he only drank 100ml (usually he drink 180ml per feed) & than ko while feeding...tonite he's like very tired after attending infantcare & slept very early...hope he wake up for his last feed in a while time & then can "tong" till morning...
so that papa & mama can sleep through tonite!

think u've done well as a DIL...if i'm in your shoes..probably i've already in war with MIL..if your hubby is supportive of your decision to stay home & take care of your bb, personally i feel that PIL has no rite to interfere in such affairs...as for how our bb is to be taken of & upbringing of our babies, they can give us their kind suggestions but then the ultimate decision should be bb's parent lor...enjoy yr baby k, dun "scold" bb because of MIL's mishandling of bb...hmmmm...maybe can tell MIL directly what u dun want her to do to your bb....

thank God! my boy is adapting quite well with infantcare, me went shopping for the past few days (haiz....need new clothes for work...can't really fit into my pre-preg work clothes...haiz...sian...still got 6 plus kgs to shed...)...oh...the infantcare my boy's attending is 1 teacher to 3 infants...ha..haa...good...your bb can learn proper mandarin from her... :p
linda- u got c hw the teacher handle if 2 bbs cry at the same time? my boy nw only bb in the ctr. the other 2 nt in yet so the teacher can fully take care of him. duno hw when the other 2 cm in! cos he likes to be carried n cannot be left alone for too long!
haiz, talkin abt wt, i stil gt 5kg =( need to buy more tops liao. all the old ones cant wear cos can c my flabby tummy =(
welcome .. when is ur baby born, and boy or girl ?

how is Aldan now ? poor thing lor to fall from the bed, another bb incident ! hahaha i also have the habit of putting Rayden on the bed and go and do my things, cos i feel that it shd be safe as he has not flip. Guessed i better dun think for granted

so how, the response to Icebaby is not alot, as i think it is a PH therefore, to most of us, it is family day. Any other available day that you can make it ?

any other alternative day tt we can arrange our gathering ?

you damn fast lor, now already ordering the cubes. btw, i have bought the pigeon feeding tools yesterday from isetan sales, yet to do anything but just dump into the cupboard ... btw, i went to Paragon Market Place earlier, and found Healthy Time Puree, looked so delicious, kena stopped by my hubby from buying. Think i will sneak out and buy 1 of these days... hahaha

Hi Peace,
me too, stopped breastfeeding liao. I did went do to parentcraft and see mrs Wong, and she also commented that since ss is low, no point stressing myself, as it will be very tough for me to bring back the ss. Need to pump every 2hrs, drink alot of soup, take fernugreek, etc ... therefore i have decided to stop.
Haven't been logging in for quite awhile and so many posts!! Read until my eyes all gong gong. Can see you all had a lot of fun at dolly's place!

So many of you starting on semisolids already ah. I'm so tempted to start but pd ask me to wait till 6 months.

My hubby has been chiding me for uncontrolled spending on bb, then the other day he came home with a Polo Ralph dress and a Burberrys skirt for her can you believe it! Tsk Tsk pot calling the kettle black. I asked him how come he can buy things and I cannot when I'm using my own money, he said that it was too cute to resist.
So funny.

I recently just opened a pack of pampers comfort that was given to me some time ago. Couldn't even hold the first pee, wet all my gal's clothes and the floor. Pampers active so much better. Now dunno what to do with the whole pack of pampers comfort.

welcome! My gal also has trouble sleeping by herself. Most of the time she will sleep after her last feed. But if she doesn't fall asleep after her milk, then have to carry and walk all over the house. Petting her and pacifier does not work. My colleague was sharing with me something he read about training babies to sleep by themselves after they reach about 4 months, so attempting the method now. (It worked on his 4 kids!) Tried it for the first time today when she won't sleep after her feed. The method goes like this: just put baby in the cot tuck baby in (make sure baby is well fed,burped, diaper changed and comfortable first), say goodnight and turn off the lights and walk out of the room. If baby cries just let them be. If non stop crying for 15 mins, go back into the room, pet them and reassure them for 1 min but cannot pick them up, then walk out of the room again. After every 15 mins of crying repeat procedure. The length of crying time is supposed to get shorter every night until the baby learns to sleep by himself/herself. But have to be determined and hardhearted during this time, if not give in and pick baby up already then it won't work. So today I tried it and Avelyn cried 10 mins and fell asleep, haha, so didn't even have to go in to comfort her. But 10 mins of heartache for me.
Will see how it goes for the next few days and update you. Warning:Mummies who cannot tahan their darlings crying their heart out may not want to attempt this method cos can be quite heart wrenching leh.

fei fei,
If your baby is not teething yet then better not keep rubbing the teething gel cos most gels contain benzocaine. Even though it's safe, it's probably better not to let baby eat too much of it.
Just my two cents worth.

oh dear, the mayuki thingy is all in chinese! My mandarin sucks big time. Can converse but not too good at reading and writing... hahaha.

is damien ok now? Must feed him more fluids if he LS kay? Hope he gets well soon.

