(2008/05) May 2008

here's my birth story:

29 apr
9.15am- Pill inserted & strapped to CTG to monitor contractions. Monitored for 2 hrs but no contractions, told to come back at 2pm

2pm- Back to clinic n checked. Only 1cm dilated

4pm- 1.5cm dilated. 2nd pill inserted.

5pm- 2cm dilated, told to go home first and admit to TMC at 11pm.

7pm- Intense contractions start! Was screaming n shouting like crazy! My hb was so helpless and could only utter words of encouragement.

8.15pm- Cannot tahan, decide to go TMC.

8.30pm- Reach TMC and brought to ward to change, shave and given enema

8.45pm- 4cm dilated. Immediately asked for epi!

9pm- pushed to labour ward

9.30pm- Epi given. Legs became numb n pain was gone!

9.45pm- Gynae came and checked. 5cm dilated!! She said should give birth by sunrise. A relief to hear that!

30 apr
12am- fully dilated but bb’s head still high up

2am- told to start pushing. Hb was helping to count and giving me the support he could. Pushed for 1.5 hours but still cannot see bb’s head =( was tired out by then.

3.50am- nurse paged for gynae to assist in the delivery

4.20am- Gynae arrived, bb’s head still high. Told to push again at every contraction. Had to use forcep to pull bb out.

5.02am- finally bb’s out n placenta was delivered. Was stitched up and pushed back to normal ward.

One word to describe: traumatic!! The epi was wearing off when gynae used forcep n I could feel it going in n bb being pulled out. Was screaming like crazy! Am just so glad everything’s over!

ant ,

What a experience you have ...but how many epi did you use ? I realise that you have the same gynea as mine . I cannot imagine the forcep go in ....i dunno i can stand the pain anot.....i`m getting scare rather than excited

Tole hubby abt it ...he still can tell me are you sure got soooo pain anot . Really feel like to smack him arrrgggg ...soo angry !!
hi gals,

ask u all hor, when does baby have the need to start drinking plain water?
iirc, we dont have to feed them water if they are BM fed?

You about the same height as me. My tummy stretched to around 40 inches this time around.
People can't see my tummy from the back only when they stand side ways then they see and say wah so big liao.

Now trying to flatten tummy...having a tough time. Bust also too big. Argh!


Yes, I stop bf. Like I say, no point for me to keep getting sick. Rather stay healthy to take care of baby.

I very parniod with my weight. LOL.

RE: Jaspire
Anyone got news about her? Haven't heard from her for soooooo long.

I realise as weeks go by, the jaundice limit is increase. Did u try letting baby drink more water? She on total BF? If you are either pumping or giving FM, put more water (e.g. 10ml for 30-40ml) so to force baby to drink more water and urine more. That's what I did. Also sunning baby helps. If u have florenct light (those kind of study light), try oning on the baby when she is asleep. On a few times cos afternoon sun too strong. Morning sun around 9am - 10am the best. remember to sun her back also.


I can guarantee u that inducing speed it up but it also means contractions are FASTER. So it can be more painful. For me, it was more painful cos the bloody epi didn't work! Stupid laughing gas worked better. HAHAHA

I read ur story...i almost kena heart attack. I was reading it to my hubby. He say WAH! You brave girl. I think if in that kind of situation so many hours, I would have done the easy way OUT by C-section liao. Bravo to you! Peifu ni!

Although "everyone" says if feed BM no need to feed water..that's not really true. If you are latching and do not wish for baby to feed from the bottle...then that's a good excuse. If you are pumping or giving FM, no matter what..try to feed baby with water. Get baby used to drinking some water is also good for the baby. =)

I am from april thread.

Anyone want to take over 84 bn pampers pack size s for bb made in malaysia, orange in colour. Realised the cutting is small, suiable for small size or newborn bb. The cutting is smaller than spore pamper newborn pack. I have 2 unopened pamper pack, 84 pieces each. I opened the 3rd pack then realised cutting is small. Pm me if u keen
icebaby...i try how tomolo ba...scared but bo bian...sooner or later i got to go thru tis...stomach oredi so big.. oh ya... heng leh.. mine 40inches tv at wk 39..hahaaa

my height ard 1.68...so not tt bulky look lor.. hehehee

pray hard pray hard! i hope i can dun need to go for emerg c section!
congrats winnedy!
ur boy so cute =)

