(2008/05) May 2008

Need not worry abt flipping, every baby develope at their own pace, my 1st boy dun flip till abt 5 months old. my 2nd boy can flip at 2.5 months but he can only flip to crawling position but can't flip back.

Morning Ladies,

Yaloh, Everytime I take the breast pad out and it's so heavy, I always very sim tia one. At home I still try to save it by running to the sterilizer to get the breast shells if I'm not showering. Outside bo bian...

Hehe... Muzicgal taught me one. She even suggested to me use BM to do face mask or soak our feet. LOL... But tt's provided I have excess to spare lah...

I got your PM. Do u mind PM me Diamonddust's contact no? Thinking of passing the cube to her.

Hope u dun mind me getting your contact from Alice. Am thinking since u be there, I go n pass to u and save u the trip of collecting the cube from me.

I also heard rice easier to digest but my mum told me she started me on brown rice when I was 4mths. I also dunno who to listen leh...

If u are keen, how many tins u want?

U keen also? I try to order lah. Den we split by the no of tins. but we can try 1-2 tin first lah, if suitable, when we finishing, we can order again. Sg I nv see this ard, that's why asking if anyone saw this ard.

If really have to take rice cereal, I'm looking at Earth Best cereal. I wanna let my baby start on Organics. I wanna check Earth Best selling how much in Sg. If Amazon selling cheaper, I get from Amazon. But it's in bulk again. So if u wanna split oso ok...
hi mommies.
today brought baby darren for his 2nd 5-in-1 jab. he is now 10.5kg and 68cm tall. PD also say better to start solids at 6 mth. so i think i will wait til he is 6mth old.

anw. baby darren fuss a lot during feeding in the morning. rejecting bottle leh.. once put the teat in, he cried. but when i latch him on. he is ok. sigh.. PD say it's just phase of his growth.

see how baby darren look like now.
Totally agreed, most elative are too old to enjoy the party :x

Haha.. you kana from your hubby, my dad kana from me cos I dun want him to spend so much money. Then my mum will always side him said never mind same design one put my place, the other put their place.

I think next month I will bring baby Keon for his shoot as he seems to “practice” how to sit upright. Put him in stroller and rocker he will try to sit upight but not for long.

Xiao Hua,
I also want to pursue degree but think will have to wait at least 2 years later but my hubby said actually I can go study now, think he dun understand that spending time with my 2 boys are more important to me. Oh, I received the pouch already, thank you but I will be exchanging the size cos I not used too using a looser fit pouch. Totally agreed that jalan kayu otah is delicious!!! Loves the chocolate fudge cake from Jalan Kayu too. In fact initially I also wanna to buy otah for pot luck cos jalan kayu near punggol but no car then a bit troublesome.

RE: Fox cap
I bought the fox cap too and I have another similar one which I bought 4 years ago for my #1 and still using it on #2 now. I want to buy 1 from old navy too.

Is your boy ok already? Hope he is well now then tomorrow can go dolly place.

RE: Weaning
I have started weaning my baby on Thursday, reason being he is getting less interested in milk, drinking lesser and lesser and he drool and mimic the chewing gesture whenever we are eating near him. He also spit out lesser milk when he started weaning, usually even up to now he spilt quite a lot of milk daily. Today never feed him his rice cereal as we are staying at my in laws place then again he spit out a lot milk. Another reason is we are going to employ a maid to look after him so I want baby solid feeding to be more establishing before I hand over to the maid while I go to work. Cant really trust a maid to do a proper weaning for baby as the maid we are employing got no experience taking care of infant.

Same same, my boy also keep flipping when he is asleep. First few times that he do that, I thought he is awake as usually he will flip when he wakes up, make me wake up a few times. I just make sure that there is no pillow around him as I scared it may cover his nose though he still has his bean sprout bolster with him when he sleep as normally he will fall asleep side way hugging the bolster other then that actually I dun feel scared at all, sounds like a bad mummy hor..
Wah you said you baby ONLY weighs 7.85kg, then my baby is only 6.5kg leh. Seems like my baby is a small baby.