Wish I could just wash my gal's butt after she poos, so much more convenient. Unfortunately she's got too many skin folds, if only wash then all the poo still trapped between the folds. Need to pry and spread all the folds open to wipe. I think I'm the type who wastes a lot of wet wipes also. hahaha.
BTW how is Aldan's baluku?

Sorry to hear about your tough time with your MIL. Just do what you think is best, then as to your MIL's naggings just one ear in one ear out.

Thanks for bringing the cube to me. I'm so sad my gal doesn't like her cube even though I like it a lot. Trying to get her to press the buttons but maybe she doesn't like mozart. Not cultured one this girl. Hopefully she will like it a little better when she gets older.

Love the bag. Even my hubby said it's very nice. Thanks. Wah, you stocked up on so much pampers. I'm going down to get this time since I missed the last sale.
good suggestion! juz come in time, me wanted to shop for cubes hehe... and i like this one u recommend!! very neat and convenience! Buying it now... =) Next time anything good must share hor hehe
U bought the book too!! Good rite... i was reading it till cannot stop then bb cry bo bian hv to attend to her lor. Clear most of my doubts... now i know how to start weaning

I bought Braun hand held blender... think is pretty compact ba... have not use it yet but my sis said is a gd buy!

Aiyo... another incident of bb fell from bed, oh no!! Is he ok now? better observe him if something not rite better see PD to be safe. But how come Aldan can be so fast... thought bb can only flipped one time?? how to reach the side of bed with one flip lei?? Me slping with Rachel cos her baby cot shipped over to india liao. Also surrounded her with pillows :p
R u going to start Aldan with rice cereal alreadi? I bought the organic heinz rice cereal from cold storage so far so gd =)

welcome =)

is baby damien getting better?

ya lor... response not very gd lei, u r rite maybe is PH...! I'm ok with rest of the day next week except Mon got lunch appt.
If too rush nvm ba... cos' i'm coming back first week of Nov
if got gathering i will definitely join...

Actually, me also thought that can oni start weaning at 6 mths but during the jabs last tues PD asked me to start rice cereal first and slowly intro puree lor. Very funny hor... some PD say can, some PD say cannot, hiaz!
I love the bag too... at least dun hv to worry not enough space to dump her things when i travel with her =)
Need to stock up la... Pampers is my fav but exp... so since so cheap now cannot resist lei ;p
i just hope the quality is gd lor! yeah.. i havent start on weaning raphael leh... want to wait till next visit at PD to c if can start... by then he be 5 1/2 months... just nice ba...
braun hand held blender sounds good leh..okok..
i go racky

ant... observe aldan leh.. if bu fang xing..bring him c PD ba..they know how to check

dolly...the cube will arrive mid oct...so just nice leh... i also wan to go buy those feeding set liao! hehee..exciting hor!
off & on the whole week i pop by the centre to see how my boy is doing...the infantcare/toddlers side has 4 teachers taking care of 6 infants & 11 toddlers (officially 2 for each)...the 4 teachers will help both sides as necessary...if 2 babies cried for milk and only 1 teacher available, no choice they will feed the earlier timing one and try to "talk" to the other while they feed the other one lor.....sad la...but no choice i guess as 1 teacher is to 3 infants...that's MYCS allow quota...
Dun be upset! we are always here with u. Strive on! Think of Rene, u can do it. Continue Bfeeding, it is the world best food for bb!

Really? i am going to start the Heinz rice cereal today le... Gotta to stop my plan then!

Parents-in-laws in town, will have no time to login and post... Mommies, have a good weekend!
Hi Diamonddust,
wa, your ger cry for 10 mins and sleep. good for her.haha... will try out the method. but think i am those mummy that cant stand the crying of my darling. =)

Hi Feifei,
I also saw that in CNA. shocked. was planning to buy Heniz Ceral for baby to try when he is six month old. now dono what brand to buy already.