hey choc...
u are tall and only 40 inches @ wk 39...
i am only 1.54, a 41 inch tv @ wk 37...
i wonder hw much bigger i will be growing...
a lot of pple tot i was already gng to give birth 2 mths ago...
hey gals.. ;( im soooooooo sianz.. so depressed nw.. i juz found out i haf PUPPP [Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy]..
they r itchy rashes usually develops during e 1st pregnancy and appears first on the abdomen near the belly button (often in stretch marks) and then spreads to the thighs and extremities as the small, red wheals of the rash gradually merge to create larger wheals. then slowly will spread to arms, hands, legs, thighs.. they r harmless to mothers n babies but can drive mummies to crazy!!! the rashes itch liked nobody business.. haiz.. dunno wat to do.. i hope my boy really come out real soon so dat these itchy rashes will go away soon.. im goin to c my gynae tomolo.. m goin to tell her abt dis.. hopefully she can gif mi something to apply on.. ;(
Hi Ladies,

Just came back from Movie. Please don't watch Doomsday! Sucky movie. Stupid leh. Waste money on that show...

Wondering how is Cheri liao. Dunno if she pop yet? Anyone have news from her?


Poor you. Go see gynae tml and ask her for medication to relieve the itch. It'd be good news if you have dilated liao.
Don't be sad ok...


Keke, I ate cup noodles a few occasion liao. Bo bian, mid nite nothing to eat, so juz eat cup noodles to curb the hunger bangs. Like what my Gynae always said, in moderation will do. Everything can eat, but eat in moderation. For me, I limit myself the most 2 cups per week.


Bb Nicholas is so cute... Congrates congrates. Big baby leh. 37 wks and 3.4kg...

Choc, Yaoyaomum,

Happy liao loh. Tml go induce. By Sunday can hold your baby liao. Keke... Waiting for good news from the two of you...


Don't worry lah. You'll lose the pounds one. Juz give urself sometime. You'll be back to shape. But don't act on impulse and go exercise hor. Your back still weak. Try to rest more and cut back on Carbo. Should be back in shape soon...


Ouch! The way you describe the Forcep is like so painful like that. But it's over liao. So now is time to enjoy your fruit of labour. At least baby is safe and sound. That's the most important factor. Once again. Congrates! You're done and great job! *Pats ant on the shoulder*


Gosh, is there anyway for the bladder to be back in place? I very scare of the bladder not functioning properly leh. I ever heard mummies said once after birth, they often have urine leaking. And it can lead to infections. You better try to take care and rest more ok?

Why cannot give baby plain water? How long must baby refrain from plain water?
jen, icebubbles,
i tink if u feed bb FM hv to give some plain water leh. cos FM is heaty. Now my bb on full BM, but my CL still gives water. Last time my gal we also give water. My fren who did not give water, had a hard time introducing it to her son when he was older. I've not heard of it causing bb brain to swell leh...sounds scary!

Ant, Winnedy,

Eating everything in moderation is fine. I ate quite abit of instant noodles when I pregnant with my 2nd. No issues either.


I think I had that for my 2nd pregnancy. It was really bad. Only thing u probably can do is...try not to scratch. Stay in cool areas...i.e. aircon or something so that u won't perspire and end up feeling itchy. Your gynae probably will give u some steriod but it might not help much. They will ask u to put camomile lotion but also feel doesn't help much. Just REN...a few more weeks and it will be over.

You should see how much carbo I am eating. It isn't much but then again during pregnancy I also dun eat much carbo. Hahaha. Later having kauy chap..shld be safe for confinement since it's pork!
hi everyone, i'm back in my ward.. After chatting on MSN and wanting to go out of KKH, suddenly feel cramps n backache. N my labour began. Will update my story again someday.

Jer, help me update the table.
Matthias's weight: 2.905 kg
Height: 51cm
Born on 3/5/08 at 2.04am
hi moony,

i also hv itchy & rashes since 34weeks.
nw already spread whole body.
but gynae only gv some cream to apply, no use one.
gynae said must bb come out then will be ok.
cos of hormon changes.
ren i ren ba!..

hehehe. u also light sleeper ah or ur hubby movements super big type? this morning hubby woke up
quietly hoping nt to wake me up but he tiptoe also no use. he open door only my eyes suddenly opened up
and he got a shock. hahaha. so fun that i "scared" him. hahaha.

