(2008/05) May 2008


Yah, the list not getting longer. But I still don't mind you girls coming over. Small gathering also fun. =)


*sayang. Ulimately, it's ur baby. You make ur own decision as u know ur surroundings better. =)

My boy will want us to carry him and walk around lor.. when we try to put him down when he is drowsy, he will wake up immediately and cry. sometimes we just try to pat him, sing to him while he is crying, doesnt help leh.

furthermore, when its night time, he will want my hubby to carry lor, when i carry and try to put him to bed, he will cry as if i am going to kill him.. haha...

bo bian lor, now trying to train him to sleep on his own.
heehee...wow, thats fast hor..my ger born on 23rd may, drooling all e etime now..i kept applying the teething gel for her, so far haven seen teeth yet...
my gal need to b carry to slp also. even when she alrdy sound aslp in our arms, we put her down, she wil wake up n cry one... now we start to "train" her bit by bit... wil carry her til she ready to doze off. then half put her on bed, our arms stil ard her. she wil start open her eyes n gave those "y u puttin me down" look. then we will start pattin her, sayang her til she closed her eyes back.. then continue coaxin her to slp, after she slp, then we take off our arms. she wil stil turn her head some to find our body warmth, but will continue to slp after a short while even so.
ya lor, sometimes at cetain phrase, bbs are like that wor...My ger just recovered frm her "phase" cos she willg et cranky frm 5+pm-7pm, duno y also lor...reduced her milk intake also frm 160ml to 100ml...So we tot she has sore throat or wat, then brought her to see PD, PD say nothing leh..everything was ok...Then after afew days, she bk to normal liao, playful and talkative, not cranky anymore...

I also read somewhere that when bb is cranky, on music for them to listen can calm them down de...
IGNORE ur mil, do wat u feel is gd for ur bb. i always say to my hubby, my gal is my daughter in pirority, juz "coincidently" that she is also their grandchild only. so of cos, watever n however i want to raise up my daughter, overwrites their methods/wishes. Jia you!
WishComeTrue (felval)
Hi, my son is born on 13th May. At KKH too. Mayb your child and mine might b in the same nursery..
Chobits (chobits_lek)
Understand how u feel. Both my sons, elder and now the younger, have to be carry, wait till deep deep sleep, then put in the cot. Sometime have to latch them to sleep....
finally got time to login, reached office around 10am this morning, all expressway super jammed and heavy rain .. so sleepy mood.

Music does calm the bb down, when my boi cries, i will sing song to him, den he will be fine liao.

dun worry, we will standby you ... should continue to breasfeed as long as you have milk, it's for the bb good ! Tell her that some ppl want to breastfeed also no milk, count yourself very lucky liao ...

i have introduced pacificer to my boi, so nowadays i dun carry him to sleep. Will only off the light, and tell him good night, he will suck the pacificer and sleep on his own ... maybe you want to try this method.

very fast leh, ur boi also starte teething ... haiz, think my rayden is the slowest !
dun feel bad... tim also no teeth yet. he also can't flip.. pd said he dunno the technique yet..

Dun care abt her lah ... think wat is best for Rene... but damn sian to have her stay overnight at your place.. no privacy

After reading abt all the horror stories abt mils
I think mine very good..she treats me better than my husband.. she always tell him must treasure me more esp after i gave birth to tim.. some more my in laws gave us a lot of stuff.. and all this while my hubby never give her allowance
dolly, sugar,
my xuan also cannot flip, also no teethin yet... that day durin the gatherin at dolly palce, other bb so active to look ard or move abt, she only stare blankly ard... sigh.... but when durin the weddin dinner, bought her outside to avoid the toastin session, met a 8mth old bb outside, she then bcome active n want to touch the other jie jie... she seems to like only v small groups. anti-social creature... lolx/.
after reading, it makes me feel better .. especially when both of them are twin brothers, borned on the same day .. tt means brother Aldan is fast, can flip so well, and already started teething ... hahaha

maybe next time you can try brining her out to meet babies of her age in a short group, she can interact better ... Unless my boi, very dao, just live in his own world.
i also try this method before.. haha.. sometimes it work sometimes it wont leh... haha..

