(2008/05) May 2008


Look like all mommies and babies enjoyed themselve. is a pity i cant join you gals... Megan is sad cos cant meet her friends :p haha!! will try to make it next time....

Xiao Hua,

I miss Xuan Xuan.. just showed mom her picture and she say loook so much like Megan... heehee!! Thats wat we tot oso right...

oops, typo error, should be daddy's finger...daddy's figure is for mommny to taste !!:p

alice, lynn is right, cannot bring hot water on flight, the thermo flask must be empty..but you can bring water contained in the milk bottle, i put 100 ml of boiled cool water in 2 milk bottles and got the hot water to put in the thermo flask after taking off..
Thanks for hosting this gathering.

All mummies,
Nice to meet all of you. Shaine, my hubby and I really enjoy this afternoon gathering. After this met up, i found something different between Shaine and others, which is sleeping position, size and hair.

Hv u order the playmat. I am looking now.

What is the size of the playmat in Doris house?

Hi Mummies,

Anyone using NUK bottles? The teat with the hole should be facing up or down? My boy born on 21st may and he take a very long time to feed, like 2hrs... any advise?

you are always so efficient lor, after our gathering, you are always the 1st one to post the picture ... how is ur Le Xuan, must be excited to see many friends today !

the more that i see Damien, the more i am envy , so mucho lor and i think he may be the 1st baby here to sit up or crawl, fast progress bb.

i like your bb's cheek, so rosy and chubby.

Ant / Tracy,
thanks for bringing the mat along, if not, i have got no place to put all babies together.

i love your Duncan's eyes. So sad that my Rayden is like me, eyes small small.

i dun think Erica is a terror lor, just need to be more patient with her, as she is still considered younger among all the jie jie and kor kor.

help me to thank your hubby, as he is always considered the photographer for our gathering.

finally Rayden can see his "girlfriend", just too bad that he is abit "dao" and not excited ... hahaha.

thanks for getting your maid to help out.

your hubby very "Ke Qi" and bought another 1 box of the biscuit, already got alot of food leftover, end up, Jo helped me to tabao alot back ... hahaha

All Mummies who came to the gathering,
hope that all of you have fun today, didnt manage to interact long with everyone of you, as got to busy entertain Rayden, think he is over-excited that he is fussing over milk. He KO around 8plus and he just managed to finish his usual 180ml milk again and now back to his dreamland, so happy !
Happy to meet all of you !
Ur Rayden very shy and dao ler.....
Shaine go forward to kiss him....he run liao. May b Rayden feel paiseh why his mini girlfriend got more hair than him.
hi mummies

very nice to have met and seen you all today

sorry that i had to rush off early as i had to pick my elder boy from my fren's plc...had tompang my boy with her for a while otherwise i sure pengsan if he comes along...hehehe...

overheard that some mummies's hubbys are overseas too..mine as well
so am on my own with both of them :p "ren"

thanks very much for opening up your 'infant care' centre

xiaohua, eileen (hope i'm correct), corynn
nice talking to you, albeit a short while

do hope to be able to meet up again the next time

ling (Ginny)
All Mummies, Daddies and their little Princes/Princesses who attended today's gathering...
It is such a good one! Me and Rachel really enjoyed ourselves... hope to hv more in future...!

Thanks for organising it and u r one of the best host I hv ever come across =) got everything a bb needed, hehe... oh think the food is definitely too much liao today... next time we shd bring snack not food haha! Aiya, me wanted to bring one box of mee siam back but forgotten... sorry din help to clear it ;p Rayden is so happy today cos he is a little host as well. Hope yr place is not too messy afterall! I juz realised that Rayden is quite photogenic after seeing his portrait at the living rm rack

xiao hua,
ya la... wasted didn't catch rachel's smile on camera, hiaz! she dun know I waited for this day long long time liao hehe. Xuan Xuan so cute, nv forget the way she likes to slp... so adorable, kept me laughing for a while =)

thanks for the ride to dolly's place. Yr hb after all not too tau... can persuade him to come next time, but he turn up at the gathering @ united sq rite? Erica is so cute and independent can play by herself on the playmat... think she really likes the pouch KO immediately... She prefer that more than my arms haha!

Damien look so cool with daddy & mummy wearing the same colour...

finally saw u this time, hehe. Oh yes, thank yr hb on my behalf for taking many shots!! still waiting to see it =) Raphael is handsome lei... already kanna corner by two pretty girls liao haha... glad he has yr big eyes!