hahaha. we too same pattern ba. i think i am also those who will break all (if nt all most of them) confinement rules.
nvm whether u decide to stop BF or not, i believe ur decision is the best for u and ur baby =)

ur gal cries alot mah? then once cry u all will start to carry her ah? oh ya, does she still dun like to bathe? hehehe.


ohh..okok. then aft wk or weekend go soak ah. v shiok to soak n swim in pool coz really makes me feel weightless.haha
only when trying to get up frm the pool i feel like a hippo million times over.

my hubby encourage me to swim more n even do squats in water coz he says will train my inner thighs muscles to have a smoother
and easier delivery lo.

oh...okok. then better stop it since ur gynae also approve =P

hahaha. even if i pop and u havent i can ask my hubby go tabao for me! whahaha. nenetibubu! hehehe. mine edd is on 17th,a sat.

i nt scare he beat me lo. i duno le...mayb i too no big no small liao. told u i v daring ma. if he nv do anything why i stare at him right? hahha
anyway, if he beats me i can always go report police. =P whoever makes the first punch is in the wrong. =P

ur hubby and my hubby opp one lo..my hubby ho..haiz...i says he always let ppl eat him one lo. if ppl cut his lane dangerous i will nag n nag
and complain while he v calm one...got once i even took out the cam to take pic of the car tailgating us, he ask me nt to do it in case the driver
is a rd bully lo...*faint* if me i sure jam my brake let him hit my car and i can claim frm him. whahaha. my hubby says i siao...

hahaha. yest was the first time a toilet cleaner asked me if i carrying twins..then say i abt to give birth liao coz my tummy v low..then this morning i went bfast
another auntie asked if i carrying twins also -_-''' say my tummy like a fake balloon so big -_-'''' she also says i abt to deliver soon...win liao lo..here i am trying to get
my baby boy to be gd and stay till edd at least while ppl keep telling me i delivering soon...


heheh! finally see u online...dun dare to sms u coz i scare disturbed u =)
no worries la. updating v simple nia. can help why nt =)

dun give up on latching n BF ok? rem to massage ur breasts =)


wah!!! so by the time i post this thread u wld have been in hosp being induced liao ho? hehehe.
jia you and praying tt u will have a smooth n fast delivery =) rem to update us ya?


=) dun worry, aft the bld transfusion ur baby better liao right. dun worry, with the expertise of the doc
i am sure ur gal will recover in no times. rest well so u have energy to take care of her ya? =)

u mentioned plain water as in boiled, cooled water and not tap water izit?


OUCH!!!! but eventually u went thro it, u are v brave =)


congras! wah, u use vacuum but baby's head still round round de =)


maggi mee nt gd coz of high sodium level..if u really must eat a bit like getting ur hubby to share with u ah.
and dun drink the soup and aft tt must drink alot of water ya.


wah! how did u know u have PUPPP? u read it up? better get ur gynae to confirm? mayb she will
have remedies for it ah. dun be depressed , nt gd for baby.


congras!! rem to upload ur baby's pic for us to see ya. hehehe. when u free share with us ur birth story
and tell me how is John Tee's skill ok? hehehe.


haiz...this morning ho..i duno wats wrong with me, came out frm toilet aft bathing, slipped and almost fall flat on my butt but i quickly grab on
to my bed in front...so i think i exerted certain level of pressure on my tummy / abdomen lo...now abdomen pain pain...
i feel so bad...duno if i could have hurt baby in any way lo...then somemore he didnt kick me or move tt much...
i also duno why, started to cry....then my hubby was trying to comfort me and tring to make the baby kicks me.
he told me he can feel baby's sligh movement n hear his heart beats...haiz...duno why i so careless....
i told hubby if i have any slight bleeding and even if its nt show i am heading to the hosp..i dun wan to take any chance...
now i just hope baby will be active and kick me non stop....

Her cheeks so chubby! So cute!

My hubby not very big size. Just that he put on weight in recent years! And he has always had heavy movements PLUS snores. Argh.

Baby girl cries when she wants to drink milk, when she is "cold" (i.e. when she just go into the bath tub and coming out), or sometimes just want to be carry. But we try not to carry her much.

RE: Eye cream - dark eye rings
Any recommendation?

