(2008/05) May 2008

Jer, I see how bah, if got no more ppl ordering the happy bellies, I let u have 1 tin from mine. Cos I ordered 2. Den If it's gd, den we can get them to ship in every mth, got discount like...

i have a shelf similar to the one you posted and hor, i kinda regret cos no covers and i gotta clean the toys often. In fact, now i give up cleaning the toys since my gal is older liao. Think the ikea boxes are better. Just my tots.
feifei, my gal born in mt.A
yup for e heinz cereal i get from NTUC but always no stock wor...

winnedy, thanks will take a look at cold storage.

kelcqi, confirm with u all tmr morning ok? btw wat time u ladies meeting? will sms u...
Hi ladies,

for e bumper playmat from alien she asked me to let know:

"$10 off apply to Parklon Yellow Bear 2100*1400*15mm. Other LG Prime design will get $5 off. Min. order 5 pcs in total. 1 delivery location for every 5 pcs."

anyone wana collect in jurong? can add to mine...
winnedy, i register for the semi solid food for baby liao.....they say hv to bring bb down...so tat bb can taste the food there...
i am gg for the talk, but not bringing my bb. Cos i want to know more before letting my boi try anything .. KS mummy.

this is exactly what Ailen replied to me as well .. but she is not giving any bag, thats why i am not so keen in it.
dolly, u can still bring ur bb down....juz refused to let them feed bb anyting lor...heehee...

winnedy, tat i nt sure...but guess they are professional enough for us to trust them ba.
=D...tot we are next bed neighbour..hee..tink i better go stk up some cereals liao =D..hee

U so pretty leh...ur ger also wor..

I called parentcraft just now, was told to bring bb down if they are 6mths and above...If not, parents go down also can =D>..They said soemtimes they cook porridge, sometimes noodles for bbs to try out =D...wonder how it taste..
U got my no rite? Okok, U sms me when u reach ok?

I don't want to bring my bb leh. She's sure a handful. I wanna have my peace~~

Yup, that's the book loh. If u want, print out the pg on e link I posted. Dun be kuku like me, go buy from Popular and pay extra for nothing and kick urself in the butt.

No lah, pic n real person is very different one, haha... That's the illusion of make up. Tt time we nv got to meet each other at the hospital...

mine born on 2nd May so on 22 Oct he is gng to be 6th mth soon lor...so i guess ok ba....anyway, i have nt confirm whether i am bring my boy or nt...

tinkerbelle, my boy also nt easy to handle...although he love to smile alot...but he is loud when he scream lor...
hehe...just i jsut print out, fill in and fax to them hor? tried calling them but no reply..

wow...how I wish my ger quickly turn 6mths =D..can doll her up =D..
bery fast de..hee

Any mummies brought their bbs for a swim yet? Wat type of swimming clothes shd we get for them?
ladies ,

hahah ...what up for today .Dun log in as was on Mc today and just went to bring my boy back from the nanny . Just manage to put him for a nap
hi mommies,
sad today.. cos kena UTI, so the doc asked me to stop breastfeeding for 5 days as the antibiotics she gave me is not breastfeeding safe.
so gotta pump and throw away. supply oredi not a lot still throw away very sim tia lor.. but no choice.

anw today i scoop a bit of porridge water to let baby darren try try...he seems ok.. not rejecting it and use his tongue to taste taste. very cute...
kelcqi, sms u tmr if i'm going ok... cause not sure going or not yet... wat time u gals going? if me going think take half day afternoon
Annabelle, try to let me know asap cos I'm going in e morning. I'll bring one cube lah, if u nt collecting it, I juz bring to the post office n ask them how do I post the cube n the charges and I'll post it out next thurs or fri when my dear gal goes for her jab. Sian, I hate it when she have to jab...

I think juz print out n fax over to them can liao...
sorry ah, trying to reply those rather old posts, pls bear with me! =)

xiao hua,
thx 4 the Mayuki spree link, havent gt time to go n see in details yet =p lol. dun worry la, u wldnt be the oldest coz u still so young, shelf a few more yrs only at most 25, 26. last time when i did me degree, there were classmates in their 40s =p lo. u seen my hubby on sun, he consider tall nt? lol. i v worry my boy will be rather short in future coz comparing with the babies here, altho he is one of the few heavier ones, his height is nt le. thx 4 complimenting tt Damien is clever. =) He git his share of tummy time, sitting time n standing time =) Ur xuan xuan v guai lo. nv fuss / cry during the outing. a fine lady she will grow up 2 be =) n nt forgetiing her v unique slpping position! lol. initially i thot u were bfeeding her but on closer n longer stares, she was actually slpping. hehe so paisay 2 stare but lucky u nv notice =p

$100/jab for pnenumoccal is consider cheap le!! does it already includes gst? my gp charges $170nett le..but she dun charge gst n consultation...kkh charges 160, still need to add in PD consultation cost n GST...