Yr boy caught my attn with his big round eyes wor... hehe! luckily he din "fang tian" =)

Wah... Aldan look so cute and huge
almost can filled the whole baby cot liao haha

Must practise more on the pouch. See u already successfully rock Erica to slp liao haha! Dylan will like it too. By the way, he looks cool in that bb jeans.

still think Jorel is a darling. Even his cries is cute... just want to cuddle him more. Luckily not like my gal... her scream is scary! hehe

yr darling shaine still prefer tummy time the most. Can't forget her "Qiao Qiao" butt, haha! Luv her hair so much....!!! Envy lei, so soft can't stop touching it, hehe! Next time she will be very attactive cos her eye balls are huge and pretty!

Rest of the mummies... too many pple today, some i talk to but forget to ask the nickname hehe... like what tracie said, next time must have name tag =)

Some Photos to share...


don't u think muzicgal looks like bb childcare teacher? ;p


Group Photos!


Handsome Raphael kanna corner by pretty Xuan Xuan & Erica wahaha!


Oh... looks like Xuan Xuan is showing Mummy her two new BF... hehe


Juz realised that she is like advertising for Samsung "Soul Imagination" Handphone... "Is tough and reliable even bb dropped it many times" haha...
Wow.. Gathering at Dolly's house seems so much fun. Too bad I can't go today. Hope to join all of you next time.

xiaohua, you really fast at uploading pictures. Hehe.. Btw, can you send me the photos you took at United Sq gathering if it's not too much of a trouble. Thanks.
oh, so is 2 playmats joined together? i thought wah !! where to find such long playmat !! haha !! suaku !!

dolly, thanks
luke has rosy cheeks but not very chubby, i want them to be more chubby then i can pitch them more !!

so cute the young couple :) let me see my boy can 'sian' whose girl , let mommy 'chop'the girl form the pic here:p
yr boy so chubby... gd looking one!
Aiya... try to explain to them now there is a new research abt feeding bb too early. PD advise not too early the best is 6 mths unless bb refused or drink lesser milk and show interest in food etc... tell hubby why expose bb to unnecssary danger (like allergies, stress the digestive system) when we can feed in another 1 or 2 mths time

Oh... really! OMG... thought I can bring hot water in termal flask... i read the clause in the some rule and regulations for flying... and it said is ok lei, if they check... they might ask u to open up and drink a little for them :0 btw, u took the hot water on board the plane when they take off is it? Let me chk with hb again ;)

Have u found the link? can share?

ya la... U and Megan missed out a lot of fun... sure yr mum will enjoy it too if she comes along. Next time cannot miss k
alice, ya, been telling our friend that, even showed him website saying that he still say can, will ask doc..ok lor, ask doc the next time we bring bb for jab..

coz a friend travelled w her bb girl and she told me cannot put hot water in termal flask and your r right, she was made to drink the water in the milk bottle and taste the milk powder !! but i was lucky, didnt kana that
the mat is 1850mm x 1250mm. Thickness 12mm. Buying? Hehe, it's worth it lah. I've had it for 2years already and u can see it's still in good condition. Very lasting.

OMG so cute and handsome!!
are you gg to organise another gathering before you leave for India ? I will be missing Rachel and her chubby cheeks.
i think we should have more gatherings... just realise that my boy start recognizing places and people.. he cried so loudly when i put him on playmat at the beginning... but later on he get use to it... then ok liao..
i searched these questions on Changi Airport website for all mummies having doubts while flying

Q3.What are the exemptions for baby food in liquids, aerosols and gels form?

Baby foods in liquids, aerosols and gels form, such as milk, juice and porridge, will be exempted from the restrictions, if there is a baby travelling with the adult passenger. Such items should be taken in quantities that are sufficient for the flight.

If the baby food is in containers with a maximum capacity of not more than 100ml, passengers are encouraged to place these containers in the 1-litre transparent re-sealable plastic bag. If this is not possible or if the baby food is in containers larger than 100ml, the baby food will be subjected to further checks at the security screening point. The baby must also be present at the security screening point. Passengers may also be asked to taste the baby food.

Q4.Is there a restriction on the amount of baby milk powder that can be carried in hand-carried luggage?

No. Milk powder is not considered a liquids, aerosols and gels item.