My Boy is laughing at the US presidential debate showing at CNA... dud... dono he understand what on TV or not. haha...
I've just tried Mamypoko on Duncan and i'm so glad it didn't leak overnight!He has been waking up for the past few mornings with wet clothing then I used Mamypoko last night from 9pm to 7am this morning, can hold! Yay...shall use that for night time use. Maybe will buy PetPet for daytime use cos cheaper.

Haha, i've also bought one pack of Drypers Drypantz pull-ups M size for occasions when I really cannot put on the diaper for him cos he keeps flipping!

RE:Heinz Cereal
oh dear..this is bad..actually during my gal's time, Earth Best's jar food also had some problems and was being recalled. So it's really hard to tell when it comes to food.

I forgot when we can start to feed things like pumpkin, spinach etc cos it will be better to puree your own food to feed baby.
Hee hee.. so sorry cannot remember who is who, what did you wear at dolly’s place? My son well-behave? You mean my elder one or the baby cos my elder son never show is terror on that day.

I want to buy that storage cubes too but hubby complain that we dun have space in freezer to freeze baby puree as bm used up all the space.

My baby also fell from bed once and from sofa once but other then crying he ok which is heng lor. Then my mummy will always said to baby in hokkien “never fall neve grow” so which mean baby will grow when he falls.

Welcome!!! What is your gal birth date?

I think when to start baby with semi-solid PD themselves will just practice what they themselves believe that is why they all have different saying. So long as semi-solid are intro after 4 months, I guess it be safe and of course we have to observe our own babies as well cos some are just not ready on their 4th month.

I think I will start doing puree for my baby today, after all these food scare, I think home-make food is the best.
its still ok to latch for me.
my boy's teeth already very long le.
the 2 white teeths are so visible now
but now, he dun let go after latching even though he had drank enuff
got to pat him to sleep

my boy started teething b4 he turned 4mths
think he too "tan chi"...

gals, i also wanna buy the first food book
where did u all buy?
haha saw alice and choc buying the cubes @ spree
so tempted to buy too!
ya ya, i wanna buy blender too!
so many things to buy =)
Ya lor, i also tinking to go buy a packet for my ger to try out..hiaz...Now that melamine is found, i also duno which brand to let my ger try liao... =(.

sometimes bbs are clever..hee

Ya lor..hiaz...
i even more ks, alrdy bought the cubes last mth! but hv not bought the bk yet, =p

my gal teethin liao! previously tot she teethin, cos got white spots, but over the nxt few days, like nothin happens, so tot juz over imagination. juz now while bathin her, used the rubber to clean her tongue, feel somethin hard rubbin on my finger.. saw one obvious pearly, another one startin to sprout out. jiatla liao... these few nights she start to latch for 40mins or so... hope i dun get bitten by her... =(
i juz saw the thread also. look not bad leh.... very Anne baby style. =) i sent a email to ask on the pkg, also to c if more mommies sign, can get bp or not,.. =p

i like the one with alot of different bb in the flower pot. =)
Dolly- he’s ok except for the bruise. Stil as active n drinkin milk normally. Nw I put him on his cot instead. Got phobia of putting him on the bed nw! u wil nt noe when rayden gonna flip! Hv to keep an eye on him at all times!

Re: pet pet diapers
Anyone usin? I jus started the new pack ytd n realized wil leak! N can only tahan for 2 hrs thn hv to chg liao. last time use huggies beta leh..

Diamodust- I heard abt this method too! Yet to try thou. My boy only slp when I latch him.
Get ur hb to help wash her butt? I find easier leh thn usin the wipes clean n clean. But bit yucky lah cos usin bare hands to clean the poo. Haha…
The baluku stil there. Haiz… he cried when i touched it =(

Alice- haiz… I also duno hw he did it. His actions reali v fast. Can flip once thn again, back to frnt n vice versa!! Super active nw. chg diapers also difficult nw!
Wil start nxt mth. Hehe.. me lazy mummy, gv him milk is easier thn hvg to blend n make cereal =P

Linda- ya tats the quota. The other 2 bbs ard the same age as ur boy too? The other 2 comin in slightly more thn 1yo liao. duno wil fight w my boy anot!

Jer- my mum chided me hw cm leave him alone on the bed! Haiz… thkfully he’s ok.
RE: Gathering
1st oct - Cancelled
Gathering alternate date on Sat (4th Oct) of Sun (18th Oct)?

RE: Heinz Cereal
Wait...this one is the which flavour? All? Or only those made for Hong Kong? Must clarify first leh.


