(2008/04) April 2008

Chewy, the pic you post is correct. I think it all boils down to the country of Manufacture. The one from States is for 1 yr and up. The one from UK is for 2 yr onwards.

Buy the one which is manufactured by Nature's way.com. see under Suggested Usage: http://www.vitabase.com/supplements/childrens-health/natures-way-sambucol-for-kids.aspx

For USANA MultiVit, please sms me how many bottles you want. 1 bottle has 56 tablets, 1 tablet per day for kids 13-47mths.

xav mum

i agree with angel, its actually not that bad to start early in cc as the child learns to be more independent & sociable, the only sad thing is probably will fall sick more easily in the initial stage when their immune system is not strong yet. i heard rainbow cove is not bad
Lynn: ooh cool !! Hee.. A bit reluctant to let them go right ? hahaha .. Dun worry I'm also going to be with him for 3 weeks to help him get used to the transition. But will not be there everyday.. Will hide in one corner and observe hee ..

chewy: thats the one X having, 1 teaspoon daily.

xiaozhu: lol.. i give up liao .. thats y now using new nick.

angel: ya .. some kaypo really nothhing better to do, go and report say i spam the forum. the thing is I di kow can;t do that cos already paid for listing fee. cos I saw other mummies holding BP also posting in threads to "advertise". Think I'm the unlucky one to met that busybody.
hi angel,cant pm u,i wish to get USANA MultiVit

hi xav,

how much is ur childcare?i wonder if i should wait for 2 years old
Thanks Angel for organizing the canvas BP.
Am real sad to hear that your account got frozen. Some mommies dun have their hearts in the right place i guess.

In any case...i will still be going ahead with the purchases cos after comparing all the others on offer, Joyce's still looks the most professionally done and i don't mind paying slightly more for better quality.
You take care... and thanks again.
Goodbb: Mine's $500 after subsidy.

Depending on how comfortable you're. Ideal age I feel is when he knows how to talk. Say about 3 to 2 and a half. But this time no choice, as the job was offered to me and I got it immediately. IF you're not working, you might wanna wait till 2 years old?
Chewy : Ju's taking multi vits and cod liver oil from Childlife.

Maro : At least D don't lie down outside. Ju don't lie down even at home! Actually since he knows how to flip, he dun like to lie down alrady. We mastered how to wear diapers for him while he stand and move around. hahaha. For outside, I use pull ups. Bo bian.

Chewy & Scubababe: I saw the little cute gal you met in grace kids! Is her name Valen? She's in Ju's kindermusik class. She is super cute! She'll dance to music, lie on the floor expect me to roll her. oh!!! really cute. now.. I wish to have a gal. hahha.
goodbb, seems like many of my friends also think 2yr is a good age to send to CC, but then all children are different. Like my niece, by 2 she can speak quite well, but then she got so super sticky to my sis, so may not be a good time to send to CC like that too right?

One thing to note, most CC will 'promote' our tods to pre-nursery class in Jan 2011 (most I've asked go by yr, but some by months too lah..) so gotta look at the different programme of playgroup vs N1 class. I think for playgroup there's lower teacher-to-student ratio and there's more flexibility in the programme to assimilate the child into school

Just my two cents worth. Of cos I still think it'll be best if i can continue to stay home to look after my girl personally, but no choice.. and it's really tiring! gotta prepare materials etc to 'teach' them at home too..
Xav's mummy, Adel is going CC 1st Oct, but I already try to adjust her nap and feed times to match that of the CC (most CC run almost the same times for nap and feed, I went to at least 5!)..

Success for feed times, but sleeping still cannot, she'll oversleep both in the morning and her nap.. or if not she'll be so cranky will need a power nap sometime in between.. hiaz..

care to share on what to prepare for CC? So far I've bought a big bag to pack her stuff for CC, and a wetbag for towels and uniform..
Jules Mum,
Ju also dun like lie down to change diaper?same like iz leh...heahache hor?

Now i also master the art to change diaper for him in standing,sitting..watever...zzzzz
SOmetimes when he poo poo..he dun let me wash backside for him :s
Hi Angel,

I am keen in the Usana Multi-Vitamins for kids 1 yr and up. Please add my order! Thanks.

