(2008/04) April 2008

<u>Mini PlayGym Playdate</u>

Date: All Sats in Aug starting on <font color="ff0000">9th Aug</font> National Day
Time: <font color="ff0000">2.30pm</font>
Venue: <font color="ff0000">The Mayfair, Jurong East</font> (near Chi Gdn MRT)

1. Sherin n bb
2. Simp n bb n hb -(TBC if i am still in spore)
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Angel n bb
5. Stefylim n bb
6. joteohl n bb n hb
7. Geryl n bb
8. Jgal n bb (bringing us food )
9. Veronica n bb
10. Chewy n bb n HB
11. yo n #1 n #2
12. Babybliss n bb (TBC on 9aug, otherwise ok)
13. ABCmum n bb
14. scubababe n bb
15. tsukushi n bb n hb (only on 9 aug)

Thing to bring: mat, towel

Sherin is bringing CDs. Jgal is bringing food. stefylim is bringing cd player. I am providing drinks.
veronica: i still sterilise my pumps after every use in the office, with sterilising tablets. My other colleagues sterilise with hot water.
lovemum: Welcome !! I stay in the EAST too !! Free to meet up any time

I also scolded hubby alot of times when he play with baby after changing diapers in the middle of the night. hahaha.. I told him, you wanna play can, you make bb sleep. Then, he dun dare to play le.. hahaha

earth_baby: Kbox !! Lets find a day or night, throw the babies to our hubbies and we go K !!! hahahaha

my boy also TBF. before when my boy was still 3 mths plus, hubby use to play with him in the middle of the night if he wakes up for diaper change. when i told him not to he also did not listen. so the next night i just let him do what he wants and i just leave him to it. now when bb wakes up i will just turn over to the other side to sleep. let him handle the boy. hahah he is the one complaining why our bb so active at night now. hahah then i bring back what he did when bb was 3mths. say serves him right. then he now regret what he did. so now he will pat and tell bb to sleep instead no more playing with bb at night.
i also read here that no poop never mind. but MIL worried la so go PD, give everyone peace of mind hehe. surprisingly my this PD advise if no poop 4 day, can insert the mineral oil bullet liao. she say if keep too long, poop more difficult to come out, will hv to do flush with water (can't remember the word for it) , more uncomfortable. her opinion is that if too constipated, it might affect appetite.

that time my girl never poo for 5 days and we also see PD...my PD said it's ok that bb never poo for 10 days when they on TBF or EBM...

later on i come to the conclusion that either she digest all her food or she is not having enough...

u can try giving ur bb barley water(homecook and without sugar)...barley work for my ger when she never poo...
jgal - i don't mind taking the system @ 49.20. do u hv any books to spare? if not, how to get extra books??

prawnie - are u going tmr or fri? i'm going on fri. met yr sis before, now looking forward to meet u

I sterilize at home. But at work I just wash with pureen cleanser then rinse with hot water and kept it in my container until next pump.
I think its all depend on the baby immunity. As long as our hands are clean then it should be just fine.

i find that the water like very acidic (think so, correct me if i am wrong) cos my fingers feel funny when i take out the pump from the water.
if rinse somemore that would defeat the whole purpose of sterilizing tablet leh hehehe!

i hv yet to use my tablets, cos i just don't feel comfy using chemical... but i do hv a box for standby.
prawnie, chewy, yvonne and amy

i have called them. according to them the 50 session package is $618 which works out to be $123.60 for ten sessions. please transfer the amt to my posb acct 038-16862-2. i will be going this sat, 1030 @ harbourfront branch. if you keen then join me there ba. u girls got simp email rite? can get my hp from there. if not pm me to get my hp. thankx

ebm/bm babies
hi mummies, after 6 mth do you intend to give fm or continue wif bm?

my pd says my son skin like quite sensitive. so she advise me not to start semi solid until after 6 mth so tat allergy is less likely to happen.
jasmine prawnie hoon
can not le. I tried last nite. baby wake up. He change him play with him after that he put him in the cot still awake. can not sleep- then baby start sucking fingers, playing on his own and then cry. then my daring hubby will say ' mummy i want to drink milk'. I am on TBF, baby still
refused bottle. Then i got a hard time making him sleep. before baby sleep, my hubby already sleep like a pig.
I guess i just can complain here.

u advise me to bring baby to PD? his bowel movement almost every day. seem normal. don't know how. you BF? taking about honey, my boy only want to latch on, refused bottle. my MIL say want to put honey on his teats, sweet sweet so he will suck. i tell her can not, she say can. I am a first time mummies a bit lost myself plus what my MIL say i can not 100% trust her, her method all olden days style.

East mummies
love to meet up with baby.
lovemum i understand ur agony of baby not taking to bottle. i have started training him 2 mth ago 2 bottles per dae (1 morning n 1 nite) he still rejects bottle. he will drink when he feels like it. still trying to tink of ways to make him drink from bottle more willingly
Lovemum, earth_baby, prawnie: hehe.. i am also a SAHM staying in the east. Prawnie and i stay very near to each other. If you all don't mind travelling, i can open up my place for playdates. Always happy to have some friends over to help "entertain" my boy.