Maybe Pet Pet diaper the sizing dun fit ur baby well? Mine so far so good. Can use for nite time also. No leakage so far.
re : Cereal.
Please stop feeding Heinz Cereal now, it is better to be safe than sorry ... Luckily my hubby stopped me, if not i could have bought it last evening too. Another brand that we can consider is under the Organice cereal "Healthy Times". Think Muzicgal is feeding her boi with this.

hahaha i told my hubby abt Aldan falling down from the bed, and also kena warning from him, to make sure that this would happen to his bao bei.

have a good weekend ahead.
Just to share...
if u r considering getting Healty Times Brown Rice Cereal, I hv a friend who can get it for us.
She is placing order by tonight

Price: $6.90 same as retail
The thing is currently these items has been out of stock in major supermarkets. U can go check it out.
Expiry date: 2009
We will receive the batch fr the new shipment
What's avaiable?
Brown Rice, Oatmeal and multigrain
Barley Cereal is still avaiable on the shelves of the supermarket.

so if u r keen to get it, sms me at 94899962 with ur name n order cos i might not be checking the forum later on in the evening

I am getting 3 boxes of each, just in case out of stock again
hi all,
just went to buy the bellamy's organic baby rice cereal then i saw the post regarding the heinz.
anw for those interested, i bought from thomson plaza ntuc finest. 4.95 per box as it's on promtion. the original price is 6.10. there are two kinks, one is baby rice cereal for 4mth onwards and the other one is baby porridge for 6 mths onwards. bought two boxes each. think should be safe as it's made in australia and it's organic.
hi all
strive on!! dun care abt ur MIL. It's our kid so it's our decision

take a small piece of ice, cover with a hanky and apply to the bruise site. leave it for 10 mins then apply zambak. the bruise go away very fast.
If baby falls and knock on their head, there's a couple of things to take note during the 1st 72 hours
-Insistent crying
-LOA (loss of appetite)

If baby's active and feeding well, all should be alright

the photos very cute!! I've already drop them a message :p
yippie! finally Damien has recovered! =) However, he is still v cranky. Thank u ladies for the concern. =)

u getting the sunglass tt muzicgal intro mah? ya, bought dresses. hehehe. no la, i got the dress frm the same brand b4 then the bust area is stretchable type so shldnt go wrong la =P

i know i sld ren till then la..for the sake of the bonus n the amt of things i can get for my boy but i will see how it turns out la. will try my best to ren!! heehee. i think now everyone looking fwd to go hm to see their babies n the big smiles they will give us =P i wonder when i return to wk my boy will get used to nt having me ard nt =(

hahahha. gal better n if 1st one gal even better. more sense of responsibilty towards their own family n always think of home...hmm...i am aiming for a gal for #2..

the highest he went was 38degree but he has since recovered just tt he gets v cranky still...we suspect it cld be the rotavirus oral med lo...his milk intake also dropped =( hahaha. if we stay in the states our hubbies sure go broke. hahaha. i was telling my hubby if he station in states i will go walk the dogs as part time job. hahaha. then everyday lead a carefree life. lol. shiok le. i tell u i useless mummy...i ask my hubby to carry my boy 4 the jabs. lol. then i will look away. when my boy crys then i sayang him =P hmm..both u n jo commented that papmers comfort nt v gd now i abit sian to use tt coz my boy nappy rash v bad..come n go come n go...if we dun apply the cream tt the doc prescribe then nappy rash will come back...now thinking of nt using wet wipes liao but use water to clean..more wk but for the sake of my boy i think no choice....the high chair on sales for $199. The coupon states original price at 300++ but i saw it @ kiddy palace for 239 or 279 if nt wrong. u wanna get? the high chair nt bad got recline function 2 =P yest aft collecting from kelcqi, we went hm to assemble it n immediately put my boy in it. he was enjoying himself for a while then started to fuss -_-''' my boy ho, cant keep still in chairs/car seats for long le...now must get him to get use to the high chair if nt 199 go to waste!!!