RE: Catering
Which caters are you all using for 1st month?

hahaha. i wonder ho, is it true tt when there are kids also, the dads will pile on weights. hahaha. heavy movements? he didnt try to walk more "quietly"? my hubby did try to tiptoe but it didnt work for him =P

hehehe, think ur gal is a little true princess. =)any new pics of her? wanna see~~~ hehehe.

i'm gonna use CJS Catering cos maybe inviting my colics and need to have halal food. I've used Purple Sage before. They are more expensive but I really liked their set-up and food. Too bad not halal. In terms of pricing, Purple Sage is comparable with Kriston.
hey gals, back frm gynae today..
nt dilated yet..
bb's wt still at 3.4kg.. haiz.. she gave mi 2 options.. 1 to wait another is induce.. but high chance will end up csect..
i ask her wats her best advise.. after she hooked mi on CTG.. she said bb is moving actively.. so i still can wait..
so i tell her i will wait.. haiz.. told her abt my PUPPP she really gave mi steriod cream.. liked icebaby said..
nt much effect.. all i can do is REN.. next week goin to c her again.. i wont hope for dilate liao.. ;(
i'll juz do my part in doin squarts 30times everyday.. den leave to fate le..
hubby said if by full term haven dilate he said go for csect lor.. cos he said i so 'xin ku'..
actually my hubby very poor thing.. hehe.. once he saw my angry rashes he quickly use warm cloth to wipe my feets n hands..
den after i read up dat muz stay in cool area n use cold water he quickly use cold cloth to wipe for me again..
juz nw we reach hm.. he oso quickly use cotton bud to apply cream on my feet..
eh.. i feel so pai seh.. cos he is a man.. n he still help mi apply & wipe feets.. ;(
hope my ah boy will b guai.. dun make mi wait too long.. ;(

felval, dun tink so much.. ur bb will b fine de.. ur gynae said ur bb engaged liao rite??
so mayb dats y the movement is lesser.. mine oso movement lesser.. but when im hooked on CTG it shows my bb very active.. mayb at times we cannot feel de.. dun worry.. ;)

yueling, u oso kanna ar?? haiz.. i tot im the only suay one.. super duper itchy lor.. at 1st i tot i kanna HFMD.. den realised its nt.. haiz.. really very itchy.. nth seems to help..

icebaby, i intend to use Neogarden for my bb's catering.. although he is nt out yet lah.. hehe.. i love neogarden's food. very nice leh..

hey cheri & lynn, congrats!!!!
cheri, hope ur bb's red mark will gone soon.. i c liao so 'xing tong'
Dear all, i am a new user in this forum.
Would like to join u all in the discussion as i am a first time mother as well, like many of you.

Nick: alimin
Baby Name: Isaac Chong (1st child)
Sex: M
EDD: 18 April 08
Birth Date: 16 April 08
Delivery Method: Natural
Weight: 3.225kg
Length: 50cm
Hospital: Mount Alvernia Hospital
Gynae: Dr DOuglas Ong
Lynn, Cheri,

Congrates on your newborn!


Gosh, me feel so sim tia when I see the mark on Matthias. Actually I'm curious, how come the forecep is used on the face? I thought usually is at the side of the head? Haiz, Hope the mark goes off soon. When the mark goes off, sure one Handsome boy! And Matthias head is very round. Very nice...


Baby Adel very cute. So sweet...


You in labour now? Jia you wor!


How's your Gynae check up?


Haiz, me also very sinful. I just bot brownies from Mrs Fields last nite. Cos I tell myself I wanna eat chocolates everyday till I pop after reading a report on a study done on 300 mummies who ate chocolates everyday and turns out those who ate chocolates had more happier babies compared to those who didn't eat chocolates. So I happily indulging in chocolates despite my hubby's fear of the Sugar Contents.

Haiz, Hopefully I don't get a shock during my next visit to the gynae. :p

Re: Cream for Dark Eye Rings. I used to use Clinque All about eyes last time. Seems to work on me, but my friend said she get little pimples ard her eyes area after she used that. Now I nv use that anymore. I always buy those eye mask and paste loh. Then my hubby will laugh at me, esp when he sees the panda from the MTM commercial. He always said the panda looks like me.


OMG, Are you ok now? If don't feel well, must go straight to hospital ok? Although not your EDD yet, but baby more important. Update us on the situation ok?

You must be more careful of wet grounds ok? I also almost slipped a few times at home also. Cos my MIL locked up her room toilet, I had to use the outside squating toilet. A few times while getting up, I also almost slipped also. Then I go nagged at hubby. Say my MIL so inconsiderate. I pregnant already so xinku, she don't let me use e sitting toilet nvm, still have so many pills of clothes soaking there don't wanna wash. If I really fall, who take responsibility? But till now, still no change in situation... Haiz...

