(2008/05) May 2008

WAH! i also wan to stock up on pampers active..any advice whether the cutting big anot?

coz my boy abit fatty fatty leh...
currently already wearing L size for mamy poko and drypers...

hmmm....DOLLY! why ur ah boy kiss icebubbles boy..hehee...

look so cute!

Hi Lynn

Ya lor... can be v jealous somex right. Worst is Megan always give her greatest smile when daddy come home from work... clever hor... know how to buy their daddy heart. No wonder there is a saying of " daddy's girl ".. but you are lucky... as your will be " mummy's boy ".. heehee!! All along my hb wanted a girl, he loves girl ase knows girls always have parents heart in mind.. When they married, got 1 more "free" son... hahaha!!
Ya, do let me know abt the rice cereal. The box say how much huh? I give my son 2 teaspoon leh... and my mum ks give him 2.5 teaspoon...

Re: Massage

Anyone has a massage lady to recommend? I want home relaxing massage...

The massage lady I have been using keep MIA!!! I need to get an alternate one ald..

Recommendations pls...

i am dying of bodyache from the stupid manual pump...

I not go US for holiday ler. Don’t need to envy. Last time I can bring family member like spouse or child together and is pay by company. But now not encourageliao, company cut expense.

Re: Playmat
The spree for SSW was ended yesterday. I also not manage to order. Sleep too early at 8.30pm.

I will let you know when my departure date is confirm. B’cos I hope I go after my kid 6 month due to breastfeeding lah.

Your hubby have the same thought as my hb. He also wanted a girl. He said if next one he still one a girl. If given a choice to hv 2 kids only. My girl also give her daddy greatest smile once he reached the door step.
Hey mummies, just a comment. I think try not to buy too much diapers at one go. Coz last time, i got some samples from pampers, coz my elder son at tt time is size build, size too big for him. Then i realise two months ago, the pampers have changed color. Alittle brownish....

when i used her for post natal massage she charged $50/session... i think should be the same for normal also. try calling and ask.. is ok.. she is very nice and her massage is really good.
hi mommies
today's ntuc weekly promotion advertisemtn at straits times. think the organic rice cereal winnedy mentioned (bellamy brand) is selling for 4.95 (usual price is $6.10), but only at ntuc finest. think i am going to grab a few boxes during weekend. LOL
Alice, i count by month tat is on 2nd Oct my boy will be 5 mths liao...but as i nw counting down to his 6 mth so i count the days also...heehee...

get wat u mean on the weeks...so if u count by lunar calendar, then faster....our babies r born on lunar calendar 三月二十七 so on 26 Sept which is 2molo they will be 5 mth old since 2molo is 八月二十七...heehee
Cheap hor... me also cannot resist hehe...

my girl is wearing M and is juz nice... I bought L size to stock up... cos' soon she will be wearing it liao. So u can go for L and try ba...
Think a nice dress is what a one yr old baby girl want ba... they look so pretty with it esp if they start to walk =)

i tried giving 1 and half teaspn with 45 ml FM as per instruction loh. She luv it... so happy. I wanted to feed her more but MIL say first time only give half can already... worried cannot digest. so I eat the rest of it... taste gd! Wah... yr mum so kiasu... hehe but if he can digest well think is ok ba...

oh no... go for how long... think u will miss the little one... nvm, time really flies
b4 u knew it, its over!

really?? oh i bought alot to stock up le... hope it won't happen

I see... cos if i count by weeks... this week is our bb 21 weeks even since they r borned

very confused lei... so many types of calculation... =)
Re: Playmat
The spree for SSW is close on 27 Sep 12pm. I've sent him an email. waiting for his reply.

Am going out for lunch, will check got reply later around 3pm
poky: Petpet
sorry, didnt take a look at the price. However, if any of u re staying in Tampines, i think there is this chinese medical shop that sells diapers at cheaper price.
cradle cap:
anyone of you you baby experience cradle cap? will there be hair shedding if we try to take out the flakes?
hi mommies, the oz website i posted abv ship to sg , just found it out, got 10% off gst , oz $$ drop alot , but dont know still worth buying..the baby legz got offer , buy 3 get 1 free + 10 % off + shipment to sg...dont know isnt cheaper or not?
alice teo
yap, dnt know, the L size sample, all have become brownish....Luckily, is sample, else, heartach man.
hi mommies, if buy 4 pairs leggings plus shipping to sg is A$58.05 , that is about S$70 , average 1 pair S$17.50..thought i read some posts earlier some mommies looking for leggings..see is this helps

if u mommies can wait till end jan, i can buy and carry back to sg, then dont need to pay shipping cost..4 pairs will be A$46.50, sg about S$57 (exchange rate A$1 - S$1.22, about that now?? or lower /higher?), 1 pair about S$14.25

good for you! my mum want to increase the amt of cereal now. but i told her to wait till next week... my boy like enjoy eating from spoon than bottle..

the shades look cool! i will get it at toysrus since they are available there
me then free now, bb sleeping :p can suft net ...

the leggings the more u buy, the shipping cost cheaper, if buy 8 pairs, each pair about S$16.60.. checked the babyleg sg website, selling S$19.80 each..
I'm interested to buy the playmat as well if u all are getting it from SSW.

Re: Playmat
1. Corryn
2. dolly23
3. lynn
4. Alice
5. dearie_e

you look very pretty in the photo liao.. must be a belle during school time.

