(2008/05) May 2008

u tell ur hb, how he feel like when someone kick his balls... not meant to be crude here.. but i quote this example to my hb.. sometimes when my kids jump onto my chest when engorged.. i would shout in pain and use my arms to hug ard my chest.. i tell my hb, it's the same lor.. if ppl kick his balls.. he also use hands to cover them and shout in pain right...

haiz.. when i preggy and working long hours.. tell him i'm tired he oso cannot feel one... my boy's head to toe stuff all i buy one... ask him go shopping he say busy...or if really go shopping oso sian sian one...
my hb also like that.. so sometimes he asked if i want him to tag along.. i told him to guai guai stay at home and play his games instead.. hate it when i go shopping, barely an hour. he would tell me it's time to go home

i got 3kids, but my hb nv buy a toy or clothes for them.. it's all i buy one.. sometimes i buy toys, he will still grumble lor.. then i told him, it's my $$ leh.. not his
I'm also facing bishan park , but from the amk side.... hahahah... so theoretically I'm sorta staying opposite ant??

BTW I agree with pooh, my gal also likes to be carried so just put her in sarong, save me the arm ache. Quite often the moment I place her in she gives me this contented smile kinda face.
Pooh / Muzicgal,

man will always be man, they dun understand lah ... my hubby also never suggest to buy anything for my baby, cos he feels that he is still young, so everything is being prepared by me.


my boy's head also abit flat at the back, have checked with the PD, was asked to leave it alone, and said that it will eventually get round when they grow older. But i will still rub around his head round when i feed him, and at times when he is at my mil place, he will also sleep in "yao lan" , it does help abit.


no choice, this is the phase that we need to go through. Rayden is also the same, i have to pat and carry until he is very deeply asleep before i can put him down, if not, he will wake up when i place him down in his baby cot. Alternatively, i will put him on my chest, and i will sleep together with him ... i am opp from you .... whenever he is cranky or sleepy, he only wants me, and dun want my hubby, so this is lagi more tiring for me
my last pump 12pm... waiting for my boy to wake up then i latch... too pain to pump now... going to 11 hours... harden like stone..
buay tahan liao.. pump 2 X 125ml in less than 10 minutes... and the rest i latch my boy.

i think not all man... i remember cheri's hb very nice... extinct liao..
Hi All Mummies,

Seems like all of us r bz wif our bb & work..Thread nt moving..

Few days nv logged in liao. Been super bz taking care of bb &doing hsework. Me feel like 'huang lian po' at hm doing all these works. Cant go anyway wif bb unless gt pple accompany. Super Sianz..


I'm use the plastic pincer (similar to those we use for out contact lense) i gt fr Kiddy Palace to take out the mucus fr my bb nose. The pincer can go a bit deeper in than those super slim cotton bud stick. Found the pump no gd & useless. This pincer so far is quite gd. But i wil onli use it when bb is asleep so tt i can clip out the mucus & is quite effective & u muz b careful & fast when removing the mucus..Otherwise, if bb move abit, their nose wil b hurt.


Which police station u staying near? Me oso staying near the police station. So far i onli noe chong pang & khatib gt police station. Me staying near the khatib one. Myabe we haf met B4..Haha..


Y ur boss so mean one? He oso haf mother one wah..Wat is call ur absence caused disruptions to ork operation?! He shld haf employ temp to cover ur work during ur ML..And he had months to do tt since he gt EYES to c tt u r pregnant & wil haf to go for ML when ur bb is due.. SO ridiculous of him to such things..Shows tt he is nt a well-planned boss..Juz finding excuses onli..

So sad to noe nw stil gt such bosses who exist..Dun b bothered by him..If allow, u can b SAHM..At least u can b ard during ur bb 1st yr progress..I wan oso dun haf..Financially dun allow..


Huh!! Y ur cousin onli given 1mth leave.? Min at least 2mths stil resonable..And her body can take it? I nw into my 5th wk liao, stil wil feel tired easily..And ur cousin can onli rest 1 mrh..So pity her..Haiz..

My mum & mil tel me 100 days cannot eat seafood & duck meat leh.Even after my confinement, i still gt alot of food cannot eat..Sianz..Taking those cold drinks & cooling stuff (eg:graajelly, ice cream), she wil say huh..u taking this..so cooling..Sianz rite..
Think my PC spoil..Juz nw c msg atop at 1st July..After refresh when posting msg, so many mag came out..Haha..