RE: circumcize
I wants #1 to circumcize for the longest time but still haven do it yet, maybe will bring both boy to do it together. I do strongly recommend boys to circumcise cos my #1 always said his bird bird itchy then tends to scratch there.

Oh no, looks like your baby caught the flu bug like my baby. Yes the PD will give medicine for running nose. My baby got 1 for running nose and another one for his phlegm.

Your boy got a lot of hair.

I think at there is spree on that cereal, saw other months thread, a lot are buying that too.

Haha.. baby Darren is lil botak now.
The link u sent really damage pocket. I can fit in Jeans when my bb in 2 month. Bikini, not dare to wear ler. Hah! I bit interest on what u bought for papaya boobies. Share with us if it’s effective.
I think u must play around with different type of teat. So far I heard on e of my fren also hv this problem then they try Pigeon wide bottle with the wider teat. I also heard NUK not bad. Some of the hospital use that.
As long as their neck is strong, don’t worried on bb sleep on her tummy. My bb sleep in this position since born. First week, we abit scared. 2nd week of birth we found she can actually turn the heard to change position on her own then means is safe. Now they so big liao is ok. All my family member, cousin etc, sleep at tummy down position since 20 years ago. Perhaps bb can sleep longer at this position. Till now we go shopping, my girl also sleep at this position on stroller.
Don’t b sad. My girl only 5.8kg with 62 cm height.
Re: letdown during bath
Do u all know if letdown during bath, u can actually pump more after taking bath. Especially hot shower. It regulate the block and clear those block.
I think I know liao. Is the temple u mention opp the shop sell a lot of shampoo etc in low price? I thought is big temple.

Reply till here first. BB wake up for milk liao.
I pm u liao... ok i have ask diamondust to meet us at SG MacDonald, then we can pass her the cube and the bag
Btw, what time r we meeting? oh i will get one tin to try out first, thks!

ya bb is so boyish looking... another chubby one, hehe!

do u have another adult to just watch over the maid? heard alot on maid abusing bb... very worry. I think if bb show less interest in milk means they r ready for food ba... just guessing... maybe PD can advise better =)

yr bb super big loh... think the first boy to hit 10 kg... hehe

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will try to add these into my address bk soon!
yup..i like it when my 2nd boy is born wif lotsa hair cos my 1st boy very little hair..but now his hair is dropping out so on his 4 month birthday next week will shave his hair.
Need advice abt weaning baby off latch-on bf. my boy started rejecting milk bottle since 2 month old n now only wanna direct latch-on feeding. jus last sat when i attend a wedding dinner n was away for 2 hrs..he cried till him nearly cannot breathe..still dun wan bottle...i told the pediatric this problem n he hav no advise ,only said it is gd this way n laugh..but how am i going to go back to work?!
Hi jer

He will say but will still let me buy want la... hahaha!! Like today he even bring me song & song TPY and see anything i like... but he say " lets go to yr song song today " *Faintz*
ooh no, hope that Dylan di di will recover soon, how is he now, keep us posted hor !

How is Adam di di, is he feeling better ?

Corryn / Jer,
hiyo .. my boi is also one of the few small size bb here, but nevermind lah, as long as he is happy and healthy, den let him grow at his own path.

another chubby bb boi and one of the few bb here who got alot of hair, so nice.

your big weight is 10kg, so envy of the weight ...

dun worry lah, i am as kan chiong as you, like Linda, we went to ask the PD the same question too, and ended up, i kena scolded .. PD said that different bb with different development phase, so dun hurry them, let them take their time.

i have dropped you an email.
hello mummies, been so busy at work recently. Too many things going on. Then busy with playing with my baby too.

Re: Flipping
That time always hear mummies said their babies could flip then wondering why my boy doesn't want to flip. But he actually learnt fast. His daddy taught him to flip last Sat and he kept flipping on his own after that. LOL..

It's so amazing how babies develop. Now when we put him on his pram. He will sit up(Head no support) and play his toys.

peace, don't worry about your boy's development. Every baby got their own schedule. Don't stress yourself or the baby. Hubby's friend's baby daughter who is 9 mths old, don't have any teeth, doesn't crawl or walk. But it's actually quite normal.

