(2008/04) April 2008

baby steps - yup leo's an april baby. april 22.
830-930 wake up
930-10 eat breakfast
10-11 go playground & play wif other kids
11-1120 bath time ( i let him play longer so may even be up to half an hr)
1120-12 get him to nap
1130-130 nap time
130-2 lunch time
2-430 shopping, or gym or i meet up wif frens
430-630 nap
630-730 dinner
730-830 (latest 930) play wif daddy
930 bath by daddy
10 sleep

Jules, good to hear tat

Choc, my PD rec pediasure due to low lactose. But i check its for fussy eater. So i din let kaleb try scared he over weight cos he is not a fussy eater mah.
At 75cm(with shoes) and 10.5kg, PD says he is short and fat haha
my PD says leo must drink at leasst 300ml of peidasure a day. very hard leh. he's 77.5cm & only 8.3kg

MIL says too skinny, keeps force feeding my poor leo
leo's mum,

is ur hub Indonesian?

the reason i am asking is because i notice most grannies esp. from Indo like baby to be "bui bui ba ba" hahaha.....and somehow they like to "feed feed & feed" baby..... :p

If u see the earlier pic that i posted on "macho baby", the boy is Indonesian too hahahaa.....
Both my mum & mil commented A looks so small.....bla bla bla....compare to him, of course A is small lor *sob :p
leo's mum
it's hard to fight genes. ur tall n slim from the pic, guess ur boy takes after ur physique... & mebe appetite?
hi leo's mum

don't worry, my Faith is also tall, lean and lightweight... initially I was a little worried, cos I breastfeed her (only weaned off recently).
hi rantingbaby, its been a long time. How are you & Faith? Not sure whether you remembered, we last met on National Day last year hahaha.
<font color="119911">babysteps:
how nice to hear from you &amp; Faith again
ya my boy has not seeing ya ah ger for verrrry looong time le.. paiseh missed out tt go go bamini playdate last time..
eh, rant rant abit.. tell me more why decided to b a SAHM?

leo's mum:
im in black and lil O in red
oh ya ive pm you my FB, add me soon

cote gr:
pm me ya FB acc ya</font>
Hi calamari

Forgive me but I cannot remember as it was quite a while back and there were quite a few people.


how's my ah-girl's bf? he looks so tall and macho now... the bambini trip was postponed due to the A(H1N1) so we are still monitoring the situation before we go.

But there is another 'before popping' gathering and you are invited. It's Seandra who popping soon.

my story on why becoming a SAHM? Long story...
na na - yes my hubby is indonesian. &amp; yes they expect him to be at least 10kg!!! sigh he went to PD today for his pneumococcal jab &amp; he lost weight due to having more than 1 week of diarrhoea! now MIL even more upset over his weight.
she keeps force feeding him even when i tell her not to do so!!
hi Cath

Poor Jay. need to suffer so much. think for kids, they lose weight fast when they are sick as long as they are healty can liao.
yvonne cath : agree with yvonne, healthy can liao. tat's e most important. people dun understand always think fat is cute and good. some kids difficult to put on weight ah.

I got a funny family. my parents think tat julian's size is perfect. haha. maybe they don't want me to force him. they say I was very small when I was young. skinny till can play guitar using my ribs type. then they fed me all kinds of herbs, medicine and started taking beef. (we are buddhist but because they want me to be fat they fed me beef)at P4 I became fat. till now my mum regret cos made me fat and difficult to loose. haha.

now, as long as he eats, I'm happy already. little bit also better than nothing.
my friend's baby, they are also indonesian.. she's born in June 08.. two month younger than our babies.. and she's already 11.4kg.. super fat and chubby! so cute! and yah.. the grandparents really like their grandkids to be fat and chubby..

re: pneumococcal jab
Is this compulsory? what is it for? my pd says next visit will be during 15 months.. is that when we're supposed to get the jab?
RE: pneumococcal jabs

The pneumococcal vaccine protects your child against Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, which can cause serious infections. Usually found in the nose and throat, pneumococcal bacteria may be passed from person to person, causing ear infections, pneumonia (an infection of the lungs), meningitis (an infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord), and bacteremia (an infection of the blood). Children under 2 are most at risk for having serious cases of the disease.