Ic..Nt very familiar wif Safra tt side..Onli went to Yishun Safra few times onli..i seldom go so far in..Me staying Yishun Ave 2..Opp. swimming pool..

My hubby oso dun understand. When preggy, i told him i tired..Then he wil answer me back..i more tired ah..Coz his work required him to use alot of energy..He say i sit in office where gt tired..Feel like slapping him tt time..His tired & our tired is different..But he juz dun understand..Always say until he like so more 'jia lat' than me..


Try playing music for ur boy..Even when he is crying or sleeping or doing watever, let him listen..I can say play music to my ger almost 24hrs non-stop..(provided she is at hm)..And i wil sing to her too..Myabe he dun feel so secure after u place him down..Keep talking to him lo..Let him feel u r ard or place some of ur belongings near him to let him feel ur presence. Let him 'smell' u..


Long time nv c u here liao..Hw r u coping wif ur bb w/o ur CL? Dun b angry la..Some MILs r like tt..My MIL sometime wil oso like tt..bb poo/feeding time/cleaning up time, she wil throw to me..She dun even help me wash milk botles..Basically, i'm doing everything single thing myself.. Feel so tired..

AT least ur MIL straightforward..My MIL always like to go 1 big rd to say me..But i juz pretend i dun understand wat she mean..HaHa..

I oso not very sure with yishun... mil house mah.. i more familiar with west.

my hb and i work at same environment, but my working hours longer than him... plus big tummy running here and there... carrying heavy stuff... luckily nothing happen to my boy.
HELP! BB refuse to drink from bottle

hi ladies...long time no login liao...

taking care bb without hubby...so horlian at nite..tried to feed her ebm at nite but failed...cry untillike no one biz...i so heart pain..

so started training her in the day at my 4pm feed...but she still refuse to take leh... tried 1st year nipple, nuk, avent, medela...evenflo...all cannot she simply wun take... my sis fed her once with bottle...but only one successful feed so far.. the rest i have to latch...so even if i want to mix with fm also cannot...my ebm always go to waste....hai...

help!! any experienced mother with similar exp?? can share how to train bb to drink bottle??
swifpygal...maybe u can try to "tease" the baby mouth by using the teats from bottle...once open u shove in... mine sometimes also confused between nipple n teats...so i tried to get him get used to it..
i pump ard 10-11 times per day leh..till hand sng..

coz i find tt pump is faster...i can pump in less than 10mins, then feed, more time to rest..

if suckle..wa..take ard 30-45 mins..and very messy...sometimes drip till my leg sticky sticky...

do u gals feel "guilty" when u cant wake up in time to feed the baby..tt is overslpt...missed a feed..hahaa

cham leh..i feel guilty...now trying not to slp...so as to feed him at 330am! ahhaa
hi, no suckle at all, put inside start to cry liao... i tried both small and medium flow...all also cannot...medium one... no suckle...drip into her mouth, she will choke...

oh no....what shd i do??

Perhaps u take a look at the bottle pacifier it could be too hard for ur bb to suck. I do face the same problem, i change the pacifier to those in yellow color as previous i use is to silicon type in white color those are quite hard.

Ur bb is sleep in bb cot or sarong or on the bed? My mom told me when bb sleep abt half an hr later try to shift his position from left to right by sleeping sideway then their head will be round. Why head flat becos they used to sleep at oneside, i do noe some bb are very sensitive when u shift them. Try in a gentle manner. This matter do helps on my 2 sons. Dun worry too much.

My elder son when he was a bb also same as urs. When he was alseep in my arm, i tried to put him down he cried and he is a very sensitive boy. A little bit of sound he wakes up. That's made me at the time so busy and not enf sleep. My mom tell me that y he cried when i put him down becos he feel safe and secure when u carry like cuddle him. So my mom ask me to put the pillow and booster in btw. Example, when he sleep sideway, try to put pillow at the back and booster in the front like hugging the booster. It's a bit hard to understand what i say, but try this way c whether can helps or not.

Hugsz to u.

Baby very smart, they can hear our heart beat when carrying and it's cozy + secure. So when put down, they will know it's "flat" ground.

Just have to train abit...let the baby cry abit longer when it demands to be carried. After a while the baby will know that crying doesn't = to carry. Or else distract by playing those toys or just chit chat with baby.