Felval, I thgt your baby is quite big leh. But guess cos my boy is taller so look like smaller. My boy gained alot of weight cos at 2 months only 5.7kg now at 4 months during his vaccination was 7.2kg and 65.2cm. I have to say my boy's head is really big, measuring 42.5cm. My nephew when 6 months old last time only 41.5cm. Then I always sing, "da tou da tou, xia yu bu chou, ren you yu san, wo you da tou" to him. LOL.. My boy went for pneumoccocal also, paid around $180 I think. You got circumcize your boy ar?

Re: Feeding
My boy's feeding interval changed again. Now he only wants to drink every 4-5 hours, any mothers experiencing the same? Wonder if it's alright. We're giving him about 180ml every feed and for first feed mid of the night is about 200ml. And same, he's showing less interest in milk also. So when he doesn't want to drink, we never force him. Went united sq today and bought organic rice cereal for him but don't know when I should start also. Hmm...

RE: MSN ac
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Re: circumcize
Is it a must to do this? But I know it's better for boys to do it when they are still a baby cos it's easier to do and faster to heal. But am not sure if every boy has to do it. Any idea?

meira, when babies reject bottles, no choice one. It's a passing phase lo. Just need to keep trying on them eventually they will take. But try to get someone else to feed him instead of yourself and also don't be near him when someone is feeding him. Cos when babies smell you, they will want to latch on. Just try and try until he takes from bottle. Or perhaps can try different teats too. I'm not sure if that will help as I didn't have that problem. I bottle feed my boy since few weeks old, latch him twice at night only. Then now, he doesn't want to latch on anymore, he only wants bottle. *sad*

Re: Baby's skin
My boy's skin is dry again last week. Then apply hydrocortisone and cream again. Now alot better but around his mouth area always rashes. Haiz. Now after every feed, clean with damp cotton wool. Don't know why always on and off one. Then still have cradle cap after so long. Sigh.. I even go to the extent of using my breastmilk to bathe him twice a day. Now it's better but afraid that it will come back again. Sigh.. My friend recommended us to bring him to see skin doctor if comes back again.

alice, when you going India? Prepare all the stuff liao mah? Must be very challenging for you. I think I will be at lost if I have to go India.

Re: Tomorrow's gathering
Seems great to have a gathering again. Not sure if I can make it since hubby won't be very keen also. But then I'll see how. If can make it, I'll probably make some pancakes.

Kelcqi, don't worry about your girl sleeping on tummy. As long as she can support her head, and when she knows how to struggle and flip her head when she cannot breathe, it's alright liao. I read an article and it seems like SIDS happens to babies who don't know that they are in danger when they are are suffocating themselves(taking in more carbon dioxide than oxygen). When my boy only 1 month+, I let him sleep on his tummy on our bed and initially I also scare la. But after a while, realise he's alright with it then not worried already. Think you just monitor for a while and if it's alright, don't have to worry about it so much liao. As for cereal, try to start on white rice cereal first cos it can be digested much easier than oats/brown rice. And also the taste is more easily accepted by babies.
hmm...now i'm wondering whether i'm overfeeding my baby...he's been taking on average abt 250ml per feed every 4 to 5 hourly :p but his weight gain is like normal - he's now 7.3kg and 68cm..so mummies am wndering how much are your babies taking now?am i overfeeding him (but he finishes his milk)?my mum says i am
I have a part time maid who is very good, but she can only come once in two weeks cos she's fully booked. So no choice, the rest of the time I have to do the housework. My cat sheds so much fur and I drop so much hair that the floor is always dirty.. hahaha.

yeah mine is carnival too. So funny, yours too loose and mine is too tight... I think maybe I wasn't using it correctly, was attempting cradle and kangaroo but difficult to put Avelyn in. Think I will try front carry, might be a little better.