Rayden small size but can see he is a happy boy. hehe. dun envy la. i am sure he will be mucho in his own time =) today when giving Damien his tummy time, he raise up his butt then use his knee to push him forward a few times. i wonder if this is consider as learning to crawl but i am so excited. lolz. thanks la, i am sure u also feed Rayden well =) btw, if SSW reply u , u let me know ya. If i wanan get, i prefer to have the bag =)

hahahaa. erica nt fierce la. but ho, she realli looks like her dad the more i see her =P oops. =P ya, v funi rite? i thot they look like they are fighting. ahahhaa.

Re: blender
i wanna get a blender too le. who wanan help me get? =P

i think u look great le =) ya...today is a rainy day...on aircon last nite to slp coz my boy perspire easily. didnt know it rained so heavily i didnt close my kitchen windows, ended up mini flood in the kitchen near the window -_-'''

hehe. i siao mah. nw trying to fattem him up as much as possible coz when ther grow older n bcum more active i scare he will lose weight lo. so if i fatten him up nw by then he lose abit of weight still ok mah. hehe

gal lighter nvm =p

my boy looks big ya? my boy is heavier than urs but shorter le. Damien's head also big, 43.5cm. lol. nope. nv circumcize my boy coz i cant bear 2 see him in pain =(

u n rachel also v cool in white lo. ehhehe

hahaha. the "slpping beauty" woke up crying =P ur Dylan v smart le, knows how to look at the cam. almost every shot of him he is looking @ the cam =)

hahaha. i like to wear the same color when we go out together =P he has improved to sitting unassisted for 25secs =)

hahaha. ur boy so much more chubbier than Damien =P

u really dun look like a mum of 3 le. still looks v gd n hot! =) Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are enjoying urself now =)

brought my boy for rotavirus oral med on mon and like Jorel, Damien practically didnt swallow much of it. my mum was telling me we sld have pinch his nose to make him swallow the med....so gd that Jorel will sit quietly n listen to u...my boy will sit quietly for a very short while then look everywhere but the book then fuss...haiz...

Re: Isetan Sales
haiz..me wanted to get the high chair for Damien le...but my hubby DUN allow...=( he says now dun need dun buy first but on offer le! anyway, i am returning to wk next thurs so i feel guilty abt leaving my boy with my mum at hm while i go shop shop =(

PM u my hp num =)

argh..mayb u try let Rayden taste durian? hehhee. BAD idea pls dun do it ok? hehehe.

mayb can throw in spa or massage that will be even more complete =P

hahaha. on the bright side, lucky its ur nipple bled and nt ur precious throwing up blood but then u must be in pain.
felval ,

Hmmm i always wanted to let him try haahha ...like when I`m eating icew-cream or sweet hahah..his mounth will become watery..then he will go hmmm hahha.

Cannot wait to start his wearning next week :p
Dunno how he will react and expression

It always very nice and happy when he learn new things
Wah! So many thread. I read until tired. At the office look at too many document and email. Now reach home see so many thread, I keep yawn liao.


That day I recommend you to use the bath chair, u said u got 1 in store room? How come u buy another one again? Which brand u bought. Must get those with holder or a bit cover at the side. More safe.


Next time don’t need to make up when meet up with us. Honestly, make up and no make up can make very much different ah? My family member and I are not used to make up, we lazy to do that. Only make up when go to AD&D or wedding dinner.

Re: Blender

You all use the blender for? I got one but keep in the store room. Use it to prepare bb food?
Re: Shopping at Iseatan and Carrefour
So envy u all go for shopping. I will be very very busy from this week till mid of Oct.


What is the brand of white rice cereal u bought at bugis cold storage? Heinz? The organizer or rack looks good. Everything is US are cheap. I think I need to bring more luggage when I go US for business trip.


I also find Shaine hv this action. Keep raise butt and use knee to push forward. Sometime till tired she will rest…and continue again. My mum said it looks like start learn to crawl. That’s y I hope to get the mat in ASAP.