my boy wont take the pacificer, he only like to suck his thumb. tried to let him suck his pacificer but he would spit it out and look for his thumb. haha...

will try to on the music tonight to see whether it helps. haha... sometimes when my hubby is vacuming the floor on weekends, my bb will stay till very quiet and listen to the vacum sound.
tks ya...Any other NTUC sells the cereal?

ya lor, bb now love to listen to sounds, like us to talk to them de... =D
can understand your anger on ur MIL. why she wants to discourage u from BF-ing? i dun understand.. aiya end of the day oni can ignore her lor.

you still need the contact for massage lady anot? I have 2 that i engaged after my labour lor.

Hope ur boy is fine now.
gina, dun listen to ur MIL....y must she ask u to stop BF...

ya...i agree wif all of u tat MIL tend to talk and act differently infront of their son our husband de. last time i also thot my MIL beri nice but after wat she did wen she did confinement for me, i change my view on her. overall she still ok...but guess i will nv treat her like last time liao...

Alice, i cant join for 1st oct gathering coz tat day is my customary wedding annivesary so gng out wif hb....nx time ba ;-)
Just ignore ur MIL and cont. bfing. My MIL very supporting of bf, keeping asking me whether my bf is enough to keep till 6 months (Cause I intend to bf for 6 months only). And dont know is because I give birth to a son, she seem to treat me nicer after my son is borned.

I like ur idea of installing a cctv on yrself.. so funny.. if can I also want to install leh.. ur bb so fast hv teething already.. can starting giving his biscuit rusk to ease his pain.

My son also likes to be carry to sleep in the one month.. so no choice I put him in the yao lan and gently rock him to sleep. My son love his pacificer, but if the pacificer drop, he will put whatever he can grab into him month.

ur boy very good already, u only wake up 3 times for the past 2 days. I every nite need to wake up at least twice to feed or 3 times if I pump out the milk at 11 plus, so now I stop pumping, so I can get more slp.

Happy, my boy finally can turn by himself yesterday. But hor, dont know how to turn back, in the end, cry for help.. hee.

I think my boy might be the youngest in this thread. He is born on 28 May.
^5! hahaaaaa,,so now is just one ear in one ear out.. as long as my boy is in safe hands..i am fine.
i am rather stubborn on wat i wan for my son leh.. hehhee..

sometimes will have disagreement with my own mum..but..our own mothers are diff..can say them..heheee

dolly... teething no good leh.. i not so happy abt this..coz hor..means if he bite me when i latch..
i siao liao leh... dun worry lar..ur turn will come soon..every baby develop differently

dearie... not onli cctv ah...i also tot of doing voice recording..i tink i bian tai liao..hahaa..
give biscuits? i tink i wait till see PD ba...coz now so many those stuff contaminated with the duno wat meledine ah...
better dun intro so early.. haha
mine are both $40 lor. there is one someone posteed in here be4 & hers is 1 hr..then after that got massage for baby lar. Her name is Siti.91460613
i have been using siti.


She play me out twice!!!! She was suppose to come my hse... i confirmed with her 3 hrs b4... then she did not turn up

i was so upset with her!!!

She charge me only $30

oh isit? what happen leh? alamak... she was ok to me & my frd leh. did u call to ask her & scold her for din't turn up...

the other one is Hasnah.. 90048924. U try to call this one lor. say jenny staying at Jur West rec one lor. anyway she cant rem which jenny one lar. haha
what is ur purpose to massage?
how is ur ss ?? do u pump out or let ur child latch ?