Not true. Try to change the side of the baby facing so that it will go back round. My older son also. People tell me it's okay. But now..even at 6 yrs old, one side of his head is FLAT! Now getting abit better but still can see it's flat esp when Bo Tak!
same as you, my baby also cried when i put him down. Ever since my #1 start schools last week, i cried everyday cos everytime carry baby very tired plus cant do other things then my whole house like so dirty somemore need to bring and fetch my #1 to school, dun even have time to eat my lunch. The whole timing and routine all in a big mess.

you mean you wake your baby up during the night? For me, i wait for baby to wake me up for night feed. for the past 2 days, he slept for 6 hours straight in the night before he wakes up for his next feeding. During the daytime, he still drinks 3 or 2 hourly. Hopefully he get to sleep thru the night soon. My #1 started sleeping thru the night b4 he turns 3 months, so hoping my #2 will be the same.
Hi Mummies,

My ger these 2 days poo is of green & yellow colour. Does tt meant she gt frighten?? But she stil drink & slp well..Dunno y the change in her poo poo colour..

Also, my hubby like to let her wear thai buddha pendant if we r to rtn hm after sky dark..He say protect her against those 'dirty' stuff.

But i remember somebpdy told me the pendant might be too strong for bb to take it..Any idea??
Hi Jer,

Since ever u hv our 2nd child it's difficult for us to maint and get all things back in shape. I can understand after u hv busy with ur #1 then follow by ur #2 and there's no time for u to rest and later u hv to pump ur milk by then it's almost done and it's abt time to fetch ur #1 from sch. All this work can be very tiring and all is buzy with our kids and no time for ourself.

I sometimes complaint to my hb saying that he can play game or read comics when he feels like but for me after buzy the #1 follow the #2 never had enf rest. And he asked me why everday i lools so tired and he never understand my daily routine. Anyway tell him also no used he always said mine is much more tiring than u as we work so hard for a living
have you tried latching while lying down to let baby nurse to sleep? i do that every night to make my boy fall into deep sleep then I transfer him back to cot.

maybe your bb knows its you that's feeding him and he prefers your breast to the bottle. Try letting other people feed him the bottle see if he accepts it. It happened to me once and I had to pass him to MIL to feed.

wah..you pump so many times?? Actually if you let baby latch often, he will be trained up to suckle faster. My baby now suckle only 15-20mins then he's done liao. At night even faster - 10mins and its enough for him.

If you are breastfeeding your baby direct latch, green poo means she's not taking enough of the hindmilk. When feeding your baby, you can see that the first flow of milk is thin and transparent - that is the foremilk. At the end of the feed, the milk will change to creamy milky color - that is the hindmilk and its the fatty stuff. Too much foremilk will cause green and gassy poo.
Somehow it takes some time (very long time for some) for men to adjust to having kids. It's like they need a period of time to let the fact sink in...In the meantime, we women have to hold the fort all the time!
you are feeling exactly how i feel too...i depressed, tired, frustrated, angry, lonely, pekchek.....bb cry and scream like i am not doing a good job like that....bath him, he cry until i think the next block also can hear....change him he also cry....put him in yao lan, he stirs and wake up every five mins...put him in rocker same, put him in cot he cries after 1 min....i damn shack....

my hair is in a mess, my body smells as the weather is hot, i sweat and i can't bathe as i am alone at home. i can't eat as i can't cook as bb is crying. my house is in a mess...plus the dog is making a mess in the kitchen's toilet as he is being ignored...

i also cannot take it that it will be like this all the way until our maternity ends and we go back office to continue to slog..

I know how u feel, now u r on confinement u cannot bath, weather is so hot and sweat keep dripping down.

When my elder son born around Jun that weather is the same as now. I also felt peh chek and cant take it anymore, the main reason is that we cannot bath and cant even wash our hair so automatically we will feel dirty and sweaty and somemore bb crying so become frustrated but once it's over the confinement period everything get back in shape. Jia you, i know it's difficult but keep telling ur self hv to pull thru this and very fast will be over.

Me nt BF..bb 100% on FM..tt's y dunno wat resulted in the green poo poo..


All of us can understand hw u r feeling..We haf been thru too..But juz endure..Y u cant bathe when alone? I tot finish ur confinement? Haf a quick bath so u wil feel more refresh & less frustrated..Meanwhile, u haf to let ur bb cry for a while..No choice..Me oso like tt..haf to wash & hang clothes, clean up my dog & do hsework..If bb cry, haf to stop all these chores & pacify her/feed her/change her..Sometimes i bathe halfway she wil cry..then i haf to faster bathe..When hubby back fr work, then i wil haf a thorough bathe.