Hi Mummies,
my boy will be attending childcare too in Nov after he turn 18mths.
jules' mum, mifi,
haahaa.. all master in changing diapers.. for davien, if at hm, will pass him a book or toy, he'll lie down. this works only with my helper. if with us, also difficult, wanting to play or be carried.. haha.. so normally we just hide lor then he'll be kuai kuai, else will move around.. same thing when changing too.. :p
good morning mummies!

Re: Transition to Childcare
Lynn, i also worried Dana cannot follow the CC timetable cos only 1 naptime per day. Now Dana needs a morning nap and 1 more nap in the late afternoon. She wakes up at 6am together with us each morning and we leave home by 6.45am, dun think she can tahan with only 1 nap....so quite worried.

Re: Changing Diapers
Dana also cannot lie still for us to change her diapers, want to turn left and right, flip over and stand. Sighz...always a struggle right? So we distract her with lotions/toys etc to hold and complete the diaper change in lightning speed! :p Even meal times, if she's fed by my helper, she'll run around. But with me, she'll guai guai sit on highchair cos I'm stricter!

Re: USANA Multi-Vitamins
Mummyfel and goodbb, will PM you.
Angel, now Adel taking Childlife multi-vit and codliver oil, she likes both.. Dana too right? The USANA Multi-Vitamins have you let Dana try? Difficult to chew?

Angel, I also worry about the sitting down on chairs and at the table for meals, cos now she's in the highchair. And self-feeding too, only 5% of the food in the bowl made it to her mouth..

Seems like most babies won't lie still for diaper change. When Adel just started walking it's impossible to get her to lie down for diaper change, had to use pull ups! now luckily she'll cooperate 50% of the time, have to inform her need to change diaper, negotiate (let her help to apply lotion), distract (toys, singing), bluff her (like if she doesn't want to wear her diaper I'll let her baby doll or the dog wear it etc, she giggle and come over).. but sometimes still unsuccessful, she esp likes to run around in the buff after her shower! sometimes i look at her and think it's so cute, of cos sometimes gotta scold her lol
morning all,

guess my ger will be in once after next yr CNY(hb's ideal thinking)...
but i think i may consider sending her earlier after she turned 18mths...

RE:changing diapers/washing up b4 bed...
my ger dun like to be still for washing up b4 bed...
and she also dun like to lie still for her diaper change...
but she like her bath time tho...

headache...cos i haven't master the skill of changing for her when standing yet...
my ger is like ur ger leh...
got to have some alternatives, bluff etc...
changing diaper is a tough chore now...
cos i am less then 5wks to my #2 edd...
Lynn, the tablets are ok to chew since it's easily dissolved. For those who can't chew, can pound/crush into powder and mix into their cereal/porridge or puree etc. Oh yah, Dana can't self-feed properly yet too, but this I'm not worried, the teachers will help to 'train' them

Cloudme, wow, welcoming your baby #2 soon,how exciting! Sometimes I think Dana's quite lonely at home w/o a sibling to play with....
Mifi : Ya lor!! at home nvm. any position also can. once he poo when we were outside. I was alone and he wanted to stand up. Worse! he was not standing very stable at tat time. He cannot sit down too cos I won't be able to clean his poo. I was like a mad woman screaming at the ladies toilet as there was no changing room. My hubby was outside laughing. I came out hair messy messy.

Maro : nobody at home can change him ah. hahaha. He don't even allow us to carry him. he will walk showing off his butt. haha. i tried distracting him with toys but no use.
my ger got her cousin(4 mths older) to play wif...
but i want her to have her own sibling...

so now settle quickly and close shop...
later can relax lor...
unless down the road got "accident" again...
<font color="0077aa">angel, cloudme - i agree changing diapers fer the bb is really tough.. wont stay still fer once.. haiz.. my boy had been on milk and food strike.. im going crazy bout it. . worse is 'someone' saes i follow time too strictly.. but if given early he oso dun wanna one wat.. argghhh</font>
Hi mummies,

sorry to interupt.. =) As I'm currently preparing for my boy's birthday bash in sept...

Would like to check if any mummies are selling away Mickey Mouse theme birthday stuff (Cake topper/ banner/ party packs/ foil balloons/ etc) ? Please email me at

[email protected]

Strawberries.. who is the "someone"? I also kenna before. hahaha. My "someone" is my parents and in laws. Wat u say is true. Even if we give earlier they wno't eat also. Then still tell me my food not nice. Give him food with seasoning he also dun wan la. He's not used to the taste wat. Jts, my way of making him eat is I won't force him. Let him eat as much. in a way, let him feel hungry. He will get back his appetite. My pd told me to do it and it works very well for my son since 5 months? Every 2-3 months, he will be on strike for few days. After starving him for few days, he will eat.