My ss getting lesser & lesser takes abt 30mins to pump like 60-80ml nia.. it can be lesser. dunno the period that ss is decreasing is due to my menses coming anot? cos last mth prior to menses come 1 wk every time oni pump out 20-30ml nia.
where to get nearby bb to mix with her? tis thread mommies gatherin r big no leh. =(

i also got used pacifier to coax her to slp.
haha. . . . we shd organise more gatherings ..

re : gathering
my baby shower starts at 1pm, so maybe late or if not cannot make it to your place.

have you booked ur air-ticket, when flying off ?
ice baby ,

I see how might not be able to join you as my boy`s second jab on 30sep on my birthday and need to go back my parent`s place on holiday .

If i can make it ...i will drop by
the biscuit not for the bb to swallow, just chew only. But u r rite, better play safe and consult the PD first b4 giving.

I also got one very good massage lady to recommend. I dont know how much she charge for normal massage but she charge S$32.00/hr for postnatal. The last time I check w her for the normal massage, her schedule is full till next yr liao. Maybe u can try calling her, if she have the slot, she will do it for you. Her contact: Mona, HP: 90260085

My ss very low liao. Supply drop a lot after I start working. Now only enough to latch him at night. But if you want to increase your ss, u can drink lotus soup w pig trotter.

I also stay in TMC. Which level did u stay? I stay in level 5.
Jen! You are back.

As for Siti, she went MIA on me with post natal massage although I had promoted her. I feel very sad leh.

**I was lucky I manage to get Mdm Sadiah.

RE: Gathering
Looking at the situation, will it be better if I shift it to a Sunday afternoon?
me flying off on 4th Oct... Alamak, think i have missed the Isetan Promo for high chair...
did u buy one too? Ya me ordered liao... still no reply, basket if no reply by BP closed then forget abt it lor... think he hit his targets liao thats why so tao =)

i agreed on what Jen said... see everyday very diff from seeing once a while lor. Me no doubt stay with MIL but she still quite ok la... I went out with her pple thought she is my elder sister! Think age of MIL plays a impt part too... very diff to deal with those old fashion one... hang on there for yr bb and hb okie... did u discuss with hb?? I always talk to him from small to big matters so he knows what is going on when he is not ard
Guess, try explaining to her if cannot accept then just ignore her and do what u think is best for yr bb

feifei.... din see the wipes too ;p maybe I a bit cock eyes hehe =)
but heard NTUC got sales on wipes, go take a look!

congratz, Raphael teething liao... me still waiting..... hiaz!

Can get from Kiddy Palace too? searching for it lei...
me too ss dropped drastically after returning back to work. Somemore i din bb back home to latch for more ss lor. last time whole fridge full of milk. nw fridge always empty one. haha. I also can pump at least 150ml be4 i retrun back to work leh. sian ar. i wanted to BF until 6mths leh. thinking to give up soon leh. but i thot just 1 more mth why not just LUN since my #1 was also on partial BM till 6-7mths. so be fair my #2 shld hv the same treatment. heee.

I bot HEinz cereal from NTUC (normal) but din realli notice if it is organic one anot lor.

so did she managed to complete ur 7x massage as a package??
ya, siti MIA on me as well during confinement... in the end i changed to another lady... but she is cheap... so im using her now for normal relaxation massage...

im using manual breast pump... thus, maybe in a way add on to all those body aches...

mona is fully booked till nov... think by tat time, my body collapse ald... i will try to book her for dec though... cheap!

me and my fren call her... she refuse to pick up... then we use the office phone to call her... she pick up... give us some excuses... so we used her back... but wed was the last straw...

i give up on her... disappointment...

im not skinny lah... mine was natural birth.. massage is more for relaxation...
I had stop breastfeeding. Currently still have about 2/3 bottle of fenugreek, wanting to give away. Any one who don´t mind having, pls PM me.
Hi Gina

We will always be e to lend a listening ears. I know is not easy for you esp you hb not in town.. As most says,just ignore if you think you are right as afterall is our bb not them and is up to us how we want to bring them. To stop BF or not is not up to her to decide and to work or not is not up to her to say. Is she supporting you? if not dun bother. Cheer up ok... Rene like mummy to be happy

i am so excited reading the First food book... think i am going to get a blender soon..any recommendation on a gd blender?