Understand ur frustration....when you are feeling frustrated, the baby can sense it too.
What's more now you are under confinement. Try to keep some happy tots. Remember the time when baby smiles...can tell ur baby smart...trying to bully you. Just keep calm okay?

I think ur hubby not bad lah...at least I dun think he screaming back at u. =)

My PD, Dr ong asked me to leave it alone and said that when he get older, it will be form to round shape. But of course i did not 100% believe in him, so i still try to turn my bb head when he is fast asleep.


My bb poo poo also started to turn more greenish than yellowish, i think it is not becos he got frightened, guessed it is more likely that he is taking more FM than EBM. As i have got no time to pump, my boy is taking more FM during the daytime and EBM at night, unlike the past when he is on EBM, his poo poo is yellowish.


i think every mummies is going through the same when we look after the bb on our own. During my 2nd month of maternity, there were 2 weeks when i took care of my boy on my own, so i can understand what you gg through, dun even dare to bath or shit for long, even bath or shit, i will leave the toilet door open, in case i cannot hear my boy cry. Guessed this is the passing phase and will eventually get through it.
finally hv the time to log in le. My girl slept ard 1am last nite, I was so tired then. I complained to my baby and cried in front of her, telling her to guai guai, go sleep, so that mummu can oso slp. She stared back at me like she reali understand me.

I hv thot of bringing my girl to shichida but hor very ex. I hv asked before it's $800+ for a few seesions.

when ur baby cry during latch on, it could be that the position is not right, causing ur bb discomfort. My ger oso like dat. I have to change positions until she stopped crying.

for ur bb's heat rash, you can try to apply some powder around the neck area after bath. If the heat rash worsen, you might wanna try bathing bb with guniness stout as it contain lots of wheat.

dun feel helpless. sometimes, my ger oso lidat. I hv to carry her, pat and rock till she slept soundly. when I put her dw onto her bed, I still hv to pat her till she slp.

u can use those pillow that's slightly hollow in the middle.

I oso hv to avoid seafood. but hor, after 40 days, I hv started to drink cold drinks liao. I can't tahan the hot weather.

my ger was lidat before her 1st mth. She totally reject bot. I think she can differentiate between teat & nipples due to scent. I got my CL to feed her using bot and I stayed at a distance watch to avoid her smelling me. It worked after a few tries. But my heart ached when she cried like hell.

I understand your feelings. Sometimes, I feel that I'm a bad mummy. I'll juz leave my ger to cry till she slept while I'm taking a shower. At times, I felt very pek chek, esp. when I can't do anything at all except carrying her.
Jo- I stay at st 22!!

Pooh- I scare my boy gets too used to sleepin in sarong n wil refuse to slp on his cot. This was wat happen to my fren. Her boy can only slp in sarong n nowhere else so when go out, gotten rush bk to let her boy slp!

Dolly- oh tats good to hear. My mum also told me to keep rubbin his head to make it rounder.

Fion- my boy slp in cot n he alwz likes to slp on his left side. I tried turning him but he wil auto turn bk!

gina- oh tat wil help? i actuali bot 1 but din let him use cos heard bbs dun nid pillows.

When ur boy sleep left side u turn him to right, whenever he turn back again, u try to put back to right side or u can let him sleep center but u hv to use a sandbag to put it infront of his chest just to let him feel secure. I know will be very troublesome but no choice.
Ladies ,

Seem like i`m not alone facing the same problem . I was telling my hubby i gave up until we argued.I think is really a passing state for all mothers.

And realise that after latch him on he do not want FM after that . I gave him FM scared not enough for him ...but he will start screaming and yelling .

Tracy ,

Ya i latch him on during the nite but he will fell asleep and once i put him down on the cot he will start yelling again . My hubby was carring him since 11 plus to 2am then he fall asleep on our bed .For whole nite i got to put my hand on his chest to pat him .And i can`t totally into my sleep .

Buttercup/Jer ,

Ya i can only do his laundry in the nite ... at least i not that bad as i`m staying with my parent so do not need to deal with the household chores.

Buttercup ,

Hmmm...i also have a dog wif me , he is at least oki but i will try to spend time wif him when my hubby is back .

Jer ,
You are good ...you got to handle both kids..salute to you !Since you have gone throught the 2 weeks you should be oki soon.Is just a matter of getting use to it .
Ant ,

We stay very near to each other .