i already have dress from same brand so just stick to the size sldnt go wrong. hahaha. somemore its stretchable mateial ma. very fast 4mths have past...i cant bear to go back to wk seriously if u ask me...can pump 3x is verbally agreement la but must see when it actually happens. bosses can always say dun mind nw but who knows wat they will think when we really take time to pump 3x in office....ya, i develop his photos n indicate to display on my desk n when pumping will bring to the storerm with me. hehehe.ya. i stocked up alot of wipes coz tt time i have alot of taka vouchers n since on offer y nt just grab n stock since eventually still need to buy if used up. i think my boy wldnt learn to stand so fast la. i can finish 1.5 pack of wet wipe in 1week so at most the wet wipes can last till feb mayb? argh, i forgot the name of the creams tt my boy was prescribe but it is really effective. only thing is once i stop applying for him the rashes come back. haiz...so now we going to stop using the wet wipes n use cotton dip in water n see if it will gets better..if yes, then its the wet wipes issue....so by then the stock of wet wipes in my hse will bcum white elephant. hahaha

thanks. his fever went off liao but v fussy n cranky..my mum says he may nt have fully recovered tts why..u know seeing him these few days makes me even more dreadful to go back to wk next week....=( btw, thx for helping to chop the high chair. hehehe is Rayden enjoying it?

hws ur clogged ducts and milk blisters? hope its better =) dun feel paisay la. this is 1 channel where u can vent ur frustrations n no one will mind =) hw cum she stays over @ ur place? 2 help u with ur gal? like wat the rest says, ignore her, one ear in the other ear out. u know wats best 4 ur gal n no one sld stop us frm doing tt, nt even hubby coz we r the one doing bfeeding nt them =p ur hubby support ur decision to be a sahm rite? if so y she wans u to go back 2 wk? she scare u spend 2 much of her son $$? u told her to stop introducing these uncalled for habits to ur gal then did she gt angry or anything?

lol. congras tt Raphael is teething. have u been looking fwd to this day?? =p

hope u get well soon =)

i give damien bm every 3hrs, be it he slpping or nt when we r at hm. however, recently he v fussy...always refuse bottle when i am ard n wans to latch on...at nite even worst...i dun latch he dun slp...my hubby says he can sit by himself fully, buy liao will take up space in the hse *i dun have storerm* and if the price drop during christmas? so ask me to wait till he can sit fully bu himself then get n hopefully by then will bcum cheaper -_-''' winner rite? but still i went ahead n got it. hahaha =P he is better le but still fussy, thanks. he dun wan bottle, dun wan me to sit dwn if i am carrying him...only allows me to walk ard n go everywhere but the bedrm =(

c yeo,
which ward did u stay? i was at ward 82 =)

oops! poor aldan now has a baluku....hope it will go off fast...nowadays gt 2 b extra careful with them coz they r really fast in their actions lo. i gt to remind myself to b more mindful liao. damien's fever gone le. thx =) ya. let him took rotavirus @ my GP. polyclinic dun offer. i decided on my gp coz cheapest comparing to kkh n pd. u havent let aldan take it?

thx, his fever is gone liao =) thx God. u mean ur boy also gt fever n ls aft the 2nd dose of rotavirus oral med??? lol, me same as u le, if i m in gina's shoes, WWIII wld have started. hehe

bz with ur gal? ya., damien is ok now. thx~ i tried to give him smaller amt of milk but more frequently but he reject lo...only can latch him on then he will drink but appetite also drop. so scared he will get dehydrated.. =(

looks gd too! u checked with them on the price le mah? another one to recommend - tomato studio. heard frm my friend nt bad n they do outdoor shoots too. gd 4 kids who can sit n walk , at least something diff frm studios one. =p
Choc ,

Your boy start to teeth ...

What symptoms will they have?

My boy these few two days poo a few times in a day .
Was thinking maybe diarrhoea but he dun seem to be unusal as he is look well . And he tend to wake up a few times at nite . But my mum and MIL said maybe my boy is starting to teeth .
But i think i will monitor still tomorrow if he is not getting better will bring him to see doc .

Jer ,
I`m the one in the blue dress
i `m refering to your elder son .

Felval ,

Can one of these days go to your place to view the high chair ...that day dolly told me is a good deal !! Told my hubby he said i veri kiasu ...so fast want to buy highchair :p
I told him is very useful .
WishComeTrue (felval)
Frankly speaking, i cant remb is ward 82 or 83. In ward 82, is there two hanging swatch watches infont of the nurse counter? I am staying in the one w/o. Only can remb abt the watches coz two yrs ago, when i had my first son, i stayed in the ward with the watches. But this time around with my 2nd son, i did not stay in the ward with the watches.
Today i no chance to try Petpet yet. The material is soft like mamypoko, but the tape is plastic type which some may not like. I tink those babies with big thighs may not suit plastic tape cos it may cut into their thighs and leave a mark.