I will be travel to US soon. Got anything need me to bring back and not too heavy let me know.
hahaha. so u got let jorel try the icecream? just a little lick? =P tt day let my boy try apple aft the rotavirus to compensate him for taking the yucky med so funi the experience. hahaha
i also cant wait to start my boy on semi solids but i will wait till 6mths. hehhe. meanwhile i already plan wat i wan to let him have for his 1st out-of-bm-ecperience.hahaha. i can imagine! they wil hestiate to try then later lick their lips then make the "hmm hmm" sound. hahaha.

y everyone suddenly going states?? i also wanna go~~~ya, i have things to get... hahaha. RL & Oshkosh~~~

is 170 per jab NETT (no gst no consultation charges) for pnenumoccal. ya in yishun. at blk 654 - medipoint. the med dose need to pre-order. u wan i give their num?
Corynn ,

Hmmm..you definately will miss your gal very very much ...!!

Which part of states going ?

Felval ,

No lah .. i dun not lah ..very much wanted to!
Since Damien is on total BF ..you start him at 6mths .As my son dun really like FM and my ss is super super low now
so intend to start him next week or so .

But dunno why the nanny said he is drinking well and been drinking 150ml .
But when come to us feeding him he sometime take at least an hour to finish his milk sigh...headache make me until i dunno how to be feed my son
Felval ,

Me not so soon ..will give him the pnenumoccal only after his third DPI ject . Cannot stand the sight of giving him two jects at one go ...even thought he seem to have thick skin hahaha :p

Will get the no. from you when i`m ready to give him
i returning to wk next thurs so i v scare my ss will drop le..my fbm only can last him 20days...haiz...

i think coz when jorel see u n ur hubby he v excited n wans to play with you 2 tts why he nt drinking well. hehehe. mayb he wans to max his time playing with u 2 rather then drink liao KO?
hahaha. damien will be going for the last 6-in-1 in oct then same day give him pnenumoccal..no choice coz if separate the 2 jabs interval must be 1 mth...nw u mention 2 jabs in 1 day i think liao also abit xin tong....=( mayb i shall push back his pnenumoccal jab also...let me discuss with hubby...but i order the dose liao. hahaha
Felval ,

hhaha maybe ..come to think abt it quite true leh ...he always dun drink much during weekend :p

Wow ..at least you can still store
i have try the tea ..you want some i pass you some !!

I only drink once on Monday ..it seem to increase but i only can pump once after work.
So just enough to feed him for the nite .
Felval ,

ya loh ..maybe after his 6in1 lah ..two ject in one day ...dunlah !maybe called and tell them to postphone loh . I think more advisable and evry mth the GP or doc can asses him till he at least 6mth or so
my boy fuss when drinking bm these few days..then when feed him fm, he's ok... and cry for more...then i google search and found this

Hormonal changes

Ovulation, menstruation or pregnancy can all affect milk production. Your baby may fuss for a few days if you are ovulating or menstruating, but will generally return to a normal feeding pattern within a few days. Although many women can successfully continue to breastfeed while pregnant, others many find their supply decreases.
Hi feifei

I doubt you can get discount on the U-Like blender as $69.90 is oredi discounted as original price were $129.00 i think... But not harm trying at the sales. Good Luck!

Hi Corynn

The want i had in the store was too small for Megan... Is for bb... haha!! so when to get one @ Great World this afternoon. The brand is called " Infa ". The seats is adjustable and as you say is more safer.. Haven try it yet... will see how if Megan like it tomolo...
My PD is at gleneagles medical centre, Spore Baby and Child Clinic. He is like very experience loh. Lots of white hair liao hehe
Ya... so surprised when he told me to start bb with rice cereal... i was thinking how come he can read my mind... =)
I went Cold Storage today and din manage to find the find u mentioned so I bought Heinz Organic rice cereal liao. PD recommended that to start her with 1 teaspoon then slowly add on... and then one type of veg/fruit puree at a time for 3 days each to see any allergies. So excited, will start tml...!
So funny i cant find yr brand and u cant find the one i bought, organic Heinz... guess all shd be sama sama lah

haha... aiya, is always like that one lah. But nvm the book is a gd one, so is worth the $$$. I still considering whether to buy or not, cos' i have read a few pages of this bk before at Times. Oh I'm starting weaning first cos' when I sent Rachel for jabs yest... PD asked me to start on rice cereal and slowly add puree step by step loh. I also asked him why is it that pple recommend bb to be 6 mths b4 starting but he said depending on individual bb. So guess PD will have a better idea looking at bb progress ba... Why dun u chk with yr PD abt it... maybe can liao lei, hehe! Will update u on the result...

oh ya... now i remembered our bb r born on the same day =) chk with u... how does one calculate the age of bb? example... since our bb r born on 2 May...do u go by weeks from DOB or u take 2 June as 1 mth liao?? Cos' i realised some months had 5 weeks so they dun tally...