Have you visit any of the PD at the PD centre at st22 ? You also delivered by Dr Khi / TMC rite ?
I tried using the pillow with hole but my boy will roll himself off the pillow. he hates the pillow..i'm not particiular abt the roundness of head so i'm leaving it to my MIL to make it round since she keeps harping on it.

I remember I was like you when I had my first baby too. It's really frustrating and it seems like we have no time to do anything at all. So my second baby I handle him slightly differently. When i need to bathe or go toilet, I leave him safely in the cot. He cries sometimes but I know he's safe, so i just finish up wat i need to do then tend to him.

Laundry, dishes etc i leave it till I have time then i handle. Close one eye. I have a part-time cleaner that comes in once a week to clean the house so that's taken care of.

My first baby i dare not bring her out. This one, I bring him to ponggol plaza and compass point often so I can do shopping while he is rocked to sleep in the moving stroller. If he needs to feed, compass point has nursing room.

Hang in there, this phase will pass. Vent your frustrations here, we understand what you are going through.
sometimes i end up co-sleeping with my baby on our bed too cos i doze off liao. When he's older and I wean him off my breast then i'll train him fully back on the cot. You OK with having him sleep on the same bed as you?
hi mummies...

sorry to intrude but I have a unopen pack of Huggies Ultra S size to sell at $12 as my girl has outgrown it....collection can be arranged around town area...

interested please email me at

[email protected]
Sorry for the interrupt, anyone want to join postnatal yoga?

$90 for 8 sessions

venue: blk 154 Bishan RC
Time: 1.30pm-2.30pm

pls contact Rita at 94872845
thanks! he totally melts my heart except for the times he whines n cries =P otherwise he is such a darling =)

nt i arouse him one le..he auto wake up lo...haiz...nowadays he will wake up aft slpping for awhile...if gd every 1hr plus...if bad 30mins he can wake up and cry...so to pacifiy him i latch him on and normally that will send him back to slp in 10mins times or shorter =)
u wking in hosp environment?

shame on ur boss! but then u know, there are some ppl (be it male or female) who are parents themselves but they are not sensitive enuff to cater to us...shame on them!

agree with u, latching babies on can really calm them down. hehehe. whenever my boy whines and i latch him on i feel so much better coz seeing him whines till like tt i also heartpain...wonder wat will happen when i am nt there to latch him on aft i return to wk...i really feel v tempted to be a SAHM...

hush hush. my boy also...put him dwn he cry must carry him pace up n down the hse..my parents also say the same la but when my boy cries at their place they also carry n pace up n down (more for my mum).
mayb when ur hubby is ard ur hubby talk n place with him while u already v tired? mayb u see wat did ur hubby do when he is hm that calm the baby?

probably ur boy slp on his back most of the time that is why the back is flat? for me my boy likes to slp on his left side so the left side is flat as compared to the right then my parents will always nag at me to let my boy slp on his right to "balance" both side...but then even when i put my boy on his right he will toss n turn and b4 u know it he is on his left again...
hahaha. our 2 handsome boys ya? ya lo, if only we can find such a job ya? nt easy to find lo...yes, me on tbf...i nv give him fm yet..i abit inbalance ah..i feel if i can give him bm why wan give him fm just so he can slp longer...then my parents n my hubby says i siao...hehehe. i know i siao la but then i dun wanna intro fm to him just yet le...

hahaha. u so cute! the way u quote the example to ur hubby.
got once my boy was crying non stop n my hubby wans me to latch my boy on even tho i was doing the laundry so i told my hubby why nt HE latch him on? hehehe. well, he did and i can clearly rem his expression man!!! hahhaa. its damn funi lo. hehehe. he says its damn pain *coz my boy was sucking hard* and from then on he told his friends he cant exp how pain is the labour pain but he knows how painful is bfeeding if baby dun suckle well.
hehehe. from then on he dun anyhow suggest me to latch ppl on just to pacifiy him but wait for me to initial =P

re: sarong
haiz...spent $300 on Abby sarong but my boy dun like! spend 15mins in it and he will cry liao...=(

wah!!!! 11hrs nv pump hw u tahan? for me 6hrs nv pump i already wan to cry liao...
haha. cheri's hubby is a gd hubby and gd daddy ah. seldom see guys when they return to wk will still help with the "nite shift". most will let the mummy handle...
sometimes i think of it, actuali my hubby also quite nice...if he is nt wking the next day he will try to help me with the nite feed but most of the time he will lost the fight to the zZZzZZ monster. i know some men find it nt manly to change the kid's diaper but at least mine will do it. he also buy baby's stuffs when he is overseas n do some research here n there on baby also.
when i am angry with my hubby, i tend to overlook wat he has done with wat he hasnt done...when i calm down n think again, i feel bad abt nagging at him.
huh? hw cum ur preggie still carries heavy stuffs? ur boss nv re-align ur scope?