How's it going without your hubby??? Hope you're coping well. Don't worry, you'll get to be with him soon, then whole family can be together again
I also feel quite miserable when my hubby is not around, next month he has to go reservist for 2 weeks, sian, think it's the type that cannot book out.

which CHIJ were you from? You're not the only one who hasn't heard of the school, every time I mention I'm from that primary school pple will give me this blur stare. haha

thanks for the mayuki link, will go check it out when I'm free. Oh no, sure kena scolded by hubby if I'm spending money again

I was pri 6 in 1992. You leh?

will transfer the money to you later tonight. Thanks in advance, see you tomorrow at serangoon gdns then!

Re: baby's skin
Asked pd about the rashes today, he said best to avoid steroid creams if possible, not good to over apply.

Brought Avelyn for her 2nd 6-in-one today, so far so good, no fever, just slightly cranky and more tired than usual. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. She weighs 6.7kg, height 62.5cm, 50th percentile for everything, pd was saying so nice to be exactly average... hahaha....

Mummies going to dolly's house tomorrow, have fun and post more pics so that the rest of us can see! Regret that I won't be able to join you all as Sundays are grandparents day.
xiaohua ,

sorry i dun get it for you ...as last evening rushing off to pick up my boy .

Will get it for you next week and meet you after my work at Novena MRT .

Baby Ryan also like that... rejecting bottle leh..
once put the teat in, he cried. but when i latch him on. he is ok. sigh..
At first I wanted to insist on bottled feeding him, but he outlast me
No choice, give in n latch him on.
What's up with these boy?

Re: Change in Feeding Schedules
My boy also like that.
Now he only wants to drink every 4-5 hours
Try to feel him either n end up "fighting" with him
He used to drink 200ml every 3-4 hr.
So when he doesn't want to drink, I dare not force him.
What organic rice cereal did u buy?

I hope to delay his start of solids but if really no choice, just let him have what he wants
Hope it's just a passing phrase
was kinda lost when i first got to know abt the posting... but now back in action liao =) juz need to tong for at least a yr and im out of there yipee!

Me ok so far... using videocam to talk to hb. Then Rachel so cute... can hear her daddy voice and keep searching for him, then saw him at the computer and smile =) after that she starts to frown like thinking what is daddy doing inside a box?? haha so funny! Dun think too much, with bb ard not so lonely lor ... yr hb can book out during weekend?
alice, ya lor, canberra very boring, so boring that we brought bb to Batsman bay to walk walk as he is 4 mth old today, imagine go to the beach also have to drive 2 1/2 hour to get there...yes, grocery pretty ex here, easily $100 for not much stuff..at first got a 'shock; at the prices, now 'ma mob' already...but baby food prices ok, 'heinz' or 'only' organic food jars about A1.30 to A1.85 per jar..

was arguing with hubby when should start to wean bb, i wanted 6 mth, he wanted now, KNS this man, told him 4 mth too young unless bb shows signs of wanting to eat solids and bb still drinks milk very well as usual..so conclusion was since bb going for 2nd jab on 1st oct, we will ask doc when bb can start weaning..hopefully doc wiil say at least 5 mths or so ..

jane wu, my bb now also drinks every 5 hour from 2 weeks ago..but i like it coz dont have to wake up 2 or 3 times at midnite to feed him...and he only drinks 5 oz (150ml) at each feed
meira, yr bb's cheeks so chubby, feel like pitching them

re : organic rice cereal

it is better to start off with white rice cereal rather than brown rice cereal? i would like to give bb organic cereal too , at least for the first 6 mths, but it seems like most organic cereal are made from brown rice..gotta do more research

My boy been drinking 120ml 4 hourly .Let him be lah ...is like that i cos they are older now they tend to drink less . But me like you get worried and tense up ...keep on feeding him evrytime end up having a war with him :p


My boy dun seem to like milk so was thinking to start semi-solid at his 4 mths
hi corynn
me using XLR. find that its very comfy for baby. very sturdy, easy to push around. you can adjust the position to three diff levels, one lying down, one slightly up, the third up position. quite like it.
minus point, its a bit heavy @ 7kg....so with baby inside, its very difficult if you need to climb up a flight of stairs.

is my mozart music cube confirmed? cause i dun see my name in any name list.