Just spent like 2.5 hours with my boy, trying to battle with him to get him to bed. He is sleeping but insists on being carried. Wah Lau.. my arms are aching like mad.
<font color="0077aa">By Sherin

Gymboree books postage is $3.35 !!!
Please let me know who is interested for e postage!!!
I have to post them asap.

Collection at playgym
1) koori
2) simp
3) prawnie (Will be collected by Chewy on behalf)

Postage @ $3.35 (will post on Friday)
1) raynsky
2) bebe11
3) Cass_078
4) burpy_babe
5) strawberries</font>
<font color="0077aa">jasmine

would love to join u &amp; the rest fer the taka baby fair.. but then m working till 3 pm.. somemore gotta stay behind fer the preparation of the audit purpose.. hmm.. u told me is a short one.. guess next time we arrange another meet up ba as i wun be able to make it on time..</font>

Have you tried giving your bb a night bath? My girl usually sleeps pretty well after about 2 hours of play with parents at night which we don't mind at all... but I just recently started giving her night bath and she dozed off less than an hour after and she sleep until morning. Beside the bath I also massage her feet and bath using Johnson lotion and (indonesian) telon oil in her tummmy. She usually laughs and have contented look.

So far, no crying and no being fussy... sleeps like an angel..
Hi mummies who ordered baby cubes fr Veronica, the baby cubes are wif me. Pls trsf payment to Veronica n arrange to meet up with me to collect. k?

earth_baby: My boy shares the same bday as ur bb
<font color="0077aa">lovemum

hi welcome :D, hmm fer my case.. im doing partial BF, i do agree when come to playing daddy tends to enjoy playing despite in the middle of the nite.. my SO presented tat in the first 3 mths.. and i gotta stand firm my ground .. so in the middle of the nite.. i gotta wake up he too oso gotta wake up .. as in he feed i pump.. so fair fair.. then now he naturally understand tat is not easy..</font>
2 mths until now still don't want. then you don't need to go anywhere. not planing to work? I don't even dare to go for haircut.

do you just don't care. let him be super hungry? he will just drink from bottle?

maddy's mum
ya, i usually bath him before bath time. so many things to put. diaper, diaper cream , lu yi oil, got a bit eczema put candenlu cream, put a bit of power ,put on clothes. By the time i finish he start to fuss already haha... got to feed and pat. war time again..

what if you need to go out for dinner? baby how? bed time at 6pm. will he fuss a lot if you bring him out?
Re: sterilising tablets
When I was in TMC, the lactation consultants used sterilising tablets for my pumps. Hence I felt comfortable using tablets, knowing that its safe, since the experts are also using it. Anyway, I only use it to sterilise my pumps, not bottles, as I store BM in the 4 Medela bottles I bring to work. I am using the Pigeon ones, not so smelly.
wow, didnt come in for 1 day so many postings ...

A big welcome to those new mummies who just join. looks like there are quite a few new addition for eastern mummies.

prawnie &amp; steph : our next gathering, group will be bigger liao keke...
By Sherin

Gymboree books postage is $3.35 !!!
Please let me know who is interested for e postage!!!
I have to post them asap.

Collection at playgym
1) koori
2) simp
3) prawnie (Will be collected by Chewy on behalf)

Postage @ $3.35 (will post on Friday)
1) raynsky
2) bebe11
3) Cass_078
4) burpy_babe
5) strawberries
6) cyl_16

any 1 bought medical insurance from aia?what is the name of the plan which we just need to pay 8 or 15 years then would cover for life??
<font color="0077aa">jasmine

have transfer u the following amt
To Account DBS Savings Plus
048-0-024839 Jasmine chen
Amount S$62.00
Transaction Reference 1832375196

kindly check..</font>
<font color="0077aa">goodbb

im not sure whether the one u toking bout is the same as mine but i think there's only 1 policy which cap till 15 years and there after will run by itself .. are u toking bout tat?? cuz i juz bought tat policy.. hehehe.. are u interested in tat policy??</font>

sorry i blur. heheh
ok just keep me informed k.


haiz, i need to grumble.!!!!!
har!!!! at the night, my mum, dad, siblings and the maid came home late then come into the room and disturb bb. now he don want to sleep!!! then bb grumpy just throw back to me. ahhhhh!!! he actually sleep already!!!! then the maid best! wake the baby by shaking him up!!!!! i can not even scold her coz my sis also say want to play with bb. the last time i said them they say that i throw temper tantrums. ahhh i really cant stand already!!!! i know that they all care alot for me and bb but then at night must not play with bb mah. otherwise bb to stimulated cant sleep!
ahhh the person who suffer is me. bb does not sleep at night anymore! i don know what they have done. just one night of sleeping with my younger sister. best is now best bb cry straight away must carry otherwise get scolded by all! then now bb is carry all day. cant even put in play pen for 3 mins to go to the toilet!
ehrrrr! me so frustrated now. then some more can not even ventilate. ahhhhh now all anger can only bottle up inside or to grumble here on the forum.