ya, agree. cant go anywhere with baby unless got accompany...if alone how can we handle going out...i think nt at this stage...when they are older yes...but then dun be sian, we can still buy things online =)
hahaa. i heck care abt the cooling stuffs n cold drinks...*which in fact during my confinement i already took cold dirnks everyday* but i refrain frm seafood lo.

u so hardwking!!!! 10-11times per day is so much!!! i pump at most 6times max per day lo.
yes! i feel damn guilty when i overslpt n my boy whines so loudly...i also feel guilty when i go out w/o my boy...too attached to him liao.
haiz..these 2 days my hubby didnt come hm due to wk commitment and i am so tired looking at my boy alone at nite...yest 1st nite...2day 2nd nite..hell man...and i am missing my hubby =(
hi mummies,
till now i hvnt do my massage yet ah
normally pple do massage when doing confinement
but i nv cos hubby say cannot cos of the c-section wound
then now he say no point liao cos so long le...
cos he heard from his friend that massage actually to get off the wind, but i now already 6wks plus liao, still got wind to get rid or not?
For heat rash, I had asked pharmacist for suitable medicine, they recommend use nappy rash. My bb’s heat rash is on the lines of the neck, before treatment, it looks swollen as that area is prone to sweat and stain with regurgitated milk, and bb have short neck, hard to clean and air the folds. My mum bought from Chinese medical hall some powder, in hokkien call “wa jio hoon”, very effective.

My son is like that too. He likes people to sayang him, carry and pat him to sleep. Then the minute I put him in his bed, his eye will be wide open and cry. Actually like you, when bb cries, 1st thing that come to my mind is don’t carry him, but after all the checklist has been run thru twice, he is still crying, so I will resort to carry him. If not, then how? My mum and mil also say same thing, “bb cry don’t keep carrying”, then later on when bb cry, mil say, “come come, por por carry.” Ironic.

It seems my bb always smile at my hb and my mum, I seldom see him smiling at me. Not sure is it because we are the care-giver in most part of the day, so after we attend the needs, we are just too exhausted to enjoy him, so to my son now, it seems
mummy = milk and impatience
Papa = play and fun
Peace / Felval

So what did you do in the end ....if he kept on crying when we put them down. Ya my boy like ppl to bounce him up and down which my hubby did .
At least he is better today ... he did sleep in his rocker.

Peace ,
Maybe he did ...but i dunno isn`t a smile or what hahah hubby said it is lah . Haven got the chance to catcha him like Felval `s son .

Tracy .

I got no problem for him to sleep on same bed .
But my hubby scared he got to use to it .
I tole him i dun care liao if he can sleep ... i will let he be .

I got to go to the extend to buy the pearl powder see whether it works. My mom was saying maybe he was kenna frighten . See he will be better tonite anot .
me consider self employed, working at my own... but still have to work very long hours... =(

now back to work... no time to pump... sometime have to pump in the car, kind of dirty... no time to pump then have to 'ren' until reach home lor...
mummies...when i express out my milk, dunno why the milk will flow to the mouth of the breastshield. I've tried to lean forward thruout the pumping session but still the milk will leak out from the mouth. I do press the shield very tightly & hard on my breast. Any idea how i can prevent the milk from leaking? Will start work soon & dont wanna mess my shirt. Shld i change to a bigger shield?

Reject Frozen Milk
Today I give Frozen bm for my girl 30ml of Frozen and 90ml of chilled she not very happy with it only finish 60ml. So we just let her rest and sleep and wait for her next feed as if she is really hungry she should be able to take more so slowly let her get use to it.

I don't bottle feed my girl I let another person to do it as they smell us they will want to latch.

Now my girl very good in aiming her hand into her mouth 8( which I don't like so making her sleep is more difficult now as I don't latch her during day time so got to hold her hand while making her to sleep... Once she is asleep will put her tummy down so that she can sleep longer.