Pneumococcal vaccine is not compulsory in singapore and each jab is quite costly ($150 upwards). If baby started to take below 6mth, baby will need total of 4 jabs. After 6 mth will be 3 jabs , after 12mth will be 2 jabs and after 2 yrs old will be 1 jab. I took my gal to the neighbourhood GP for her jab at 12mths ($150), another 1 to go. Her usual PD would have cost $175 (excl. consultation). All the doctors strongly advise that the vaccine be taken before my gal go to playgroup and childcare because pneumococcal disease can be very serious.
hi mummies
anyone going to KL with baby? or just come back from there? H1Ni is it very bad there?
I booked all mjy tickets and hotel now my FIL dun allow my baby go....so angry...said baby small...H1N1...horrible....etc etc
Hoon : Here's his contact.. be prepare to wait for >1 hr after you reach his clinic even when you call to make appointment. :| but he is very gentle and swift. My gal didnt feel a thing during the jab.

Dr Steven Ang Aesthetic &amp; Family Clinic
75D Redhill Rd #01-112 (s)154075 Tel No: 64767333
hoon i juz came back from kl last wk. over there like no big deal abt h1n1 leh. everything is like normal lor. but tat doesnt mean it is safe from h1n1. do be careful. bring plenty of wipes n sanitizer.

can u cancel ur booking? i mean since ur fil so persistent on u nt bringing baby along.
<font color="119911">cote gr:
it's optional, really depends on each parent, whether to go ahead or not.. as far as I understand MOH has not incoporated into National Childhood Immunisation Programme so it's not compulsary.

Pneumococcal vaccine allows protection against infections such as pneumonia, meningitis and ear infection. How about check with your PD on the implication which may help you to decide to want or not

You may also want to check out the compulsory vaccination @ Singpaore Childhood Immunisation schedule.

For the optional vaccines are Varicella (chickenpox), Prevenar (pneumococcal vaccine – booster) around 15 mths. HTHs</font>
thanks jgal and babyliss on the info!
actually my pd keeps saying up to us.. but she also said that if we're not sending baby to childcare or playgroup, then not necessary to take the jab.. dunno leh.. should we play safe? better safe than sorry right? looks like most babies took the jab right?
thanks jgal
mushloom- I also told my hubby said we can be more careful cos even in Spore also the same...just be more careful....now of cos can't get refund...the most ask my other frens or relative to take over if he insist cannot go...sianz leh...i tot I can have a great time with baby 1st time out of Spore....
i just came back fr KL. but most time in Palace of the Golden Horses. only went Bt Bintang on 1 afternoon. i think the situation like S'pore, not so extensive. whether there is H1N1 or not, as parents to young toddlers we will not be careless right? giv them bottled water and either own-cooked food/food jar. no hawker stuff. bring along wipes, sanitizer and mozzie patches/repellent. bring medicine and thermometer lor. avoid very crowded place like chinatown...personally i think it is safe to go!

thanks for advise...ya thermometer , I must remember too...
hurray my hubby finally agreed to proceed the trip...I think my FIL must be angry and talk bad about this mummy
pls buy travel insurance too! my girl fell sick on the day we returned, so we could claim the med fee we incurred for 1st 7days we returned.
Anyone here have been to Phuket with baby? Any idea if the tap water after boiling is safe for drinking? Like for making milk etc?
cote gr- gymboree i only liked the music class, the gym i felt the grace kids one at great world city was best. i wanna sign leo up for it but waiting for in laws to leave 1st cos now his timing all messed up!!
Any mummies interested in signing up for trial classes @ Little Neuro Tree on weekdays? Timing and Day pending. Most likely a Wed at 2pm.

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies <font color="ff0000">(3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)</font>

Outlet: Paradiz Centre

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
Prawnie - lol, i was thinking abt signing up for the trial too. I'm working ard there, went to their place b4. Now they dun call paradiz centre, call PoMo liao. :)

Dun think i can join u all on weekdays.
Any mummies interested in signing up for trial classes @ Little Neuro Tree on weekdays? Timing and Day pending. Most likely a Wed at 2pm.

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)

Outlet: Paradiz Centre

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
3. jules mum
Any mummies interested in signing up for trial classes @ Little Neuro Tree on weekdays? Timing and Day pending. Most likely a Wed at 2pm.

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)

Outlet: Paradiz Centre

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
3. jules mum
4. scubababe
Re: LNT Trial

Jules' mum and Scubababe: Trial class date changed to next coming sunday, <font color="ff0000">28th June, 2pm</font>

Let me know if you all can make it.

Xiao Zhu: Changed and confirm to be on sunday. You see if you can make it ya
Little Neuro Tree Trial class (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)

On <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">28th Jun, Sun, 2pm</font></font>

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies

Outlet: Paradiz Centre

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
Little Neuro Tree Trial class (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)

On 28th Jun, Sun, 2pm

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies

Outlet: Paradiz Centre

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
3. cyl_16
hi gals, thanks for the concern for jay. He fell ill again yesterday night... sob sob... he is suffering from the same slight fever and fake measles again.

sigh... poor jay - no appetite again and sian sian...hope he recovers soon..