Q5. Can I carry hot water in a flask to prepare baby food?

Yes. Hot water will be allowed for carriage in a flask if there is a baby travelling with the adult passenger, even though hot water should be available from the airline onboard the flight. The hot water should be taken in quantities that are sufficient for the flight. It will also be subjected to further checks at the security screening point.
alice, sorry missed out this..i asked for hot water after the 'seabelt' sign is off..the airsteward told me he'll be back then he didnt come back till time to serve meal , and he saw me still holding the termal flask, maybe realized he forgot about it, apologised to me and quickly got me the hot water..qantas hor..

tracie, thanks
yr boy lagi handsome, the eyes so big !! can tian si' girls :p
alice, the u r right, my friend is wrong about the hot water in flask..maybe she sway sway kana checked..she flew to amsterdam and sweden, maybe these 2 countries got diff regulations..
Hi mummies,
nice seeing all of you and all the babies. Sorry that i got to leave early as need to rush to another place. Now super tired... only roughly scroll down to see all the pics. Will read all the posts tmr.. gd night!

thanks for hosting the gathering. Hope that we will have another outing/gathering soon so that i can stay longer and get to know all of you better and of course to see all cute lil babies
haha... maybe is time to consider other airline
Ya if i sway also will kana chk then have to drink the hot water for them hehe
Xiao Hua,
Again, u are the 1st one posted all the pics. thks... Ya, luckily Dylan was in good mood unlike the previous gathering, he was crying all the way. I think he enjoyed interacting with so many frens today. I like the mat lo, must buy, must buy! Le Xuan sleeping position really made my eyes opened, so cute le.. but “Xin Ku ni le”

Thanks for hosting the gathering. No worries ab the moon pie. Hope u like it. Sorry that didnt managed to clear more food as we really cant take it. Lesson learned, next time should only bring snacks like cakes, pies or sandwiches. Hope we dun messed up ur home sweet home. Afterall, I found Rayden quite easy to take care and independent. Well trained!

Ya, it’s his first time wearing his jeans for outing. Think he looked ok! Rachael really like a princess today, very adorable n chubby, feel like pinching her lovely cheek!

I think Erica likes the pouch, maybe its another way to rock her to sleep! She made me feel like having a gal gal when I carried her, its very different feeling from how I carried my boy.

Shaine has got the most stylish sleeping pattern. Some more can turn left and right in such position… Super cute!

Wow.. Damien posed himself a “sleeping beauty” in the photos… can see he really KO!

1st time met Duncan in person; he is really cute with his big round eyes.

Nice meeting u and bb Sylvia. Thanks for bluetoothing the pics to me.

All mommies, babies and daddies…
It was really nice meeting u all. Catch up with u all in the next gathering!
Too many ppl today, hope to have more time to interact with more mommies n babies in future.
Morning ladies..

Duno if you gers rem me =D...My ger was born on 23rd May =D...
Some pics of my ger...

Wow, alot of bbs are ur hse wor...So cute leh... =)..

Ur boy seems grown alot liao =D..

Ur bb luke bery handsome leh, loved his big eyes =D.

Thanks for inviting us there. Sorry I had to leave before the photo taking cos Ilyse was already crying (but once she step out of house, she was fine all the way home! Duh!). And I needed to rush home to get ready to go out to celebrate my b'day.

The pictures came out great. Can someone help do a photoshop labelling of names on the babies...that will be very nice. =) Heehee
Tracie, Alice, Lynn

hehe.. she very funni 1 lah. she can't sleep if i cradle carry her normally, she will find bury her whole head under my armpit then she can sleep well.. luckily her mummy no BO, if not she could be fainted & not sleeping lah.. lol

haha.. the photo with raphael squeeze between erica & le xuan is so hilarious. I thought of a new career track for Rachel, she could be a model when she grow up, see how well she pose for the samsung handphone advertisement! haha

Uploading photos: haha.. me half dead when I reach home last night.. Coz after gathering I went for another gathering at my auntie house.. But then, hehe, many mummies waiting to see photos of cutie babies, so I took some time to sit infront of the com to upload the photos, no time to put captions, so just randomly upload some photos from my cam

Angela, hehe.. ya loh, megan & xuan xuan look like twin sista! xuan xuan miss megan jie jie lah, yday nv see megan she so sad!