gasp! u just posted your address like that...better remove that post ya.
Corynn:Thanks for the advise. Had bought NUK teat today at Metro. Will be trying out tomorrow. Wonder is it the teat or my son prefer to have 'fresh milk'(direct from breast) to chilled milk.

meira:Dont worry, i am in the same shoes as u.My son is my 'human breast pump'. Everywhere i goes, he goes.
My son dont drink for bottle at all. Been trying for about a wk. My LC suggested i let my son try on bottle in the afternoon feed. get someone else to feed the baby. she said also not to be around the baby during the feeding. OUT OF SIGH, OUT OF MIND. Let the baby be fed by another person, let him cry. If you want him to get used to bottle, must be hard hearted. if he cries, let him be. She also suggested getting those latex teats. Not the sillicon type as it is hard. So now, i am still trying...hope i will be sucessful coz be going back to work in NOV.

Metro at SK is having 20% sale.
yes the baby food is cheap, realised that too. I love the fresh milk still... tell yr hb dun be too kan chiong la, i think is bcos last time our generation all started to wean ard 4 mths. This 6 mths weaning thing is new ba... heard alot of aunties saying it leh. Is better to start ard 6 mths to avoid any allergies to food and main reason is bb digestive system is more mature at 6mths so safer lor.
I realised some bb here not drinking enough milk so starting solid food. But think PD said is common for bb at this stage now to drink lesser lei... than after a period of time they will increase the milk intake again, so long as bb is happy and satisfy how much they drink is not impt la. If they hungry will cry one mah hehe. But if really want to start, think start with white rice cereal first, easier to digest.

Re: Baby First Food
Mummies, lately have been reading this book "First Food" bought from popular. Think is really gd... it kinda answer most of my doubts and give me a clear idea when and what to give and how to start a bb with their first food till they reached 2 yrs old. What I like abt it is they clearly stated all the fact abt vitamins/nutrients/DHA/AA that shd be included in bb's meal to hv a balance diet. And it also provide a list of food to try out on bb follow by next. Is a step by step advise on weaning... that see thru 2 yrs old. Finished with recipe too. I highly recommend it to all mothers that wanted to know more abt weaning =) Price is abt $27.
Yes, my mil will be watching over the maid. If without my mil helps, I think I will be sahm. Ya, last time is 4 months start waning, now is 6 months. My boy has been drinking only 60-80ml now, I be happy if he could drink up to 100ml which will happen once in a blue moon. Then his weight gain is quite slow. Now at 19 weeks his weight is still now double his birth weight. Anyway hubby commented that I am not feeding solid to baby as my rice cereal mixture is super diluted just like drinking milk, hehe cos I always add a lot of bm to mix. I bought that book too!!

Yes most importantly is healthy.

It’s not a must to circumcise. Some do it because of religion while some do it because of hygiene.

250ml to last for 4-5 hourly, I think should be ok ba. So lucky that your boy feeds every 4-5 hourly.
Dolly/ Xiao Hua,
I didn’t manage to bring Dylan to the doc… haiz.. long story. Luckily he is feeling slightly better tis evening, at least not so much of running nose and his appetite is better compared to yesterday. He was able to finish 130ml BM for the last feed then went to bed. But poor him, I can still hear “ kee khoor.. kee khor” sound when he breaths, it is quite bothering him as can see he always twist and turn when he could not breath properly… I am still not sure should attend the gathering tmr… but I have got all the ingredients prepared for 40 spring rolls… will decide tmr morning!

Nowadays can’t bring hot/ cold water (liquid) when board the flight. U can get it in-flight. They will be more than to serve you, furthermore, bb Rachel so cute, it will definitely catch their attention!

Ya, I like the name too. As my hb’s name started with D, therefore he wanted his son’s name to start with D as well. In fact, We like the meaning though…So next time if I get a gal, her name will be start with L. Not sure the dream will come true…gotta pray hard! Hehe..

I wanted to start weaning him with organic as well but would prefer to start with white rice cereal. I still finding time to do some homework on that. Nowadays my boy is super attention seeking, can’t cling on computer too long. If u manage to find any that can ship in, I dun mind to share.