Eh, I suddenly think if I pop on 19th or 18th also not a bad idea. 19th is Vesak Day. Hao Ri Zi. Then all my friends not working. After I pop, then my friends can all come and visit me and baby and party also. Keke... But my hubby said too early liao. Better don't... :p

Somemore hor, if I pop on 19th, then my bb birthday also not far from yours. Then I don't have to worry abt being the last to finish confinement and all the mummies here revenging on me by tempting me with food cos all the while we keep talking about food here while some mummies doing confinement here... LOLx...

But then again. Haiz, my freedom is cut short by 12 days like that. Machiam like shortchanging myself like that...

Haha... U machiam like my hubby, very darling one. Then I machiam like your hubby, always the one telling him don't be impulsive. Not say coward but just that wanna stay out of trouble. I tell him he don't care abt himself but must also think for baby mah. Later baby born without papa or a jailbird papa how? He can still tell me, nvm, if without papa. Then at least still got insurance claim. Siao! Machiam his sum assured is a few millions like that...

Eh, but I support the idea of jamming brakes when ppl tailgating us. Make them pay then we get paid to have a new coat of paint to cover the scratches on our car backside. Haha...

My 6-7th mths pregnant tt time, got people thought I carrying twins also. Recently I only kanna stares from other people only. Just now at Bishan got one weird preggie, she kept staring at my tummy. Dunno she comparing the size or what. But I bo chup her lah. Cos sometimes I also stare at ppl's tummy and ask my hubby, hers bigger or mine? Haha... Dunno my hubby trying to "an wei" me or what, mine is always smaller. LOL...

Wah, your hubby so sweet! I have a method of itchy relief but don't know if it works for u compared to the cold cloth. Sometimes when I get eczema attacks, I always use ice cubes on those itchy areas. It kinda numb the itchiness for awhile. If you really cannot take it, you might wanna try my method. But I can't promise it'd work lah.

So no luck of popping still? If by full term going for C-sec, might as well do it earlier, since you said very xin ku for you. Of cos lah, just my 2 cents of opinion.
poor bb, but luckily the forceps marks will go away. But tot doc r supposed to clip on the ears area? how come clip the face one??

me also. gynea left the option to induce to us to choose.. sigh.. also hopin that i go into labour naturally leh.... today no further dilate. CTG's peaks appears to b BH instead of real contraction, cos i got no pain at all... at most is uncomforfy a little. =(

Today went to take the shts le. Place is quite small.... then no proper screen to cover the entrance when doin the semi nude shots... initially tot was ok, cos no other customers. Then halfway the nude shots, got family came in, takin the shots in "frigthened" mode instead... how to smile when keep worryin ppl r able to c when they take sample albums to c? Btw, maryann say the prints only b ready in 3-5wks... so can wait long long liao... sigh.....

I got a question to those who been into delivery suites before.

Do you ladies have screaming neighbours? As in mummies who kept screaming non-stop due to contractions?
kelcqi...mine at TMC, couldnt hear next door while in the room, but when i was walking around (killing time while waiting to dilate), can hear those moms screaming...
kelcqi, ya he is sweet dats y when i keep bully him i feel so guilty.. ;P

ya my hubby did use ice cubes to rub for mi.. only last awhile.. but still better den nth..
haiz.. nw my feet n hands itchy liked nobody business.. argh!!

ya.. but i wanna gif it a try ti wait for natural.. haiz.. c hw ba..
i hope my son will b guai guai n come out soon..

poky, ya mi too.. so sickening.. argh!! dunno wanna wait til when..

congrats choc~~ she finally gif birth liao.. ;)
Congratz to Choc & Lynn.

Today was a busy day for me, trying to settle my hse before my bb's arrival.

Went to visit Cheri juz now. Saw Matthias, I heartache. Heard from Cheri her painful labour experience, I got a bit worried. Having second tots on opting for epi. Keke ;p

One side, I hope my gal will stay till EDD or slightly later. On the other side, I hope my baby wun pop later than EDD, so that I dun need to induce / c-sect.

Congrates! After the long wait, finally! Waiting to see ya baby's pic wor...


Haha... Your hubby so poor thing. Next time he'll be even more poor thing. Cos he will kanna bully by you + your baby. LOL...