Oh, if baby is teething, the poo will be watery and if you look closely will have white bits in the poo. That's wat i noticed for my gal when she was teething last time.

I feel teething at this age is better than when they are older cos now they dun really know wat is pain. My gal started teething late and oh boy, she will wake up at night to scream and we need to carry and pat her back to sleep and it will last a week or so. Really nightmare for us and it happens for every tooth that she sprout! And her teething period always comes with fever although PD will always tell you teething will not cause fever, I swear it does in my gal's case!
tracie ,

Thank you for your advise , ya i realise my boy poo very watery . And he dun poo at night but for past two nites he poo in middle of the nite and when he poo he become awake and want to play ...sigh
Hihi ladies,

So many posting, think I've no time to catch up le.

Juz finish cooking my hubby's supper now waiting for him to come n eat. These few days so busy n no time to log in, cos since Thurs after I came home from shopping with Faith n Dolly, my gal seems to reject milk. Bottle, latching both dun want. She'll take abit and reject the rest. Den I give her water, she drink n drink. Sigh, anyone faced such pro before?

Nice to meet u on Thurs, U are so young n pretty! Not to mention slim too. Makes me soooo envious... Hehe...

U flying off on the 4th? Then when will u be back? Think I keep the cereal for u till u r back bah. Hehe...

Me not pretty lah, that's the illusion of make up. That time we're supposed to meet in e hospital one. Hehe, but juz a curtain apart. LOL. U see me tt stage, u know how ugly I am without make up liao. Esp with those Panda eyes of mine now. No difference from a zombie.

I got a pic of Erica n Dlyan also. But I haven upload yet. So sorry for the delay. Provide me with u msn ok? I send to u when I upload.

How is Avelyn already? Her fever ok? Nvm lah, I was telling Dolly the other day, we all buy toys for our babies, ended up as if we adults playing it.

I told e same thing to my hubby, den he said I have deprived childhood. Must be my mummy nv buy me enough toys to play last time. =_="

Sorry that day yesterday nv return ur call, cos after the delivery man came, I was checking all the items to see if they telly. Then my gal woke up liao. And as promised her earlier, I bot her to NTUC. Managed to get the wipes, left 1 pack on the shelf and I think someone put another pack high up so tt we cannot reach. Then I got the lady to take down for me. Hehe... I think I wanna stock up more wipes. Hehe. But dunno if they'll still have stocks or not?

If u see this msg, can u quickly transfer the amount for the cube for me else I'm letting go of your slot to my friend liao. She requested one from me and I'm comtemplating. So if I do not heard from u by Mon evening, I'll let go of your slot ok? So sorry for tt, cos been waiting for your payment for more than a week already so not sure if I should hold or let go, and I do not want to keep my friend waiting else the USD shots up and it'll be unfair for the both of us. Hope u understand.

I check out the rates for the postage for registered post le. I need to collect 6.30 for the postage, the bubble envelope and if u are looking for reg post, add 2.25 to the above amount. So in total is 13.40(shipping) + 6.30 for postage and add in 2.24 for the registered post. Let me know once u transfer ok? So I can post it out for u on thurs when my gal goes for jab.

Anyone of u using Goon, Petpet or other brands other than MP n drypers in M size? I would like to buy 2 samples from u if you don't mind to try on my gal. Cos the other time I got M for MP for my gal n it seems still too big for my gal, but other brands I dunno the cutting. So tot if u ladies dun mind, can sell me 2 pieces of your diapers for me to try? Cos if I stock up too much M size, my room sure pack like hell liao... Anyone can do me tt favor? I'll pay for the samples. Thanks alot in advance.
all older than my boy...2 7 months old, 2 12 month old & 1 15 month old...at infants side, i witnessed 1 of the 12 month old baby fell from sitting position & knock her head...poor girl cried so loudly & so long...my heart pain man although not my own baby...at tod side, 1 girl bite a little boy's hands twice until his poor hands got marks over a toy....scary! think the teacher should be more attentive & try to prevent such incident from happening again...haiz....

yr baby started going to the infantcare? u stayed with him & watch how the caregiver take care of him eg. bath & feed him...my boy's neck was so red with heat rashes on tuesday evening me so heart pain man, told the teachers the next day to wipe his neck frequently to help cool him & also to apply medicine for him..think we must "check" our babies in the evening when we bath them..dun think the teachers will take care to check out for such thingy...