Wow, 10.5 kg… that’s very heavy huh? Ur boy is on BM or FM? My boy like grow very slow le, last month weight only 6.5kg.

Xiao Hua,
I have 1 box spare organic milk tea, if u keen, I can bring for u tmr if going to Dolly’s place.

How is Adam? Hope he is feeling much much better now. I’ve tried the milk tea, taste a bit like mint tea, not too bad! It works! I only drank 1 cup today and I manage to pump 40ml more than usual. Hurray!
After u use BM to bath for ur bb, is the rashes better? If do, teach me ler. Need to rinse off right? I hv too many BM keep donate to ppl, so if good i can let my girl try. She also a lot of rashes on face. PD said is fungus infection. I notice partly also b'cos she sleep in tummy down position. They rub the saliva on bed to face.

What the LC said, it remind me. Last time, my girl don't drink milk when i feed her in bottle. But she also don't like direct feed once she had tried bottle, still don't want me to feed her in bottle. My mum and hubby feed her, she is ok when she is 1 to 2 months tat time.

Chilled milk is definitely taste different. Frozen milk also taste diff from chilled milk. Chilled milk still ok if u not warm it too hot. try to be at body temperature or below 40 deg C. When BM warmed, the taste really not nice. My hubby and I tried also. The nurse at hospital also said that. PD said is ok juz slightly warm. My girl drink more if the milk not too warm.
I hv not been coming to this thread since my boy is born. Just saw the thread that dolly is organising a gathering at her place tomorrow. Got to miss it. Will try to come in more often in the future so won't miss the next gathering.

Or shall we start planning for christmas gathering?

Here a photo of my boy at 6wks old. Now he is 3-1/2 months old. He weighs 6.8kg n 63cm 3 months.

dearie,welcome to the thread

hey gals,
wats the milk tea that u all are talking about?
where to buy?
actually i still have 1/4 bottle of fenugreek and 1/2 bag of nursing tea havnt finish
haha, but when comes to increasing milk supply, i am all interested!
i siao le

see ya all later @ dolly's house!
Alice, yeah.. camera is a must bring item today at the gathering.. hehe..

Lynn.. hehe.. ya shopping online is so addictive! Glad to know that Dylan is feeling better! Have dropped u a sms, I will be going to dolly house, if u going too, do bring the spare organic milk tea so tat I can purchase from u.. hehe

Meira, ur baby Dylan looks so chubby, my girl still refuse to be on tummy.. she’s one of the slowest to learn in this thread hehe.. I delivered in KKH via c-section.. Me also tempted to start my gal on solid soon.. maybe like what Gina did, try to introduce cereal mixed with BM first.. hehe

Yanling, hehe 10.5kg is a record in this thread wor..

Jer, oh, u change the pouch to size 1 again? Hehe.. u must be very thin. Size 1 I really need to squeeze my baby in lieo. Yeah, I like to find food @ jln kayu, everything’s nice there : )

Jo, no prob! Most prob if Lynn going to Dolly house, I will get the spare one from her to try first..

see ya ladies at the gathering later!
Hi hi...so many threads...cannot catch up after a few busy weeks. Have mostly been reading but not much time to post
but with msn, will surely be more convenient to chat! will add you mommies in.
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Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube(Batch 2):
1. Jocelyn Ng ([email protected]) -
2. Icebubbles - Paid/Collected 21/09
3. Diamonddust - Paid/collected 21/09
4. Ant1712 - Paid/collected21/09
5. Annabelle - Paid/Postage
6. Ivy ([email protected])-
7. Joanna Ong - Paid/collected20/09
8. Yvonne Ng - Paid/collected20/09
9. Pooh -
10. Mogudog -

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube(Batch 3)
1. Felval -Paid
2. Luvbella (3 cubes)-Paid
3. Tinkerbelle (2 cubes)
4. Cheri - Paid
5. Jer - Paid
6. Buttercup

Buttercup, U are in the last batch, not second batch. Can U transfer 29.71 to my POSB savings account at 131-41132-4.