Moony, continue to use the Ice cubes method, short while better than nothing. As least try to use natural remedy rather than resorting to medication, which is not so gd while u are still pregnant.

Don't worry, your boy will have his timing to come out. Try to do more squats and climb stairs bah. Hopefully by the next visit, you'll dilate soon...


How's Cheri? WHen she getting discharge? Me going KKH on Tue. Dunno will have chance to visit her or not...

You be careful dealing with your house moving ok? Actually according to old folks it's very pantang that preggies cannot move house one. But sometimes situations don't allow us to so we have to do it. But you be careful ok...
Heard Cheri is discharging tmr ard 1pm.

I think it shd not be a prob bah since we only need to shift our clothing and some stuff over. Bulky stuff like furniture & elect. applicances are bought and have them sent over. Keke...
Trying my best to shift in there before I pop. My MIL is saying that I cannot tie any knots or bags. In other words, I can only pack in the stuff but not close the bag.

Huh, Cheri so fast can discharge already ah?

Haiyo, I dunno tie how many knots liao. That time help my cousin's mum to tie his wedding invitation cards and the slips together. Think at least got 30 over wor...

If there is a need to shift anything. U don't shift ok? Try to leave it to your hubby or your PILs. And don't look at it also... Can siam, try to siam...
you boy smiling photo very nice.

so cute.. when my boy is popping??

ant, winnedy,cheri,choc

I went for my gynae appt yesterday. Gynae was surprised that baby gain 500g within 1 week cos for the past few visit baby only gain 100g per week. He double check to confirm and now he confirm baby is now 3.1kg. Previous checkup he said baby of a smaller size but this time round he said baby weight is within the normal range but towards the bigger size one.

I am happy that baby gain a good weight but now come to think of it, i may need assistance during labour, #1 was a 3.13kg baby and gynae used vacuum. Hopefully this time round i can push the baby out myself. Btw i am 1.57m tall only

Will upload the table tmr.

when in the labour observation area, one gal came in already 6cm dilated. Her second child. She was screaming the whole place down and scaring many others. The senior nurse scolded her big time, very fierce, ask her to control herself and stop scaring the other patients. She was really hysterical and asking for epi but 6cm is too late liao lah. I heard her telling nurse at 11pm already got show, but she waited till contractions very close then come in.

Eh...so i guess don't wait too long wor to go into hospital. Cos for her case it's really late and they had to quickly call her gynae (dr. woody) to rush down. He was quite fast lah. A short while later I heard footsteps running and nurses shouting 'Dr. Woodworth...over here over here!'
Hi All,
Was reading thru and see that some mummies have doubts abt epi.

I did not experience any contractions at all (except mild ones).

My front water bag burst in the middle of the nite. When I went to the hospital to do the cervic check, I nearly cry ald. Cos it was not "ripe" and let alone open. Moreover, it was still quite high up.

2.45am - front water bag burst
4.00am - reach hospital
4.15am - do cervic check (not "ripe", not open and high up)
4.15am - stay in bed slowly wait
10.00am - doc came, do cervic check again, same result as 4.15am
11.00am - put 1st tablet in
6.00pm - check cervic and open 2cm, burst hind water bag
6.30pm - put on drip and TOGETHER WITH EPIDURAL

This is because every time I do cervic check, I did with the gas and I still cry badly.

Targeted 6am - fully dilated

1.30am - fully dilated and started to push

I have alot of doubts abt epidural. But the epidural was not pain at all. I think piercing the hand for the drip is much more painful than epi. Before I know it, it was done. I was watching tv whole nite and falling asleep till the doc came at 1.30am to check.

Thus, for those in doubts, please really consider epidural!
yesterday very tiring... so didnt pop online... my boy doesnt want to sleep...

for the full month cake right? still cant decide whether to order from choz or sweetest moment leh... any comment?

my boy full month celebration party at marriott cafe, didnt want to engage catering... cos dun wan to create a mess at home... hehhe.. =)

congratz!!! =D
Hi jer
Can help me update
nick: Sugar
delivery date: 30 april (born 2045 hrs)
baby's weight: 3.7kg
baby's name:Timothy Ang (was Keith Ang)
length :50cm

Method of delivery:natural epi with forceps

Agree totally with winnedy... epidural is not tat painful and it's very effective!! Actually napped thru for 2 hrs after the epi....