hmmmm...me seriously thinking of converting to do part-time after returning to work this coming thursday if boss allows...really enjoyed my free time reading newspaper, having slow-paced lunch while my boy is taken care of in infantcare...my hubby fault la...keep tempting me to stay home or do part-time....

ya my boy gt fever & ls after the 2nd dose of rotavirus oral med lor...so poor thing! ha....that's why i think Gina is very patient already...if we're in her shoes, maybe we'll be on the newspaper headline news! =D "MIL beaten by DIL"...

me looking forward to my boy turning 7 month old...then i will stop bf...the engorgement painful & pumping sessions very tiring leh...hmmmm...how to stop bf huh? heard can get jab & the bm will stop immediately?? my menses not here yet...normal???
Re: Heinz Cereal

Hi Mummies... I was feeding Rachel with Heinz Ogranice Rice Cereal for days liao... then saw the Press! But I further checked and realised is not all product that r affected... see this link...

Think should be fine... I trusted Heinz lor.

Ya me flying off on 4th and will be back ard first week of Nov
I will collect it from u when i'm back k... btw, that time is also juz nice to try brown rice on her liao. Let me know how much and I will transfer $$ to u, thks!

Glad that damien is better now =)
Aiya... me missed the high chair offer and pigeon feeding set offer too
should hv gone to the Isetan sales that day... wonder will isetan extend it thou...

congratz! another bb teething this week =)
Oh... me also interested in the studio package, can share the package price after u clarify with them? Thks!

haha... wah... he can flip back liao, that's fast! Rachel still dun know how to flip backward lei... when she knows how to do it also headache liao, at least now I know she can oni flip one side so not so easy to fall from bed hehe. BB really grow very fast... dun know what is next tml ;p

me so tempted too... very creative lor. Wonder what is the overall package price =)
Icebaby- he wearin M size leh. jus nice for him. duno y wil leak!

Dolly- yesh, pls b v careful! Their actions smtimes too fast for us to notice!!

Pooh- thks! He’s stil his normal self n as active.

Felval- glad to hear damien’s recovered. Yalor, I hvnt let aldan take the rotavirus. Hw much ur pd charge? U got let him take the pneumoccal jab?

Linda- aiyo! So scary leh. my boy lucky tat he is the only bb in the infant care nw cos the other 2 nt in yet. Which is gd, cos the teacher can fully concentrate on takin care of him. I usu bathe him 1st b4 bringin him there. I wil go up every 2-3 hrs to take a look since my ofce dwnstairs only. So far ok. he can slp v well there too. At hm, he seldom naps in the afternn, at most 30 mins but he cld slp for 2-3 hrs there! N thn nt so cranky at nite when we rtn home.

kelcqi- i can pass u 2 pcs of petpet m size diapers. i find no gd leh. u try n let me noe =)
alice ,

Maybe can still go check out Isetan normally after the sales , there are still 20 percent discount .

My boy is having diarrhoea since yesterday ...was thinking to buy the Friso Soy for him .Is Racheal recover already ..somemore my boy having jab on tue dunno can jab anot sigh
thanks for the support. I'll cont bf till no more ss.

my MIL din say anything, she juz walked back to her room and watch TV.

Re: Milk Blisters
Ducts are not clogged but milk blisters are still there. I have tried clearing them with sterilised needle. Cleared a bit but more come back the next day. Have tried appying warm compress. Will have to keep trying till they r cleared.

Re: Menses
My menses still hvnt come yet too.
Hang in there! Jiayou on breastfeeding! The bleb on my nipple comes back once in awhile after clearing also. When i notice it in the early stage i will quickly try to clear it before it becomes worse.

My menses not here yet too. When breastfeeding will not hv menses so soon. To stop breastfeeding, best is to do it naturally. For each pump, pump lesser amount gradually eg. usually pump out 120ml, drop to 100ml for the first few days and when you feel comfy, drop further. And you can also stretch your interval gradually eg. usually 6hour pump, drag to 6&half hour then slowly drag and drag till supply drops. After that your breast may still leak alittle but you won't feel engorged and slowly the leaking will also stop and completely no more supply liao.