I tried scolding him, punish him... He was scared of the high chair that I need to buy another type of high chair cos he refuse to sit on the 1st high chair. From then on, I don't force anymore.
<font color="119911">dana mama, great great i'm running out of idea on what to prepare for lil'O esp during the wkend.. you definitaly have good culinary ideal to share;). Oh.. It has been long since our last meetup, we've so much to catch up isn't it;)</font>
Jule Mum,
I have the same problem with changing diaper... Kiefer dont like to lie down and will start screaming and turning around.

So, whenever we are out at shopping mall, I will find a nursery room instead of ladies toilet coz I need help!! Requires 2people to change diaper..haaahaa...

Nowadays I bring pull up pant out. Easier to change in standing position.
Hi Strawberries,

There is one shop opposite Queensway Shopping centre selling many kinds of kuehs, quite nice too.

You have to cross the overhead bridge to get to the shop.
mummyfel : I didn't see any nursery room in wisma leh. Then he poo at ting tai feng. I dun wanna spoil the appetite of other diners. Haha. Ya. pull ups are so much easier.
strawberries : Beauty world's 1 also quite nice. At the hawker centre. Got soon kueh, png kueh, ku cai kueh and yam kueh (yam inside the skin).
piggymummy, me enrolling Adel in Cambridge Child Devt Ctr at Admiral Country Club, you know quite near the MRT station one. If you wan can PM me I share with you my thoughts on the other CCs in our area that I've visited..
cloudme..wink...i'm also due in sept. Actually dont mind no.3...but too old liao...no energy to run after them. yr 2nd one boy or girl?
piggymummy, replied you liao.. long long email

i also same headache as you, and terribly worried too, but i leave it to the higher powers to help me decide what's best and i'm quite at ease now, very strange given the many worries that i have abt her adapting to cc..

your in-laws taking care now right? my girl used to be taken care of by my mum, but i cannot accept certain things and i cannot close one eye type lah, see already must say type. so not very happy between me and my mum and i'm also feeling guilt towards my girl etc. after she stopped taking care i think much better, now occassionally ask her to take care of my girl for a few hours ahe also happier, like more fun instead of a chore..
Jules Mum,

Yalor..wisma no nursery room! So usually if need to change Kiefer, I will push him to the handicap toilet and ask him to stand on his stroller with daddy holding him in case he fall.
Jules mum,
wa lau...so jia lat..come out hair messy...fainted..
i always pray he dun poo outside lor..skali no nursery rm then nitemare..

thanks for ur reply, will check later. u enrol ur gal when she reach 2 yo? or 18 month?

ya, now i hired a maid for mil to takecare of boy now..

jules mum,

few mth ago we went HK,most of the shopping ctr HK don have nursery room, so i changed him at the road site! fainted..
Strawberries... rather difficult to explain cos i dont know the shop name. It is a stall in the kopitiam. If you drive to the hawker centre at Alexandra village, need to enter the road that leads you past AIA alexandra. The first kopitiam on your left after past AIA Alexandra. Typically there is a Q for it. Eh, anyone knows the stall name?
strawberries, we usually buy from this store (i think it's the same one rec'd by mummyfel) - http://www.yebber.com/review/lao-shen-a-chao-zhou-ee-kuehs-and-snacks/ If you call few days in advance, you can request for diff colours of mini ang ku kuehs mix-n-match. They supply these to hotel high teas
very petite and pretty!

Located at #01-164 Alexandra Village, Block 125 Bukit Merah Lane 1., Singapore 150125.
They're also famous for their authentic bamboo shoots Soon Kueh!
The one Cath recommends is this right? http://www.goodfood.sg/teochew_kueh

Poh Cheu
Located at Block 127, Bukit Merah Lane 1, #01-230 Singapore 150127

Specializes in a wide range of handmade ang ku kuehs with different fillings (green bean, yam, peanut, even durian and others). Stall also has other traditional kuehs and pastries. Tel:6276-2287.

cloudme...my 2nd one also boy. At least both will share the same interest.

my son has been attending infant care since 11mths. He's happy there. I think good for social well being and also, the food they serve are quite interesting. He gets to eat diff type of healthy pancakes, cakes &amp; fruits besides the normal rice/porridge/ pasta.