Xiao hua,
really! haha think yr colleague spotted her first cos' she is wearing white mah... hehe!

envy lei... going US soon...! Can't wait for my gal to grow up then bring her to disneyland... now wasted cos' she dun know how to play yet =) Thanks for link to playmat... but shd i wait for u gals to get it together? me no hurry la, maybe will bring the Playmat to India on the next trip there

haha... yr hb is so funny... ya lor, is he treating u the same way? if not, must remind him to treat u better or same as bb =) cos' w/o u also no bb mah... must treasure both ;p

thanks, that's the only white dress to pair up with her... must jia you and buy more so can wear the same clothes together, so interesting! Me want to go States too but sure do one big damage to my wallet one... scare to go there thou =p

Jo, felval,
My bb has been taking 2 jabs twice liao... very xin tong but bo bian... cos' if take individually then got to go there so many times! And also very funny, my girl can recongize the PD loh... the moment i step into the room and sit down to talk to PD... she will stare at him very hard and start crying =) haha... twice liao.

Re: PlayMat
Ladies... so how? R we getting any reply from SSW if not have to hurry to put it the order liao... tml last day huh?

Re: Shopping Isetan & Carrefour
So nice... some of u meeting up for Isetan Sales tml... want to go lei but too early la for me, cos' our dear princess still having her beauty sleep at that time!! hiaz...

Oh I went to Carrefour warehouse sales today... last min, my sis ask me along. Nothing much lei... only thing i bought r cartons and cartons of Pampers Active loh, hehe! So kiasu... But very cheap lei... always hv to pay abt $26/- for one now 2 in a box only ard $30... $10 cheaper so must really stock up loh. Bought L size, so can tahan for a long time. Honestly, i like the Pampers Box too... so colourful and useful as well, can use to store bb toys! Those mummies using Pampers Active Must Grab okie =) Oh there r Pet Pet too... but not sure how much cos' they r still packing it up no price displayed. Above $150/- can ask for free delivery, easier rite?
Ref : PlayMat

Still no reply from SSW, and if his spree is closing tomorrrow, i would suggest all of us to order individually, unless you gals dun mind getting from Ailen --- 5% discount but no carrying bag.
RE: diapers
the previous carrefour warehouse sales..petpet is selling at 2 packets for $23. ya.. $150 free delivery.. then i deliver 5 packets petpet to mil house.. then the rest i hand carry.
hubby settled the bill so i'm not sure the cost of the jab leh...hmmm...u starting work same day as me...2 Oct! haiz.....will miss my boy very much. we just started him with infantcare this week...so far so good...think he adapting well..drinking & napping well there though when he see me he'll cry cry abit wanting me to carrying him (so heart pain seeing him cry for me to carry...haiz...no choice got to go back to work next week le...).....hope he'll be well taken care of there when i return to work..
ok then... but let's wait till tml... if no reply then i guess we will order from the spree individually ba... thought of getting the pooh & friends =)

dun think there is Mammy Poko lei... only pet pet and Pampers and some other brand of pull-up diapers. Not sure whether they will add more other brand later... cos' today first day and they are still packing and adding more others

the previous carrefour warehse sales at Suntec... I already bought quite alot of Pampers but they jerk up the price again to $44 for one box after that... then today when i saw $30 for a box quickly grab again loh... kiasu hor! Why hand carry the rest? they can only send to one address meh?
i didnt ask them can deliver 2 addresses or not... cos my eldest brother and mom went with me tat day.. and we can manage to carry everything to the car. =)
C yeo,
Thanks for the web link, it is kinda relief after reading it.