If count by no. of weeks, my baby will turn 6months on 8Oct, if count by actual months, it's 23Oct. I'm planning to drag to morning and night pump only come end-Oct so that when i go Japan in mid-Nov I only need to pump morning and night.
Tinkerbelle (kelcqi) : Sample
Hey, u could go to www.diapers.com.sg
i think they give FOC sample for GOON...
linda chang (lindachang) :stop BF
there is two ways, if i am not wrong.
One is to let nature take its course. Try to lenghten the interval timing for pumping, the supply will stop.
Another is, go to gyn, ask for med to stop BF.
hmmm...does ur boy pee as usual? if lesser pee or thigh nt so firm = dehyrated? like wat u say monitor n see coz we dun really know if they will get dehydrated nt..better be safe than sorry ya? these few days i also keep peeping at my boy's gum...wondering when will i see pearly pearly whites =P sure! i will be hm from mon to wed this coming week...thurs will resume wk liao *sad* sat morning will be hm but aftnn going out to register for Big Walk 2008 =P u let me know when u wanna come ya? *sorry, pardon if my hse v messy. hehehe* hahaha. ur hubby mindset n mine hubby mindset same le. my hubby also say too early to buy high chair but i still buy. hehehe. gd deal so faster grab lo. its useful seriously. somemore this high chair can be separated into a table n chair if nt usiing for dinning. =) gd buy! taking abt kiasu, my hubby bought a teeth storage toy to keep my boy's teeth when they dropped off..then i was like "Diao...Damien does even have a tooh yet!" i used this to challenge my hubby if he can buy the teeth storage toy why i cant buy the high chair? eventually will come in use one mah..guys....hey! ur boy poos in the nite exactly the same case for Damien that day when he developed the fever! he normally dun poo anytime of the day except in the morning just b4 bathing. that day i woke up to him making the i-wanna-poo sound. then i woke up n i was like "my dear, why are u pooing now?" then barely few hrs later hubby n i woke up to a feverish damien...

c yeo,
argh...i duno recall wat thing they had on the nurse counter. hahaha. i duno if they have ward 83 la. From the lift, turn right is ward 82. Urs is turn left or right?

white bits!? ok, i go take a closer look when my boy poo. hahhaa =P i heard frm my mum too that teething will cause fever le. mayb some babies will some will nt ba. Is it good to teeth early? My dad was telling me no way but when i asked him y he cldnt really explain.

seen u w.o makeup le. still looks gd ok? =) ur features v fine so w/o makeup also ok mah =)

part time is a gd option if ur boss allows =) can bring in some $$ and yet have time with ur boy =) have u work out any arrangement with ur boss already? My boss wouldnt let me convert to part time for sure. I requested to work for home he also dun allow me to do tt 100%...at first agree on 3d home 2d office in the end he sabo me and says 3d office 2d home...altho 1 day may nt seems much of a diff but imagine the diff in the num of hrs... its nt easy looking for hm based job also..if i can find hm based job or even part time job now i cfm quit now! hahaha. if ur hubby ok with u to be sahm or do part time job why nt? =) oh~~~~ okok. finally found someone whose baby had fever n ls aft rotavirus. but hw long did ur boy had the fever n ls aft taking the rotavirus med? mine was like 3days later....hahaha. dun wan to beat my mil...i let her beat me better. at least she beats me she cfm in the wrong nt me =P

hahaha. well, ur princess still slpping at tt hr mah. =) did u call up isetan and ask?? if the offer no long stands, mayb u can wait for Kiddy Palace 20% sales then u get the high chair. They have it too. I saw it was selling @ 239 or 279. With 20% + membercard at least can save some too =) how long will u be staying when u r back in nov? mayb do another gathering there or even christmas we can have a gathering too =)

i didnt go PD coz the PD here charges consultation so nt as cheap as comparing to the GP at my area. i am paying 95nett per dose. ya, i am letting my boy take pneumoccal jab too. will also be done by GP coz she charges 170nett. called up KKH n PD, aft the consultation charges n GST, more than 170..tts why decided to go GP.

u got bring jorel to see doc? better call up ur PD to ask if having diarrhoea can postphone nt.

well, hopefully ur mil gets where u stands n dun give u more "prob". hope ur milk blisters will be gone soon =)

jap..so alluring =P

the touch pad is gd =) got it for my boy but he doesnt know hw to appreciate yet. think i am playing it n find it more exciting than my boy does.hahaha

did u buy more catridges to swop?

think i saw my boy 2 molar teeth no 1. coming out...
i wanna faint liao...
he is growing more n more teeth
how to continue to latch him?
by right, molar shldnt come out so early de leh
the front 4 bottom and top should come out first according to the health booklet.
now he only got 2 bottom teeth
i will observe a few more days.

he was such a terror last night.
woke up every 1-2 hours... not for milk
but wan pat pat...
haiz... i am a panda now