Pooh, I check out the amount and let u know how much to tansfer for the postage with the shipping
What a turnout at Dolly's plc!
Thank you, Dolly. For hving us ay ur plc.
U are a wonderful host.
All mummies, nice meeting u n ur little ones.
I guess some of our littles ones are overwhemled n also feeling rather excited.

Hope to see some pictures taken soon
thanks Dolly for hosting this gathering.. There are so many babies today, makes it impossible for a group photo! Rayden looks smart today!

Alice, today darling rachel not in good mood.. hehe.. cause her mummy wake her up while she is having her beauty sleep.. Nevertheless, she look like a princess in her white dress today, & her mummy look like a princess today as well!.. hehe 'll miss rachel when u r in India *sob sob*

Lynn, today Dylan is a happy boy! So cheerful & playful today.

Jo, thanks for lending Jorel's rocking chair to Le xuan for her nap.. hehe

Tinkerbelle, Erica looking good today wor, so smiley!

Choc, nice to meet handsome Raphael today

Tracy, Duncan is a handsome boy, really big round eyes wor!

Felval, Damien can sit on his own very soon, what a clever baby!

Ant, Aldan look great today with rashes no-more..

Poky, missed the chance to take all xuan xuan together! rushing to go off.. running to the next relative get-together. Nice meeting ur xuan xuan

Corynn, thanks for the lift to the LRT! Nice meeting shaine today! what a beautiful princess!

There are too many babies & mummies today, missed the opportunities to interact with all.. BUT, there will always be a NEXT TIME.. Yeah..

*Night All* Super tired today..
Great meeting all the mummies at Dolly's! Thanks Dolly for hosting! Too many mummies & babies and I can't recognise most..paiseh. Think next time really need to have name tags!

Xiao Hua,
Thanks for the compliments, daddy will be happy to hear that cos those are his eyes! Your baby really sleeps in a unique position in your arms! Hehehe.

Think Rayden was too excited having so many frens over that he rejected his milk

Duncan's really tired and once reached home i quickly bathed him, fed him and he KO from 6pm till now still KO. I tink most babies KO after this gathering. Hahahaha.
Re gathering
hope mommies at the gathering having alot of fun. remember to post the pics soon.

lynn chang, jane wu & xiaohua.
baby darren is on 50%bm and 50% FM. the FM is a jap brand (morinaga) which my sis helped me buy 6 tins. now is into the 5th tin. planned to switch to enfalac after finished.

he is drinking abt 150ml every 3-4 hours. at nite can go all the way to 6 hours. actually is not a lot compared to some of the babies here. but i also dunno why how come he can grow so fast. he grew more than 500g over two weeks leh. I hope he can slow down, if not he is way too heavy for his age.

RE fussing at feeding
today baby darren is fussing again. cry so loudly when put the teat in. but when i put my finger in, he bite so hard tat actually he is very hungry. so no choice have to latch him then put back the teat after he is quietened down. actually now he also pee very little. just now change diaper only the front part is wet the back all still very dry. abit worried that he will be dehydrated. but he also dun want to drink water. now he fell asleep without drinking his 8pm feed. sigh...
xiao hua,
as per usual, u very fast in uploading the pics n xuan xuan's blog. hehehe.

thanks for being such a wonderful host. =) Hopefully, we didnt mess up ur hse =)

to all mummies & babies who attended today outing
My hubby, Damien & myself really enjoyed ourselves today =) Hope you all did too =)

i will upload the grp pics first, the rest i will upload later =)



wow !! so many babies on the playmat and the playmat is huge !!!

jorel_mum, ya, if bb not interested in milk and you start to wean bb semi-solid thats ok..

alice, bingo !! thats what made hubby think bb should start solid at 4 mth, coz HIS MUM said can start now !! 'last time we ...' blah blah blah..why didnt let bb drink fruit juice ?? KNS...ok, will take note of the book you recommended..

baby luke is 4 mth old now ..'kai zai' yesterday with roasted chicken drumstick, rubbed against his lips :)


yum yum, daddy's figure tastes good !!