Icebaby/ Jer,
I do agreed that not all maids are the same. Mine is actually ok, she can cook n do housework very well. Initially, I dun even let her carry my boy cos she very young, unmarried, no kids and no experience in handling bb. She only prepares the things for me, for eg. bathing, she will prepare bath tub, clothing, towel and stuffs then I will bath my boy myself. Only when he turned to 3 month, I let her carry and feed him once a while. It is not that I dun trust them, there were few incidents occurred that made me keep a distance from them. Maybe this is the 1st time I get my own maid; perhaps u may share some of your experiences on how to teach them taking care of bb and yet not to “sticky” to them?

Oh the spree closed. Is ok then, I check with Dolly then. Thks
Since u feel that she is careless in taking care of bb, then better dun let Adam stay in her room, can get her carry in the living hall. My hb ever had the same thought as ur hb, let the bb sleep with the maid, I straight away put him a BIG NO NO sign to him. No matter how tired I am, I will still wake up and feed lo. Compared to u, I am not that siong la, Dylan wakes up at 4am & 6.30am for his feed. Last feed at 10pm; at least I can rest from 10pm onward till 4am. However, It’s tired enough to torture me though. Daytime he is super attention seeking, I need to fully entertain him with his toys and “chit chatting” with him. U are lucky, can go to ur mum’s place for a breather. How I wish I got somewhere trusted to put him, then I can go shopping and have some personal life! Now I wish he can grow faster…

US$ shot up a lot, now a bit not worth to spend US$. Better buy now before it shot up even higher. Can u please help me to include the following:
1. if you’re happy and you know it - $6.99
2. Sweet dreams $12.99
3. I love you $12.95

Some they said only bring bb above 6monhts le, but that day I told the lady my boy only 4monhts++ she said bring him to try… I dunno le, see how then..

Thanks for the uploading the photos, I didn’t know that Dylan was at first holding hands then ended up “fighting” with Damien, lol…kids are so cute! Can u send me photos to my email at [email protected] thanks.

Re: Shopping at Isetan
How I wish I could join u mamas for the shopping tmr… no one is taking care of my little one, I dare not let him stay with my maid alone. Haiz.. U mamas enjoy! Must be very fun!

Suddenly everyone says Dylan looks like me? Maybe I spend more time with him nowadays, compared to his dad.. U found the slimming pants spree? Can u share me the link?

U scared me le, I was wondering how come Shaine missing in the middle of the nite? She is such a mini. Do handle with care! U should let her wear bright colour pyjamas in order to spot her in the nite! Hahaha…

Ur hb really dote Mega a lot, very fatherly and wei da lo, think he will do everything for her. Ya, nowadays, mamas have no place in Daddy’s heart. They only remember their daughter or son. Come home first thing look for them, morning before going to work kiss them goodbye…how jealous huh!!

2 in a box only around $30? The Pampers Active is real cheap lo. This sales is just nice for u to stock more and ship to India. Well, need to go down tmr and grab the pampers, maybe should buy up to L & XL size… Kiasu mommy..

Mizicgal and Corynn
U going US for holidays or biz trip? Which parts of US?

LOL. Ilyse cry when she cannot eat the ice-cream. My hubby bully her yesterday by showing her the ice-cream and she tried to grab then he took it away. =(


Make-up is a MUST for me now. Used to it liao. Dun put, face feel "itchy" like something missing

Anyone willing to help me buy a COACH bag? LOL. I am dying to buy 1 model but I can't find it. Probably will need my colleague to take a photo of her bag. *Argh

OLD navy/other US shop stuff are cheap but it's best if we can do ordering to a "site" then later you do a pick up from that site.

RE: Blender
Makes it easier to blend the food and cut it to small sizes for baby.


You bought so many pet pet. That time carrefour sale, we just took 3 cartons! Had to get the service people to take out from their store as they weren't on "display" yet. LOL


Regards to the maid. I guess in a way I was lucky. The maid that was at Dolly's place, she took care of twins before. So she already knew how to handle kids. Generally for me, I am very chin cai...cos I dun believe in trying to "force" them to do certain ways of taking care of my child. As long as the method they use, isn't affecting my child. I.e. only certain things like, she must remember to off the fan when changing her after/before her bath. Or be careful when she put the wind medication...blah blah.

I feel that if we force the maid to do "certain" things our way too much. THey get abit resentful lor. So as long everyone is happy, it's easier. =)

xiao hua,

Yah. Dun worry. That time I did my Masters we even had a 70+ yr man taking. =) Even when I took my degree, we had alot of 35-40+ taking. Plus u dun look old...u look very young.