Corynn, so many fighting to be Shaine's BF.. he he.. aiyo, when she grow up, u sure headache one.. coz too many suitors after her..

Dolly, le xuan must be too overwhelmed by the crowd, she couldn't sleep well last night.. haha.. must be thinking of all the handsome boys she met at the gathering, she couldn't make up her mind who to have a crush on lah.. coz all so handsome.. lol

ling, hehe.. nice to meet u too. ya lah, too bad u need to leave earlier.. catch up again the next time we meet!

Cheri, sure sure.. was thinking of sending your family photo to u too! but dun have ur email address. Can PM me ur email addy?

icebaby, forgot to thank u for lending bolster to lexuan.. she super cranky yday, refuse to sleep on her own, wants to bury her head under my arms.. ur darling very sleepy yday hor, hehe most of the time sleeping..

Jer, nice meeting u yday! u so thin lah, no wonder the pouch size 2 too loose for u.. how u maintain ur figure, 2 babies & u still so slim?

musicgal.. hehe.. ya loh. need nametag lah.. we only know those we met b4.. couldn't identify those who joined the gathering later yday.. hehe..

Lynn, u want me to send Baby Dylan & ur photo to u? Baby Dylan & U were smiling so happily in the photo! Now then I realise Dylan looks like you a lot when he smile..
reach home only after 12am last nite, then saw ur ques on the bumper mat. hv replied. =) now cannot chat with u on msn liao. office blocked msn. =p
xiao hua,

Ilyse is normally "sleepy" when she is at a stanger's place or even when she is at home when there is alot of people. She doesn't seem to like crowds much. =( Well, just have to get her used to it.

You can try to log onto msn using www.meebo.com (cos that's what I am using in office)

RE: Playmat
It seems very comfy. Temping to buy but must move house the see how.


It's good to finally know who you are.


Thank you for buying the bag. It's good. BIG somemore...I like! Haha
Hi all! Nice meetin all of u ytd =) thks dolly for hosting us at ur plc! N also loanin aldan rayden’s cot to slp in. hehe
Oh ya we finally bot a new stroller.. went to kiddy palace at tpy ytd after the gathering. Bot the capella one cos we got the same brand of rocker which can be placed jus on top of the stroller. Can use for no. 2. hahah… cos aldan outgrew the rocker liao =P

Xiaohua- yeah! Hehe.. v happy tat his rashes no more liao. Ur xuan xuan reali cute leh. Likes to bury her head in ur armpit there!

Tracie- duncan’s eyes so big! Handsome boy!!!

Felval- can easily tell u, ur hb n damien is 1 happy ‘red’ family. Hehe… damien so clever can sit on his own alrdy!! Amazing leh!

Alice- haha… he dun look his age at all lor. Ppl tot he is at least 7-8 mths alrdy! Aiyo, I luv rachel’s chubby cheeks! My hb also cannot resist! Hahah..

Lehcar- the teat hole shd be facing dwn. I’m usin the medium hole size for my boy. Whenever change to new teat, he takes super long to finish. I use needle n poke 2 more holes. Seems beta. Maybe u can try =)

icebaby- r u the one w sleeveless top n shorts n long hair? hee...
dun mention, as long as all of us have great time ! My house is always empty and quiet previously, cos only me and hubby. Now got Rayden at least better. But with you gals and babies around, my house become very lively.

i like those photos, will go to the link and save the photos, okay ?

what is the date that you are leaving, so need to plan whether we want to have it over the weekends or weekdays ? BTW, not much weekend left liao before end of September.
wait for me for the playmat, still in the midst of discussing with my hubby .. he is abt to nod his head and say "yes" and pay ... hahaha
Ling, nice to talk to u too.

Next gathering u must go ler. I want to see baby luke handsome look. Must let my Shaine take photo with him.

U must hv 1 gathering before u left. Yesterday, Shaine butt still not that "Qiao" enough. When she is new born, really very "Qiao" and squeeze together, juz like little pig.

Xiao Hua,
I really impressed on Xuan Xuan sleeping pattern. Like to hide under ur armpit.

All mommies,
I can volunteer to do the name tag for all of you. We must use name tag liao. I really can't remember who is who ler.

Re: Playmat
I very temp to get the mat liao. Actually is my hubby more temp than me. No Choice b'cos he saw her princess Shaine can sleep until so "SHIOK" on the mat.