Hee.. all our darling borned in the same dae le..
I also donno how to count how old is he as i'm confused also..
my boi started cereal abt 2weeks ago.. n he loves it le...
so I'll be giving him fruit most probably nt week

Alice: Thanks for your recomandation,she went for the interview liao, hopefully my friend can get the job!
Think i'm getting from Alien instead. Cos getting the LG PRIME one as i need a bigger one n prefer the pooh one. But really ex man, at first hubby say don't buy, then i said buy la, can last longer n since we going to have more kids shld buy now. Really ex lo, $270.

So how's the isetan sale? Too bad i can't join.
haiz...my boy dwn with his first fever in his life at 4am today...till now, fever up dwn up dwn =( if nt going dwn by this evening going to see PD liao...pray hard he will recover...

hmm..mayb i go back to wk n see hws the situation...told my boss i will pump 3x in office...he says ok...if they dare to make noise when reality kicks in then i will fire them =P. if really drop i get the tea frm u? thanks for offering =) ya, discuss with hubby le, he ok to postphone the jab...like wat u say xin tong to have them kena poke twice a day. hehehe. last jab they nv assess him liao le =( ^5, me also aiming oshkosh n RL stuffs. LOLZ.

which part of states u going? pack me into ur luggage can? hehehe. just kidding. anyway, u sld be buying alot of stuffs for ur little king? =P if u dun mind, i check out the 2 links u gave n see if there is anything i wan i let u know? u dun mind ho? hehehe.

ya, u must jia you n get more dress of the same colors or if can find similiar designs even better! hehehe. ya, i agree...go states sure 1 big damage to the pocket...so my hubby also v scare to go there or let me know his friends are there coz i always ask them to help me buy things. hahaha =P too bad i dun have a chance to travel there myself if nt think my hubby will faint...normally i go overseas, x luggages go, x+y luggages back. =P hahaha, ur gal recognise the PD who is going to poke her tts why she cry =P everytime they jab my boy i nv dare to see....always ask my hubby to hold my boy...1st time they poke my boy, i rem i had tears in my eyes...then my hubby chided me...

RE: Diapers Sales
saw the adv on TST today, NTUC having baby essential sales - diapers, wet wipes, milk powder....

ya. me too think will miss him like hell le...ur boy at least will cry for u..i put my boy with my mum n i go out he didnt even cry for me....just look at me as i say "byebye! mummy going out, come back later fetch u ho?" =( dun worry, i am sure he will be well taken care of...just that it will be better if we can look aft by ourselves...i may or likely to resign once i get my bonus....go back n see how...scally resign earlier or in the end nv...

i wan the sunglass n sun hat!!! wait for me!! i go choose =P

u r welcome. emailed u the pics le. hehehe. i didnt realised too coz it was my hubby who took the pics. went hm to browse thro then saw. hahaha. they sure are cute! =P

Re: Rayden kissing icebubbles' boy
hahaha. Dolly, ur boy "notti" le...dun wan kiss gal kiss boy =P tt pic so cute!!!

try getting a princess dress or a barbie doll???

c yeo,
my boy had cradle cap..i didnt purposely "peel" them la but wash them when bathing...now tt the cap is gone, tt patch seems to have lesser hair then the rest of the head....

gal always closer to parents heart....boy ho, got gf/wife will "run" away with them =P
felval ,

No problem ..anytime
can pass to you

muzicalgal ,

the shade look cool ..hee hee i actually bought one but haven collect from the spree .
But the website 1 is sooo nice ....if got ppl want to order ...?Count me in
yalor chobit! welcome!

mummies..thanks for ur suggestion..will tell my hb... coz he wan to buy a bday present for his 1 yr old god daughter..

oh ya...i be checking out ntuc sale..hehe

i think the J&J wipe worth buying
welcome =) when was ur boy delivered? @ which hosp???

i wanan get the shades n sun hat *so getting the combo* =P haiz..his fever up dwn up dwn now back to 38 degrees..ask u ah, tt time aft Jorel took the rotavirus did he develop any fever or LS? damien had his 3rd LS today....he totally reject bottles n only took to latching...haiz...later going to Ooi @ blk 417 to see PD...duno wats wrong...
the J&J wet wipes u using the blue one or pink one? think pink one nicer to use but i nv saw tt in the adv today..only the blue on *3-in-1 pack*
oops sorry choc. u are rite. gt pink color one..my eyes kena stamp. lol. v worth it lo. 9.85 for 3...each one only 3.28..so much more cheaper.
yalor...will go stock up soon...

so excited..to get the wipes.. i wonder shld i get the pampers active bo...i never try before
Choco , felval

I used the one without smell 1 light pink.

Me last mth saw the J&J wipe got three in perpack at$9.80 at cold storge ...stock up 10pack.I tell you my hubby very horrible everytime my boy poo use alot loh ...see the way he clean him i very heart pain. but hor dun dare to say much later he dun want to help out .

Felval ,

huh ... he only went for the first dose ..second dose on coming next tue .

He did not have fever but he very restless and cranky. He only want to sleep ...appetite no good for a few days.

Did you feed him the fever medicine after the jab ? I did not the first time ...so i will do the same thing as well.
felval ,

Your boy using what brand diapers huh?

Choc ,

Is pamper active good ?

I bought the pamper comfort to try but it seem to very plasticy ...but dun seem to be able to hold .
